should be stopped or all will be lost - Mark Glenn
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L)
Defence (WAR)
Minister Ehud Barak.
Mon May 7, 2012 3:29PM GMT
Their goal is obvious - to see these two peoples destroy each other so that like some vulture she can pick the carcasses clean for herself.”
Mark Glenn, author and journalist
An American author says Israel
is a threat not only to the innocent people of the Middle East
but the entire world and “if this evil is not stopped, all will be
“Christianity has been corrupted by Zionist interests and is now being used as a tool in infecting the rest of the world,” Mark Glenn, from the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, wrote in a letter addressed to the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Glenn said the Zionists are trying to pit the Christians and Muslims against each other, in what has become the “clash of civilizations,” through corrupt media, corrupt culture, immorality, war, economic exploitation, and a whole host of other diseases.
“Their goal is obvious - to see these two peoples destroy each other so that like some vulture she can pick the carcasses clean for herself,” Glenn said.
He further asked for an extensive interview with the Iranian president on issues ranging from the Israeli plots for the Middle East and how it is trying to bring its “evil desires” about, such as war and terrorism etc., to the conspiracies that the US and Israel have committed against Iran since 1953 to the commonalties between Islam and Christianity.
Israel is widely known to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958.
Former US President Jimmy Carter said Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel.
Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and refuses to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.
“I am convinced that if the Christian world were made aware of the fact that their enemies are NOT the Muslims but rather the Zionists who have all but destroyed their religion and culture, that we will be able to eventually get a rope around the neck of this animal where it could be thrown back into the cage where it belongs,” Glenn concluded.
Missing Nukes from the US Air Force: Treason of the Highest Order
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
URL of this article:
Global Research, October 28, 2010
Global Research - 2007-10-29
Missing Nukes from the US Air Force: Treason of the Highest Order
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
URL of this article:
Global Research, October 28, 2010
Global Research - 2007-10-29
TUT Podcast May 7, 2012
3 Votes
Listeners/readers of TUT,
For whatever reason, ‘technical difficulties’ arose towards the end of today’s program where the site hosting it completely blanked. In addition to this, the audio program being recorded on the computer also blanked as well and as a result is basically useless, unless you speak Klingon.
The best we can offer is chopped versions of today’s program. Normally I do not assume foul play when something goes foul in my work, but this time I suspect this was the case, particularly given the story Press TV ran this afternoon concerning my letter to Iranian President Ahmadinejhad.
Link to program
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Home Bush Found Guilty Of War Crimes
By Yvonne Ridley
May 11, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- Kuala Lumpur -- IT’S OFFICIAL - George W Bush is a war criminal.
In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were today (Friday) found guilty of war crimes.
Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.
The trial held in Kuala Lumpur heard harrowing witness accounts from victims of torture who suffered at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They included testimony from British man Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee and Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi who was tortured in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.
At the end of the week-long hearing, the five-panel tribunal unanimously delivered guilty verdicts against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their key legal advisors who were all convicted as war criminals for torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
Full transcripts of the charges, witness statements and other relevant material will now be sent to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission is also asking that the names of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yoo, Bybee, Addington and Haynes be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals for public record.
The tribunal is the initiative of Malaysia's retired Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who staunchly opposed the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He sat through the entire hearing as it took personal statements and testimonies of three witnesses namely Abbas Abid, Moazzam Begg and Jameelah Hameedi. The tribunal also heard two other Statutory Declarations of Iraqi citizen Ali Shalal and Rahul Ahmed, another British citizen.
After the guilty verdict reached by five senior judges was delivered, Mahathir Mohamad said: “Powerful countries are getting away with murder.”
War crimes expert and lawyer Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law in America, was part of the prosecution team.
After the case he said: “This is the first conviction of these people anywhere in the world.”
While the hearing is regarded by some as being purely symbolic, human rights activist Boyle said he was hopeful that Bush and Co could soon find themselves facing similar trials elsewhere in the world.
“We tried three times to get Bush in Canada but were thwarted by the Canadian Government, then we scared Bush out of going to Switzerland. The Spanish attempt failed because of the government there and the same happened in Germany.”
Boyle then referenced the Nuremberg Charter which was used as the format for the tribunal when asked about the credibility of the initiative in Malaysia. He quoted: “Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such a plan.”
The US is subject to customary international law and to the Principles of the Nuremberg Charter said Boyle who also believes the week-long trial was “almost certainly” being monitored closely by both Pentagon and White House officials.
Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who headed the prosecution said: “The tribunal was very careful to adhere scrupulously to the regulations drawn up by the Nuremberg courts and the International Criminal Courts”.
He added that he was optimistic the tribunal would be followed up elsewhere in the world where “countries have a duty to try war criminals” and he cited the case of the former Chilean dictator Augustine Pinochet who was arrested in Britain to be extradited to Spain on charges of war crimes.
“Pinochet was only eight years out of his presidency when that happened.”
The Pinochet case was the first time that several European judges applied the principle of universal jurisdiction, declaring themselves competent to judge crimes committed by former heads of state, despite local amnesty laws.
Throughout the week the tribunal was packed with legal experts and law students as witnesses gave testimony and then cross examination by the defence led by lawyer Jason Kay Kit Leon.
The court heard how
· Abbas Abid, a 48-year-old engineer from Fallujah in Iraq had his fingernails removed by pliers.
· Ali Shalal was attached with bare electrical wires and electrocuted and hung from a wall.
· Moazzam Begg was beaten, hooded and put in solitary confinement.
· Jameelah was stripped and humiliated, and was used as a human shield whilst being transported by helicopter.
The witnesses also detailed how they have residual injuries till today.
Moazzam Begg, now working as a director for the London-based human rights group Cageprisoners said he was delighted with the verdict, but added: “When people talk about Nuremberg you have to remember those tried were all prosecuted after the war.
“Right now Guantanamo is still open, people are still being held there and are still being tortured there.”
In response to questions about the difference between the Bush and Obama Administrations, he added: “If President Bush was the President of extra-judicial torture then US President Barak Obama is the President of extra judicial killing through drone strikes. Our work has only just begun.”
The prosecution case rested on proving how the decision-makers at the highest level President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, aided and abetted by the lawyers and the other commanders and CIA officials – all acted in concert. Torture was systematically applied and became an accepted norm.
According to the prosecution, the testimony of all the witnesses exposed a sustained perpetration of brutal, barbaric, cruel and dehumanising course of conduct against them.
These acts of crimes were applied cumulatively to inflict the worst possible pain and suffering, said lawyers.
The president of the tribunal Tan Sri Dato Lamin bin Haji Mohd Yunus Lamin, found that the prosecution had established beyond a “reasonable doubt that the accused persons, former President George Bush and his co-conspirators engaged in a web of instructions, memos, directives, legal advice and action that established a common plan and purpose, joint enterprise and/or conspiracy to commit the crimes of Torture and War Crimes, including and not limited to a common plan and purpose to commit the following crimes in relation to the “War on Terror” and the wars launched by the U.S. and others in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the Tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the Tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
“The Tribunal also recommends to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission that the names of all the 8 convicted persons be entered and included in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and be publicised accordingly.
“The Tribunal recommends to the War Crimes Commission to give the widest international publicity to this conviction and grant of reparations, as these are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions if any of these Accused persons may enter their jurisdictions”.
British journalist Yvonne Ridley is also a patron of CageprisonersCultural Warfare: Judaism Against Humanity?
May 11, 2012
Illuminati Jewish Bankers and Freemasons have undermined Christian civilization and are replacing it with a world police state dedicated to Satan. Humanity is being inducted into their satanic cult under the guise of being "sexual liberated" and "progressive."
Jonas Alexis documents this process in his book, Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: Surprising Differences, Conflicting Visions, and Worldview Implications--From the Early Church to our Modern Time. This is an excerpt from Chapter Two, "Prostitution, Sexual Liberation & Cultural Warfare."
The real cause of anti-Semitism is that Cabalist Jews are at the forefront of advancing the Luciferian principle - the denial of mankind's highest aspirations (the soul and spiritual ideals) and instead defining man as an animal. Culture now celebrates man's lowest instincts and satanic behavior. Culture used to uplift and inspire; now it degrades and destroys. Like their god Lucifer, the Illuminati are in rebellion against God, and are leading humanity to destruction.
"The first prerequisite for healthier human and sexual relationships is the elimination of those moral concepts which base their demands on allegedly supernatural commands, on arbitrary human regulations, or simply on tradition...We do not want to see natural sexual attraction stamped as 'sin,' 'sensuality' fought as something low and beastly, and the 'conquering of the flesh' made the guiding principle of morality!" Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957, Austrian Jewish psychiatrist)
By Jonas Alexis (
- The bottom line is that sexual liberation is viewed as one of the most
effective ways to counteract the Christian principles that still remain at the
heart of American culture.
Let's look at Wilhelm Reich ... When he set out to attack Christianity--and Jesus Christ in particular, as his blasphemous book The Murder of Christ demonstrates--he envisioned a complete sexual revolution. Reich not only placed his sexual energy (which he called "orgone") and Christianity on equal footing, but, based on what he called a "self-repressive side of Christianity" that was in total opposition to his sexual revolution, decided that Christianity had to go.
"For Reich," biographer Myron Sharaf said, "Saint Paul, the organizer, was to Christ what Stalin was to Marx--the distorter of the truth."
Reich's principles of sexual liberation have had a widespread impact on the Jewish community in Hollywood. Many of today's rising stars see no problem with promiscuity and homosexuality. Jake Gyllenhaal, after the re- lease of Brokeback Mountain, declared, "You know it's flattering when there's a rumor that says I'm bisexual. It means I can play more kinds of roles. I'm open to whatever people want to call me. I've never really been attracted to men sexually, but I don't think I would be afraid of it if it happened...As an actor, I think we need to embrace the times we feel most uncomfortable."Scarlett Johansson, who has worked with Woody Allen on three films, appeared in Vicky Christina Barcelona (2008), which is another of Allen's psycho-analytic explorations of sexuality, marriage, infidelity, and existentialism. The core theme Allen presents here is that life has no meaning, so you should enjoy it while you can, particularly through sex.
When Johansson was asked to defend her real-life promiscuity, she responded, "I do think on some level we are all animals, and by instinct we kind of breed accordingly."
It seems that being Jewish, to many, is a form of liberation from moral and ethical restraint. So when we watch films like Dirty Dancing, the product of Jewish writer Eleanor Bergstein, or those produced by the Coen brothers, we are reaping a Jewish worldview that has more to do with anti-Christian ideology than art.
Although the Coen brothers say that they aren't pushing a moral (or amoral) worldview in their work, their movies tell a different story.William Rodney Allen writes in his book The Coen Brothers: Interviews, "The bedrock of the Coens' intellectual world is really good old-fashioned existentialism. Princeton philosophy major Ethan Coen, in addition to writing his senior paper on Wittgenstein, certainly seems to have absorbed his Sartre and Camus. Both of those philosophers argued that man finds himself in an absurd world, where he must act despite having incomplete knowledge, with no moral absolutes to guide him...This bleak metaphysic underlies the film noir of Blood Simple (1984), the gangster milieu of Miller's Crossing (1990), the theater-of-the-absurd cosmos of Barton Fink (1991), the mechanical though superficially comic landscape of The Hudsucker Proxy (1994), the morose, end- less midwestern snowscapes of Fargo (1996), and, most purely, in the black- and-white existential gloom of The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)."
If they truly don't intend to weave messages about morality into their movies, why then do the Coen brothers so frequently make derogatory references to Jesus Christ (The Big Lebowski) and even openly mock Christianity (O, Brother, Where are Thou?) in their movies? Why does the main character in The Big Lebowski keep referring to Nazi Germany as nihilist, but then commits nihilistic acts himself?
Logic dictates that this is an obvious contradiction that the Coen brothers must explain; Talmudic reasoning says they don't have to.
In general, art has become a weapon aimed at the heart of Western Civilization--its Christian principles. This generation's Cronenberg appears to be Eli Roth.
In reviewing Roth's film Hostel, Jewish writer David Edelstein of New York Magazine opines, "Certainly television has become a place for forensic fetishism...Some of these movies are so viciously nihilistic that the only point seems to be to force you to suspend moral judgment altogether."
Precisely--when moral judgment is deconstructed, everything is possible: rape, sadistic sex, pornography, and even sexual torture.
The age of Bar Kochba is over; the age of manipulation through the arts is here. The subtle difference is that Bar Kochba used weapons that could only destroy the body. Roth and others use weapons that can destroy the mind--a much more dangerous battlefield, since mind control is the highest form of manipulation. The battle has become spiritual and mental, rather than physical.
---Jonas E. Alexis studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate and has a Master's degree in education. His research interests at present include history, most particularly the history of Christianity, the history of science, and the conflict between Christianity and other religions (in particular Islam and Rabbinic Judaism).
Book available here: judaism-jonas-e-alexis/ 1108105212?ean=9781449734862
Related-Porn Shackles Society More than Patriot Act
The United Jewish Kingdom
Monday, May 28, 2012 at 10:01AM Gilad AtzmonBy Gilad Atzmon
The Telegraph reported yesterday that “ministers have criticised Britain’s biggest exam board after pupils were asked to explain ‘why some people are prejudiced against Jews’ as part of a GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).
Apparently more than 1,000 teenagers are believed to have sat the religious studies test papers, which challenged pupils to assess the reasons behind anti-Semitism.
The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, which set the exam, rightly said that the question acknowledged that “some people hold prejudices” – they probably expected the students to examine the reasons that lead to anti Jewish feelings rather than simply justifying them.
Michael Gove, the Education Secretary who is notorious for his pro Israeli stand and his intimate relationships with the Jewish lobby, has managed to produce a particularly lame statement that should disqualify him from any holding any position related to education.
To suggest that anti-Semitism can ever be explained, rather than condemned, is insensitive and, frankly, bizarre,
Gove told The Jewish Chronicle. The ‘education’ minister should actually accept that every social phenomenon or tendency should be subject to an academic scrutiny, scientific research and critical examination. The education minister should actually encourage critical thinking and freedom of thought, however, being one of the pillars of the CFI (conservative Friends of Israel) we shouldn’t really expect a drop of integrity from Minister Gove.
Jon Benjamin, chief executive of the infamous ultra Zionist Board of Deputies of British Jews (BOD), said:
Clearly this is unacceptable and has nothing whatsoever to do with Jews or Judaism.
Benjamin and the BOD have been pouring news about the ‘rise’ of anti Semitism for years. One would wonder why are they now tormented by the attempt to question the reasoning behind the phenomenon that concerns them so much and for so long.
The exam board insisted that the question was part of a paper focusing on Judaism and the “relevant part of the syllabus covers prejudice and discrimination with reference to race, religion and the Jewish experience of persecution”.
But here comes the interesting bit. While the question is fully legitimate and deserves a thorough examination, one may wonder how would the exam board expect to mark some academically valid possible answers. For instance, how would a board’s examiner mark a young truth telling British student who may suggest that anti Jewish feelings could be realised as a direct reaction to the concerning facts that it was the Jewish Lobby led by Lord Levy that financed the Labour government that took us into an illegal War in Iraq? The student may argue that some people mistakenly identify Jews (as a collective) with the horrendous non-ethical acts of just a few Jews, this is where prejudice, plays its role. Bearing in mind it was also Jewish chronicle writers such as David Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen who were supporting this criminal act in the mainstream media, such an answer is coherent and consistent with the facts. Another honest student may suggest that with 80% of the Tory MPs (including education minister Michael Gove ) being CFI members there is a reason to believe that the British Government is under the control of a foreign power. Following the pressure of the CFI, the Tory government recently amended the British Universal Jurisdiction law just to allow Israel war criminal to visit the Kingdom. I guess that some students must be clever enough to notice that acts taken by British politicians who shamelessly attempt to appease their pro Israeli paymasters on the expense of British values and ethical consideration actually expose Jews in this country to some potential animosity. How would the exam board mark such a reasonable and critical young and innocent thinking?
It seems as if the exam board is not really prepared to tackle the issue seriously. Its representative told the Jewish Chronicle
we would expect [students to refer] to the Holocaust to illustrate prejudice based on irrational fear, ignorance and scapegoating.
In other words, the British education system admits here openly that it expects students to repeat textbook ready-made answers rather than thinking critically and thoroughly. Is it really ‘irrational’ to be tormented by the irritating idea that the vast majority of your leading party MPs are friends of a non-ethical, racist and expansionist foreign power? Is it reasonable to wonder why Jewish Chronicle Writers were over represented in some pro war advocacy? Is it really unreasonable for a young British student to ask why the American Jewish Lobby AIPAC is pushing for a war against Iran that can escalate into a nuclear conflict? Shouldn’t British students try to examine the relationships between the Jewish Lobby and the Jewish community? Shouldn’t Religious students try to examine the complex relationship between Jews, Judaism and Jewishness? Shouldn’t they look into the relationship between The Old Testament and IDF’s crimes against humanity? For sure they need do, this is actually the real meaning of education. To educate is to teach how to learn said Martin Heidegger, but in Britain 2012 Education means to teach student how to answer the appropriate kosher answer.
As it happens the exam board reacted quickly and submissively to Jewish pressure. Its representative said
the board is obviously concerned that this question may have caused offence, as this was absolutely not our intention.
I guess that the exam board who were obviously subject to some relentless pressure may now be able to form their own answer to the question. They may grasp by now what is to root cause of ‘anti Jewish prejudice’ and it has nothing to do with the ‘holocaust’, ignorance’ or ‘irrationality’. It is actually the natural reaction to abuse of our most precious intellectual right, the freedom to think.
Another uniquely banal mind Rabbi David Meyer, the executive head of Hasmonean High School, told the Telegraph that the question had “no place” in an exam.
The role of education is to remove prejudices and not to justify them,” he said.
It is pretty amusing or actually sad to find out that a Rabbi and an executive head of a Jewish school doesn’t know the difference between ‘question’ and ‘justification’. However, Rabbi Meyer, surely knows that Rabbinical and Talmudic education encourages debate and critical thinking. I wonder why Rabbi Meyer doesn’t approve the idea that Goyim teenager should also learn how to think critically and even learn how to debate?
Seemingly, the Telegraph found only one single voice of reason in the entire kingdom. Clive Lawton, formerly an A-level chief examiner for religious studies, said: “I do understand why people might react negatively to the question, but it is a legitimate one.”
If anyone including Michael Gove and the BOD want to prevent the rise of anti Jewish feelings and prejudice in general they may want to look briefly in the mirror. It is their attitude that put Jews at a growing risk. As it happens, it is always Jewish power exercised by just a very few that introduces danger to the entire Jewish community and beyond.
For a further expose of the lobby..
The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics
The book can be ordered on or feel free to publish/circulate my latest article. If you wish to unsubscribe from my list just reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" - Please note the site is being upgraded and hence the article has been only posted on my blog.RegardsYamin----------------Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt – The Rise of the Muslim BrotherhoodThe Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan Al-Muslimun) groups are making steady progress; the election results show it is the people’s choice. Hamas won in Palestine, Nahda won in Tunisia, and now the Freedom and Justice Party led by Muhammad Morsi have been elected in Egypt, the largest Arab country, where the ideology and the movement of Ikhwan was formed by Sheikh Hasan Al-Banna in the 1920s. Under the Arab nationalist leader Jamal Abdul Nasser in the 1950s, the movement suffered as its activists were imprisoned, despite aiding Jamal Abdul Nasser to overthrow the old monarchy that had more or less mortgaged Egypt to the Western banks. Over successive years, the Ikhwan movement spread to most parts of the Islamic world.Libya, Yemen, Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Algeria may also eventually elect a similar type of government in the future, provided there is political stability with a framework for a free and fair election. Until the election of Hamas in Gaza, Sudan was the one country were the Brotherhood was most successful in gaining power, its members making up a large part of the government for the last two decades. However, the Ikhwan based movements (Jamat-e-Islami) in the Indian subcontinent including Malaysia and Indonesia have not done well historically.Therefore, why are the brotherhood groups succeeding now in the Arab world when they have been around since the 20s?From a cursory examination of the history of the Arab world, it could be argued that it has gone from one end of the political spectrum after the post-colonial period of the 50s and 60s, to the other extreme in the 80s and 90s. Hence, the rise of Ikhwan is the outcome of that experience - it represents stability.The post colonial era witnessed the rise of socialist and nationalist types of groups. Godless Arab socialism never really took off in the religiously conservative Arab world, and Syria has the last Arab socialist regime in name that is struggling to survive. The failure to unify the Arab nations over Palestine and the disunity shown through the two Gulf wars has also sealed the fate of Arab nationalism. During the 80s and 90s, the rise of the radical Islamic groups was inspired by the Iranian revolution that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power, and subsequently the Jihadi-Salafee types of movement began to surface in the Arab world; the FIS in Algeria, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda type of movement in Saudi, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. But, the appeal of these groups has waned post 9/11 and the Arab Spring has reinforced that view.Using issues like Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, the radical groups may have appealed to the Arab masses to some extent, but their intolerant and puritanical approach to Islamic law, coupled with the escalation of violence through suicide bombings and the subsequent reprisal from the West has left them isolated. With the exception of FIS in Algeria in the 90s, their ability on the political front to rally the masses has been non-existent, partly due to their ideology of denouncing anyone who does not comply with their views.Indeed, puritanical radicals will always be representative of the like minded fringe and dismissive of the rest, whereas the Brotherhood has evolved into a serious progressive movement for the masses, which recognises diversity and the responsibility in catering for the nation as a whole, which is diverse.The Arab masses desire a democratic government that is free from nepotism, corruption, and is accountable; they want a society like that of the West where the rule of law prevails, and opportunities are based on merit. Whilst they desire material comfort and the technology of the West, concurrently they want to maintain their tradition, culture, and religious values. This is reflected in the rejection of radical models proposed by the Al-Qaeda type of groups who are obsessed with penal codes and women’s dress code, denouncing any dissension and waging war recklessly.Now that Morsi has been elected, he faces many challenges. There has been much criticism and rightly so, about the Egyptian Military declaring itself as an autonomous body with legislative powers and in charge of its budget. Its early days, and in time the trust gained by the military may lead it to relinquishing its power. One should also remember, had the military turned on the masses in Tahrir Square, the situation would have been different.Egypt is politically divided, as reflected in Morsi's narrow victory. The liberals and the Christian Copts voted almost in equal number for Ahmed Shafiq, Mubarak’s Prime Minister. Hence, the effort to build bridges and gain their trust has begun; Mohammed Morsi declared that he is a President for all Egyptians. Some have suggested that appointing a Coptic Christian in the government would help to curb tension with the Copts and gain their trust; the Coptic community has been living there for centuries peacefully, with their Arab Muslim brothers.The revolution has adversely affected the already failing economy; approximately 40% live below the poverty line and unlike the other Arab nations, Egypt lacks rich natural resources and has the largest population in the Arab world. The new government will need help from external sources, the West, the rich Gulf nations and China. Thus in the interest of Egypt and promoting stability, Morsi has declared that he will honour all the past agreements, which includes the treaty with Israel. These agreements can be revised in the future, if the government proves to be successful in bringing about internal economic and political stability. Only the foolish would suggest a confrontational stance, before you declare war, remember to prepare for war.Yamin Zakaria (, #yaminzakaria)Published on 28/06/2012London, UK
I am sincerely sorry to hear this, but it has to be expected as things are not getting better but a lot worse, at least here in ZEUROPE. Britain has started a fake WWIII,, but is just deploying a couple of hardware to intimidate the sheeple, not “THE ATTACKERS”! When Britain was expecting an air raid during WWII remember all the hardware that was out there to protect THE WHOLE COUNTRY, not only a particular spot around, say Buckingham Palace or the City of Bankers, but now they say, as they said in 2004, ALQAEDA is going to strike the Olympics – NOT BRITAIN – and all this is tied up to the imminent Zionist War against Iran and if as you say you wrote to AHMEDI NEJAD of Iran, paid Zionist saboteurs are already at work to try and wreck all your efforts to inform the stupid masses WHO ARE ALREADY INFORMED but love to be told again and again the same story and hear the same warnings without WAKING UP or JUMPING INTO ACTION.
My first gut reaction is always to suspect FOUL PLAY and many times I was wrong, but this is the way I am. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Another Al-QAEDA is trying the long failed trick of UNDERWEAR BOMB and got caught by the brave Americans! I laugh no more at such Yankee’s stupidity!
If those stupid Americans do not wake up NOW IRAN IS GOING TO BE BOMBED AND AMERICA ‘DRAGGED’ INTO THE WAR (they dream of joining!) and the false flag to provide the West the usual excuse to enter into a genocidal war that would please the Jews will be launched with the entire media, academia and churches on their sides as usual.
Tuesday 8th of May 2012
Are they so stupid not to understand? As it looks very likely that THEY ARE REALLY STUPID, then they will have earned their fate because of their COWARDICE!
The Disease of Nationalism