Wednesday, 30 March 2011



Pourquoi l’Islam et non l’Hindouïsme ou le Christianisme, par exemple ?  Il y a une renaissance de la Croisade contre l’Islam menée cette fois-ci par une coalition juive et chrétienne à travers tout le monde occidental et de leurs Alliés sionistes et autres, et qui pousse les Musulmans à toujours être sur la défensive.  Nous avons vu la profanation du Livre Saint révélé au monde par Dieu à travers Son dernier Messager et Prophète Muhammad, paix et bénédiction sur lui, par le pasteur Terry Jones et autres.

La Croisade contre l’Islam et les Musulmans prennent des formes multiples et ont mené à l’invasion systématique des pays à majorité musulmane, la profanation de leurs lieux saints, le massacre de leurs populations, leur asservissement et le pillage de leurs richesses – la Palestine, le Cachemire, l’Algérie, la Tchétchénie, la Bosnie, l’Irak, l’Afghanistan, la Libye, etc.  Et, c’est toujours suivant une campagne de diabolisation de tout ce qui est islamique, musulman ou arabe.  Les Européens veulent détruire la liberté et l’identité de la femme musulmane et prétendent vouloir la ‘libérer’ malgré elle !

Ceux et celles qui veulent vraiment savoir ce que l’Islam a apporté à la femme, il y a de cela plus de quatorze siècles, n’ont qu’à se référer aux textes de l’époque au lieu de véhiculer les mêmes clichés anti-islamiques concernant les peines « barbares » prescrites par la Shari’a islamique ou la polygynie, le traitement des femmes ou le divorce islamique tant abhorrés par l’occident et ses valets.   Donc, il ne faut pas tomber dans ce piège !

Si l’occident a un passé de violations systématiques des droits de la femme (et de l’homme), l’Islam n’a pas connu cela de toute son histoire.  L’Inquisition de l’Église catholique fut l’une des plus sanglantes de l’histoire.  D’ailleurs le monde ne connaît la situation féminine musulmane que sous la colonisation ou la néo-colonisation où le droit islamique est prohibé à tout jamais.  Il est intéressant de rappeler que la femme musulmane avait accès, entre autre, à l’enseignement alors que la femme occidentale était interdite dans les universités européennes.  

La Constitution de Médine de 622 est reconnue être la toute première Constitution au monde ayant libéré la femme – toutes les femmes sous sa juridiction, en matière d’héritage, d’éducation, de divorce, de profession, de droits sociaux, de biens leur étant propres, de consentement au mariage, etc.  Mais, les droits sont aussi accompagnés de devoirs.  L’Europe ne suivra que plus de mille ans plus tard, aux 19ème et 20ème siècles.  En dépit de cela, il y a eu l’introduction du féminisme par le Baron de Rothschild dont le but était de détruire la famille.  D’autre part, Nadine de Rothschild confirme que la femme occidentale a été plutôt victime du féminisme et ne l’a jamais libérée, mais plutôt transformée en objet sexuel.  

De nos jours, une autre monstruosité a été introduite dans les néo-colonies visant à pervertir la morale et connue sous le nom anodin de « genre », voulant dire LGBT, soit une normalisation et acceptation des pratiques homosexuelles, bisexuelles et travesties.  À Maurice, les promoteurs sont une certaine Loga Virahsawmy, et son époux Dev qui prétend aussi traduire le Saint Qur’ân en patois mauricien qu’il appelle vulgairement le « kreol », terme issu de l’esclavage.  Il parait que les traductions qui existent déjà dans ce patois (Nahaboo et autres) ne sont pas bonnes et que Dev Virahsawmy veut nous proposer une meilleure traduction plus « gender conscious » et plus « féministe ».

C’est une aberration que de dire que l’Islam a un « fondement féministe ».  Alors qu’il est déjà très difficile de traduire l’arabe classique en anglais ou en français, il est quasiment impossible de le traduire en patois mauricien ou en « kreol » (que personne ne semble savoir écrire correctement à Maurice) à moins que le but recherché est de satisfaire le besoin des recalés de nos institutions scolaires qu’on cherche à garder dans leur médiocrité coûte que coûte!

 Il serait bon de rappeler que les patois se parlent mais ne s’écrivent pas pour former des œuvres littéraires. (Larousse des Synonymes 1971), et conséquemment on ne peut traiter ainsi un texte aussi sacré que celui du Saint Qur’ân.  C’est une insulte que d’écrire « Mahomet » au lieu de MUHAMMAD (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) car Mahomet est l’antithèse de Muhammad. 

Pourrait-on savoir si Monsieur Virahsawmy et son « équipe » ont les qualifications linguistiques requises (grec, araméen, syriaque, latin ou même arabe) pour « avoir traduit le Nouveau Testament en kreol », de quel « Nouveau Testament » s’agit-il, et basé sur quels anciens manuscrits !  Ou bien, s’agit-il d’une traduction d’une traduction d’une autre traduction ?  Pour maintenant prétendre traduire le Saint Qur’ân en un parlé « kreol », il serait bon de savoir aussi si le prétendant en question connaît l’arabe classique aussi !  Il faudra surtout qu’on se méfie de sa traduction s’il a l’intention d’y introduire des éléments féministes ou du genre LGBT !  

Depuis près de quatorze siècles, l’Islam a produit des femmes célèbres en poésie, spiritualité, et en qualité de patronne des lettres.  On pourrait mentionner en tout premier lieu Aïsha bint Abu Bakr (612 - 678), l’une des épouses de Muhammad, douée d’une très grande intelligence et une érudite en matières islamiques, la poétesse et mystique Rābi’a al-‘Adawiyya al-Qaysiyya de Basra (717–801) et l’Égyptienne Umm Hani (1376-1466 ) – réf. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Mark Hanson.  Mais, l’arrivée et l’implantation de l’église catholique romaine et des colonisateurs occidentales vont remettre en question tous les droits acquis des Musulmans, hommes et femmes. 

La femme musulmane jouit d’une liberté que même des femmes occidentales leur envient et nombre d’entre elles retournent à l’Islam en dépit de toutes les campagnes de diabolisation (v. La journaliste britannique Yvonne Ridley et bien d’autres).  Des femmes de toutes les nations, confessions et types biologiques retournent à l’Islam en grand nombre.  L’Islam, en conclusion, n’a de leçons à recevoir de personne en cette matière.  Margaret Peggy Marcus, (Maryam Jamila) ex-juive ayant rejoint l’Ilsam a écrit longuement sur la femme musulmane dans « Islam versus the West » et dans « Islam and Modernism ».  D’autres experts comme le Dr Yusuf Estes et le Dr Jerald Dirks (tous deux des Chrétiens revenus à l’Islam) font régulièrement des causeries à travers le monde ou sur des chaînes de télévision islamiques (Peace TV, The Deen Show, etc.) sur le sujet des droits de la femme et de l’enfant en Islam.

M Rafic Soormally
29 mars 2011

Dev Virahsawmy distorts constitutional provision and insults Christianity and Islam

«C'est l'Islam qui a libéré la femme» (1e partie)
Cheikh Tahar BADAOUI
L'Expression : 24 - 08 - 2004

Auteur de nombreux livres, dont des recueils de poésie ainsi que des traités sur la famille contemporaine, Cheikh Tahar Badaoui tente, dans cette contribution, d'éclairer d'un jour nouveau, dépassionné, le débat qui fait rage autour de la nécessité ou pas de réformer, voire d'abroger, le code de la famille. Pas à pas, avec une minutie qui n'est accessible qu'aux esprits lumineux et sûrs, l'auteur recadre le débat autour de la relation, loin d'être conflictuelle, liant la femme à l'Islam. Il prouve, à l'aide d'arguments que personne ne saurait raisonnablement lui réfuter, que notre religion a induit la véritable émancipation de la femme. Si, chemin faisant, des interprétations erronées, dommageables pour l'Islam, se sont cristallisées, la faute en est aux hommes qui, bien souvent, contemplent les espaces lointains et oublient ce qui se trouve simplement à la portée de mains. Cette incursion, salutaire, est à lire absolument.
Cet aperçu sur la vision de l´Islam, vis-à-vis de la femme d´une manière générale, permettra de remettre, avec la contribution de tous, les pendules à l´heure et mettre ainsi un terme aux préjugés des uns et des autres, peu initiés ou mal avertis, à l´égard d´une religion monothéiste, prêchant la paix, la justice, l´égalité sociale, sans discrimination aucune, la tolérance..., pour que tous les hommes vivent en parfaite harmonie avec eux-mêmes et en parfaite quiétude comme le recommande, le Saint Coran qui stipule: «Ô hommes, nous vous avons créé d´un mâle et d´une femelle, et nous avons fait de vous des nations et des tribus, pour que vous vous entre-connaissiez. Le plus noble d´entre vous, auprès d´Allah, est le plus pieux. Allah est certes, Omniscient et Grand Connaisseur.» (Sourate dite des Appartements, verset 13).
En effet, Dieu le Tout-Puissant a créé l´humanité d´une seule âme (Adam) et de lui, il tira sa compagne; puis, de ce couple (Adam et Eve), a créé les hommes en les constituant en peuples, tribus, fratries etc. Donc, tous les hommes sont issus d´une même origine: la boue ou l´argile; mais, ce qui les distingue les uns des autres, est la piété et la crainte révérencielle de Dieu, se manifestant à travers l´obéissance indiscutable, au sceau de tous les Messagers de Dieu, notre Prophète Mohammed, Salut Divin sur Lui.
A noter qu´après son interdiction aux hommes de la médisance et le mépris entre eux, Dieu, par ce verset illuminant, leur fait connaître qu´ils sont tous égaux. Leur division en peuples et tribus a pour but essentiel de se connaître entre eux, de s´entraider mutuellement, de venir en aide aux personnes dans le besoin et de répandre ici-bas toutes les vertus sur lesquelles s´édifie le bien-être de l´humanité entière.
L´Islam se montre à juste titre, comme une révolution permanente qui, depuis le VIIe siècle de l´ère chrétienne, a défini d´emblée, de la manière la plus claire et la plus complète, toutes les prérogatives, toute la protection, toutes les prestations qui sont dues à l´homme en tant qu´homme. Oui, cet homme, dont notre Seigneur Allah le Tout-Puissant, a investi d´une mission, est décrit par le Saint Coran comme étant une création parfaite, au sens humain du terme, non pas, parce qu´il se distingue des autres créatures animales par sa belle structure physique, mais, surtout par l´esprit, l´intelligence, la faculté de raisonner, de comprendre et d´analyser tous les phénomènes qui l´entourent, de se découvrir devant tous les obstacles de la vie, de s´adapter à toutes les situations, en d´autres termes, la vocation, en sa qualité de vicaire, de représenter notre Seigneur sur terre. En outre, le dépôt de responsabilité que l´homme a accepté de son Seigneur, implique le passage d´un examen quotidien, sanctionné par une récompense ou un châtiment dans l´au-delà.
Au croyant, la religion islamique qui ne saurait être l´opium des peuples, fixe un idéal de certitude heureuse dans le monde ici-bas, dans le respect des valeurs morales et trace la voie du salut pour l´au-delà. L´Islam apparaît donc, comme un dogme, un Etat, un système de vie particulier et une culture basée sur la recherche, l´expérimentation et l´investigation de la science dans tous les domaines. De plus, il vise en tant que foi, à mettre toutes les activités individuelles sous la protection du Très Haut, Maître des Mondes. L´Islam professe à travers tout l´univers cette présence divine qui donne à l´existence humaine, sa signification réelle d´une part et d´autre part, il s´affirme également et indissolublement comme une organisation politique, inébranlable dans ses fondements. Il embrasse de cette façon l´homme dans sa globalité, esprit, chair et membre du corps social. Et c´est à la lumière de ces principes que le dogme institue l´Etat, crée les différents organes de l´administration pour régir le pays.
Lutte perpétuelle
L´Islam est ainsi une société religieuse. Cette communauté a une fonction des plus impérieuses que le Coran sublime résume par le célèbre verset, à savoir: «Promouvoir le bien et interdire le mal». Un tel devoir s´impose de la même manière, aussi bien à la communauté en tant qu´institution morale, qu´aux citoyens, personnes physiques. Il est par conséquent à la fois individuel et collectif.
Il y a lieu de noter, dans cet ordre d´idées et avec plus de précision, que nul ne peut nier ou contester le rôle salvateur et fondamental, joué par l´Islam dans la lutte héroïque du peuple algérien, devant la longue nuit coloniale. C´est cette glorieuse religion, qui, restant malheureusement de nos jours, fortement marginalisée et confinée, purement et simplement, au sens laïque du terme, dans les mosquées et autres lieux de culte, a permis au peuple algérien de sauvegarder sa personnalité spécifique berbéro-arabo-islamique devant les multiples farouches tentatives colonialistes, pour le christianiser ou à défaut, le déraciner et en faire un peuple apatride sans passé ni avenir. Malheureusement, depuis sa naissance, l´Islam, cette religion d´égalité, de justice sociale, de paix, de science, d´amour et de tolérance, subit jusqu´à nos jours, la même croisade. En effet, selon les circonstances, c´est tel ou tel de ses ennemis qui en prend la tête de file et également, selon les circonstances, c´est sous telle ou telle forme que cette lutte est menée.
Le meneur étant toujours soutenu, pour combattre l´Islam, même par ses adversaires, en dépit des divergences qui peuvent exister entre eux.
Aujourd´hui et particulièrement dans notre pays, l´Algérie qui apprend et ne cesse d´enseigner aux autres pays, l´amour de l´autre, le sens de la liberté, depuis Amazigh jusqu´à l´Emir Abdelkader, Bouamama et Amirouche, que Dieu agrée leur âme ainsi que celle de tous les martyrs tombés au champ d´honneur, comment se révolter contre toutes les formes de barbarie, d´injustice, d´oppression, grâce à cette glorieuse religion, cet Islam révolutionnaire et du juste milieu; l´on assiste en dépit de cela, à une sorte de rébellion nourrie, çà et là, par certaines personnalités intellectuelles ou historiques, à l´encontre de cette religion lesquelles proposent l´abolition de tout ou d'une partie du code de la famille, et ce, par l´annulation, notamment de quelques dispositions «gênantes» parce qu´il constituerait, à leurs yeux, une entrave déclarée à la promotion de la femme.
N´est-ce pas là une inculpation gratuite, nourrie l´on ne sait par quel courant politique ou idéologique? Ignorent-ils ou font-ils semblant d´ignorer que c´est l´Islam qui a libéré la femme de tous les jougs et formes d´exploitation diverses, et l´a élevée à une dignité, à un prestige sans pareil, sans précédent dans l´histoire humaine??? La femme est pour l´Islam, le complément symétrique de l´homme, et, est cette perle, tant protégée par lui, que bien chérie, comme nous allons le voir dans les développements suivants:
En effet, depuis l´apparition de l´Islam, l´éclosion de cette lumière universelle, à une époque où les femmes étaient considérées en Occident, tellement impures que le seul contact de leurs mains avec la Bible, était considéré comme une forme de souillure et donc une profanation du Livre Saint. En revanche, chez nous, les manuscrits coraniques furent conservés longtemps à Médina, sous la garde de notre Mère, Dame Noble Hafsa, épouse de notre Prophète, que Dieu agrée son âme, jusqu´à ce qu´ils furent récupérés bien plus tard, par le troisième calife Othman, que Dieu agrée son âme, qui en fit un seul et unique livre coranique: Le Saint Coran. A une époque où se tenait à Rome des conférences pour débattre de la question de savoir si la femme était une personne, un diable ou une chose, notre Vénéré Prophète Mohammed Salut Divin Sur Lui, se dressa éloquemment pour proclamer sous tous les cieux et à la face du monde que «les femmes sont certes, les soeurs des hommes.»
Un penseur français, dirait le professeur Roger Garaudy, dans l´Islam Vivant a écrit que l´on juge de la qualité d´une civilisation, par le rôle qui y jouent les femmes.
Evaluée selon ce critère, la civilisation occidentale ne saurait être donnée comme exemple. Il a fallu attendre, en France, comme l´explique cet éminent savant, le début du XXe siècle pour que la femme puisse disposer de ses biens comme elle l´entend, libérée ainsi, un tant soit peu, du veto de son mari et, en Italie, attendre le dernier tiers du XXe siècle, pour que la femme ait le droit au divorce. Alors que le Saint Coran et la Sunna (traditions du Prophète), reconnaissaient l´un et l´autre depuis plus de quatorze siècles.
Au rabais
En outre, l´entrée de la femme dans l´activité économique est devenue depuis les débuts du capitalisme en Europe, une entrée sur le marché du travail et comme main-d´oeuvre au rabais. La disparité des rétributions pour des qualifications égales demeure flagrante, aujourd´hui encore dans l´industrie. La proportion des femmes occupant des fonctions dirigeantes demeure très inférieure à celle des hommes (2% de femmes parmi les dirigeants de grandes ou moyennes entreprises.)
L´utilisation commerciale de la sexualité, depuis la publicité jusqu´à la presse, au cinéma, à l´édition sans aller jusqu´aux bas-fonds de la société, fait de la femme, réduite à son corps, une marchandise, objet de consommation, vendu et acheté «aux enchères».
La légitime protestation des mouvements féminins contre la condition des femmes susvisée, s´est longtemps orientée vers la seule revendication de l´égalité des femmes.
Ce qui est parfaitement juste en ce qui concerne l´égalité des chances, celle des salaires, des rôles hiérarchiques et de toutes les formes de dignité sociale et humaine, mais ne constitue guère un objectif dernier, sans rien retrancher de la lutte pour l´égalité. Il importe de maintenir le droit à l´égalité, le droit à la différence.

Cliquez ici pour lire l'article depuis sa source. 

«C'est l'Islam qui a libéré la femme» (2e partie)
Cheikh Tahar BADAOUI
L'Expression : 25 - 08 - 2004

Le but de la femme ne peut être de devenir un homme, surtout l´homme amputé de ses dimensions authentiquement humaines, par le positivisme et l´individualisme régnants. Au-delà de la nécessaire égalité, doit être reconnue la complémentarité: en ce sens, l´homme n´est pas «égal» à la femme.
N´est-ce pas à cette promotion sauvage et dégradante de la femme qu´aspirent notre «intelligentsia» de type occidental, et nos groupes de souche féministe??? Oui, c´est à cette fin qu´aboutit inéluctablement l´abolition d´un code élaboré dans sa plus grande partie, selon les principes fondamentaux de l´Islam libérateur, consacrant sur les plan juridique et réglementaire, le bonheur et l´harmonie du foyer, qui se trouvent, hélas, compromis par de multiples déviations dont souffre le code de la famille actuel, ainsi que le projet en cours.
Mutiples déviations
A citer seulement à titre d´exemple:
1°) Le fait pour le projet en question, d´annuler la présence et l´apport physique et moral du père de la fille à marier, ou de son tuteur patrimonial le plus proche, d´ailleurs prévue expressément par le code actuel (articles 9 à 39), sûrement en application de l´injonction prophétique que voici: «Il ne peut y avoir de mariage sans la présence du tuteur matrimonial de la fille à marier, sans douaire (dot) et sans deux témoins».
2°) Le fait, pour le code actuel, de confier la garde et l´éducation des enfants en bas âge, au père ou au titulaire de l´autorité parentale, en cas de divorce ou d´une quelconque séparation du couple, (articles 62 à 72), procédure consacrée d´ailleurs, par le projet en cours, constitue une entorse calomnieuse, aussi bien à l´esprit qu´à la lettre de la recommandation de notre Vénéré Prophète, Salut Divin Sur Lui, lequel, en choisissant sciemment la mère, l´ascendant ou le descendant de celle-ci, pour lui confier la «Hadana» des enfants, a bien voulu mettre en exergue les qualités intrinsèques de la mère, à savoir: la faculté de comprendre, d´assimiler le langage mystérieux de l´enfance en bas âge, lui permettant de mener à bien la gestion de son foyer, quand bien même, en dépit de l´absence du mari.
Par conséquent, confier la «Hadana» au père ou au tuteur jouissant de l´autorité parentale, revient à mettre en péril, l´avenir des enfants, surtout sur le plan de la formation de leur personnalité physique et morale, celle-ci, se trouvant amputée dès le départ de l´apport sentimental et spirituel de la mère, nécessaire à la bonne constitution des enfants en général. Une telle qualité d´ailleurs innée chez la femme, demeure au sens morphologique du terme très embryonnaire chez le père, en comparaison avec la corde sentimentale dont jouit la maman.
3°) Restreindre au maximum le champ de la polygamie, qui reste aux yeux de l´Islam, seulement une exception en cas de besoin inévitable ou imprévisible, sans se soucier pour autant, des circonstances matérielles ou morales mettant parfois le couple dans l´extrême nécessité de s´y soumettre.
Par ailleurs, il convient de souligner que le Saint Prophète Salut Divin Sur Lui, conformément aux prescriptions coraniques, a su, par son savoir illuminé, élever la femme au rang d´un élément moteur de la société et banni ainsi toutes les anciennes coutumes préislamiques portant atteinte à son honneur et à sa dignité en général.
Il introduisit en effet, par sa sagesse divine, dans le statut de la femme, des droits inspirés par la morale et la justice. Ainsi, la femme devenait l´égale de l´homme devant la loi, avec des droits à l´éducation, au travail, droits de propriété, d´héritage et de gestion personnelle de ses biens. Elle devient libre de travailler, d´acquérir des biens et d´en disposer comme bon lui semble, sans aucune intervention du père, du frère, du fils ou du mari, sauf bien entendu, si l´intervention de ces derniers venait à titre consultatif.
De même, elle jouit du droit inaliénable d´être respectée, protégée, à charge pour le mari de subvenir à tous ses besoins, même si sur le plan pécuniaire, elle est mieux aisée que lui. Cependant, l´Islam n´a pas omis également de confier à l´homme quelques privilèges, cette fois aussi, dans l´intérêt de sa fille à savoir: droit d´éducation, d´entretien jusqu´à l´âge du mariage en sa qualité de père de famille et, lors du mariage par sa présence obligatoire à l´union solennelle en tant que détenteur de l´autorité parentale, droit de corriger son épouse et ses enfants en cas d´une quelconque désobéissance de ces derniers à ses instructions, et ce, en sa qualité de responsable éducateur des membres de sa famille. La femme, grâce à l´Islam, a pu savourer sa liberté sous plusieurs aspects. Le Saint Coran avait pris en considération les coutumes d´une société primitive. C´était une époque, comme d´ailleurs, dans toutes les sociétés de niveau culturel similaire, où la polygamie était autorisée démesurément et où les femmes étaient des objets, dont les maris disposaient à leur guise, à l´exception d´une infime minorité d´entre elles d´une classe élevée. La pratique d´enterrer les filles dès leur naissance était courante mais, épargnait la classe aisée. Elle s´appliquait dans certaines familles d´un rang politique et social inférieur. Il n´était pas accordé au sexe faible la jouissance de disposer d´elle-même et de ses intérêts.
Le Saint Coran relate ce phénomène douloureux et immoral en ces termes: «Et lorsqu´on annonce à l´un d´eux la naissance d´une fille, son visage s´assombrit et une rage profonde (l´envahit). Il se cache des gens, à cause du malheur qu´on lui a annoncé. Doit-il la garder malgré la honte ou l´enfouira-t-il dans la terre? Combien est mauvais leur jugement!» (Sourate dite Les Abeilles Versets 58 et 59).
De même sur le plan de la répudiation, l´homme préislamique se séparait de son épouse aussi facilement que d´une poussière de son vêtement. L´Islam réglementa cette rupture en insistant sur le fait que, «des choses les plus licites, le divorce, en est, aux yeux de Dieu, la plus détestable», car, il est lui même, l´écroulement d´un foyer, cellule de base de la société.
Il en fut de même du mariage devenu contrat que les deux parties consentantes, s´engageaient à respecter. En effet, le Saint Corancondamna de nombreuses institutions en vigueur dans la période préislamique. Ainsi, la coutume païenne empêchait la femme répudiée de se remarier sans le consentement de son ex-époux, à moins qu´elle «achète» sa liberté, en lui remettant une partie de la dot, reçue au moment de son mariage.
L´Islam mit fin à cette procédure. La veuve, la répudiée ou la divorcée étaient libres de se remarier, sans aucune condition de veto. Le Saint Coran énonce à ce sujet: «Ô les croyants! il ne vous est pas licite d´hériter des femmes contre leur gré. Ne les empêchez pas de se remarier dans le but de leur ravir une partie de ce que vous aviez donnée, à moins qu´elles ne viennent à commettre un péché prouvé. Et comportez-vous convenablement envers elles. Si vous avez de l´aversion envers elles durant la vie commune, il se peut que vous ayez de l´aversion pour une chose où Allah a déposé un grand bien. Si vous voulez substituer une épouse à une autre, et que vous ayez donné à l´une un quintâr, n´en reprenez rien. Quoi! Le reprendriez-vous par injustice et péché manifeste?» (Sourate dite Les femmes Versets 19 et 2O.) Autrement dit, il s´agit d´interdire à l´homme de nuire à l´épouse indésirée, pour l´obliger à lui céder quelque bien ou lui offrir un rachat.
Une clause de ce verset interdit par conséquent, le lévirat (loi hébraïque qui obligeait un homme à épouser la veuve de son frère mort sans héritier). C´est ainsi qu´un homme héritait des femmes de son père ou de son frère décédé. Il disposait de leur personne comme il l´entendait; soit, il les gardait à son service pour travailler ou les épousait, s´il le désirait.
De même la polyandrie, coutume pratiquée d´une façon générale, par les peuples primitifs, fut abolie. Ainsi, la femme pourrait avoir jusqu´à dix maris à la fois. Dans ce cas, il lui appartenait de choisir, sans tenir compte de l´acte sexuel, le père de l´enfant. Et autres coutumes encore plus dégradantes!
Quant à l´union temporaire dite «Mut´a» qui consistait à conclure un mariage pour un temps limité, généralement pendant des voyages et à le rompre par consentement mutuel, conformément à l´accord déjà établi; l´Islam, le maintint quelque temps avant de le supprimer complètement sous le calife Omar, que Dieu agrée son âme, ou même du vivant du Prophète Mohammed, Salut Divin Sur Lui.
L´Islam avait aboli les très anciennes coutumes; il introduisit, de ce fait, une conception plus morale du mariage, visant à élever la situation de la femme croyante en lui accordant plusieurs privilèges.
En Islam, le mariage n´est pas un sacrement; c´est une alliance solennelle. Le Saint Coran stipule à ce sujet: «Comment oseriez-vous le reprendre après que l´union la plus intime vous eut associés l´un à l´autre et qu´elle eut obtenu de vous, un engagement solennel?» (Sourate dite Les femmes, Verset 21).
Le mariage représente donc, un acte strictement juridique, matérialisant l´union solennelle de l´homme et de la femme, faite, bien entendu dans les formes légales. C´est donc, un contrat qui peut être résilié, si les clauses obligatoires de validité n´en sont pas remplies. Il n´en revêt nullement l´aspect d´une liaison sacramentelle définitive. Par exemple, l´absence au mariage du tuteur matrimonial, l´inexistence du douaire ou l´absence de deux témoins mâles à cette union ; le contrat dans ce cas, étant frappé de nullité, le mariage ne pourrait être consommé et ce, en application des dispositions du code actuel de la famille (articles 9 à 39), lequel pris dans le cadre de la noble injonction du Prophète Salut Divin Sur Lui. Cependant, le projet en cours vise purement et simplement et sans raison plausible, l´annulation de ces conditions de validité, notamment la présence du tuteur matrimonial, qui reste la pierre angulaire de l´union.
Il convient de souligner à ce titre, que la majorité des jurisconsultes avertis, voient dans l´absence du tuteur matrimonial une cause de nullité absolue du contrat de mariage, pratique suivie minutieusement surtout par les peuples du Maghreb arabe, et l´Algérie en est un. D´autres écoles, qui sont d´ailleurs des moindres, admettent simplement que la femme soit présente elle-même, au moment de mettre au point les conditions de son union, sans pour autant, oublier quand même, l´intervention de ce tuteur, en cas d´un litige éventuel. Alors, la présence du tuteur matrimonial, reste dans tous les cas de figure, une institution juridique de base, à charge pour elle d´orienter et de protéger la fille à marier et constitue, ipso facto, pour celle-ci, une forme d´assurance, guère négligeable, contre les aléas d´avenir.
L´on ne peut concevoir à présent la polémique des uns et des autres à l´égard d´un code visant la stabilité physique, matérielle et morale du foyer. Les uns interviennent d´ailleurs d´une manière erronée pour tenter d´abolir l´institution du tuteur matrimonial comme le prévoit le projet en cause; d´autres militent d´arrache-pied pour le transfert, en cas de divorce ou de séparation du couple, de la garde des enfants en bas âge, de leur mère comme le conçoit justement la tradition du Prophète, Salut Divin Sur Lui, vers le tuteur patrimonial (disposition consacrée déjà par le code actuel) lequel ne pouvant, malgré tout, comprendre le langage mystérieux des enfants, encore moins d´en assumer convenablement la gestion; d´autant plus que cette qualité intrinsèque reste le patrimoine moral de la maman. A préciser que cette garde ne pourrait être confiée à ce tuteur patrimonial que dans le cas où elle ne peut être assurée par la mère pour des conditions diverses ou par les proches ascendants ou descendants de la mère (grand-mère de l´enfant ou sa tante maternelle).
D´autres s´acharnent contre la polygamie sans en connaître les origines ni pourquoi elle est permise. En effet, l´Islam n´a jamais eu pour but, en autorisant la polygamie de satisfaire le désir ni le plaisir. Si elle est autorisée, c´est que lors de la mission du Prophète, Salut Divin Sur Lui, les femmes étaient quatre fois plus nombreuses que les hommes à la suite des guerres entre tribus. Ces guerres et ces luttes fauchaient les chevaliers, les braves et les hommes courageux et il ne restait que femmes et enfants. Que dirions-nous à notre époque où l´on constate à cause des guerres incessantes, que cette proportion est de loin dépassée? D´ailleurs, notre Vénéré Prophète, prédit dans une de ses sages allocutions, que l´avenir verra cette proportion douze fois plus importante, justement à cause de ces luttes insensées et sans merci, soit un homme pour cinquante femmes.
Polygamie à condition
D´autre part, l´Islam n´autorise les hommes à épouser plusieurs femmes, que sous une condition, souvent difficile à réaliser. Dans le verset 3 de la Sourate dite Les femmes le Saint Coran stipule: «Et si vous craignez de n´être pas juste envers les orphelins, ...Il est permis d´épouser deux, trois ou quatre, parmi les femmes qui vous plaisent, mais, si vous craignez de n´être pas juste avec celles-ci, alors une seule, ou des esclaves que vous possédez. Cela, afin de ne pas faire d´injustice (ou afin de ne pas aggraver votre charge de famille).»
A souligner ici, dans ce verset coranique et plusieurs autres, une incitation à la libération de l´homme en général et, en particulier, à l´abolition de l´esclavage qui fut, jusqu´à la venue de l´Islam, une institution réglementée et fortement répandue. Un autre verset coranique, d´ailleurs de la même Sourate, confirme cette règle avec plus d´injonction et de prudence et dispose à cet égard: «Vous ne pourrez jamais être équitable entre vos femmes, même si vous en êtes soucieux. Ne vous penchez pas tout à fait vers l´une d´elles, au point de délaisser l´autre comme en suspens. Mais si vous vous réconciliez et vous êtes pieux...donc Allah est, certes, Pardonneur et Miséricordieux.» (Verset 129).
On peut donc déduire de ces deux règles coraniques susvisées les prémices selon les logiciens et philosophes qu´il ne peut y avoir de mariage qu´avec une femme. L´équité exigée en cas de polygamie, quoiqu´on fasse, ne pouvant jamais être assurée; car il s´agit là d´une équité absolue qui consiste pour le mari à aimer toutes ses épouses de la même façon; ce qui est fort impossible.. Mais l´équité recommandée dans ce cas, est surtout une équité relative et objective; il doit , par conséquent, subvenir aux besoins de toutes ses femmes dans le cadre de ses capacités matérielles et physiques, entretenir avec elles de bonnes relations de ménage, de courtoisie, de protection et de faire régner entre elles un climat serein de confiance et de sécurité, sans favoriser l´une par rapport à l´autre, sauf pour ce qui sort indépendamment de sa volonté et de ses capacités humaines.

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Monday, 28 March 2011


Why you may be confused by the census form

Millions of householders across England and Wales are expected to have completed 2011's census form on Sunday in order to return them by the 6th April deadline. Skip related content
It is a legal requirement that every home fills one out as it is designed to provide a picture of today's society for the government and local authorities in order to target resources more effectively. Since national census day has passed, it is important to understand the risks of leaving your form untouched. Anyone unwilling to complete one on paper or online will not be able to dodge the system as census officials are currently monitoring every household. Those who refuse to complete the census face a £1000 fine and criminal prosecution.
Despite the stringent completion rules in place, the 2011 census is also facing criticism over the confusing nature of some of the content inside it, ultimately affecting the accuracy of it. If you haven't filled yours out yet, here are five reasons as to why you may be left scratching your head while filling out the questionnaire.

1. Blank questions
According to those following '2011censusinfo' on Twitter and online census chat forums, the question that is baffling English people the most is number 17. On the English census form, the box appears to be left blank, stating, 'This question is left intentionally blank. Go to 18.'
One perplexed Twitter follower tweeted: "Underwhelmed by the recent UK census form (I had to read it twice to understand it) Why is Question 17 left blank in ALL the Person forms?"
Speaking with Yahoo! UK News, a spokeswoman for the census at the Office of National Statistics (ONS) defended the omission, saying: "On the English form it is left intentionally blank, but on the Welsh form it says 'Do you speak Welsh?' The reason why it is left blank is to keep consistency across all the forms as we only have one scanner. If we had two different scanners, it would be more costly."

2. Correct date to fill it in
Census respondents were told to complete the questionnaire on 27 March. Yet, people all over England and Wales claimed to have filled out their forms more than two weeks earlier.
To clear things up, the form could have been filled in before, on, or just after census day. Some UK universities agreed with the ONS to allow their students to fill the forms out early and return them before breaking up for Easter. If you have not returned your questionnaire by 6 April, a census collector will call to your house after that date to offer any help you need.

3. No space to put middle names
Another point raised by respondents was the lack of space to disclose a middle name. Prior to 2011, the 10-year census used to be an important resource for people tracing their family history and researching genealogy.
Now, for confidentiality reasons, ONS has said that they will not share your personal information with any other government department or organisation. The information you provide is only used for statistical purposes and names are not used in any published statistics from the census. The questionnaire only asks for first and last names to help ensure everyone is included.

4. Missing options
Elderly recipients of the form were also puzzled by Question 26, The Telegraph reported. Seven different options relating to their employment were included, but none of which included a category for 'retirement.' The person filling in the form then has to answer three more questions - including "were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last four weeks?" - before recording that they were retired.

5. Final destination of forms
If you're wondering if automated payment machines receive census forms, you would be right. A form was reportedly posted to a car park ticketing machine at Dorset's Moors Valley Country Park. Addressed to the 'The Occupier: Pay on Foot Shelter', the machine now faces being prosecuted - with a fine of up to £1000 and a criminal record if it fails to fill in the form. To the amusement of staff at the park, they joked about what to put as its job, language and religious beliefs.
In response to the mix-up, the Office of National Statistics explained to Yahoo! UK News: "In a small number of cases the Royal Mail or Local Authority coding will be wrong and a form will go to a non-residential address but these are often difficult to spot amongst the 26.5 million addresses without a field visit. On balance it is more important for the accuracy of the census that we count all residents so we always err on the side of safety and send forms to all properties."
Click here to fill in your 2011 Census form online
For advice on how to fill out your form, telephone the Census 2011 helpline on 0300 0201 101

Written by Gaby Leslie

Saturday, 26 March 2011


Interview with Maryam Jameelah 
Q: Would you kindly tell us how your interest in Islam began?
A: I was Margaret (Peggy) Marcus. As a small child I possessed a keen interest in music and was particularly fond of the classical operas and symphonies considered high culture in the West. Music was my favorite subject in school in which I always earned the highest grades. By sheer chance, I happened to hear Arabic music over the radio which so much pleased me that I was determined to hear more. I would not leave my parents in peace until my father finally took me to the Syrian section in New York City where I bought a stack of Arabic recordings. My parents, relatives and neighbors thought Arabic and its music dreadfully weird and so distressing to their ears that whenever I put on my recordings, they demanded that I close all the doors and windows in my room lest they be disturbed! After I embraced Islam in 1961, I used to sit enthralled by the hour at the mosque in New York, listening to tape-recordings of Tilawat chanted by the celebrated Egyptian Qari, Abdul Basit. But on Jumha Salat (Friday Prayers), the Imam did not play the tapes. We had a special guest that day. A short, very thin and poorly-dressed black youth, who introduced himself to us as a student from Zanzibar, recited Surah ar-Rahman. I never heard such glorious Tilawat even from Abdul Basit! He possessed such a voice of gold; surely Hazrat Bilal must have sounded much like him!
I traced the beginning of my interest in Islam to the age of ten. While attending a reformed Jewish Sunday school, I became fascinated with the historical relationship between the Jews and the Arabs. From my Jewish textbooks, I learned that Abraham was the father of the Arabs as well as the Jews. I read how centuries later when, in medieval Europe, Christian persecution made their lives intolerable, the Jews were welcomed in Muslim Spain and that it was the magnanimity of this same Arabic Islamic civilization which stimulated Hebrew culture to reach its highest peak of achievement.
Totally unaware of the true nature of Zionism, I naively thought that the Jews were returning to Palestine to strengthen their close ties of kinship in religion and culture with their Semitic cousins. Together I believed that the Jews and the Arabs would cooperate to attain another Golden Age of culture in the Middle East.
Despite my fascination with the study of Jewish history, I was extremely unhappy at the Sunday school. At this time I identified myself strongly with the Jewish people in Europe, then suffering a horrible fate under the Nazis and I was shocked that none of my fellow classmates nor their parents took their religion seriously. During the services at the synagogue, the children used to read comic strips hidden in their prayer books and laugh to scorn at the rituals. The children were so noisy and disorderly that the teachers could not discipline them and found it very difficult to conduct the classes.
At home the atmosphere for religious observance was scarcely more congenial. My elder sister detested the Sunday school so much that my mother literally had to drag her out of bed in the mornings and it never went without the struggle of tears and hot words. Finally my parents were exhausted and let her quit. On the Jewish High Holy Days instead of attending synagogue and fasting on Yom Kippur, my sister and I were taken out of school to attend family picnics and parties in fine restaurants. When my sister and I convinced our parents how miserable we both were at the Sunday school they joined an agnostic, humanist organization known as the Ethical Culture Movement.
The Ethical Culture Movement was founded late in the 19th century by Felix Alder. While studying for rabbinate, Felix Alder grew convinced that devotion to ethical values as relative and man-made, regarding any supernaturalism or theology as irrelevant, constituted the only religion fit for the modern world. I attended the Ethical Culture Sunday School each week from the age of eleven until I graduated at fifteen. Here I grew into complete accord with the ideas of the movement and regarded all traditional, organized religions with scorn.
When I was eighteen years old I became a member of the local Zionist youth movement known as the Mizrachi Hatzair. But when I found out what the nature of Zionism was, which made the hostility between Jews and Arabs irreconcilable, I left several months later in disgust. When I was twenty and a student at New York University, one of my elective courses was entitled Judaism in Islam. My professor, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Katsh, the head of the department of Hebrew Studies there, spared no efforts to convince his students--all Jews, many of whom aspired to become rabbis--that Islam was derived from Judaism. Our textbook, written by him, took each verse from the Quran, painstakingly tracing it to its allegedly Jewish source. Although his real aim was to prove to his students the superiority of Judaism over Islam, he convinced me diametrically of the opposite.
I soon discovered that Zionism was merely a combination of the racist, tribalistic aspects of Judaism. Modern secular nationalistic Zionism was further discredited in my eyes when I learned that few, if any, of the leaders of Zionism were observant Jews and that perhaps nowhere is Orthodox, traditional Judaism regarded with such intense contempt as in Israel. When I found nearly all important Jewish leaders in America supporters for Zionism, who felt not the slightest twinge of conscience because of the terrible injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian Arabs, I could no longer consider myself a Jew at heart.
One morning in November 1954, Professor Katsh, during his lecture, argued with irrefutable logic that the monotheism taught by Moses (peace be upon him) and the Divine Laws reveled to him were indispensable as the basis for all higher ethical values. If morals were purely man-made, as the Ethical Culture and other agnostic and atheistic philosophies taught, then they could be changed at will, according to mere whim, convenience or circumstance. The result would be utter chaos leading to individual and collective ruin. Belief in the Hereafter, as the Rabbis in the Talmud taught, argued Professor Katsh, was not mere wishful thinking but a moral necessity. Only those, he said, who firmly believed that each of us will be summoned by God on Judgement Day to render a complete account of our life on earth and rewarded or punished accordingly, will possess the self-discipline to sacrifice transitory pleasure and endure hardships and sacrifice to attain lasting good.
It was in Professor Katsh's class that I met Zenita, the most unusual and fascinating girl I have ever met. The first time I entered Professor Katsh's class, as I looked around the room for an empty desk in which to sit, I spied two empty seats, on the arm of one, three big beautifully bound volumes of Yusuf Ali's English translation and commentary of the Holy Quran. I sat down right there, burning with curiosity to find out to whom these volumes belonged. Just before Rabbi Katsh's lecture was to begin, a tall, very slim girl with pale complexion framed by thick auburn hair, sat next to me. Her appearance was so distinctive, I thought she must be a foreign student from Turkey, Syria or some other Near Eastern country. Most of the other students were young men wearing the black cap of Orthodox Jewry, who wanted to become rabbis. We two were the only girls in the class. As we were leaving the library late that afternoon, she introduced herself to me. Born into an Orthodox Jewish family, her parents had migrated to America from Russia only a few years prior to the October Revolution in 1917 to escape persecution. I noted that my new friend spoke English with the precise care of a foreigner. She confirmed these speculations, telling me that since her family and their friends speak only Yiddish among themselves, she did not learn any English until after attending public school. She told me that her name was Zenita Liebermann but recently, in an attempt to Americanize themselves, her parents had changed their name from "Liebermann" to "Lane." Besides being thoroughly instructed in Hebrew by her father while growing up and also in school, she said she was now spending all her spare time studying Arabic. However, with no previous warning, Zenita dropped out of class and although I continued to attend all of his lectures to the conclusion of the course, Zenita never returned. Months passed and I had almost forgotten about Zenita when suddenly she called and begged me to meet her at the Metropolitan Museum and go with her to look at the special exhibition of exquisite Arabic calligraphy and ancient illuminated manuscripts of the Quran. During our tour of the museum, Zenita told me how she had embraced Islam with two of her Palestinian friends as witnesses.
I inquired, "Why did you decide to become a Muslim?" She then told me that she had left Professor Katsh's class when she fell ill with a severe kidney infection. Her condition was so critical, she told me, her mother and father had not expected her to survive. "One afternoon while burning with fever, I reached for my Holy Quran on the table beside by bed and began to read and while I recited the verses, it touched me so deeply that I began to weep and then I knew I would recover. As soon as I was strong enough to leave my bed, I summoned two of my Muslim friends and took the oath of the "Shahadah" or Confession of Faith."
Zenita and I would eat our meals in Syrian restaurants where I acquired a keen taste for this tasty cooking. When we had money to spend, we would order Couscous, roast lamb with rice or a whole soup plate of delicious little meatballs swimming in gravy scooped up with loaves of unleavened Arabic bread. And when we had little to spend, we would eat lentils and rice, Arabic style, or the Egyptian national dish of black broad beans with plenty of garlic and onions called "Ful".
While Professor Katsh was lecturing thus, I was comparing in my mind what I had read in the Old Testament and the Talmud with what was taught in the Quran and Hadith and finding Judaism so defective, I was converted to Islam.
Q: Were you scared that you might not be accepted by the Muslims?
A: My increasing sympathy for Islam and Islamic ideals enraged the other Jews I knew, who regarded me as having betrayed them in the worst possible way. They used to tell me that such a reputation could only result from shame of my ancestral heritage and an intense hatred for my people. They warned me that even if I tried to become a Muslim, I would never be accepted. These fears proved totally unfounded as I have never been stigmatized by any Muslim because of my Jewish origin. As soon as I became a Muslim myself, I was welcomed most enthusiastically by all the Muslims as one of them.
I did not embrace Islam out of hatred for my ancestral heritage or my people. It was not a desire so much to reject as to fulfill. To me, it meant a transition from parochial to a dynamic and revolutionary faith.
Q: Did your family object to your studying Islam?
A: Although I wanted to become a Muslim as far back as 1954, my family managed to argue me out of it. I was warned that Islam would complicate my life because it is not, like Judaism and Christianity, part of the American scene. I was told that Islam would alienate me from my family and isolate me from the community. At that time my faith was not sufficiently strong to withstand these pressures. Partly as the result of this inner turmoil, I became so ill that I had to discontinue college long before it was time for me to graduate. For the next two years I remained at home under private medical care, steadily growing worse. In desperation from 1957 - 1959 my parents confined me both to private and public hospitals where I vowed that if ever I recovered sufficiently to be discharged, I would embrace Islam.
After I was allowed to return home, I investigated all the opportunities for meeting Muslims in New York City. It was my good fortune to meet some of the finest men and women anyone could ever hope to meet. I also began to write articles for Muslim magazines.
Q: What was the attitude of your parents and friends after you became Muslim?
A: When I embraced Islam, my parents, relatives and their friends regarded me almost as a fanatic, because I could think and talk of nothing else. To them, religion is a purely private concern which at the most perhaps could be cultivated like an amateur hobby among other hobbies. But as soon as I read the Holy Quran, I knew that Islam was no hobby but life itself!
Q: In what ways did the Holy Quran have an impact on your life?
A: One evening I was feeling particularly exhausted and sleepless, Mother came into my room and said she was about to go to the Larchmont Public Library and asked me if there was any book that I wanted? I asked her to look and see if the library had a copy of an English translation of the Holy Quran. Just think, years of passionate interest in the Arabs and reading every book in the library about them I could lay my hands on but until now, I never thought to see what was in the Holy Quran! Mother returned with a copy for me. I was so eager, I literally grabbed it from her hands and read it the whole night. There I also found all the familiar Bible stories of my childhood.
In my eight years of primary school, four years of secondary school and one year of college, I learned about English grammar and composition, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek in current use, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, European and American history, elementary science, Biology, music and art--but I had never learned anything about God! Can you imagine I was so ignorant of God that I wrote to my pen-friend, a Pakistani lawyer, and confessed to him the reason why I was an atheist was because I couldn't believe that God was really an old man with a long white beard who sat up on His throne in Heaven. When he asked me where I had learned this outrageous thing, I told him of the reproductions from the Sistine Chapel I had seen in "Life" Magazine of Michelangelo's "Creation" and "Original Sin." I described all the representations of God as an old man with a long white beard and the numerous crucifixions of Christ I had seen with Paula at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. But in the Holy Quran, I read:
"Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, The Self-subsisting, Supporter of all. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is thee can intercede in His presence except as He permiteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory)." (Quran S.2:255)
"But the Unbelievers,-their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds Allah there, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account. Or (the unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depth of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!" (Quran S.24: 39-40)
My first thought when reading the Holy Quran - this is the only true religion - absolutely sincere, honest, not allowing cheap compromises or hypocrisy.
In 1959, I spent much of my leisure time reading books about Islam in the New York Public Library. It was there I discovered four bulky volumes of an English translation of Mishkat ul- Masabih. It was then that I learned that a proper and detailed understanding of the Holy Quran is not possible without some knowledge of the relevant Hadith. For how can the holy text correctly be interpreted except by the Prophet to whom it was revealed?
Once I had studied the Mishkat, I began to accept the Holy Quran as Divine revelation. What persuaded me that the Quran must be from God and not composed by Muhammad (PBUH) was its satisfying and convincing answers to all the most important questions of life which I could not find elsewhere.
As a child, I was so mortally afraid of death, particularly the thought of my own death, that after nightmares about it, sometimes I would awaken my parents crying in the middle of the night. When I asked them why I had to die and what would happen to me after death, all they could say was that I had to accept the inevitable; but that was a long way off and because medical science was constantly advancing, perhaps I would live to be a hundred years old! My parents, family, and all our friends rejected as superstition any thought of the Hereafter, regarding Judgment Day, reward in Paradise or punishment in Hell as outmoded concepts of by-gone ages. In vain I searched all the chapters of the Old Testament for any clear and unambiguous concept of the Hereafter. The prophets, patriarchs and sages of the Bible all receive their rewards or punishments in this world. Typical is the story of Job (Hazrat Ayub). God destroyed all his loved-ones, his possessions, and afflicted him with a loathsome disease in order to test his faith. Job plaintively laments to God why He should make a righteous man suffer. At the end of the story, God restores all his earthly losses but nothing is even mentioned about any possible consequences in the Hereafter.
Although I did find the Hereafter mentioned in the New Testament, compared with that of the Holy Quran, it is vague and ambiguous. I found no answer to the question of death in Orthodox Judaism, for the Talmud preaches that even the worst life is better than death. My parents' philosophy was that one must avoid contemplating the thought of death and just enjoy as best one can, the pleasures life has to offer at the moment. According to them, the purpose of life is enjoyment and pleasure achieved through self-expression of one's talents, the love of family, the congenial company of friends combined with the comfortable living and indulgence in the variety of amusements that affluent America makes available in such abundance. They deliberately cultivated this superficial approach to life as if it were the guarantee for their continued happiness and good-fortune. Through bitter experience I discovered that self-indulgence leads only to misery and that nothing great or even worthwhile is ever accomplished without struggle through adversity and self-sacrifice. From my earliest childhood, I have always wanted to accomplish important and significant things. Above all else, before my death I wanted the assurance that I have not wasted life in sinful deeds or worthless pursuits. All my life I have been intensely serious-minded. I have always detested the frivolity which is the dominant characteristic of contemporary culture. My father once disturbed me with his unsettling conviction that there is nothing of permanent value and because everything in this modern age accept the present trends inevitable and adjust ourselves to them. I, however, was thirsty to attain something that would endure forever. It was from the Holy Quran where I learned that this aspiration was possible. No good deed for the sake of seeking the pleasure of God is ever wasted or lost. Even if the person concerned never achieves any worldly recognition, his reward is certain in the Hereafter. Conversely, the Quran tells us that those who are guided by no moral considerations other than expediency or social conformity and crave the freedom to do as they please, no matter how much worldly success and prosperity they attain or how keenly they are able to relish the short span of their earthly life, will be doomed as the losers on Judgement Day. Islam teaches us that in order to devote our exclusive attention to fulfilling our duties to God and to our fellow-beings, we must abandon all vain and useless activities which distract us from this end. These teachings of the Holy Quran, made even more explicit by Hadith, were thoroughly compatible with my temperament.
Q: What is your opinion of the Arabs after you became a Muslim?
A: As the years passed, the realization gradually dawned upon me that it was not the Arabs who made Islam great but rather Islam had made the Arabs great. Were it not for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Arabs would be an obscure people today. And were it not for the Holy Quran, the Arabic language would be equally insignificant, if not extinct.
Q: Did you see any similarities between Judaism and Islam?
A: The kinship between Judaism and Islam is even stronger than Islam and Christianity. Both Judaism and Islam share in common the same uncompromising monotheism, the crucial importance of strict obedience to Divine Law as proof of our submission to and love of the Creator, the rejection of the priesthood, celibacy and monasticism and the striking similarity of the Hebrew and Arabic language.
In Judaism, religion is so confused with nationalism, one can scarcely distinguish between the two. The name "Judaism" is derived from Judah-a tribe. A Jew is a member of the tribe of Judah. Even the name of this religion connotes no universal spiritual message. A Jew is not a Jew by virtue of his belief in the unity of God, but merely because he happened to be born of Jewish parentage. Should he become an outspoken atheist, he is no less "Jewish" in the eyes of his fellow Jews.
Such a thorough corruption with nationalism has spiritually impoverished this religion in all its aspects. God is not the God of all mankind but the God of Israel. The scriptures are not God's revelation to the entire human race but primarily a Jewish history book. David and Solomon (peace be upon them) are not full-fledged prophets of God but merely Jewish kings. With the single exception of Yom Kippur (the Jewish Day of Atonement), the holidays and festivals celebrated by Jews, such as Hanukkah, Purim and Pesach, are of far greater national than religious significance.
Q: Have you ever had the opportunity to talk about Islam to the other Jews?
A: There is one particular incident which really stands out in my mind when I had the opportunity to discuss Islam with a Jewish gentleman. Dr. Shoreibah, of the Islamic Center in New York, introduced me to a very special guest. After one Jumha Salat, I went into his office to ask him some questions about Islam but before I could even greet him with "Assalamu Alaikum", I was completely astonished and surprised to see seated before him an ultra-orthodox Chassidic Jew, complete with earlocks, broad-brimmed black hat, long black silken caftan and a full flowing beard. Under his arm was a copy of the Yiddish newspaper, "The Daily Forward". He told us that his name was Samuel Kostelwitz and that he worked in New York City as a diamond cutter. Most of his family, he said, lived in the Chassidic community of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, but he also had many relatives and friends in Israel. Born in a small Rumanian town, he had fled from the Nazi terror with his parents to America just prior to the outbreak of the second world-war. I asked him what had brought him to the mosque? He told us that he had been stricken with intolerable grief ever since his mother died 5 years ago. He had tried to find solace and consolation for his grief in the synagogue but could not when he discovered that many of the Jews, even in the ultra-orthodox community of Williamsburg, were shameless hypocrites. His recent trip to Israel had left him more bitterly disillusioned than ever. He was shocked by the irreligiousness he found in Israel and he told us that nearly all the young sabras or native-born Israelis are militant atheists. When he saw large herds of swine on one of the kibbutzim (collective farms) he visited, he could only exclaim in horror: "Pigs in a Jewish state! I never thought that was possible until I came here! Then when I witnessed the brutal treatment meted out to innocent Arabs in Israel, I know then that there is no difference between the Israelis and the Nazis. Never, never in the name of God, could I justify such terrible crimes!" Then he turned to Dr. Shoreibah and told him that he wanted to become a Muslim but before he took the irrevocable steps to formal conversion, he needed to have more knowledge about Islam. He said that he had purchased from Orientalia Bookshop, some books on Arabic grammar and was trying to teach himself Arabic. He apologized to us for his broken English: Yiddish was his native tongue and Hebrew, his second language. Among themselves, his family and friends spoke only Yiddish. Since his reading knowledge of English was extremely poor, he had no access to good Islamic literature. However, with the aid of an English dictionary, he painfully read "Introduction to Islam" by Muhammad Hamidullah of Paris and praised this as the best book he had ever read. In the presence of Dr. Shoreibah, I spent another hour with Mr. Kostelwitz, comparing the Bible stories of the patriarchs and prophets with their counterparts in the Holy Quran. I pointed out the inconsistencies and interpolations of the Bible, illustrating my point with Noah's alleged drunkenness, accusing David of adultery and Solomon of idolatry (Allah Forbid) and how the Holy Quran raises all these patriarchs to the status of genuine prophets of God and absolves them from all these crimes. I also pointed out why it was Ismail and not Isaac who God commanded Abraham to offer as sacrifice. In the Bible, God tells Abraham: "Take thine son, thine only son whom thou lovest and offer him up to Me as burnt offering." Now Ismail was born 13 years before Isaac but the Jewish biblical commentators explain that away be belittling Ismail's mother, Hagar, as only a concubine and not Abraham's real wife so they say Isaac was the only legitimate son. Islamic traditions, however, raise Hagar to the status of a full-fledged wife equal in every respect to Sarah. Mr. Kostelwitz expressed his deepest gratitude to me for spending so much time, explaining those truths to him. To express this gratitude, he insisted on inviting Dr. Shoreibah and me to lunch at the Kosher Jewish delicatessen where he always goes to eat his lunch. Mr. Kostelwitz told us that he wished more than anything else to embrace Islam but he feared he could not withstand the persecution he would have to face from his family and friends. I told him to pray to God for help and strength and he promised that he would. When he left us, I felt privileged to have spoken with such a gentle and kind person.
Q: What Impact did Islam have on your life ?
A: In Islam, my quest for absolute values was satisfied. In Islam I found all that was true, good and beautiful and that which gives meaning and direction to human life (and death); while in other religions, the Truth is deformed, distorted, restricted and fragmentary. If any one chooses to ask me how I came to know this, I can only reply my personal life experience was sufficient to convince me. My adherence to the Islamic faith is thus a calm, cool but very intense conviction. I have, I believe, always been a Muslim at heart by temperament, even before I knew there was such a thing as Islam. My conversion was mainly a formality, involving no radical change in my heart at all but rather only making official what I had been thinking and yearning for many years.
Also read Maryam Jameelah's Open Letter to Her Parents in which she invites her mother and father to embrace the one true religion.

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By Maryam Jameelah
[Maryam Jameelah, a well-known convert from Judaism to Islam wrote an open letter to her parents.]
Dear Mother and Father,
I have now been living in Pakistan for more than twenty years during which time you have acquired an entire additional family of loved-ones there, adding much to your happiness. You have reached a ripe age, thank God, living longer in good health than I had ever expected. You have read all my books and Islamic literature I have sent you with a broad and open mind. Therefore you need no introduction to the subject I wish to discuss with you now and nothing I have to say will seem strange and new to you.
I wonder if you realize fully how very fortunate you are. So long as you can keep in reasonable health and are able to take care of yourselves, you can continue to enjoy a pleasant life. But do you ever think of the tragic faith of those hundreds of thousands of other older Americans, the victims of chronic illness and infirmities, who crowd to over-flowing hospitals and nursing homes (which are really charnel houses), the old-age homes and the senile wards of mental institutions? And do you ever think of those still greater numbers of older people who are widowed and live their lonely lives confined to their dingy rooms in constant fear of muggings, physical attacks and robberies by juvenile delinquents who prey on the old and infirm with no remorse or fear of punishment? The maltreatment of older people is a direct result of the collapse of the home and extended family. Does your elder sister - my aunt Rosalyn, a great-grandmother lovingly sheltered in a close and adoring family and a happy home, ever think how lucky she is and how few of her advanced age in America are left like her?
You must know that society in which you were brought up and have lived all your life is in a state of rapid disintegration on the brink of collapse. Actually the decline in our civilization was evident as far back as World War I but at that time few people except some intellectuals and artists were aware of what was happening. But since the end of World War II and especially during the last two decades, the rot has reached such a stage of advanced decay that nobody can any longer ignore it.
The moral anarchy in the absence of any respected, fixed standards of behavior and conduct, the obsession with perverted sex over the entertainment media, the mistreatment of older people, the divorce rate which has climbed so high that among the new generation, an enduring, happy marriage is becoming rare, child abuse, the destruction of the natural environment, the prodigious waste of scarce and valuable resources, the epidemic of veneral diseases and mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicides as leading cause of death, crime, vandalism, corruption in the government and contempt for the law in general - all of this has a cause.
The cause of this is the failure of secularism and materialism and the absence of absolute, transcendental theological and moral values. Deed does in the final analysis depend upon creed because if the intention is wrong, the work always suffers.
No doubt that it may bore you to read this. You will protest that if you are not theologians, philosophers or sociologists, then why bother about such "deep" matters when they do not seem to be of any direct concern to you? After all, you are happy and content living just as you are. You only wish to enjoy life right now, live entirely in the present and accept each day as it comes. If life is a journey, is it not foolhardy only to be concerned with pleasant and comfortable accommodations along the way and never to think about the journey's end? Why were we born? What is the meaning and purpose of life, why must we die and what will happen to each of us after death?
Father you have told me more than once that you cannot accept any traditional religion because you are convinced that theology conflicts with modern science. Science and technology have indeed given us much information about the physical world, provided us with abundant comforts and conveniences, increased efficiency and discovered remedies for many diseases that used to be fatal. But science does not and cannot tell us about the meaning of life and death. Science tells us "how" but it never answers the question "why"?. Can science ever tell us what is right and what is wrong? What is good and what is evil? What is beautiful and what is ugly? And to whom are we accountable for what we do? Religion does.
Today America is in many ways a repetition of ancient Rome in the terminal stages of her decline and fall. Thinking people know that secularism has failed to be a sound foundation of our social order. They are anxiously searching in other directions for a solution to the crisis but do not know yet where to find it. This is not of concern only to a few sociologists. The disease of national disintegration directly affects you and me and each one of us.
During its most critical period, ancient Rome adopted Christianity as its salvation and henceforth the Church dominated Europe for more than a thousand years. This put an end to many of the worst social and moral evils of decadent Rome and greatly raised the moral and spiritual standards of the people. Unfortunately during the formative period of its history, the Church compromised with paganism and secularism, adopting an elaborate priesthood and incomprehensive theology which could not resist the impact of the renaissance, the revival of the natural sciences and the radical secularism of the French Revolution. While Christians in Europe and America have deserted their faith wholesale leaving the churches almost empty, the missionaries continue to represent the vanguard of western imperialism and exploitation in Asia and Africa.
After Christianity, the Jews comprise the second largest religious group in America who dominate politically, and economically, as well exercising considerable control over the media. But Judaism has always been parochial and tribal, seldom welcoming converts. It is not and has never been a universal faith. The Zionist movement which resulted in the establishment of the state of Israel, is the secular expression of Jewish nationalism and tribalism. The dreadful atrocities committed by the Israelis in occupied Palestine, the unprovoked aggression in Lebanon and adjacent areas and attempted genocide of the Palestine Arabs, depriving them of all human and political rights, is the logical result of this same narrow parochial outlook. This is the reason why even the most orthodox of the rabbis refuse to believe that Israel can do any wrong and uncritically support everything she does. These glaring moral and spiritual defects automatically disqualify Judaism as the faith of the future.
The Muslims comprise the third and fastest growing faith in America today. No longer is Islam confined to remote regions of the deserts and jungles of Asia and Africa. No longer is Islam foreign to the American scene. There are more than three million Muslims in America today and their numbers are increasing fast. There are thousands of students from all Muslim countries studying in American universities, and well-educated, highly-trained Muslims are busily at work in all professions. In the last two decades, hundreds of native-born American converts have swelled their ranks. At first most of the converts were black people who found in Islam, dignity, honor, self-respect and racial brotherhood as did Malcolm-X, but in recent years more and more white converts of European origin, searching for guidance in all the affairs of their formally chaotic lives, have also embraced Islam, making many sacrifices and enduring much hardships to do so. Few of them are fortunate as I am to have loving parent like you. Most of them suffer severe frictions with their non-Muslim parents and relatives. Today churches and synagogues are almost deserted but the newly-built mosques and Islamic centers, springing up in every important American city and town, are attracting rapidly growing numbers. Most of the new Muslims in America are young, intelligent and well-educated. What attracts so many young Americans to Islam?
Americans today, both young and old, are desperately searching for guidance. They know from bitter experience that the personal freedom and opportunities they as Americans enjoy are meaningless and self-destructive without reliable guidance, direction and purpose. Secularism and materialism are powerless to provide any positive or constructive moral values for Americans either individually or collectively. That is why after Christianity and Judaism have failed them, more and more people in America today are turning towards Islam. In Islam as new Muslims, they find a sane, healthy, clean and honest life. And for Muslims, everything does not come to an end at death. They look forward to an Eternity of bliss, peace and perfect happiness (in the Hereafter).
This Guidance found in the Holy Qur'an and the recorded words and deeds of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, is not only for foreign races in some far-away corner of the East, centuries ago. Here are to be found the solutions to all economic, social, moral and political problems which face us right here in the West today. Furthermore, Islam is not cold, remote and impersonal. Muslims have complete faith in a very personal God who not only created, sustains and rules the universe but also loves and deeply cares about the fate of each of us. The Holy Qur'an tells us that God is nearer to everyone of us than our jugular veins!
Since the Holy Qur'an is divine revelation, it cannot and will never be changed. Because it is perfect, it cannot be improved, revised or reformed. Since Muhammad, upon whom be peace, is the final Prophet, his guidance can never be superseded by any other. The Qur'an and Sunnah are addressed to all peoples, in every country of the West as well as the East. Since it is relevant for all times, in all places, it can never become obsolete or out-of-date.
You are both of very advanced age and there is so little time left. Yet it is not too late if you act now. If your decision is positive, your ties with your loved ones in Pakistan will not only be by blood but also in faith. You cannot only love them in this world but be all together with us forever in eternity.
If your decision is negative, I am very much afraid that your happy, comfortable and pleasant life will very shortly come to an end. As soon as the inevitable occurs, it is too late for remorse and regrets. The punishment will be terrible from which there is no refuge and no escape.
It is as your daughter who loves you and hopes to the end that you will be spared this fate. But the decision rests entirely with you. You have complete freedom to accept or reject: Your future depends upon the choice you make now.
All my love and best wishes.
Your devoted daughter,
(Maryam Jameelah).
(Courtesy: The Universal Message). Also see Iqra: The Islamic Journal, Nairobi, Rabi-ul-Awwal 1407, November 1986, p35-37.
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Monday, January 5, 2009

What others say about MARYAM JAMEELAH'S books.

Maryam Jameelah (formerly Margaret Marcus) is quite a well-known figure in the Muslim world now. This book, comprising various essays by her, some of which were written even before she formally, embraced Islam. Starting with the story of how she got interested in Islam when in New York, the book is by and large a critical survey of the writings of modernist Muslims like Mr. A. A. Fyzee of India and Ziya Gokalp of Turkey. The writings of orientalists like Mr. Wilfred Cantwell Smith have also been critically examined. Maryam Jameelah is a great admirer of al Ikhwan al Muslimun of Egypt. The two Muslims of this century highly praised by her are Sayyid Qutb and Allama Muhammad lqbal. Towards the end of the book she has also treated in a philosophical vein such topics as the prohibition of pictures and the significance of "Taqbir." The book ends with a negative answer to the question, "Is Westernization inevitable?" The book is well bound and deserves wide publicity.
The Radiance Viewsweekly, Delhi,

  In this collection of essays, she makes a brilliant analysis of the folly and futility of compromising the principles and spiritual values of Islam in a vain attempt to prove their compatibility with the material aspirations and drive or aggrandizement that set apart the spirit of the modern West. She is firmly opposed to the so-called westernizers within the fold of Islam and with eloquent reasoning, she argues that Islamic society can flourish and contribute its own in a technocratic civilization without having to sacrifice the inner principles of its being. 

Dawn, Karachi,

  It goes to the credit of an American-born convert that she made a searching criticism of the philosophical sources of western materialism, modern philosophy, and the fallacy of modernism. Showing the futility of the apologetic approach of Muslim modernists towards Islam, she demands that they should put an end once and for all interpreting Islam through foreign criteria and summon the courage to stand up and defend an unadulterated Islam. She upholds Islam in its pure form and stresses the necessity for a re-evaluation of Islamic history in that light. Written in a bitter tone but lucid style, the book makes very useful reading. 

The Pakistan Observer, Dacca.

  The book is extremely readable and thought provoking. Also it contains a number of seminal generalizations, each one of which asks for a book. Like all true Muslims, the author combines practice with preaching. Her photograph at the beginning of the book shows her enveloped from head to foot in Islamic Purdah. This eminent lady has proved that Purdah, if observed according to Allah's laws, cannot impede women's mental development but in fact is a sign of her dignity and nobility. 

The Criterion: Journal of the Islamic Research Academy, Karachi


  This is the inquiry of a restless soul, courageous and bold, frank and forthright, promising and challenging. The day of Islamic supremacy, this American-Jewish convert pleads, shall not be far away if only the Muslims realize their destiny, live up to the ideals of Islam, strive to uphold the Word of God in every walk of their lives to establish Islam in its entirety in political, social, economic cultural and all other aspects. Then Islam would be a living force and not just an academic proposition. As in other writings of hers, Maryam Jameelah is at her best when she takes to account Western philosophy, thought, ideals and practices. Her advantage is that she was brought up and nurtured in Western society and educated and trained in the Western tradition, so naturally she is better fitted to know its dark spots and the mainsprings of evil which have polluted Western society and which are now corroding the foundations of Muslim society with its obnoxious influences. The personalities, movements and parties dedicated to the cause of the revival of Islam, particularly in our own age, have been very ably summed up and the penetrating eyes of the author have been able to assess remarkably well the real worth and status of persons and parties of the recent past and present. Few writers on Islam have that balanced outlook, that courage to speak the truth, that integrity of mission, that maturity of thought and detailed grasp on the subject which this American-born lady displays in her short, terse essays. 

The Criterion, Karachi.


  Really! Amazing! Incredible! What? - are exclamations that come out often as one feels the impact of this great exposure and indictment of Zionism and the Christian church. The author conveys much of her points by the very words of the people she talks about. To avoid quoting out of context, she uses many lengthy extracts. The result is a very fair, balanced and objective presentation. None can deny that this is the greatest assault on Judaism and Christianity both in theory and practice coming from a Muslim pen for a very long time. How has she set about it? Firstly, it must be mentioned that the author's history places her at a position of advantage to perform such a task. She grew up in a Jewish family, a member of the Jewish minority in Christian America and then embraced Islam. Being a near insatiable bibliophile as well entitles her to a claim of inside knowledge of the three faiths. All these assets are brought into good use here. The lengthy chapter on Judaism is a well-documented outline of Jewish beliefs, culture, complexes, deviations and history. The author provides an analysis of the background to the rise of Zionism and how a racist religion, garbed with modern political and military sophistry and bred on the support of Western treachery and collusion, has grown into the menacing monstrosity of Zionism. The second chapter contains the post energetic refutation of Christianity that I have ever come across. It is a historical, a moral, an academic and indeed, an outright refutation of Christianity. The author answers the usual Christian accusations against Islam with even greater vehemence. In this, one sees how much she detests the apologetic approach of answering back. Rather she throws the whole table on the Christians. She gives a lucid and highly informative analysis of the aims and moods of operation of the Christian missionary. The last chapter rounds off beautifully her arguments against racist Judaism and neo-imperialist, man-made Christianity. She presents Islam as the only authentic religion through which mankind can be united. This book is Maryam Jameelah's best work to date. 

The Muslim: Journal of the Federation of Student Islamic societies in the United Kingdom and Eire, London.


  This nicely printed book has much to commend itself to readers. Since the story was written by a convert from Zionism who herself witnessed all the ups and downs, her treatment of the whole tale is superb. Besides the elements of suspense and surprise, vivid description and good characterization sustain the reader's interest at high pitch. The plot from beginning to end is so well woven that the reader's interest never sags. The pen-portraits of Ahmad Khalil, his brother, Khalifa and his cousin, Rashid are very well drawn and life- like. 

The Pakistan Review, Lahore

  Religious exaltation is well known but faith has its depths too when overwhelmed by suffering, pain and defeat, man is sustained by Allah's love. Ahmad Khalil in parts successfully conveys the quiet piety of those who live in true humility before Allah. The book catches the religious dignity or the common Muslim family living next to the soil where women are modest and hardworking and the men brave and industrious. The characterization of the sensitive boy, Khalifa, whose life is haunted by the brutality of the Israelis, shows that the author is capable of presenting psychological realities. Many people in the West believe that the Israelis have a better right than the Arabs to Palestine because they are "progressive" and have made the desert bloom. The poor and the backward deserve the worst that comes to them. Ahmad Khalil is a stirring repudiation of this theory of "progress". 

The Criterion, Karachi.