Friday 9 June 2023



Assimilated Jew Luftwaffe General Helmut Wilberg wearing Crosses, not Stars "of David"!







Evidence:  there are tons of evidence!  A US plane was very high up monitoring everything during the attacks as well as US Military Officials stationed at the Zionist Headquarters!!! 



State of Israel and Lyndon B Johnson Deliberately Murdered 34 American Sailors in 1967, Fabricated Massive Cover-Up Still in Effect After 55 Years


Evidence suggests that the Israelis were ordered to attack the ship as part of a false-flag operation aimed at provoking a U.S. invasion of Egypt that was to result in the overthrow of Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Johnson administration then planned to carry out a nuclear first strike with the aim of “clobbering Russia,” and securing unfettered global hegemony.

On June 8, 1967, Israeli air and naval forces—with covered over insignia—fired rockets, torpedoes and napalm on a U.S. spy ship, the USS Liberty, in the Mediterranean Sea, killing 34 Americans and injuring 174 more. A secret congressional hearing revealed that two of the pilots were Americans—ex-Navy fliers.[1]

A survivor stated that the ship’s deck afterwards looked “like the floor of a slaughterhouse, with pieces of flesh, bone, hair, various organs and everything else…held in place by dried blood.”

Survivors of Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in June 1967. [Source:]

In 2021, the CIA released three one-page information reports from June and October 1967, which quoted sources in Tel Aviv stating: “Israel’s forces knew exactly what flag the LIBERTY was flying” and Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan “personally ordered the attack” on the USS Liberty “over the objections of senior military officers, one of whom characterized the attack as “pure murder.”

When an Israeli pilot, Ammon Tavni (aka Even Tov), radioed Israeli air command that the USS Liberty was an American naval vessel, he was ordered to attack it, and then arrested for disobeying orders after he refused.[2]

Napalm damage to the USS Liberty from Israeli air attack. [Source:]

In 2001, it was disclosed that the National Security Agency (NSA) had a plane hovering overhead—a Navy EC-121 ferret—whose intercepts confirmed the Liberty attack was deliberate. NSA Director Marshall Carter was told by future Secretary of State Cyrus Vance to “keep his mouth shut” about this.

Cyrus Vance - Wikipedia
Cyrus Vance [Source:]

Highly suspicious also was a) the fact that the nearby U.S. submarine Amberjack did not signal for help, leaving the Russians to be the first to assist the Liberty survivors, and that b) when the Liberty came to port, the Israelis provided no help or medical aid and earlier machine-gunned three life boats launched by the Liberty’s captain in an attempt to save the wounded.

Prior warning messages from the office of the U.S. Defense attaché additionally were misrouted or delayed in convoluted channels through the Pentagon’s worldwide communications system which normally worked perfectly, and White House records were distorted to cover up the timing of when President Lyndon B. Johnson received notification of the attack.[3]

USS Amberjack [Source:]

Commander David E. Lewis, who was temporarily blinded from torpedo blasts, learned later that Admiral Lawrence Geis, the Sixth Fleet’s carrier division commander, twice ordered the launching of aircraft to defend the USS Liberty and each time he received orders from the White House—Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara specifically—to recall them when they were already in the air.[4]

Ernest Gallo, a USS Liberty survivor and 28-year CIA veteran specializing in electronics, told CovertAction Magazine that, when Geis challenged one of McNamara’s orders, President Johnson came on the line and stated “I don’t care if the ship sinks; I won’t have my ally [Israel] embarrassed.”[5]

“Repeat of the Tonkin Gulf Fabrication”

The motive for the USS Liberty attack and its cover-up remains the subject of speculation and debate reminiscent of the JFK assassination and other “deep political events.”

Many consider the attack as an example of the overwhelming power of the Israeli lobby and how the U.S. fealty toward Israel allows it to literally get away with murder.

The most convincing theory, however, is that the attack on the USS Liberty was part of a botched “false-flag” operation, whose aim was to blame the destruction of the ship on Egypt as a pretext for launching an attack that was designed to overthrow Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, an Arab nationalist considered by the Johnson administration to be a Soviet stooge.

Nasser following his announcement that he had "taken over" the Suez Canal Company
Nasser in his moment of triumph after the 1956 Suez crisis. [Source:]

George Golden, the USS Liberty’s chief engineer and a Purple Heart recipient, told BBC journalist Peter Hounam “they didn’t want any survivors. I was told when we got to Malta—and I’m not going to mention any names—that their orders were to sink that ship and kill everyone on it….the crew all feel that McNamara and Johnson were looking for an excuse to jump in and help Israel.”[6]

George Golden [Source:]

The denouement of the plan was that, when Russia intervened to defend Egypt, the Johnson administration would launch a preemptive nuclear strike.

CIA officer Dick Thompson had in his possession a memoir by a Mossad agent named “Frank” who reported: “With no evidence other than that it had been sunk in view of the shore, it would be assumed that Egyptian warplanes had perpetuated the attack [on the USS Liberty]. This unprovoked attack on an American unarmed ship would legitimate the U.S. entering the [Six-Day] war. Arab oil would become the property of Israel and the USA. The presence of American ships in the area would be accepted and Russia could be clobbered without time for retaliation. China would present no threat, and the USA—or the 303 Committee [a top-secret government body that initiated covert operations] could rule the world.”[7]

Significantly, Jim Nanjo, an Air Force pilot with the Strategic Air Command (SAC), was awakened hours before the USS Liberty attack and told to wait on the runway of Beale Air Force base, north of Sacramento, California, on high alert to drop a thermonuclear bomb.[8]

David E. Lewis, who reported on Secretary McNamara’s recall of the rescue planes, said: “I’ve always thought [the sinking of the Liberty] was Johnson’s repeat of the Tonkin Gulf fabrication [which provided a pretext for the Americanization of the Vietnam War].”

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The main difference was that the effects were to be even more far-reaching—with even more casualties than Vietnam.

Operation Cyanide

Peter Hounam details in his book, Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III (2003), how close the world came to nuclear conflagration as a result of the USS Liberty attack.


According to Hounam, Operation Cyanide was approved by the top-secret 303 Committee—an elite top-secret government body founded by the Kennedy administration as the Special Group on Counterinsurgency, that approved clandestine operations.

The chair of the 303 Committee was Walt W. Rostow, Johnson’s National Security Adviser and a key architect of the Vietnam War.[9]

Walt W. Rostow [Source:]

Fletcher Prouty said that, bypassing normal democratic channels, the 303 Committee was so powerful, they were “like the Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.” According to Prouty, there was “almost nothing in the world that cannot be done secretly by the might and money of the Government of the United States.”[10]

According to researcher Philip Nelson, Operation Cyanide was part of a broader plan, called “Frontier 615,” that called for Israeli provocations toward Egypt, Syria and Jordan to induce broader clashes that would then provoke a military conflict.[11]

Fletcher Prouty [Source:]

Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance and the 303 Committee were the ones to initiate movement of the USS Liberty to the eastern Mediterranean by way of Rota, Spain, where a CIA officer, Robert Wilson, joined the Liberty’s ship company.[12]

Joan Mellen reports that Operation Cyanide was authorized by President Johnson who signed documents so that he could “plausibly deny” he had been involved.[13]

After the Liberty’s SOS went out, Admiral William Inman Martin, Commander of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, followed the plan by sending a telling message to the Pentagon through the Morocco station: “Liberty under attack by Egyptian forces.”[14]

Admiral William Inman Martin [Source:]

John Hadden, the CIA’s Station Chief in Tel Aviv from 1963 to 1967—who had informed Washington the evening of June 7 that the Israelis would attack the USS Liberty if it continued on its course—said that he was given orders by Desmond Fitzgerald, the CIA chief of operations, after the USS Liberty attack to tell the chief of Israeli intelligence that “we think its OK to go ahead and bomb Cairo.”[15]

John Hadden
John Hadden [Source:]

Admiral Martin, subsequently admitted that he had sent planes off the USS America—equipped with nuclear weapons—with instructions to bomb Cairo.[16]

The Acting Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, David G. Nes, received warning to expect an imminent bombing attack on Cairo by U.S. planes, while Lyndon Johnson slipped and admitted to Alexei Kosygin, Chairman of the Soviet Union’s Council of Ministers, to U.S. planes crossing Egyptian territory.[17]

The Mossad agent “Frank” said that it was the 303 Committee that gave orders for the deployment of three strike aircraft to Cairo, which were less than an hour—perhaps as little as seven minutes according to Admiral Martin—from carrying out a nuclear attack if the USS Liberty had been sunk.

“Frank” wrote that “all Russian nuclear missiles were primed and pointed, and that the first mushroom in Egypt would be the signal for a Russian mass launch.”[18]

Achieving a Greater Israel

The Israeli army at the time of the Six-Day War was commanded by former members of the Palmach (the elite fighting unit of the Israeli War of Independence) who were eager to complete what was denied them in 1948: to take over the Palestinians’ remaining territories and, through the power of conquest, realize the true Greater Israel.

Menachem Begin [Source:]

In a letter released after his death, Israeli General Moshe Dayan acknowledged that at least 80% of clashes that occurred in the build-up to the Six-Day War were the result of Israeli provocations.[19] Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin stated frankly in 1982: “In June 1967, we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

Territorial gains achieved in the Six-Day War—the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights—proved particularly valuable in solving Israel’s water problems for the rest of the century.[20]

At the end of the Six-Day War, Israeli General Dayan was not prepared to continue to Cairo to unseat Nasser—as Israel may have promised—because Israel was satisfied with its success.[21]

Moshe Dayan
Moshe Dayan [Source:]

The USS Liberty attack was thus needed as a pretext for the U.S. to be able to finish the job it had been planning since early 1966—that is to get rid of Nasser, with nuclear weapons if necessary.

USS Liberty arrives at port. [Source:]
Map of region before and after Six Day War

CIA Operation Designed to Get Nasser

The U.S. president at the time of the Six-Day War, Lyndon B. Johnson, was a Texan whose political career had been financed by wealthy Texas oilmen. He feared that the Soviet Union would ally with Nasser to take control of the Middle East’s oil reserves.

Beloved through the Arab world, Nasser was a pan-Arab socialist who a) preached an anti-colonial message; b) had nationalized the Suez Canal; c) inspired other Arab nationalist leaders like Muammar Qaddafi in Libya and Karim Qassem in Iraq; and d) formed the United Arab Republic (UAR), a loose confederation merging Egypt, Syria and the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.

When President Dwight Eisenhower had commented that he hoped “the Nasser problem” could be eliminated, Allen Dulles and James J. Angleton of the CIA took that as a signal to begin to concoct plans to overthrow and assassinate Nasser, which the Israelis were plotting as well.[22]

Allen Dulles [Source:]

A National Security Agency official told authors Andrew and Leslie Cockburn that “Jim Angleton and the Israelis spent a year cooking up the ’67 war. It was a CIA operation designed to get Nasser,” exactly as the attack on the USS Liberty would be.[23]

A person wearing glasses

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James J. Angleton [Source:]

LBJ and the Israelis

Johnson was an ardent Zionist who surrounded himself with Jewish advisers who were zealously pro-Israel. In 1956, Johnson—who allegedly helped Jews escape Nazi persecution during the Holocaust by getting them false passports—ran a campaign against what he saw as President Eisenhower’s anti-Israeli policies.[24]

Then in 1966, Johnson entered into an agreement with Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol that allowed for significant purchases of American artillery, communications and electronics equipment, 48 A-4 Skyhawk planes and 250 Sherman tanks.[25]

The $92 million in military assistance provided to Israel in 1966 was greater than the total of all official military aid provided to Israel cumulatively in all the years going back to the foundation of that nation in 1948.[26]

Lyndon B. Johnson with Walt W. Rostow, one of the original Jewish neo-conservatives. [Source:]

Egyptian journalist Mohamed Heikal blamed the Egyptian route in the Six-Day War on covert U.S. and British involvement. He claimed that, between March and May 1967, the Johnson administration supplied Israel with 400 new tanks, 200 planes and 1,000 military pilots and navigators from U.S. units.

In this Sept. 23, 2014 photo, Mohamed Heikal poses for a picture on his 91st birthday, at his office, in Cairo, Egypt. AP
Mohamed Heikal in 2014. [Source:]

He also said that Egypt’s radars were rendered useless because of sophisticated jamming of their receivers from, it was thought, equipment on the USS Liberty.

Nasser had read in the U.S. papers that, when Walt Rostow had told Johnson Israel had attacked Egypt on June 5, 1967, Johnson turned to his wife Lady Bird and said: “We have war on our hands,” the operative words being “we” and “our.”[27]

Secret Team and Operation Cyanide

Joe Sorrels reported being part of a secret unit of intelligence and communications specialists who operated in the Negev Desert as part of Operation Cyanide, which helped the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to distort or cook signals received by the Egyptians with the goal of provoking a war and drawing in the Jordanians.[28]

Sorrels, who worked for what he said was the equivalent of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), said that his unit a) made Egypt believe that Jordan had carried out a successful attack on Hebron; b) helped initiate a provocative attack in Samu, Jordan, in order to engender retaliation; and c) convinced King Hussein of Jordan that Egypt had destroyed 75% of the Israeli Air Force and had penetrated the Negev in order to get him to join the war so Israel could takeover the West Bank and prized parts of Jerusalem that belonged to Jordan (which Israeli leaders believed should have been taken by Israel in the war for independence).[29]

Sorrels said that he worked directly with Mossad Director Meir Amit. Israel’s motive was to grab territory, nothing more, and it was elements in the U.S. who were pushing it to invade Egypt.

A person in a uniform

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Meir Amit [Source:]

According to Sorrels, Operation Cyanide was a “joint plan by elements of military intelligence in Israel and the U.S. to engineer a war with Egypt and depose its leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, who the U.S. believed was a dangerous puppet of Moscow.”

Sorrels confirmed that the sinking of the Liberty was part of the overall plan, and that a nuclear attack on Egypt was its culmination.[30]

Maurice “Moe” Shafer, a wounded Liberty veteran who believes that there was a “malicious deliberate attack on the USS Liberty, with the intent to make us think we were under attack by the Arabs,” said that he was visited the day after the attack on the USS Davis by Vice Admiral William I. Martin who confirmed to him that there were four jets loaded with both conventional and nuclear weapons directed toward Egypt.

Maurice "Moe" Shafer
Moe Shafer [Source:]

According to Martin, the U.S. was “three minutes from bombing them [the Egyptians].”[31]

Johnson Rigs the Naval Court of Inquiry

According to Ernest Gallo, the Naval Court of Inquiry that was established after the Liberty attack was a “farce.”[32] Sailor Jack Beattie called it “the most dishonest investigation in naval history.”[33]

Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., appointed Admiral Isaac Kidd, Jr., to head the inquiry whose integrity was compromised when President Johnson[34]—who claimed in his 1971 memoir that only ten of the ship’s crew were killed—gave orders for it to come to the conclusion that the Liberty attack was accidental.

In 2004, Admiral Kidd’s legal counsel, Captain Ward Boston, Jr., provided a sworn affidavit attesting to the fact that LBJ had fixed the Navy Court of Inquiry, which covered up war crimes.[35] Kidd had told Boston: “Ward, they aren’t interested in the facts of what happened. It’s a political issue. They want to cover it up.”[36]

Leading Racist in Congress Warns About False-Flag

Almost the entire U.S. Congress and media promoted the official whitewash—extending to the present day. When some Liberty veterans approached Senator Bernie Sanders in the early 2000s in the hopes of reopening an official investigation into what happened, Sanders ignored them.[37]

The one skeptic in Congress who expressed his belief that the Liberty incident was a false-flag operation was Louisiana Congressman John Rarick (D), a decorated veteran of the Battle of the Bulge who was branded by Charles Diggs of Detroit as “the leading racist in Congress.”

On September 19, 1967, Rarick stood up on the House floor and asked: “Who planned the attack on the Liberty, and why was it made?” Rarick then noted the similarity between the blaming of Egypt and the 1898 blaming of Spain for the sinking of the Maine in Havana Harbor [the pretext behind the so-called Spanish-American War], warning that another such incident “could be made to serve as a Pearl Harbor for World War III.”[38]

What the Russians Said

John Rarick [Source:]

Rarick’s view coincided with that of Georgiy Kornienko, head of the American Affairs Department in the Russian Foreign Ministry, who said that the Six-Day War “wasn’t a surprise. In the Russian Foreign Ministry, there was talk of the possibility that the Israelis had decided to involve the U.S. in military actions against Egypt by pretending that the USS Liberty was attacked by the Egyptians.”

A person wearing glasses

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Georgiy Kornienko [Source:]

Fleet Admiral Ivan Matveyevich Kapitanets, commander of a Soviet naval squadron in the Mediterranean, said that it “served someone’s interest to aggravate the situation in order to provoke the Sixth Fleet to attack either Syria or Egypt.”

This he believed was the reason for the USS Liberty attack—Egypt and the Soviet Union would have been framed if it were totally destroyed.

“It was an attempt to pull the Sixth Fleet and its allies into the military conflict. Of course it was a provocation. We were patrolling to the north, evaluating what was happening around us; we could have also been the victim of a provocation. The Nastoichev [Soviet naval ship] could have been sunk, and nobody would have done anything about it.”[39]

These words were prescient as a Russian ship, the Turkestan, was attacked by U.S. jet planes off the North Vietnamese port of Cam Pha around the same time as the USS Liberty attack.

The attack bore some uncanny parallels to that on the USS Liberty as a likely provocation, and was one of several jolts to U.S.-Soviet relations in 1967.

Picture 1 of 2
Turkestan, a Soviet ship bombed by U.S. jet planes in June 1967, the same month as the bombing of the USS Liberty. [Source:]

Peter Hounam suggests that the Turkestan attack may have been intended to make allegations of a Soviet attack against the USS Liberty seem more plausible as retaliation.

A Diversion?

John McNaughton was one of Robert S. McNamara’s whiz kids, a Pentagon ideas man with the thankless job of trying to extract the U.S. from Vietnam.

In a memo to McGeorge Bundy, Rostow’s predecessor as National Security Adviser, McNaughton suggested that, “to recover its standing and divert attention while it retreated [from Vietnam], America might launch ‘diversionary offensives’ elsewhere in the world.”[40]

John T. McNaughton takes oath of office as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs. [Source:]

The primary diversionary offensive McNaughton appears to have been referring to was Egypt, which would have been set up by the black-flag operation involving the USS Liberty.

Another motive would have been to send a message to Ho Chi Minh; to try to coerce him into accepting a peace deal out of fear that Vietnam could be a target of a nuclear attack—like Egypt if it did not acquiesce.

Why Was the USS Liberty Attack Aborted?

Operation Cyanide failed because the USS Liberty was not sunk and survivors recognized that the ship was attacked by the Israelis—and not by mistake.

The reason that Israel did not destroy the ship is uncertain, but there are a number of plausible scenarios. One is that the Israelis may have thought a second flight of planes was heading to the scene so it stopped attacking the USS Liberty. Another possibility is that Admiral Shlomo Erell or his subordinate Captain Rahav aborted the attack after it was plain the ship was American, as both independently claimed they had done.[41]

Admiral Shlomo Erell [Source:]

It is also possible that the IDF ran into insurmountable logistical difficulties: Ernest Gallo says that he and other crew members saw two Israeli helicopters arrive after the ship had already been struck by bombs and torpedoes, but that they had no place to land, and so left. These helicopters, he believes, were sent to “finish the job” and completely destroy the USS Liberty.[42]

USS Liberty being struck by a torpedo. [Source:]

Yet another possibility is that, at the last minute, IDF Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin and/or General Moshe Dayan changed their minds about dragging the U.S. into the war, out of fear that Johnson might drop an atomic bomb on Cairo, which would mean that the radioactive clouds would kill as many Israelis as Egyptians.

If the U.S. and Israel attacked Egypt, the Soviets might have retaliated—which could have meant that the next target might be Tel Aviv, or Israel’s nuclear weapons plant at Dimona.

“Frank,” the Mossad officer, suggested in his memoir that an unnamed U.S. submarine commander defied orders to sink the USS Liberty, refusing to kill the innocent American crew.[43] Others believe that the ship’s crew fought to save it.[44]

Johnson’s Personal Motive

The numerous proofs of Lyndon Johnson’s central role in the USS Liberty attack include his own words: “I want that ship going to the bottom. No help. Recall the wings,” he said.[45]

Johnson was a Machiavellian schemer with psychopathic tendencies that caused him to act more like a dictator than the leader of a modern democracy. He admitted to Colonel John Downie that he could not get out of Vietnam because “my friends [in Texas] are making too much money [off the war].”[46]

LBJ in the White House Situation Room. [Source:]

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Facing bleak electoral prospects in 1968, Johnson may have calculated that his only hope was to engineer a crisis that could divert the public’s attention from Vietnam and make him appear as a hero.[47]

The Middle East was the perfect venue because of a deep public prejudice toward the Arabs and infatuation with Israel amongst wide sectors of the American public at that time.

A Gallup poll found that only 4% of Americans sympathized with Egypt in the Six-Day War. Moshe Dayan and his customary eye-patch donned all the major magazine covers, symbolizing the masculine prowess and military astuteness seemingly lacking among American generals in Vietnam. Democratic Representative Wayne Hays of Ohio stated that the U.S. should trade 400 fighter jets for Dayan.

These comments captured the wide adulation for Dayan and Israel at the time, on which Johnson sought to capitalize.

A Shameful Betrayal…by Psychopaths

The 1967 attack on the USS Liberty is a tragedy that exposes our supposed ally, the Israeli government, as cynical murderers, and our supposed guardian of American lives, President Lyndon B. Johnson, as its willing and no-less-cynical accomplice.

It has been suggested that only sociopaths possess the necessary overweening self-regard—and total lack of regard for everyone else—to rise to the top of a nation, or indeed to the top of any hierarchical social order from chair of the local Parent-Teacher Association to head of a multi-billion-dollar international corporation.

No more forceful confirmation of that proposition can be imagined than the shameful betrayal of national and personal trust involved in the planning and execution of the murderous attack on the USS Liberty.

The author wishes to thank Stephen Brown and Robert Morrow for their assistance with this article.

  1. Philip Nelson, Remember the Liberty! Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas (Walterville, OR: Trine Day, 2017), 81. Israel routinely recruited American ex-pilots who emigrated to Israel.

  2. Jeffrey St. Clair, “Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty: A Half Century Later, Still No Justice,” CounterPunch, June 8, 2018,; Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 133; Joan Mellen, Blood in the Water: How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2018), 199, 200. Because of an outstanding military record, Tavni was not sent to prison. Later, he moved to the U.S. and was arrested in New York on a bank fraud scheme. He told Pete McCloskey (R-CA) that he feared being assassinated by the Mossad if they determined his whereabouts. Seth Mintz, who had been in the Israeli war room on the morning of the Liberty attack, said that two other Israeli pilots received sentences of 18 years at hard labor for refusing to take part in the Liberty attack.

  3. White House Counsel Clark Clifford had been called into the White House suspiciously two hours before Johnson received notification of the USS Liberty attack. Johnson’s social adviser first telephoned Johnson allegedly at 9:49 a.m. about the attack, though the Pentagon claimed to have learned about the attack at 9 a.m., while records indicate that Robert S. McNamara ordered the recall of the rescue aircraft at 8:24 a.m. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 104. Hours before the attack, Robert Schnell’s section of the USS Liberty picked up an Israeli signal warning that their ship would become a target if it remained in the area. To his surprise and concern, the ship stayed on course, sailing slowly along a route beyond the 12-mile Egyptian territorial limit.

  4. Peter Hounam, Operation Cyanide: Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III (London: Vision, 2003), 175; Mellen, Blood in the Water, 226.

  5. Interview with Ernest Gallo, October 26, 2022; Mellen, Blood in the Water, 227.

  6. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 81. Golden had survived two torpedo attacks in World War II and was a naval officer in the Korean and Vietnam Wars who, because of the USS Liberty incident, soured on Judaism and became a Baptist. He said that the alleged messages to warn the USS Liberty to stay 100 miles away from the danger zone were deliberately blocked, and not simply misrouted as the cover-up story alleged. One of the officers sent to Malta to investigate the attack told Golden: “George, they really did it to you, old boy…you were a damned guinea pig.”

  7. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 152, 158. Frank worked at one time in the Himalayas doing covert checking on Chinese military action and coordinated assessment of the Middle East political situation because he had extensive knowledge of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria.

  8. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 175, 176, 177. Lewis’s story was confirmed by Justin “Tony” Hart, a watch supervisor at the U.S. Navy’s primary communications center at Sidi Yahia, Morocco. Hart worked for the naval security group in Morocco relaying classified naval traffic to the Sixth Fleet and other vessels in the Middle East and was on duty on the afternoon of June 8. He handled signals from the Liberty and from two or three other U.S. intelligence ships in the region. Hart said that Admiral Geis talked to Robert S. McNamara after the USS Liberty was fired upon and asked for permission to relaunch the ready aircraft—relaunch any aircraft—and McNamara said no, that no aircraft were to be launched. Both of the aircraft carriers had also sent teletype traffic through the Commander of the Sixth Fleet back to Washington, requesting authority to at least investigate what was going on; and this was denied. McNamara directed the Commander of the Sixth Fleet to recall the aircraft and the Commander of the Sixth Fleet said “are you sure,” and he said: ‘absolutely certain.” Hart also had wondered why McNamara was so promptly available so early that day. When the call came through from Washington, he quickly responded. Frank said that three strike aircraft were standing air ready, which meant they were carrying nuclear, not conventional, weapons. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 155. Aware of the plan, the Soviets responded by readying their nuclear submarine in the eastern Mediterranean.

  9. Foy Kohler, a former ambassador to the Soviet Union whose career bore close CIA affiliations, Cyrus Vance, future Secretary of State and stepson of the 1924 Democratic Party candidate for president, John W. Davis, CIA Director Richard Helms, and Admiral Rufus Taylor, the Deputy Director of the CIA, were other members of the 303 Committee. The 303 Committee was briefed by General Ralph Stearley, an Air Force officer in World War II who had been involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis and, subsequently, the Pueblo incident off North Korea.

  10. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 123.

  11. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 34, 35. As part of the campaign to bring down Nasser, the 303 Committee had approved covert support of paramilitary operations by dissident groups in Yemen with the purpose of increasing Nasser’s difficulties in Yemen and South Arabia.

  12. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 110, 111. It has never emerged why the CIA needed to be a presence on a ship reporting to NSA and the Joint Chief, unless it was one agency watching another on the precipice of a false-flag operation.

  13. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 88. Operation Cyanide was the subject of an April 6, 1967, 303 Committee meeting that referenced a submarine in UAR waters.

  14. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 238.

  15. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 102, 165. Hadden, who worked for James J. Angleton, said that he dropped the orders in the burn bag as he was not going to be responsible for the death of civilians in Cairo. Later, Hadden would speak of the attack on the USS Liberty as an “incredible blunder because of rivalry between the Israeli Air Force and Israeli intelligence, by which one group knew and the other didn’t, and the other blew up the ship.”

  16. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 105, 214, 218, 219. A navy aviator named Brad Knickerbocker, who was stationed on the USS Saratoga, recounted being briefed by officers using large maps of Egypt. They highlighted surface-to-air missile sites, anti-aircraft emplacements, port facilities and other military targets—all evidence that the U.S. had indeed been prepared to bomb Cairo.

  17. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 238. Johnson lied to Kosygin when he claimed he had instructed the carrier Saratoga “to dispatch aircraft on the scene to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty.” The truth was the reverse: Johnson and McNamara twice canceled aircraft on their way to the scene of the attack.

  18. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 155.

  19. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 34, 35.

  20. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 70, 74.

  21. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 271.

  22. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 63, 64, 65. Under Operation Susannah (1954-1955), the Israelis plotted terrorist attacks targeting the USIA Library and the Rio Cinema in Cairo that could be blamed on Egypt and provide a pretext for an Israeli invasion and heightened U.S. support for Israel.

  23. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 87; Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaisons: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship (New York: HarperCollins, 1991), 146, 147.

  24. In 1940 when Johnson was a U.S. congressman, he allegedly helped Jews escape Nazi persecution in Germany by getting them false passports and bringing them to National Youth Association (NYA) training camps—in violation of the law because only a U.S. citizen could be legally trained and housed there. D. Jablow Hershman, with a preface by Gerald Tolchin, Ph.D., Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson (Fort Lee, NJ: Barricade Books, 2002), 64. Johnson was also reportedly involved in sending weapons to Jewish forces in Palestine in the 1940s—illegally. Johnson’s Jewish/Zionist Cabinet members, allies and supporters included: Walt Rostow, Eugene Rostow, Arthur Goldberg, ambassador to the UN; Abe Fortas, Supreme Court Justice; Abraham Feinberg, Democratic Party fundraiser; Arthur Krim, a wealthy Hollywood studio owner who bought a ranch next to the LBJ ranch and whose wife Matilde was in the Irgun (a Zionist terrorist organization) during World War II; Henry Crown, CEO of General Dynamics; White House counsels Leo White and Jake Jacobsen; White House writers Richard Goodwin and Ben Wattenberg; and aides Larry Levinson and John P. Roche, Johnson’s intellectual in residence and an avid supporter of Israel. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 133.

  25. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 19.

  26. Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations with Militant Israel (New York: William Morrow, 1984), 186, 187, 261. Following the Six-Day War, U.S. aid to Israel shot up by 450%. On the eve of the Six-Day War, U.S. reconnaissance F-4 aircraft provided aerial surveillance in the form of high-tech photographs to the Israelis, using cameras that were not available to Israel at the time. The cover for those involved was that they were civilian employees, Americans, contracted to the Aero-Tec Corporation in Dallas-Fort Worth. The planes were painted over so as to obscure their U.S. identity. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 126.

  27. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 186, 224. Rafi Eitan, Israeli spymaster; said that U.S. help to Israel in the Six-Day War came in three ways: a) gathering surveillance and intelligence information on the Egyptians; b) providing equipment; and c) helping with communications, with jamming, and with training for special military operations.

  28. Hounam, Operation Cyanide. 212; Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 38. Greg Reight, who had worked at a U.S. air base in Northampton, England, at the end of the war, said that he set up a photo lab at an abandoned French airstrip in the Negev that filmed bomb damage assessment during the Six-Day War. The U.S. insignia on transport planes in the Negev, he said, were all painted over.

  29. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 212. William Goodwin, a British expert in aviation radio and eyewitness to covert operations that may have been part of the Cyanide project, was in charge of communications at Amman Airport in 1967. He said that, on March 7, two Americans, Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Brown, came to visit him. The two men were interested in the position of a telephone cable running under the runway through which the airport connected to the outside world, and where the Dakota DC3 aircraft belonging to Norwegian General Odd Bull, Chief of Staff of the UN Truce Supervision Organization, was normally parked when he was in town. Goodwin was certain that the men were from the CIA and reported the meeting to the British embassy. When the Six-Day War broke out, the Amman Airport where he worked was attacked, and the UN’s Dakota became a burned out shell. The two Americans were likely spying on behalf of Israel and the destruction of the UN’s Dakota was planned with the intention of ensuring that General Odd Bull could not intervene in the crisis. (Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 202).

  30. Hounam, Operation Cyanide. 212. USS Liberty veteran George Golden stated: “We were hearing we were the guinea pigs to get shot up, to make it look like Egypt was doing this so the United States could step in. Our country thought the Russians were going to cross the canal to help them [the Egyptians] out…we were told that the attack was supposed to have looked like it was the Egyptians and that was going to give our country an excuse to get in there to help Israel.”

  31. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 224. The Chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Cairo, David Nes, said he was told directly that a bombing raid had been ordered in reprisal for the attack on the USS Liberty. Charles “Chuck” Rowley, a communications technician and photographer who survived the Liberty attack, said significantly that he had talked with a pilot on the USS America, which was sailing in Mediterranean waters, who told him a) he had flown one of the jets launched that day; b) that he had been carrying nuclear weapons; and c) that he had been ordered to target Cairo. Johnson correspondence with Kosygin indicates that some U.S. planes traveled much nearer to Egyptian territory than has ever been officially admitted.

  32. Interview Ernest Gallo, October 26, 2022.

  33. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 256.

  34. Lyndon B. Johnson, The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency, 1963-1969 (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971).

  35. Interview Ernest Gallo, October 26, 2022.

  36. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 256.

  37. Mellen, Blood in the Water.

  38. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 281. In 1991, Rarick, a lawyer by profession and state district judge, supported David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, during his campaign in the 1991 Louisiana gubernatorial election, speaking at Duke campaign rallies.

  39. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 258. See also Mellen, Blood in the Water, 236. An ex-KGB officer says that Moscow regarded the Liberty attack as a “deliberate provocation,” a pretext to precipitate open U.S. involvement in the Six-Day War.

  40. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 272.

  41. Hounam, Operation Cyanide, 268.

  42. Interview Ernest Gallo, October 26, 2022.

  43. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 155.

  44. Mellen, Blood in the Water, 189.

  45. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 103.

  46. Nelson, Remember the Liberty! 9.

  47. Nelson, Remember the Liberty!

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About the Author

Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine.

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David Martin: Remember the Liberty!


56 years ago today, Israel deliberately committed an act of war against the United States. It was able to do so because its hand-picked president, Lyndon Johnson—installed after the murderous Zionist coup of 11/22/63—was fully on board with the plan to sink the USS Liberty killing all aboard, then blame it on Egypt and enter the war on the side of Israel. According to Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, the (fortunately) botched plot nearly led to global nuclear war. Check out Ron Unz’s excellent summary, and read David Martin’s piece below for details.  –Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

By David Martin

Most Americans have never heard of the Israeli, Ephraim “Eppie” Evron.  A half century ago, in May of 1967, he was deputy chief of mission in the Israeli embassy in Washington and in that ostensible capacity had a meeting with President Lyndon Johnson in the Oval Office on May 26.  From all indications, as we learn from Phillip Nelson in Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High SeasEvron was likely the real power in the embassy as the top Mossad official there.  An even more interesting thing about Evron was that he was “one of the main conspirators” in the infamous Lavon Affair, a failed plot in 1954 by Israel to bomb U.S. and British facilities in Egypt and pin it on Arab extremists. (In 2005 the Israeli government outrageously honored nine of its agents involved in that episode.)  Thanks to America’s Israel-first press, the appalling, treacherous Lavon Affair is no doubt as little known to Americans as is Eppie Evron.

Thirteen days after that meeting, on June 8, 1967, on the fourth day of Israel’s highly successful Six-Day War with its Arab neighbors, after hours of aerial surveillance, Israel would launch a murderous, multi-staged assault on the American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty.  The identity of the ship was as unmistakable as if it had been the Statue of Liberty.  It was bristling with antennas, it flew a large American flag, and its name was clearly painted on its stern.  The 4-foot high identification numbers on either side of the bow were in Latin writing, GTR-5, not in Arabic. The weather and visibility were perfect.

Beginning shortly after dawn, “at least twelve, possibly thirteen Israeli aircraft began surveilling the Liberty, some of which were only 1,000 feet or less in altitude, apparently to photograph and ‘map’ her for later targeting purposes.”  The assault began without warning just before 2:00 p.m. when three curiously unmarked French-built Mirage fighter jets “bore down on the ship in a fast low-level attack that began with rockets targeted at the four gun mounts and heat-seeking missiles aimed at the communications gear, with their warmed transmitters.”

With the Liberty’s ability to defend itself completely neutralized by the knocking out of its four meager .50-caliber machine guns, slower Super Mystere fighters replaced the Mirage jets, “probably because they could rake the ship even more effectively.”  That they did with cannons, rockets, and napalm, spreading carnage among the defenseless, stunned crewmen.

The Liberty carried 294 men.  Just over 70% of them would end up as casualties of the attack, with 34 dead and 174 injured. Officially, to this day, the episode is written off as just a “tragic accident,” a simple case of “mistaken identity.”  So thoroughgoing has the news suppression been that four years after the event Lyndon Johnson (more precisely, his ghost writer, Doris Kearns Goodwin) was able to write in his memoirs, Vantage Point, that 10 men had been killed and 100 injured, and no one of note said anything about the outrageous undercount.  “Who cares?” our news media said in so many words.

The experience, as it is recounted in the book, is made all the more poignant by the fact that we get eyewitness accounts from Nelson’s co-authors, attack-survivors Ernest A. Gallo, Ronald G. Kukal, and Phillip F. Tourney.  The four writers together are almost uniquely qualified to provide in this 50th anniversary year the definitive account and analysis of the assault on the Liberty.  Nelson, with his previous two books, LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination and LBJ: From Mastermind to Colossus has established himself as the most incisive and fearless biographer of the “psychopathic,” ultra-Zionist 36th president of the United States. In that second book, with most of a chapter devoted to the subject, Nelson gives the sort of attention to the Liberty attack that is missing from LBJ’s Wikipedia page, but one should not think that he already knows all he needs to know about the Liberty assault from that account.  This latest book is full of important new revelations.

Gallo was one of the many intelligence officers on the Liberty, which was under the control of the National Security Administration, though manned largely by U.S. Navy sailors.  He is the author of the 2013 book, Liberty Injustices: A Survivor’s Account of American Bigotry and is the current president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association.  Kukal was the petty officer in charge of body recovery and identification on the Liberty.  No one is more intimately familiar with the pain and suffering caused by the attack.  Tourney, a three-time president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, was a Navy enlisted man assigned to damage control (fireman) on the day of the attack.  He is the author of What I Saw That Day: Israel’s June 8th, 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen aboard the USS Liberty and its Aftermath and is the host of the Saturday call-in show Your Voice Counts on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

Frustrated Madman President

No one reading Remember the Liberty can reach any other conclusion than that, as with the Lavon Affair, this was another failed false flag attack, and that it was virtually a miracle that it failed.  After the ship’s defenses and communications had been blown away, gunboats fired four torpedoes that missed.  The fifth torpedo struck the Liberty, but it did not penetrate into the bowels of the ship, having squarely hit one of the structural I-beams.  Even so, it opened a large hole in the side of the ship.  Had the torpedo struck a couple of inches to the left or the right, though, it would have caused the ship’s boilers to explode as the cold sea water rushed in and the ship would have fractured and sunk within minutes.  That was the clear intent of the attackers.

As Nelson has pieced together the evidence, the assault on the Liberty was as carefully planned over a long period of time as was the Six-Day War itself.  The 294 men on board were meant to be the sacrificial lambs for the audacious, grandiose scheme that was to draw in the United States with both feet—likely even with the use of nuclear weapons—against the Egyptians, who had been virtually pushed into the orbit of the Soviet Union by America’s strongly pro-Israel policy under Johnson.  Two A-4 bomber aircraft launched from the USS America aircraft carrier at the same time that fighter jets took off from the carrier to come to the aid of the Liberty were, according to one of the pilots, carrying nuclear weapons targeted for Cairo.  Those fighter jets, had they not have been recalled by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara himself, would have arrived in time to prevent the worst of the attack, the torpedo attack that killed 26 men in the communications room.  For their part, the bombers did not return until four or five days later.  As the pilot explained, the nuclear bombs made the planes “too heavy and dangerous to land back on the aircraft carrier,” and they had to be diverted to a land-based airstrip.

In California, at Beale Air Force Base north of Sacramento, B-52 bombers along with KC-135 midair refueling tankers were scrambled between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m., which would have been at least an hour before the attack actually took place.  Presidential adviser and future defense secretary Clark Clifford wrote in his memoirs that he was awakened at home at 6 a.m. that same morning, June 8, for an emergency meeting at the White House.  That was two hours before the “surprise” Israeli attack began.

At the center of the scheme was President Johnson.  As an American politician not from the state of New York, Johnson had long since shown himself to be ahead of his time in his total commitment to the state of Israel, his “passionate attachment,” if you will.  To illustrate his point, Nelson reminds us of the letter that Johnson, as Senate majority leader, wrote to President Dwight Eisenhower’s secretary of state, John Foster Dulles in February of 1957 in opposition to UN sanctions on Israel for its role in the Suez Crisis and then leaked to The New York Times.  Eisenhower and his administration supported the sanctions and he was furious with Johnson for undercutting official U.S. government policy.  In response to Johnson’s affront, Eisenhower went on radio and television with this message, not mentioning Johnson by name: “America has either one voice or none, and that voice is the voice of the President—whether everybody agrees with him or not.” He further stated that the U.N. had “no choice but to exert pressure upon Israel.”

As president, Johnson didn’t just reverse John Kennedy’s policy on Vietnam, dramatically escalating American involvement in the war as opposed to Kennedy’s directive to begin bringing our troops home, but he gave the green light to Israel’s nuclear program, which Kennedy had strongly opposed, setting the country off on the extremely pro-Israel course that it has followed ever since.  That this was done in spite of the vicious, unprovoked assault on 294 Americans serving their country is evidence, almost in itself, that something is seriously amiss here.   America’s military assistance to Israel also took a big jump up during Johnson’s administration.  In Nelson’s words:

Unfortunately, the cost to the United States was very high, especially in terms of the intangible loss of valued integrity, respect and honor to its friends and allies.  Even to Israel itself, which Undersecretary of State George Ball concluded, poignantly, resulted in the Israelis coming to believe that, if they could get by with an attack of this enormity, then they could “get by with almost anything.” It may explain why Israel gets the most foreign aid dispensed by the U.S., but still wants more.  Their 2016 request is up to $5 billion per year from $3 billion in recent years.

As Nelson tells it though, as things have turned out they are not nearly as bad as they might have been had the plot to sink the Liberty succeeded. By Nelson’s thesis, Johnson saw our big plunge into the Middle East on the successful side of beleaguered little Israel as a dramatic way to reverse the course of his own political fortunes, always foremost in his consideration.  Jewish Americans, who tend to be heavily liberal in their orientation, were in the forefront of the opposition to his Vietnam policy.  Here was his chance for him to be their hero and to thereby cement his chance for re-election in 1968.  What the grand gesture on behalf of Israel needed was what something that the Project for a New American Century has since given a rather bad name, a “catalyzing event.” That event was to have been the sinking of the Liberty by the Soviet-allied Egyptians, we were to be told, with the loss of all of its crew.  A more dastardly plot is hard to imagine, but no other explanation for what is known to have transpired makes nearly as much sense.

“I want that Goddamn ship going to the bottom.  No help.  Recall the wings.”  That is the precise order that Johnson gave Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis, the commander of the battle group of which the America was a part, the second time American planes were recalled, this time after the torpedo had struck.  Geis gave that information years later to Lieutenant Commander David Lewis, who had been the head of the NSA group on the Liberty.  Geis had asked Lewis to keep it secret until after he was dead, which Lewis did.

Johnson apparently thought Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara had not been forceful enough when he recalled the planes from their first attempt at a rescue effort.   McNamara’s words to Geis had been, “President Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.” This information comes from Chief Petty Officer J.Q. “Tony” Hart, who worked in a U.S. Navy relay station in Morocco processing communications between Washington and the 6th Fleet.  Probably the most revealing thing about this conversation is that at that early stage of the attack neither Geis nor even the men on the Liberty knew that the attackers were actually our Israeli “ally.” Geis learned the identity of the attackers from his superiors, not from the ones who were crying for help.

The Foiled Plot

The scheme to sink the Liberty was thwarted not just by the fortunate trajectory of that one torpedo that struck the ship.  The heroic efforts of Captain William McGonagle and his crew must also be credited, but, before that, what the 23 year-old seaman Terry Halbardier did saved the day for the 260 men who survived, and probably saved the day for a lot more of us.  One can read a very moving and informative tribute to Halbardier by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern at, who also wrote the foreword to Remember the Liberty!

As noted, the attacking airplanes had specifically targeted the ship’s communications.  Within ten minutes of the initial onslaught Halbardier risked his life to go out amid the strafing to string a new cable from the one undamaged antenna to the one functioning transmitter, which was only functioning because it happened to have been shut down when the heat-seeking missiles came in.  They sent a cry for help that somehow got through the intense radio jamming efforts of the Israelis (which were tellingly aimed at American radio frequencies).  It was because of this fact that Johnson and McNamara were forced into their extraordinarily incriminating scurry-around mode in which they had to justify orders to American military officers not to go to the aid of fellow servicemen under attack.  That action might well represent the lowest point in the history of the American presidency (although one can think of a number that rival it).

The authors are not sure as to what caused the Israelis to scuttle the fourth, coup de grace, stage of the attack.  Helicopters with armed commandos hovered for a while over the blasted ship with its gaping hole in the side.  The plan, apparently, was for the commandos to rappel down onto the deck and kill all the survivors before finally sinking the ship.  But not only did the Israelis know that the cry for help had gone out and might, in spite of the plan in which the American president was known to be complicit, result in rescuers arriving at any minute from one of their warships, but also a Russian destroyer had come into view.

From “Catalyzing Event” to Cover-up

When the Liberty failed to sink, LBJ and our ruling criminal elite were forced into full cover-up mode, and that is where we have remained now for exactly half a century.  “Rush up and hush up” is how we might sum up the farce of an “investigation” and the general aftermath of the attack.  Given the assignment of overseeing the under-rug-sweeping, the Court of Inquiry, was the Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe, John McCain, Jr., the father of Senator and former Republican presidential nominee, John McCain III.  How McCain performed his duties is well summed up by this information from Gallo in the book:

We later learned the testimonies of the wounded on the USS America and USS Little Rock (a cruiser and Sixth Fleet Flag Ship) were considered important by the court but were over-ruled by Admiral McCain in London.  They also wanted to interview Israelis, however McCain insisted the court conclude as soon as possible.  Members of the crew who gave critical testimony obtained a copy of this report and they indicated that their testimony was left out if it indicated Israeli brutality.

A proper inquiry into the incident, according to the Navy Judge Advocate General Captain Ward Boston, Jr., who was chief assistant to the president of the Court, Rear Admiral Isaac Kidd, would have required at least six months.  Instead, they were given a week.

So much for the “rush up” part.  The “hush up” comes from the words of Admiral Kidd, addressing the men on the crippled ship, as recalled by Tourney.  The quote heads up Chapter 4:

Ok fellas, now I’m an admiral again and I want each and every one of you to understand something.  We’re talking about National Security here, not your personal feelings, not what you did or did not do… I could really give a shit about any of that.  You listen to me once, because this is the only time you’re ever going to hear it.  You are NEVER to repeat what you just told me to ANYONE—not your mother, your father, your wife—ANYONE!  Including your shipmates.  You are not to discuss this with anyone, especially—ESPECIALLY—not with the MEDIA, or you will end up in PRISON, or WORSE!

The general hush-up was successful for quite a long time.  The silence was broken with a bang, though, in 1979 when survivor James M. Ennes Jr. came out with his book Assault on the Liberty; The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship.  Since that time there has been no good excuse for anybody really interested in the truth to believe the official “tragic accident” story.

That did not stop former U.S. Navy aviator and retired bankruptcy court judge A. Jay Cristol from publishing The USS Liberty Incident: The 1967 Israeli Attack on the U.S Navy Spy Ship, which purported to give the last word on the matter, that is, the same as the official first word, “tragic accident.” Thirteen investigations, said Cristol among a lot of other things, had all come to that same conclusion.   As Terence O’Keefe pointed out in his December 2003 article in the Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, actually that hasty first inquiry remains to this day the only thing that has been done that even purports to be an investigation, and here’s what he says about that:

The U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry: The senior legal adviser to the Court of Inquiry reflected that, in his entire career, he has never seen court of inquiry appointing letters with such limited authority, or an investigation made in such haste. The court’s hearings began before the Liberty even arrived in Malta, and the report was completed just 10 days after the attack. The court commented on this haste in the official record: “The Court of Inquiry experienced no unusual difficulties incident to conducting the subject proceedings except for the necessity of investigating such a major naval disaster of international significance in an extremely abbreviated time frame.”

Due in part to the required haste and the limitations imposed on the scope of the court’s inquiries (“It was not the responsibility of the court to rule on the culpability of the attackers, and no evidence was heard from the attacking nation”), the court concluded that “available evidence combines to indicate…[that the attack was] a case of mistaken identity.”

How, one might ask, could one inquire into all of the circumstances without hearing from the attacking nation? In fact, the court did neither. According to Captain Ward Boston, chief legal counsel to the Court of Inquiry, the court found that the attack was deliberate, but reported falsely that it was not because they were directed by the president of the United States and the secretary of defense to report falsely. So the findings are fraudulent. Yet these fraudulent findings were the basis for several other reports that followed.

Boston, in fact, had been so infuriated by the Cristol book that he came forward with an affidavit stating that what the Court of Inquiry had done was, in effect, a cover-up.  The full affidavit is on pp. 125-128 of Remember the Liberty.  On the Internet, one can read it at the web site of If Americans Knew.

Cristol, of course, has had his promoters.  One very predictable one is the Jewish-American academic, Daniel Pipes.  A response to Pipes’ favorable review of Cristol’s book on his own web site by David Smyth, which corresponds with what one will find in Remember the Liberty, to my mind, speaks very nearly the last word as to the deliberateness of the attack:

Mr. Pipes says of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty: “conspiracy theories pointing to a purposeful Israeli attack arose quickly and have persisted through the years.”  About twenty years ago I did a story for the Associated Press on the Liberty incident that was published by the Los Angeles Times and a large number of other US newspapers.  I spoke to the following officials (their titles correspond to the positions they occupied at the time of the Liberty incident) and they all told me that the Israeli attack was deliberate, not an accident:

Secretary of State Dean Rusk
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Thomas Moorer
CIA Director Richard Helms
NSA Deputy Director Louis Tordella.

I am no authority on conspiracy theories, but there seem to be three possibilities here. A) Rusk, Moorer, Helms and Tordella were all propagators of a conspiracy theory. B) They were all dupes of a conspiracy theory. C) There is no valid conspiracy theory.

I am retired now, but I have always considered it my business to report facts, not to disentangle conspiracy theories, so I will leave that task to others.  I might add that I gathered other statements. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara told me on the phone that he had “no recollection” of the Liberty Incident. I also talked on the phone to Admiral Isaac Kidd, who headed the naval court of inquiry into the Liberty attack. I told him what Rusk and the others had said and asked if he had any opinion on Israeli culpability. He said, “The giants of that time can speak out. I know when to keep my mouth shut.”

As it turned out, Kidd continued to keep his mouth shut about the Liberty attack until the end, but his assistant, Captain Boston, later did his speaking for him.

Where Does Your Allegiance Lie?

Although half a century has now passed, hardly any event, when looked at in the clear light of day, permits us to come to grips more completely with the political reality of the United States today than does the assault on the USS Liberty.  We live in an era in which members of the United States military have never been more venerated.  From sports events to airport encounters, we’re expected to honor them at every turn.  “Support the troops” is seemingly an admonition that no one can disagree with.

All of the military reverence comes to a screeching halt, though, when it comes to the surviving crewmen of the USS Liberty.  They can only be brushed aside, with their demands for a true accounting for what was done to them by our great “ally” with the connivance of their own leaders.  For our politicians to do otherwise and to get to the bottom of what happened there in the Eastern Mediterranean on June 8, 1967, would put them on a collision course with the real ruling power in the country.  When it comes down to the choice of supporting our troops or supporting the ethnic-supremacist state of Israel, whose fundamental nature was revealed as much by the Liberty attack as it was by the Lavon Affair, and for whom we regularly pour out our fortune, our credibility, and our blood, Israel it has to be.

David Martin

June 8, 2017

SOURCEJames Fetzer’s blog
Kevin Barrett, Senior Editor

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).

He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.

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JUNE 8, 2023

No Picture - No Headline - No Mention Of ...
One would think that the June 8th anniversary of an act of war and mass murder against the United States of America would merit at least a back-page, bottom page sentence or two in Sulzberger's Slimes. But alas, because the dirty deed was carried out by "the usual suspects" and "only "democracy in the Middle East ," Sulzberger and the rest of the Piranha Press have evidently deemed the 56th anniversary of this criminal attack on the USS Liberty as news that is not "fit to print."

And lest one argue that the reason for the Slimes' silence is because the event happened so long ago, understand that there weren't any mentions for the 10th year anniversary -- the 5th --- the 1st --- or even the day after it actually happened!

Time for a "teachable moment."

There is no doubt about it. Israel's attack was deliberate, as was the US media blackout!

Not content with the territory that it had already stolen back in 1947, Israel, ever playing the role of victim, initiated what became known as The Six Day War on June 7, 1967. The one-sided fight pitted US-armed Israel against the Arab states of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. Hoping to bring the US into the war so that the Arab states could be annihilated in one fell swoop, Israeli jets and torpedo boats deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, a helpless communications ship on patrol in the Mediterranean Sea, near Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

The sustained daytime attack, which took place as the US flag flew visibly, killed 34 Americans, wounded 170, and badly damaged the vessel. Many of the dead and wounded lost their lives due to fighter jets firing upon their life boats. The Israelis finally called off the slaughter when they thought that help may have been on the way (a Russian vessel was also in the area). Our noble allies then claimed that the assault on the USS Liberty was a case of "mistaken identity." Of course, the government of Zion's wholly-owned US President, the utterly contemptible Lyndon Baines Johnson, with the complicity of Offense Secretary Robert McNamara and Admiral John McCain Sr. (father of Senator McCain the Insane), accepted Zion's ridiculous claim and closed the book. And Congress didn't dare to investigate the matter either.

But the detailed accounts of this dastardly war crime, given by American survivors, clearly contradict the Zionist lie. Their testimonies haven't wavered to this day. The object of the false-flag attack was to sink the Liberty, machine-gun any survivors, blame Egypt, and thus draw the US into a war on Israel's side. In spite of the US government's complicit cover-up after the fact, more than a few high-powered men rejected the "mistaken identity" narrative.

  • Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-IA):
 "From what I have read I can't tolerate for one minute that this attack was an accident."

  • Dean Rusk, U.S. Secretary of State at the time of the incident:
"I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous."
  • Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan, offers another possible motive:
"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea. The Liberty was the ugliest, strangest looking ship in the U.S. Navy. As a communications intelligence ship, it was sprouting every kind of antenna. It looked like a lobster with all those projections moving every which way. Israel knew perfectly well that the ship was American. After all, the Liberty's American flag and markings were in full view in perfect visibility for the Israeli aircraft that overflew the ship eight times over a period of nearly eight hours prior to the attack.

I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition to such a move. I think they realized that if we learned in advance of their plan, there would be a tremendous amount of negotiating between Tel Aviv and Washington. And I believe Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information -- the USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34 American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured. What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry."

"It was deliberate!"

1. Senator / former Governor (Iowa) Bourke Hickenlooper   // 2. Secretary of State Dean Rusk   // 3. Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer

Indeed, there was no "public outcry" then, and there hasn't been any significant mention of the incident since.  It would have been bad enough if Sulzberger's Slimes had spun the atrocity as being "an accident." But the scum at 8th Avenue in Manhattan didn't even do that. Instead, they went a step further and ignored the murder of 34 US sailors altogether! The rest of the "mainstream media" has followed accordingly ever since.

It's as if the event never even happened, and as if the survivors, who have remained active and vocal ever since, do not exist. This silence alone constitutes absolute proof that "the powers that be" (cough cough) can do anything they bloody want and get away with it. (JFK assassination (1963), the killing of 241 US marines in Lebanon (1983), the shoot-down of Pan Am 103 (1988), the 9/11 attacks (2001), the fake 'ISIS" beheadings and crisis-actor stunts in Europe, and Stupid-19 just to name a few).

Apart from doing justice to the dead and the survivors of the USS Liberty, this false-flag event is still so important to expose because, unlike all the other false-flags, it is known that Israel carried out the sustained attack in broad daylight and, most importantly, it is known that the Piranha Press ignored it. A clear understanding of these two important precedents opens the zombified mind to at least considering a different interpretation of the 9/11 horror and its subsequent, ongoing, and unfinished aftermath.

Remember the USS Liberty! Our own lives and those of millions of others in foreign lands may depend on doing so.
A thorough cover-to-cover search using the "Times Machines" Archives (a service made possible by our reader donations -- hint, hint), for 1967's June 9th & June 10th issues of The New York Slimes turned up NOTHING of the June 8th mass murder of 34 American sailors in International waters!

Quite a difference from a Slimes issue we dug up from 46 years prior to 1967 -- which used up 100% of the Section 7 "Special Features" front page to "debunk" something which, ironically, the media's deafening silence over the Liberty would actually prove.  -- see below

* Editor's Note: Just seven months after the attack on the USS Liberty, the Dakar -- an Israeli submarine -- vanished in the Mediterranean Sea, without explanation. Payback to Israel from US Naval White Hats? (here)
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that on this day in history, James Madison introduced a proposed Bill of Rights in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Boobus Americanus 2: Interesting. It's important to know history.
St. Sugar: You don't know jack-ssh!t about hisstory, Boobusss! 

 Editor: And when it comes to the USS Liberty, he, like everyone else, doesn't even know the Fake History of the event.



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