Saturday 17 June 2023











Dr Vernon Coleman  How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You

The person most likely to kill you is not a burglar, a mugger, a deranged relative or a drunken driver. The person most likely to kill you is your doctor. Vernon Coleman’s global bestselling book entitled `How to stop your doctor killing you’ explains how to protect yourself from this serious threat to your life and good health.

The book’s contents include:

• Don’t let your doctor bully you
• How to manipulate your doctor
• How to get the best out of your doctor
• How to survive in hospital
• Tests and investigations – are they safe?
• Should you get a second opinion?
• Questions to ask your surgeon
• Ten good reasons why you shouldn’t trust your doctor
• In nine out of ten illnesses your body will heal itself
• Learn to listen to your body
• How will your drug affect you?
• Watch out for side effects
• Why mental health care isn’t always worth having
• How to protect yourself against bugs
• Conquer heart disease without pills or surgery
• Learn to listen to your body
• Learn to control pain without your doctor
• Learn when to use alternative medicine
• Improve your health simply by changing your diet
• Root-filled teeth may be a time-bomb
• Benzodiazepine tranquillisers – facts every patient should know
• How to read your prescription
• And much, much more

`How to stop your doctor killing you’ by Vernon Coleman is available on Amazon.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023



 Crooks, Liars, Deceivers, Nutters, War Criminals and More

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. If you have a private pension then you should watch out. As I warned years ago, private pensions are an easy target for politicians and bankers who want to control everything. And confiscating pension funds is the easy way to make sure no one owns anything. The Labour Party in the UK is talking about encouraging pension funds to invest the money in their care `in a certain way’. It won’t be long before `encouraging’ becomes `forcing’. It was a Labour Government which destroyed life in Britain with a series of absurd targets. And once pension firms are given targets they will probably all go bust – taking savers’ money with them. Most worrying of all is the fact that renowned war criminal Tony Blair (who now has an Institute) wants to merge thousands of small occupational funds which can be `encouraged’ to invest in green energy and other state-approved projects instead of investing in companies which know what they’re doing and actually make money.

2. Unless English Prime Minister and War Criminal Rishi Sunak is as stupid as he appears to be, he must know that Communist style price controls on foods won’t work. They won’t work because when prices are kept artificially low two things happen. First, people buy more of them and there is a shortage. Second, people stop selling them because there is no profit. So, is Sunak as thick as the proverbial? Or is he merely being crafty and trying to persuade people to like him? Or is this just part of the plan to bugger up the economy and destroy traditional food production? My guess is that it’s the last of these. After all, as I keep saying, nothing is now happening by accident and there are no coincidences. The conspirators are getting closer to total control.

3. The EU is planning to force member nations to put charging stations for electric vehicles every 60 kilometres by the year 2026. And there must be hydrogen refuelling stations every 200 km by 2031. Oh and electricity generation must be increased (somehow) to make sure that there is enough electricity to feed the cars as well as providing enough juice for a couple of 40 watt light-bulbs and the occasional cooker. Oh, and there must be lots more electric cars made even though the International Energy Agency estimates that a typical EV requires six times the amount of mineral as an ordinary car. This becomes a bit of a worry when you realise that three of the world’s five leading producers of rare earths are in China which at the time of writing isn’t yet in Eurovision let alone the EU. While they’re at it why don’t they introduce a law forcing EU bureaucrats to have their skulls scanned to make sure that there is a brain inside? Still, you and I know that the real plan is to stop people travelling anywhere so all these recommendations are just pie in the sky. When we are all jailed in our 15 minute cities we won’t be able to go anywhere.

4. In Germany the citizens who are worried about keeping warm when the new daft approved’ heaters become essential are rushing to install gas boilers, carefully picking out models which have a long life. And you will be surprised to hear that in the Netherlands, farmers are rebelling at plans to get rid of farms. Meanwhile, net zero campaigners are demanding that tanks and jet fighters must be operated without fossil fuels. This is exciting news since a tank operating on batteries should be able to travel nearly ten feet, and jet fighters operating like gliders might be fairly easy to shoot down. Oh, and Macron and his nutty friends want to introduce a green wealth tax. No one seems to know what this will mean but I like to think it means that only the greens will have to pay it.

5. Around 70% of people aged 20-40 reckon that crypto-currency is a much better investment than shares or bonds or any traditional forms of investment. Fortunately, the people surveyed also said that they didn’t know how to invest in crypto-currencies and hadn’t got any money anyway. Phew, I bet their mums are relieved.

6. If you want to know more about the future we have in store please read my book `They want your money and your life’. If you don’t want to know more about the future they’ve got planned for you, read something by Enid Blyton instead.

7. The Ukraine secret service has used the FBI to ask Twitter to shut down citizens sharing truths and unwelcome news about World War III. Truth is, of course, invariably the major casualty of war. I feel slightly sad that the FBI can’t shut me down because the CIA got there first – three years ago.

8. It has now been revealed that a secret government unit in the UK suppressed free speech throughout the covid hoax. A career civil servant working for the English Government has admitted that the Government’s Counter Disinformation Unit passed information to Facebook and Twitter, etc., to encourage them to take down posts which didn’t fit the official line. It has also been revealed that the BBC attended government meetings at which so-called misinformation was discussed. As we’ve known for years, the BBC is simply the Government’s propaganda unit – a controlled State broadcaster. I doubt if anyone will do anything about this outrageous abuse of our right to free speech. I have been completely banned from YouTube and all social media sites for three years. And publishers and mainstream media have also banned my work. As far as I am concerned I have no more rights, no more free speech, than if I lived in China or North Korea.

9. The sudden media anxiety about tuberculosis is typically exaggerated scaremongering. Tuberculosis has been a serious problem for decades (though the figures have been kept artificially low by officially listing deaths from tuberculosis as deaths from AIDS in order to keep the AIDS figures high). Tuberculosis is increasing in the West (particularly Britain) because it is being carried into countries via immigrants, though naturally no one with a voice on social media would dare say such a thing. Now that it is generally accepted that the threat from AIDS was wildly exaggerated (it was the first attempt to scare the world in covid style) it is clear that the evil authorities are now going to build up tuberculosis as the new scare. My guess is that they’ll fiddle the figures and the AIDS figures will fall dramatically. The problem (inevitably) is that tuberculosis is now often drug resistant. It’s pretty infectious too – particularly in crowded areas such as 15 minute cities.

10. I have been a vehement critic of recycling programmes since they started. They were always nothing more than a compliance programme designed to waste time (so that we are far too busy sorting out our yoghurt cartons and empty pickle jars to take too much notice of the latest laws and regulations designed to take away more of our freedom and privacy) , waste water and train citizens to obey. It has been known for years that most of the carefully sorted material has simply been sent abroad to be dumped or burnt but now there is evidence showing that breaking down plastics for recycling can scatter micro-plastic pollution into the environment. Worse still, research suggests that recycled plastics may contain higher levels of toxic chemicals. Recycling should be abandoned now. I’m proud to say that I have never taken part in any formal recycling programme – they all do more harm than good. All those plastic bins and all those diesel chugging lorries damage the environment enormously.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023



Eustace Mullins - Murder by Injection 

(Full Length)

5.28K subscribers
Last year I had serious inflammation, blood test showed high WBC. Specialists tossed everything at me, antibiotics, alpha blockers, pain killers, etc...I eventually gave up on them after 8 months. Went to a completely clean diet with no GMOs, gluten, added sugar, alcohol, or processed foods. Recovered 100%. Just sayin...
I love listening to this man ----he introduces humor into the most awful truths. Eustace Mullins was a great educator. It is sad that the 'Powers that Be' saw it necessary to terminate him before his time. Eustace Mullins: "They were called 'miracle drugs ----because if you took them and you survived ----it was really a miracle !" ----and so forth . . . ....
Man this guy was a godsend…if we listened to him now the people we would kick out all the politicians, doctors lawyers and corps. Boycott them til they do what the people say
This is VERY disturbing to say the least. My mom was just given radiations & chemos & I witnessed every second of it being her primary and only care taker. I feel terrible for my mom seeing what has happened to her.
It's a very sad thing that this american hero has not received the recognition he so truly deserves. He was a true american for americans. He gave his life to the study of true history and spent every waking hour distributing the undeniable truth to his fellow americans that he loved so very much. You my friend EUSTACE MULLINS will never be forgotten. Americans owe you a debt! How we repay such an American is to spread the truth as he has taught it.. R.I.P
The doctors are hopelessly insane. They have harmed so many patients, have been so unethical, that they cannot even be helped.
I met Eustace in 1987 at the Holiday inn in Kulpsville, Pa. I have his autographed book The World Order. He was a walking encyclopedia on foreign affairs.
Revealing!! I LOVE how the host allowed Mr. Mullins to do most of the talking uninterrupted.
I first heard of Eustace Mullins 10 years ago from my boss. I learned so much after seeing this segment. My mother died by the hands of the medical mafia.
I had the privilege of meeting Mullins a few decades ago and bought an autographed book of his his at a John Birch gathering. What a fantastic memory he has of the evil controllers of our society.
You are a wonderful truthtelling gem RIP Mr Mullins
Outspoken man of wisdom and insight is exactly what he was.
Really incredible how evil this whole bloody system is!!
Eustace Mullens is GREAT...straight to the point and JUST what people need to know.
I am a senior citizen and get a bill every month from social security instead of a check because my medicare premium is more than my social security, just like Mullins predicted.

Eustace Mullins - The New World Order

BBC Verify Team – Frightened of the Truth?

Dr Vernon Coleman

I challenged the BBC Verify Team (all of them) to a live television debate about covid.

Naturally, the silence has been predictably deafening.

I don’t think their refusal to accept the challenge is simple cowardice – I think they’re just very well aware that they would lose the debate and look like the ignorant and dangerous fools they are.

But, to me, they look like cowards.

It’s important to keep letting the world know that the BBC (the world’s most prolific source of misinformation and disinformation) is afraid to debate the facts.

My original article (on this website) was titled: `Vernon Coleman Challenges Entire BBC Verify Team’.

Please send the article to as many journalists as you can find. And send it to everyone at the BBC.

The very fact that the BBC refuses to debate is ample evidence that they know they’re wrong and we’re right.

Remember: the BBC has broadcast lies to children and to parents about the covid `vaccine’. And they have boasted that they do not allow those questioning vaccine efficacy or safety to appear on its programmes `whether they’re right or wrong’. (Do please watch my video entitled `Lies on the BBC will result in children dying’ which was first broadcast on 9th June 2021. You can find it on or on my channel on Brandnewtube. Ask your friends to watch it too.)

Oh, and don’t pay the BBC Licence Fee. Don’t break the law, of course. But don’t give money to the BBC. It’s a bad, bad organisation staffed by bad, bad people. I am delighted to report that together we are rapidly and systematically destroying what we know now to be a corrupt State propaganda machine – a machine packed with stooges who are deliberately suppressing the truth and spreading misinformation.

For the truths about general vaccination programmes (facts that the BBC won’t tell you) read `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof’. And for the truth about how the fake covid pandemic began read `Coming Apocalypse’ which I wrote and published over three years ago – in April 2020. Both books are available on Amazon.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023




My Submission to the Covid-19 Public Enquiry

Dr Vernon Coleman

Like most countries, the UK is spending whatever money it has left on a hugely pointless enquiry into the way the Government handled the covid hoax.

Naturally, the inquiry is destined to last for years and provide a bonanza for lawyers who will make a fortune out of taxpayers.

It is unlikely that any questions will be asked about the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, useless PCR testing, pointless test and trace schemes, expensive Eat Out and Furlough programmes, the closure of schools and the pointless and dangerous covid-19 `vaccine’.

And naturally, those of us who told the truth about the fraud back in 2020 will not be invited to explain how we knew it was all fake.

Still, the UK Covid-19 inquiry has invited submissions from the public. The process is called `Every Story Matters’.

Here’s my submission (included under their heading: `Unfair treatment, for example, inequality, discrimination or harassment’):

`I am a qualified doctor. In February and March 2020 I pointed out that the covid threat was exaggerated. Later that year I warned that the covid vaccine would cause heart problems, myocarditis, blood clots, etc., and wouldn’t work. Everything I said was accurate and later proved accurate. I was abused by the mainstream media and banned by YouTube and all social media for the modern crime of telling the truth. My attempts to debate these issues were met with silence. The BBC actually said that it would not allow anyone questioning the vaccine on any of its programmes `right or wrong’. Thousands of lives were destroyed unnecessarily by the stifling of all debate. Freedom of speech is important and should be respected. My reputation and earnings were deliberately destroyed for the crime of telling the truth.’

That’s my submission.

And I made it knowing that it would be ignored.

No one at the covid inquiry will want to hear the truth. But if enough of us submit our `stories’ we will at least be on the record.

My first book about the covid fraud was called `Coming Apocalypse’. It was published in April 2020 – over three years ago.

The book contained my assessment of what had already happened and what I thought would happen next.

`Coming Apocalypse’ is available from Amazon.

If the lawyers at the Covid Enquiry really want to know what happened and why they should read it.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023



Is the WHO the Terrorist Wing of the UN?

Dr Vernon Coleman

(This is the transcript of my video dated 13th June 2023. The video can be seen on my channels on Bitchute and Brandnewtube and also on

It is 13th June and this is video no 327.

You will no doubt be aware that the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated is back in the news and I think it’s time to look at the background to what is happening.

To start with, of course, it’s important to remember that the World Health Organisation – whose enthusiasm for forced vaccination and the abuse of patients all around the world – is a sign of their collective wickedness and ignorance – is linked with the United Nations in the same way that Donald Trump is linked to his hair. You can’t have one without the other.

So we need some vitally important background.

When the American President Theodore Roosevelt had the idea for the United Nations early during the Second World War, and wrote the outline for Churchill to approve, there was a lot of fancy rhetoric about human rights and religious freedom.

However, no one involved in the UN’s formation doubted that the clear, single aim was to create an organisation which would lead us directly to a World Government. That was what they said. That was the plan. As written by Roosevelt and his aides the UN charter excluded de Gaulle’s France, so as not to upset Germany, and made the United States the first among so-called equals.

It’s worth remembering, by the way, that one of the men responsible for the UN was John J McCloy, a former president of the World Bank, a Wall Street insider, a former partner in a law firm which represented the American portion of IG Farben – look them up if you haven’t heard of them. McCloy was a Nazi sympathiser. While helping set up the UN, McCloy used his influence to stop the US Air Force bombing Auschwitz not because he was worried about killing the prisoners but because he knew how crucial the concentration camp was to German Industry. McCloy (who was, at the time, the Assistant Secretary of War) claimed that bombing the gas-chambers at Auschwitz might annoy the Germans and provoke them into vindictive actions. Some found it difficult to understand precisely what ‘vindictive actions’ he had in mind. And it was, however, McCloy’s actions after the War which helped create the European Union. If you want to know more about that read `The Shocking History of the EU’ by Zina Cohen.

After the War, McCloy became US High Commissioner for West Germany where in addition to releasing many industrialists who had been sentenced for war crimes, he also arranged for Nazi camp doctors and SS officers to be released or to have their sentences substantially reduced. As soon as McCloy had arranged for their release, the executives from IG Farben quickly re-joined German companies, such as Deutsche Bank. Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles and General Patton all wanted the Germans to control Europe as a bulwark against the Soviet Union.

It was mainly due to McCloy that Schmitz, Krupp and other war criminals received no punishment at all or the sort of punishment usually regarded as suitable for small time motoring offenders. There was a reason for all this: it was war criminals released by McCloy who helped found the European Union – an early step towards the planned World Government.

Incredibly, McCloy even arranged for Krupp to be pardoned and his record as a war criminal expunged even though Krupp’s industrial empire had controlled slave labourers in 57 concentration camps.

Astonishingly, McCloy even ordered that all of Krupp’s property, which had been confiscated after the War, be restored to him so that he suffered not at all.

And it was McCloy who helped the Nazis set up the European Union after the end of World War II.

This slight detour into the world of the nauseating McCloy is important because it helps define the sort of men who set up the United Nations. And they were all men by the way. Hilary Clinton wasn’t a force at the time.

The Communist Party instructed its members that `Great popular support and enthusiasm for the United Nations policies should be built up, well organised and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow.’

And so the Communist Party was supporting, endorsing and promoting an organisation (the United Nations) which had been set up by a bunch of American bankers.

It’s crucial to remember, and never forget, that, as Professor Carrol Quigley said: `The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.’ Quigley, of course, was the author of one of the most important books of the 20th century – `Tragedy and Hope’ – a 1,300 page book, published in 1966.

And it’s vital to remember that nothing that has happened in the last 100 years has been an accident. Everything has been carefully planned: the wars, the man-made climate change hoax, the endless fake pandemics, the corruption, the appeasement, the political deceits, the subsidised rioting, the recessions and the political coups. They’ve all been part of a carefully designed, well-orchestrated plot to replace sovereign governments with a world government run by financiers, bankers, very rich people and obedient, greedy hypocrites such as Obama, Clinton and Blair. The one thing they all have in common is that they should all be awaiting trial for War Crimes.

The UN peace keeping force, which was set up in response to Richard Nixon was the first step towards that world government. It was back in 1950 that Congressman Richard Nixon introduced a `resolution calling for the establishment of a United Nations police force’. But the United Nations didn’t limit itself to a police force. Psychologists, behavioural scientists, agronomists and others were employed to work out ways to control people. Right at the beginning of the UN’s life there were plans to reduce the size of the world’s population and to enforce sterilisation. (It has, of course, been reported that some widely promoted vaccination programmes were actually designed to reduce fertility.) There were also plans to destroy local police forces, to destroy local health care and education programmes and to make sure that all citizens handed in their guns. To encourage citizens everywhere to accept the idea of more State control, it was decided that rioters should be allowed to disrupt towns and cities all over the world, ostensibly campaigning against racism, climate change and other issues.

The other stuff which most people associate with the UN, and which encourages celebrities to work with their various programmes is all window dressing – all done to make people think that the UN is a peace loving, decent organisation run by good, kind people with honest intentions – all of them having much in common with Miss World contestants – spiritually at least.

In practice, of course, the United Nations is quite possibly the most evil organisation devised by man and the army of vastly overpaid and under-taxed renegades who work for it are traitors to mankind and will one day pay the price for their perfidy.

That’s the background – which, God willing, I shall return to another day. Sadly, most people don’t realise how well everything ties together. The mainstream media never mentions this stuff and the internet is awash with CIA sponsored controlled opposition on the internet including self-styled preppers selling us enough freeze dried cabbage to last us 30 years so that we can survive the inevitable nuclear blast. The preppers are effectively spreading the word that we have lost everything and that there is nothing we can do defend or protect ourselves. Some of them are still strutting their funky stuff on YouTube and in my view the quick way to see if someone is controlled opposition is to see if they’re still on YouTube – if they are then they’re probably approved by the WEF and the CIA among others. I fear that the underlying aim of all this prepping garbage may be to make us believe that there is nothing we can do to stop the conspirators and so we might as well just lie back and get ready to enjoy our stocks of freeze dried cabbage. Well, bollocks to all that, bollocks to them and bollocks to YouTube and Google, as thoroughly corrupt and evil as Smersh and Spectre.

What is worrying me at the moment is the resurrected, revised plan to force everyone on earth to accept a barrage of vaccinations – to be jabbed with a whole sequence of jabs which don’t do what they are supposed to do but which do kill people, make them infertile and create new illnesses.

And, of course, the plot to vaccinate everyone comes from the World Health Organisation – and their refreshed plan for global dominance via the needle was slipped out quietly while the mainstream media remains obsessed with the trivial activities of a bunch of Z list celebrities and minor royals and, occasionally, with the latest in a series of designer wars created by American conspirators and their friends in NATO.

As an aside, the latest war, in Ukraine, is of course, part of the drive, organised by the far left, the neo liberals and the billionaires who finance them, towards forming and controlling a tyrannical world government which will be happily accepted by the weary masses, who are exhausted by the constant storm of depressing news – all promoted by the ignorant, the unimaginative and the newly insane and designed to take us straight into the Great Reset, complete with wall to wall social credits, digital currencies and an entirely digital world – the sort of digital world now being put into practice by Aldi, a German company which has a shop where you can’t buy food unless you’ve got their app on your phone. Actually, they won’t even let you into their shop unless you have their app on your smart phone. They can bugger off because we don’t want them or their apps. Anyone who has an App and shops at Aldi is a traitor.

There are people around who still don’t realise this but the World Health Organisation is the terrorist wing of the United Nations, and for the last three years it has spread lies and fear with relentless enthusiasm. The WHO’s job is to terrify the public and adapt the truth to suit the needs of the conspirators pushing for global power and a world government.

The WHO is an essential weapon in the UNs armoury. It has nothing whatsoever to do with health but is a plain and simple terrorist group and a vital part of the global conspiracy which is taking us remorselessly into the New World Order and dragging us down into the Great Reset.

The WHO is planning to bring a dangerous and unnecessary programme of compulsory vaccinations – all untested and dangerous. Disingenuous as always, they and their jack booted commie collaborators will say, of course, that the vaccinations aren’t compulsory and that if you don’t want to buy food or electricity, have a bank account, keep a job or leave your home you won’t need a vaccination certificate. Of course if you do want to buy food and electricity, have a job, leave your home and generally stay alive then you’ll need all your jabs but as the loathsome Turdeau would probably say they won’t be compulsory. They think we’re all stupid and the tragedy is that they’re nearly right: most people are stupid and most people will accept everything they’re told by the WHO – an organisation now infamous for its links with the vaccine hobbyist Bill Gates – a man with close links with the cuddly trio of the BBC, The Guardian and Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein is probably the only one of the three who still is alive.

In March 2020, over three years ago, I warned that they would introduce compulsory vaccinations. If you listen carefully you can still hear the sniggers and the abuse I received at the time. Totalitarian regimes have always introduced compulsory vaccination programmes – though they’ve never before been planned globally and they’ve always failed. I also warned about digital money and the rest of the plan.

Today, there is no need for any more evidence proving that vaccines don’t do what they are supposed to do and aren’t safe. My book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying’ is packed with information proving that vaccine programmes aren’t either. And in the autumn of 2020 I recorded a series of videos detailing exactly what problems the covid-19 jab would cause. I warned about the heart problems, the clots and the myocarditis months before those problems appeared and before the jab roll out programme. Meanwhile, of course, mainstream media propaganda outfits such as the BBC were lying and telling everyone that the vaccine was safe and effective.

The official figures prove that my warnings – the best part of three years ago – were absolutely accurate. The Government figures also show that there never was a pandemic and the remarketed over-promoted flu was just a pretty standard flu. The so called vaccine, however, is one of the most toxic pharmaceutical products in history – making thalidomide look good. The sensible folk who said NO to the toxic jab are today the healthiest people left on earth.

The awful, awful truth is that the conspirators, the treacherous, evil folk who will do anything to push us towards a world government, knew exactly what would happen. The fake pandemic was designed to terrify and to teach the unimaginative to obey. The covid jab was designed to kill, to cripple and to add to the fear and to increase medical bills in order to impoverish those in countries without State health care.

The enemy has done well so far because they’ve controlled the media.

Our only hope now is to draw attention to their crookedness. We can prove that the mainstream media lied. We can prove that politicians and doctors lied.

Paradoxically, our biggest strength is that they have refused to debate. For well over three years I have been challenging the liars to debate with me. I’ve been prepared to slum it by talking to BBC staff. And I’d be delighted to put the debate on my websites – which, I suspect, receive more visitors than most BBC news programme.

The BBC’s refusal to debate is a sign of their weakness.

And so we should keep on challenging them. This is the way we’ll win this war – not by stocking up on huge supplies of freeze dried cabbage or community gas masks for all the family.

The BBC will probably refuse to debate because they know they’ll lose. Indeed, the BBC – a State broadcaster if ever there was one – has probably been ordered by the Government not to engage in any debate. I suspect the staff all have a copy of Mao’s little red book tucked into their regulation underwear.

But we should push for a debate – not just to embarrass them but because people will see that they are refusing to back up their claims, and to defend their lies.

I will meet all the experts the BBC can find in a live TV studio.

I will prove that covid-19 was never a major threat to mankind and that the so-called pandemic was a fake.

I will prove that covid-19 did not cause an avalanche of deaths.

I will prove that covid-19 killed no more people than the ordinary flu.

I will prove that the covid-19 vaccine did not provide the protection it was said to provide and was never as safe as politicians, doctors and journalists claimed it to be and that it is a toxic pharmaceutical product which was wrongly promoted.

I will prove the lockdowns were never necessary and did far more harm than good.

I will prove that masks were never necessary or safe and did more harm than good. I will prove that the PCR test was useless and used to enable the authorities to falsify their covid figures.

Why should the BBC debate with me? Well, before I became officially listed by the CIA as a discredited conspiracy theorist, banned by all mainstream media and all social media for the modern, unforgiveable crime of telling the truth, I was, since the 1970s, an acknowledged expert on iatrogenesis, drug side effects and vaccines. I was the BBC’s first networked agony uncle back in the 1980s and I’ve made numerous TV and radio series for the BBC.

As the author of the world’s best-selling book on vaccines I would love to debate with the WHO’s experts but they won’t, of course. I doubt if there is anyone working there who could hold their own in a debate. I suspect they’re too drunk with arrogance and a sense of superiority ever to take a chance.

So, they’re out.

Maybe another TV network will have employees with the guts to take me on. It has to be networked and it has to be live because I don’t trust TV companies.

It’ll be a fight to the death. Whoever loses will be permanently destroyed, their arguments will be forever discredited and they’ll never get any more government advertising. I bet the viewing figures would be massive. I’m prepared to risk everything because I am confident I know the truth.

Send this video to all the TV stations you can think of. Let’s embarrass the treacherous cretins to death. And please share this video everywhere you can.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. Please remember, although it may seem like it you are not alone. More and more people are waking up and once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Please share this with everyone you know. Please remember that I am banned from all social media as well as YouTube and anything in my name on social media is fake but you can find me on where I’ve been since long before Google and YouTube were born and more recently also on .

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Thank you again for watching an old man in a chair. And remember – we have God on our side.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023



Only idiots are still wearing face masks

Dr Vernon Coleman

The mainstream media has reported that face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline due to the build-up of carbon dioxide.

They didn’t mention all the other problems proven to be associated with mask use.

Amazingly, there are still some very stupid doctors around who are wearing face masks all day long and who are telling patients and the public to wear face masks. I suspect that these doctors are still promoting the use of face masks because their brains have been adversely affected.

The UK Government has at last admitted that there is no evidence that masks stop any bugs spreading. And the fact is that anyone who has ever worn a mask because they thought it would keep them safe from covid was misled, lied to, falsely reassured and behaving irrationally. Many people in power continue to insist that people wear them and they do this to remind people that nothing is normal –nor ever will be.

We are entering the Great Reset and masks are there to remind us of our slavery. The greens don’t seem to care that more plastic is used to make the billions of masks than the plastic bags they hated so much. They don’t care about the birds and other wildlife being harmed by discarded masks.

Moreover, anyone who wears a mask today is suffering from a new disease which I have identified called chronic maskitis.

Sufferers from chronic maskitis still insist on wearing their masks whenever they are at risk of coming into contact with other human beings. They believe that their mask will help stop them inhaling a virus which may kill them.

Chronic maskitis sufferers will have almost certainly believed everything they’ve been told by their government, by the media and by the small army of media doctors forever repeating the officially inspired lies.

Individuals with chronic maskitis will have almost certainly been jabbed – at least twice and probably more often – with a toxic, experimental substance which is now proven does far more harm than good and is, as I predicted, now certain to kill far more people than the rebranded flu known as covid-19. And for those of us trying to win a war and save lives, it really doesn’t matter a toss whether you believe the alleged disease is caused by a virus, an exosome, a 5G mast or eating too much yoghurt.

Way back in the early summer of 2020 I published material proving that masks were useless and certain to do more harm than good. At that time Fauci and Whitty agreed with me that mask wearing was a pointless and dangerous thing to do. Fauci referred to mask wearing as virtue signalling.

In March 2020, Dr Jenny Harries, Deputy Chief Medical Officer in the UK, warned that it is possible to trap the virus in a mask and start breathing it in. She said that wearing a mask was not a good idea. Professor Chris Whitty, the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, said that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting covid-19, and that the Government did not advise healthy individuals to wear masks.

But then, for no good reason that I could see, the official line changed – virtually overnight. People were told that they should wear masks. Children in school were forced to wear masks all day long. Shop assistants and medical staff wore them with their visors, their goggles, their plastic gowns and their rubber gloves.

In June 2021 I was becoming so worried by the madness that I made a video entitled `Most Mask Wearers will be dead or demented in ten years’.

I now worry that many of those suffering from chronic maskitis won’t last that long.

Not surprisingly, vital evidence outlining the dangers and ineffectiveness of mask wearing has been banned, hidden or deleted from the internet. Public discussion and debate about the value of face masks has for 18 months now been suppressed by politicians and the media. The people at Google and YouTube will be directly responsible for millions of death. So will media doctors and crooked fact-checkers who’ve supported their government’s lies.

I’ve spent a long time digging out the real science on masks. In 2020 I wrote a new book entitled `Proof that Masks Do More Harm than Good’. The book contains scientific references explaining precisely why masks are dangerous and don’t do what people are told they will do. The book was banned, of course.

But I’m pleased to report that my book on masks has now been updated and published in paperback. It’s called `Proof that Face Masks do more Harm than Good’ and it is available via the bookshops on and or direct from the publisher at

It’s worth remembering that thousands of years ago, it was discovered that forcing people to wear masks covering much of their faces broke their will and made them subservient. Masks depersonalised the wearers and dehumanised them. More recently, CIA torture techniques include forcing people to wear masks.

Mask wearers have been encouraged by the psy-op specialists to show their hatred for non-mask wearers. This loathsome ploy seems designed to make those who cannot or do not wear masks feel guilty and ashamed. The mentally and physically disabled will, therefore, be harassed and abused if they dare to go out of their homes. Maybe we should start a counter psy op movement and spread the word that only ugly people wear masks.

The big problem with masks is that the reduced oxygen intake is accompanied by an increase in carbon dioxide intake. The tighter a mask fits the more likely it is to reduce blood oxygen levels and to increase the amount of carbon dioxide being inhaled. In my book I’ve quoted research proving that this is a real hazard.

I’ve also explained that lower oxygen levels and increased levels of carbon dioxide stimulate greater inspiratory flow – leading to a greater risk that loose fibres from the facemask will be inhaled.

Then there is the fact that face masks don’t work. Between 2004 and 2016, at least twelve articles appeared in medical and scientific journals showing that face masks do not prevent the transmission of infection. And those tests were with approved masks rather than masks made out of old dish cloths, bras and bits of unwanted dress material.

Cloth masks fail to impede or stop flu virus transmissions, and the number of layers of fabric required to prevent pathogen penetration would require a suffocating number of layers and could not be used.

The World Health Organisation, which originally opposed face masks, now recommends that disposable masks should be worn and discarded after one use. And the evidence shows that they should be changed every two hours. Few people can afford to buy six masks a day and so masks are frequently worn more than once. This massively increases the risk of a chest infection developing.

There are lots of other specific risks.

Way back in September 2020, a group of 70 doctors pointed out that children are badly affected by having to wear face masks. ‘Mandatory face masks in schools are a major threat to their development,’ they wrote. Teachers don’t seem to care.

Dentists in New York reported seeing a number of patients with inflamed gums and other problems due to masks.

Sufferers from chronic maskitis are more likely to develop infection than non-mask wearers. This may be due to the fact that masks reduce blood oxygen levels and adversely affect natural immunity. It is likely that anyone who wears a face mask for long periods will have a damaged immune system – and be more susceptible to infection. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit immune cells used to fight viral infections. Wearing a mask may make the wearer more likely to develop an infection – and if an infection develops it is likely to be worse. Low oxygen levels reduce T cells and therefore reduce immunity levels.

Moreover, while the mask wearer thinks that they are becoming accustomed to re-breathing exhaled air, the problems within the brain are growing as the oxygen deprivation continues. Brain cells which die, because of a shortage of oxygen, will never be replaced. They are gone forever. A leading neurologist has pointed out that children and teenagers must never wear masks, partly because they have extremely active and adaptive immune systems but also because their brains are especially active and vulnerable. The more active an organ is the more oxygen it needs. And so the damage to children’s brains is huge and irreversible. She warns that dementia is going to increase in ten years, and the younger generation will not be able to reach their potential because of the mask wearing.

Chronic maskitis sufferers are likely to suffer skin problems too.

A dermatologist has warned that face masks traps warm moisture that is produced when we exhale. For those with acne, this can lead to acne flares. For many others, this warm, moist environment surrounding skin creates the perfect condition for naturally occurring yeast and bacteria to flourish and grow more abundant. This overgrowth of yeast and bacteria can produce cracking and sores at the corners of the mouth.

And here’s another very real worry.

Studies have shown that loose fibres are seen on all types of masks and may be inhaled causing serious lung damage. One risk is pulmonary fibrosis – a disease which cannot be cured and has a poor survival rate.

It has also been reported that mask wearers may develop a sore throat. An infectious disease specialist reports that humidity will let bacteria continue to grow inside the mask so if you were growing bacteria in that area and you were breathing that inside, you can potentially get an infection, especially strep or any other bacteria that can cause infection.

Cancer patients who are in remission are more likely to find their cancer coming back if they wear a mask – because of the low oxygen levels.

The available medical evidence proves overwhelmingly that masks do no good in preventing the spread of infection but do a great deal of harm to those wearing them.

Sadly it is clear that mask wearing has become an ingrained habit with many. I know of one optician who still insists on staff and customers wearing masks. Even doctors and nurses in hospitals and general practice are routinely wearing masks, though routinely wearing a face mask in a health care setting is pointless and dangerous.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2023



British Directly Linked to Coronavirus


















Baron Henry de Worms’ record of appointment to Queen Victoria’s Privy Council (Jun. 02, 1889), as well as Cecil J. Rhodes’ six years later, is being disappeared from the web and official histories. Not even W.T. Stead mentions Rhodes’ appointment in his official 1902 biography. 

Download these files to stop this attempt to falsify British history’s connection to the CORONAVIRUS via The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright, Surrey.

China did it!? Nice try British-American Pilgrims Society MSM propagandists.

Ignored by the mainstream media (as well as most alt-media), the patent for the CORONAVIRUS is owned by The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright, UK (U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701)–funded and operated by Wellcome Trust, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA-CDC), EU, World Health Organization, British Ministry of Defense (DERA). See AFI. (Jan. 30, 2020). Coronavirus traced to the British Crown. Americans for Innovation.

The man who donated the land for the Pirbright Institute was Henry [Rothschild] de Worms 1st Baron Pirbright around 1903.

Baron de Worms was appointed to the Privy Council on Jan. 02, 1889.

Baron Pirbright’s confidant Cecil J. Rhodes was appointed to the Privy Council on Feb. 02, 1895, six years later.

Both men were strong advocates of the Boer Wars and the establishment of the British South Africa Company that Rhodes would chair. Baron Pirbright’s cousins running N.M. Rothschild & Co. loaned the money for Rhodes to start De Beers Consolidated Mines. Evidently, the Queen had given her blessing for the ruthless British takeover of South African mining and the extermination and virus experimentation (by Burroughs Wellcome & Co. – a close colleague of Baron de Worms and Cecil Rhodes) on the opposition via the 2nd Boer War Concentration Camps of French and the Dutch East India Companies, as well as the German Hanseatic League. See AFI. (Jan. 24, 2019).

So you thought Rhodes Scholarships were good? Americans for Innovation. See also AFI. (Jan. 08, 2019). The 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War Is Coming To An End. Americans for Innovation.
















The 2nd Boer War Concentration Camps (Privy Councillors General Lord Roberts [“the King’s general”] and Viscount Alfred Milner-led, where approx. 60,000 whites and blacks murdered, including 14,000 mostly white children) were approved by the Queen and associate the Monarchy in history with eugenics, Wellcome Trust, The Pirbright Institute, and vaccine weaponization.

The British self-styled elites believe the reorganized British Empire had to steal, murder, destroy and exterminate to preserve their Imperialism? Is this what the Monarchists today (incl. Wikipedia) are trying to hide about Baron de Worms and Cecil Rhodes?

This black mark on the Monarchy regarding weaponizing of viruses at Pirbright is certainly a motivation to disappear records showing the Queen’s intimate relationship to four of her/his power-mongering Privy Councillors: Henry de Worms 1st Lord Pirbright, Cecil J. Rhodes, Lord General Roberts and Viscount Alfred Milner.

coronavirus patentmorning postcecil rhodes privy council 2

cecil rhodes 2

The material below was added post-publish:

Jewish genealogy of Lord Pirbright:

Click to access 1939-01-12-Geneological-Notes-upon-the-Family-of-Baron-Henry-[Rothschild]-De-Worms-sometime-member-of-Parliament-for-East-Toxteth-by-Bertram-B-Benas-pp-142-158-The-Family-of-Baron-Henry-de-Worms-Jan-12-1939.pdf

Reminder, Roberts was Alfred Milner’s commander of the Army in the 2nd Boer War. Co-responsible for the Concentration Camp atrocities.,_1st_Earl_Roberts

The Baby Killer of the Transvaal

Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl RobertsVCKGKPGCBOMGCSIGCIEKStJVDPCFRSGS (30 September 1832 – 14 November 1914)

His 1897 Privy Council announcement seems to be missing. It doesn’t appear on the Queen’s Jubilee List like Wikipedia says.

king edward

‘King Edward & His Empire Builders’

edward empire builders

‘King Edward & His Empire Builders’

published by Rotary Photographic Co Ltd
postcard print, circa 1907
3 3/8 in. x 5 3/8 in. (86 mm x 135 mm) overall
Given by Terence Pepper, 2014
Photographs Collection
NPG x197883





News and Articles

The FDA's draft working list of possible covid vaccine side effects (see page 16 of document). This was published in October 2020 BEFORE the jab roll-out began.
Draft working list

Proof that covid-19 was downgraded in March 2020

How many people are the vaccines killing? (This article has been regularly updated since its first appearance on this website since the 19th January 2021 but we first started warning about the side effects of the covid-19 jabs in November 2020)

The Transcripts of Vernon Coleman's Banned YouTube Videos

The wake-up video - for family or friends who need to know the truth behind the covid fraud idiots are still wearing face masks to conquer arthritis observations 176 you can stop your doctor killing you the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the U.N.? (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video) submission to Covid-19 public enquiry verify team - frightened of the truth?, liars, deceivers, war criminals and more observations 175 Aldi back to Germany from the front line observations 174 observations 173 they want you to stop drinking milk and eat grasshoppers instead? observations 172 observations 171 observations 170

A Scary story

Can you control your high blood pressure

Questions and Answers No. 1

The single decision which destroyed health care

Ukraine war - there are just four options

Scary Truths

Passing observations 169

Vernon Coleman challenges entire BBC Verify Team

Passing observations 168

The whooping cough vaccine

Commenest lies told by climate change psychos

Dishonesty in medical research

Stuff you need to know about money

Passing observations 167

BBC linked (via Bill Gates) to Jeffrey Epstein

The story of Henry Mulligan

You probably won't learn any of this from the BBC, YouTube or other pro-conspiracy propaganda sites

Natural pain control: overcoming persistent and recurrent pain

Passing observations 166

Why and how doctors kill more people than cancer

Passing observations 165

Finding a doctor is going to get easier but when you've found one she won't actually be a doctor

Passing observations 164

Insane is now the new normal

Passing observations 163

How to protect and preserve your freedom, identity and privacy

Passing observations 162

Eating meat is as bad for you as smoking

Here's how you can help save 140 million lives today

If you live in Britain it's time consider emigrating

You may find this hard to believe but it's all true

Passing observations 161

WHO ends the covid hoax with the biggest lie of all

All 15 Bilbury books are available in paperback and ebook versions

Christians under fire

A bigger problem than climate change - and much scarier

Climate change whingers aren't just idiots - they're psychos and murderers

Alzheimer's - a very profitable, oversold disease

Passing observations 160

We are stalked by evil

Truths that should terrify the life out of you

Know how you can measure your pain

The EU is buying Russian oil again

The awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton

A bank, a 93-year-old woman and the end of civilisation as we know it

No one except the globalists will be allowed to grow old

Passing observations 159

The end of cash is terrifyingly close - why don't people care?

Advice for IBS sufferers

Globalists and the EU are now deliberately starving Africans

Passing observations 158

Inflation isn't going away - it's going to get worse

How to conquer arthritis

Here's why cowardly doctors didn't dare stand up and tell the truth about covid and the jab

Natural pain control: overcoming persistent and recurrent pain

The covid jabs have created millions of zombies

Shocking truths about your money (part 2 of 2)

Shocking truths about your money (part 1 of 2)

Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War - the play

Is the BBC the most corrupt broadcaster in the world?

Scarcely believable but achingly true

The ten dirtiest and most offensive words in the English language

Passing observations 157

If you have a smart phone you're about to become its prisoner

This is Orwell's eternal war

Don't use YouTube

What to do with the greens

High blood pressure CAN be controlled without drugs

Why is failure now so rewarded

Join us in the village of Bilbury

Passing observations 156

Dementia myths

NHS: What is wrong and how to put it right

You are not alone

Your home will become a stranded asset

Korsgaard publishing

Mr Henry Mulligan

Here's how they tricked people into wanting to work at home

Passing observations 155

A most uncomfortable truth

A ban is a ban is a ban

Think about this...

Passing observations 154

Essential escapes

BBC news: sample running order

World War III update (3rd April 2023)

Truths the mainstream media forgot to mention about the energy crisis

I know and can prove what is causing sudden death syndrome

There has been a global coup (part three)

All covid jab deaths are murder or suicide

There has been a global coup (part two)

Passing observations 153

There has been a global coup (part one)

What could possibly go wrong?

Now they're taking the piss

How to conquer backache

Passing observations 152

Chips under your skin

Is the General Medical Council just an enforcer for the drug industry?

Join Vernon Coleman on Bitchute - and receive notifications of new videos

Passing observations 151

Help for anyone with IBS or stomach problems

Nuclear war is coming!

The CIA, the FBI and their bots and the mainstream media claim that covid-19...

Half price audio offer

Is it me or has the world gone mad?

How inflation destroys savings

From bank crash to digital currency and 15 minute cities

Know yourself

Passing observations 150

Challenge to Ara Darzi

Passing observations 149

Sale of the century

Money, money, money

World War III Update (17th March 2023)

Rational thoughts in an irrational world

How to relax and overcome stress

World War III Update (15th March 2023)

Passing observations 148

The Young Country Doctor Book 1: Bilbury Chronicles

Irrepressible truths

There will be no war if...

World War III update (March 13th 2023)

Is the BBC corrupt or simply dangerous?

The real inflation figure in the UK is now over 35%

Georgia is the next Ukraine

Was covid made in a lab?

Passing observations 147

World War III update (10 March 2023)

Personal Note

Know Yourself

Passing observations 146

Dirty big secrets

Have you seen this video?

Biden, Sunak, Marcron, Trudeau et al are all leading us into nuclear war

Mainstream media at work


World War III Update (7 March 2023)

Who could have possibly done such a thing?

A message to the jabbed - new video

A message to the jabbed (transcript of video)

How Gordon Brown helped destroy the NHS

Vernon Coleman's latest video

Hungry Broke Dead (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video)

Passing observations 145

The madness never ends

Anaesthetics: Why you are in great danger

ESG - a potent force for evil

Uncovered secrets

A prediction from 1988

Passing observations 144

Books to help you understand and fight the Great Reset

British war criminal demands digital ID for all citizens

Grain from Ukraine is being used to feed pigs not people

More stuff the BBC and YouTube may have forgotten to tell you


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