Wednesday, 3 March 2021


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BAFS - Israel-US did 911- Holocaust Fraud_Zan Overall

"I was in Los Angeles and ended up meeting a true American patriot and truth-teller, Mr. Zan Overall. Zan has independently protested on multiple occasions in the Los Angeles area, raising awareness of the fact that Israel did 9/11 and that the Holocaust is a complete fraud. I hope to continue to work with Zan, who is certainly A Wise Old Man." 

(John Friend)


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Wed, 3 Mar at 10:30
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Video: BAFS - Israel-US did 911- Holocaust Fraud_Zan Overall
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JOHN ANTHONY HILL -MUAD'DIB, author of 7/7 Ripple Effect, jailed for producing this video (proving Muslims did not carry out the 7/7 explosions) to the Court to prevent a miscarriage of Justice, and found not guilty by a Jury unanimously, and released from prison.

 7/7 Ripple Effect 2 - BBC PROPAGANDA MACHINE

6 Jul 2012
1.05K subscribers
There's an updated and expanded version of the film titled "7/7 Ripple Effect 3" which is available here:
Muad'Dib's expanded new version of the acclaimed original 7/7 Ripple Effect. After being unlawfully jailed for 157 days based on trumped-up charges, and the BBC making a dedicated hit-piece on the original 7/7 Ripple Effect, the film-maker Muad'Dib expands upon the original film and has added over 60 minutes of new material connecting the dots of what most likely really did happen in London on July 7th 2005, when 3 tube-trains and a double-decker bus were exploded. Watching this film should leave the viewer no doubt that the crimes and murder committed in London were done by other organizations than by claimed by the official and corporate media. 
"I must say, in my opinion this is a masterpiece. In less than an hour, the film explains how this whole event was planned, how it was staged, what went wrong, how the authorities sought to cover it up and the failure of the press to cover it adequately. I think it is as marvellous a microcosm for understanding the nature of inside-jobs as anyone has ever produced, so I must congratulate you and tell you how much I admire your work." - James H. Fetzer, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota about the original 7/7 Ripple Effect. 
 "It is an example of critical journalism that draws wholly on public news sources to formulate a controversial, but plausible, theory. After deploying three different theories of truth to develop insights into new and existing evidence, it is the BBC / Government theory that has a lower level of correspondence with known facts, is incoherent to the point of being implausible, and is more likely to distort its reports because of institutional controls and political pressures." - Rory Ridley-Duff Ph.D., senior lecturer in human resource management and organisation behaviour, Sheffield Hallam University.


1.05K subscribers
ENGLISH subtitles available (click cog) الإعدادات للترجمات في يوتيوب انقر على The Truth about the London bombings on July 7 2005.
Muad'Dib's expanded new third version of the acclaimed original 7/7 Ripple Effect. Released on 7/7 2019. After being unlawfully jailed for 157 days based on trumped-up charges, and the BBC making a dedicated hit-piece on the original 7/7 Ripple Effect, the film-maker Muad'Dib expands upon the original film and has added over 60 minutes of new material connecting the dots of what most likely really did happen in London on July 7th 2005, when 3 tube-trains and a double-decker bus were exploded. Watching this film should leave the viewer no doubt that the crimes and murder committed in London were done by other organizations than by claimed by the official and corporate media.

CDL78 - Précisions importantes sur l'info en questionS et Solidarita

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— sur téléphone et sur tablette, les fichiers se trouvent tout en bas, sous les commentaires !

Dans cette vidéo qui n'est pas vraiment une conversation du lundi, je vous livre quelques précisions importantes à propos de l'info en questionS et de l'évolution de Merci d'en prendre connaissance. Plus que jamais, nous avons besoin de nous rassembler, de nous unir, de nous fédérer, de nous soutenir et d'agir ensemble… Car de semaine en semaine, les signes d'un état totalitaire sont de plus en plus visibles. Et ce ne sera que notre refus de cette avancée inquiétante qui mettra le plan mondialiste en échec.

Quelques références pratiques :

— pour accéder à Solidarita, vous DEVEZ VOUS INSCRIRE, et pas uniquement vous connecter avec vos identifiants habituels. C'est une plateforme différente de celle d'Émergences-Formations. Cliquez sur ce lien : 
— pour accéder à FullLifeChannel, même remarque. Vous DEVEZ VOUS INSCRIRE, et pas uniquement utiliser vos identifiants habituels. Cliquez sur ce lien : 
— pour suivre l'info en questionS en direct sur ma page Facebook : 
— pour inviter vos connaissances à s'inscrire sur ma chaîne privée (ici) : 

Publication de cette vidéo : mardi 2 mars 2021 - Dernière mise à jour des fichiers : 2 mars 2021

 I am very disappointed with Jean-Jacques for censoring us!

Raw Report 04: Sued, Attacked, Fighting Back (Full Version)

6 Nov 2020
1.3K 62Share
47.7K subscribers
Journalist & Broadcaster Sonia Poulton and Brand New Tube Senior Founder, Muhammad Butt talk about what has been happening with both of them, and the platform, since it formed earlier in 2020.
Paedophiles In Parliament (2018)
2 Aug 2018
47.7K subscribers

 Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton explores the history of paedophile allegations in British Politics. Excellent resource for online historic cuttings: 
ELM GUEST HOUSE CORRECTION With the new viewers who have been brought this way, we have also been made aware of a location error. At 31.25 I say I am outside the former Elm Guest House. I am not. This was a genuine mistake. It it slightly along the road. The house I am in front of has nothing to do with EGH, I want to make that abundantly clear. In fact even the actual building that was EGH has nothing to do with EGH. We’re human, a small team and mistakes happen. To be straight, and it’s no excuse for the mistake but I want to share it, anyway. I was not well filming that day. I was giddy and in pain walking down the entire street. By the time we arrived at the house I felt quite disoriented. We filmed a lot that day in London locations that were associated with horrific histories and later that evening I was ill and unable to walk for a period of time. That said, we want to get our work right so when we were approached yesterday with the news that we had got it wrong, we immediately sought to correct it. We tried to edit the video to completely remove this segment. This failed. Apparently because of the amount of views it has had, which is great, It wouldn’t allow that edit without posting the video fresh, and losing the views and comments. We tried to blur the video. But it wouldn’t allow us to do that either because there are copyright claims on the video from two parties who monetise it, who are not me. I consider this a necessary trade off to get this information out there. Then we tried to annotate it only to discover that You Tube doesn’t appear to do that anymore. So, yes, editing in You Tube is somewhat restrictive. Aside: if anyone knows a way to bypass these restrictions and edit this video, I would love to hear it. 
Thank you. So, currently, we were left only with the alternative of leaving the correction in the comments and description. And so here it is.
 Thank you.


je vous remercie infiniment de nous faire comprendre que vous opérez sous la terreur de la Mafia Juive Internationale en succombant à leurs directives!

Nous n'avons donc plus le droit, même sur votre plateforme, dite non censurable, de dénoncer la CRIMINALITÉ DE CERTAINS quand ils sont ISRAÉLISTES, JUIFISTES, SIONISTES, RACISTES, SUPRÉMACISTES, … ou ont des noms JUIFS!!!

Israël de l'Apartheid
Bernard Henri-Lévi
Alain Finkielkraut
Des grands rabbins et des célébrités de la Juiverie Internationale (Rav Haim Dynovisz) qui incitent les Chrétiens et les Musulmans à se massacrer mutuellement afin qu'Israël en sorte vainqueur!
Agnès Buzyn et son mari Yves Lévy
Bill & Melinda Gates
Bernard Kouchner
Laurent Fabius
Nicolas Sarkozy
Jacques Attali
Jared Kushner
Georges Soros
Loges maçonniques juives
ADL du B'nai B'rith
Le Crif
La Licra
Chabad Lubavitch

Et, j'en passe! Ils sont des centaines de milliers!

Donc, il est évident que je ne puis continuer à vous suivre quand vous vous laissez MUSELER par ces mêmes criminels (anciens esclavagistes) qui n'ont cessé de faire massacrer des centaines de millions d'êtres humains (plus de 100 millions en Russie) depuis cela plusieurs siècles sans oublier toutes les guerres contre les nations musulmanes, responsables de la dégénération de notre moralité, spécialisés dans le trafic d'organes, de drogues, le proxénétisme, la pornographie, le génocide de la race dite blanche, et un nombre incalculable d'abominations!

Amicalement, et je vous souhaite néanmoins BONNE CHANCE!
Ce mercredi 3 mars 2021

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

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