Aed Abu Amro, a 20 year-old, Palestinian protester carrying Palestinian flag in one hand and slingshot
Abu Amro, a 20 year-old, Palestinian protester carrying Palestinian
flag in one hand and slingshot over his head with the other hand during
Great March of Return.
20 year-old, Palestinian protester, Aed Abu Amro says: "I don't go to protests to get pictures of me taken, but this has encouraged me to continue demonstrating. The flag I was carrying is the same one I always hold in all the other protests I've attended. My friends make fun of me, saying it is easier to throw rocks without holding a flag in the other hand, but I got used to it. If I get killed, I want to be wrapped in the same flag. We are demanding our right of return, and protesting for our dignity and the dignity of our future generation."
Abrar Khan updated his cover photo.
20 year-old, Palestinian protester, Aed Abu Amro says: "I don't go to protests to get pictures of me taken, but this has encouraged me to continue demonstrating. The flag I was carrying is the same one I always hold in all the other protests I've attended. My friends make fun of me, saying it is easier to throw rocks without holding a flag in the other hand, but I got used to it. If I get killed, I want to be wrapped in the same flag. We are demanding our right of return, and protesting for our dignity and the dignity of our future generation."
Abrar Khan updated his cover photo.
Eugène Delacroix - Le 28 Juillet. La Liberté guidant le peuple de FRANCE
Muslim-Jewish wedding in Israel draws furious response
Published on 18 Aug 2014
The wedding of a Jewish woman, Morel Malka, and a Muslim man, Mahmoud Mansour, in the city of Rishon Letzion, central Israel, has drawn furious response from Israeli ultra-rightwing group "Lehava" and support from other Israelis. Duration: 01:19
Lehava: The Israeli Group Keeping Jewish/Arab Lovers Apart
Unholy Matrimony: Meet the far-right Israeli group campaigning to ban marriage between Jewish and Arab couples. Subscribe to Journeyman for daily current affairs and science reports Monday to Friday: Watch our top stories for this week: For more on Israel/Palestine head to our dedicated playlist: For downloads and more information visit: A far-right Israeli group is trying to end intermarriage and enforce strict separation between Jews and Arabs. This report meets the Lehava leader Bentzi Gopstein and follows the group's campaign. "Hundreds of people demonstrated outside...people wanted to ruin it." It should have been a celebration of love, but Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka's wedding became a target for hate and created a national storm. As their typical Middle Eastern reception got underway, an angry crowd were calling for the Jewish bride to leave her Palestinian groom. Lehava, the far-right group behind the protests, has a clear aim: to enforce the strict separation of Arabs and Jews. "We came here to establish a Jewish state and if they do something that isn't right we have every right to stand against it", leader Bentzi Gopstein extols. In the cosmopolitan city of Tel Aviv, the group take to the streets with megaphones warning Arab men to stay away from 'their' women. They even target kids, with school playgrounds plastered with Lehava's stickers. And as the movement grows, Bentzi boasts that he enjoys tacit approval from some Israeli politicians. "Some people say, 'Well done', but don't tell anyone I said that." SBS Dateline - Ref 6303 Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Saturday, 28 October 2017
BrendonGate - Brendon O'Connell targeted by
Zionists, arrested, kept in Secret Custody in Judean British Colony of New
"Israel is like the Titanic,"
"When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day." AMON SOFFER, 2004.
(" I didn't recommend that we kill Palestinians. I said we'll have to kill them. I was right about mounting demographic pressures. I am also entitled to defend myself and my country." (By RUTHIE BLUM LEIBOWITZ October 10, 2007)
'I didn't suggest we kill Palestinians'
Geostrategist Arnon Soffer: I only said Israel would (WILL) 'have to kill them.'
October 10, 2007 19:45
(photo credit: )
Arnon Soffer arrives at our meeting armed with a stack of books and papers. Among them is a copy of an interview I conducted with him three and a half years ago ("It's the demography, stupid," May 21, 2004), and print-outs of angry responses the geostrategist from the University of Haifa says he continues to receive "from leftists in Israel and anti-Semites abroad, who took my words out of context."
The passage that aroused the most ire was as follows: "When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day." A lot has happened since Soffer made that statement, most notably the very withdrawal from Gaza he was referring to and so championed. In fact, the impetus for the pull-out has been attributed, at least in part, to Soffer's decades-long doomsaying about the danger the Palestinian womb posed to Israeli democracy. The venue of our follow-up interview last month - initiated by Soffer to gloat about his "predictions having panned out perfectly" - is the Dan Accadia Hotel. Though selected due to its proximity to the IDF's National Defense College, where Soffer lectures and serves as head of research, it couldn't be a more ironic location. It was here, after all, that former prime minister Ariel Sharon announced his disengagement plan to the Herzliya Conference. While nothing seems to be the same since that fateful day in December 2003, Soffer's convictions haven't budged an iota. He still holds a deep - what critics might call delusional - devotion to the notion that exiting Palestinian-populated territories is the key to fending off the country's otherwise destined demise. Well, that, and a fence to keep a majority of settlers in and a flow of inevitable Arab intruders out. "Israel is like the Titanic," Soffer bellows with cheerful self-assurance. "I am trying to change its course - prevent it from crashing into the iceberg - and allow it to continue safely on its journey. But up on the Tel Aviv deck, they're having a big party - a stock-market orgy. And when I try to warn them of the fast-approaching disaster, they tell me I'm being ridiculous or that I'm exaggerating."
To prove his point, Soffer repeatedly whips out maps to back up his pronouncements, many of which sound purposefully outrageous, such as: "Jerusalem is no longer Jewish-Zionist," and "Iran is so weak and vulnerable that it's unbelievable." And, in spite of his speaking in absolutes, Soffer does deign to concede that he's changed his mind about a couple of issues: the Jordan Valley and the Philadelphi Corridor. He no longer supports relinquishing the former, and now believes the latter has to be repossessed. No small matter, but no matter. The 71-year-old father of four and grandfather of eight still supports every other aspect of what he considers to be a "brilliant maneuver" by Sharon to guarantee a Jewish majority in Israel, with the blessing of the United States.
Challenged, as he was during our previous interview, on Israel's willingness to do what he prescribes is necessary in the war against Palestinian aggression - i.e. put a bullet in the head of anyone who tries to climb over the security fence - Soffer shrugs. "If we don't," he reiterates, "We'll cease to exist." In our previous interview, you made many assertions about what could and should be expected to happen following the disengagement from Gaza. You claim now that everything has played out the way you said it would. Yes. I said, "The pressure at the border will be awful. It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill." That statement caused a huge stir at the time, and it's amazing to see how many dozens of angry, ignorant responses I continue to receive from leftists in Israel and anti-Semites abroad, who took my words out of context. I didn't recommend that we kill Palestinians. I said we'll have to kill them. I was right about mounting demographic pressures. I am also entitled to defend myself and my country.
So today, I would update the headline you gave my last interview and call this one: "It's the demography and anti-Semitism, stupid." What about answering critics from the Right, who would argue that in spite of incessant Kassam attacks on Sderot and kibbutzim in the Negev, Israel has barely reacted at all, let alone by "killing, killing and killing"? Since before the withdrawal from Gaza, I have been saying that we have to fire missiles at anyone who fires them at us; we haven't been doing that enough. During our last interview, I asked you whether - with CNN cameras pointing at the security fence - Israel would be prepared to retaliate in the event of missile fire. Your response was: "If we don't kill, we will cease to exist." We are living in a 100-year period of terrorism, and we have another 100 years of terrorism ahead of us. We will forever be forced to live by the sword. We are not wanted in the Middle East, which is why we will have to continue to fight. The purpose of disengagement was not to put an end to terrorism or Kassam fire. Its purpose was to stop being responsible for a million and a half Arabs who continue to multiply in conditions of poverty and madness. I am thrilled that we are out of there. The Kassams do not constitute a strategic threat, and the Palestinians will get the blow they deserve - though we do have to be cautious, because the situation is complex. There are many members of the Knesset, and even the government, who continue to consider us responsible for what goes on in Gaza, as the debate over the right response to the Kassams indicates. Our government has woken up. The only ones making noise are leftists and so-called human rights lawyers who only care about the well-being of cats, dogs and Palestinians, but never about Jews. It is true, however, that we are faced with a dilemma on how to respond, which is part of the delicate game we have to play. But, as I said then and say now, the demographic pressure is only growing in Gaza. Wisely, through disengagement, the government was trying to direct that pressure to Egypt-the-horrible, from where arms and missiles flow into Gaza. This way, Egypt would have to deal with it, not us. And that's what we're doing. Hasn't the flow of arms and missiles from Egypt into Gaza been detrimental to Israel? Isn't Egypt's control of the tunnels allowing for an al-Qaida state to be blossoming there? Doesn't all of this actually endanger Israel?
Al-Qaida's presence in Gaza endangers both Israel and Egypt, but first and foremost it endangers Egypt. The Egyptians will learn this the hard way, because they know full well what is being smuggled into Gaza. But Israel gave Egypt control over that border. That's true, but let me ask you this: What were the alternatives? They were either for us to be responsible for Gaza or for them to be. Let them wrack their brains over it. Let them be stuck with the consequences. But are they "wracking their brains over it"? Are they "stuck with the consequences"? Yes, because when the arms from el-Arish reach Rafah, some go to Nueiba and Sharm e-Sheikh, where there are suicide bombers. Indeed, there are al-Qaida cells throughout the Sinai. We've seen how much blood has been spilled there over the past few years. Egypt is paying for that and will continue to pay for it. When you refer to Egypt, you are talking about President Hosni Mubarak. But what about the Muslim Brotherhood - a powerful and spreading force there? Every morning, when I read the papers and see that Jordanian King Abdullah II is healthy and Mubarak is still alive, I know we've earned another day. I live with the sense that one day we will wake up to the news of a coup in Jordan and Egypt. And woe is the day when insane Islam takes over those two countries.
In other words, in spite of everything he does, Mubarak is still among our friends. He's also got problems. So, you have said that there is a demographic pressure cooker; that Israel will have to live by the sword for at least another 100 years; and that when Mubarak and Abdullah die, we're in for worse trouble.
Is your response to all of this that Israel needs to keep withdrawing from territory? And if so, then what? My geostrategic assessment is that Israel is like the Titanic. I am trying to change its course - prevent it from crashing into the iceberg - and allow it to continue safely on its journey. But up on the Tel Aviv deck, they're having a big party - a stock-market orgy. And when I try to warn them of the fast-approaching disaster, they tell me I'm being ridiculous or that I'm exaggerating. It is said that intellectuals are the most ignorant of all people, and it's true, because they're off in their art galleries and don't know what's really going on around them. All they see is a mirage.
Look [he takes out a population map of Israel]: First of all, the Israeli Arabs are enclosing the country from the Upper Galilee all the way around. And here in the center, there is the rich, cynical, cosmopolitan "state of Tel Aviv." As for the Arabs of the South: They're the bridge between Gaza and Judea-Samaria. And I want to tell you, if we fail to keep that bridge closed, Katyushas will be launched from Kalkilya to Tel Aviv - right onto the Stock Exchange. Then the party will be over. What has to be done to keep that bridge closed? I've written a whole booklet on what we have to do to save the State of Israel. Yes, to save it. This "state of Tel Aviv" - this hermetically sealed state - has to be weakened and fast in order to save Jerusalem, which is no longer Jewish-Zionist.
As we speak, Jerusalem - a mere 60 kilometers from Tel Aviv - is being betrayed by the 220,000 Jews who ran away from it. It is a national disaster. How can Tel Aviv be "weakened"? The government has to decide to close it for the next five years. Not allowing people to move there sounds pretty totalitarian. No, I'm not saying we should do what Stalin did. I'm for democracy. What I'm saying is that the government should announce that for the next several years not a single agora of the state budget goes to Gush Dan [greater Tel Aviv]. All money for roads and railways has to go to the periphery. All construction in the center has to cease, while increasing construction in Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem. And, after that, in the Negev. People will be able to live outside Tel Aviv and commute to work and recreation by train. Believe me, once there are half a million Israelis living in Beersheba, there will be plenty of hoity-toity trendy restaurants there, too.
As someone so concerned about demography, how do you see the Beduin of the Negev fitting into this? If half a million Jews end up living in Beersheba - today, there are 200,000 - it will develop and spread out, reaching the Beduin-populated areas. The Beduin will benefit by becoming part of the larger melting pot of Beersheba. If the Beduin can become part of the larger melting pot of Beersheba, why can't the Palestinians become part of the larger melting pot of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem? Good question. As long as the entire Israeli-Arab population, including the Beduin, comes to 1.4 million, in a country of seven million total, Jews have a 70-80 percent majority. In spite of Arab birthrates? Yes, because Jewish birthrates are on the rise, and Arab birthrates are on the decline. That's why there's no danger inside Israel. But once you add the territories, Jews and Arabs are in a demographic tie. Because of the withdrawal from Gaza, today Jews make up 60% of the Israeli population and Arabs only 40%. If we we wait 20 years, the tie will return. Is this why you favor further withdrawals?
If Israel returns to the '67 borders - guaranteeing a clear Jewish majority - what then? That's not necessary. Thanks to this completely crazy security fence [here he points to another map, and runs his finger along the jagged line delineating it], we have succeeded in reducing the suicide bombings to zero. This by itself is a huge accomplishment. But [former prime minister Ariel] Sharon's real achievement, which the public doesn't appreciate, is having included Modi'in, Betar Illit and Ma'aleh Adumim in Israel. In other words, 180,000 Jews remain within greater Jerusalem with American support. Today there are 270,000 settlers in the territories, and their numbers are increasing, through natural growth and due to Bnei Akiva members moving there.
Through Sharon's cleverness, Jerusalem remains in Israel and 210,000 settlers are within the fence. Only 60,000 remain outside. In other words, 86% of the settlers are at home. This is an unbelievable victory. So, now you're asking me - and rightly so - whether we have to evacuate the rest of the territories. Since our last interview, I have changed my mind about the Jordan Valley. I said then that we were probably going to have to relinquish it. I had been persuaded that there was no longer an eastern-front threat, now that Iraq had become friendly, that Syria was rusty and that our strategic peace with Jordan was sound. But then, suddenly, in November 2005, there was a suicide attack in Amman, which showed that there are al-Qaida cells there. I also said that we would have to hold on to the Philadelphi Corridor in order to prevent an Egyptian-Gazan connection. Now, if we put our hands to our hearts, we have to admit that the IDF failed to secure Philadelphi - a 200-meter wide and 10-kilometer long area, on one side of which is a terrible country like Egypt, and on the other side of which is Iran. According to reliable sources, Iran was already in Gaza 10 months before disengagement. Why am I bringing this up in connection with the Jordan Valley? [President of the Council on Foreign Relations] Richard Haass, who was director of policy planning for the US State Department at the time, told me personally: "We'll allow Israel to establish a 'Philadelphi Corridor' in the Jordan Valley, to guarantee the neutralization and demilitarization of Judea and Samaria." But because we failed to secure Philadelphi in Gaza, of course we would also fail in the Jordan Valley. Aren't you being unfair to the IDF? Isn't it the policy that failed?
Look, when England sent the British army to fight Gallipoli [in World War I], the policy was to win. The same applies here. But the policy in this case was to give Egypt control over the Philadelphi Corridor and the tunnels. It was a political deal between Israel and Egypt. No. It's because the IDF failed that we made that deal. That's why today I think we have to retain control of both the Philadelphi Corridor and the Jordan Valley. And if we return to Philadelphi, it will no longer be a mere 200 meters. It will have to be widened at the expense of the refugee camps in Rafah, which we will have to destroy, destroy and destroy.
You just said that the beauty of Sharon's disengagement plan was that America was behind it. But the United States would support neither an Israeli return to the Philadelphi Corridor nor Israel's retaining of the Jordan Valley. You're right. But my gut feeling is that Bush is going to attack Iran before he finishes his term in office. Recently, when I told members of the [Israeli] government that we will have to hold on to the Jordan Valley, they all said, "It's too late." I say that when it comes to our security, there's no such thing as "too late." In the meantime, we have no choice but to keep Hamas out through military operations like Defensive Shield. What about Fatah? Is it any less bent on destroying Israel than Hamas? No. But neither are Israeli Arabs any different in that respect. No Palestinian wants us here. No Muslim wants us here. No Arab wants us here. Not even Christian Arabs? [He guffaws sarcastically.]
Are there any of those left in the Middle East? They're absconding! They, who used to be the founding fathers of pan-Arab nationalism, have become victims of radical Islam. Returning to Iran, you believe that demographic imbalance is Israel's greatest danger in the long term. But isn't Iran's soon-to-be nuclear capability a much more immediate and comprehensive threat? Personally, I don't believe that if Iran succeeds in developing a nuclear weapon, it will actually use it. Even the most suicidal of those nuts understands that if even a single missile is launched in Israel's direction, it will provide the opportunity for Israel or for America to execute the strike we're all waiting for. Are you saying that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't mean what he says about wiping Israel off the map? Everything that madman says indicates he is hysterical. Hitler was also hysterical, but that didn't prevent him from carrying out his plan. Hitler was hysterical, but in this case, Iran is closed off 360 degrees by the "cowboy" America. I want to tell you: Two missiles on the Iranian islands of Karaj and Siri, and Iran's entire oil revenue drops from $60 billion to zero. Iran is so weak and vulnerable that it's unbelievable. You're saying that Iran does not constitute a threat. That's right. I think it's much ado about nothing. So, why would Bush strike before leaving office?
Ahhh... great question. The answer is that I have been speaking as an Israeli, and Iran won't jeopardize its interests so totally just in order to harm us. Furthermore, if it does direct a nuclear bomb at Israel, it would destroy Jerusalem and the Arabs they care about. It's not logical. Not only that. The second strike would come from us and the free world, and then there would be no more Iran. Iran won't commit suicide. But Bush's considerations are a different story. The world's superpower cannot accept that 2/3 of the world's oil is in the hands of a crazy person like Ahmadinejad. Your geostrategic assessments don't seem to take religion into account - global Islam as a genuine ideology on the one hand, and the Jewish belief in the right to the Land of Israel on the other. You even speak of Jerusalem from a demographic perspective, rather than its being the heart of the Jewish homeland. I definitely do take global Islam into account, as I do the Jewish people's affinity for Jerusalem. That is why I call Tel Aviv the enemy that betrayed it. Are you saying that by wanting to live in Tel Aviv, Israelis have brought about the necessity to divide Israel's capital? Right you are. But a person can love Jerusalem without wanting to live there. If, as you agreed, people can't be forced by the government to reside in a particular place, what are you suggesting - other than territorial withdrawal? The first thing I'd do is finish the fast train line to Jerusalem. Next, I'd move the IDF Spokesman's Office, Army Radio, the defense colleges and the offices of the General Staff there, as well as all government industries. Finally, I'd give subsidies for development and hi-tech. Still, you favor further territorial withdrawals. I'm originally a Mapainik, which means I'm a pragmatist. Today, I'm in the center, which is why both the Left and the Right attack me. The point is that our young people are leaving the country and we are an island in a sea of Middle Eastern countries. This is why we have to fortify ourselves with a fence. Then, whoever tries to cross it gets a bullet to the head. But, while Israel is prepared to complete the fence, it is not keen on giving anyone a bullet to the head. Well, then, we'll cease to exist.
this article the author concludes "there is nothing beautiful or poetic
about the oppression of Palestinians", which is true, however, the
author misses the point.
This iconic photo says the total opposite
This breathtakingly beautiful photo has captured the hearts and minds of Palestine supporters because:
Everything is exquisitely beautiful and fiercely poetic about the SPIRIT, DEFIANCE, STEADFASTNESS, DETERMINATION, RESISTANCE and HOPE against all odds, and in the face of the most brutal oppression
Thus, this iconic photo should be shown to every man woman and child in the world to INSPIRE, UPLIFT and ENERGISE if we as a species ever aspire for a better, fairer, kinder more humane world…/palestine-israel-gaza-prote…
This iconic photo says the total opposite
This breathtakingly beautiful photo has captured the hearts and minds of Palestine supporters because:
Everything is exquisitely beautiful and fiercely poetic about the SPIRIT, DEFIANCE, STEADFASTNESS, DETERMINATION, RESISTANCE and HOPE against all odds, and in the face of the most brutal oppression
Thus, this iconic photo should be shown to every man woman and child in the world to INSPIRE, UPLIFT and ENERGISE if we as a species ever aspire for a better, fairer, kinder more humane world…/palestine-israel-gaza-prote…
Abrar Khan updated his cover photo.
Abu Amro, a 20 year-old, Palestinian protester carrying Palestinian
flag in one hand and slingshot over his head with the other hand during
Great March of Return.
20 year-old, Palestinian protester, Aed Abu Amro says: "I don't go to protests to get pictures of me taken, but this has encouraged me to continue demonstrating. The flag I was carrying is the same one I always hold in all the other protests I've attended. My friends make fun of me, saying it is easier to throw rocks without holding a flag in the other hand, but I got used to it. If I get killed, I want to be wrapped in the same flag. We are demanding our right of return, and protesting for our dignity and the dignity of our future generation."
20 year-old, Palestinian protester, Aed Abu Amro says: "I don't go to protests to get pictures of me taken, but this has encouraged me to continue demonstrating. The flag I was carrying is the same one I always hold in all the other protests I've attended. My friends make fun of me, saying it is easier to throw rocks without holding a flag in the other hand, but I got used to it. If I get killed, I want to be wrapped in the same flag. We are demanding our right of return, and protesting for our dignity and the dignity of our future generation."
Hugh Walker It's
interesting that Palestinian resistance is able to produce iconic
impressions. I can't think of anything Israel has produced in seventy
years that can come even close to those images of wheelchair bound
resistance, of Ahed Tamimi and the picture shown here. And that's just
this year alone.
Debora Demoulins Paul Murphy yes great point.
Myself I think it is the raw passion we are seeing for the love of their country and freedom. No way Israel can come close to that
Myself I think it is the raw passion we are seeing for the love of their country and freedom. No way Israel can come close to that

Write a reply...

Write a reply...
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Stunning photograph!
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus L’Amour chrétien (christique), bafoué, trahi, mutilé, cagoulé, blasphémé… Ghyslaine ROC
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Citoyen République, mon fils,
Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea !
Quare me repulsít, et quare tristis incédo, dum afflígit me inimícus ?
For Thou, O God, art my strength,
Why hast Thou forsaken me? And why do I go about in sadness, while the enemy afflicts me?
La Vierge Rouge réincarnée
Espoir inspiré ce mercredi 10 mai 2001 à 06h35am
Ghyslaine ROC
Annoncé ce lundi 25 juin 2001
Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea !
Quare me repulsít, et quare tristis incédo, dum afflígit me inimícus ?
For Thou, O God, art my strength,
Why hast Thou forsaken me? And why do I go about in sadness, while the enemy afflicts me?
La Vierge Rouge réincarnée
Espoir inspiré ce mercredi 10 mai 2001 à 06h35am
Ghyslaine ROC
Annoncé ce lundi 25 juin 2001

Write a reply...
Nahida Izzat It is the utter spontaneity !
No poses for the shoot, no makeup, no rehearsal, no tweaking, totally oblivious to camera lenses, to the outside world, to the consequences
Indescribable love of the land, courage that defies logic and untamed passion for freedom
All what matters is to STAND UP AGAINST oppression and to STOP evil by all means possible <3
No poses for the shoot, no makeup, no rehearsal, no tweaking, totally oblivious to camera lenses, to the outside world, to the consequences
Indescribable love of the land, courage that defies logic and untamed passion for freedom
All what matters is to STAND UP AGAINST oppression and to STOP evil by all means possible <3
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus I
will not extrapolate on that photograph! Atheists, Christians and
Muslims are guilty for having allowed the decadent Ottomans to be
defeated by the Judaics and Christendom, and then Palestine to be stolen
and given to the Zionists to become a US military base in the name of
Apartheid Israel. BAFS

Write a reply...
Annette Townsend "there
is nothing beautiful or poetic about the oppression of Palestinians",
which is true, however, the author misses the point. This iconic photo
says the total opposite" - yes - the total opposite; so the author is
actually 'right' - nothing poetic about the oppression; what is poetic
is the resistance!
Hanann Hanann The
demonstrator's comments about his picture: '20 year-old, Palestinian
protester, Aed Abu Amro says: "I don't go to protests to get pictures of
me taken, but this has encouraged me to continue demonstrating. The
flag I was carrying is the same one I always
hold in all the other protests I've attended. My friends make fun of
me, saying it is easier to throw rocks without holding a flag in the
other hand, but I got used to it. If I get killed, I want to be wrapped
in the same flag. We are demanding our right of return, and protesting
for our dignity and the dignity of our future generation." '
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Thanks.
Well, this is is remarkable! "We are demanding our right of return,
and protesting for our dignity and the dignity of our future
generation." However, we do not DEMAND our right for anything, WE FIGHT
FOR IT! We do not DEMAND freedom, WE FIGHT FOR IT! Where there is no
freedom, truth is useless! Where there is no truth, there is no
Justice! I love that young man AED ABU AMRO! BAFS😍

Write a reply...
John Goodman There
is something poetic and tragically beautiful about the resistence of a
people abandoned by the world and even by their leadership to their
destruction as a nation, a people and a culture.
Yahya Isa Yes.we should not romanticise the Palestinian struggle.It is a genuine fight against occupation rape pillage and plunder.
Arnon Soffer, the Arab Counter

Let us meet “the Arab Counter” the Haifa University demographer who became infamous in a Jerusalem Post article in 2004. Soffer had no patience with the idea that the policy of “hafrada”, that dirty word to democrats of “segregation” would be enough to ensure Israel’s future.
Hafrada is what we see in American cities—the blacks generally shoved into a less developed part of the city. his would be “apartheid” the Afrikaans word or “separate.” Instead of calling them bantustans, we call them ghettoes. Those people are different, not like us.They can easily be demonized, almost like “the “untermenschen’ (subhuman) of of Nazi ideology.This a racist doctrine and it is virulent in Israel where Palestinians are really “the Other.”
More and more people can not get their heads around the recent callous massacre of nonviolent protesters the Palestinian Gazans called the Great March of Return…116 people shot dead,143,000 wounded, 332 with life threatening injuries. Just another day at the races for Israel.

The message was simple: get it out of your head that you will ever get your stolen land back or that you will ever return. Every few years Israel “mows the lawn”,pulverizing innocent people in an orgy of mass murder.Ye t the Palestinians refuse to be cowed. They insist with international law on their side that they We have a right to go home.This is non-negotiable. Israel says, backed by the autistic USA, think again.
Enter the Arab counter, Mr Soffer.
In his 2006 book One Country Ali Abunimah described Soffer’s vision
Then deputy prime minister Ehud] Olmert called the unilateral solution Israel’s “great hope,” but Arnon Soffer … offered a less optimistic prognosis. “Unilateral separation doesn’t guarantee ‘peace,’” he warned, “it guarantees a Jewish-Zionist state with an overwhelming majority of Jews.” What will be the price of this achievement? The “day after unilateral separation,” Soffer said, “the Palestinians will bombard us with artillery fire – and we will have to retaliate.
But at least the war will be at the fence – not in the kindergartens of Tel Aviv and Haifa.” Soffer was unambiguous about Israel’s response: “We will tell the Palestinians that if a single missile is fired over the fence, we will fire ten in response. And women and children will be killed and houses will be destroyed.” Further down the line, “when 2.5 million people live in a closed off Gaza,” Soffer predicted, “it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will be even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.”

There you have it…the incremental genocide which Ilan Pappé insists is Israel’ plan
The end of hasbara
July 13, 2018
The indefatigable Phil Weiss has written an excellent summary of Israeli propaganda and how (under the Hebrew name hasbara its has run its course.
Israel always knew the theft of Palestinian land and the ethnic cleansing of 750,00 indigenous people in over 500 villages was indefensible so it had to embark on a massive hasbara campaign with propagandists in the only country that mattered, the USA.

In the post 1948 world this was easy. The “Christian West” suffering under holocaust guilt gladly sacrificed Palestine. Granted the largely rural population had nothing to do with the Jewish tragedy but as Edward Said wrote presciently in Orientalism, Arabic people were deemed expendable in this regard, “This was made by a European power … about a non-European territory … in a flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory”. The Balfour Declaration of 1917
And how about Lord Balfour’s shocking arrogance:

The Four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land’.
President Wilson”s right of self-determination was ignored.
The Palestinians who comprised 96% of the country in 1900 had been devastated in their first intifada of 1936-1939. Their revolt was against Great Britain complicit in its imperial arrogance of handing over this area to the Zionists (largely Russian Jews) as part of the Empire’s military adventures.That this called for the annihilation of the Palestinian people was irrelevant.The promise of Balfour that nothing would be done that would prejudice the existing civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine, was totally ignored, Also ignored were the protestations of Palestinian leadership
In the Third Palestinian Congress in Haifa in 1920. It rejected the British government’s plans to support the Zionist project as a violation of international law and of the rights of the indigenous population. But who listened to Arabs at this time?
Then came the Nakba the catastrophe (SHOAH) of 1948, the silence of the West. then 1967, the 6 Day War, more Palestinian land taken and now 500,000 illegal settlers living there. They can vote in Israeli elections but indigenous Palestinians, no vote.
Then the shock to Israel, the computer, the launch of omnipresent multimedia, the cell phone, You tube, all laying bare the lies of Israeli democracy, the brutal day to day life of Palestinians, the revolt of young Jews of conscience more attuned to to the universal values of Torah Judaism than their elders. A blogger below in response to Weiss frames this well:

After a while it gets harder for the hasbara to keep trying to defend the indefensible. How long can apologists in the US media, keep pretending what the world sees in live pictures, unarmed civilians being killed by precision bombs and snipers, is all the fault of the victims. The justifications for massacre after massacre, is sounding lamer, weaker, and it makes those carrying the water for Israel, look like they are full of BS. Now if the Congress can find the courage to stop the aid, weapons, and unwavering support, going to the zionists, and stop enabling them, the end game will be swifter.
Tomorrow, Phil Weiss on hasbara is finished.
En effet dès le XVe siècle, les juifs avaient pour mot d’ordre de dépouiller, le chrétien, par n’importe quel moyen.
En voici une preuve :
La Revue des Études juives, financée par James de Rothschild, a publié en 1880 deux documents qui •montrent les Learned Eiders of Zion à l’oeuvre.
Le 13 janvier 1489, Chamor, rabbin des Juifs d’Arles en Provence, écrit au Grand Sanhedrin, siégeant à Constantinople et lui demande avis dans des circonstances critiques. Les Français d’Aix, d’Arles, de Marseille, menacent les synagogues. Que faire ?
Réponse :
« Biens-aimés frères en Moïse, nous avons reçu votre lettre dans laquelle vous nous faites connaître les anxiétés et les infortunes que vous endurez. Nous en avons été pénétrés d’une aussi grande, peine que vous-mêmes. « L’avis des grands Satrapes et Rabbins est le suivant :
« A ce que vous dites que le Roi de France vous oblige à vous faire chrétiens : faites-le, puisque vous ne pouvez faire autrement, mais que la loi de Moïse se conserve en votre cœur.
« A ce que vous dites qu’on commande de vous dépouiller de vos biens : faites vos enfants marchands afin que peu à peu ils dépouillent les chrétiens des leurs.
« A ce que vous dites qu’on attente à vos vies : faites vos enfants médecins et apothicaires afin qu’ils ôtent aux chrétiens leurs vies.
« A ce que vous dites qu’ils détruisent vos synagogues : faites vos enfants chanoines et clercs afin qu’ils détruisent leurs églises. •
« A ce que vous dites qu’on vous fait bien d’autres vexations : faites en sorte que vos enfants soient avocats, notaires et que toujours ils se mêlent des affaires des États, afin que, en mettant les chrétiens sous votre joug, vous dominiez le monde et vous puissiez vous venger d’eux.
« Ne vous écartez pas de cet ordre que nous vous donnons, parce que vous verrez par expérience que d’abaissés que vous êtes, vous arriverez au faîte de la puissance.
« Signé : V.S.S.V.F.F. Prince des Juifs, le 21 de Casleu (Novembre 1489). »
Résumé du manuscrit original.
Une étude approfondie du caractère des Gentils (Goyim, NonJuifs). montre qu'ils ont la passion de la liberté, et que leurs gouvernants sont assez bornés pour croire qu'un peuple peut jouir à la fois d'un gouvernement et de la liberté.
Dans l'esprit des Juifs, le gouvernement « du peuple, par le peuple, p'?ur le peuple n. est une totale absurdité, une totale impossibIlité. Leur plan consiste à détruire la liberté par l'abus même de ln doctrine de liberté» ; à prêcher le libéralisme, Il ruiner l'autorité, Il jeter dans le mépris les rois. les présidenls, les gouvernants, tous les détenteurs de l'autorité.
Alors, ils arrivent à l'examen des moyens: la Presse et l'Argent; haine des classes, haine entre nations, entre provinces, entre organisàtions sociales ou politiques; grèves, conflit mondial, etc, Il faut que le monde entier se sente las, écoeuré, affamé d'ordre et de paix, Aussitôt, prêcher le désarmement des Etats et des particuliers, ne conserver qu'une Police internationale dont les Juifs aient la disposition effective.
Après une courte période de calme l'elatif. nouvelle agitation. nouvelle explosion de grèves. etc. ; raréfaction des subsistances; enfin, panique financière, krach universel, horrible confusion sur le globe entier. Toutes les affaires disloquées. toute vie nationale paralysée, J'angoisse et la terreur parlol/t. Un concert savamment dirigé de la presse et des orateurs populaires en chaque pays provoque la création d'un Comité international pour rétablir J'ordre et le crédit. Les délégués de tous les pays sont ou des Juifs ou des créatures de la Juiverie.
C'est l'ère juive. L'ordre y est complet; la prospérité parait assurée. Le travail est rendu obligatoire, l'industrie progresse, la~duction se développe. Tout. l'organisation et la direction restellt au pouvoir des Juifs: les Nans-Juifs sont des exécutants ou de~surveillants, jamais dirigeants. Les Juifs tiennent le pouvoir réel, mais en laissent aux Tlon Juifs la vaine apparence.
Les 500 copies du manuscrit original imprimées par le Synode n'éveillèrent pas plus d'attention que les bulletins des autres communautés re.ligieusu. Les Révolutionnaires les recherchèrent pour Les détruire; il n'en reste que deux; on dit que l'une se trouve au British Museum. Le Résumé a été fait en 1917.
Publié par F. Curtis pilote-avialeur dans l'escadrille américaine en 1915. A Londres. 175, Picadilly, W. 1.
* **
On lisait dans la VIEILLE-FRANCE du 20 MAI 1920:Le TIMES proclame le péril juif.
La presse française est muette.
Le Times s'est ébranlé enfin. Jusqu'à la direction Northcliffe, le Times était cyniquement enjuivé. Maintenant, il a des velléités d'indépendance. L'article qu'il ose consacrer au Jewish Peril en témoigne honorablement.
Il donne du document cette analyse (8 mai) :
1) -Il y a, et il y a eu depuis des siècles, une organisation politique internationale des J uifs.
2) -L'esprit de celle organisation paraît être une haine traditionnelle, éternelle, de la Chrétienté, et une ambition titanique de domination sur le monde.
Tel est le document révélateur qu'ignore la presse de France.
Quand j'ai publié La Terreur Juive en 1906, quand j'en ai donné des éditions sans cesse augmentées, quand j'ai continué ma campagne dans l'OEuvre hebdomadaire, puis dans les cent soixante premiers numéros de la Vieille-France, je ne soupçonnais pas l'existence de
ces Protocols, soigneusement celés en Israël. On pensera qu'une extraordinaire divination me faisait reconstituer1e plan mystérieux de la Juiverie. Mais la prétendue « divination » consiste simplement à voir et à raisonner, à conclure des effets visibles à la cause invisible.
Une chose est certaine: les Protocols of the Leamed Eiders of Zion furent réellement publiés en Russie dès 1905: et le British Museum en possédait un exemplaire dès le 10 août 1906 (timbre d'entrée).
Le Times est ohligé d'admettre cette alternative: - ou les Protocols sont bien l'oeuvre des Anciens d'Israël; alors tout ce qu'on peut dire, tenter, exécuter contre les Juifs devient légitime, nécessaire, urgent. - ou les Protocols sont l'oeuvre d'un faussaire; mais le faussaire était un prodigieux voyant, puisqu'il a décrit en 1905, détail par détail, tout ce qui est en voie d'accomplissement dans l'Europe centrale et occidentale.
« N'avons-nous échappé à la paix allemande, demande avec angoisse le Time, que pour tomber dans cet abîme de la paix judaïque? »
C'est précisément la question que je posais depuis 1906, et que j'ai posée avec une force particulière dans la Vieille-France de 1916 à 1924.
En effet dès le XVe siècle, les juifs avaient pour mot d’ordre de dépouiller, le chrétien, par n’importe quel moyen.
En voici une preuve :
La Revue des Études juives, financée par James de Rothschild, a publié en 1880 deux documents qui •montrent les Learned Eiders of Zion à l’oeuvre.
Le 13 janvier 1489, Chamor, rabbin des Juifs d’Arles en Provence, écrit au Grand Sanhedrin, siégeant à Constantinople et lui demande avis dans des circonstances critiques. Les Français d’Aix, d’Arles, de Marseille, menacent les synagogues. Que faire ?
Réponse :
« Biens-aimés frères en Moïse, nous avons reçu votre lettre dans laquelle vous nous faites connaître les anxiétés et les infortunes que vous endurez. Nous en avons été pénétrés d’une aussi grande, peine que vous-mêmes. « L’avis des grands Satrapes et Rabbins est le suivant :
« A ce que vous dites que le Roi de France vous oblige à vous faire chrétiens : faites-le, puisque vous ne pouvez faire autrement, mais que la loi de Moïse se conserve en votre cœur.
« A ce que vous dites qu’on commande de vous dépouiller de vos biens : faites vos enfants marchands afin que peu à peu ils dépouillent les chrétiens des leurs.
« A ce que vous dites qu’on attente à vos vies : faites vos enfants médecins et apothicaires afin qu’ils ôtent aux chrétiens leurs vies.
« A ce que vous dites qu’ils détruisent vos synagogues : faites vos enfants chanoines et clercs afin qu’ils détruisent leurs églises. •
« A ce que vous dites qu’on vous fait bien d’autres vexations : faites en sorte que vos enfants soient avocats, notaires et que toujours ils se mêlent des affaires des États, afin que, en mettant les chrétiens sous votre joug, vous dominiez le monde et vous puissiez vous venger d’eux.
« Ne vous écartez pas de cet ordre que nous vous donnons, parce que vous verrez par expérience que d’abaissés que vous êtes, vous arriverez au faîte de la puissance.
« Signé : V.S.S.V.F.F. Prince des Juifs, le 21 de Casleu (Novembre 1489). »
La Censure dont les Juifs tenaient les ciseaux a disparu aussi en Angleterre.
En attendant qu'il soit publié une version française du }ewish Peril, nous traduisons pour nos lecteurs le résumé qu'en donnent les éditeurs:
En attendant qu'il soit publié une version française du }ewish Peril, nous traduisons pour nos lecteurs le résumé qu'en donnent les éditeurs:
ı Le Juif réduira-t-il le monde en servitude?ı ({ Le péril est à nos portes! II est là! »ı
Résumé du manuscrit original.
L'idée directrice pour la destruction de la civilisation des
Non-Juifs est la vieille formule: diviser pour regner.
Non-Juifs est la vieille formule: diviser pour regner.
Une étude approfondie du caractère des Gentils (Goyim, NonJuifs). montre qu'ils ont la passion de la liberté, et que leurs gouvernants sont assez bornés pour croire qu'un peuple peut jouir à la fois d'un gouvernement et de la liberté.
Dans l'esprit des Juifs, le gouvernement « du peuple, par le peuple, p'?ur le peuple n. est une totale absurdité, une totale impossibIlité. Leur plan consiste à détruire la liberté par l'abus même de ln doctrine de liberté» ; à prêcher le libéralisme, Il ruiner l'autorité, Il jeter dans le mépris les rois. les présidenls, les gouvernants, tous les détenteurs de l'autorité.
Alors, ils arrivent à l'examen des moyens: la Presse et l'Argent; haine des classes, haine entre nations, entre provinces, entre organisàtions sociales ou politiques; grèves, conflit mondial, etc, Il faut que le monde entier se sente las, écoeuré, affamé d'ordre et de paix, Aussitôt, prêcher le désarmement des Etats et des particuliers, ne conserver qu'une Police internationale dont les Juifs aient la disposition effective.
Après une courte période de calme l'elatif. nouvelle agitation. nouvelle explosion de grèves. etc. ; raréfaction des subsistances; enfin, panique financière, krach universel, horrible confusion sur le globe entier. Toutes les affaires disloquées. toute vie nationale paralysée, J'angoisse et la terreur parlol/t. Un concert savamment dirigé de la presse et des orateurs populaires en chaque pays provoque la création d'un Comité international pour rétablir J'ordre et le crédit. Les délégués de tous les pays sont ou des Juifs ou des créatures de la Juiverie.
C'est l'ère juive. L'ordre y est complet; la prospérité parait assurée. Le travail est rendu obligatoire, l'industrie progresse, la~duction se développe. Tout. l'organisation et la direction restellt au pouvoir des Juifs: les Nans-Juifs sont des exécutants ou de~surveillants, jamais dirigeants. Les Juifs tiennent le pouvoir réel, mais en laissent aux Tlon Juifs la vaine apparence.
Les 500 copies du manuscrit original imprimées par le Synode n'éveillèrent pas plus d'attention que les bulletins des autres communautés re.ligieusu. Les Révolutionnaires les recherchèrent pour Les détruire; il n'en reste que deux; on dit que l'une se trouve au British Museum. Le Résumé a été fait en 1917.
Publié par F. Curtis pilote-avialeur dans l'escadrille américaine en 1915. A Londres. 175, Picadilly, W. 1.
* **
On lisait dans la VIEILLE-FRANCE du 20 MAI 1920:Le TIMES proclame le péril juif.
« The Protocols of the Learned EIders of Zion."
La presse anglaise et la presse juive d'Angleterre ont discuté le document ayant pour titre: The Jewish Peril; le ministre de l'Intérieur a été interrogé sur le même sujet à la Chambre des Communes.
La presse française est muette.
Le Times s'est ébranlé enfin. Jusqu'à la direction Northcliffe, le Times était cyniquement enjuivé. Maintenant, il a des velléités d'indépendance. L'article qu'il ose consacrer au Jewish Peril en témoigne honorablement.
Il donne du document cette analyse (8 mai) :
1) -Il y a, et il y a eu depuis des siècles, une organisation politique internationale des J uifs.
2) -L'esprit de celle organisation paraît être une haine traditionnelle, éternelle, de la Chrétienté, et une ambition titanique de domination sur le monde.
Etats nationaux et la substitution à ces Etats d'une domination juive internationale.
3) -Le but poursuivi à travers les siècles est la destruction des Etats nationaux et la substitution à ces Etats d'une dominatiln juive internationale.
4) -La méthode apportée pour affaiblir, pour détruire les EtaU; politiques existants consiste à leur injecter des idées aboutissant à leur désagrégation, suivant une progression habilement calculée du libéralisme au radicalisme, ensuite au socialisme, au communisme, finalement à l'anarchie, reduciio ad absurdum des principes égalitaires. Pendant ce temps, Israël reste indemne des doctrines corrosives...
5) -Les dogmes politiques évoluant dans l'Europe cbrétienne, sa politique et ses constitutions démocratiques sont toutes en égal mépris chez les Anciens ou Sages d'Israël. Pour eux\"le gouvernement est un art sublime et secret, acquis seulement par une culture traditionnelle et départi à une élite très réduite, en quelque sanctuaire occulte...
6) -Dans cette Conception du Gouvernement, les masses ne sont qu'un méprisable troupeau; et les meneurs politiques des Goyim, à peu près aussi aveugles que leur bétail. de simples marionnettes aux mains des Anciens d'Israël: le plus souvent corrompus, toujours impuissants, facilement asservis par la Ratterie, par la menace ou par le chantage au profit de la domination Juive.
7) -La Presse, le Théâtre, la Bourse, la Science, la Loi. dans les mains qui détiennent tout l'or terrestre, sont autant d'instruments pour affoler l'opinion publique, pour la démoralisation de la jeunesse, l'excitation générale au vice pour la destruction des aspirations idéalistes (culture chrétienne), pour l'instauration du culte de l'argent comptant, du scepticisme matérialiste, du cynique appétit de plaisir.
4) -La méthode apportée pour affaiblir, pour détruire les EtaU; politiques existants consiste à leur injecter des idées aboutissant à leur désagrégation, suivant une progression habilement calculée du libéralisme au radicalisme, ensuite au socialisme, au communisme, finalement à l'anarchie, reduciio ad absurdum des principes égalitaires. Pendant ce temps, Israël reste indemne des doctrines corrosives...
5) -Les dogmes politiques évoluant dans l'Europe cbrétienne, sa politique et ses constitutions démocratiques sont toutes en égal mépris chez les Anciens ou Sages d'Israël. Pour eux\"le gouvernement est un art sublime et secret, acquis seulement par une culture traditionnelle et départi à une élite très réduite, en quelque sanctuaire occulte...
6) -Dans cette Conception du Gouvernement, les masses ne sont qu'un méprisable troupeau; et les meneurs politiques des Goyim, à peu près aussi aveugles que leur bétail. de simples marionnettes aux mains des Anciens d'Israël: le plus souvent corrompus, toujours impuissants, facilement asservis par la Ratterie, par la menace ou par le chantage au profit de la domination Juive.
7) -La Presse, le Théâtre, la Bourse, la Science, la Loi. dans les mains qui détiennent tout l'or terrestre, sont autant d'instruments pour affoler l'opinion publique, pour la démoralisation de la jeunesse, l'excitation générale au vice pour la destruction des aspirations idéalistes (culture chrétienne), pour l'instauration du culte de l'argent comptant, du scepticisme matérialiste, du cynique appétit de plaisir.
Tel est le résumé (scrupuleusement exact) que fait le Times de ces Protocols of the Learned EIders of Zion, publiés sous la rubrique The Jewish Peril.
Tel est le document révélateur qu'ignore la presse de France.
Quand j'ai publié La Terreur Juive en 1906, quand j'en ai donné des éditions sans cesse augmentées, quand j'ai continué ma campagne dans l'OEuvre hebdomadaire, puis dans les cent soixante premiers numéros de la Vieille-France, je ne soupçonnais pas l'existence de
ces Protocols, soigneusement celés en Israël. On pensera qu'une extraordinaire divination me faisait reconstituer1e plan mystérieux de la Juiverie. Mais la prétendue « divination » consiste simplement à voir et à raisonner, à conclure des effets visibles à la cause invisible.
Une chose est certaine: les Protocols of the Leamed Eiders of Zion furent réellement publiés en Russie dès 1905: et le British Museum en possédait un exemplaire dès le 10 août 1906 (timbre d'entrée).
Le Times est ohligé d'admettre cette alternative: - ou les Protocols sont bien l'oeuvre des Anciens d'Israël; alors tout ce qu'on peut dire, tenter, exécuter contre les Juifs devient légitime, nécessaire, urgent. - ou les Protocols sont l'oeuvre d'un faussaire; mais le faussaire était un prodigieux voyant, puisqu'il a décrit en 1905, détail par détail, tout ce qui est en voie d'accomplissement dans l'Europe centrale et occidentale.
« N'avons-nous échappé à la paix allemande, demande avec angoisse le Time, que pour tomber dans cet abîme de la paix judaïque? »
C'est précisément la question que je posais depuis 1906, et que j'ai posée avec une force particulière dans la Vieille-France de 1916 à 1924.