The Muslims are smart because when they say insha'Allah they cannot be blamed for not keeping even their promise! Or did I really? Sorry, folks, I could not keep my promise not to post until my 70th Birthday! And I am glad to have posted because the fight cannot stop, not even for a day! (20th of May 2016)
Alex Jones Says All Muslims Should Be Deported - Morris
Former U.S. General Wesley Clark recently talked about bringing back
WWII-style U.S. internment camps. But this time, instead of rounding up
Japanese-Americans, the victims would be Muslims and any political
dissident that the government deemed “radical.”
That would include the tens of thousands of U.S. citizens who have
been placed on terror watch lists and the infamous FBI “No Fly List” who
have never been convicted of any crime, and in most cases have never
been arrested or questioned.
The interview took place with Digby, the pseudonym of liberal
political blogger Heather Parton (known also as Heather Digby Parton)
from Santa Monica, California who founded the blog Hullabaloo.
She has has come out and reaffirmed that this was exactly what Clark
said, and is not being taken out of context in any way whatsoever. Digby writes:
Yes, Wes Clark really said what I said he said folks
I have always liked Clark. And he said some reasonable stuff in his
interview with Thomas Roberts this morning before he said the following.
Roberts asked him what we needed to do about “self-radicalization”
which seems to be the short-hand for a Muslim (as opposed to a white
supremacist or a conspiracy theorist or just some nut) who reads some
crazy stuff on the internet and decides to go out in a blaze of glory:
Clark: We have got to identify the people who are most
likely to be radicalized. We’ve got to cut this off at the beginning.
There are always a certain number of young people who are alienated.
They don’t get a job, they lost a girlfriend, their family doesn’t feel
happy here and we can watch the signs of that. And there are members of
the community who can reach out to those people and bring them back in
and encourage them to look at their blessings here.
But I do think on a national policy level we need to look at what
self-radicalization means because we are at war with this group of
terrorists. They do have an ideology. In World War II if someone
supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn’t
say that was freedom of speech, we put him in a camp, they were
prisoners of war.
So, if these people are radicalized and they don’t support the United
States and they are disloyal to the United States, as a matter of
principle fine. It’s their right and it’s our right and obligation to
segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the
conflict. And I think we’re going to have to increasingly get tough on
this, not only in the United States but our allied nations like Britain,
Germany and France are going to have to look at their domestic law
People are arguing with me on twitter that he couldn’t have said
this, but he did. If you still don’t believe me go watch the tape
That’s good advice. Watch the video below and help SPREAD THE WORD.
It has happened here and it very well might again if we don’t SPEAK UP
ISIS 'Flames Of War' HOAX: The Road To WW3 - DON'T BE FOOLED!
l' indifférence générale, des armes terribles sont aujourd'hui
produites et utilisées par les plus grandes armées du monde : les armes à
l'uranium appauvri. Il ne s'agit pas de bombes atomiques mais de balles
et d'obus capables de traverser aisément les blindages traditionnels.
L'ennui est que la radioactivité de l'uranium appauvri que l'on trouve
dans les éclats transforment les champs de bataille en zones
contaminées. D'où les horribles conséquences pour les populations
civiles (cancer, malformations congénitales). Dans ce DVD, Vincent
Reynouard dévoile cet immense crime contre l'Humanité.
Le bombardement de Dresde, 13-15 février 1945
Published on 12 Aug 2013
des plus tragiques épisodes de la guerre. 1000 bombardiers anglais et
américains transforment une ville en un immense brasier.
13-14 février 1945 : le plus grand bombardement de l'Histoire.
sommes le 13 février 1945, la nuit tombe et les bombardiers de la RAF
se mettent en route. Le bombardement se fit en deux temps :
premièrement, une vague de 244 Lancaster (le commandant Maurice Smith,
qui dirige toute l'opération, en fera partie) bombardent la ville à
coups de bombes explosives, qui soufflent les bâtiments comme des
châteaux de cartes.
Ensuite arrive la seconde vague, 529
bombardiers larguent des bombes incendiaires. La ville est la proie des
flammes ; à certains endroits, la température atteint 1000° Celsius,
provoquant des tornades qui aspirent les habitants de la ville en leur
sein brûlant. Les civils errent dans un paysage de mort et de
désolation. La plupart sont morts, gravement blessés et, dans le
meilleur des cas, totalement désorientés et hébétés.
Dans les
décombres, certaines oeuvres d'art ont miraculeusement survécu. Dans les
décombres, certaines oeuvres d'art ont miraculeusement survécu
avions de la RAF avaient lâché sur la ville 1 478 tonnes de bombes
explosives et 1 182 tonnes de bombes incendiaires. Le lendemain, 311
B-17 de l'USAAF lâchèrent 771 tonnes de bombes sur la ville déjà en
ruine, pour finir le travail de la RAF.
BAFS in the United Kingdom of Greater Israel - London, 19 May 2015 - On
a windy (15 m.p.h.), rather cold (9°C), intermittently
and beautifully sunny and rainy, and cloudy day (strangely remembering
November) with thunder and lightning! The Gods (HAARP is one of them!) are visibly angry!
de nous demander si ce qu'ils nous racontent est vrai et credible. ce
débat est dépassé. la vraie question est: nous parle t"on vraiment de la
sorte? et ce que les présentateurs, les polemistes crayonneurs osent le
fumisme a si haut niveau? ou est ce que quelqu'un fabrique des preuves
POUR convaincre les derniers endormis qui croirait encore apprendre quoi
que ce soit dans la boite a loboto?
Apart from documents that
have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their
connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number
of whistleblowers that have come out adding more fuel to the fire.
Because not many are even aware of these documents, letting people know
about a truth that can be hard for people to accept, let alone ponder
the possibility is very important. It’s just one aspect of the veil
that’s been blinding the masses for quite some time now.
The latest whistleblower is David
Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the
second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence.
He is a former CIA clandestine services case officer, and this is what
he had to say:
terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own
security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident
we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on
by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders
against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become
a lunatic asylum.”
What Is A “False Flag Attack?”
Keiser Report: War on terror - self-leaking ice cream cone (E731)
A great example of a false flag attack
is 9/11, something that many people believe to be a creation of US
intelligence agencies, or some entity above the government (one that
controls what Eisenhower called “the military industrial complex”). The
idea is that these so called terrorist attacks are created by this
group, in order to justify the infiltration of other countries, and to
justify a heightened state of “national security.” As a result, in the
eyes of the citizenry, war and mass murder are justified, when the
intentions behind these actions are something the citizenry has no idea
about. This is why we see a false sense of patriotism programmed into
many people, especially in the United States. Men and women join this
massive military machine with good hearts, thinking that they are
serving their country and fighting terrorism, when they are doing the
complete opposite. They are only participating in a fabricated war based
on lies and misinformation.
“The truth is, there is no
Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed
intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to
make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity
representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a
unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The
country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook
Today, we might be seeing the same thing
with ISIS. Although there are no verified documents like there are when
it comes to Al-Qaeda, given what that information shows us, combined
with Wikileaks documents and statements from insiders, we could be
looking at the same thing.
Not long ago, FBI whistleblower stated that:
“The US is reviving terror scare with ISIS to promote the terror war industry.”
Fetzer said the United States is the creator of the ISIL and has been supporting the terrorist organization.
political commentator James Fetzer believes that the United States and
Israel are undoubtedly the world’s “two leading terrorist
“There really can be no serious doubt
that the United States and Israel are the two leading terrorist
organizations in the world which is the reason why the Department of
State has to make incoherent claims" like the one that accuses Iran of
supporting terrorists, Fetzer told Press TV on Saturday.
was pointing to the annual report by the Department of State, which was
published on Friday. The report does not mention Saudi Arabia, Qatar
and Turkey, which are widely believed to be the main supporters of
terrorists in the Middle East. The US itself stands accused of financing
and arming militants in the region.
“The United States created
the ISIS (ISIL), the United States is sponsoring the ISIS, the United
States has opposed the United Nations’ declaration that ISIS is a
terrorist organization,” Fetzer said.
The largely unknown leader of the ISIL terrorist group, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, confirmed in the photo with Senator John McCain.
also stated that “[Senator] John McCain [Chairman of the Senate
Committee on Armed Services] flew to Syria and was photographed with the
leader of ISIS who is recognized as a Mossad agent.”
“The latest
reports in fact have two high ranking advisers of ISIS, also Mossad
agents being captured by American Special Forces in Iraq, which must
have been inadvertence of the United States is supporting ISIS, which is
widely known in Washington and it’s John McCain’s army,” he added.
United States is a great sponsor of terrorism as is Israel, which
occurs repeatedly around the world. We should be supporting Syria and
Iran and not attacking them or seeking to undermine them,” Fetzer noted.
We Are Not Charlie Hebdo - Dr Kevin Barrett
We Are
NOT Charlie Hebdo!: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 Paperback – April 2,
"A breakthrough
in the study of State Crimes Against Democracy." - David Ray Griffin,
author of 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed,
and Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis? “Today's Western
governments and mainstream media are not trustworthy. If you want the truth,
you need to read books like this.” –Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Secretary of
Defense, author of The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis “A necessary set of
challenging responses to the Islamophobic manipulation of the Charlie Hebdo
incident, suggesting the urgent relevance of dissent and suspicion in response
to official versions of controversial events.” –Richard Falk, Prof. Emeritus of
International Law, Princeton University Only one version of the Charlie Hebdo
affair made the mainstream media: "Muslim extremists kill cartoonists and
Jews." An officially-orchestrated response - "je suis Charlie" -
followed. But is there another side to the story? Disturbing facts quickly
emerged. Politicians, big media, the security industry, and arms manufacturers
all rushed to cash in. And freedom of speech in France – the supposed target of
the terrorists – was rolled back by the French government. Even as millions
marched for Charlie, millions more sensed that something was very, very wrong.
In We Are Not Charlie Hebdo, twenty-one leading public intellectuals refuse the
invitation to identify with "Je Suis Charlie." Jews, Muslims,
Christians, Protestants, Catholics, atheists, people of the left and right,
progressives and traditionalists, people from many different countries and
ethnicities – all have united to say "we are NOT Charlie Hebdo." Most
suspect the whole affair was a false flag operation or psy-op. (Evidence for
that interpretation is presented in the book.) Others merely dissent from the
official, mythic false consensus. If you question what governments tell you…if
you doubt the mainstream media version of events…if you are NOT Charlie
Hebdo…then this book is for you.
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
is Host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly LIVE call in radio
show. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other
broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the
New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and
other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges
and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran
for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a non profit organizer,
author, and talk radio host.
This video was produced by New Dimensions TV ( Being Launched SOON !
Help keep independent online media news channels free to bring you the real news.
I lived in Paris for 13 years, including 5 years in Méréville (Essonne, French 91st Department), meaning that I am not only accustomed with French Traditions, but took part regularly in many festivities, religious and non religious both in Paris and in the country-side.
The Christian Feast of the Epiphany is one of them, and on that occasion a Cake of or for the Kings "La Galette des Rois", a flat almond pastry cake is shared among the guests to celebrate the coming and incarnation (God made man) of Jesus Christ.
Traditionally Epiphany is on 6th January and is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of January because it is not a public holiday.
NOW, my questions are:
1. How on earth would Jewish (Israel, Libération, Rothschild, etc.) financed and supported pornographers celebrate Christian Epiphany or even "La Galette des Rois"?
2. How could the pornographers even celebrate the famous "Galette des Rois" NOT on Sunday 4th like everybody else, but on Wednesday 7th of January 2015!
3. Can anybody find out who else celebrated Epiphany or "La Galette des Rois" on Wednesday 7th of January 2015?
4. Can anybody investigate how many times in previous years did those pornographers celebrate "La Galette des Rois" and on which dates?
Dr Kevin Barrett has done an excellent job regarding this "Charlie Hebdo" matter and he should always be remembered for his courageous and unflinching Jihad for Truth in so many other matters!
Monday 15th of June 2015
I exchanged a few emails with Tsahal assassin Barry Chamish regarding the Ring Worm Children, but when I questioned his role in the Sabra Chatilla Massacres, he got very angry and within days my computer was hacked and I was not able to access his website without some funny things happening to my computer. I was not surprised because I was dealing with a Tsahal mercenary! I had found him damn wrong about Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and his paranoia about the survival of the Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, Racist and Terrorist Israel.
I will soon order Dr Kevin Barrett's book "We are not Charlie" and am excited to see what Barry Chamish had to say about Charlie Hebdo false flag given he is already damn wrong about the Sandy Hook Hoax.
Barrie Trower at the Open Mind Conference 2012, part 1
Désirée Röver at the Open Mind Conference 2012. Part 1
The Real Deal Ep # 65 Scott Bennett, Warrior for Truth
JADE HELM: What can be done to stop it?
- Jun 09, 2015
I am writing from my "Black" ghetto in a
totalitarian State where I have been forced to live for the past 18 years after
my French wife, who said to the British Maritime Court of Injustice (BMCI) that
we were not married at all (Islamic Nikah is not marriage!) and that I never
worked at all during my 13 years in Paris as Manager of the Hôtel Windsor,
"except changing the odd light bulbs".I could not find nicest and fittest epitaph
for my tombstone although I might end up dumped at sea like Usama Bin Ladin or holocausted unlike Jews without a
tomb or a stone.Britain cannot afford
to bury its dead anymore; the money Jews and others have stolen all the land!
2015 Jun
3 at 8:14 PM
SoormallyKraig Peterson
2015 Jun
3 at 10:46 PM
Thanks for the kind words. The Truth is coming out faster
every day. I have CCed this to Kraig Peterson who created this youTube which resulted in my
being called to travel to Malaysia last April.
I told them in writing, before I traveled, that if they did not expose
the BUAP they
should anticipate another explosive event by 1900 on 17 July
2014. MH17 went
down on the 17th of July at 1735.
My 14 year old son and I were forced out of
our home and business (at least £50,000 of his money was invested in the partnership!)
after my wife plotted with our two business partners, Jayne and Dean
Christopher Harrington, both Witnesses of the Devil
("Jehovah") who defrauded us of all our money and even home.They are untouchable (as well as those of all
confessions working for the Secret Intelligence Services like the Pakistani MI5 informant who embezzled more than £30,000 of our money and stole my son's £4,000 purchased Honda Civic car!) as their Sect is a State
protected and privileged Zionist Judeo Freemasonic Sect started by Pastor Charles Taze Russell calledZion's
Watch Tower in 1879, and the Watch Tower Society in 1881. Protestants or
dissidents in the movement changed its name in 1931 into that of "Jehovahs
Witnesses".My son's inheritance from
my boss Gérard Frémaux (that is another story) was blocked and when four years
later it was finally released in 2000 it had devalued (thanks to the Rothschilds!) by at least 300 per cent!And France betrayed both of us with their
institutions and Courts completely in the hands of Talmudo-Zionists where we had no recourse whatsoever!
Am I complainingor still
moaning (more than 18 years later!) about material losses and the break-up of
my family?Of course not, although the
main victim was not me, but our son, my unique child on whom my wife took revenge!I am smiling because this reminds me of one
of the most unlucky of all men in history!His birth and very short life span, only 3 years, was such a big deal
that he ended up on a cross and hundreds of millions hope he will come back
because he loves the people who had him crucified so much although many say he
either never existed or did not die on the cross! He was the one who said he had no place to lay
his head!Thank God, I have a place to
lay my head (until now!)!
"Foxes have dens and birds have nests,
but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."Anonymous Matthew 8:20
Strange people those Christians!In the same breath they call that
poor man Jesus the Son of a Woman born without a Man, the Son of Man, and God Himself!
Jesus was such a failure that he has to return in order to fulfil his earthly mission
for such an undeserving humanity.Some 2-3
billion cretins worldwide, at least, believe in and hope for his return!The other 4-5 billion say he either never
existed or is not what is said about him.
Shabir Ali & Jay Smithabout Jesus in the Holy "Bible" and in the Holy Qur'aan
did not have the Internet, but, even in my bug ridden ghetto,
I have the Internet, and I am connected to the whole world while Jesus was connected only to Israel.Paul, and Rome
(the crucifiers) had to come to change all this.I am also connected to the Invisible world of
Evil where Christopher Everard and others confirmed my own conclusions and life
experiences of the occult, except that I do not share the hatred for or lies about God and religion by most of them.But, the Earth
will continue or stop turning without me and this 19th May 2015 will finally
give me the peace I deserve (I hope!) after my 7 decades on this wonderful
Earth (including the 9 months in my Mother's womb) and in this life that is so
beautiful both in splendour and ugly in stench.Strange destiny is mine when I think about how many times and for how long
my own parents, uncles, aunt, nephew, brothers and sisters tried to destroy me (and destroy at least
two of my then four wives) because of ignorance greed, jealousy, and Satanic
influences.Surviving 7 decades is not
that bad when I think that Six Million Jews perished in gas chambers under the
German National Socialists according to the Survivors (?) who are now ruling the
entire world under different guises: French Nationalism, Socialism, Communism
and Laïcité, British, American, Canadian, Australian, European Jewish
Supremacism, Humanism, Secularism,
Feminism, Neo-Darwinism, democracy (Oligarchy!), libertarianism, Charliism, while always
bragging about their so-called Judeo-Christian civilisation.
I also learned about the decadence of the Nation
(Ummah) of Muhammad, which I was very well aware of when I was a teenager, and the
fanaticism of Muslims, their backwardness, sectarianism, tribalism,
culturalism, nationalism, treachery, and even Satanic tendencies, all under the
guise of Islam. I do not include among the Muslims the Talmudist and Atheist
mercenaries who are recruited, financed, trained and armed by the Jews and
decadent Christians and apostates of the West to commit atrocities around the world and in
particular in occupied Muslim lands, in the name of Islam or Death squads like Blackwater-Xe
that have been replaced by names like Boko Haram, Isis, Isil, IS, Daesh, Al-Qaeda,
and so on.The Nation of Jesus had
known a similar fate with one exception: they do not have an uncorrupted and
incorruptible Holy Scripture to rely upon as Muslims do.The religion of Jesus changes according to
the ages, regions, and according to the denominations calling themselves Christian.The worst changes happened when the Bauer-Rothschilds
took over the finances of the Vatican and were made Judeo-Christian Lords and
Barons and were given as present by a decadent Christendom the Holy Land
of the Muslims also known as Palestine, which is still being occupied by
Rothschild's warmongering, terrorist, racist, pervert and ethnic cleansing
hordes from Khazaria, Europe, the United States of America, Canada, Australia
and even Africa.They are now heading to
Mars, so they brag!The Nations of both
Jesus and Paul have gone completely berserk by fully endorsing Earthly Israel, and
more and more, homosexuality, incest , drugs, gambling, selective racism, prostitution,
pornography, genocidal wars and wars of conquest, plunder and enslavement, mass
murdering embargoes, orchestrated famine, Monsanto, forced vaccination, and other abominations, although
authentic Christians and Paulians still resist the takeover by Caesar of their
religion(s).But, although they are numerous globally,
they are unfortunately still not enough to make a difference.
I feel all of a sudden that I now need (maybe
just as an experiment) those seven months (maybe my last on Earth!) without
having to bother
1.about which country or nation US America or
Israel is going to nuke;
2.about the extermination of some 1,8 billion
Muslims and Arabs worldwide or of the planned 6.5 billion to be exterminated
3.about the Zionist Judeo-Christian World Order
(including Mars!) when in the first place we gave them that power over us and our natural and
human resources;
4.about fighting a battle that is lost in
advance with such hypocrites and cowards calling themselves Christians or
Muslims, the greatest nations that this world had produced, but who never
stopped hating each other;
5.about Love who most of us haven't got a clue
what it really means;
6.about living in a world devoid of poetry and
romance, but full of "beauty contest", idol worship,and corporate competitions;
7.and about a God who IS NOT what most of us
thing HE IS!
The US Americans will get their pound of
flesh from Iran sooner or later!Muammar al
Ghaddafi was a fool to believe they had forgotten about their decades of hatred
of his and his achievements and ally with Satan in the end and shaking hands
with the racist and Israeli(st) Jew Nicolas Sarkozy. Beware of Talmudist Vengeance! The Russian Tzar and his entire family paid dearly because of that!
I would tend to agree with the New
Agers or with David Icke that we are all Gods if they were not so bigoted
against religion, God, Islam and Christianity, and I like the idea of positive
and negative vibrations which I found in all religions, but mainly in
Christianity (despite the corruption of its Sacred Texts) and Islam.Judaism does not exist anymore except in the
form of Talmudism and Zionism and Christianity will soon stop to exist except in the form
of Zionist and homosexual Judeo-Christianity.The rulers of the world are trying hard to corrupt Islam, but they find
the task impossible although they have managed to corrupt the Muslims,
Survivors of so many holocausts and Shoahs ever since Europeans invaded the
Americas and started exterminating the Natives and steal their lands and
wealth.The decadent Ottomans did
nothing to prevent the genocide whether in the Americas, Australia, New
Zealand, Asia or Africa.Muslims did
nothing as they too were decadent and themselves victims. Some non racist
sources say that more than 30% of the European Judeo Christian captured people
sold out into slavery were Muslims although we also know that White Europeans
were also sold out into slavery well before the African and Asian Slave Trade!
Pr Robert Faurissonsays he is eager to die but not before
his wife (he has obviously a very kind heart, the notorious
"anti-Semite" that the Jewish and Zionist "Semites" have
attacked relentlessly and tried to kill!) because he has left in his Will some
kind of Revelation that will (or may) cause quite a shock to some!But, I am sorry to say that it is too late as
the masses are too much under totalitarian military, government, media,
judiciary, academic, institutional, and electronic control that nothing will
change in the world as democracy has a voice but no power and is mainly oligarchic.Most of us are heading to our total
destruction and enslavement unless we rise up as a unit and resist and boycott
the progeny of whatever devilish species the rulers come from.The US Americans have a Constitutional right
to keep and bear arms against any tyrannical government at home, but instead
they keep their arms as decoration on their shelves and use them for target
practice on dummies when their military has joined forces with the Police and
is terrorising the entire nation and murdering all opponents to the system.And, backed by their Churches and Synagogues
of Satan, they even allow their dictatorial and warmongering governments to
send out their armies of mercenaries to bomb, torture, starve and mass murder
other nations, and feel happy and proud about living in US America and being US Americans!Who will not feel happy and proud when they
are given all the drugs, whores and abominations they want at home?
Kill me, jail me, torture me, persecute
me today!It is not a big deal as I have already outlived
both Jesus and Muhammad!But, both Jesus
and Muhammad knew that their followers would eventually betray them both!Both the Synagogue of Satan and the Masjid of
Satan have become reality although Islam remains the only way of life or
religion that has retained its full potentials, and Muslims the main believers (not
the extremists!) who have retained their morality and spirituality more or less
intact!Some authentic Christians and
authentic Muslims will ally, but not enough in number and not soon enough to make a
difference.The forces of Satan are too
far advanced to stop them now unless a REAL MIRACLE!
19th of May 2015
P.S. Prophetic! Remember how Malcom X was murdered when he announced he was not a racist anymore!
L'Islam condamne le racisme - Malcolm X
Chantage Shoahnanesque - Vergès vire le journaliste Martineau
is the updated version (as of December 2014) of my 911 production
originally broadcast on The Peoples Voice in January 2014. It has
additional footage and commentary, improved graphics and is a direct
response to David Cameron's ridiculous speech at the UN General Assembly
in 2014.
Salim Laibi - La Mecque infiltrée par les satanistes Published on 11 Aug 2014
You guys claim that Rahim was ISIS and was planning to randomly behead cops. Yeah, right.
Greenwald blows that story to smithereens in every possible way. For starters: “The FBI/BPD’s claim — we had proof he was an ISIS-inspired terrorist about to unleash a terror plot — is totally inconsistent with their behavior in how they approached him and with their claimed reasons for doing so.”
As AP noted, on social media Rahim ‘spoke out against the kind of violence Islamic State extremists are fomenting across the Middle East,’ and
‘posted no bloody pictures and made none of the violent calls to arms
many supporters of armed extremist groups espouse on social media.’
Moreover: ‘killing people is anti-Islamic,’ Rahim wrote, arguing a key
tenet of the faith is ‘we do not fight evil with that which causes a greater evil.’
So Rahim was one of the vast majority of Muslims opposed to
terrorism. (Polls show that Muslims oppose terrorism by greater margins
than non-Muslims; and FBI statistics show that radical Muslims commit only 6% of terrorist attacks,
less than radical Jews who commit 7% – and that’s not even counting the
majority of “radical Muslim” false flags committed by, shall we say,
Then why did you extrajudicially execute him?
Maybe because he wouldn’t work with you, wouldn’t become an FBI informant? Maybe you murdered him for the same reason you destroyed the life of Tarek Mehanna?
Maybe you had your anonymous “informant” that you call “a third person” invent yet another FBI terror plot and pin it on an innocent man, Usaamah Rahim?
And maybe you decided to kill him, to hunt him down like a dog and
pump him full of bullets, because his name was Usaamah and he was black,
making him that much easier to demonize? And also to silence him,
permanently, so he would never be able to tell the truth and defend
Here is Usaamah Rahim’s Facebook posting about your tactics:
Damn FBI calling my phone! They just want any opportunity
to drag a Muslim into some DRAMA … He wanted to meet up with me and
“Talk.” HA! I said about WHAT? He said “Sir, we have some allegations
regarding you …” I said “REALLY?” What ALLEGATIONS? He said “Well sir,
thats what I wanted to meet up with you about. I came by your house a
few times, but kept missing you.” I said, “If you want to summon me, you
summon that COURT ORDER if your allegations you claiming are true,
otherwise, BEAT IT” and then I hung up … funny, I was just telling my
brother I heard some clicking noises on my phone. Every Muslim needs to
treat these government cronies the same way I did, because if you let
them get close, trust me, they’ll have you making statements about
things that could get you jail-time, that in fact, you were preaching
AGAINST i.e. violence and terrorism. Try again, monkey-boys …
Now I understand that Rahim shouldn’t have called you guys “monkey boys.” That’s an insult to monkeys.
But insulting monkeys is not a capital crime, at least last time I checked.
You sub-monkeys also claim that Rahim said he was “going on vacation”
which is Muslim-speak for “going on jihad.” Any self-respecting monkey
with a three-digit monkey-IQ would fall on the floor laughing at that
one. But apparently the FBI takes it very, very seriously.
I have been a Muslim since 1993, earned an Islamic Studies related
Ph.D. in 2004, yet somehow never heard that “vacation” and “jihad” are
But come to think of it, it’s not such a bad idea.
I think I’ll go on vacation-jihad this summer.
But before you lose your heads, let me explain what jihad is and what it isn’t.
“Jihad” means effort or striving. It complements “islam” which means absolute submission to God.
When we Muslims pray the five-times-daily salaat prayer, we perform a
sort of yoga meditation embodying “islam,” absolute submission to God.
At the moment the head touches the floor in full sujud we “let go” completely in an instant of deep relaxation and peaceful self-submission.
That moment of absolute submission to the perfect God who created
this ultimately perfect universe is a moment of deep perfection and
bliss. You could almost stay that way forever.
But no. Life is a test, and alongside absolute submission, God asks
us to exert effort, to strive for the Good. So in between prayers, we
have to perform jihad, “exertion” or “effort” or “striving.”
The “greater jihad” is exertion/effort/striving to be a better person.
The “lesser jihad” is exertion/effort/striving to defend the community.
I’ll be doing both when I go on vacation this summer.
As soon as Ramadan ends, I’m going to pack my family into my
almost-20-year-old van and drive west…visit Denver, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and the Canadian Rockies. We’ll do some
camping along the way. Visit some friends. Visit family.
And also wage jihad. LESSER jihad. (Ominous music.)
But I won’t behead anyone.
(Beheadings aren’t jihad. They’re PR stunts by the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service aka ISIS.)
My jihad is defending the Muslim, American, and global communities by
telling the truth. As the Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) said: “The
best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant.”
I will be speaking about anti-Islam false flags in general, and the
Charlie Hebdo affair in particular, in Denver, Sacramento, San
Francisco, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver,
Lethbridge, Calgary, Jasper, and maybe Edmonton. I’ll also be flying to
Atlanta for the 11th annual Muslim Congress August 7th-9th.
If you could send some undercover agents to surveil me at my talks, I
would greatly appreciate it. Bigger turnouts are always better. They
might even learn something.
I’m also offering the same generous discount on Questioning the War on Terror, which gives you everything you need to solve 9/11 and arrest the real perpetrators.
In memory of Usaamah Rahim and the millions of other Muslim martyrs murdered by the Big Lie,
Dr. Kevin Barrett
PS And by the way, please inform the Canadian authorities that the “FBI record” they used as an excuse to stop me from speaking in Toronto is bogus.
Big Question: How Free Is Speech?' took place on Friday 13th February
2015 at Queen Mary University of London with a diverse panel of speakers
• Dan Hodges (The Telegraph)
• Hamza Tzortzis (iERA)
• Professor Peter Cave (British Humanist Association)
• Abdullah Al Andalusi (Muslim Debate Initiative)
• Andre Walker (Breitbart, London)
• Moazzam Begg (CAGE)
• Yvonne Ridley (Chair)
advice would you give for those who are very active on Facebook
regarding current affairs, on how to best protect themselves, especially
now that the CTS has become legislation?"
have all been concerned by the reported rise in anti-semitism. Do you
also think there is a problem with the rise in Islamophobia in the UK?
And are the two comparable?"
Samedi 30 mai, Michael Collins Piper a été retrouvé inanimé dans une chambre d’hôtel de l’État de l’Idaho, à l’âge de 54 ans.
Selon un proche, rentré en contact avec la police locale, il
s’agirait d’une mort naturelle provoquée par un malaise cardiaque. La
résidence de MCP avait été récemment incendiée, contraignant l’auteur à
vivre provisoirement chez des amis ou à l’hôtel [1].
Journaliste d’investigation ayant consacré de nombreux ouvrages à
l’influence sioniste aux États-Unis, MCP s’était présenté, via son site
Internet et avec ironie, comme « l’auteur que le lobby israélien adore détester » en raison des nombreux articles ou communiqués – rédigés par des personnalités sionistes américaines – à son encontre [2].
En 1994, l’homme avait fait sensation en publiant Final Judgment,
première enquête documentée à propos d’une thèse récemment évoquée par
Panamza et passée sous silence en France : l’implication du Premier
ministre israélien David Ben Gourion dans l’assassinat de Kennedy [3].
MCP est également l’auteur du Golem, livre consacré au danger planétaire constitué par l’arsenal nucléaire israélien, et de High Priests of War, décryptage de la responsabilité des « extrémistes juifs et chrétiens » issus de l’Administration Bush dans le déclenchement de la guerre contre l’Irak [4].
Régulièrement calomnié – depuis son ouvrage sur JFK – par des
militants sionistes et des organisations juives radicales
d’outre-Atlantique, MCP avait toujours balayé d’un revers de la main les
accusations d’« antisémitisme » [5].
Our dearest
friend, Mike, passed away this past weekend, apparently resulting from
his heart condition made worse by the stress he endured first in losing
his job, being forced to relocate out here to Idaho and then the
housefire that took place 3 weeks ago, forcing him to relocate again.
Details are sketchy at this point, as I am waiting to meet with the police officials handling his case.
Details will be made public once they are available.
Update–Just spoke with the police detective handling the case and the coroner has ruled it natural causes.
A small story appeared in the Coeur D’Alene Press discussing it here
Obama boasts ‘I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat’ in the Oval Office
7 Votes
note–what’s wrong with this picture? If any candidate for any office
boasted that he or she was ‘the closest thing to a Muslim that has ever
sat in such-and-such office’, the JMSM (and especially the
right-wingers) would be screaming like 6 month old babies who just
dirtied their diapers. Furthermore, if indeed–as ADL and other organized
Jewish groups fanatically and disingenuously maintain–that Jews have no
more influence over the government, media, finance, etc, then why is
there is obvious attempt on the part of SO MANY people, including the
President himself–to pander to these people and make it appear as though
he is in ‘their camp’ on all issues and at all times?
fact is however, that in this case, Obama is telling the truth. Contrary
to the narrative that right wing Zionists would like the world to
believe, Obama was brought to office in order to SAVE Israel, not to
harm her.
President Obama once confided to a top
adviser that he believes he is “the closest thing to a Jew that has ever
sat in this office.”
In an interview with an Israeli TV station, former Obama adviser David Axelrod recalled the president venting in a moment of contemplation about criticisms that he doesn’t support Israel strongly enough.
“You know, I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office,” the president told Mr. Axelrod. “For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts.”
The TV report came out in
advance of an exclusive interview that Mr. Obama conducted with Channel
2’s Ilana Dayan, which will be broadcast later Tuesday.
Mr. Axelrod also was critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has had a frosty relationship with Mr. Obama.
world of politics everywhere is divided into two categories: the first
and more common is the people who run for public office because they
want to be somebody,” Mr. Axelrod
said. “A smaller group is made of respectable people who run for public
office because they want to do something – something positive. Shape
the future in a positive way. I think Benjamin Netanyahu
completely falls in the first category. He is a great politician. He
knows what he needs to do to get through the next election. But it seems
to me that Israel has to think about what they need to do to get through the next generation.”
Indyk, U.S. special envoy for the Israeli–Palestinian Negotiations from
2013 to 2014, told Ms. Dayan that “Israelis are ungrateful to this
“They never appreciated his rule whereby nothing will harm the security of Israel,”
Mr. Indyk said. “Obama did not manage to get that statement out so that
the Israelis can really feel it. You are an emotional nation, not a
rational nation. You work from your gut and not your mind. “
He said of Mr. Netanyahu’s
speech to Congress this spring, which the White House opposed: “The
prime minister really stuck his finger in President Obama’s eye, and
this is a disturbing development.”
Germanwings Hoax: More Crisis Acting from CNN - "Fly Crash"
Crazed: Andreas
Lubitz (pictured) accelerated the doomed Germanwings jet into the
mountain, data from the second black box recorder shows
pilot Andreas Lubitz accelerated the doomed Germanwings jet into the
mountain, data from the second black box recorder revealed today.
air accident investigators said the 27-year-old used the automatic
pilot to put the plane into a descent and repeatedly adjusted the
controls to speed up the aircraft.
revelation adds further weight to evidence from the cockpit voice
recorder that Lubitz acted deliberately when he crashed the Airbus A320
in the French Alps at 430mph, instantly killing all 150 people on
A judicial source working alongside Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the information confirmed their worst fears.
second black box, which was found charred and crumpled at the crash
site yesterday, measures data such as speed, altitude and pilot action
and was an 'indispensable element' in the investigation, said the
BEA air accident agency said in a statement that investigators have so
far only obtained initial readings from the device and were continuing
to extract data.
forensics experts have also identified DNA strands from all 150 victims
of the crash, meaning that scientists can examine Lubitz's.
experts have been pouring over DNA evidence that has been painstakingly
collected from among the debris scattered across the mountainside.
Lubitz's forensic remains may help to answer a number of questions, including whether he was on medication.
Some 600 body parts have been found, and not a single corpse, meaning identifying people had been hugely difficult.
There are some 500 gendarmes and emergency workers currently securing the crash site, as they search for more human remains.
French emergency rescue services are pictured here sifting through the wreckage of the crashed plane
Battered: A picture from the French
Aviation Authority BEA shows the crumpled second black box containing
the Flight Data Recorder from the Germanwings A320 airplane that
crashed in the French Alps
The second black box, which was found
charred and crumpled at the crash site on Thursday, measures data such
as speed, altitude and pilot action and was an 'indispensable element'
in the investigation, said a source
The second black box recovered from
the wreckage of Germanwings flight 4U9525 shows that co-pilot Andreas
Lubitz accelerated the aircraft as it descended into the Alps, French
aviation officials said
Images showing the damaged black box data flight recorder, the second from the Germanwings Airbus A320
The second black box from the
Germanwings plane, seen during a press conference of the French
prosecutor in Marseille, was found 'usable' condition
president Francois Hollande made it clear earlier this week that all
those aboard the claim would be identified formally 'by this weekend'.
revelations from the second black box recorder comes after it emerged
Lubitz had researched suicide methods and cockpit door security in the
days leading up to the disaster.
said an examination of a tablet computer found at his apartment
revealed he had recently used internet search terms such as cockpit
doors and their security and suicide methods.
was also reported that Lubitz told doctors he was on sick leave rather
than flying and had been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug so strong it
can increase the risk of suicide.
Wreckage: Rescue workers and investigators pictured at the crash site of the Germanwings Airbus A320 in the Alps
French emergency rescue services work at the crash site of the Germanwings plane where 150 people died
Rescue workers and investigators work at the crash site of a Germanwings Airbus ear Seyne-les-Alpes
Arduous task: A photo provided by the
French Interior Ministry shows emergency rescue services working among
the debris of the Germanwings passenger jet at the crash site near
French emergency rescue services work among debris of the Germanwings passenger jet at the crash site
Forensics experts have also identified
DNA strands from all 150 victims of the crash, meaning that scientists
can examine Lubitz's
People who use Lorazepam are advised not to drive a car, let alone fly a commercial jetliner.
Medical experts say it can also increase the risk of self-harm at the start of treatment.
yesterday announced that the second black box from the flight had been
found in a blackened state, but said it was 'usable'.
It was said to be in a good condition and was likely to yield more information.
The Germanwings Airbus A320 (above) crashed into a mountain at 430mph, killing all 150 people on board
The first black box voice recorder
from the Germanwings flight that was recovered last week and revealed
Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane. The second has now also
been retrieved from the wreckage
believe Lubitz locked his captain out of the A320’s cockpit on March 24
and deliberately crashed the plane, killing all 150 people on board –
possibly because of suicidal tendencies or fears he may lose his pilot’s
sources from the investigation, German newspaper Bild reported that he
sometimes lied to doctors that he was off work and wanted to get better
so he could fly again.
said he gave them information about his job as a pilot and his
employer, Germanwings, but concealed that he was still working.
Evidence: Police carry a computer out
of the house Lubitz shared with his parents in Montabaur, Germany, two
days after the disaster. Investigators have also found a tablet computer
which revealed a search history from March 16 to March 23 that
included medical treatment, suicide methods and cockpit door security
Team talk: French gendarmes get ready
to visit the crash site of the German Airbus A320 as part of the search
operation in Seyne-les-Alpes
of those killed in the Alps crash are likely to receive vastly
different payouts depending on their nationality, where they bought the
ticket and how much they earned, lawyers said today.
can be made either where the ticket was purchased, in the home country
of the airline, at courts in the passenger's destination or in the
passenger's home country.
in air crashes, the amounts awarded for pain and suffering vary by
country even though they may all have shared the same fate.
Victims from the U.S. tend to receive higher payouts, followed by Europeans and Asians.
James Healy-Pratt at Stewarts Law LLP, which is advising families of
those killed in the Malaysian Air disasters last year, said British
parents who lose an adult child can expect compensation of around
£20,000, while American parents could expect £1.5million.
CEO Carsten Spohr said on Wednesday that the airline would provide
assistance to the families of those killed 'for as long as help is
belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which treat a
variety of conditions including anxiety, sleeping problems and other
mental health disorders.
Patients with psychiatric issues are warned it could lead to changes in behaviour.
Worryingly, this can include an increased risk of suicide, particularly in the early stages of treatment.
are also advised to get at least seven hours continuous sleep or it can
cause memory loss from the time you wake up to the time the effects of
the drug have worn off.
Due to its strong soporific effect, it can hamper your ability to drive or operate machinery.
Source: NHS Choices
was apparently more stable in recent years, but in the past few weeks
had reportedly seen doctors three times for depression and an eye doctor
over fears he was losing his sight.
Bild said it discovered that he was prescribed drugs, including the sedative Lorazepam, to combat to range of disorders.
pharmacologist said: ‘It is prescribed to combat anxiety, tension and
sleep disorders. Whether you should fly a plane or even drive is
Doctors had recently found no sign that Lubitz intended to hurt himself or others.
he was receiving treatment from neurologists and psychiatrists who had
signed him off sick from work a number of times, including on the day of
the crash.
transport minister Alexander Dobrindt yesterday announced the setting
up of the task force that would look at, among other things, whether
extra checks on the mental health of pilots should be introduced.
Investigators continue to deny reports that mobile phone footage from on board the jet had emerged.
They say they have found phones amid the wreckage but the devices have yet to be thoroughly examined.
Special mountain troops are continuing to search for personal belongings.
French forensics experts confirmed yesterday they had identified DNA strands from all 150 victims of the crash.
A member of the Dog Services of the French Gendarmerie carries a dog as he prepares to visit the crash site
Andreas Lubitz exploited post-9/11 safety mechanisms to carry out his murderous plan.
waited for his captain, Patrick Sondenheimer, to leave the flight deck
and go to the toilet before commanding the Airbus A320 to descend.
Once out of the cockpit, the door locked automatically.
this auto-lock feature, which led to Lubitz having sole control of the
plane, was introduced as a way of improving flight safety in the wake of
Scroll down for video
The Airbus A-320 is fitted with a safety system, pictured, to prevent unauthorised access to the flight deck
Lubitz was sitting in this cockpit, pictured, when he commanded the jet to crash into the Alps at 400mph
Airbus A320 is fitted with a locking mechanism to prevent unauthorised
access to the flight deck while the aircraft is in flight. The door was
also specially strengthened, to prevent someone from being able to barge
their way through.
safety systems were improved in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror
attacks where hijackers were able to gain access to the cockpit and take
over the aircraft.
Access to the cockpit door on
the Germanwings Airbus A320 (like the one above) can be disabled from
inside the flight deck to prevent hijacking
In normal flight, the door to the flight is closed and locked.
Cabin crew can use a code and gain access to the flight deck.
Entry is controlled by the flight crew, in case of a possible hijack attempt.
Cockpit Door Locking System (CDLS) according to the flight manual
'provides a means of electrically locking and unlocking the cockpit
The CDLS is located in the central pedestal between both pilots and has a toggle switch which controls the door.
They also have a CCTV camera so they can see who is seeking access, and if they are under any form of duress.
Pilots can restrict access to the flight deck although cabin crew can gain entry in an emergency.
However, this emergency access can be over-ridden by the pilot for between five to 20 minutes.
The limited time to keep the door closed is itself a safety feature, in case the flight crew become incapacitated.
the predetermined time, the keypad on the outside of the cockpit door
will become operational again, unless the pilot actively restricts
access again.
Also the cockpit door has several other safety features in case of a sudden decompression which will cause the door to open.
The pilot has to flick one simple switch, pictured, to lock the cabin door for between five and 20 minutes
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Killer pilot Andreas Lubitz ACCELERATED INTO Alps mountain, data from doomed plane's second black box recorder reveals
Lubitz repeatedly adjusted the automatic pilot controls to speed up plane
Investigators have begun studying second black box found at crash site
Adds further weight to evidence that he deliberately crashed Airbus A320
He researched suicide methods and cockpit door security before disaster
Crazed: Andreas
Lubitz (pictured) accelerated the doomed Germanwings jet into the
mountain, data from the second black box recorder shows
pilot Andreas Lubitz accelerated the doomed Germanwings jet into the
mountain, data from the second black box recorder revealed today.
air accident investigators said the 27-year-old used the automatic
pilot to put the plane into a descent and repeatedly adjusted the
controls to speed up the aircraft.
revelation adds further weight to evidence from the cockpit voice
recorder that Lubitz acted deliberately when he crashed the Airbus A320
in the French Alps at 430mph, instantly killing all 150 people on
A judicial source working alongside Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said the information confirmed their worst fears.
second black box, which was found charred and crumpled at the crash
site yesterday, measures data such as speed, altitude and pilot action
and was an 'indispensable element' in the investigation, said the
BEA air accident agency said in a statement that investigators have so
far only obtained initial readings from the device and were continuing
to extract data.
forensics experts have also identified DNA strands from all 150 victims
of the crash, meaning that scientists can examine Lubitz's.
experts have been pouring over DNA evidence that has been painstakingly
collected from among the debris scattered across the mountainside.
Lubitz's forensic remains may help to answer a number of questions, including whether he was on medication.
Some 600 body parts have been found, and not a single corpse, meaning identifying people had been hugely difficult.
There are some 500 gendarmes and emergency workers currently securing the crash site, as they search for more human remains.
French emergency rescue services are pictured here sifting through the wreckage of the crashed plane
Battered: A picture from the French
Aviation Authority BEA shows the crumpled second black box containing
the Flight Data Recorder from the Germanwings A320 airplane that
crashed in the French Alps
The second black box, which was found
charred and crumpled at the crash site on Thursday, measures data such
as speed, altitude and pilot action and was an 'indispensable element'
in the investigation, said a source
The second black box recovered from
the wreckage of Germanwings flight 4U9525 shows that co-pilot Andreas
Lubitz accelerated the aircraft as it descended into the Alps, French
aviation officials said
Images showing the damaged black box data flight recorder, the second from the Germanwings Airbus A320
The second black box from the
Germanwings plane, seen during a press conference of the French
prosecutor in Marseille, was found 'usable' condition
president Francois Hollande made it clear earlier this week that all
those aboard the claim would be identified formally 'by this weekend'.
revelations from the second black box recorder comes after it emerged
Lubitz had researched suicide methods and cockpit door security in the
days leading up to the disaster.
said an examination of a tablet computer found at his apartment
revealed he had recently used internet search terms such as cockpit
doors and their security and suicide methods.
was also reported that Lubitz told doctors he was on sick leave rather
than flying and had been prescribed an anti-anxiety drug so strong it
can increase the risk of suicide.
Wreckage: Rescue workers and investigators pictured at the crash site of the Germanwings Airbus A320 in the Alps
French emergency rescue services work at the crash site of the Germanwings plane where 150 people died
Rescue workers and investigators work at the crash site of a Germanwings Airbus ear Seyne-les-Alpes
Arduous task: A photo provided by the
French Interior Ministry shows emergency rescue services working among
the debris of the Germanwings passenger jet at the crash site near
French emergency rescue services work among debris of the Germanwings passenger jet at the crash site
Forensics experts have also identified
DNA strands from all 150 victims of the crash, meaning that scientists
can examine Lubitz's
People who use Lorazepam are advised not to drive a car, let alone fly a commercial jetliner.
Medical experts say it can also increase the risk of self-harm at the start of treatment.
yesterday announced that the second black box from the flight had been
found in a blackened state, but said it was 'usable'.
It was said to be in a good condition and was likely to yield more information.
The Germanwings Airbus A320 (above) crashed into a mountain at 430mph, killing all 150 people on board
The first black box voice recorder
from the Germanwings flight that was recovered last week and revealed
Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the plane. The second has now also
been retrieved from the wreckage
believe Lubitz locked his captain out of the A320’s cockpit on March 24
and deliberately crashed the plane, killing all 150 people on board –
possibly because of suicidal tendencies or fears he may lose his pilot’s
sources from the investigation, German newspaper Bild reported that he
sometimes lied to doctors that he was off work and wanted to get better
so he could fly again.
said he gave them information about his job as a pilot and his
employer, Germanwings, but concealed that he was still working.
Evidence: Police carry a computer out
of the house Lubitz shared with his parents in Montabaur, Germany, two
days after the disaster. Investigators have also found a tablet computer
which revealed a search history from March 16 to March 23 that
included medical treatment, suicide methods and cockpit door security
Team talk: French gendarmes get ready
to visit the crash site of the German Airbus A320 as part of the search
operation in Seyne-les-Alpes
of those killed in the Alps crash are likely to receive vastly
different payouts depending on their nationality, where they bought the
ticket and how much they earned, lawyers said today.
can be made either where the ticket was purchased, in the home country
of the airline, at courts in the passenger's destination or in the
passenger's home country.
in air crashes, the amounts awarded for pain and suffering vary by
country even though they may all have shared the same fate.
Victims from the U.S. tend to receive higher payouts, followed by Europeans and Asians.
James Healy-Pratt at Stewarts Law LLP, which is advising families of
those killed in the Malaysian Air disasters last year, said British
parents who lose an adult child can expect compensation of around
£20,000, while American parents could expect £1.5million.
CEO Carsten Spohr said on Wednesday that the airline would provide
assistance to the families of those killed 'for as long as help is
belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which treat a
variety of conditions including anxiety, sleeping problems and other
mental health disorders.
Patients with psychiatric issues are warned it could lead to changes in behaviour.
Worryingly, this can include an increased risk of suicide, particularly in the early stages of treatment.
are also advised to get at least seven hours continuous sleep or it can
cause memory loss from the time you wake up to the time the effects of
the drug have worn off.
Due to its strong soporific effect, it can hamper your ability to drive or operate machinery.
Source: NHS Choices
was apparently more stable in recent years, but in the past few weeks
had reportedly seen doctors three times for depression and an eye doctor
over fears he was losing his sight.
Bild said it discovered that he was prescribed drugs, including the sedative Lorazepam, to combat to range of disorders.
pharmacologist said: ‘It is prescribed to combat anxiety, tension and
sleep disorders. Whether you should fly a plane or even drive is
Doctors had recently found no sign that Lubitz intended to hurt himself or others.
he was receiving treatment from neurologists and psychiatrists who had
signed him off sick from work a number of times, including on the day of
the crash.
transport minister Alexander Dobrindt yesterday announced the setting
up of the task force that would look at, among other things, whether
extra checks on the mental health of pilots should be introduced.
Investigators continue to deny reports that mobile phone footage from on board the jet had emerged.
They say they have found phones amid the wreckage but the devices have yet to be thoroughly examined.
Special mountain troops are continuing to search for personal belongings.
French forensics experts confirmed yesterday they had identified DNA strands from all 150 victims of the crash.
A member of the Dog Services of the French Gendarmerie carries a dog as he prepares to visit the crash site
Andreas Lubitz exploited post-9/11 safety mechanisms to carry out his murderous plan.
waited for his captain, Patrick Sondenheimer, to leave the flight deck
and go to the toilet before commanding the Airbus A320 to descend.
Once out of the cockpit, the door locked automatically.
this auto-lock feature, which led to Lubitz having sole control of the
plane, was introduced as a way of improving flight safety in the wake of
Scroll down for video
The Airbus A-320 is fitted with a safety system, pictured, to prevent unauthorised access to the flight deck
Lubitz was sitting in this cockpit, pictured, when he commanded the jet to crash into the Alps at 400mph
Airbus A320 is fitted with a locking mechanism to prevent unauthorised
access to the flight deck while the aircraft is in flight. The door was
also specially strengthened, to prevent someone from being able to barge
their way through.
safety systems were improved in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror
attacks where hijackers were able to gain access to the cockpit and take
over the aircraft.
Access to the cockpit door on
the Germanwings Airbus A320 (like the one above) can be disabled from
inside the flight deck to prevent hijacking
In normal flight, the door to the flight is closed and locked.
Cabin crew can use a code and gain access to the flight deck.
Entry is controlled by the flight crew, in case of a possible hijack attempt.
Cockpit Door Locking System (CDLS) according to the flight manual
'provides a means of electrically locking and unlocking the cockpit
The CDLS is located in the central pedestal between both pilots and has a toggle switch which controls the door.
They also have a CCTV camera so they can see who is seeking access, and if they are under any form of duress.
Pilots can restrict access to the flight deck although cabin crew can gain entry in an emergency.
However, this emergency access can be over-ridden by the pilot for between five to 20 minutes.
The limited time to keep the door closed is itself a safety feature, in case the flight crew become incapacitated.
the predetermined time, the keypad on the outside of the cockpit door
will become operational again, unless the pilot actively restricts
access again.
Also the cockpit door has several other safety features in case of a sudden decompression which will cause the door to open.
The pilot has to flick one simple switch, pictured, to lock the cabin door for between five and 20 minutes
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was originally a Live interview with Abel Danger: Field McConnell and
David Hawkins on Thursday March 27th broadcast on the Camelot
Livestream Channel! FLIGHT 370 AND FALSE FLAGS...
NOTE: Due to
interference David Hawkins was not included after a certain point and
another interview will be conducted with him next week on Tuesday also
live on livestream.
Available as a FREE EVENT but we do need and appreciate DONATIONS to keep us afloat and able to continue this work!
PREP / info to assist you beforehand:
Background Notes from Field McConnell :
or I or both are articulate regarding the 5 false flags including
Aurora, Cudahy, Sandy Hook, Boston and the one we BLOCKED in Atlanta
Georgia set for 4 July, 2013 at the PEACH TREE ROAD RACE. [ google:
peachtree + 4 july + cooked goose + atlanta burns ]
Our exposure
of that event is what caused Janet Napolitano to depart DHS and caused
Reuben Bradford to exit as Police Commissioner in Connecticut [ google:
malloy + dmort V + hseep + crisis actors + vision box ]
videos suggest this 6 minute video is what stirred up the interest in
Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and India:
video shows me performing at an airshow what is the lowest jet to jet
air refueling ever performed. Not a boasting point but rather an
indication of willingness and committment. The aircraft installed at
Canton TX [ ] is tail number 64-0965 and was in my unit from
1977-1990 and later was used by Airbus-EADS-Serco in drone to drone
airrefueling. Lots of pictures by googling [ field mcconnell's jet +
images ]
David can do one or two hours, great, but I will be there with our
without David. The Truth is coming and Boeing and Malaysia will like it
but Serco and ALPA may well not. Keep in mind I exposed the illegal
modifications to Boeings on 10 December, 2006. To see my letter to
ALPA, Northwest, FAA, FBI, NTSB etc google this combo [ 10 december
2006 + clear the skies captain mcconnell ]
ALPA has been given a 30 day notice of my INTENT TO SUE.
The tracking number is 70111570000189992185 and I request that you
post that as you will find your listeners enjoy watching the 'real
action' live. Judge Rosemary M. Collyer of Washington DC District Court
was also advised with same tracking number except last four 2185. It
is my contention that ALPA perpetrated a FRAUD UPON THE COURT and that
will be proven with two single sentences.
In the interest of fairness to those I accuse I have copied ALPA, FAA and NTSB as well as DHS.
Best Regards,
Field McConnell
PS Abel Danger was the 'source' of the fake names of Asiana 214
is the 2nd half of last week's interview with the Abel Danger team.
David Hawkins was dropped off the call midstream so we elected to bring
him back on his own this week.
Originally filmed live on Camelot's livestream channel.
David Hawkins, Forensic Economist at Hawks CAFE
Vancouver, B.C., Canada Tel: 604 542-0891
Send email to David Hawkins
Abel Danger White House Yahoo Group
Hawks CAFE Yahoo Group
Focus: Forensic Economics for Disaster Analysis and Virtual-Reality Prototyping
David Hawkins offers keynote speeches, workshops or consultancy on the projects below
Academic Record
First Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge University
Diploma in Industrial Management, Cambridge University.
Scholarship, Queens' College, Cambridge University, for outstanding
academic performance in Applied Mathematics and Thermodynamics (Science
of Waste and Chaos)
Current Projects:
Hawks CAFE -- David
Hawkins launched the 'Citizens Association of Forensic Economists' in
British Columbia in 2003 as an asset tracking network to monitor impact
of government laws and programs on public debt, personal assets and
individual rights. Hawks CAFE brings a scientific discipline to help
local experts expose 'off-book' debt, combat crime and fraud and
optimize the use of assets in water, energy, transport, shelter,
defence, food, forestry and fisheries industries.
I-BAT -- David
developed Independent-Benchmark Asset Tracking as a simulation tool to
help citizens and their elected representatives scope political
corruption and visualize waste or fraud by all orders of government,
including NATO, NORAD, the European Union, United Nations. I-BAT tracks
the source and application of assets through blind trusts and off-book
partnerships used — as in the case of Enron — to hide debt, evade taxes,
enrich insiders and launder money.
EAZEway -- David designed the
Elevated Adaptable Zero-Emission trackway as a regional transportation,
real-estate and communication network using a proprietary plug-and-play
monorail with "cool" energy from renewable power and proven
technologies and business models.
Computing Machine -- invented, designed and built by David Hawkins for
'virtual-reality' prototyping to emulate domain experts by learning,
understanding, effect propagation, conflict resolution and
justification. The DCM generates virtual prototypes, matching data from
the real-world and users can adapt a selected prototype to maximise
probability of it being "true".
Français de 27 ans vient de porter plainte contre American Airlines. En
août dernier, il avait été débarqué d'avion de la compagnie car,
soi-disant, son odeur incommodait les autres passagers. Lui parle de
La raison invoquée
est particulièrement étrange. Medhi devait s’envoler le 23 août dernier
vers les Etats-Unis pour découvrir Los Angeles. Il ne verra que la
cabine de l’avion de la compagnie American Airlines. Le Parisien de 27
ans a en effet été débarqué avant le départ. La raison invoquée : "une
mauvaise odeur corporelle".
Alors qu’il venait de prendre place dans l’avion, le jeune homme a
été prié de sortir. Medhi a filmé la scène avec son téléphone portable.
Les hôtesses le tutoient et lui explique que le commandant de bord de
l’avion de l’American Airlines veut l’expulser et qu’il est dans son
droit. "J’ai été humilié, ça m’a vraiment touché", explique le passager.
Medhi se résout à descendre. Il
est escorté par des policiers français. Dans leur rapport
d’intervention, ces derniers assurent qu’"aucune odeur particulière ne
les a incommodés". Le passager débarqué invoque désormais un motif
futile pour cacher la véritable raison de cette expulsion : ses origines
algériennes ainsi que les risques terroristes qui existaient. "Moi,
j’appelle ça de la discrimination", insiste l’avocat de Medhi qui a
porté plainte avec constitution de partie civile.
Dans un communiqué, American Airlines assure que l’autorisation
électronique de Medhi obligatoire pour entrer sur le territoire
américain n’était pas conforme.
The Major Reasons I won't go back to Germany for now
is a video about the German heroine Ursula Haverbeck, who with her late
husband, Werner Georg Haverbeck, has relentlessly worked to preserve
German culture and language and spoken out against the so-called
"Holocaust", questioning this greatest Jewish lie in our history,
denying the Holo-Hoax and standing up for the truth and the German
people. In this video, my comrades James, Georgie and I are reading
from important articles about Frau Ursula Haverbeck and her work, as
well as discussing the topic at hand.
Depuis que nous écoutons Dieudonné
M'bala M'bala, nous n'arrivons plus à écouter les autres Français lèches
culs qui ne font que baisser leurs frocs
devant le système d'égouts que nous appelons le gouvernement français (ou
autre). Dieudonné est le seul Français dans
le domaine humoristique encore capable de nous faire décompresser dans une
France de merde sioniste et juifiste et dont je ressens le plus grand dégoût de plus en plus grandissant! Bravo, la
bête immonde!
"nazisme" et
anti-pétainisme veulent tout simplement dire pro-sionisme, pro-judaïsme,
pro-juifisme et pro système où Israël, les Loges maçonniques, le
le fascisme, le racisme, et l'elgébétisme d'État règnent en maîtres
absolus. Tu parles de laïcité en France! De l'intégrisme laïque, oui,
religion imposée
par l'État judéo-franc-maçonnique!
En plein délire ou en pleine dictature Affaire Dieudonné: Affaire Dieudonné - En plein délire ou en pleine dictature
Affaire Dieudonné:
religion, j'ai connu le fanatisme, toutes religions confondues, y compris
l'athéisme ou le Satanisme d'État avec leurs réseaux de pédés, de censeurs, de
drogues, de prostitution, de pédophilie, de matamores, d'escadrons de la mort,
etc. Aveuglement et abrutissement des
masses, totalement, et, avec en primes, ignorance, tribalisme, égoïsme,
égocentrisme, hypocrisie, lâcheté, amour du mensonge, laissez-faire, indifférence,
hédonisme, bourgeoisie homosexuelle, pédophile, et elgébétiste, et couronnés
par un pro-américanisme qui fait pâle figure devant le plus malin des cancers!. Racistes,
ignorants et arrogants, ces Françaises et ces Français de merde qui chantent la
Marseillaise à l'unisson alors que leurs maîtres et maîtresses interdisent la
liberté d'expression à tous les non Sionistes et les non Juifistes ou à toutes
celles et à tous ceux qui disent merde au système ou encore qui font des
quenelles aux dictateurs!
Comme aux
États-Unis d'Amérique, les masses françaises et européennes sont des crétins
incurables. Au fait tout l'occident et
toutes les régions du monde qu'ils bombardent, occupent et terrorisent sont
dans un état de zombification avancée grâce à la télévision, les médias, les
écoles publiques et les universités contrôlés par les même Bolcheviques,
Satanistes et Capitalistes sauvages.
Ne nous étonnons de rien Mais Cultivons la paix tous ensemble ! " Dieudonné en paix " sera son dernier spectacle ! ( tous les jeudis vendredis et samedis soir -PARIS resa Fnac)
Cultivons la paix tous ensemble ! " Dieudonné en paix " sera son dernier spectacle ! ( tous les jeudis vendredis et samedis soir -PARIS resa Fnac)
Cultivons la paix tous ensemble ! " Dieudonné en paix " sera son dernier spectacle ! ( tous les jeudis vendredis et samedis soir -PARIS resa Fnac)
Nous sommes condamnés à faire la paix !
Below are all the links to the articles read in the video: