Salim Laibi - La Mecque infiltrée par les satanistes (Not available anymore on Youtube???)
SALIM LAÏBI - LeLibrePenseur La Mecque les satanistes 1/2 Salim Laibi
SALIM LAÏBI - LeLibrePenseur
La Mecque les sataninistes 1/2 Salim Laibi
Published on 11 Aug 2014
An apocalypse (Ancient
Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis,
from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning
'un-covering'), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure
of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation, although this sense
did not enter English until the 14th century.[1]
In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden. In the Book of Revelation (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου, Apocalypsis
Ioannou), the last book of the New
Testament, the revelation which John receives is that of the ultimate victory
of good over evil and the end of the present age, and that is the primary
meaning of the term, one that dates to 1175.[1]
Today, it is commonly used in reference to any prophetic revelation or
so-called End
Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general. (WIKIPEDIA)
to be mistaken with Ioann’s Revelation (Yohann, Jean, John, or whatever.
Europeans have a very bad habit of translating and corrupting names as if human bloodlines meant nothing to them!). In
the state of world pollution and destruction and degeneration of all species
including the one called humans, John’s Apocalypse is not very welcome as there
can be no ultimate victory of good over evil, which does not mean that the
fight (combat, jihaad) against evil has to stop.
One solution would be to sterilise the entire planet and prevent
so-called humans to breed. This is
exactly what the satanic forces that rule over the planet have been searching
hard and ‘scientifically’ (western science = total amorality) to achieve. But, science means just knowledge and this
primary definition of the term has been totally lost to the humans.
Why apocalypse when there is indeed nothing to uncover or disclose as this knowledge has always existed and at the hands of the learned people of the earth? Yes, but it catches the mind, especially of the stupid kind. But, here, I need to remind the readers (entertainment seekers) that my Spiritual Sister “Adriana Evangelitz” issued an excellent ‘Biblical’ (Evangelical) perspective video series called Apocalypsis quite some time ago, and this title has not been taken from there (Adriana) nor from the so-called Bible. It suits the perverted mind of the so-called Europeans or so-called Westerners to bring everything to Greece and Rome. But, as I am using one of their barbaric languages forced on to my ancestors, parents and me by their warmongering warlords, I cannot escape that fate and use of barbarisms all throughout my writings in a foreign tongue and I will have neither time nor the knowledge to point them out to the lazy readers. By the way, writing about barbarism, Marxists have preached Karl Marx’s religion: EUROPEAN SOCIALISM OR BARBARISM, and found themselves cornered and conquered by EUROPEAN CAPITALISM that built its societies on BARBARISM as a matter of policy, and that it is now implementing all over the world with the help of the greatest army of assassins and destroyers of civilisations known in modern history: NATO!
With "Light Workers" Brian and Barry of the "Galactics"!
Difference Between Muslim and Mu'min - Hussain Yee

While money wasters tour the world, I take care of my grandchildren at home when I am allowed to!
But, am I not insulting believers in God? Of course, I am, but they deserve to be
blamed for their hypocrisy, cowardice, laziness, and extreme love of money, and their
collaboration with Satan. After the established
Christian Churches have been taken over by Satan, it is now the turn of Masaajid
(Muslim places of worship) to be controlled by the satanic forces. Fortunately, there is no priesthood in Islam
and Muslims do not depend on institutions for their faith as Christians and
Catholics do. Muslims do not have any
my good man, Satan the Great, the one and only ruler of
this world of yours, and I promise worse to come! I
promised this to God Himself because I knew there and then that He was creating
monsters, fools, and ingrates!"
Except for me, all my books proved useless!
Who destroyed your original, Vedanta-Israel-Christ Islamic civilisation?
You know?
Basheer, you are lying!
Well, I must admit that I have the reputation
of being a liar, but I always claim I am telling the truth as far and as much
as truth can be known by factual verification and indisputable evidence. But, I know bigger liars than me – Satan and
his armies of racist warmongering perverts called western democracies!
He does not exist! Do you believe
in God?
Satan, I saw him during my teens, and
every day, every minute, every hour and every second of my adult life on earth,
some 50 years or so. If there is one
entity that I know perfectly well, it is Satan.
As for God, my greatest wish is that He really exists as The Creator of
all things, a Just and Merciful God, but I never stopped asking question after
question about Him because He is blatantly missing in our different ways of
life. Yet, I know He exists because
without Him I never saw and still do not see (I am not yet totally blind) any
humanity or humanness (not to be confused with humanism of Satanic Judeo secular
creation) in most earthlings, whether they are conscious of Him or not!
But, why on earth have you chosen Vedanta,
Israel, Christ, and Islam out of all that the Ancient Wisdom and Wise Humans this
earth have produced?
I don't know the others! The Ancients had great wisdom which is
still very precious to this very day to millions of humans but is not of a
universal nature. By the way, not all living creatures
calling themselves humans are really humans!
Out of the 7 billion of them, more than half are undeserving and most of
their political or religious leaders belong to the breed of monsters at the
service of Satan. Israel is not universal anymore ever since “Biblical
times”. The reason why I have included
it with Christ and Islam is because it is no more a religious way of life for
the righteous, but a monstrous ideology of conquest, theft, death, crime,
enslavement, perversion and deceit that is ruling over the followers of both
Moses, Christ, and Islam. They call themselves
Eretz Israel in flagrant opposition to Roman Catholic dogma.
you saying that Eretz Israel is responsible for all the evil on planet Earth?
No, not at all, but although this
seems very obvious, the blame should lie with the followers of Christ and Islam
first and foremost! Both Christians and
Muslims have failed in their mission to bring about a leading righteous way of
life to humanity. Perverted Israel has
succeeded, but only in making the whole planet following an unrighteous way of
life, one of sin and disobedience.
But, why is it that behind every single
major calamity that befalls humankind and the Earth we find both Eretz Israel and
Israel or those calling themselves Jews?
This is a very good question the
answer to which will make everything clear and give earthlings an opportunity
to save themselves from Satan. But, it
will not, as earthlings are no more interested in any kind of righteous
behaviour that was once ordered to them by the Wise Men and Women of old, either
by the legendary Christ or by historical Muhammad, but have chosen freely or
not to follow a Hedonistic lifestyle of sin to which they are exposed 24 hours
a day and from cradle to grave and where everything once forbidden is now
allowed more and more. The recent German
suggested decriminalization of incest between brothers and sisters or the
French and other Western legalization of homosexuality, homosexual marriage and
baby or child adoption by homosexuals, the acceptance of incest between father
and daughter where a daughter is made to feel happy to carry her father’s baby,
following other western abominations like abortion, drugs, prostitution,
pornography, gambling, are clear indications that the world as we knew it is
doomed with no God to save it!
Is Satan really real?
Well, Satan is not a person or a
single entity, but only the symbol of the sum total of all evil we find in many
earthlings daily deeds. In that context, Satan
was and is very real. In a similar way
we can say God is Very Real when we see millions opposing Satan at the heavy
costs of their freedom, personal material comfort and even lives.
Does Israel exist?
Israel of old was mythical and racist
even if it promoted righteous behaviour as we can see in the Ten Commandments
inherited from past wisdom, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Persian and other. But, even that myth exists no more even if
the enslaved world never stops talking about it! The entity calling itself Eretz Israel
is a usurper, an imposter. The Jews and
Zionists who support it are all liars, usurpers, imposters and criminals and
slaves (willingly or not) of Satan.
What about Christ?
First Christ is not a historical
figure. According to legends he died two
thousand years ago, but promised to return.
Ponce Pilate saved the real Son of the Father – Jesus Bar
Abbas, and had the seditious rebel, the other Jesus claiming himself
to be the King of the Jews crucified
instead. Jesus (pronounced and
transliterated differently by different tongues) was a very common name in
those days. Today those calling
themselves Christians have little to do with even that legendary Christ
Son of the Father. Although there are more
than a billion of them (what is left from the 2 billion or so Christians), most
follow Satan, especially among the White Europeans and their descendants. Yesterday, they were imposing Christ upon the
world; today they are imposing Satan on all of us. But, many White Europeans and their descendence are still resisting both Satan and defending the Christ of us all, not the exclusively Christian one!
And Islam?
The person who brought Islam to the
world in a perfected form was a historical figure, Muhammad by name. Those who
surrendered to Islam (not to Muhammad as Christians do to Christ!) more than
fourteen hundred years ago, the Arabs (a mixture of ‘races’ speaking a variety
of languages) and others are called Muslims.
But, the Muslims soon were to betray
Islam by going out to conquer the world militarily instead of through peaceful
invitation although they never massacred the Natives like the Europeans did. They
ruled Hindustan for nearly one thousand years and Spain for nearly eight
hundred years and did not do the job for which they were wisely advised
to do – inviting humankind to Islam! Today there are more practicing Muslims than
Christians, but they too have fallen prey to a satanic way of life full of sin,
although to a lesser extent, and to sectarianism.
What about Israel’s, Christ’s and Islamic
They are not three civilisations, but
one despite all the lies you can read in racist European history and theology
books, and that was not built on Greco-Roman civilisation as most European
historians would say, but on all the known and unknown ancient
civilisations. For example, without
Egypt, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Persia, Arabia (and others) there would never
have been Israel. Without Greece and
Rome there would never have been a Christ.
Without Israel and Christ (Islam of old) there would never have been
Islam in a perfected form.
But, what went wrong with Israel?
The very first thing that went wrong
with Israel was its historical records.
All that we had several thousand years ago was mere fabrications and
lies about Israel that created a racist and criminal ideology of a supremacist
people chosen by God when in fact this was and could not be anything else than
a satanic invention. All the lies,
racism, and fabrications are right there in their own religious texts.
And with Christ?
Everything went wrong with Christ from
day one! No credible account exists of
who he was, and what he did and said, not even about his family and
Companions. Rome fabricated everything
from unreliable and heavily corrupted sources and their own additions.
What went wrong with Islam?
Nothing went wrong with Islam, but only with
Muslims. I would say that this is the
most important question of all. Because
Islam is the only religion that has remained uncorrupted for more than 1400
years and is by far the most reliable record of all ancient existing religions,
the answer to that question will make everything very clear about Vedanta, Israel,
Christ and even God.
Do you know the answer?
Yes, of course I do, unfortunately.
Why do you say unfortunately?
Remember I am a known liar! Why should anybody trust what I say? I wasted my whole life writing the truth and
who really cared or cares? Everybody
holds to his or her own sects or beliefs, blindly, fanatically, and often
criminally. Truth is not truth anymore when
blindness becomes a serious handicap to Believers. The latest comes from the Pope of Atheism,
the Monarch of Delusion, Pr Richard Dawkins who after refusing God as a
delusion now (Exclusive “Revelations” to the Daily Mail of September 2014) claims
he believes in “aliens”, extra-terrestrial entities that have all the answers
about us and even “why humans have sex”!
So, we cannot guarantee that you are
telling the truth now, can we?
But, I would still like you to tell me who
destroyed civilisation as we have known it. The readers (those dummies!) will
see by themselves whether you are lying or not!
Israel’s civilisation is not what one
may call a civilisation, it started by being racist, thieving and genocidal,
but the “Jews” or the Bani Isra’il who
lived under Muslim rule contributed to the greatest universal civilisation
known to the world, and not Greece or Rome.
When Rome and Christians conquered the Jewish
and Muslim lands their first ambition was to destroy all traces of that
civilisation after taking the best from it.
One example: Muslim Spain.
Enriched by Israel-Christ-Islamic
knowledge, the imperialist Christian leadership went out to conquer,
exterminate, enslave and “civilise” the whole world. They had much in common with Biblical Israel, but when
they saw what the evil (like usury) Israel was doing in their own Christian
lands they expelled those Jews.
But, Christians never stopped fighting among
themselves and against Muslims, and at one point they had to call Israel
back. This time Israel would not get
kicked out as they managed (because of decadent Christendom) to take over the
entire of Christendom’s finances, their most precious lands, and resources,
utilities, factories, media, academia, institutions, and even governments, at home as
well as in their colonies, including all the conquered Muslim lands.
So the stage was set for the total
destruction of Christian-Islamic civilisation with a fabricated
one called Judeo-Christian civilisation because by that
time most of (or much of) “White” Christendom had stopped believing in Christ
or in God. Example: France.
But, the worst was to happen. The “Judeo-Christians” are
neither of Israel nor of Christ, but of Satan, the Synagogue of Satan. Their goal: conquer
the whole world, destroy the fabric of society, family, childhood, the sanctity
of life and marriage, pervert the morals, degenerate the species, including the
human species, plunder the world’s resources, manipulate the climate,
exterminate undesirable nations, kill us with vaccines, GMOs, pesticides, Big Pharma, and other toxins, terrorise the entire planet, destroy all
traces of the Islamic heritage, remove God from the daily lives of believers,
mainly Christians (not Zionists) and Muslims, oppress, enslave, torture,
persecute, rape, deceive, lie, and violate all God-given rights on a daily
basis, and make monsters of too many of us.
Looks like the end of the world!
You said it; it is the end of the Vedanta-Israel-Christ-Islam
civilised world! And the sad thing is
that more and more de-Islamised and secularised Muslims and apostates of all
kinds are joining those satanic forces destroying all our hopes for a better
future for our children and descendants – unless a miracle!
But, you don’t believe in miracles, do
There are no miracles without efforts!
need a TOTAL BOYCOTT during a popular REVOLUTION!
And God in all this?
That ‘gentleman’ known as God (His name
changes according to the country!), He made a fool of Himself, can’t you
see? Undisputedly a very
poor Manager of His Own Creation, leading most of us to believe He does not or
may not exist at all! But as I said earlier, I know He exists
because without Him I never saw and still do not see any humanity or humanness
(not to be confused with humanism of Satanic and Freemasonic creation) left
in most earthlings, whether they are conscious of Him or not! In what form? Ask your pure heart and soul! God is being replaced more and more by the
New Age religion, Yogaism, Guruism, Buddhaism, Near-Death-Experiencism (NDEISM),
Ufoism, and entities like the Galactics, Aliens, Archons, the Armies and Soldiers
of Light from outer space, Infinite Lovism, Consciousnessism, and other fanatic isms
(Zionism, etc.) as time goes by.
Do you know who is interviewing you,
Of course I know, SATAN,
and you are the only one (almost) who allows me freedom of expression! Am I wrong?
my good man, Satan the Great, the one and only ruler of
this world of yours, and I promise worse to come! I
promised this to God Himself because I knew there and then that He was creating
monsters, fools and ingrates!
Thursday 25th of September 2014
Norwich paedophile ring: Child abuse gang that played poker to decide who to rape facing jail
By Lewis Dean | International Business Times – 10 hours agoDepraved Marie Black and her gang of paedophiles face jail for acts of child abuse including playing poker to decide which boy of girl would be raped. The 34-year-old was convicted of 23 counts including rape and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and is due to be sentenced on Monday 28 September alongside Michael Rogers, 53, of Romford, Jason Adams, 43, and Carol Stadler, 60, both of Norwich.
During the trial jurors were told how children were subjected to a decade of harrowing ordeals and treated like "sexual playthings". The jury heard that the gang would force the children to have sex with each other and the adults would play poker to see which child they would abuse. One victim told how Stadler would tell him that they were going to see a chiropractor, but instead he was taken to a building near an industrial estate where he was raped by a man wearing a black uniform. Black would also have sex with men in front of the children and take photos of the abuse.
The sadomasochists would conduct the abuse at locations in Norwich and London and would inflict pain upon the children while sexually abusing them. So routine were the attacks that the children came to view them as "normal". "I just thought it was usual, that everybody did it," one boy said.
Defendants Anthony Stadler, 63, Nicola Collins, 36, Andrew Collins, 52, Judith Fuller, 31, Denise Barnes, 43, and Kathleen Adams, 85, all from Norwich, were cleared on all counts.
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facing jail?
Holy shit! Crime pays!
Wednesday 28th of September 2016
N.B. I disagree with the Sheikh regarding the "infallibility" of the Holy Qur'aan although I never found in my entire life a greater, wiser, and a better Book than the Holy Qur'aan. However, Sheikh Imran Hosein may be right because he knows Arabic language and I don't, and have to rely only on very unreliable translations. And the Sheikh is a man of FAITH while I am not (in the same manner). Whatever I have written about Islam and God, my religion is and will remain Islam until I die as long as it is founded on UNIVERSALITY, REASON, HARD WORK, STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM, TRUTH, JUSTICE and a MORAL WAY OF LIFE!
Iqbal, Pakistan and the Khilafah State By Sheikh Imran Hosein

ReplyDeleteThe Pope of Militant AntiGodism, Pr Richard Dawkins, a notorious fanatic, liar and imposter, is always given a free platform to preach his extremist religion of AntiGodism or NoGodism, or Atheism as is commonly understood, and even with our tax money. His answer can only be that if there is no God, which he claims he has scientifically proven, the question of who or what does not arise. He would be right if he were not such a liar because he did not prove anything as the onus was on him to prove that God did not exist (a negative!) or that humans evolved from apes and he never did so even when challenged repeatedly and even offered rewards to provide one single evidence. Instead, Dawkins wrote a book “The God Delusion” accusing anybody who believes in God to be delusional.
Tuesday, 31st of May 2016.
Wednesday 28th of September 2016
ReplyDeleteN.B. I disagree with the Sheikh regarding the "infallibility" of the Holy Qur'aan although I never found in my entire life a greater, wiser, and a better Book than the Holy Qur'aan. However, Sheikh Imran Hosein may be right because he knows Arabic language and I don't, and have to rely only on very unreliable translations. And the Sheikh is a man of FAITH while I am not in the same manner. Whatever I have written about Islam and God, my religion is and will remain until I die Islam as long as it is founded on UNIVERSALITY, REASON, HARD WORK, STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM, TRUTH, JUSTICE and a MORAL WAY OF LIFE!