(at least)
But, we can go as far back as Biblical Times as well, the Crusades, Slave Trade, the Extermination of indigenous populations, John Dee 007 and the Jewish Qabbalah, the 1913 Jewish Federal Reserve, the Jewish Bank of England, Bolshevik mass extermination of Christians and Muslims, WWI, WWII, Palestine, Vietnam, Iran, Irak, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Libya, Palestine, the murder of JFK, RFK, JFK Jr, Malcom X, and on and on.
La Suisse et
les fonds juifs en déshérence
"[...] les histoires
des centaines de milliers de survivants constituent en elle-même
une forme de négation de l'Holocauste."
Norman Finkelstein
L'Industrie de l'Holocauste,
page 127 de la version française.
La Suisse a pu bénéficier d'une réputation moralement exemplaire jusqu'à l'affaire dite des fonds juifs en déshérence. Cette réputation ne s'est pas faite en un jour : fruit d'une stabilité politique et sociale éprouvée par plus de 150 ans de régime démocratique, confortée par une politique de neutralité active reconnue par le reste du monde et par son engagement au service de la paix entre les nations, cette réputation méritée, due à la volonté du pays d'édifier une communauté nationale basée sur des principes identitaires mais respectueux des cultures étrangères , la Suisse n'a jamais eu de colonie fut brutalement remise en question au printemps 1996 lors d'une campagne médiatique sans précédent orchestrée de main de maître par un certain lobby. Ce lobby accusait la Suisse en général et ses banques en particulier d'avoir camouflé derrière le masque de la vertu des agissements coupables, voire criminels. Sous couvert de neutralité, la Suisse aurait profité de sa situation de non-belligérance pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale pour spolier par milliers des Juifs fuyant l'"Holocauste". En refoulant les réfugiés juifs, les autorités suisses savaient les vouer à une mort certaine. La Suisse s'est rendue ainsi coupable de complicité de crime contre l'humanité, avec comme mobile inavouable l'intention de s'approprier le patrimoine des victimes. Une fois la guerre terminée, la loi et le secret bancaire auraient permis d'occulter le crime et de blanchir les biens volés. De tels agissements seraient à l'origine de l'enviable prospérité économique de la Suisse et de ses citoyens, comme le suggère sans ambages le Sunday Times du 9 mars 1997 en guise de présentation du livre de Tom Bower, L'Or nazi, les Banques suisses et les Juifs (Plon, 1997, 380 pages), en montrant à ses lecteurs un éloquent photomontage du portail d'Auschwitz, avec la devise Arbeit macht frei (le travail rend libre), s'ouvrant, non pas sur de sinistres baraquements entourés de barbelés, mais sur un idyllique paysage suisse de carte postale. La légende de cette photo-choc ne laissait planer aucun doute: "Le prix du sang. Durant un demi-siècle, les pendules à coucou et les cloches des vaches suisses ont caché un terrible secret. Tom Bower commence le récit de cette conspiration visant à soutenir Hitler et à tirer profit de l'Holocauste."
Ce scénario incroyable, élaboré par un lobby essentiellement représenté par le Congrès juif mondial et relayé par des milieux influents de la côte est des Etats-Unis, avait pour objectif de détruire le crédit moral de la Suisse. Loin de se limiter à une simple campagne médiatique, ce lobby formula à l'encontre de la Suisse et de ses banques d'énormes exigences financières sous prétexte de dédommager les survivants de l'"Holocauste" victimes de spoliations. Par de fortes pressions, allant jusqu'à des menaces de boycott et de sanctions économiques et financières rigoureuses, les banques suisses furent contraintes de verser la somme de 1,25 milliard de dollars aux organisations juives censées représenter les "victimes nécessiteuses de l'Holocauste". De plus, le gouvernement suisse s'engagea à créer une fondation en faveur des victimes, alimentée par la vente d'une partie des imposantes réserves d'or de la Banque nationale suisse.
Il n'est pas évident de comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants d'une affaire volontairement embrouillée par des experts maîtres dans l'art de tirer les ficelles, ni d'en saisir les dessous sur la base des seuls discours tonitruants du "lobby qui n'existe pas". Ne parlons même pas des dérisoires tentatives de justification d'un gouvernement suisse frappé d'impuissance. La Suisse a pu faire l'objet d'une telle agression parce que le terrain avait été soigneusement miné au préalable, afin de paralyser d'avance toute velléité de riposte efficace. Ce minage est surtout le fait d'une loi nouvelle limitant drastiquement la liberté d'expression (article 261 bis du Code pénal suisse). Si la Suisse avait su se défendre efficacement, elle aurait pu démontrer qu'elle ne pouvait être complice d'un crime, tout simplement parce que ce crime n'a pas eu lieu. De même, la spoliation des victimes n'a pu être réellement prouvée, et cela aussi aurait pu être démontré. Rappelons que l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence a éclaté au printemps 1996 et que l'article 261 bis du Code pénal entra en vigueur en 1995. Cette loi sur mesure a pour effet d'interdire toute critique dirigée contre le lobby juif, sous prétexte de "discrimination raciale" envers celui qui se considère toujours comme le "Peuple élu". Un système qui fonctionne à sens unique, puisque le rédacteur en chef de U.S. News and World Report, Mortimer B. Zuckermann, n'hésitait pas à qualifier les Suisses de "cupides, profiteurs, blanchisseurs, receleurs, voleurs, pillards et menteurs" (édition du 22 juin 1998) sans provoquer d'autres réactions que l'habituel babil faussement moralisateur d'une intelligentsia veule et corrompue, toute dévouée aux intérêts d'un lobby à qui l'on pourrait retourner mot pour mot, et avec une pertinence légitime, les propos choisis de Mortimer B. Zuckermann.
1 Chronologie des événements
En octobre 1929, la bourse s'effondra brutalement à New York, engendrant une crise économique sans précédent qui terrassera d'abord l'Amérique avant de se propager en Europe. Conséquence d'une spéculation effrénée et d'un endettement considérable, les cours des valeurs boursières chutèrent de 75 % aux Etats-Unis. L'Allemagne de Weimar comptera jusqu'à 6 millions de chômeurs, suite à la baisse de près de 50 % de la production nationale.
En août 1931, conséquence de la faillite de la Danat Bank, la République de Weimar instaura un contrôle des changes des fonds quittant l'Allemagne. Cette décision concernait particulièrement une Suisse qui, à l'époque, comptait près de 200 000 résidents allemands, une proportion considérable par rapport à une population totale à peine supérieure à quatre millions d'habitants, selon le recensement fédéral de 1930.
Le 30 janvier 1933, après un nouveau succès électoral du parti national-socialiste, le président Hindenburg nommait Adolf Hitler chancelier du Reich.
Le 23 mars 1933, le Reichstag votait par 441 voix contre 84 l'acte dit de "Réhabilitation", loi destinée à soulager la détresse du Reich et à combattre la misère du peuple allemand. En fait, cette loi consacrait le retour à l'indépendance pour l'Allemagne et la fin du régime de servitude incarné par le régime de Weimar issu du Traité de Versailles.
Le 24 mars 1933, le journal anglais Daily Express, qui, à l'époque, tirait à 4 millions d'exemplaires, publia à la une: "Les Juifs déclarent la guerre à l'Allemagne. Les Juifs du monde entier s'unissent. Boycott des marchandises allemandes. Démonstration de masse." Cette déclaration sera relayée par la presse à plusieurs reprises, dont le 24 mai 1934 par le rédacteur en chef de American Hebrew, David A. Brown, qui déclara: "Nous préparons une guerre contre l'Allemagne" (We are going to bring a war on Germany).
Les déclarations belliqueuses de leurs coreligionnaires américains inquiétaient particulièrement les Juifs allemands: non seulement, en tant qu'Allemands, ils violaient la loi s'ils possédaient des avoirs non déclarés à l'étranger, mais en plus, en tant que Juifs, ils étaient considérés comme faisant partie d'une communauté hostile au Reich.
En juin 1933, une loi"contre les actes de trahison envers l'économie allemande"confirmait que tous les Allemands devaient déclarer leurs avoirs à l'étranger.
En juillet 1933, une loi sur la confiscation des biens appartenant aux ennemis du peuple et de l'Etat allait permettre au Reich de se saisir du patrimoine des citoyens allemands (y compris celui des Juifs allemands) considérés comme "traîtres à la patrie" dans le sens de la loi de juin 1933.
Dans ces conditions, le gouvernement suisse, avec l'accord des banques, introduisit une nouvelle législation afin de placer le secret bancaire sous la protection du Code pénal, afin de renforcer les dispositions existantes du Code civil. La loi du 8 novembre 1934 instituant le secret bancaire (article 47 du Code pénal suisse) rendit passible d'une peine de prison ou d'une forte amende celui qui violerait le secret bancaire. Par exemple, un directeur de banque pouvait être condamné à une peine de prison pour avoir simplement révélé l'existence d'un compte bancaire sans la permission du client. Seule exception: le secret bancaire pouvait être levé en cas d'infractions relevant du Code pénal, mais uniquement dans le cas d'une enquête ordonnée par la justice suisse. Ces dispositions créèrent un droit nouveau en faveur du client, qui obtenait ainsi une protection renforcée de son patrimoine. Autre nouveauté pour la clientèle, le compte à numéro. Au lieu d'un nom, c'est un nombre qui est attribué au client. La banque connaît évidemment le nom et l'adresse de son client, mais ces renseignements ne sont connus que de deux ou trois personnes, cadres ou directeurs, et ne sont pas divulgués aux autres employés. Cette mesure avait l'avantage de limiter au maximum les risques de corruption ou d'indiscrétion d'un employé. Seul le numéro apparaît sur les relevés de compte: de même, il est utilisé par le client pour la correspondance et pour valider des ordres ou des chèques.
Jean-Pierre Ghelfi, économiste, ancien vice-président du Parti socialiste suisse, commentait ainsi ces dispositions: "Lorsque les autorités fédérales en ont introduit le principe en 1934 [le principe du secret bancaire], c'était pour des raisons humanitaires, afin de protéger les Juifs allemands qui avaient déposé des fonds en Suisse." (Claude Torracinta, Les Banques suisses en question, éditions de l'Aire, 1981, page 38). Il est vrai qu'en 1934 les socialistes n'élevèrent aucune objection contre le secret bancaire. Notons que l'apôtre télévisuel de la tolérance, le journaliste Claude Torracinta, deviendra président de la Licra suisse.
De telles dispositions étaient en quelque sorte faites sur mesure pour rassurer la clientèle traditionnelle et attirer une clientèle nouvelle inquiète pour le futur dans une Allemagne moins complaisante aux intérêts juifs. On peut supposer que le secret bancaire et le compte à numéro, en service dès novembre 1934, furent effectivement utilisés par des Juifs allemands, parmi d'autres clients, tous désireux de mettre leur fortune à l'abri d'un pays où ils s'étaient rendus indésirables. Par contre, on sait que seul un petit nombre de Juifs allemands s'établirent en Suisse avant ou pendant la guerre, ce qui permet de supposer que les fonds déposés en Suisse ne furent le plus souvent que des capitaux en transit.
Ces mesures de sécurité présentaient, certes, un inconvénient: exemple actuel, si un client qui utilise une carte bancaire pour prélever de l'argent dans des distributeurs de billets oublie son numéro de code, il ne pourra pas obtenir la prestation demandée; par contre, s'il perd la carte ou si elle est volée, il ne sera pas possible de l'utiliser pour prélever de l'argent à ses dépens. Dans l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence, le principe est le même.
Si ce compte n'est identifiable que par un numéro, sécurité oblige, en cas d'oubli ou de pertes, il deviendra alors plus difficile aux ayants droit de prouver le bien-fondé de leurs prétentions. Si un client ne se manifeste plus, on ne pourra reprocher à la banque de conserver son dépôt, puisqu'un tel cas de figure est envisagé dans les conditions générales que chaque client est censé connaître en ouvrant un compte. En effet, lors de l'entretien qui précède l'ouverture d'un compte, il est systématiquement demandé au client la liste des ayants droit (héritiers ou bénéficiaires), et ce client est dûment informé du fait que, selon la loi, si un compte ne fait l'objet d'aucun mouvement de fond, et reste sans nouvelles de son détenteur ou de ses ayants-droit pendant vingt ans, l'argent reviendra légalement à la banque. Pour justifier cette mesure, sur le plan de l'éthique et de la morale, les banquiers invoquaient le fait que si certains clients, créanciers de la banque, ne donnaient plus signe de vie, d'autres, ceux-là débiteurs, faisaient de même. Entre les prêts irrécupérables et les dépôts en déshérence, le banquier assurait les risques du métier en faisant la part des choses, autrement dit un usage judicieux du compte de pertes et profits. N'importe quelle entreprise ayant le souci d'une saine gestion essayerait de faire de même, d'autant plus que de telles dispositions sont parfaitement conformes à la loi !
La banque de dépôt avait par conséquent l'obligation légale de respecter les conditions générales, connues, approuvées et signées par le client, avec les droits et devoirs inhérents à chacune des parties.
En 1946, les banques suisses dépensèrent plusieurs millions de dollars en vue de retrouver leurs clients juifs ou de rechercher et d'identifier leurs héritiers. Il ne fait pas de doute que certains de ces clients laissèrent dans les banques suisses des fonds non réclamés, ni d'ailleurs que des bénéficiaires de crédits bancaires disparurent de même dans la nature. Les banques suisses, appuyées par le gouvernement, affirmèrent que cet argent avait été rapatrié en Israël ou remis à des héritiers juifs. Des organisations juives internationales, de même que l'Etat d'Israël, ont contesté ces affirmations et n'ont pas craint de prétendre publiquement que les chiffres suisses étaient falsifiés et qu'au moins 30 millions de dollars non récupérés se trouvaient toujours en Suisse.
En 1954, le gouvernement israélien intenta un procès aux banques suisses. Il s'agissait d'une action menée en faveur des orphelins et des héritiers juifs de familles juives qui avaient, sans aucun doute, déposé de l'argent en Suisse avant de finir dans les "chambres à gaz homicides" du Troisième Reich. Ces poursuites furent soutenues par une campagne de diffamation extrêmement virulente dont les médias du monde entier se firent l'écho. Notons qu'à cette époque les autorités de Tel-Aviv s'en tinrent de manière très précise au chiffre de 30 millions de dollars, qui correspondait, affirmaient-elles, aux estimations suisses et représentait le solde des fonds non réclamés en dépôt dans les banques suisses. Le gouvernement israélien craignait que cet argent ne soit finalement attribué aux banques dépositaires, une fois échu le délai légal de vingt ans. Tous les pays, y compris Israël et les Etats-Unis, appliquent la loi de déshérence pour les dépôts en souffrance, car il arrive parfois que des clients déposent de l'argent en banque avant de décéder sans avoir désigné d'héritier ou sans avoir laissé d'instructions à la banque au sujet de la destination du dépôt après leur mort. En fonction des événements, guerres, révolutions, catastrophes, accidents, il arrive aussi que les héritiers disparaissent dans les mêmes circonstances que le déposant. Puisque la loi n'exige pas des banques de déclarer l'argent des dépôts privés, il n'existe aucune statistique permettant de connaître de façon précise le montant des fonds inscrits dans des comptes en sommeil. Dans ces conditions, on ne voit pas comment le gouvernement israélien pouvait arriver au chiffre précis de 30 millions de dollars. A titre de comparaison, dans le seul Etat du Texas, qui à la même époque n'avait pas de loi de déshérence, plus de 100 millions de dollars reposaient dans des comptes en sommeil. L'Association suisse des banquiers fit valoir, preuves à l'appui, que tous les moyens avaient été mis en oeuvre, entre 1945 et 1946, pour retrouver les héritiers et les ayants droit. Cette Association démontra que des millions de dollars avaient alors été transférés en Israël et repoussa les revendications du gouvernement israélien: de même, elle refusa de lui reconnaître le droit d'agir en faveur des Juifs tués ou disparus pendant la guerre. L'Association suisse des banquiers, toujours soutenue par le gouvernement helvétique, déclara que les prétentions israéliennes n'étaient pas plus fondées que celles que pourrait avoir, par exemple, le Vatican pour prétendre hériter de fonds en déshérence de catholiques romains. De droit, la position des banques suisses était inattaquable: c'est pourquoi le gouvernement israélien ainsi que les organisations juives ne pouvaient que jouer la carte de l'émotion pour dénoncer le formalisme juridique borné et insensible de banquiers suisses capables de s'enrichir au détriment des six millions de victimes juives assassinées dans les chambres à gaz. Mais toutes les solutions envisagées pour trouver une solution à cette affaire allaient à l'encontre de l'opinion publique suisse d'alors, des statuts des banques et de la législation helvétique: il était encore impensable, il y a quarante ans, d'accorder à une commission étrangère le pouvoir de venir enquêter dans les banques suisses.
La procédure s'enlisa jusqu'en 1962, quand le Conseil fédéral trancha en contraignant les banques à fournir des renseignements relatifs aux comptes dormants depuis 1945 susceptibles d'appartenir aux étrangers ou apatrides victimes de persécutions raciales, politiques ou religieuses. Toutefois, cette décision n'autorisait aucun organisme extérieur à vérifier ces comptes, ce qui aurait été contraire à la législation en vigueur.
En 1964, plus de quatre cents établissements bancaires suisses avaient retrouvé 1 048 comptes appartenant à des étrangers ou des apatrides, d'un montant global d'environ 9,4 millions de francs suisses. Israël, le Congrès juif mondial et les autres organisations juives protestèrent vivement: ils estimaient cette somme dérisoire par rapport aux fortunes considérables que les Juifs avaient, selon la rumeur, cachées à Zurich, Bâle ou Genève. Une telle rumeur était, certes, de nature à perpétuer l'image du Juif cousu d'or, mais, ceci impliquant cela, comment faire pour justifier autrement ces nouvelles revendications ?
En 1966, on recensait encore 824 comptes dormants non réclamés, dont on n'avait retrouvé ni les dépositaires ni les héritiers. Le Département fédéral de Justice et Police décida que l'on abandonnerait les recherches si le dépôt était inférieur à 500 francs suisses; en dessous d'un tel montant, les frais de recherche étaient considérés comme prohibitifs.
En 1969, 19 % de ces comptes avaient pu être soldés au profit des ayants droit retrouvés, pour un montant total de 1,6 million de francs suisses. Il restait alors un reliquat d'environ 4,8 millions de francs suisses. La recherche des ayants droit posait un problème dans le cas où les pistes aboutiraient derrière le Rideau de fer. Dans ce cas, il n'était pas question de prendre directement contact avec d'éventuels héritiers, au risque de leur attirer de graves ennuis de la part des autorités de ces pays communistes. Ces comptes furent alors transférés dans un fonds spécial, intitulé "avoirs non réclamés".
En 1970, le même Département décida de porter à 1 000 francs suisses la limite à partir de laquelle les recherches seraient abandonnées, toujours en fonction des frais de recherche prohibitifs. Les 325 dépôts concernés, d'une valeur approximative de 111 000 francs suisses, furent également transférés dans ce fonds spécial.
En 1972, les recherches prirent fin sur la base d'une décision officielle du Conseil fédéral. Le bilan de ces investigations était alors le suivant: les 9,4 millions initialement retrouvés furent portés à 10,8 millions suite à de nouvelles vérifications. La moitié de cette somme, 5,4 millions, fut versée dans le fonds spécial ouvert en faveur des ayants droit supposés des pays de l'Est. Sur la somme restante, les ayants droit retrouvés reçurent 1,4 million, et le solde, moins les frais, c'est-à-dire 2,4 millions de francs suisses fut réparti entre un fonds de charité suisse, la Fédération des communautés israélites de Suisse, ainsi que la Hongrie et la Pologne, en vertu d'accords de compensation passés dans les années 50 avec ces deux pays. Ces deux pays s'étaient alors engagés à verser cet argent aux survivants hongrois et polonais des "camps de la mort".
En 1989, la chute du Mur de Berlin entraîna celle des régimes communistes du bloc de l'Est. Dès lors, les ressortissants de ces pays n'avaient plus à craindre d'être spoliés par l'Etat dans le cas où ils deviendraient bénéficiaires du fonds spécial ouvert spécialement à leur intention en 1969. Dans ce nouveau contexte, les organisations juives allaient pouvoir aider les Juifs d'Europe centrale et orientale à faire valoir leurs droits. C'est pourquoi ces organisations créèrent en 1993 la World Jewish Restitution Organization, avec pour mission d' oeuvrer spécialement en faveur des Juifs des anciens pays communistes.
En septembre 1994, suite à un référendum populaire, une nouvelle loi destinée à réprimer le racisme fut approuvée par le peuple à une faible majorité. Notons que cette votation fut entachée de graves irrégularités, les médias refusant de publier les arguments des opposants, même dans le cas d'annonces payantes. La pratique des tribunaux depuis le premier janvier 1995, date de l'entrée en vigueur d'une loi contraire à l'esprit de l'article 19 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, garantissant formellement les libertés d'opinion et d'expression, montre que celle-ci, très habilement formulée, sert en fait à interdire toute critique envers le tout-puissant lobby juif.
En mai 1995, dans un discours de circonstance prononcé à l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, le conseiller fédéral Kaspar Villiger, président de la Confédération en exercice, présenta des excuses parce que la Suisse avait demandé avant-guerre aux autorités allemandes de faire apposer un tampon "J" sur le passeport des Juifs allemands.
En juin 1995, les médias américains se firent les porte-parole dociles du Congrès juif mondial en engageant une nouvelle et violente campagne de presse contre la Suisse sur le thème des fonds juifs en déshérence. Cette fois, l'escalade consistait à obtenir l'ouverture des sacro-saintes archives bancaires, afin de permettre aux ayants droit de récupérer les fonds qui leur reviendraient. L'application d'une telle mesure signifiait ni plus ni moins la fin du secret bancaire et ne manquerait pas de susciter l'inquiétude chez tous les titulaires de compte.
En septembre 1995, le multimilliardaire juif Edgar Bronfman, président du Congrès juif mondial et principal héritier d'une fortune édifiée au temps de la prohibition aux Etats-Unis grâce à la contrebande d'alcool, décida de prendre les choses en main: accompagné de trois spécialistes responsables de la campagne de diffamation orchestrée il y a quelques années contre le président autrichien Kurt Waldheim, Bronfman rencontra à Berne George Krayer, président de l'Association suisse des banquiers. Cette rencontre avait été préparée de longue date par Rolf Bloch, président de la Fédération des communautés israélites de Suisse. L'ingénu Krayer annonça triomphalement que le fonds spécial ouvert en 1969 en faveur des ayants droit des pays de l'Est se montait maintenant à 38 millions de francs suisses, ce qui représentait un rendement annuel d'environ 8 %. Pour Krayer et l'Association suisse des banquiers, un tel rendement était la preuve de leur bonne volonté. Krayer s'imaginait naïvement que Bronfman serait ravi et empocherait la cagnotte pour solde de tout compte, avec à la clé une excellente publicité en faveur des sérieuses et honnêtes banques suisses. En fait de remerciements, Bronfman répliqua qu'il n'était pas venu pour parler chiffres, mais méthode: il s'agissait pour le président du Congrès juif mondial de vérifier tous les comptes en déshérence, sans tenir compte des anciennes recherches.
Autrement dit, la démarche de Bronfman ne visait rien de moins qu'à abolir le secret bancaire suisse. Finalement, l'Association suisse des banquiers autorisa une telle enquête, mais seulement sur les comptes dormants. Bronfman insista sur le fait que rien ne devait filtrer tant qu'un accord financier ne serait pas conclu par les parties concernées, à savoir entre lui, en tant que président du Congrès juif mondial, et les banques suisses. On peut supposer, pour des raisons faciles à comprendre, que Bronfman croyait possible de conclure l'affaire seul, afin d'en tirer un profit exclusif pour son prestige personnel et ses propres intérêts. A l'évidence, si l'affaire se traitait sur la place publique, cela ne manquerait pas d'attirer de nombreuses revendications, ce qui compliquerait le partage du butin. Au cours des semaines suivantes, le rabbin Israel Singer, secrétaire général du Congrès juif mondial, se rendit plusieurs fois à Berne pour discuter avec les responsables de l'Association suisse des banquiers. Dépité de voir que les banquiers ne se pliaient pas à toutes ses exigences, Singer prit conscience que le caractère secret des négociations, voulu au départ par Bronfman, permettait à l'Association suisse des banquiers de faire de la résistance. Pour tourner l'écueil, une nouvelle stratégie s'imposait. Bronfmann se rendit compte que pour l'emporter, il serait obligé de remettre l'affaire sur la place publique. Pour cela, il lui fallait trouver un allié de poids, qu'il trouva en la personne d'Alfonse d'Amato, sénateur de l'Etat de New York et président de la Commission bancaire du Sénat, un politicien élu grâce à l'influence de l'électorat juif.
En décembre 1995, Bronfman et le sénateur Alfonse d'Amato, représentant de la population juive la plus riche et la plus nombreuse du monde, conclurent un accord en vue de contraindre les banques suisses à satisfaire aux exigences des "victimes de l'Holocauste" dont ils prétendaient représenter les intérêts.
En février 1996, lors de sa conférence de presse annuelle, l'Association suisse des banquiers publia officiellement les résultats de l'enquête sur les fonds juifs en déshérence: 775 comptes étaient inactifs depuis 1945, pour un montant total de 38 millions de francs suisses. Ce chiffre était bien évidemment le même que Bronfman avait entendu en septembre 1995. Une telle obstination allait mettre le feu aux poudres.
En mars 1996, le sénateur d'Amato brandit triomphalement un rapport de 1945 des services secrets américains révélant qu'une entreprise de Genève, la Société générale de surveillance, avait reçu 8,4 millions de francs suisses de 182 clients juifs. Le rapport précisait que les intéressés n'avaient jamais pu récupérer leurs biens. Il fut très facile à l'Association suisse des banquiers d'expliquer que cette société n'était pas une banque, et que, par conséquent, elle n'était en rien responsable des agissements du Juif Jacques Salmanovitz, propriétaire de la société incriminée
Le 23 avril 1996, le sénateur d'Amato commença la série d'"auditions" devant le Sénat, autrement dit de procès publics où il jouerait le rôle du procureur, en vue de prouver que les banques suisses avaient bel et bien spolié des victimes de l'"Holocauste". Une Juive de Roumanie, Greta Beer, âgée de 75 ans, témoigna ce jour devant le Sénat: pendant la guerre, son père, un riche industriel du textile employant plus de mille personnes, confia à sa femme et à ses deux enfants qu'il avait déposé de l'argent dans une banque suisse. En 1962, Greta Beer, qui s'était établie près de New York, se rendit en Suisse faire des recherches qui restèrent infructueuses. Une enquête établira par la suite qu'un de ses oncles était passé avant elle et avait vidé le compte en toute légalité
Le 2 mai 1996, l'Association suisse des banquiers, le Congrès juif mondial et la World Jewish Restitution Organization décidèrent de créer un "Committee of Eminent Persons", mieux connu sous le nom de Commission Volcker, du nom de son président. Cet ancien président de la Banque centrale américaine fut mandaté pour conduire une enquête de grande envergure dans toutes les banques suisses afin d'identifier tous les comptes en déshérence ouverts avant, pendant ou immédiatement après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Pendant que des cohortes d'enquêteurs passaient une nouvelle fois au crible les comptes des banques suisses, après que le conseiller fédéral Kaspar Villiger eut autorisé la suspension provisoire du secret bancaire, d'autres enquêteurs fouillaient les Archives nationales américaines dans l'espoir de trouver des preuves d'une complicité criminelle entre le Troisième Reich et la Confédération helvétique. Les recherches conduites par la Commission Volcker avaient pour objectif de piéger les banques suisses en trouvant des exemples de spoliation plus crédibles que les cas Salmanovitz et Beer. Malgré tous ces efforts, l'espoir de trouver enfin le "compte en banque secret de Hitler en Suisse" se réduisait de jour en jour. C'est alors que Greville Janner, vice-président du Congrès juif mondial et député travailliste au Parlement britannique, se souvint qu'au catalogue des horreurs nazies peu égalaient l'extraction méthodique des dents en or, arrachées de la bouche des cadavres sortis des chambres à gaz homicides. Cet or, une fois transformé en lingots anonymes, devait sans doute se trouver caché dans les coffres de la Banque nationale suisse.
Le 10 septembre 1996, The Times de Londres titra "L'or nazi: des informations tirées des archives britanniques". Suivait un rapport de 23 pages selon lequel on estimait à 200 millions de dollars le montant de l'or dérobé retenu dans les banques helvétiques. Selon d'autres sources, ce montant était évalué à 500 millions de dollars. Comme la Suisse avait restitué la contre-valeur de 58 millions de dollars en or en vertu des Accords de Washington de 1946, il devait rester environ 450 millions de dollars dans les coffres de la Banque nationale. Avec l'inflation, l'or valait maintenant quelque 4 milliards de dollars. Une fois l'Atlantique traversée, l'histoire reprise par le Washington Post racontait que la Suisse "détenait encore 90 % de l'or pour une valeur de 6 milliards de dollars, y compris les couronnes en or des victimes de l'Holocauste qu'on avait fondues en lingots". Le porte-parole du Congrès juif mondial, Elan Steinberg, n'hésita pas à déclarer que c'était là le plus grand cambriolage de l'histoire de l'humanité. On parla moins du fait que 5 tonnes "d'or nazi" se trouvaient encore dans les coffres de la Banque d'Angleterre et 2 tonnes dans ceux de la Banque centrale américaine.
Le 16 septembre 1996, lors d'une conférence de presse, le conseiller fédéral Flavio Cotti crut nécessaire de déclarer que "la Suisse n'avait jamais eu l'intention de s'approprier l'or des nazis". Selon lui, les bénéfices réalisés sur les transactions d'or pendant la guerre ne dépassaient pas 20 millions de francs suisses. La faiblesse, voire la complaisance des autorités suisses incitèrent l'Association suisse des banquiers à réagir en mettant en garde le Conseil fédéral: "Cette question ne devrait pas être constamment jetée dans l'arène politique sur la base de quelques cas tragiques, suppositions et documents qui, dans certains cas, sont hautement suspects." Comment expliquer autrement que l'étude publiée en février 1996 faisait état de 38 millions de francs suisses trouvés sur les comptes dormants, alors que le porte-parole du Congrès juif mondial affirmait à qui voulait l'entendre que la Confédération dissimulait entre 7 et 20 milliards de dollars spoliés aux victimes de l'"Holocauste". C'est alors que Robert Studer, président de l'Union de Banques Suisses, excédé par les grossières exagérations du Congrès juif mondial, qualifia de peanuts les montants en question. Après de telles passes d'armes, les esprits étaient à point pour entamer le deuxième round des auditions devant le Sénat américain.
Le 16 octobre 1996, le sénateur d'Amato pouvait ouvrir cette deuxième audition en présence de six nouveaux témoins, tous survivants de l' "Holocauste" et victimes autoproclamées des banques suisses: deux plaintes collectives venaient d'être déposées devant la justice américaine pour soutenir une cause défendue par le sénateur d'Amato en ces termes: "Nous sommes très préoccupés du fait que des citoyens et des sociétés suisses aient tiré un profit flagrant de l'Holocauste, alors que les intérêts des survivants ont été totalement négligés Nous voulons savoir où sont passés les centaines de millions de dollars des avoirs que les nazis ont déposés dans les banques suisses Il est temps que justice soit rendue. Temps de connaître la vérité." Non seulement le sénateur bluffait à 100 %, mais, de plus, d'Amato impliquait directement le gouvernement suisse en soutenant que des avoirs de Juifs polonais et hongrois tombés en déshérence avaient fait l'objet d'un accord compensatoire avec la Pologne et la Hongrie pour indemniser des biens suisses nationalisés par les régimes communistes de ces deux pays. Le lendemain, devant les Chambres fédérales, le conseiller fédéral Flavio Cotti réfuta l'argument comme dénué de tout fondement: "Ce qui a été dit sur la Suisse, surtout dans la presse étrangère, est à la limite du tolérable." En fait, les biens suisses nationalisés n'avaient pas été indemnisés par le gouvernement suisse, mais par les gouvernements polonais et hongrois. Afin, une fois de plus, de montrer sa bonne volonté, le Conseil fédéral annonça la création d'une commission chargée d'enquêter sur les accords passés entre la Suisse et les pays de l'ancienne Europe de l'Est et prit enfin conscience de la nécessité de se défendre efficacement face à une agression non prévue par les éminents stratèges du Département militaire fédéral.
Le 24 octobre 1996, le conseiller fédéral Cotti, chef du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères, créa un groupe opérationnel interdépartemental ayant pour mission de coordonner les activités des divers services de l'administration fédérale. L'ambassadeur Thomas Borer fut désigné à la tête de cette Task force, du nom des forces navales américaines de la guerre du Pacifique: un américanisme ridicule pour faire croire sans doute à une opinion publique suisse sous le choc que la "Flotte de Haute mer" lémanique, en ordre de bataille, allait cingler sur l'heure vers la Côte Est pour en découdre avec l'U.S. Navy et ses alliés à papillotes L'avenir montrera que le fringant ambassadeur sut se couvrir de gloire en fréquentant assidûment les cocktails mondains de Washington et d'ailleurs au bras d'une accorte ex-miss Texas Il est vrai que s'il existe deux manières de "boire la tasse", notre amiral diplomatique n'a certes pas choisi la plus désagréable !
Le 13 décembre 1996, le Conseil fédéral adopta un arrêté fédéral "concernant les recherches historiques et juridiques sur le sort des avoirs ayant abouti en Suisse à la suite de l'avènement du régime national-socialiste". Pour permettre de telles recherches, cet arrêté prévoyait la levée du secret bancaire concernant ces avoirs pendant cinq ans. Cet arrêt constitua la base juridique des nouvelles investigations promises au "lobby qui n'existe pas" afin de faire toute la lumière sur la prétendue complicité de la Suisse avec le régime hitlérien.
Le 19 décembre 1996, le Conseil fédéral créa une commission indépendante d'experts, composée de neuf historiens et juristes, suisses et étrangers, présidée par l'historien suisse Jean-François Bergier. Sa mission était d'examiner, sous l'angle historique et juridique, le sort des biens placés en Suisse durant la période du régime national-socialiste, ainsi que les transactions sur l'or et les devises entre le Troisième Reich et la Suisse, les relations commerciales et la politique suisse des réfugiés. Derrière le fantoche Bergier oeuvrait activement une camarilla d'historiens juifs dirigés par Saul Friedländer, un autre miraculé des camps de la mort.
Le 31 décembre 1996, le conseiller fédéral Jean-Pascal Delamuraz, au dernier jour de son mandat de président de la Confédération helvétique, accordait un entretien à la Tribune de Genève dans lequel il exprimait sans détours son sentiment sur l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence, parlant d'une entreprise de déstabilisation de la Suisse et utilisant le terme de "chantage" pour qualifier les pressions et les menaces de boycott et celui de"rançon"pour les prétentions financières du Congrès juif mondial. Le conseiller fédéral avait été informé, entre autres sources autorisées, par l'ambassadeur de la Confédération en poste à Washington, Carlo Jagmetti, qui avait utilisé le terme de "guerre" pour décrire la situation dans un rapport ultra-confidentiel. Ce rapport avait été très rapidement connu des médias grâce à des fuites provenant du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères. Les sanctions suivirent sans tarder, mais ne furent pas dirigées contre ceux qu'on pensait: l'ambassadeur Jagmetti fut contraint de démissionner et le conseiller fédéral Delamuraz dut exprimer publiquement ses regrets à Bronfman, président du Congrès juif mondial, pour avoir blessé ses sentiments et ceux de nombreuses autres personnes Dans la foulée, Avraham Burg, président de l'Agence juive et membre de la commission Volcker, brandit une nouvelle fois la menace d'un boycottage mondial des banques suisses ainsi qu'un retrait général des fonds déposés. Pour ce dernier, le président de la Confédération avait ourdi "un complot destiné à saboter les négociations entre nous afin d'éviter à la Suisse d'avoir à endosser la responsabilité de ses actes pendant la guerre".
Le 8 janvier 1997, l'ambassadeur Borer informait Burg que le Conseil fédéral avait suggéré aux banques de créer un fonds en faveur des victimes du génocide, financé par les comptes en déshérence. "Ils essaient de nous acheter avec de l'argent qui n'est pas à eux !" s'indigna Burg, au grand dépit d'un Borer qui avait cru bien faire. Le lendemain, Borer apprit qu'un obscur employé de l'Union de Banques Suisses, Christoph Meili, avait sauvé de la destruction des archives datant de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Il se doutait que cette nouvelle allait apporter de l'eau au moulin de Burg et consorts, qui pourraient prétendre que cette banque cherchait à détruire des preuves de sa complicité avec les criminels nazis. Ce qu'ils ne manquèrent pas de faire, à grand renfort de déclarations indignées. Exilé volontaire aux Etats-Unis, entouré de ses nouveaux protecteurs et à bonne école, Meili exigera que son ancien employeur lui verse pour tort moral une indemnité de 2,56 milliards de dollars. Trois ans plus tard, Meili attendait toujours son pactole, et les archives miraculeusement sauvées étaient oubliées, ses protecteurs d'un jour n'ayant rien pu tirer de ces documents.
Le 5 février 1997, les espoirs de Borer furent comblés quand les trois grandes banques suisses -- Union de Banques Suisses, Société de Banque Suisse et Crédit suisse -- décidèrent de mettre ensemble la somme de 100 millions de francs suisses à disposition d'un fonds humanitaire en faveur des victimes du nazisme. Ce fonds spécial recevra par la suite d'autres contributions de l'industrie et de la Banque nationale suisse, portant le montant total à 265 millions de francs suisses. Bien entendu, le versement de ce montant ne correspondait nullement à une créance reconnue, mais ce "geste" devait être considéré comme une mesure d'apaisement prouvant la bonne volonté des Suisses, susceptible de mettre un terme aux incessantes campagnes de diffamation. Rolf Bloch, président de la Fédération suisse des Communautés israélites, fut sollicité pour la présidence du fonds, trois des sept membres de la direction du fonds étant par ailleurs désignés par la World Jewish Restitution Organization. Ces décisions avaient été prises pendant les rencontres discrètes et informelles du Forum économique de Davos, début février, quand Flavio Cotti se laissa convaincre par Edgar Bronfmann et Israel Singer que la politique choisie par la Suisse était suicidaire à long terme. Les pressions se feraient de plus en plus intenses et les menaces de plus en plus précises, allant jusqu'à remettre en question les autorisations qui permettaient aux banques suisses de travailler aux Etats-Unis. Les effets de la mondialisation ne permettaient pas à la Suisse de passer outre: la survie du pays était, paraît-il, en jeu.
Le 5 mars 1997, Arnold Koller, président de la Confédération helvétique, annonça la création d'une fondation de solidarité dotée d'un capital de 7 milliards de francs suisses et alimentée par la vente d'une partie des importantes réserves d'or de la Banque nationale suisse. La moitié des intérêts de ce capital seraient versés aux étrangers victimes de la pauvreté, de graves violations des Droits de l'homme ou de calamités naturelles. L'autre moitié servirait à des buts humanitaires en faveur de la population suisse. La première surprise passée, ce projet généreux mais vague suscitait déjà bien des controverses, alimentées par la question de savoir si les victimes de l' "Holocauste" pourraient bénéficier de cette nouvelle manne en plus du fonds créé spécialement à leur intention
Le 15 mai 1997, la commission bancaire du Sénat américain siégea afin d'entendre le sous-secrétaire d'Etat au Commerce Stuart Eizenstat présenter son rapport intitulé: "Les efforts américains et alliés pour retrouver et restituer l'or et les autres actifs volés ou cachés par l'Allemagne durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale". Selon ce rapport les transactions d'or entre la Suisse et le Troisième Reich posaient un sérieux problème du fait qu'une partie de l'or acheté par la Banque nationale suisse à la Reichsbank avait été pillée par le Reich aux banques centrales des pays occupés ou volé aux victimes de l'Holocauste. L'objectif de ce rapport était d'obliger le Conseil fédéral à renégocier les Accords de Washington de 1946, lesquels avaient réglé de manière définitive la question de l'or acheté par la Suisse à l'Allemagne nationale-socialiste.
En 1940, après la défaite de la France, la Banque nationale suisse avait transféré toutes ses réserves d'or aux Etats-Unis.
En juin 1941, six mois avant l'entrée en guerre des Etats-Unis, le gouvernement américain bloqua tous les avoirs suisses, y compris les réserves d'or. C'est dire qu'en 1946 le gouvernement américain tenait le couteau par le manche pour obliger la Suisse à signer un traité qui faisait la part belle aux intérêts américains. A l'époque, les négociateurs suisses n'eurent guère de choix pour obtenir la levée du séquestre des avoirs suisses et de l'or.
Le 18 juin 1997, la BBC diffusait un documentaire très virulent contre la Suisse. Ce film, intitulé Nazi Gold, tendait à présenter la Suisse comme un pays criminel, complice et allié du Troisième Reich. Le scénario était tellement invraisemblable que le résultat fut contraire à celui recherché: d'anciens réfugiés, y compris des Juifs, internés en Suisse pendant la guerre, prirent spontanément la parole pour témoigner en faveur du pays qui les avait accueillis; des historiens dénoncèrent les mensonges grossiers du scénario, comme par exemple celui des trains transportant des déportés juifs traversant la Suisse en route vers les inévitables "camps de la mort" du Troisième Reich.
Le 23 juillet 1997, l'Association suisse des banquiers publia dans les principaux journaux suisses une première liste de 1 756 comptes en déshérence appartenant à des étrangers, d'un montant total de 61,2 millions de francs suisses.
Le 19 octobre 1997, Robert Studer, président de l'Union de Banques Suisses, exprimait publiquement ses regrets concernant ses déclarations sur la valeur dérisoire (peanuts) des fonds en déshérence et pour l'affaire Meili.
Le 29 octobre 1997, une deuxième liste fut publiée par l'Association suisse des banquiers comportant au total 14 562 comptes en déshérence dont 10 875 comptes de clients suisses et 3 687 comptes de clients étrangers, pour un total de 18,8 millions de francs suisses, dont 6,17 millions pour les comptes étrangers. La publication de ces listes pouvait faire croire que les banquiers suisses n'avaient pas tout dit et que de telles investigations étaient nécessaires. En réalité, le champ des recherches avait été considérablement élargi, au point qu'on retrouva, par exemple, un compte en déshérence dont le titulaire n'était autre que Serrano Suner, ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Espagne pendant la guerre, que son titulaire avait dû oublier, vu le faible montant dont il était crédité. Une analyse attentive de ces listes confirma l'absence de toute découverte significative concernant les fonds juifs en déshérence. Alors que les banquiers suisses s'en tenaient aux chiffres des livres de compte, qui ne pouvaient dire autre chose que ce qu'on y trouvait, les "spoliés" préféraient se situer dans les hautes sphères holocaustiques où les chiffres n'ont plus qu'une valeur symbolique. Il ne s'agissait plus de rembourser ce qui était légalement dû, mais de réparer les "crimes" prétendument commis, ce que les banquiers suisses terre-à-terre n'avaient visiblement toujours pas compris.
Le 2 décembre 1997 s'ouvrit à Londres une conférence internationale chargée de faire la lumière sur le sort de l'or volé par le Troisième Reich dans les pays occupés et aux victimes de l'Holocauste. L'objectif de cette conférence était de récupérer l'or volé en faveur des survivants de l'Holocauste "vivant dans la détresse". Edgar Bronfman en profita pour dénoncer une nouvelle fois la Suisse, coupable à ses yeux de recel d'or volé, ce qui impliquerait des dédommagements se situant cette fois entre deux et trois milliards de dollars. Arnold Koller, président de la Confédération, repoussa ces prétentions dénuées de tout fondement et les qualifia même de "provocations".
Le 8 décembre 1997, lors d'une conférence réunissant quelque deux cents représentants de collectivités publiques américaines, les "spoliés" firent comprendre sans ambiguïté aux autorités suisses que le moment était venu de capituler sans conditions. Les menaces de boycott contre les banques suisses furent confirmées et un dernier délai de réflexion, autrement dit un ultimatum, fixé au 31 mars 1998. Quelques jours plus tard, les représentants des trois grandes banques suisses rencontrèrent à Zürich le sous-secrétaire d'Etat américain Stuart Eizenstat afin de trouver une solution dans le cadre d'un accord global susceptible de mettre fin au conflit.
Début janvier 1998, le conseiller fédéral Flavio Cotti, chef du Département des affaires étrangères, osa se plaindre des attaques injustifiées provenant de la côte est des Etats-Unis. Cette timide remarque souleva l'indignation de Kalman Sultanik, vice-président du Congrès juif mondial. Selon lui, ces propos étaient de même nature que ceux du criminel de guerre Kurt Waldheim lorsque ce dernier s'était déclaré victime des groupes de pression de la côte est. Aussitôt, le responsable financier de la ville de New York, Alan Hevesi, et ses homologues de quatre Etats américains firent chorus aux critiques de Kalman Sultanik et exigèrent des excuses de Flavio Cotti, car ils considérèrent que ses propos pouvaient être interprétés comme une manifestation d'antisémitisme. Flavio Cotti refusera toutefois de satisfaire à ces nouvelles exigences.
Le 5 janvier 1998, la chaîne de télévision britannique Channel 4 diffusa un documentaire sur le sort de 6 000 réfugiés juifs venant d'Allemagne, prétendument traités comme des criminels par les autorités suisses de l'époque. Ces graves accusations seront reprises peu après par le Centre Simon Wiesenthal de Los Angeles, lequel affirmait notamment qu'entre 17 000 et 22 000 réfugiés juifs furent internés dans des camps de concentration en Suisse pendant la guerre et exploités comme des esclaves. De nombreux anciens réfugiés juifs furent scandalisés d'entendre de tels mensonges et le firent savoir. Là encore, le Conseil fédéral devait démontrer la fausseté de ces accusations en rappelant que les camps d'internement n'avaient rien à voir avec les camps de concentration et que les réfugiés n'étaient pas des prisonniers, ce dont personne n'avait douté jusqu'alors.
Au début du mois de février 1998, le sénateur d'Amato trouva une nouvelle occasion d'exercer ses talents: deux des plus grandes banques suisses, l'Union de Banques Suisses et la Société de Banque Suisse avaient annoncé leur intention de fusionner. d'Amato déclara que ces banques devaient d'abord répondre, toutes affaires cessantes, aux survivants de l'Holocauste, comme si rien n'avait été fait jusque-là. D'une parfaite mauvaise foi, d'Amato avait déjà "oublié" l'existence du fonds spécial créé par les banques et l'industrie suisses en faveur des survivants de l'Holocauste, doté de 265 millions de francs suisses.
En février 1998, deux compagnies suisses d'assurances, la Bâloise et la Winterthur, refusèrent d'ouvrir leurs archives aux enquêteurs américains à la recherche de polices d'assurances en déshérence susceptibles d'appartenir aux victimes de l'Holocauste. Ces deux compagnies estimèrent qu'elles n'avaient pas de comptes à rendre aux autorités de surveillances américaines. Cette attitude provoqua l'indignation d'Elan Steinberg, directeur exécutif du Congrès juif mondial, qui qualifia d'"obscène"l'argumentation juridique, et d'Israel Singer, secrétaire général de la même institution, qui considéra cette attitude comme "empreinte de mépris", relevant au passage que ce comportement lui rappelait celui des banques suisses dans l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence. La question des assurances contractées par des victimes de l'Holocauste avait fait surface en juin 1997 quand des survivants déposèrent une plainte collective contre seize compagnies d'assurances européennes, en leur réclamant 16 milliards de dollars pour les polices en déshérence dont elles auraient spolié leurs ayants droit.
Le 26 mars 1998, dans une déclaration commune, les gouvernements américain et suisse demandèrent aux parties impliquées de renoncer aux sanctions économiques annoncées, les trois grandes banques suisses s'étant finalement engagées à négocier un accord global qui réglerait l'ensemble des plaintes dont elles font l'objet.
Le 3 avril 1998, Flavio Cotti, alors président de la Confédération, exclut la possibilité d'une participation du gouvernement suisse à ces négociations, une décision également adoptée par Hans Meyer, président de la Banque nationale suisse.
Le 27 avril 1998, les négociations commencèrent, réunissant, d'un côté, les deux principales banques suisses, représentant l'ensemble des établissements bancaires du pays, la Banque nationale suisse ainsi que la grande industrie helvétique; de l'autre, le Congrès juif mondial ainsi que les auteurs des plaintes collectives déposées devant les tribunaux américains, avec le sous-secrétaire d'Etat Stuart Eizenstat dans le rôle de "médiateur".
Le 25 mai 1998, la Commission Bergier publia son premier rapport intermédiaire intitulé "La Suisse et les transactions sur l'or pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale". Selon ce rapport, la Suisse savait dès 1941 que l'or en provenance de la Reichsbank venait en partie des réserves d'or des pays occupés par les armées du Troisième Reich. En outre, près de 120 kg d'or volé aux victimes de l'"Holocauste"figuraient de manière certaine dans les livraisons d'or faites à la Suisse par l'Allemagne. A la décharge des responsables de la Banque nationale suisse, ceux-ci ignoraient l'origine de cet or. Le Conseil fédéral considéra que rien dans ce rapport ne permettait de remettre en question les Accords de Washington de 1946, et qu'il était par conséquent exclu d'entrer en matière pour renégocier ces accords. Le second rapport Eizenstat, publié quelques jours plus tard, admettait la gravité des menaces planant sur la Suisse pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et la nécessité vitale pour la Confédération de commercer avec les puissances de l'Axe.
Le 19 juin 1998, pour couper court aux pressions toujours plus insistantes des organisations juives, les deux grandes banques suisses annoncèrent publiquement que leur dernière offre de 600 millions de dollars était à la limite du supportable. Aussitôt, les avocats des plaignants et le Congrès juif mondial déclarèrent que cette offre était totalement inacceptable, alors que la World Jewish Restitution Organization la qualifiait même d'insultante. Du côté des organisations juives, on laissait entendre qu'un règlement global acceptable devrait être de l'ordre de 1,5 milliard de dollars.
Le 29 juin 1998, faisant encore monter la pression, les avocats Michael Hausfeld et Melvyn Weiss déposèrent au nom des victimes de l'"Holocauste" une plainte contre la Banque nationale suisse devant la Cour fédérale du district de Columbia. Peu après, la World Jewish Restitution Organization annonça envisager de déposer elle aussi une plainte collective contre la Banque nationale suisse. Le Conseil fédéral estima ces plaintes "injustifiées sur le fond, politiquement inacceptables et injustifiables juridiquement".
Le 1er juillet 1998, des représentants des villes et des Etats américains, réunis en conseil de guerre à New York, décidèrent de lever le moratoire sur le boycott des banques suisses. L'Etat de Californie déclara qu'il ne ferait plus appel aux banques suisses pour ses opérations financières, l'Etat de New York annonça une série de mesures progressives sanctionnant les banques et les entreprises suisses allant jusqu'au boycott total des produits suisses dès 1999. La Suisse réagit vivement à ces nouvelles, et le Conseil fédéral rappela que ces sanctions allaient à l'encontre de tous les traités conclus entre la Suisse et les Etats-Unis, et de plus étaient contraires aux règles de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Sous la pression de l'opinion publique suisse, quelques politiciens proposèrent de prendre des mesures de rétorsion en boycottant les produits américains. La réplique ne tarda pas, sous la forme d'une inculpation pour violation de la loi dite antiraciste. La polémique augmenta encore quand Alan Hevesi accusera le Conseil fédéral de n'avoir pas respecté son engagement de participer aux négociations. L'ambassadeur Thomas Borer, chef de la Task force, déclara alors qu'Alan Hevesi propageait de fausses nouvelles. La réplique ne tarda pas, Avraham Burg, président de l'Agence juive, demandant le renvoi de l'ambassadeur Borer. Autre source de conflit, la prochaine audition de la Commission bancaire du Sénat américain, présidée par Alfonse d'Amato, qui doit se réunir pour envisager une possible renégociation des Accords de Washington de 1946. Le Conseil fédéral refusant de se faire représenter à cette audition, le sénateur d'Amato pourra accuser le gouvernement suisse de "poursuivre sa politique d'obstruction". Arrivées au point de rupture, les banques suisses n'avaient plus que le choix de rompre les négociations ou de trouver un compromis, en faisant une ultime concession. L'opinion publique suisse ne comprendrait pas que le Conseil fédéral s'engage directement dans des négociations concernant en fait des intérêts privés. Mais la résistance du pays avait alors atteint ses limites, la Suisse n'étant pas de taille à affronter sur le champ de bataille économique la toute-puissante Amérique. Comprenant alors qu'il y aurait plus à perdre qu'à gagner en prolongeant un combat trop inégal, les responsables des banques suisses prirent conscience de la nécessité vitale d'un arrangement.
Le 12 août 1998, après un dernier et intense round de négociations, les parties aboutirent à un accord conclu sous l'autorité du juge fédéral Edward Korman. Cet accord prévoyait, dans le cadre d`un règlement global de l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence et de "l'or nazi", qu'un montant de 1,25 milliard de dollars, soit environ 1,8 milliard de francs suisses, serait versé par les banques aux survivants de l'Holocauste. Cet accord impliquait le retrait de toutes les plaintes collectives déposées contre les banques suisses, y compris celles déposées contre la Banque nationale suisse. Il impliquait également l'abandon de toutes les sanctions prévues ou effectives contre la Suisse, de même que toute action future contre des entreprises suisses ou le gouvernement helvétique. Une première tranche de 250 millions de dollars devra être versée dans les 90 jours, le solde sur trois ans. L'accord excluait toutefois les compagnies d'assurances, la question des polices en déshérence devant faire l'objet d'un autre règlement. L'annonce qu'un accord avait finalement pu être conclu mit apparemment fin à une crise ouverte deux ans auparavant.
Par la suite, les principaux protagonistes de ce conflit connurent un sort bien différent : en novembre 1998, Benyamin Nétanyahou, alors premier ministre d'Israël, remit personnellement de hautes distinctions honorifiques à Edgar Bronfman et Alfonse d'Amato, auteurs des accusations les plus virulentes portées contre la Suisse. On apprit aussi qu'Edgar Bronfman obtint de Bill Clinton un appui discret mais efficace, nécessaire dans son bras de fer avec des banques suisses. Pour preuve, le lundi 11 septembre 2000, lors de la cérémonie inaugurant le plan de distribution des indemnités versées par les banques suisses, Edgar Bronfman remercia publiquement Bill et Hillary Clinton pour leur soutien actif. Cette thèse est soutenue par l'Italo-Américain Angelo Codevilla, professeur à l'Université de Boston et spécialiste des relations internationales, dans un ouvrage paru récemment sous le titre Between The Alps and A Hard Place, publié en 2000 chez Regnery à Washington. Le professeur Codevilla précise encore qu'Edgar Bronfman a soutenu pour un montant de 1 261 700 dollars la campagne Clinton-Gore en 1995-1996. On alla même jusqu'à prétendre que Bill Clinton marchanda son appui au Congrès juif mondial en échange de l'abandon de la procédure engagée contre lui dans le cadre de l'affaire Monica Lewinski. Il est évident que l'argent obtenu grâce au chantage ne coûte pas cher et constitue pour le lobby juif une masse de manoeuvre utile pour faire ou défaire les hommes politiques, sans compter les possibilités offertes par le financement occulte des partis: qui oserait demander l'exacte destination des fonds destinés "aux victimes nécessiteuses de l'Holocauste" serait immédiatement accusé de commettre un sacrilège inouï. Quant aux responsables politiques suisses en charge de cette affaire, les conseillers fédéraux Delamuraz, Koller et Cotti, ils démissionnèrent peu après sans faire de vagues. De même, le personnel dirigeant des grandes banques suisses fut entièrement renouvelé, si bien que la langue anglaise est pratiquement devenue la langue de travail des cadres et de la direction.
Contrairement aux maîtres, les esclaves n'ont ni famille, ni patrie, ni histoire, mais il faut bien laisser aux plus dociles quelques petites compensations.
La crise des fonds juifs en déshérence a touché la Suisse de plein fouet parce que ce petit pays incarnait aux yeux du monde entier l'indépendance et la démocratie, et avait montré qu'il était possible de vivre en paix et en harmonie avec le reste du monde sans faire partie d'organisations internationales. L'exemple ainsi donné par la crise des fonds juifs en déshérence avait de quoi faire réfléchir ceux qui doutaient encore de la puissance du "lobby qui n'existe pas". Les clients des banques suisses savaient dorénavant que le secret bancaire avait trouvé ses limites, et réfléchiraient à deux fois avant de placer leur confiance et leur argent auprès d'une institution affaiblie. La démonstration avait été faite de la puissance d'une organisation telle que le Congrès juif mondial. Initiée comme une affaire privée -- un différend entre des banques et leurs clients --, cette affaire a rapidement dépassé le cadre privé pour englober la sphère publique et devenir une affaire d'Etat. Les organisations juives ont pu faire la démonstration qu'elles étaient de taille à faire céder les règles fondamentales du droit, puisque les banques reconnurent une juridiction étrangère, alors que le for juridique des banques impliquées se trouvait en Suisse.
Certes, d'autres pays que la Suisse furent confrontés au problème des fonds en déshérence, y compris Israël. Dans les années trente, des Juifs d'Europe déposèrent des fonds dans des banques de Palestine, alors sous mandat britannique. Pendant la guerre, ces biens furent séquestrés par les autorités britanniques. Après la création de l'Etat d'Israël, ces biens furent restitués au nouvel Etat hébreu, mais les autorités israéliennes n'ont jamais publié la liste de ces comptes. Quant aux banques israéliennes, elles doivent en principe transférer au bout de dix ans leurs fonds en déshérence auprès du ministère de la Justice, mais cet usage n'est nullement contraignant. Dans un entretien publié par le Nouveau Quotidien du 15 octobre 1997, Chmonel Tzur, administrateur au ministère israélien de la Justice, faisait la déclaration suivante: "Les banques ont de très nombreux comptes en sommeil. A ce jour, seules quelques-unes nous ont confié les valeurs qui y avaient été déposées. Nous les avons relancées à de nombreuses reprises à ce sujet, mais elles ne se montrent pas très coopératives." Se référant au secret bancaire dont les banques israéliennes vantent les avantages, celles-ci refusent catégoriquement de publier leurs comptes en déshérence. Dans un autre entretien accordé au Financial Times du 2 décembre 1997, Chmonel Tzur déclarait sans ambages: "Les banques [israéliennes] ne sont pas disposées à faire un véritable effort pour rechercher les ayants droit. () Que l'on pense aux montants que les banques auraient à payer comme intérêts composés sur ces capitaux !" Ce n'est qu'en juin 1998 que le Parlement israélien fut saisi d'un projet de loi visant à obliger les établissements financiers à lever le secret bancaire sur les comptes en déshérence, au nombre d'environ dix mille, un grand nombre appartenant très certainement à des victimes de l'"Holocauste". Toutefois, nulle commission internationale n'a été constituée à cette occasion comme ce fut le cas en Suisse avec la Commission Volcker. Pourquoi le Congrès juif mondial, intransigeant à l'égard des banques suisses, reste-t-il sans réagir face à la spoliation de victimes de l'"Holocauste" par des banques israéliennes ?
L'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence a donné le coup d'envoi à de nombreuses demandes d'indemnisation visant entre autres des entreprises allemandes et autrichiennes ayant eu recours à des"travailleurs forcés"pendant la guerre, une catégorie de victimes déjà prise en compte dans les accords d'indemnisation. Bien dressées, ces entreprises ne perdirent ni temps ni argent à essayer de négocier avant de payer ce qu'on exigeait d'elles. Un diplomate impliqué dans cette affaire comme l'a été Thomas Borer a fini par reconnaître: "Certaines organisations juives ne veulent plus d'informations historiques ou de débat philosophique. Elles veulent seulement de l'argent."(Le Temps du 20 mai 1998). Nahum Goldmann, ancien président du Congrès juif mondial, ne disait-il pas la même chose dans ses mémoires quand il affirmait: "La vie juive est composée de deux éléments: ramasser de l'argent et protester." (Nahum Goldmann, Le Paradoxe juif, Stock, 1976, page 67).
3 Epilogue provisoire
Le 26 juillet 2000, le juge Edward Korman, chargé de ratifier l'accord conclu le 12 août 1998 entre les grandes banques suisses et les organisations juives, a fait état, à la surprise générale, d'un amendement secret qui obligerait les banques cantonales et les banquiers privés à ouvrir leurs archives aux enquêteurs de la Commission Volcker. En cas de refus, ces banques seraient exclues des Accords d'août 1998 et pourraient faire l'objet de nouvelles plaintes collectives. Thomas Sutter, porte-parole de l'Association suisse des banquiers, a fait part de sa stupéfaction dans un entretien accordé au quotidien Le Temps du 29 juillet 2000: "La surprise vient du fait que cet accord, négocié il y a deux ans, n'exigeait pas que l'ensemble des banques y participe puisque les deux grands établissements du pays négociaient pour tout le monde. Nous n'étions pas davantage au courant d'un amendement. Sans parler des industriels qui doivent également annoncer dans les trente jours s'ils ont employé des travailleurs forcés dans leurs filiales en Allemagne." Un banquier privé, Jacques Rosset, confiera ainsi son sentiment: "Nous estimons avoir été trompés sur le fond, alors que nous avons travaillé en toute bonne foi. Et je dirai même que nous sommes passablement fâchés." (Le Temps du 29 juillet 2000). Si les grandes banques ont déjà accepté cet amendement, les autres établissements concernés doivent maintenant se prononcer. Un chantage ne finit jamais, car il faut savoir que par "survivant de l'Holocauste", il faut comprendre, selon le rabbin Israël Singer, tous les Juifs: "[l'argent des indemnités de l'Holocauste doit] assurer les besoins du peuple juif tout entier et non simplement des juifs qui ont eu la chance de survivre à l'Holocauste et de vivre vieux." (Haaretz du 31 mars 2000).
Après avoir terrassé les vilains gnomes de Zürich, l'insatiable Congrès juif mondial a trouvé maintenant une nouvelle proie à la mesure de ses appétits: selon un document américain rendu public, l'Autriche détiendrait des biens juifs en déshérence pour un montant de dix milliards de dollars (Jerusalem Post du 14 mars 2000). Déjà, les Etats de l'Est européen sont dans le collimateur et même la Russie, pourtant ruinée par huitante ans de communisme, se voit réclamer des indemnités pour les victimes juives de la révolution judéo-bolchevique de 1917 ! On croit rêver, au sujet d'un pays pillé une deuxième fois après la chute du Rideau de fer par une caste de prédateurs sans scrupules.
4 Qui paie ne commande pas toujours
Le bilan final de l'affaire des fonds juifs en déshérence se pose de la manière suivante: qui paiera en fin de compte les indemnités, le manque à gagner des banques et les frais, le tout représentant une somme bien supérieure au 1,25 milliard d'indemnités. La réponse n'est pas difficile à trouver : la rançon sera finalement supportée par le dernier payeur, autrement dit les débiteurs des banques et les contribuables, en amortissement des intérêts dus à titre privé ou public. Qui paie ne commande pas toujours
Bibliographie sommaire
Tom Bower, L'Or nazi (les banques suisses et les Juifs), Editions Plon, Paris, 1997, 380 pages
Philippe Braillard, Tragédie et Mascarade (autopsie de la crise des fonds juifs et de l'or nazi), Editions Georg, Genève, 1999, 190 pages
Edouard Chambost, Guide de la Banque suisse et de ses secrets, Editions Balland, 1987, 317 pages
T.R. Fehrenbach, Les Banques suisses, Editions Stock, Paris, 1967, 315 pages
Norman Finkelstein, l'Industrie de l'Holocauste, La Vieille Taupe, Paris, 2000, 160 pages
Nahum Goldmann, Le Paradoxe juif, Editions Stock, Paris, 1976, 260 pages
Yves de Montfort, La Pratique bancaire helvétique, Settime, Londres, 1985, 476 pages
Collectif, La Suisse face à l'Empire américain (l'or, le Reich et l'argent des victimes), Editions Georg, Genève, 1997, 270 pages.
Vérité & Justice, case postale 355, CH-1618 Châtel-Saint-Denis, Suisse, février 2001.
L'adresse électronique de ce document est: http://aaargh-international.org/fran/actu/actu001/doc2001/suisse.html
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ARTICLE 19 <Tout individu a droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression, ce qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans considération de frontière, les informations et les idées par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit>
Déclaration internationale des droits de l'homme, adoptée par l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU à Paris, le 10 décembre 1948.
Who was George Soros?
[H: Better yet: Who IS this man? Meet one of the most prominent of the players in your downfall. He very much ‘was’ but he also IS and did, in fact wreck the economy of Southeast Asia in very short order. He is a top player in such as Bilderbergers and all the other controlling groups while doing nothing “illegal”. But then no one can do anything illegal if you and your colleagues make the laws.]
The now sixty-four year old Hungarian with a U.S. passport is a superstar amidst the great speculators. When the last Forbes list of the best-paid managers and financiers was published, Soros was in the lead by a huge margin. In the last year he earned 550 million US$, twenty times as much as the Disney boss. When Soros opens the hunt, the international money markets get moving and the reserve banks start worrying.
In September 1993 he succeeded over the Bank
of England. He was certain that the bank would have to take the
pound that came under pressure out of the European exchange
mechanism and devalue it. He gambled ten billion US$ - with success.
He made one billion US$ which the British taxpayers now have to come
up with. He himself openly likes to be knows as the man who wants to
influence the big money markets of the world.
This is a very unusual
stance for an investor to take, who should rather be interested in
using situations unobservedly that the competitors have not yet
discovered. In March 1993 Soros’ activities became known when he
predicted a rise in the price of gold. It is assumed – since this
started a buying spree in precious metals – that this drove the
price up 20% over the highest price since the Gulf War.
In the
beginning of June 1993 he wrote an open letter to the business
editor of the London Times, Anatole Kaletsky, announcing that he
intended to urge the money markets to sell large amount of German
government bonds in favor of French stocks. Which means: Down with
the German mark and attack on the Bundesbank! In several newspapers
across the world Soros is praised as a kind of Robin Hood of the
Computer Age since by speculation he takes from the rich nations in
grand style to hand out to Eastern Europe and Russia via several
Soros Foundations, to prepare the way for “democracy” in those
“poor” countries that had been bled dry by Communism.
Who then is Soros? The official story says that he was born in 1930 to Jewish parents and as a teenager had been chased from Budapest by the Nazis. He enrolled at the London School of Economics and in the mid-50’s came to the U.S. There he was magically drawn to Wall Street, but his career until 1969 was rather unspectacular. Then with a partner he took over an investment fund. He sold stocks he didn’t own as futures, hoping that their price would fall nearer the qualifying date and that he could acquire them at a price lower than his selling price.
From this fund, the Quantum Group evolved, a family of investment funds operating for the Dutch West Indies. Quantum is one of the most impressive “investment machines” in the world. In eight of the last twenty-four years it made an “official” profit of over 50%, in two of those years even over 100%. In the meantime Soros handed business over to a group of managers and limits himself to designing the “great campaigns”. He put down his principles in the book The Alchemy of Finance, where he says what “financial speculators this is more important than real economic facts”.
But this is but the picture the media – and we know who owns them – paint of him. Who is he in reality?
William Engdahl knows this to say about him:
“Soros speculates on the world’s financial markets via his secret off-shore company Quantum Fund NV, a private Investment fund that handles a portfolio of four to seven billion US$ for several “clients”. The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. Its directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers.
“Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London ‘City’, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed.”
Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one
Katz. He is at the
same time head of the Rothschilds Italia S.p.A. in Milan and is also
on the board of the
commercial bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. Another member of
the board is Nils
O. Taube.
He is a partner in the London investment group St. James’
Place Capital which counts Lord Rothschild among its main partners.
A frequent partner of Soros in several of his speculations –
especially in the driving up of the gold quotation – is Sir James
Goldsmith, a relative of the Rothschild dynasty. On the board of
Quantum we also find the heads of some highly “discreet” Swiss
private banks (who help the syndicated of organized crime – weapons
and drugs – to launder their money).
Then there is Edgar D. de Piccioto, head of the Geneva private bank CBI-TDB
Union Bancaire
Privee, a main player on the gold and investment markets, Isidoro
Albertini, head of the Milan stockbroking company Albertini & Co.,
Beat Notz of the private bank Banque Worms at Geneva, Albertl
Foglia, head of the Banca del Ceresio at Lugano.
In the course of
the recent political corruption scandals in Italy it was found that
several Italian politicians kept their money at the Banca del
Ceresio. Apparently Soros had more than just insider knowledge about
the weak points in Italian politics when he attacked the lira in
September 1994.
William Engdahl explains:
“Soros’ connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking connection. The extraordinary success Soros has on the high-risk financial markets cannot simply be explained with “gambler’s luck”.
Soros has access to information
channels, both government and private.
Ever since the Second World War the Rothschild family tried to disseminate an aura of insignificance about themselves. But behind this [is] one of the mightiest and most obscure financial groups of the world. The Rothschilds spend a lot of money to cultivate a picture of a wealthy aristocratic family leading a quiet life where one loves French wines and another engages in charitable trusts.
To experts on the “City” N.M Rothschild & Sons is most influential in the faction of the British secret service establishment closely linked with the neo-liberal Thatcher wing of the Tory party. In the 80s N.M Rothschild & Sons made several billion US$ from the privatization of British state-owned industries they conducted for Mrs. Thatcher. The Rothschild bank is also at the center of world gold trade: In this bank the gold price is fixed twice a day by the five most influential gold trading banks.
But N.M Rothschild & Sons is also entangled in some very dirty secret service operations dealing with drugs vs. arms.
Because of
its good relations to the highest places in the British secret
services, the Rothschilds succeeded in preventing that their
complicity with one of the worse illegal secret service networks,
the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) was never
mentioned. In reality the Rothschild bank belonged to the inner
circle of these international money laundering banks of the CIA and
MI6 that financed in the 70s and 80s CIA projects like the Contras
in Nicaragua.
[H: Please a brief interruption on the topic of BCCI and GEORGE BUSH, Russell Herman, V.K. Durham, et al.: One day Mr. George Bush needed a Herman signature on a document which would also include that of V.K. Durham. He called and reached V.K. who asked “What the Hell” did he want?
In the conversation the names got a bit worse and
finally the question was asked as to where Mr. Bush was at the time.
He said he was sitting at his desk in “MY BANK – BCCI”. This was
strange since is being President it was hardly “kosher” to have a
bank, etc. The signatures were not forthcoming and that shortened
Mr. Herman’s life-span by quite a bit.
I will also note that we personally wrote to Mr. George Soros within the past three years when Mr. Soros was weeping and wailing about the damage having been done to Southeastern Asia through his antics, and thus and so. We offered to share with him in exchange for participating in bringing back stability to the area. Son-of-a-gun, you know what? He declined! JUST AS HAS MR. BUSH, ET AL.
Gee whiz, and they want to help so much – they say. At the present time George W. Bush Jr. and Secretary of State (U.S. of course) Colin Powell addressed the Council of the Americas – the group of financiers and corporate Elite behind the drive to expand NAFTA into a continental trading bloc. This is being well orchestrated by Bilderbergers such as David Rockefeller with the string-pulling. My goodness, readers, there is so much to share and so little time, I think the saying goes.]
William Engdahl: “Was stecky hinter den Wahrungskriegen des George
Soros? (What is behind the currency wars of George Soros?).
EIRNA-Studie “Derivate – Die finanzielle Wasserstoffbombe der 90er
Jahre” (Derivatives – The Financial Hydrogen Bomb of the 90s).
Oh, by the way, the
whole intent of this large American bloc which will eat up everyone
in reach is to place everything under the “dollar”. You know that
The influential chairman of the banking commission in the U.S. House of Representatives, Henry Gonzales, chided the Bush and Reagan administrations for refusing to prosecute the BCCI. In addition, the Department of Justice repeatedly declined to co-operate in the Congressional investigations into the BCCI scandal and the closely linked scandal of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL). This bank had made billions of dollars from loans that Bush had granted the Iraqi government shortly before the Gulf War.
BONUS 3392-181? As a matter of fact, Bush and Saddam had at least
one JOINT ACCOUNT with around $250 billion in its little account.
When will you wake up, chelas?]
Gonzales said that the Bush
administration had had a Department of Justice which he thought “the
most corrupt, most unbelievably corrupt Department of Justice that I
have ever experienced during my 32 years in Congress”.
And, yes, indeed, we did try to get Mr. Gonzales involved – but we
suppose he chose to simply stay alive a bit longer.]
After the BCCI had been openly accused in the media for transgression of several laws, the New York prosecuting attorney Henry Morgenthau announced official charges against the BCCI. Morgenthau accused the BCCI of “the biggest banking fraud of the financial world.
"The BCCI during it’s nineteen year history operated as a corrupt criminal organization.” One of the directors of the BCCI, the Saudi Arabian Sheikh Kamal Adham, had been the head of the Saudi secret service during the time Bush headed the CIA.
I don’t want you to go away under the perspective that we somehow
got no cooperation. WE DID! Our people found out how to deal with
the Big Boys and even work out agreements – which we certainly
followed to the letter of the instructions. Mostly in exchange for
not naming the advisors. Among those contacts were some very
high-level players who asked to not be identified. I don’t mean just
“little boys”; I mean players on an international level of the big
Not a single Western newspaper has so far uncovered the fact that the Rothschild group linked with George Soros was at the hub of the vast illegal network of the BCCI. The key person in these activities was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the Swiss branch of the BCCI (Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA), head of the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG and the member of the board of N.M Rothschild & Sons in London.
He was also on the board of the Swiss
branch of the Italian BNL and was vice-chairman of the N.Y. Inter
Maritime Bank in Geneva. A friendly former secret service man who
had worked on the Soros case disclosed that in September 1993 Soros
had amassed – together with a mighty group of “silent partners” – a
fortune in excess of 10 billion dollars to use as a lever to unhinge
the European currencies.
heard about Mr. Rich lately, attached to Mr. Billy Clinton
For decades
Eisenberg had been working for the Israeli secret service and has
important arms deals in all of Asia and in the near East. A third
partner of Soros is Rafi Eytan who before was the Mossad connection
to the British secret service in London.
Basically George Soros is another tool for economic and political warfare in the hands of the Rothschilds. He is among those circles who three years ago started a malicious “Fourth Reich” campaign against the reunited Germany; Soros is very anti-German. In his 1991 autobiography Underwriting Democracy Soros warned of the danger that a reunited Germany could disturb the (power) balance in Europe. It is easy to see how the situation that existed between the wars could come up again. A reunited Germany becomes the strongest economic power and develops Eastern Europe as its habitat…”a terrible witches’ brew”.
His U.S. contacts put Soros very close to the financial and secret service circles around George Bush. His most important deposit bank and the main lender during attack on the European monetary system in September 1993 was CITICORP, America’s largest bank. Soros called upon the international investors to unhinge the Deutsche Mark. When in late 1989 a reunification became probable, a high-ranking Citicorp manager said:
“German unity will be catastrophic for our interests. We have to take action to ensure a decline of the Deutsche Mark by about 30% so that Germany will not be able to build up Eastern Germany to become the economic factor with a new Europe.”
According to his associates Soros has “an incredible ego”. He
described how during the war in occupied Hungary he could not have
survived as Jew, so he had taken on a second identity. What he did
no say, however, was that he let a man shield him from persecution
who did wealthy Jews out of their possessions, and that Soros lent
him a hand. This is how he “survived” the war. Leaving Budapest only
two years after it had ended. Although he himself and the
Jewish-owned media are quick in attacking all his opponents,
especially in Eastern Europe, as anti-Semitic, his Jewishness is
based on parts of the Talmud rather than on his links with Jewish
religion or the Jewish people.
Outwardly, Soros supports a whole spate of social activities, like
“peace concerts” with Joan Baez, stipends in Oxford for young
Eastern Europeans, etc.
But reality presents a different picture. Soros is personally responsible for the chaos the “shock therapy” caused in Eastern Europe after 1989. He foisted ludicrous draconian measures upon the weak governments there, which enabled him to buy up resources in wide parts of Eastern Europe and [at] rock bottom prices.
Take Poland as an example:
At the end of 1989, Soros organized a secret meeting between the Communist regime of Rakowski with the leaders of the then illegal opposition union organization Solidarnosc. The plan he presented to both sides was as follows:
The Communists should let the opposition Solidarnosc take over the government to win the confidence of the people.
Then the state should deliberately drive its own state industries and agricultural businesses to ruin by applying astronomical interest rates, by withholding the necessary state loans and by lumbering the companies with debt they could never repay.
Then Soros would get his rich international business friends to come to Poland and buy up the now privatized state companies.
The most recent example is the huge steel company
Huta Warsawa which
today, so steel experts say, would cost about 3 to 4 billion US$ to
build if it was built by Western companies. A few months ago the
Polish government agreed to take over the “debts” of Huta Warsawa
and to sell the company now free of debt for 30 million US$ to the
Milan company Lucchini. [H: That’s the way it works, chelas.]
To instigate his plan Soros used a young friend, the Polish-Jewish economic advisor Jeffrey Sachs who however could not begin his advisory work in Poland because so far he could only show advisory work he did in Bolivia. So Soros set up another one of his many foundations, the Stefan Batory Foundation which then in turn was the official client for the advisory work of Sacks in Poland (1989/90).
In Soros’ own words he has worked or still works with the main advisor of Lech Walesa, Bronislaw Geremek, with General Jaruzelski, Professor Trxeciakowski, a secret advisor to the new Polish minister for finance and economy Leszec Balcerowicz, and with the latter himself. Soros admits that he had known that his economic “shock therapy” in Poland would lead to severe unemployment, to the closing of factories and to social tensions. That is why he insisted that Solidarnosc take over the government.
Through his foundation he
could approach the most important opinion makers in the media, like
Adam Michnik, and his collaboration with the U.S. embassy in Warsaw
enable him to censor the media which proceeded one-sidedly to
support his “shock therapy” and opposed any criticism. What do you
say now? Isn’t that the old Talmud-Illuminati strategy?
Russia and the CIS states:
Soros led a delegation to Russia, where he had been collaborating with Raissa Gorbachev since the 80s, to set up a further Soros foundation, The Cultural Initiative Foundation. This is a further vehicle for him and his Western cronies to enter the highest political echelons tax-free and proceed to “buy” the most important political and economic personalities of the country.
After a failed attempt with Gorbachev 1988 to 1991 he changed over
to the circles around Yeltsin. And again it was Soros who introduced
his “shock therapy” aided and abetted by his friend Jeffrey Sachs.
From January 2, 1992 onwards Sachs’ “shock therapy” brought an unprecedented chaos and a foreseeable hyper-inflation to Russia which was followed by the best scientific research institutes fleeing to the West. Under the Soros plan Igor Gajdar and the Yeltsin government shortened subsidies to industry and agriculture drastically, despite all of economy being a state economy. The goal announced was a deficit-free budget within three months. There were no more loans for industry; the companies accrued astronomical debts and the ruble inflation went out of control.
Soros and his friends immediately profited from the situation.
This is just
one example of the Soros exploitation.
[H: How many of you STILL think Bill Clinton just accidentally pardoned poor old suffering Marc Rich?]
When Istvan Csurka, parliamentarian of the national-socialist opposition tried to protest the destruction of the Hungarian economy by the strategies of Soros and his friends, he was branded an “anti-Semite” and in June was excluded from the governing Democratic Forum.
At the beginning of 1990, Soros – in cooperation with the IMF – in what was then still Yugoslavia put down the gauntlet for what then escalated into a war. Soros is also a friend of then deputy secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger, the former ambassador to Belgrade and patron of Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger was formerly chairman of Kissinger Associates on whose board Lord Carrington (Committee of 300) also sits. The latter’s mediations have directly fuelled the Serbian aggression against the Croats and the Bosnians. Today Soros has foundations in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and a Yugoslav Soros Foundation in Belgrade/Serbia. In Croatia he uses funds from his foundation to hire influential journalists of to discredit opponents of his “shock therapy” as anit-Semites or neo-Nazis. (From the EIRNA study “Derivatives”)
You see how helpful it was for the Jewry to have introduced the term
Another personality with an interesting background is now deceased L. RON HUBBARD, the founder of the Scientology church. Since this book here is dealing with background knowledge, perhaps we should look at the background of L.Ron Hubbard whose organization is really victimized in public.
In the early days of MK ULTRA, the consciousness control program in the U.S, the former naval officer Hubbard had researched the mechanism of human thinking, knowing about what secretly went on in the Navy. After refusing to comply with government research and to join the control psychiatrists, he published the book DIANETICS – the Modern Science of Mental Health.
The book proclaimed mental
freedom and integrity as the birth right of humanity. The book made
the bestseller lists and Hubbard’s “auditing techniques” were
described as very successful. Some of the processes that Hubbard
offered to reach mental freedom were secretly used by the government
to try and enslave the people. Other techniques described by Hubbard
were indeed antidotes to the MK ULTRA methods of consciousness
The U.S. government then started a devilish slander campaign against Hubbard that was led by the section for mental control at the CIA. The still young author had – probably inadvertently – revealed the key of one of the best-kept secrets of the cold war. His office was broken into and a protocol was stolen that described the mind control techniques now know as PSYCHOTRONICS.
Hubbard and his colleagues were physically
attacked and
only narrowly escaped a kidnap attempt.
But the enormous influence
by the Scientology
churches shows that Hubbard was not just an innocent victim. And L.
Ron surely knew a
thing or two about some important events of this world because he
not only spent his
“magician years” in
Aleister Crowley’s Thelema Church in California,
but he had also risen to the 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite
Masonry (perhaps even to the Illuminati degrees).
But let’s get to
the “real” stuff now. What I just told you so far can be found in
other books, too.
So now I will tell you something about L. Ron Hubbard and his Church of Scientology which you won’t find in any other book on this planet.
The so-called “auditing” techniques of Hubbard are a very handy way to regress somebody into his past as well as into his past lives. So Hubbard was very busily regressing thousands and thousands of people further and further back into their past lives, and he discovered the same strange incident in all of his clients.
This happened
absolutely independently from all the other sources I mentioned so
far. He discovered information stored in every client’s subconscious
and came up with the exact same story on every client. In the
constellation Pegasus there is a solar system called MARCAB, a sun
surrounded by seven planets.
But the sun is going to die. So the
humanoid Marcabians who, in our terms would be “evil” in nature,
looked about for another planet to move to. Well, having good taste,
they finally decided to take the planet Earth. But there were people
on this planet who were in the way for them to settle down here with
all their people. But on the other hand these people could be used
as slaves, freeing the Marcabians from having to work.
So they made
up a plan and contacted one race down her, with whom they made a
deal that, if they would help them to undermine every nation and
take them over silently, they would make them the ruling people of
Well guess which people the Marcabian made the deal with?
BINGO! – the Hebrews!
L. Ron Hubbard found out what the Sumerian records, the Gilgamesh epic, the Christian Bible and other books describe as well, that Marcabian “God-like” beings came down from heaven with flying saucers.
The ancient people not knowing about machines, described
them as something they could relate to: a flying cloud or a “flying
wheel that came from heaven” with noise and steam, or the “eye of
God" (surely it must be an accident that the eye on the Illuminati
sign on the one-dollar bill has the shape of a saucer?). Hubbard
found out who
EL SHADDAI was and still is – the extraterrestrial
race that made the original deal with the Hebrews.
And from then on this was taught in the Scientology Church, from the grade OT3 in the hierarchy upwards. You thing this is nonsense? Then read the following sentences carefully! If this was nonsensical, nothing more would have happened besides some ridiculing or sneering. But you will always recognize by the severity something is treated with whether it is in somebody’s way.
Of course the Khazar-Jewish Illuminati and the “Hebrew Blood Alliance” (the descendants of those Hebrews who had made the deal with the Marcabians, another Secret Lodge) soon found out about Hubbard’s discovery, but his organization was already too powerful to fight. So the ruling Khazar-Illuminati started, as the Marcabians told them to (already in the Old Testament), undermining and infiltrating the organization and taking it over. So guess what happened!
In 1981 the complete Church of Scientology in every nation on the planet had been bought by the biggest WHISKEY producer on Earth, the Canadian Jew Bronfman. Now you will understand why the most important people in Scientology as well as all the original founders had left the Church at that time. Because since then the Church of Scientology is a Khazar-Jewish Illuminati organization. Surprised?
I got this information from the founder of Scientology in Germany, as well as from people in the U.S. who worked with Hubbard until he died. (These people do not wish to be named, as they have a difficult life already.)
Does all this make sense?
[H: Whether or not THAT makes sense is possibly beside the point.IT IS, HOWEVER, THE REASON THAT PEOPLE (AGENTS IF YOU WILL) FROM THAT SOURCE TOOK OVER A.S.S.K. AND TRIED TO INFILTRATE INTO THE GEORGE GREEN “GROUP” WHICH WAS NOT EVEN A GROUP. THEY TRIED TO GET AT “US” AT EVERY TURN BUT NOT HAVING A GROUP TO WHICH TO ATTACH, IT FELL THROUGH THE TRAP – ALTHOUGH THE MINUTE OUR “RECEIVER-SPEAKER” WAS OUT OF SIGHT – THE TAKEOVER TOOK PLACE. NOW “THAT” IS INTERESTING, ISN’T IT? THIS, WHILE EVEN THE VICTIMS (TARGETS) HAVE NOT THE VAGUEST IDEA THEY ARE TRAPPED AND UTILIZED!The manipulators are shrewd and you who get lost in your own ego-trappings are EASY PREY. The lies give away the culprits but the blind keep on their blindfolds to suit their own “rather believe” – and the wheels spin until they fall apart.] [H: The next chapter will be a bit tedious but is extremely valuable. I will again urge you to make sure to get copies of Dr. John Coleman’s book regarding the Committee of 300 where you will find extremely shocking and interesting reading.The book itself has a fascinating birthing which we will enjoy discussing at some other time.YES, INDEED, I, HATONN, SAW TO ITS BIRTHING AND PUBLICATION. EVERY WORK OF “JOHN COLEMAN” IS VALUABLE TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO WOULD BE INFORMED ABOUT YOUR OWN CIRCUMSTANCES. AS YOU READ ALONG YOU WILL NOTE THAT THESE LISTS ARE NEITHER FULL NOW CURRENT. I RECOMMEND ANOTHER BOOK, BY GALEN ROSS, WHICH IS FAR MORE CURRENT AND UPDATED LISTING OF SUCH AS THE CFR, ETC. I DON’T BELIEVE, HOWEVER, THAT IT COVERS THE COMMITTEE OF 300.]
JOHN TODD, himself a former member of the Council of Thirteen describes the pyramid as follows:
“The seal was created on behalf of the Rothschild family (from Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged we learn it had been Philip Rothschild). It is a Satanic organization and the Rothschilds are it head. In this organization one can encounter Freemasons, Communists and members of other groups. This organization is very widespread. It concerns finance and politics and their aim to create a unified world government. This organization will do everything necessary to have this world government come to pass and it includes in its calculations a Third World War. It calls itself Illuminati. The word means ‘Carriers of Light’.From: Helmut Finkenstadt: Ein Generation im Banne Satans(A Generation Under the Spell of Satan)
Todd as well as Coralf (Maitreya, the Coming World Teacher) name the
degrees as follows:
The All-Seeing Eye“The eye is the eye of Lucifer. He is the leading spirit, the inner guidance. The RT“This is the Rothschild family, the Rothschild Tribunal. They are seen by the Illuminati as Gods in human form and their word is law.” (It is said that they have direct contact to Lucifer; who knows? The Council of Thirteen
“ The Great Druid Council – the thirteen great druids form the private priesthood of the Rothschilds.
The Council of Thirty-Three “Here are the highest-ranking Freemason of the politic, economic and church world. They are the elite from the ‘Committee of 300’.” (So say Todd and Coralf).
This was founded in 1729 by the Black Nobility through the BEIC (British East India Company), to deal with international banking and trade problems and to support the opium trade. It is run by the British Crown. It comprises the entire world banking system plus the most important representatives of Western nations. Through the Committee of 300 all banks are linked to Rothschild. All the organizations following in these pages have been “made” by the Committee of 300.
Dr. John Coleman published in his book Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, 290 organizations, 125 banks and 341 names of former and present members of the committee, of which I will list here but a few:
Balfour, Arthur Brandt, Willy Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (Author of The Coming Race) Bundy, McGeorge Bush, George [H.W.] Carrington, Lord Chamberlain, Huston Stewart Constanti, House of Orange Delano, Family, Frederic Delano (was on the Federal Reserve board) Drake, Sir Francis Du Pont, Family Forbes, John M. Frederik IX, King of Denmark George, Lloyd Grey, Sir Edward Haig, Sir Douglas Harriman, Averill Hohenzollern, House of House, Colonel Edward Mandell Inchcape, Lord Kissinger, Henry Lever, Sir Harold Lippmann, Walter Lockhart, Bruce Loudon, Sir John Mazzini, Giuseppe Mellon, Andrew Milner, Lord Alfred Mitterand, Francois Morgan, J.P. Norman, Montague Oppenheimer, Sir Harry Palme, Olof Princess Beatrix Queen Elisabeth II Queen Juliana Rainier, Prince Retinger, Joseph Rhodes, Cecil Rockefeller, David Rothmere, Lord Rothschild, Baron Edmond de Shultz, George Spellman, Cardinal Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron Han Heinrich Vanderbilt, Family Von Finck, Baron August Von Habsburg, Otto Von Thurn und Taxis, Max Warburg, S.G. Warren, Earl Young, Owen
(So far, from Dr. Coleman)
The other lodges by the Bavarian Illuminati have already been mentioned in the text.
[H: Just as one aside mention: Note Earl Warren being on this exclusive list. It was the Warren Commission which made the unique and impossible conclusions about John Kennedy’s assassination and killer. Aren’t you yet a BIT NERVOUS?]
Today’s most successful background organizations:
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
This was established in 1921 by
the Round Table group and is also
known as the Establishment,
the Invisible Government, or the
Rockefeller Ministry for Foreign Relations. This semi-secret
organization is today one of the most influential societies in the
U.S. and its members are without exception U.S. citizens. Today the
CFR exercises a tight control over the nations of the western world,
be it directly through links to similar organizations or through
institutions like
the World Bank in which it holds the chair.
the foundation of the CFR all U.S. presidents except Ronald Reagan
had been members before their election. Reagan’s vice-president
though, George Bush, was a member. In 1977 Bush was even director of
the CFR. The CFR is controlled by the Rockefeller syndicate and
realizes the latter’s goal, the One World Government.
[H: It is not an accident that Reagan was “left out of” everything possible. He was a figurehead while Bush, et al., ran the nation and set up the New World Order. Reagan was instrumental in the plan being worked out with F. Marcos of the Philippines and the securing of gold and currency around the globe – but BOTH were betrayed when the plan was set and ready to move. This is also WHY Reagan was pronounced to have Alzheimer’s disease, for he didn’t really ever KNOW much and couldn’t, therefore, “remember” – but he could spill the beans about what he DID NOT KNOW. There is no mercy among the Satanists, readers.]
The innermost circle of the CFR: Order of Skull & Bones.
Skull & Bones
Its members call it “The Order” for short, to some it has been known for more than 150 years as Local 322 of a German secret society. Others call it Brotherhood of Death. The secret order of Skull & Bones was introduced to Yale University in1833 by William Huntington Russel and Alfonso Taft. Russel had brought it to Yale from his student days in Germany in 1833. In 1856 the order was incorporated into the Russel Trust.
Among other things the order forms the inner circle, the elite, of the CFR. The inner circle of the Skull & Bones in turn is the Jason Society.
Skull & Bones has been dominated since 1833 by the following family empires:
Rockefeller (Standard Oil) Harriman (Railroad) Weyerhauser (Timber) Sloane (Retail Trade) Pillsbury (Flour Mills) Davison (J.P. Morgan) Payne (Standard Oil)
And from Massachusetts:
Gilman (1638,Hingham) Wadsworth (1632, Newtown) Taft (1679, Braintree) Stimson (1631, Watertown) Perkins (1631, Boston) Whitney (1635, Watertown) Phelbs (1630, Dorchester) Bundy (1635, Boston) Lord (1635, Cambridge)From: Skull & Bones and The Two Faces of George Bush by Anthony C. Sutton.
The entanglements of the Order of Skull & Bones have been
mentioned throughout the book.
The order is also linked with Lord Milner’s group, The Round Table, since the CFR was founded by it.
The Round Table
Cecil Rhodes as a member of the Committee of 300 founded The Round Table in England on February 5, 1891. Among the founding members were Stead, Lord Esher, Lord Alfred Milner, Lord Rothschild, Lord Arthur Balfour. The structure of the group was – like Hitler’s SS – copied from the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order.
The main objective of this group was the spreading of the British Empire across the world with English as the world language. Rhodes strove – as far as I know – really for a positive world government for the good of humanity, but the group was later infiltrated by Illuminati agents. Via the Rothschilds, the Round Table is linked with the Zionists, in the U.S. also with the Schiff, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller and Carnegie families.
Later, Lord Milner
took over as the head of this group out of which came – as already
mentioned – the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and
the CFR. Lord Milner is also a leading member of the Committee of
300. The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), also spawned by the
Round Table, employed Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein who
later developed the first atom bomb on behalf of the IAS.
The German branch of the RIIA and the CFR is the Deutsche Gesellshaft for Auswartige Politik (DGAP – German Society for Foreign Policy). It was founded on March 29, 1955, as an independent and non-party association. The members discuss the problems of international politics and economics, especially of Europe.
influence on Germany is perhaps not as strong as that of the CFR on
the U.S. but the names of the most important members speak for
(List of 1981)
Apel, Hans Amerongen, Otto Wolff von Bangermann, Martin Birrenbach, Kurt, President Dohnanyi, Klaus von Genscher, Hans-Dietrich Kaiser, Karl Merkle, Hans L. Rosenthal, Philip Schmidt, Helmut Stoltenberg, Gerhard Wagner, Wolfgang (Publisher of the Europa-Archiv.) Weizacker, Richard von Wischnewski, Hans-Jurgen And others
(List of 1992): Amerongen, Otto Wolff von Dohnanyi, Klaus von Engholm, Bjorn Kaiser, Karl Lambsdorff, Otto Graf Merkle, Hans L Ruhe, Volke Schmidt, Helmut Sussmuth, Rita Stolpe, Manfred Wagner, Wolfgang Waigel, Theo…and others(taken from the lists of 1981 and 1992 of the DGAP e.V., Bonn. The complete membership list can also be found in Gary Allen: The Rockefeller File.)
It is interesting to observe that representatives of the different
parties sit here at the same table to discuss things in secret, only
to confront each other the very next day with the severest
accusation. No comment necessary!
The Bilderbergers
This secret organization was started in May 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland, by the Committee of 300 through Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are a group of around 120 persons from the high finance circles of Western Europe, the U.S. and Canada. Their main objectives – as formulated by Prince Bernhard himself – are a world government by the year 2000 and a global army through the UN. The group is also called the “invisible world government”.
An advisory group composed of the management committee (24 Europeans and 15 Americans) decides who will be invited to the meetings. Johannes Rothkranz writes that only persons who have proven their unwavering loyalty to the Rockefeller-Rothschild intrigue are ever invited. But not all present are initiates; they may just be representing interest groups or other personalities.
Some of the more important INTERNATIONAL representatives are or were:
Agnelli, Giovanni - Fiat boss Brzezinski, Zbigniew - Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and most important Rockefeller agent. Bush, George - Former CIA Chief, Former CFR Chief, Former U.S. President, Committee of 300 Carrington, Lord (GB) - Committee of 300, Kissinger Associates, former NATO Chairman. Dulles, Allen - Former CIA Chief Clinton, Bill - U.S. President, CFR, Tilateral Commission Ford, Henry II Gonzalers, Felipe - Secretary General of the Spanish Socialist Party and later Prime Minister. Jankowitsch, Perter (A) Kennedy, David Kissinger, Henry - Also member of Italian P2 Lodge. Luns, Joseph -Former NATO Secretary General Lord Roll of Ipsen -Former president of the S.G. Warburg Group McNamara, Robert –World Bank Martens, Wilfried (B) Palme, Olof -Also member of the Committee of 300 Reuther, Walter P. Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Nelson Rothschild, Baron Edmund de Tindemanns, Jan -Former Prime Minister of Belgium Warburg, Eric D. Warburg, Siegmund Worner, Manfred - NATO
(all were attending at least once):
(all were attending at least once):
Abs, Hermann -Deustche Bank Bahr, Egon Barzel, Rainer Becker, Kurt -Kolner Stadtanzeiger Beitz, Berthold -Krupp Company Berg, Fritz - BDI President Bertram, Christoph Biedenkopf, Kurt Birrenback, Kurt - DGAP Boden, Hans C. Brandt, Willy Brauer, Max Bruel, Birgit -Treuhand Brautigam, Hans-Otto Carstens, Carl Dahrendorf, Ralf Dethleffsen, Erich Dieter, Werner H. –Mannesmann AG Dohnanyi, Klaus von Eckard, Feliz von Emminger, Ottmar -Bundesbank Engholm, Bjorn Erhard, Ludwig Erler, Fritz Falkenheim, Ernst Geyer, Gerhard Gross, Herbert Hallstein, Walter Herwarth von Bittenfeld, H.H. Herrhausen, Alfred -Deutsche Bank Heyn, Rolf Kaiser, Karl Kastrup, Dieter Kiep, Walter Leisler Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg Kohl, Helmut Kopper, Hilmar -Deutsche Bank Krapf, Franz -Diplomat Kuhlmann-Stumm, Knut von Lambsdorff, Otto Graf Leverkuhn, Paul Lowenthal, Richard Majonica, Ernst Mehnert, Klaus Menne, Alexander Merkle, Hans Merts, Alois -Minister (Foreign Department) Mommer, Karl Muller, Rudolf Muller-Armack, Alfred Pohl, Karl-Otto -Former president of the Bundesbank Ponto, Jurgen -Dresdner Bank Reitzle, Wolfgang -BMW AG Rosenberg, Ludwig Ruhe, Volker Ruge, Friedrich Ruhnau, Heinz -Lufthansa Scheel, Walter Schiller, Karl Schmidt, Carlo Schmidt, Helmut Schneider, Ernst Georg Schroder, Gerhard Sohl, Hans-Gunther -Thyssen Sommer, Theo -Die Zeit Speidel, Hans -NATO-Militar Springer, Axel Sternberger, Dolf -Professor for Politics Stoltenberg, Gerhard Straub, Franz Joseph Teufel, Erwin Troeger, Heinrich -Bundesbank Westrick, Ludger Wieczorek, Norbert Wischnewski, Hans-Jurgen Wolff von Amerongen, Otto And many more…
Note: I composed this list of names from the lists by several
authors, mainly foreign, without further research.
Bilderberger Report September 1991 F. William Engdahl: Mit der Olwaffe zur Weltmacht Plitisches Lexikon, C.O.D.E. 1/1 and C.O.D.E. 9/1992 Stan Deyo: The Cosmic Conspiracy Diagnosen No. 8, August 1985
The Trilateral Commission
This secret organization was founded in June 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski for the Committee of 300 and set to work because the established organizations like the UN were going too slow in establishing a One World Government.
The Big Boys wanted
action. This elitist organization aims at pooling the top heads of
the industrial and commercial giants, i.e., of the trilateral
nations – the U.S., Japan and Western Europe – and thus at forcing
the New World Order.
It offers the elite coming from the different
branches of Freemasonry world-wide meeting opportunities for secret
co-operation and it is meant to give the Bilderbergers a broader
political basis. Most European members had long standing contracts
with the Rockefellers. The organization has about 200, unlike the
Bilderbergers, permanent members.
The Trilateral Commission controls through the CFR members the whole U.S. economy, politics, military, oil, energy and media lobbies. Members are company chairmen, bankers, publishers, politicians, union leaders, presidents of foundations and newspaper columnists.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew -U.S. Security Advisor to President Bush, George -Former U.S President, former CIA Chief, former CFR Chief Clinton, Bill -Bilderberger, CFR, U.S. President Kissinger, Henry -Former U.S. Secretary of State McNamara, Robert -World Bank Rockefeller, David -Chase Manhattan Bank, EXXON Rockefeller, John D. Rothschild, Edmund de -Royal Dutch, Shell
Amerongen, Otto Wolff von -President of the Otto Wolff AG Biedenkopf, Kurt -Member of the Bundestag Birrenbach, Kurt -DGAP President, member of the Bilderbergers Ehmke, Horse -Member of the Bundestag Hartwig, Hans -Chairman of the Bundesverbandes deutscher GroB-und AuBenhandel Hoffman, Diether -Formerly Neue Heimat, Hamburg Huber, Ludwig -Bayerische Landesbank und Girozentrale Munchen Janott, Horst -Direktor der Munchener Ruckversicherung Kaiser, Karl -Lieter des Forshungsinstitus der DGAP Kloten, Norbert -Prasident der Landeszentralbank Baden-Wurttemberg Kristoffersen, Erwin -Leiter der Int. Abteilung des DGB Lambsdorff, Otto Graf - former Bundeswirtshaftsminister Leisler-Kiep, Walter -former kassenwart der CDU Maull, Hans - Redakteur beim Bayerischen Rundfunk Munchmeyer, Alwin -Father of Birgit Breuel Neumann, Friedrich -Vorsitzender des Arbeitgeberverbandes NRW Porzner - Member of the Bundestag, former Staatssedretar Richter, Klaus -Direktor der Optischen Werke G. Rodenstock Ruhe, Volder -Member of the Bundestag, Verteidigungsminister Sohl, Hans Gunther -Aufsichtsratvorsitzender der Thyssen AG Sommer, Theo -Chefredakteur de Die Zeit Schmidt, Helmut -Former Bundeskanzler Schmitz, Ronaldo - Aufsichtsratmitglied der BASE AG Schroder, Gerhard -Former Bundestagsmitglied Vetter, Heinz-Oskar -Former Vorsitzender des DGB Zahn, Joachim -Former Aufsichtstratvorsitzender der Daimler-Banz AG Members who have an official leave of absence as long as they hold a government job Narjes, Karl-Heinz -Vice-president of EU Commission Stoltenberg, Gerhard -Bundesfinanzminister(from: Vertrauliche Mitteilungen No. 2628/2 of July 3, 1986)
Club of Rome
The Club of Rome which I have not mentioned yet is, according to
Ovin Demaris (Dirty Business), a group of international members of
the “establishment” from around 25 countries (about 50 people). It
was founded by the Rockefeller clan (on their private estate at Bellago, Italy) and is financed by them.
The main objective is once more a world government by the elite. The Club of Rome has also worked out a world religion and had the mistaken belief in an energy crisis and an overpopulation of the Earth spread by the media. According to William Cooper they apparently also developed the AIDS virus (naturally with an antidote) and spread it among the people in order to start the great racial cleansing program for the world government. (More facts and names about AIDS can be found in William Cooper’s book Behold A Pale Horse) and Dr. John Coleman’s publications.
You will be able to get it ALL if you just get the Phoenix
The United Nations
At the Freemason Congress in Paris, June 28-30, 1917, the guidelines
for the League of Nations were accepted and approved. This was the
beginning of the League of Nations established in Geneva in 1919.
In 1945, in San Francisco, the United Nations Organization emerged from this. It is an institution fashioned by the Illuminati, the biggest Masonic lodge in the world, in which all nations of the world shall unite. Ironically, yet as stated in the rules of Machiavellianism, item 4, summarized in the preface, the people of all the nations of the UN now ask this institution to solve their problems and to intervene in their wars to end them, although the men behind that very institution have themselves instigated all the wars of the last two centuries.
In public the UN appears as a good friend to all and sundry who “will take care of the affair”. At least forty-seven CFR members were among the American founding delegates, including David Rockefeller. The UN emblem is a clearly Masonic symbol and I will compare it here to the American Masonic Great Seal.
The globe of the UN and the circular form of the Great Seal with the inscriptions ANNUIT COEPTIS (He – God – has favored our undertakings) above and Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages) below the pyramid show the objectives of the world rule. The 33 degree fields of the UN globe and the 33 stones of the pyramid represent the 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite Masonry.
The Ears of corn with 13 grains each to both sides of the globe, the 13 steps of the pyramid and the 13 letters in ANNUIT COEPTIS symbolize the 13 grades of the Illuminati hierarchy and refer to the Jewish lucky number 13. The number 13 is the most important number in Freemasonry and has several meanings. Jesus had 12 disciples and was Himself the thirteenth.
In the cabala, in numerology and with
the 13th Tarot card, “Death”; the 13 means transformation, alchemy,
rebirth, the Phoenix rising from the ashes, knowledge of the secrets
and thence the ability of materialization and dematerialization, the
ability to create from the ether (as Jesus, Buddha, Hermes Trismegistos, Saint Germain and many others did, e.g. making bread
out of “nothing” (the ether), the so-called Philosopher’s Stone).
the obverse side of the Great Seal we find the Phoenix (changed in
1841 to the American bald eagle) symbolizing the 13, the
transformation. He has 13 feathers in each wing, 13 arrows in the
right talon, and olive branch with 13 leaves in the left. His beak
holds a scroll with the inscription E PLURIBUS UNUM (Out of many,
one) has 13 letters, surmounted by 13 stars arranged in the shape of
a star of David. On the breast is a shield with 13 stripes
representing the original 13 States under Congress.
The German Dea petrol stations of the RWE (Rhenish-Westphalian Power Co.) are represented by an upside-down pyramid with 13 stripes. In the U.S. there is a petrol company “76”. 7 plus 6 equals 13. There are hundreds of examples, just look at company logos, products, TV advertisement, State seals and flags, etc.
The same goes for one of the largest Masonic companies in the U.S.,
Proctor & Gamble. The name has 13 letters and the company logo is
one of the oldest Masonic symbols: a bearded man in a circle with 13
stars before him. Perhaps it is of interest to note here that in the
Wisconsin Report, the chairman of Proctor & Gamble said [in] 1984 on
“ I made a pact with Satan! In exchange for commercial success I have signed away my soul to him…”
(More information about the meaning of these and other symbols can
be found in Gary Allen: None Dare Call It Conspiracy and in Masonic
These are some of the most important organizations in finance, commerce and politics who aim for a One World Government.
One group of immense importance we have not considered yet is the Rockefeller Empire. But Gary Allen in his two books has dealt with them at length, and it is following the same objectives.
The Rockefeller empire is the main financing force behind the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome.
You will probably have noticed that you read the same names over and over again. It would be interesting to have a list of names of the “council of 13” or the “council of 33”. But we know their goal and how they plan to reach it which is more important and should in my view suffice.
In Finkenstadt’s: Eine Generation im Banne Stans John Todd goes on:
“If you ask the head of a coven who is the world’s mightiest witch, he will say: Ruth Carter Stapleton, the sister of former president Jimmy Carter. I don’t know whether Jimmy Carter is a Freemason. Normally, if you want to be a politician in the U.S., you have to be a Mason, because this is the way to enter the political circles. Since Wilson, president during the First World War, there was not one president who did not belong to the Illuminati, except Eisenhower, and he was controlled by them.There are about 5,000 people in the world who have a deeper insight about the Illuminati. Millions of people work for these few. The situation with the Freemasons is similar. Only those in the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite had also the knowledge. The others simply don’t have it. They own every large petrol company in the world. All the large mail order firms and 90% of the large department stores.All computer cash registers in the U.S. are linked to a huge computer in Dallas, Texas, called “The Beast”. This in turn is linked to two computers in Brussels and Amsterdam that are also called “The Beast”.
Institute for Historical Review |
The Book that Hitler Fears
Germany Must Perish!
by Theodore N. KaufmanNewark, N.J., Argyle press
Copyright 1941
Library of Congress Call No.: DD222.K3
Introductory Note
by Mark Weber Theodore N. Kaufman, the author of Germany Must Perish, was a Manhattan-born Jewish businessman who was also chairman of a group that called itself the "American Federation for Peace." The first edition of this slim volume was published in 1940 or early 1941. A second, 96-page edition, which sold for 25 cents, was published in 1941 by Argyle Press of Newark, New Jersey. Both editions were issued when the United States was still officially neutral, that is, before the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941, that brought the U.S. openly into World War II.
Kaufman's fervent proposal for the systematic sterilization of the entire German population was given respectful attention in the American press, including reviews in a number of newspapers. A review in the weekly Time magazine, March 24, 1941, called Kaufman's plan a "sensational idea."
Germany's propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, seized with delight on the book. "This Jew [Kaufman] has done a disservice to the enemy," Goebbels privately commented. "If he had composed the book at my behest he couldn't have done a better job."
At his direction the German press played up Kaufman's call for genocide. A front page article about the book in the Berlin daily Der Angriff, July 23, 1941, appeared under headlines that called it a "Diabolical Plan for the Extermination of the German People" and a work of "Old Testament Hatred." Extracts also appeared, for example, in the nationally-circulated weekly paper Das Reich, August 3, 1941.
A plan similar to Kaufman's was issued during the war years by a prominent American anthropologist. In an article headlined "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" in the New York daily newspaper P.M., January 4, 1943, Ernest Hooton laid out an "outbreeding" plan that would "destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities." (See also: Benjamin Colby, ‘Twas a Famous Victory, 1974, p. 131.)
The Harvard University professor's proposal called for genetically transforming the German nation by encouraging mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers, and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women. Ten to twelve million German men would be assigned to forced labor under Allied supervision in countries outside of Germany to rebuild their economies. "The objects of this measure," wrote Dr. Hooton, "include reduction of the birthrate of 'pure' Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals."
This plan, Hooton estimated, would require at least 20 years to be implemented. "During this period," he went on, "encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males."
In the decades since the end of World War II, something of the spirit of the genocidal Kaufman and Hooton plans seems manifest in Germany's population and immigration policies. Since the nation's defeat in 1945, the German birth rate has fallen to below the replacement level, millions of racially and culturally alien migrants have been welcomed as settlers in Germany, the number of children of mixed ethnicity has sharply increased, and the ethnic-cultural character of much of the country has been drastically altered, especially in the larger cities.
This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction
of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all
her people. Also contained herein is a map illustrating the possible
territorial dissection of Germany and the apportionment of her lands.
To all those men and women who would rather die fighting for freedom, than remain alive as slaves;
To all those men and women who, unafraid, speak out the truth as they conceive it to be the truth;
To all those men and women who, inspired by the efforts, hopes and aspirations of mankind place its needs before their own;
This book is humbly dedicated.
Special Note to Reader
Germany Must Perish presents a plan for the structure of a permanent
and lasting peace among civilized nations. It bases its thesis on the
eventual defeat of Germany by the British Empire and its Allies, without
the assistance of the United States.
However, should circumstances decree that the American public cast
its ballot in favor of war as a measure of self-defense (and it is the
fervent prayer of the author that this may never happen) it would become
paramount that the lives of our native sons not be sacrificed in vain
as were their fathers' lives a generation ago.
If our soldiers must go forth to kill or die in battle, at least let
them be given not alone a Slogan but a Solemn Purpose and a Sacred
Let that Purpose be an Enduring Peace!
And, this time, that Promise must be kept!
1. About This Book
Today's war is not a war against Adolf Hitler.
Nor is it a war against the Nazis.
It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples
envisioning Light, against uncivilized barbarians who cherish Darkness.
Of the peoples of those nations who would surge forward hopefully
into a new and better phase of life, pitted against the peoples of a
nation who would travel backward enthusiastically into the dark ages. It
is a struggle between the German nation and humanity.
Hitler is no more to be blamed for this German war than was the
Kaiser for the last one. Nor Bismarck before the Kaiser. These men did
not originate or wage Germany's wars against the world. They were merely
the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the German nation
for conquest and mass murder.
This war is being waged by the German People. It is they who are
responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the war. otherwise,
there will always be a German war against the world. And with such a
sword forever hanging overhead the civilized nations of the world, no
matter how great their hopes, how strenuous their efforts, will never
succeed in creating that firm and solid foun- dation of permanent peace
which they must first establish if ever they intend to start the
building of a better world.
For not only must their be no more German wars in fact; there must
not even remain the slightest possibility of one ever again occurring. A
final halt to German aggression, not a temporary cessation, must be the
goal of the present struggle.
This does not mean an armed mastery over Germany, or a peace with
political or territorial adjustments, or a hope based on a defeated and
repentant nation. Such settlements are not sufficiently conclusive
guarantees of no more German aggressions.
This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world.
As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY.
And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever!
In fact -- not in fancy!
Daily the truth is being impressed upon us by observation, and upon
others less fortunate, by bombs, that the German doctrine of force is
not one based upon either political expediency or economic necessity.
The personal war-lust of those who lead the German people is but a
component part of the war-lust which exists as a whole in the German
masses. German leaders are not isolated from the will of the German
people because apart from this will they could not come into being or
exist at all. Their personal inspiration, the motivation, even the
acquiescence to their deeds are one and all drawn by German leaders from
the very depths of the German national soul.
Far too often the claim has been made that the present German drive
toward world-dominion is only street gangsterism practiced on an
organized national scale, deriving principally from the lowest classes,
the dregs of Germany. Such a claim is not sustained by facts, for the
same lust, the same brute force which the Germans display today under
the rule of the so-called "low class Nazis," they also displayed in
1914, at a time when the "highest classes" and the "noblest specimens"
capable of being produced by the German nation, the Junkers, ruled that
land. And a vast number of Germany's intellectuals, another German
"high-class," sat as members in the German Reichstag!
No! The problem of Germanism must not again be passed along to the
next generation. The world must never again be stretched and tortured on
the German rack. Ours is the problem; ours the solution. The world has
learned, with a knowledge born of tragedies too numerous, too horrible
to record, that regardless of what leader or class rules Germany, war
will be waged against it by that country, because the force which
compels it to action is an in- separable part of the mass-soul of that
nation. True, that soul, at one time, might have been otherwise fash-
But that time was in the civilizing cycle of a thousand years ago. Now it is too late.
We know that. Our men of 1917 did not. They had no precedent on which
to base their experience. We have not that excuse today. Their futile
sacrifices and their empty efforts must today dictate our own actions
and decisions. We are paying today for the lack of experience of the
last generation in dealing with the peoples of the German nation. When
and if the time comes for us to take similar decision and action we must
not repeat their mistake. The cost is far too great; not alone for us,
but for all future generations.
We must bring ourselves to realize that no leader can govern Germany
at all unless, in some manner, he embodies the spirit and expresses the
war-soul existent in the majority of her peoples. "Majority" is used
advisedly for in speaking of the masses which compose a nation it must
be impartially conceded that some fraction of the mass must perforce
vary from it. Consequently no unfair contention is here being made that
everyone in Germany is guilty of its heinous offenses against the world.
In fact we shall, in pursuing our point, favor Germany by allowing that
as much as 20% of her population is entirely guiltless of complicity in
her crimes, as well as being foreign to any share of her war-soul. We
therefore grant, for argument's sake, that some 15,000,000 Germans are
absolutely innocent.
BUT -- shall Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Austrians, Norwegians, Dutch,
Belgians, Frenchmen, Greeks, Englishmen, Irishmen, Scotsmen, Canadians,
Australians and Americans -- for we too may ultimately feel the spike of
the German boot -- shall all these peoples, numbering some 300,000,000
of the most civilized, most enlightened on earth suffer constantly and
face unnatural death every generation so that some small part of
Germany's populace may continue to exist? Are those 15,000,000 Germans
so valuable, so indispensable to mankind that 300,000,000 guiltless men,
women and children shall fight a war with Germany every time she so
decrees? Shall perpetual struggle against the German be the only future
facing civilized peoples? Why breed children while Germany breeds war?
Are not the Dutch a sober and thrifty people? Are not the French
cultured? Are not the Czechs industrious? Are not the Poles deeply
attached to land, family and God? Are not the Scandinavians a decent
people? Are not the Greeks brave and fearless? Are not the English,
Irish, Scotch and American freedom-loving and progressive people? And in
very simple arithmetic are not these 300,000,000 more than 15,000,000
If Democracy as Americans know it is majority rule in a national
sense, it must be so in an international sense as well. The greatest
good for the greatest number is Democracy's rule of thumb; to fight for
world Democracy is to secure the rights of the majority of democratic
peoples against the incursions made upon them by any autocratic
If this is not so, why conscript a vast army for Democracy's defense?
Why train American soldiers to murder a hypothetical enemy of
Democracy, when the Will which spawned this enemy waxes and grows with
each successive blood-bath?
In 1917 American soldiers, as those of every other major nation, were forced to murder by the millions. What for?
Suppose we are forced again to kill? For wars are won only by such
killing, not by dying. Again what for? Another sell-out? Is selling-out
our soldiers to become a national habit? For quite patently, to fight
once more in democratic defense against Germany with any goal in view
save that country's extinction constitutes, even though it loses the
war, a German victory. To fight, to win, and not this time to end
Germanism forever by exterminating completely those people who spread
its doctrine die to herald the outbreak of another German war within a
Let us then beware, for it is not illogical to assume that some day
the soldier, if constantly martialed and regimented against his will,
may emerge from underneath the time-worn cloak of "duty" and come, like
labor, capital and civilian to demand his "rights." It must not be
unreasonable to conjecture that a soldier must have rights too, as well
as duties. Certainly, a man forced against his instinct to kill has
rights; perhaps not the rights of wages and hours, nor the rights of
profits, not the right of untrammeled speech against his superiors,
which in a military sense spells catastrophe. No, none of these; just a
few simple rights -- three of which would appear his in- contestable
duty to demand: one, that he be adequately supplied with the proper arms
in sufficient quantities so that there be a maximum of speed attached
to his "killing," -- secondly, that he be not betrayed by
fifth-columnists who must, in wartime, be summarily dispatched, by
imprisonment or execution, and lastly, of the primmest importance, that
he receive a definite avowal by his government guaranteeing him once and
for all time that this whole ghastly, horrible business of killing the
Germans is at an end; that his son may know peace without having to kill
for it.
If such a guarantee be not vouchsafed him before his struggle, or be
not upheld after his struggle, as it was not the last time, (though the
Generals knew, among them our own Peshing, that Germany at that time
should have been unalterably snuffed out) may he not then take such
action in his own hand? Granting labor has the right to strike when its
rights are violated, granting that capital withhold itself from
circulation when it feels its usage unprofitable, granting that the
civilian feels tyrannized when his civil liberties are jeopardized, what
course may the soldier not take once he realized he has been cheated,
once too often, out of that for which he killed?
When the day of reckoning with Germany comes, as come it will, there
will be only one obvious answer. No statesmen or politician or leader
responsible for post-war settlements will have the right to indulge in
the personal luxury of false sentiment and specious sanctimony and
declare that Germany, misled by her leaders, shall deserve the right of
resurrection! He will not be permitted this time to forget so easily the
bomb-blasted, earth-entombed millions of women and children who lived
through a hell on earth; the bullet-ridden, tank-crushed bodies of
soldiers; the many countries whose energies were sapped and resources
drained. And most of all, he will not be permitted to disregard the
unselfish sacrifices made by the common people so that the beast that is
Germany shall never roam on earth again!
It is a definite obligation which the world owes to those who
struggled and died against the German yesterday, and to those who are
fighting him again today, as it is the bounden duty of the present
generation to those yet unborn, to make certain that the vicious fangs
of the German serpent shall never strike again. And since the venom of
those fangs derives its fatal poison not from within the body, but from
the war-soul of the German, nothing else would assure humanity safety
and security but that that war-soul be forever expunged, and the
diseased carcass which harbors it forever removed from this world. There
is no longer any alternative:
Germany Must Perish!
This war, with its harrowing miseries, its indescribable German
devastations, its unutterable German atrocities, is born of the war-soul
of those barbarians of whom Machiavelli, writing over four hundred
years ago, observed:
German towns are at little or no expense in any thing, but in laying
up military stores and making good their fortifications ... on holidays
instead of other diversion, the Germans are taught the use of weapons.
History repeats itself.
We can remove a tiger from his natural environment, his lair in the
jungle, and with patience so tame him that eventually he will respond to
our caress, feed from our hand and perform at our command. The more
acquiescent he becomes in response to this outward conditioning, the
more deceived are we in believing that his jungle days have been
forgotten. This is a fatal deception. For in- evitably there comes a
time when the tiger-soul within the tiger drives him again to the use of
gang and claw. In that inexorable response to that irresistible
soul-force, the tiger reverts once again to jungle lore. He becomes,
again, a killer.
And so it is with the people of Germany. They may respond for a while
to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial
mannerisms and exterior behaviorism of civilized peoples but all the
while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which
eventually drives then, as it does the tiger, to kill. And no amount of
conditionism, or reasoning, or civilizing -- past, present or future --
will ever be able to change this basic nature. For if no impress has
been made upon this war-soul over a period of some two thousand years it
is to be expected that of a sudden, on the morrow, this miracle will
This analogous linking of the people of Germany with savage breast is
no vulgar comparison. I feel no more personal hatred for these people
than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous
reptiles. One does not hate those whose soul can exude no spiritual
warmth; one pities then. If the German people wish to live by
themselves, in darkness, it would be strictly their own affair. But when
they make constant attempts to enshroud the souls of other people in
those fetid wrappings which cloak their own, it becomes time to remove
them from the realm of civilized mankind among which they can have no
place, or right to existence.
We need not condemn the Germans. They stand self- condemned. For it
suffices us to read and hear those words written and spoken only by
Germans; to endure sufferings and dislocations caused solely by the
German people in pursuit of their megalomaniacal ideals and demonic
aspirations to realize that it is the Germans themselves who decree,
almost demand, their ostracism from their follow-man. They have lost the
wish to be human beings. They are but beasts; they must be dealt with
as such.
This is an objective viewpoint, carefully considered and factually sustained. It is the view taken of them in this book.
Naturally there are men in the world, our own country included, who
think otherwise and who would deal differently with the German menace.
It is the custom of such men to take, what they term, a "sensible" view
of the problems and progress of humanity. These men would rely upon fate
to fashion the future. They would, in effect, permit the Germans to
conquer and enslave the world by explaining, in terms whose degree of
vociferousness is dependent upon the extent of their own personal motive
of gain, that German world-dominion cannot last forever; that at some
future date Germany would ultimately lose its iron grip upon the world
and then enslaved mankind would come to free itself again. Or, if
neither collusion nor surrender seems palatable to their listeners, they
would suggest a compromise with the Germans, the so-called "Negotiated
These are soulless postulates. They can originate only in men whose
hearts and souls are still held captive by the marine life of their
origin; human species of spineless jellyfish floundering about in the
waters of yesteryear. These are men of the past forever living in that
past. Men who, being incapable of mastering their own intellectual and
spiritual primitivism, seek to drag others down with them to the murky
depths and stygian blackness which surround their own pitiful existence.
These are the men, indeed, who witnessing the actual enslavement of
such civilized and humane people as the Austrians, Czechs, Poles,
French, Dutch, Norwegian and Belgians would all too willingly close
their eyes and simulate disbelief in that which is stark and dread
reality. These are men who with fatalism as their creed come
intellectually to be anesthetized by it; who, proclaiming fate an ally,
have become its most pathetic servants. Fortunately, such men are not
yet in the majority nor will they be unless Germany can harness, employ
or bribe enough of them to spread the German netherworld doctrines
throughout the earth. But even as a minority the danger which these
"appeasers" represent in none the less real and they must be harshly
dealt with. For by such actions as they may take under the cloak of
"unquestioned patriotism" it is apparent that they would not do so
unless, within their own soul there existed some part complementary to
the war-soul of the German. Those other appeasers whose integrity is
doubtful and patriotism questionable -- those who advocate the
principles of Germanism -- are downright traitors to their country. And
when, as and if a government can not or refuses to treat them as such,
may it not come in time to depend upon the people, whose lives and
liberty are at stake, to do so!
I have no desire that this work be considered as a means of encouraging war for this or any other nation.
As a human being I deplore war; as a civilized member of a civilized nation I hate it.
I hate war not alone for the sufferings, misery, tragedy and
senseless waste which follows in its path, but even more because I
consider it to be the still-unsevered umbilical cord which binds the
moral and spiritual embryo of man to the physical womb of the
beast-instinct. And I know that so long as that cord remains uncut
social evolution and human progress must rest forever upon an
impermanent and insecure basis. And too, that so long as war persists
there will never come into being that world peace out of which, some
day, a world confederation of nations will be born. For it is such a
confederation which is the ultimate aim and absolute inevitability of
the human race.
Peace! Hardly a man, woman or child lives who has not heard the word!
Throughout the ages it has been a subject of more discussion and debate
than any other single problem of mankind. In the halls of government
great orators have loudly extolled its virtues. The great prophets of
every religion on earth have preached its gospel and catalogued its
benefits to world humanity. And in all the world we find that peace is
the common denominator which binds together the people of all nations,
of all color and races, in common thought and prayer.
Why then, after passing through thousands of years of such great
desire and yearning have we failed to find peace? Why is it that after
such a prolonged period of time not one single practical and enduring
step has been taken toward its absolute realization? Certainly no one
man or group of men shall be born tomorrow who shall exceed in knowledge
and excel in ability all those great men who have written, spoken and
preached about peace over the long past. What shall we do then? Throw up
our hands and give up? Shall we have done with peace by exclaiming that
it dose not exist because it cannot? That is an unobtainable abstract?
I do not believe that it is any such thing. I sincerely believe that
peace on earth can come to exist as a permanent condition of living. But
believing in it as I do, I would not expect it to arrive, on some fine
morning, knock on my door, and suddenly announce its presence! No, it
will never come of itself!
I believe that peace can be produced, not merely conceived. But never so long as war persists.
Then why does war still exist?
Simply because it has not been made impossible for it to be waged.
There is only one way to abolish war: impose a penalty of such dire
magnitude and frightful consequence upon aggressor peoples as to render
it virtually impossible for any nation to start a war.
War must be fought not with weapons of ever-increasing
destructiveness but with penalties infinitely more frightful and
hazardous than war itself.
This book sincerely believes that it has found such a penalty; and by
its imposition upon the people of Germany, this book believes that not
only would a great scourge be removed from the world, but a great good
born to it.
Note: The majority of authors dealing with Germanism have treated
that subject purely as a product of modern times -- born after the last
world war -- and since developed solely by Hitler and his Nazis. The
reader, in pursuing the subsequent chapters on Germanism, will find out
for himself just how mistaken these authors are in their viewpoints. And
since the German quotations and German writings are so
contemporaneously apropos -- though they were all written prior to the
last world war -- I have thought it advisable, lest they be considered
"fabricated," to append a bibliography to this volume.
2. Background of Germanism
Germans are an execrable people! They think and dream of nothing but
chicanery. Their great joy consists in fault-finding, shrieking and
threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their
mouths instead of ordinary human speech, issue the rumbling of artillery
and the clash of steel; their life is one of perpetual explosion. The
German does not live on the heights; he avoids light, and from his
hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his malign influence
on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures angles, and traces
with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers. To love their country is
for them to despise, flout and insult every other country. They are
capable of little else but cheating and lying, even to themselves. They
meddle in everyone else's affairs, poking their nose into matters that
do not concern them, criticizing everything, bossing everything,
lowering and distorting everything. What a pity that twenty-three
centuries after Socrates and Plato, two thousand years after Christ, the
voice of men like these should still be heard in the world, worse still
that they should be listened to, and worst of all that any one should
believe them! Country for them is an isolated organism and they admit it
is possible for them to live and breathe in an atmosphere of haughty
contempt for their neighbors. They conceive their country as a permanent
element of dissolution like a devouring and insatiable monster, a beast
of prey, whose one function is to plunder. All that it does not possess
it has been robbed of. The universe belongs to it by right. Whoever
attempts to escape from its tyranny is a rebel. This jingo country, this
bloodthirsty fetish of which they are the champions, they endow, with
the capriciousness of potentates, when it suits their purpose, with
every marvelous and charming attribute. Whoever does not at once agree
with their extravagances is a barbarism. You must love their country in
full armor, with dervish-like celebrations and howls, eyes shut and body
trembling with ecstasy; a deaf ear must be turned to the rest of the
world on its failings. Everything that is not It must be hated. Hate is
sacred. Love and hate are in connection with your country two terms
proceeding from one condition of mind. For them Industrial progress is
not a happy sign of national prosperity but a means of domination.
Geography is not the science of the earth, but a mere revelation of the
boundaries between which are elaborated strategical schemes of conquest.
Every neighbor is of necessity a jealous one, and the enemy who is
vigilant is jealous too. The world is populated by hyenas crouching on
the plots of earth from which they ought to be dislodged.
The German has decided that his race has been elected by God to order
the modern world. Anyone who resists him will be an arrogant usurper,
who ought to be crushed. The German professes to want peace, but it must
be his own sort of peace, after the pattern of the Persian satrap's
who, out of love for peace and concord, throws everyone to the lions who
dares dispute him. His voice is raucous and resounding; he does not
argue but makes sweeping assertions and lays down the law. As the first
sign of resistance he grows crimson in the face, and has resource to
thunder and lightning. He holds forth on the authority of a sacred
categorical imperative which stands in the stead of truth and order; he
respects nothing and no one. Should he find himself confronted by the
law, he says that it needs reforming. Ministers are mere clerks to be
used as pawns in his manoeuvering. He is exacting and cantankerous;
whoever undertakes to shout with him never shouts loud enough. To give
in to him means becoming enlisted as his civil agent. He is an agitator
and swashbuckler. He dips his pen in gall and he sets in motion with his
antics the marionettes which appeal to the nation and may come to
conquer it. The fundamental superiority of the German race, the
necessity of expanding German prestige in all quarters of the globe, of
protecting the German wherever he may be found, no matter what he may
be, because he bears within him a residuum of the race; that is what the
educators of youth coming down the years in disciplined array like
battalions crossing the manoeuver fields, have never ceased to drum into
the popular understanding and the flame of victory rising to the sky
will be the signal for it to boil over. (note 1)
A vivid portrait of a Nazi? Emphatically so, and yet, though thirty
years have past since it was first written, we can easily discern, in
the character of the German of that remote period, every single trait
which characterized the German madmen of today. Yesterday they may have
been called Pan-Germans; today Nazis; tomorrow perhaps Supergerman. Time
cannot change the infernal breed, whatever its label. Time merely
enlarges the field in which the German can, with ever-increasing
intensity and thoroughness, practice those monstrous acts which his
fevered, war-intoxicated brain dictates, and his vile instincts and
barbaric, savage soul prompts. If today the urge of his war-soul can
prompt the German to murder innocent hostages imagine, if you can, how
that same soul will express itself through the thousandfold-more-fanatic
German of tomorrow?
To most people the fantastic "progress" of the Nazi has seemed as
meteoric and unexpected as an unheralded bolt of lightning suddenly
discharged from the heavens. Others hold tenaciously, with dangerous
deception, to the opinion that the Nazi came into power only as a result
of the German-termed "inequities" of the Versailles treaty, and that
the beliefs and aims of the Nazi were, and are, merely the result of a
contemporary but transient political and economic upheaval in Germany.
Such opinions gave birth to the most outstanding criminal misconception
of the Nazi and his party; that after those so-called injustices to
Germany were remedied, the Nazi would vanish from the scene by his own
accord, or the German people would rise up in revolt against him.
Such misconceptions of his origin, structure and purpose were eagerly
fostered and disseminated by the Nazis themselves. We know how belief
in them has already led a dozen nations to their doom, and yet not so
long ago a prominent member of our congress arose and declared that the
German idea of world-dominion was a fantasy, and advised Americans to
dismiss the avowed aims of the Nazis a fabulous myths! (note 2) Such
utterances are not only born of incredible stupidity but, if not
downright traitorous, are extremely dangerous, for they tend to blind
people to those stark realities which they must face, firmly and
honestly, if they are ever to successfully combat them. Too, such
beliefs tend to diffuse among our people that same indifference,
lethargy and irresponsibility which permeated the peoples of those
nations which, one by one, fell victim to the German peril. These
nations found that the German peril was not a myth; the sufferings of
their people are the best description of the German character, methods,
and final aims.
By thus helping to create the impression of his transiency of
character and purpose, and by promoting propaganda proclaiming his
ever-imminent downfall, the Nazi knew full well that those nations would
incorrectly gauge the strength and deprecate the durability of his
party and, what was and is infinitely more important, would fail to
correctly interpret the growth and aims of the Nazi as being compatible
to, and not at variance with, the German character; a bud whose
nourishment is drawn not from an isolated branch but from the very roots
of the German soul.
For it must be patent by now that while all the Germans may not
approve of the means being employed by the Nazis in achieving
German-world-dominion, they are practically unanimous in agreeing that
that goal must, now or in the future, be definitely achieved by Germany.
Were the German nations to win this war, not one German would hesitate
laying claim to a share in the loot. But, losing the war, they intend to
be ready to disclaim, individually, the actions taken by then
collectively, under their "government." Thus they intend to escape, once
again, punishment for their crimes. Yet defeat will on no account erase
their desire to conquer and rule the world. There is only one way to
frustrate such a desire: the goal of world-dominion must be removed from
the reach of the German and the only way to accomplish that is to
remove the German from the world!
Therefore, it is most essential that we realize as an irreconcilable
fact the truth that the Nazis are not beings existing apart from the
German people. They are the German people! For to the German, Nazi or
not, the Mailed Fist is stimulating and meaningful as symbol of all the
aims and aspirations of his nation as the Statue of Liberty is to the
American. Make no mistake about it; world- dominion is not a mirage to
the German; it never was, and so long as Germany exists as a nation, it
never will be. A belief to the contrary, if too-long sustained, may well
result in the world's enslavement by the German.
As fantastic and as cyclonic as Nazi "accomplishments" might seem, it
is still more fantastic to note as a fact that in the entire annals of
history no doctrine ever existed which has all its major beliefs so
clearly defined, its methods so concisely detailed, and its aims so
vividly, comprehensively, and boldly stated beforehand. It is in every
respect a deliberate, ruthlessly calculated plot to rule the world or,
failing that, to annihilate it! And so long as the German nation exists
it intends, in one form or another, now or later, to bring about just
such a catastrophe.
The unfortunate neglect displayed by the various governments in
preparing for the cataclysmic events brought about by the German Nazis
becomes all the more startling and tragic when we examine records
existing by the thousands and emanating solely from unbiased German
sources, some written as far back as fifty years ago, clearly indicating
the precise course of procedure to be some day adopted by the German in
his march to world- conquest. These documents are not pedantic treaties
expressing theories or extravaganzas dealing in fables or fancies. They
are substantial, sober outpourings from the very soul of Germandom. And
as such they define lucidly its structure, and interpret frankly its
Moreover, these records are so exact in their theme and comprehensive
in their scope that the Nazis have adopted and embraced them almost ad
verbatim. In searching through these original papers one is struck by
the realization that Mein Kampf is nothing more than a clumsily-written
hodge-podge collection of the writings, opinions and teachings contained
in those records and ex- pounded by Germans years before Adolf
Schickelgruber war born! As we shall see later, even Hitler's
much-publicized mystic prophecies, and his time-tables of conquests are
merely reprints of those published, too, long before his time.
If Hitler was able to make such rapid strides in resurrecting again
the monstrosity that is Germanism, it was only because the German
people, long before his birth, had already become completely instilled
with each and every principle and precept, with every yearning and
desire which he himself, later, came merely to express and advocate. The
poisonous wine of destruction has long before been distilled; Hitler is
merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle, which
is the German war-soul, into the jug that is world humanity. In
detailing those ingredients which combine to constitute the toxic
formula of Germanism the author shall quote, wherever confirmation of
his statements may be deemed advisable, principally from German sources.
For after all no one can explain the German so well as he himself. He
has made no secret of his character, his ambitions and his intentions.
By his acts he has himself bared his heart and soul; by his words, by
his own hand he will someday come to dig his own grave.
It is not to be wondered at that the nations of the Western world
regard the avowed program of the German for world conquest and dominion
with a great deal of amazement and incredulity. For such an idea is
entirely alien to those basic principles and instincts of the western
civilization which, painfully and gradually, arose out of the chaos of
the past thousands of years. Such civilized nations regard individual
rights, the sacredness of human life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness as the virtues of mankind and itself, the individual States,
as guarantor of those rights. And though, at one time or another during
their existence nations may have sought political and economic
adjustments, even territorial aggrandizement through force of arms, it
must be noted that no Western nation has ever made such a religion of
war, such idolatry or armaments, and such a cult of mass murder and
destruction as has Germany and her peoples.
According to her own writers, teachers and statesmen Germany has but
one great reason for existing; that of achieving world-dominion! Since
that is its highest aim, therefore, Germany constantly claims that it
has every right to make free and liberal use of chicanery, deceit,
intolerance, lust, persecution and oppression, in order to achieve that
goal. Consequently such a perverted nation , such a State of human
negation, views its vice as being the only true virtue in life, whereas
to the Germans the virtues as they are known and may be practiced by the
rest of the world are merely vices due to the latter's decay and
degeneration! (note 3) As though there exists anywhere in the world a
nation which can boast of degeneration in the same degree as Germany!
The primary reason which stirs German lust for world- dominion was
best summarized by a German professor who declared that since Germany
will never be able to understand the world, the latter must be conquered
and reformed so that it will be able to conform to German thought!
(note 4)
It is just such mass megalomania, crass egoism intellectual aberrancy
which stirred the demented brain of the German of yesterday to foment
his wars; which animates the insane Nazi today in continuing those wars
and which will, if the schizophrenic Teutons continue to exist, direct
the policies and actions of any party in control of Germany in the
future. For, to reiterate, the German idea of world- dominion and
enslavement of its peoples is no political belief: it is a fierce and
burning gospel of hate and intolerance, of murder and destruction and
the unloosing of a sadistic blood lust. It is, in every literal sense, a
savage and pagan religion which incites its worshippers first to a
barbaric frenzy and then prompts them to vent their animal ferocity in
the practice of every horrible, ruthless and unmentionable atrocity upon
innocent men, women and children. Such are the true Germanic virtues!
And the world will feel their sting so long as they continue to tolerate
Germany and her peoples on the earth, for those Germanic traits are the
same as those which, emanating from the German soul, animated the
Germanic tribes of yore. We have but to examine the development of those
tribes to perceive just to what extent within the German soul, the
German ideal of world conquest and dominion really lies.
The German slave-holding tribes were noted for their unnaturally
passionate love of war and destruction. Seeck, a noted German historian,
writes with pride that the Germans of ancient days were notorious for
their villainy and treachery and "their faithlessness became almost
proverbial with the Romans," (note 5) who found that the Germans were
adept at breaking a pact or a peace whenever it best suited them to so
Lamprecht, another German historian, recounts that even among
themselves the Germans held no pledge valid! (note 6) Is it so much to
be wondered at then that a nation whose people distrust one another,
would hesitate at double-crossing any of its fellow nations?
Those ancient Germanic tribes, like the peoples of modern Germany,
were unable to assimilate and accept the humane ideals, civilized aims
and social aspirations of their neighbors as constituting the desirable,
natural goal of life. "Warlike, as then, have the Germans ever
remained!" (note 7)
We can understand, therefore, why to a German peace is not an
objective but merely an interlude to be used by him to prepare for a war
in which he can assuage the thirst for mass murder which burns in his
soul. The German has absolutely no regard for life; there is no such
expression in his language as "sacredness of human life."
It would be impossible, even between the covers of a thousand
volumes, to list and describe the demonic brutalities practiced by the
Germans upon innocent peoples, and though records of the last war are
replete with numerous actual incidents illustrating the innate cruelty
and viciousness of the Germans we have but to refer to one recent
occurrence, the sinking of the British vessel "Lancastria" to realize
just how and why the German earns his reputation for such cruelty and
For assuredly, after sinking a vessel, the aviators of no other
Western nation would have deliberately and coldbloodedly dropped
incendiary bombs on the oil-covered waters which surrounded the ship in
order to roast alive the desperate women and children struggling below.
But the German aviators did not hesitate to do so; it must have been
with a perverted gleam in their mad eye that they boiled those women and
children alive in oil! This from a "modern" and self-styled "cultured"
nation! A nation whose press heralded such cannibalism as an illustrious
example of German courage and heroism!
Such is the "Master-Race" of the world!
3. Organized Germanism
Germanism -- the theory of a master race of Germans destined to
enslave a weak world by force and brutality -- had been an unvoiced
doctrine of German belief since tribal days until the latter part of the
last century when it reached its maturity by becoming fashioned into a
vast and well-organized movement. Its astounding and ambitious program
amalgamated all the major doctrines and beliefs of such German teachers,
writers, statesmen and philosophers as Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, von
Bernhardi, Rohrbach, Treitschke and Spengler. And because the doctrine
which it preached touched upon the very roots of the German soul, and
embraced the fundamental tenets of the German intellect, the movement
met with immediate and tremendously popular response. In fact its
program was so popular with the Germans that within ten years after its
inception its malignant dogma was already spread throughout the entire
In 1886 a Dr. Karl Peters convened a General German Congress in
Berlin during the course of which all German national associations
therein represented were merged into one group, a so-called German
League. (note 13) Its program at first was vague and indefinite, and so
much strife grew to exist among the various groups composing the League,
that its dissolution seemed imminent until 1891 when Professor Ernst
Hasse, a deputy in the Reichstag from Leipzig, became its president and
took its management into his own hands.
The first step of Professor Hasse was to broadcast a widespread plea
for help, appealing, as he said, "to the traditions of the German soul."
His appeal met with such a favorable response that the League grew by
leaps and bounds until it was not long before it was able to publish and
maintain its own newspaper. In 1894 it changed its name to the
Pan-German League (note 8) and proceeded to lay down an entire program
of action relative to world-conquest and domination by Germany. This
program of action for achieving such a goal was so replete with details,
and its plan of procedure so comprehensive that it was adopted, almost
unchanged, by the Nazis. For its motto the League used the words of the
Great Elector: "Remember you are a German!"
During the interval in which the Pan-German League was organized, a
German professor, Heinrich von Treitschke was being hailed throughout
Germany as a new prophet. For years he had been spreading the fiery
message of Germanism; it was a rabid admixture of war, hate,
anti-Christism and destruction. It was the preaching of such doctrines
which today has earned for Treitschke the great "honor" of being
recognized by the Germans as the apostle of their ideology.
Heinrich von Treitschke was born in Dresden in 1834. After graduating
from various German universities and spending some time in aimless
drifting, he suddenly became consumed with the tortuous idea of a German
unity founded by the sword. Feeling that the best method, in his day,
of spreading such a belief was through teaching, he turned eagerly to
that profession. His continual in- sistence on spreading Prussianism and
its doctrine of the "mailed-fist rule" finally enabled him to settle in
Berlin where he became established as a popular historian and
Treitschke was a war-monger and a "might makes right" advocate of the
first rank. Possessing a natural gift of eloquence he held his students
spellbound during his lectures on "conquer at all costs" for, according
to his interpretation of Germany's development and history, it had to
pursue such a course in order to spread itself beyond its boundaries. At
first he set Europe as the area of Germany's "Lebenstraum" but, after
the success of the German army in 1870 he enlarged and expanded upon his
original declaration by stating that the world was Germany's to conquer
and dominate; that through foisting war upon the world the German
nation was destined to become the "super-state" of the universe, and to
hold its people in thraldom. These teachings so appealed to the German
character that Treitschke, like Hitler, soon captured the intellectuals
as well as the masses of his day. His doctrines were spread throughout
Germany by his many pupils until, eventually, practically every educated
German of that day fell under his influence. Conceivably, he could not
have inspired such a profound belief in such monstrous doctrines unless,
in substance, they embraced aims and ideas already very definitely
existing as inherent in the German character and innate in his soul.
Many of those beliefs explain much of Germany's present actions.
According to Treitschke (note 9) the individual has no right of his
own, but exists only for the State which has the exclusive right to use
him as it wills. There is no other force except the will of the State,
and war is the only and best way in which that will might be employed by
it. A Germany so constituted can recognize no earthly power and "might
makes right" only when a German wields the sword! There is no such thing
to the German as "sacredness of human life" and war is sublime to him
because in it he can "murder without passion." War is the best way in
which Germany can enforce its will upon its neighbors, as well as being
"the only cure for diseased nations."
Treitschke then treats with various methods to be employed by Germany in order to conquer and dominate the world.
"Germany," he writes, "must make it a duty to employ traitors in the
enemy state for its own interest," even though, he adds, "every good
German subject is a latent, and when opportunity arises, an active spy."
Lying and deceit are encouraged as being a foundation stone for
German policy and as for treaties and the like Treitschke advises that
they are mere scraps of paper and urges that "they can and must be
denounced by Germany whenever the promise they hold become unprofitable
to her." In such a case a treaty becomes automatically obsolete and
"German honor" demands that it be broken! There is, he continues, no
such thing as international law and order, no covenants between nations.
As for justice, there is no such thing except at the point of a German
All of Treitschke's teachings as well as the most pointed and precise
interpretation ever made of the German ego is best summarized in a
declaration in which he maintained that Germany could never have peace
with the world because to the German mode of thought it "is a foreign
world, which cannot be reformed, but can only be overthrown." Thus the
ideal of Germany becomes allied to the "rule of evil" in a common German
effort to annihilate civilization!
The Pan-German League combined Treitschke's various doctrines into a
program of action and issued, among its statutes, four main principles
which lay down broadly its chief objectives. (note 10) They were:
1. To watch over and support all German national movements in all
countries where Germans have to sustain a struggle in support of
Germanism with the object of embracing and uniting all Germans on the
2. To promote an active German policy in interests in Europe and
across the seas and especially to further all colonial movements for
practical purposes.
3. To treat and solve all questions bearing upon the bringing up of children and higher education in the Germanic sense.
4. To quicken patriotic self-consciousness of Germans, and to offer
opposition to all movements antagonistic to national development.
In further explanation of the above statutes the League issued a
manifesto declaring that "the fate of the Germans in Austria cannot be a
matter of indifference to Germany; it cannot be a matter of
indifference whether the Saxons or Swabians in Hungary are Magyarized,
or the Germans in Switzerland or the Flemish in Belgium are Gallicized.
Germans must actively support all movements in those countries in
support of Germanism. Germanism across the seas must be preserved and
fostered by every possible means." (note 12)
We already know how well the German has heeded and obeyed such advice.
By 1900 there were some fifty various associations in existence all
subservient to the Pan-German League. Ramified in character but
identical in aim these groups, which ranged from military and naval
cliques to sports leagues and banking institutions, were all fervidly
pledged to preserve and foster Germanism in foreign lands. Politically
too, the League gained considerable prestige. In 1903 no less than
forty-three members of the Reichstag had already been initiated as
Branches of the League sprang up in major cities of the world. Of the
two in the United States one was located in New York, the other in
Texas. With the spread of its propaganda, the League scattered a large
number of secret agents throughout the world for the purpose of
supplying it with confidential reports relating to the gospel of
Germanism. These agents were the forerunners of the present day
fifth-columnists; it was their work which started to compilation of the
notorious German "scrap-book" in which that government listed all its
enemies, and enemies to the idea of a German-dominated world. To a
nation such as Germany blackmail pales in insignificance to its other
crimes. And so, with every pass- ing hour, the members of the German
League continued with their nefarious work which, teaching and enforcing
the great common German ideal of world-enslavement, quickly became an
integral part of the average German life and dreams. By 1905, the tenets
of the Pangerman were already known to all. The initial work had been
done. The vicious virus of Germanism had been injected into the life
stream of the public, and the Germans awaited the epidemic which they
felt must sooner or later infest the world.
As a matter of fact, the work and program as well as the propaganda
which they spread had reached such a pitch that as far back as 1895
various German writers were already busy prophesying how and when the
ideologic goal of German world-dominion would be attained! These
prophets were by no means few in number; there exists a large number of
serious works by German authors in which the destiny of their country is
elaborately worked out in full detail and the deification of Germanism
as a world religion depicted.
From one such prophecy, written in 1900, we learn that "things about
the year 1950 have begun to cause great uneasiness. All Germans have
been united, Holland enters the German union; in Belgium the Flemings
grow in power and because the French element causes increasing trouble,
Germany is obliged to intervene. If France objects to a total absorption
(of Belgium by Germany) then the French Walloon territory falls to
France the Flemish portion to Germany. Maybe the French fight, in which
case all Belgium will be annexed and incorporated in the German World
Empire." The author then goes on to discuss, rather vaguely, the case of
Rance, Switzerland, and the Balkans, after which he cautions the
Germans "by all means avoid a war with Russia, if possible." He
completed the prophesy by stating that "in the year 1950 Great World
Germany will possess a population of two hundred millions. Everybody is
happy because all the Germans are now united and are ruling the world!"
(note 14)
This prophesy did not, by any means, appear fantastic to the German
of that day. Actually it was considered as altogether too conservative
because more radical leaders had set the establishment of the "German
World" at a much earlier date than 1950. Writing in 1895 one ambitious
German predicted that Der Tag would arrive sometime in 1915. Here is a
summary of his augury:
Around about 1915 the whole world starts trembling. Two great States take action in self-defense, America and Russia. America proclaims aloud the doctrine of "Pan-America." Russia concludes customs treaties with Turkey, Persia and China. Great Britain, Pan-America and the Pan-Slavonic Russian Colossus threaten to overwhelm the sixteen states of Europe. At this juncture Germany intervenes and rising to the occasion, sets to work to prepare army and navy for the coming struggle.
Then follows a description of the war and a few miscellaneous vagaries after which the writer continues:
The Junkers roll in money. Meanwhile Pan-America has become a source of great uneasiness to Germany for Germanism is threatened in South America. The United States, declining to give way, the German, Italian and French navies mobilize and set sail for America. The American navy is destroyed. On land the German troops made short work of the American mercenaries. Under the brilliant leadership of the German Leader, the Germans were everywhere victorious. On sea the German ships, guns and men showed their great superiority over the English who were regularly defeated. German discipline, courage and skill made the German navy invincible. The British navy was destroyed. Invaded, the English offered but a half-hearted resistance. The German and Italian soldiers seized London. England and America were defeated. Peace was concluded. (note 15)
Concerning the terms of such a peace, the writer declared that:
...Germany took Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras, all Brazil south of the Amazon, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and northern Chile. France took Brazil north of the Amazon, British Guiana, Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador. Italy took what was left of South America, including the Argentine. The West Indies were divided between Germany and France. Gibraltar was restored to Spain, Malta given to Italy, Cyprus to Turkey. The English had to pay an enormous war indemnity. There was great discontent in England because the entire British navy was held by the Germans as a guarantee of payment. All England's Suez Canal shares were confiscated and distributed among the victorious powers. The Kimberley diamond mines were seized by Germany and all English and American capital invested in Brazil and South America was transferred to German hands. The Cable lines were taken by Germany and all English and American colonists were ordered to leave South America within a year, never to be permitted to settle in any country on that continent again.
Thus England and America are humbled and the rule of the German
Mailed-Fist secured! Maps, circulated soon after this prophesy was made
public, illustrate the division of South America; the northern half and
Central America being portrayed thereon as German colonies.
Still another writer, predicting a war somewhat similar to the one
mentioned above finished his prophesy by stating that "after completely
humbling England, the time had arrived for Germany to settle with the
United States, but upon German mobilization United States yielded to all
her demands without striking a blow!" (note 16)
Though many of these "prophecies" vary in detail the reader is aware
of the one outstanding fact which pervades them all; that the
deification of Germanism cannot be accomplished without the fall and
humiliation of both England and the United States. This was declared to
be a fact by Dr. Paul Semassa, a German Professor who, in 1902, stated
that Germany must be prepared to combat the Britons and Americans; after
defeating these last of the free peoples, Germany could then rule the
world in any way she pleased!
In 1904 one observer, taking serious note of all such German
prophecies and desires wrote an envisioned analysis in which he
forewarned that "the doctrine of Germanism may quite well become a
national ideal and kindle a very dangerous spirit. For Anglo-Saxondom
the lesson it teaches is obvious. Readiness is all. Let England and the
United States be prepared at all times successfully to meet the Teutonic
onrush if ever it should come." (note 17)
4. Germanism Abroad
I. United States
The task of spreading the heathenish cult of Germanism in foreign
lands was delegated to the General School Association, an organization
maintained by the Pan-German League. Beginning its operations in 1881
that association, existing today as the notorious German Ausland
Organization (AO), was the first to prepare the ground and develop and
test the tactics which are being used today by all German
Of all the countries in which he spread his evil doctrine, it was
only in the United States that the German had any doubts about the
successful retention and development of Germanism. So much so, in fact,
that Professor Hasse, in one of his speeches before the German Reichstag
declared that the "grave of Germanism lies in America" and the spade
which will dig that grave is the Monroe Doctrine. But not all exponents
of Germanism, however, felt so forlornly about their chances of
successfully propagating Germanism in this country, and they made many
early attempts to reorganize and strengthen their movements here.
In effect, the Germans did not achieve any notable success in their
work. The Americans of German origin or descent either had no interest
in preserving his German identity in contradistinction to his pride in
being labeled an "American" or else, because he had fled his native land
precisely on account of such malignant beliefs and persecutions, he
retained no desire or inclination to see those evils flourish in a land
of freedom which he had come to adopt as his own.
German fury, stirred to fever-pitch heights by the apoplectic
rantings of German leaders expressed itself against the United States
many times. The first of these crises occurred at the time of the
Spanish-American war when Germany tried to raise a coalition of nations
to oppose our stand. Next it was Germany's plan to effect a European
Customs Union against the United States, a step which was immediately
followed by attempts first to annex Samoa and then to break the force of
the Monroe Doctrine by testing it in Venezuela. All these attempts
failed principally because of England's refusal to act in collusion with
Germany against an independent United States, as well as England's firm
acceptance and advocacy of the Monroe Doctrine as a major and permanent
policy of our country.
Chagrined at her failures to impress her will upon the United States
Germany decided to try new tactics. She adopted a policy of "taking it
easy"; a policy which she hated because it was one antagonistic to her
natural ideals of arrogance, brute force and aggression, and contrary to
the spirit of her war-soul. Such inherent hatred of Germany to adhere
to a sane course of international procedure which takes into account
human rights and decencies, was well summarized by one of her most able
and popular political writers, Dr. Paul Rohrbach who exclaimed:
Does any one think that Germany likes saying nice things to the
United States, or that they are the outpourings of a loving heart? She
only says them because Germany must eradicate the suspicions with which
Americans regard her policy. (note 18)
Because of their common language and their humanistic philosophies
the Germans regarded both England and the United States as dire enemies
of his Super-state and, therefore, his main function as a trouble-maker
in the latter country expressed itself in attempts to drive a wedge
between it and England. Part of his hatred for England was directed
toward it for its "not feeling ashamed" to openly recognize the Monroe
Doctrine. Again and again reference to the Doctrine creeps up in
connection with the origin and development of Germanism in the United
In 1903 Johannes Volert declared that "the Monroe Doctrine is
indefensible. It is direct impertinence, and all the more so as America
is lacking the means to enforce its application." (note 19)
This perpetual opposition of Germany to the Monroe Doctrine as well
as its continual defiance of it was best delineated in an article
printed at the beginning of this century by the Journal of Commerce in
answer to the German claim that the Monroe Doctrine was "an empty
pretension." The purport of that message is so fraught with vigor and
truth, its every word so fresh and alive and currently apropos, that it
deserves quotation here in full.
The last German professor (Mommsen) to fall foul of the Monroe
Doctrine seems to show the usual Teutonic incapacity to understand what
it means. He assumes that this "empty pretension" on the part of the
United States is to control the destiny of the South American nations,
and to keep Europeans out of them. He cannot see that the United States
seeks no predominance, but only objects to European predominance. The
German mind fails to see that our policy is to leave South American
countries independent, to develop on their own lines; and all we ask of
Europe is that it shall leave them independent, and not undertake to
appropriate their territory or suppress their sovereignty. The United
States wishes South America to do its own controlling.
Failing constantly in their attempts to drive a wedge between the two
English-speaking countries Germans were instructed by their
headquarters to try to create a force of their own with which to combat
Americans. In reviewing this angle of attack, Professor Hasse stated
that the only way in which he could envision a future for Germanism in
the United States was for the Germans to "so organize and educate the
German element in that country that political power will finally fall
into its lap." And in order to do so, the professor advises that
"Germans must abandon all attempts to take sides on Democratic and
Republican matters, and form themselves into a national political
party." Another professor, Muensterberg, agreed with Hasse by adding
that the Germans should build a State within a State, in the United
States. Still another German writer added that the best way for the
Germans to form a political party of their own was to infect the
American, especially those of Irish extraction, with the German virus of
Anglophobia. The recommendation was also made that the Germans appoint a
confidential agent in Washington who might keep in touch with the
(American) government and influence it!(note 20)
All these wild notions of Germanism produced a great deal of
agitation in this country but the German was not able to maintain that
any real progress had been made by his movement in the United States. It
is only since the rise of present Germany and its "exported agitators"
as well as hired spies and bribed sycophants that the nightmare of
Germanism has been forced through coercion and terror down the throats
of a slight handful of Americans of German descent.
II. South America
German designs in South America, particularly towards Brazil, as well
as the underhanded methods they employed in trying to further her
interests there have never been kept entirely secret. Long before the
advent of the present German government, Germans had always covetously
regarded South America as a land which someday would belong to them.
That to pursue such a course might bring them face to face with the
power of the United States was an eventuality they foresaw and for which
they prepared. They felt no uncertainty as to their ultimate success
against the United States; in scores of books prominent German authors
have time and again made the forecast that the United States would,
through fear, yield to the Germans without striking a blow or else,
would capitulate in a short war. In any event the Germans were
instructed to be prepared for that day, for that day must come for the
Such warnings, persistently expressed by German writers, teachers,
and statesmen were fully clarified in the statement of Professor
Schulz-Gaevernitz to the effect that:
The more Germany is condemned to an attitude of passive resistance towards the United States, the more emphatically must she defend her interests in Central and South America. For this purpose we need a fleet capable not only of coping with the miserable forces of the South American states, but powerful enough to cause Americans to think twice before making any at- tempt to apply the Monroe Doctrine in South America. (note 21)
German colonists to South America were encouraged to preserve their
nationality, their language, their German ways of life, and their
interest in their "mother country." Thus there came to exist, especially
in Brazil, states within states. The methods the Germans used in Brazil
were those applied in strict accordance with the principles expounded
by Dr. Kapff in his brochure on the "German Schools." In that work is
found the cautionary advice that "Germans in South Brazil had better
become Brazilian citizens as that is the quickest and surest way to
obtain political power." Dr. Kapff also forewarns his countrymen that:
...the danger of Germanism in South America comes from North America, and it is not only a question of commercial interest. Is Germany to stand idly by if America sets about the task of Americanizing that continent? Germany cannot; she must proclaim, urbi et orbi, that she is determined to maintain her rights in South America. And Brazil holds out the most buoyant hope for the German and the spread of Germanism.
Dr. Kapff's declarations were amplified by Professor Gustav Schmoller
who emphatically asserted that "at all costs a German country must grow
up in the twentieth century in Brazil," (note 22) for in South America
Germans will found a new Germany, "which shall prove a blessing to the
old country, and stand as a model to the whole world!" (note 23)
Dr. Paul Rohrbach's explanation of German intentions in Brazil were even more arrogantly expressed. He stated that:
... although the United States may possibly prevent the acquirement of South American territory by Germany it cannot prevent the creation of a state within a state, and that when the Germans have finally accomplished that deed, they would rule the roost in Brazil and rule over the inferior peoples of that country.
But propaganda must be made in Germany to popularize the idea, and
every good German must assist in the work because a promising future for
Germany lies in her South American colonies, and to attain those ends
Germans must work quietly, jointly and firmly -- underground.
Professor Wolf, coinciding with that view expressed his opinion that
"South America for the German, is the land of the future, for that land
holds greater promise for the Germans than Europe or Africa."
Hence, we find that hand in hand with her march toward world-dominion
Germany has always deemed it her mission to establish, by force or by
trickery, great South American colonies. As she does today, Germany has
always laughed at any actual resistance from the Untied States,
consistently declaring our country to be nothing more than, to use the
words of a German, "a heterogeneous melange of crass egoistic Jingoists
having no pure racial blood to build upon" and therefore a land and a
people to be easily vanquished, at any time, by the great German
Germany tried often to suit her words with action. Prince
Solms-Braunfels made a real effort to found a German colony in Texas as
an American outpost of Germanism and, though he failed, the idea which
prompted his action always persisted in the German mind as a possibility
fraught with great promise of eventual fulfillment.
The Pan-German League heeded the advice of its leaders to labor in
partial silence in South America and so kept unusual secrecy about their
work on that continent. Little by little they sought to honeycomb those
parts of South America which seemed favorable to Germanism by
establishing branch leagues and to reticulate those regions with
confidential agents who carried on their work disguised as travelers,
teachers or diplomatic agents. From time to time they reported their
progress to the Central Association in Germany. The startling disclosure
was only recently made that the German consulates too, had given their
aid, serving as hypodermics through which the malignant bacilli of
Germanism was being syringed into the blood stream of the South American
In his work on Chile, Dr. Unfold advised German settlers in South
America "to send their children to Germany to be educated in a fitting
German spirit" and that then they should be sent back to propagate and
disseminate the animus of the German war-soul. "The time will assuredly
come," he encouraged, "when Germany, during the confusion caused by some
international conflagration, will have the opportunity to acquire
colonial territory in South America." (note 11)
Records and facts, whose truths are every minuet being sustained by
current events, make it obvious that German policies in South America,
her aims and methods too, have all been, for a long time, clearly,
persistently and publicly pronounced by her leaders. To the German his
aims in South America are merely some additional "must items" on a long
list of German-planned depredations against humanity and civilization.
Here, quoted ad verbatim, are the words of one observer of German
ambitions in South America who, writing his analysis almost two score
years ago, declared:
Whether Germany's aim in South America is obtainable without friction is something which the future alone can decide. The future of South America must depend largely upon the Monroe Doctrine and the navy which is behind it. There will come a time, not so remote in the future, when the economic penetration of Brazil and other South American states by the Germans may lead to political supremacy which, if questioned, must be abandoned or contended for. Con- ceivably, the issue may be a fighting one. Though Germans rave against the Monroe Doctrine as an empty pretention, that doctrine nevertheless is destined to bar Germany's way. Already there are unmistakable signs that Americans have become cognizant of such German aims and ambitions in South America. On the creation of a great American fleet, as on the solidarity of England and the United States, the fate of South America depends. If America is to cry "Hands off!" they must have the power to support the words. (note 17)
III. Europe
True Germanism, being as it is a purely primitive paganism with some
modern "refinements" finds that it can express itself best by committing
truly barbaric and bestial acts of violence against innocent civilized
peoples. Thus, if Germanism were ever to prevail upon this earth, we can
be sure that every step would be taken -- though few indeed are these
steps which the Germans have not already taken! -- to reawaken every
dormant animal instinct and vicious trait in man.
Thus it has been a chief aim of the German to eradicate each and
every one of the three principal religions from the earth. However, the
German was practical enough to realize that he could not successfully
combat all these religions at one time with any hope of emerging
supreme. But since their extinction was absolutely necessary to the
propagation of the German dogma of hate and destruction, the Germans
conceived their now infamous and oft-tried trick of pitting first the
believers in one religion against those of another until, at a single
coup, they could deliver the final knock-out blow against the single
remaining adversary. It was in Austria that they first tested the
efficiency of their scheme, a test which, at that time, actually
constituted organized high treason against that country.
Germanism had its birth in Austria as an organized movement founded
and headed by an Austrian statesman, one Schoenerer, in 1878. Its
activity was rather limited in scope until 1898 when Schoenerer joined
with Hasse; from that time on the Pan-German League in Berlin became the
head of the movement in Austria, and it proceeded at once to establish
permanent bases of operation in that country.
First a plan of attack was decided upon. Hasse and Schoenerer agreed
that if Germany was ever to rule over Austria the latter country must
first be forced to break with Rome (Roman Catholicism). In order to
achieve this objective the leaders decided upon a roundabout course of
action. They therefore first created an artificially stimulated
pseudo-religious revivalist movement having anti-Semitism as its primary
and immediate purpose.
The German Hasse found some renegade, so-called Catholics (though
such men were no more Catholics in spirit than those men of any religion
who, hiding behind a pulpit of a church, rail against God and preach
hatred and intolerance) members of the leading Catholic Party, who agree
to act as leaders of such a movement. It was not long thereafter that a
frightful wave of anti-Semitic persecution began to sweep over Austria,
continuing unabated in intensity, until Schoenerer and Hasse felt that a
sufficiently high degree of agitation and terrorism had been reached.
Thereupon they turned their efforts against the Catholic Party and in
turn, started a rabid anti-Catholic, "free-from-Rome" movement of their
own, Schoenerer declaring that "the chains which tie us to a Church
hostile to Germanism must be broken!" The "No Popery" and anti-Catholic
agitation was stimulated by Hasse and Schoenerer through their
introduction into Austria of numerous pseudo-evangelical, free-booter
German clergymen who were liberally paid, with money and liquor, to rail
against the Catholics.
Though the complete success of this plan was not achieved, it did
have a salutary effect; that of establishing and proving the audacity
and ruthless aggressiveness of the German.
Notwithstanding the fierce resistance which met them and their ideas
in Bohemia, the Germans were able to organize various ancillary
associations of their League, as well as to maintain their own press in
that country. They were further aided in their work by the importation
of German clergymen, agitators and school-masters all of whom played
leading roles in the struggle to spread Germanism throughout that brave
land of free thought.
The vile work of the Germans was not easy; they were met with a bold
and determined resistance. The Czechs fought the demented Germans with
that fierce and patriotic intensity characteristic of their old hero,
Hus, whose famous motto, "Nothing German!" became their rallying call
and slogan. In fact so strong was the Czech resistance to Germanism that
by 1900 leading Germans were ready to declare that the fate of their
movement lay in Bohemia, and depended on the outcome of their strug- gle
in that country.
Besides attempting to spread their doctrines, the Germans did
everything possible to interfere with the establishment of the Czech
language in Bohemia.
It is to the redounding credit of Czecho-Slovakia, that even before
it had became a nation it had already fought alone against German
dominion; left to its own devices, it would have never have suffered
A decade before the last world war it was noted as a fact that the
one State which Germany dreaded was Russia; the two States which she
would have liked to see at odds with each other were Britain and the
United States, and the one State she would really have liked to absorb
was Holland, a free and democratic country which hated Germanism and all
its narrow spiritual and political principles. Nevertheless, the German
pursued his work in that country with that fanatic stubbornness so
imbedded in his character.
In 1898 a General Dutch League was formed in Holland primarily for
the purpose of spreading the Dutch language in South Africa. Not meeting
success they appealed to the Pan-German League for aid and found
themselves, shortly thereafter, to be entirely supported by that German
organization. With their aptitude for "pro- tecting" and "adopting"
countries, the members of the League early regarded Holland as an
essential and integral part of Germany and declared that if they were
not able to secure Holland by "peaceful persuasion," they must do so by
In 1901 a German writer stated that in case of war "Germany could not
be expected to regard the Dutch ports as neutral and refrain from
making use of them." (note 25) Writing in the Deutsche Zeitschrift in
1901, Kurt von Strautz declared that "It is impossible that outposts of
Germanism like the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria remain
permanently outside the boundaries of Germany."
At the same time another German asserted that Germany would do well
to secure possession of the Dutch colonies so as to acquire naval bases
and additional overseas trade routes, while another suggested that the
Dutch colonies were threatened by England, the United States and Japan,
and therefore must be "protected" by Germany!
Though the League did manage to succeed in stirring up a great deal
of mischief and agitation in Holland, Germanism was unable to achieve
any marked success in that land so noted for its great intellectual
freedom, a freedom which did not exist even among the highest class of
Germans who, at the time, were labeling the Dutch, "Low Germans." (note
The Dutch wished to remain Dutch. They felt too strong and
independent in their own freedom to need or desire the gangster-like
protection of the brutish, uncivilized German.
Belgium has never been considered as anything but a negligible factor
in German plans for world-dominion. The German felt that because of its
size Belgium could easily, and at any time, be forced to bow to the
German will. However, he did not neglect Belgium entirely and, as a
matter of fact, he even adopted somewhat different tactics from those
which he employed in other lands.
Instead of trying his utmost to sponsor the use of the German
language in Belgium, the German believed that his success in that
country would depend upon his ability to popularize Flemish language in
contradistinction to French. By thus creating a sense of Flemish
nationality in Belgium the German hoped to prevent the spread of French
influence and so drive a wedge between France and Belgium.
However, the German was regarded with great suspicion by the Belgian
populace and therefore he was forced to carry on most of his work
through underground channels. He failed to make much headway. But this
failure did not dim his hopes for future realization. In fact he was so
certain that the seeds being planted would some day result in fruition
that, back in 1901 he had already, with habitual high-and-mighty German
arrogance, renamed Belgium German "West Mark."
As with Belgium, the German felt his task in Denmark to be such an
easy one that he did not even bother to use any "finesse" in his
attempts to saturate the Danish people with his Germanism, and so,
instead of trying to at least render the idea "palatable" to the Danes,
he aimed at ramming it down their throats.
Nothing came of such attempts. The Danes might be invaded by German
arms; they would never fall victim to what the German calls "Ideals."
For the Danes are an independent, civilized people with no inclination
to be dragged back a thousand years to savage barbarism.
The work of the German League in Switzerland was impeded by its own
tactless and stupid blunders. The propagators of Germanism, past and
present, have always failed in estimating the local or national
patriotism of any peoples by completely undervaluing it.
When, therefore, the German early and loudly proclaimed that
Switzerland was merely an annex of Germany; that it had no culture and
could maintain no freedom of its own, he was met with the most intense
antagonism on the part of the majority of Swiss.
The Swiss have always burned with the desire to remain forever free,
neutral and independent and everywhere the German was met with the firm
declaration that "We Swiss are no Germans!"
And what more vivid testimony to that fact can be offered than the
moral to be gleaned from the story of William Tell, and admitted German
Classic written by a German author!
Of all countries in continental Europe, the German has always been
the least liked in Norway and Sweden, and though from time to time
pro-German voices were raised, the German League enjoyed little success
Instead of Germans it was Norwegians and Swedes of a "German
character" who paid allegiance to the German ideal and in tracing the
work of such traitors it is not to be wondered at, now, that the Germans
were able to find a Quisling in Norway.
Professor Samassa, stating that the future struggle for existence
would be between Germans on the one side and Britons and Americans on
the other remarked that "Sweden will converge towards Germany the more
Germany grows in power, and it is therefore a German interest to
preserve the independence of Sweden. In such a way this outland will
eventually be absorbed by Germany." (note 27)
5. 'Blessed Are the War Makers'
The German Soul
"Ye Have Heard how in old times it was said, Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth; but I say unto you, blessed are the
valiant, for they shall make the earth their throne. And ye have heard
man say, blessed are the poor in spirit; but I say unto you, blessed are
the great in soul and the free in spirit, for they shall enter into
Valhalla. And ye have heard men say, Blessed are the peacemakers; but I
say unto you, Blessed are the warmakers, for they shall be called, if
not the children of Jahve, the children of Odin, who is greater than
Thus out of the Bible of Germanism cometh the German Sermon on the
Mount, as interpreted by Friedrich Nietzsche, prophet of the Superior
Soul, by whose Apostolic sword millions of people in the past year have
been cut down, bleeding to earth.
But the world even then was blind. It looked on saber-rattling
Prussianism not a continuance of the German war-soul developed
throughout the ages, but simply as a transient period of political
history. For had not the spirit of Christ, in the image of Love and
Brotherhood, walked the earth for nineteen centuries, softening men's
hearts and tempering men's souls? Could civilized man fall heir to such a
spirit and not pay heed? In Germany great cathedrals housed the Cross,
but though others did not, German thinkers knew they housed but a great
emptiness of soul. For they well knew that the German gods of pagan days
were not dead; that they but slept; that even in their slumber they
were still charged with a fire inflaming the barbaric instincts of those
Heinrich Heine, in 1834, had this to say of Christ in Germany:
Christianity -- and this is its fairest merit -- subdued to a certain extent the brutal warrior ardor of the Germans, but it could not entirely quench it; and when the Cross, that restraining talisman, falls to pieces, then will break forth again the ferocity of the old combat- ants, the frantic Berserker rage whereof Northern poets have said and sung so much. The talisman has become rotten, and the day will come when it will pitifully crumble to dust. The old stone gods will then arise from the forgotten rains, and wipe from their eyes the dust of centuries, and Thor with his giant hammer will arise again, and he will shatter the Gothic cathedrals...when ye hear the tramping of feet and the clashing of arms, ye neighbors children, be on your guard...it might fare ill with you... Smile not at the fantasy of one who foresees in the region of reality the same outburst of revolution that has taken place in the region of the intellect. The thought precedes the deed as the lightning with thunder. German thunder is of true German character: it is not very nimble, but rumbles along somewhat slowly. But come it will, and when ye hear a crashing such as never before has been heard in the world's history, then know that at last the German thunderbolt has fallen. At this commotion the eagles will drop dead from the skies and the lions in the farthest wastes of Africa will bite their tails and creep into their royal lairs. There will be played in Germany a drama compared to which the French Revolution will seem but an innocent idyll. At present everything is quiet; and though here and there some few men create a little stir, do not imagine these are to be the real actors in the piece. They are only little curs chasing one another round the arena...till the appointed hour when the troop of gladiators appear to fight for life and death. And the hour will come.
German intellect, German culture, German emotion, industry,
economics, politics, in fact all things German, are each but a tiny
rivulet feeding with its water the mighty rushing stream which is the
German war-soul. The war-soul itself is thus become a mighty torrent
against which no dike can be built sufficiently high or sufficiently
strong to stem its onrush. Our problem then is not the course-altering
or damming up of any of the rivulets but in contending with and in
subduing that power which they have produced, the power of the German
Let us hold in abeyance for the moment the question of the all too
obvious sufferings which the German war-soul has inflicted upon the
world, and examine it objectively from the standpoint of its
justification as regards world benefits. In short, is the war-soul of
Germany and its spread of Germanism worth more to civilization than its
cost in human life and freedom? Will the world derive more from its
perpetuation than from its extinction?
The answer requires no guesswork on our part. Once again Nietzsche in
is role of spiritual Baedeker of Germanism leaves no vestige of doubt
concerning German blessings. Following are random excerpts from his Ecce
Where Germany spreads the corrupts culture ... Every great crime against culture committed during the last four hundred years lies on the German conscience ... The Germans incurred the responsibility for everything that exists today -- the sickliness and stupidity that opposes culture, the neurosis called Nationalism, from which Europe suffers...the Germans have robbed Europe itself of meaning and intelligence and have led it into a blind ally ... In the history of knowledge Germans are represented only by doubtful names, they have produced only "unconscious swindlers." "German intellect" is bad air, a psychological uncleanliness that has now become instinctive -- an uncleanliness which in every word and gesture betrays the German. And if a man is not clean how can he be deep? You can never fathom their (the German) depths, they have none; and that ends it ... The German soul is small and base.
There is nothing to add to these words. The myth of German intellect
and culture explodes under the hand of their outstanding product.
German-proclaimed culture is not worth its, or any, cost.
However, is there yet some fine point about the Germans that we do
not understand? Over a generation ago, the late American historian,
Charles Francis Adams, disturbed by this very question, undertook to
examine it:
Suspecting in my own case (that I did not think like a German) I have
of late confined my reading on this topic almost exclusively to German
sources. I have been taking a course on Nietzsche and Treitschke, as
also in the German "Denkschrift," illumined by excerpts from the German
papers in this country and the official utterances of Chancellor von
Bethmann-Hollweg. The result has been most disastrous. It has utterly
destroyed my capacity for judicial consideration. I can only say that if
what I find in those sources is a capacity to think Germanically, I
would rather cease thinking at all. It is the absolute negation of
everything which in the past tended to the elevation of mankind, and the
installation in place thereof of a system of thorough dishonesty,
emphasized by brutal stupidity. There is a low cunning about it, too,
which is to me in the last degree repulsive.
Germanism was born ages ago, its growth has been proceeding for
centuries, and it has now reached an advanced stage of flowering. Hitler
is but a bud indicative of what kind of "flower" when it comes to full
bloom, the world may expect to see!
Because she made no effort thousands of years ago, to become
civilized as did her neighbors, Germany today is an outsider among all
civilized nations. The processes which it has taken other nations
thousands of years to absorb, cannot be suddenly absorbed by Germany
overnight. Consequently, the continued existence of Germany among them
becomes increasingly inimical to the best interests of civilized
The deliberate and perverse distortions of what should have been a
sane and normal course of development -- as in other nations -- now
gives to Germany and her people a capacity unexcelled by any other
peoples on earth, for fostering and propagating every indecent and
inhuman precept of life. And as she seeks to distribute her own
poisonous brew she has herself become so intoxicated by its ingredients
that she can no longer escape the ever- constant desire, the urgent
compulsion and the burning lust which it incites in her to extinguish
any and all signs of good which she sees developed or practiced in other
lands. Thus in self-justification Germany would excuse her own
unnatural and perverse life by polluting others with her malignant
infection. Germany is now well beyond all saving. The world had best
look to its own preservation and welfare, lest some of those German
poisons run through her system also and come to destroy it!
With each succeeding world war which she plans, plots and starts
Germany comes ever closer and closer to her goal of world-dominion. At
the present time Hitler, who has merely striven to remedy mistakes which
previous German leaders made in attempts at world-subjection, may bring
the German people very close to realizing their goal. And Hitler is not
the last of the Führers!
How much misery, suffering, death and destruction are needed before
it becomes apparent to the world that any compromise with Germanism
will, of itself, be a certain guarantee that soon thereafter, Germany
must again embark upon her unholy crusade to dominate it. How many more
chances will be vouchsafed it to beat back Germany? Suppose there comes a
time when Germany can not be halted? Dare we risk waiting? One never
knows the exact hour one is scheduled to die; can we, with any more
certitude and assurance tell which opportunity shall be our last? It may
well be that this is our last chance. Suppose we pass it by; look
ahead. Next time, the so-called elder generation of Germany will be the
Hitler-trained youth of today, and this elder generation, now mothers
and fathers, will already have instilled and encouraged their children
with the idea of world-dominion. Thus the next Fuhrer may come to lead a
nation of born fanatics! As a consequence of this there may come to be
welded a machine so gigantic in proportions, so overwhelming in
destructive power, that it may well overcome every possible obstacle in
its path. For assuredly the German youth of the next generation -- today
schooled in Fuhrer schools -- will find a leader, as past generations
of German youth have always found a leader, to incarnate and personify
the body and soul of that nation and dominate its collective Will.
A leader who will feed that German body and soul the only food upon which it can subsist: War!
6. A Middle Road?
With Germanism shown thus to be the very soul of conquest and
world-dominion, may we not then pose this question: Is it possible for
the world, in any manner, to find some compromise that will allow both
it and Germany to exist side by side in peace and justice? In concrete
terms, were peace declared tomorrow to Germany's apparent satisfaction,
could this nation born and bred on blood, be expected to be appeased for
more than the immediate future?
We should like to hope so; but the history of that nation cuts the hope out of our heart.
The majority of people claim that Hitler alone stands between war and
peace. But is it Hitler alone who smashed Austria, Czecho-Slovakia,
Holland, Poland, Norway, Belgium and France and the Balkan countries? Is
it Hitler alone who tortures and oppresses these people?
But for argument's sake, let us assume that Hitler is no more and the
world is seeking a just basis for peace with Germany. We quickly
discover that the Germany of our dreams is not the Germany of dread
For, in the first place, there is no longer living in Germany that
so-called "older generation" with whom reasonable talk might be made.
This woeful handful is gone and forgotten and in its stead stands that
brown-shirted legion singing that glorious Horst-Wessel paean: Today
Europe, tomorrow all the World! Enlightened reason with perverted
chanters of a world-dirge composed by a drunkard, written in a brothel
and dedicated to a pimp?
What then of a democratic Germany?
Democracy for a nation that has destroyed a mighty people of some
thirty million Poles with the epithet "such a servant race has no
existence"? Democracy for a people who believe only in superiority, not
Well then, break Germany up into small autonomous states?
That Pan-Germanism which has received blind allegiance in Berlin of
every German irrespective of his remoteness or his nationality could not
overnight endure such an arbitrary and weak barrier to its dreams.
Let us carve up the world and give Germany a share which the world and she will agree is her just due?
Germany already has given us her answer:
"Germany does not want a share of anything. She wants, she demands, all or nothing."
Re-educate the younger generation?
Even were such a vast program put into operation it is highly
doubtful whether it would be worth the effort, or achieve its objective.
The soul is a greater and infinitely more powerful force than the
brain. And the martial characteristics of the German are linked
indelibly with his spirit and have become an integral part of his soul.
Some day that war-soul would again come to dominate his brain.
A final solution: Let Germany be policed forever by an international armed force?
Even is such a huge undertaking were feasible life itself would not
have it so. As war begets war, suppression begets rebellion. Undreamed
horrors would unfold.
Thus we find that there is no middle course; no act of mediation, no
compromise to be compounded, no political or economic sharing to be
considered. There is, in fine, no other solution except one: That
Germany must perish forever from this earth!
And, fortunately, as we shall now come to see, that is no longer impossible of accomplishment.
7. Death to Germany
When an Individual commits premeditated murder, he must be prepared
to forfeit his own life in consequence. When a nation commits
premeditated murder upon its fellow nations, it must be prepared to
forfeit its own national life.
On that point the laws of man and God are explicit:
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life."
But what is the law of man or God to Germany? Nothing.
She recognizes only German law; so be it.
It must then be German law, if such a law there be, which decrees her penalty -- the penalty of death.
And there is such a German law which decrees that death to her:
As in all human affairs, there must also be in every system of
punishment a last limit, a ne plus ultra that no punishment can
overstep. Thus even from the point of view of pure theory the necessity
of the depth-penalty is postulated; it is, as the ultimate punishment on
earth, the indispensable keystone of every ordered system of criminal
law. No apparent reasons which are alleged against it can withstand any
serious criticism. The State, which has the right to sacrifice for its
own protection the flower of its youth, is to feel so nice a regard for
the life of a murderer? We much rather allow to the State the right to
make away with men who are undoubtedly injurious to the common weal.
That the powers that be must bear the sword is an expression which runs
deep in the blood of the honest man; if this truth is to be banished out
of the world, great wrong is done to the simple moral feeling of the
people. The ultimate problems of the moral life are to be solved in the
domain of the practical, not of the theoretical, reason. The conscience
of every earnest man demands that blood be atoned by blood, and the
common man must simply grow doubtful of the existence of justice on
earth, of this last and highest punishment is not inflicted. The State
makes itself ridiculous and contemptible if it cannot finally dispose of
a criminal. There must be a limit for mercy and indulgence, as for the
law, a last limit at which the State says: "This is the end, humanity is
not longer possible here." It must be possible to inflict at last a
punishment beyond which there is nothing, and that is the punishment of
death. (Heinrich von Treitschke.)
Let German Will be done!
There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical
and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon
the German nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution
must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a
population of some seventy million, such methods are inconsistent with
the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There
remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Germanism --
and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls,
by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their
kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is
at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a
byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its
misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.
Sterilization is not to be confused with castration. It is a safe and
simple operation, quite harmless and painless, neither mutilating nor
unsexing the patient. Its effects are most often less distressing than
vaccination and not more serious than a tooth extraction. Too, the
operation is extremely rapid requiring no more than ten minutes to
complete. The patient may resume his work immediately afterwards. Even
in the case of the female the operation, though taking longer to
perform, is as safe and simple. Performed thousands of times, no records
indicate cases of complication or death. When one realizes that such
health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as
direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the German
people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by
humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Germanism.
The population of Germany, excluding conquered and annexed
territories, is about 70,000,000, almost equally divided between male
and female. To achieve the purpose of German extinction it would be
necessary to only sterilize some 48,000,000 -- a figure which excludes,
because of their limited power to procreate, males over 60 years of age,
and females over 45.
Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as
organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking
20,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each
will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more
than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization.
Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 20,000 we
mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon,
the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian
population of Germany could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as
sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that
the entire female population of Germany could be sterilized within a
period of three years or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and
not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present
German doctrine that so much as one drop of true German blood
constitutes a German.
Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a
birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum,
German life will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly
in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and
centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and
its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss
of self-perpetuation German Will will have atrophied and German power
reduced to negligible importance.
Reviewing the foregoing case of sterilization we find that several factors resulting from it firmly establish its advocacy.
Firstly, no physical pain will be imposed upon the inhabitants of
Germany through its application, a decidedly more humane treatment than
they will have deserved. As a matter of fact it is not inconceivable
that after Germany's defeat, the long-suffering peoples of Europe may
demand a far less humane revenge than that of mere sterilization.
Secondly, execution of the plan would in no way disorganize the
present population nor would it cause any sudden mass upheavals and
dislocations. The consequent gradual disappearance of the Germans from
Europe will leave no more negative effect upon that continent than did
the gradual disappearance of the Indians upon this.
Here again, a German attests to this point, Spengler's famous: "A nation or an individual may die and leave no gap!"
A detailed program of the manner in which the outraged victims of
Germanic onslaught might make certain that Germany leave no gap might be
put hypothetically:
Germany has lost its war. She sues for peace. The imperative demands
of the victor people that Germany must perish forever makes it
obligatory for the leaders to select mass sterilization of the Germans
as the best means of wiping them out permanently. They proceed to:
- Immediately and completely disarm the German army and have all armaments removed from German territory.
- Place all German utility and heavy industrial plants under heavy guard, and replace German workers by those of Allied nationality.
- Segregate the German army into groups, concentrate them in severely restricted areas, and summarily sterilize them.
- Organize the civilian population, both male and female, within territorial sectors, and effect their sterilization.
- Divide the German army (after its sterilization has been completed) into labor battalions, and allocate their services toward the rebuilding of those cities which they ruined.
- Partition Germany and apportion its lands. The accompanying map gives some idea of possible land adjustments which might be made in connection with Germany's extinction.
- Restrict all German civilian travel beyond established borders until all sterilization has been completed.
- Compel the German population of the apportioned territories to learn the language of its area, and within one year to cease the publication of all books, newspapers and notices in the German language, as well as to restrict German-language broadcasts and discontinue the maintenance of German-language schools.
- Make one exception to an otherwise severely strict enforcement of total sterilization, by exempting from such treatment only those Germans whose relatives, being citizens of various victor nations, assume financial responsibility for their actions.
Thus, into an oblivion which she would have visited upon the world, exists Germany.
8. 'Lest We Forget ...'
Perhaps in the Future ...
United States has entered the war. The struggle is long and bitter
but at last the Allies forge ahead. Their armies surround Germany.
Germany realizes that she has lost again. She dose not want
invasions. She fears the vengeance long overdue her. So she sues for
peace. Comes the Armistice!
And immediately thereafter, as once before, Germany finds that the
words "Humanity" -- which she has debased; "Justice" -- which she has
distorted; and "God" whom she has profaned, have an irresistible sales
appeal to Allied Statesmen.
Germany puts her propaganda machine to work.
Soon men in the victor nations are urging:
"Peace with Honor!" -- "Justice without Rancor!" -- "God and Mercy!",
and all those other weak, sticky phrases which befuddle the weary minds
and exhausted emotions of the long-suffering people of the
war-decimated democracies.
Forgotten in the sudden lush of a peace that is no peace, are all the
brave sons who were sacrificed to the monster Germany: forgotten is the
plight of the countries whose resources were drained, and whose
energies were sapped in stemming the Teutonic onslaught. Forgotten, too,
is the duty owed to generations yet to be born. Forgotten, as in 1918,
is the day of the coming of the next German leader.
Yes: all forgotten because the Allies cannot resist such an appeal.
And so, even though a hundred years and a hundred instances have shown
the hypocrisy of a German promise, the Allies fall once again its
They forget that the struggle they waged was not a sport's contest:
that their adversary was a beast, not a human being! And so, filled to
overflowing with the infectious germ of sentiment, they stretch out
their hand to their fallen opponent and help him arise.
They pat him on the back with a hearty "No hard feelings, old man!"
and, happy that the war is now over and done with, return to their
Believing, sincerely, that German war will not come again.
Believing that somehow, in some inexplicable manner, Germany has accepted Christ.
A decade passes. A decade of hard work and many sacrifices.
A decade of much sweat and little pleasure.
But the democratic peoples do not mind. They are building a better world for their children.
So they think.
Meanwhile Germany grows strong and robust.
Her army is larger and more powerful than ever before; she has
developed new weapons whose frightfulness surpass all imagination. She
had found a new leader. And her war-souled people are bent once again
upon conquering the world.
Once more the earth trembles beneath the march of the German boot.
Like a cobra Germany is poised:
She strikes!
The people of the civilized nations are stunned.
They exclaim, "But it cannot be again!"
But it is.
And this time it is Too Late!
For Germany wins. She is mistress of the world.
...and so a thousand years of peace was sold to the Devil for a
moment's respite! And only because men tried to placate the body,
instead of expunging forever the bestial war-soul, of the German!
The sun now shivers as it rises upon a Dark world.
For slaves to the German are children once free.
Civilization is no more. Perversity is raged rampant.
Even the moon shudders as it wanes in a frightening chill.
This is, finally, "Deutschland Ueber Alles."
Shall it be so?
Our choice lies still before us:
False sentiment or courageous decision --
Which shall it be?
- The Great Enigma: Bourdon.
- Senator Ernest Lundeen: "Six Men and War" -- July 11, 1940.
- Thus Spake Zarathusra: Friedrich Nietzsche.
- Die Politik: Heinrich von Treitschke.
- Geschichte des Untergangs der Antiken Welt: O. Seeck.
- Deutsche Geschichte: Lamprecht.
- Unsere Muttersprache: Prof. D. Weise.
- Alldeutsche Blätter: 1894.
- Same as number 4.
- Pan-German League: Wertheimer.
- Das Deutschtum in Chile, Munish, 1899.
- Zwecke and Ziele des alldeutschen Verbandes: Adolf Lehr.
- Geschichte des alldeutchen Verbandes: Otto Bouhard.
- Grossdeutschland und Mitteleuropa um das Jahr 1950.
- Germania Triumpahns: von einem Grossdeutschen, Berlin, 1895.
- Die Abrechnung mit En gland: Karl Eisenhart.
- Pan-Germanic Doctrine: Austin Harrison.
- Deutschland unter den Weltvölkern: Dr. Paul Rohrbach.
- Alldeutsche Blätter, January 17, 1903.
- Das Deutschtum in den Vereinigten Staaten: Dr. Julius Goebel, 1904.
- Die Nation, March 5, 1898.
- Handels und Machtpolitik.
- Ein kritische Stunde in der Entwicklungsgeschichte unseres Volkes: Henry F.Suksdorf.
- "Das Deutschtum im Auslande": article, Dr. Alfred Funke, April 1903.
- Grenzboten -- July 25, 1901.
- Die alldeutsche Begregung und die Niederland: Fritz Bley, 1897.