Rev. Ted Pike: Biography

Rev. Ted Pike and his wife Alynn.
Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization. He is a 1971 graduate of Portland State University, with emphasis in art and philosophy. He is also an accomplished filmmaker, poet, sculptor, and painter. Some of his paintings are presently featured in the ninth annual edition of New Art International by Bookart Press.
He has appeared on more than 550 radio and TV talk shows since August 2004, educating the public concerning the danger to free speech posed by "anti-hate" laws. Such programs include numerous appearances with Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Joyce Riley -- Dave Von Kleist, Derry Brownfield, Dr. Stanley Monteith, Jack Blood, Rick Adams, Daryl Bradford Smith and John Stadtmiller.
Rev. Ted Pike's outreach is largely responsible for international publicity concerning the arrest and imprisonment of 11 Christians in Philadelphia on October 10, 2004. They were threatened with 47 years in prison for the "hate crime" of publicly witnessing to homosexuals.
Rev. Pike is also the primary national opponent to federal hate crimes legislation, proposed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. He and his National Prayer Network have played a pivotal role in defeating such legislation the last four times it has been introduced in Congress.
In the tradition of Christ and the Hebrew prophets, Rev. Pike is an outspoken critic of ADL's evil Jewish leadership. Yet his Biblical balance, upholding God's long-term destiny for redemption of a Jewish remnant at the Second Coming of Christ, commends Rev. Pike's message to listeners. Although he has spoken to many millions, he continues to receive relatively little criticism from either Christians or Jews. On the contrary, countless listeners are deeply appreciative of his timely warnings against hate laws and his exposure of those who have created them.
Today, ADL/B'nai B'rith hate law bureaucracies are proliferating throughout the world, ending free speech and free talk radio. This has happened in Canada, England, France, Germany, Australia, etc. With establishment of B'nai B'rith's "Department of Global Anti-Semitism" in the U.S. State Department and a 55-nation hate crimes bureaucracy centered in Europe, the "Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe," the threat to free speech posed by hate laws is an increasingly urgent subject for discussion for talk radio, especially for shows with Internet access.
Decades of research and activism have resulted in the production of a book and multiple video documentaries. Rev. Ted Pike, as no other, has the expertise and experience to explain the very complicated subject of hate laws in a manner that is lively, inoffensive, and easy to understand.
Read dozens of Rev. Pike's articles at
Watch his four major video documentaries here: NPN Theater
For interview, Rev. Pike can be reached at 503-631-3808, emailed at, or contacted by mail at National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015.
Ted Pike working on his
monumental sculpture "Family"
to be cast in bronze.
Ted Pike's Studio
Selected Poems by Ted Pike:
I Heard a Thrush Sing
I heard a thrush sing
and I trembled for the world.
I watched the morning break;
I saw a law unfurled.
A stone once cried to me
for all the unborn dead.
I thought I spied a swallow;
it was a muse instead.
Rivulets give wisdom
out of ancient throats.
Butterflies pontificate
more than Moses spoke.
Whose voice is this I hear
too full for verb or noun?
His blood's beneath the
lilies upon Golgotha's crown.
Copyright © 2006
I heard a thrush sing
and I trembled for the world.
I watched the morning break;
I saw a law unfurled.
A stone once cried to me
for all the unborn dead.
I thought I spied a swallow;
it was a muse instead.
Rivulets give wisdom
out of ancient throats.
Butterflies pontificate
more than Moses spoke.
Whose voice is this I hear
too full for verb or noun?
His blood's beneath the
lilies upon Golgotha's crown.
Copyright © 2006
Snow Flowers
Hurricane Ridge is where flowers grow
without a meadow- snow lingers
'till late summer, and if the springing lily
or blue lupine will have their say
in God's praising- snow or not-
they flower through.
I always thought that warmth of flowers was nothing more
than gaiety and color and a smell that will never
tell of anything beyond a woman- but when a lily comes
through snow it warms a crater 'round it
and in that fecund hollow other tendrils grow-
thus making cause against the cold.
Flowers push through concrete also. I have seen
them splitting stones or living off the bare rock.
I have even seen them growing out of things long dead
within a fence of ribs.
I have seen great triumph of the flowers.
Flowers are not unduly grieved with fortune.
Any time or place suffices
because they have a mandate;
snow or rock or asphalt cannot detain their making.
God said Grow-
has any lily ever disobeyed?
So when it's time to bloom
there will be strength; there will be breathing space.
And if not, if destiny is blunted
by avalanche or rock slide
above the power of the plant,
then there are other flowers.
There will be room.
What this means to me I cannot yet apply.
I have all the instincts of a flower;
I have the high purpose, the fire,
the iron will of any flower.
But of late the strength is missing,
or perhaps occasion's yet to bloom.
Whatever is my loss, I have a cause.
I want to make a fecund place.
I want to hollow out the cold.
I want a countenance of praise
like all heroic lilies,
And when the day shall smile at last
on all my dormant expectations,
then tyranny of sky or demon
will never keep me under.
Yet should I find myself to lie
beneath a heavier heaven or weight
of darkness than I had dreamed,
then there are others of my kind.
The principle remains.
Copyright © 2006
Hurricane Ridge is where flowers grow
without a meadow- snow lingers
'till late summer, and if the springing lily
or blue lupine will have their say
in God's praising- snow or not-
they flower through.
I always thought that warmth of flowers was nothing more
than gaiety and color and a smell that will never
tell of anything beyond a woman- but when a lily comes
through snow it warms a crater 'round it
and in that fecund hollow other tendrils grow-
thus making cause against the cold.
Flowers push through concrete also. I have seen
them splitting stones or living off the bare rock.
I have even seen them growing out of things long dead
within a fence of ribs.
I have seen great triumph of the flowers.
Flowers are not unduly grieved with fortune.
Any time or place suffices
because they have a mandate;
snow or rock or asphalt cannot detain their making.
God said Grow-
has any lily ever disobeyed?
So when it's time to bloom
there will be strength; there will be breathing space.
And if not, if destiny is blunted
by avalanche or rock slide
above the power of the plant,
then there are other flowers.
There will be room.
What this means to me I cannot yet apply.
I have all the instincts of a flower;
I have the high purpose, the fire,
the iron will of any flower.
But of late the strength is missing,
or perhaps occasion's yet to bloom.
Whatever is my loss, I have a cause.
I want to make a fecund place.
I want to hollow out the cold.
I want a countenance of praise
like all heroic lilies,
And when the day shall smile at last
on all my dormant expectations,
then tyranny of sky or demon
will never keep me under.
Yet should I find myself to lie
beneath a heavier heaven or weight
of darkness than I had dreamed,
then there are others of my kind.
The principle remains.
Copyright © 2006
Rev. Ted Pike with his wife, Alynn,
popular co-host of his videos.
Alynn Pike and her mother Tertia Dunham.
Read Tertia's Memorial Article:
The Noble, Joyful Mother of Alynn Pike:
In Memoriam of Tertia Dunham, 1916-2010
Pike's "Mother and Child"
bronze, height 37 inches.
Copyright © 2006
Pike's "Mother and Child"
bronze, height 37 inches.
Copyright © 2006
"Bird on Nest"
bronze, height 12 inches.
Copyright © 2006
"Chicano Disco," 49" x 61"
Copyright © 2006
"Black Dancer," 35" x 37"
Copyright © 2006
"The Shooter"
to be cast in bronze.
"Mother and Child: Emergence"
unfinished, height 35 inches
"Paraclete" (Holy Spirit)
bronze, height 71 inches
Reverend Ted and Alynn Pike
N.B. It has to be stressed that "International Terrorism plaguing the whole world" (quoting Alynn Pike) is the handiwork of Jews and the decadent West and not of the Arabs and Muslims.
N.B. It has to be stressed that "International Terrorism plaguing the whole world" (quoting Alynn Pike) is the handiwork of Jews and the decadent West and not of the Arabs and Muslims.
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