Zionist Occupied Governments -- Z.O.G.
USSR, 1917-1990, USSR/CIS 1990-Now, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian Loss of Land Since 1947, United States, Vatican City, W. Germany, Austria, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Australia,
Jewish Supremacist Lists & The Associations They Dominate
Money & Business Associations / Groups, Politics, Immigration Movements, Unions Vocational Academic & Related Organizations, Law & Rights Groups, Hate & Genocide Organizations, Mass Media, Cultural & Ethnic Associations, Religious Organizations, Universities, Foundations & Grant Organizations, Think Tanks Advocacy Groups & Related Orgs, Environmental Movements, Art Organizations, Women Family Sex Gender Issues, Master List
Jewish-Zionist-Soviet Anti-American Spies
FOX Jew Spy Videos, AIPAC/Pentagon Spies, Jonathan Pollard, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Mordechai Venunu, Harry Gold, Morton Sobell, Ehud Yatom, Klaus Fuchs, William Perl, Elizabeth Terrill Bentley, Aleksander Fetlisov, David Greenglass, Ruth Greenglass, Max Elitcher, Theodore Hall, Robert Oppenheimer, Jewish Mafia, The Mossad, Shin Bet, Israel's Terrorist Timeline, 1945-1948, Early Zionist Terrorists, ...
Jewish Communist Rulers & Killers
Jewish Communist Founders, Leaders and Christian Killers of the USSR, HUAC List of America's Jewish Communists, The Jewish Bankers Who Bankrolled the Russian Red Revolution from New York City, Jew Watch - Jews and Communism - Joe McCarthy and the Jews, Russia's Mafia, USA's Jewish Mafia, Rothschild Banks and Communism, Hitler's Jewish Supporters, Deep Inside the House of Rothschild,
Jewish Founded Orgs.
N.O.W., NAACP, Southern Poverty Law Center, JDL, ADL, ACLU, AIPAC-American Israeli Political Action, B'nai B'rith, American Nazi Party, Committee-The Jewish Lobby, World Zionist Organization, Jewish Bund, Simon Wiesenthal Center, SDS, Penetration of White European Movements, Church of the World Creator (COTC),
Jewish Atrocities
Lebanon, Intifada, Hebron Massacre, Qana 1996 & 2006, Gaza Massacre on October 12, 2006, Deir Yassin 1947, Ter Hafra Child Killings, Israeli Torture, Jew Fighting Jew, U.S.S. Liberty, The Lavon Affair, 1967 Egyptian Massacre, Jewish African Slave Trade to the Americas, The Iraqi Genocide, 1990-Now, Massive Christian Genocides in USSR, 1920-1940, Jewish Blackmailing of World Nations, The Jewish Political Correctness Crime, Israel's Sampson Plan, Killing Off of the Surrendered German Army in Spring 1945,
Jewish Mind Control Mechanisms
Judaism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Civil Rights, Genocide Via Immigration, Anarchism, Freudianism, Millennium, Atheism, Feminism, Homosexuality, The New Left (1960-Present), Jewish IQ, Eugenics, Zionism, Judeo-Christianity / Zionist-Christianity, How to Resist Jewish Defamation Techniques,
Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations
Investigate the Present Octopus as Emerged fromj the 300 Year Rothschild Banking Conspiracy | Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, Fiat Money - Paper Money, International Banking, Congressman McFadden's 1933 Speech Against the Jewish Federal Reserve System, Conglomerates, Parasites, Consumer Food Products, Jews Want Arab Companies Kept Off of Dow Jones, 60% of All Donations to Democrats in Presidential Elections Paid by Jews, No Wonder They Own the White House, 150 Years of Zionist Participation in the Mideast Oil Wars,
Jew Watch vs. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Jew Watch Ranks Up to 10 Times Higher Than The U.S. Holocaust Museum.
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Jewish Entertainment
Jews on Stage, Screen, Musicians, Artists, Writers, etc., "Jews Who Control Hollywood", NEWS Monopoly, Jewish Faces, Elvis Presley's Jewish Heritage, The Official Certification by a Rabbi of Marilyn Monroe's Conversion to Judaism, Marc Bell of Penthouse Magazine,
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- Jewish Genocides Today and Yesterday
100 Million Christians, 1920-40, Palestinian Genocidal Killings, Israeli & Jewish Racial Purity Laws, Israel's Palestinian Apartheid Laws, The Iraqi Genocide, 1990-Now, Anti-Christian Movement, 100,000 Ringworm Children Poisoned/Radiated in Israel by Zionists, War Against Middle East, German Blockade 1933-1940, Iraqi Blockade 1990-Now, Jewish Hatred of Gentiles, Jewish Hate Crimes Against Other Jewish Sects, Jewish White American/USA Genocide, 1946 Deportation of Non-Jewish Whites, Jewish Slaughter of Christians for Persians in Jerusalem, 641 AD, American Civil War, The Black Holocaust, Israel's Sampson Plan, Israeli Theft of Palestinian Lands, Map of the Shrinking Palestine,
- Jewish Leaders, Conspirators, Power Lords...
Statement After Statement of Zionism's Genocidal Plans by the Great Leaders of the Zionist Conspiracy, Edward Bernays - Nephew of Sigmund Freud and Founder of Public Relations as the Means to Falsely Manipulate People, Theodore Hertzl, Bela Kun, Karl Liebknecht, Leo Frank, Moshe Dayan, David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin, Yitzak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Meir Kahane, Lazar Kaganovich--Christian Killer, Rosa Luxembourg, Mordechai Vanunu, Kurt Eisner, Genrik Yagoda--Christian Killer, NEW Monsanto Chemical Family, Arial Sharon, Golda Meier, Benjamin Zev Herzl, Dwight David Eisenhower, Samuel Byck Domestic Jewish Terrorist, Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lubbe Burned the Reichstag, The Rothschild Internationalist-Zionist-Banking-One World Order Family, Joseph Stalin, Arnold Rothstein (The Jewish Mafia Owner of Chicago Black Socks Scandal Team), Leon Trotsky -- Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Primakov (Pinchas Finkelstein), Vladimir Lenin, Rockefeller Zionist-Soviet Liberal Conspiracies, Joseph Pulitzer, Sam Newhouse, Larry Silverstein Norman G. Finkelstein, Zionist World War Two Criminal, Solomon Morel, Murdered 1,500 & Israel Still Protects Him | Dr. Phillip Zack of 911 Anthrax Attack Fame, Karl Jacob Weiss, Huey Long's Jewish Assassin, Bertelsmann AG World Publishing Family, Bella Abzug, Walter Duranty (alias Walter Durante), Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Gloria Allred, Sulzberger Family (New York Times Owners), Dr. Henry Kissinger, Albert Einstein, Bernard Baruch, Benjamin Freedman, Jewish Mafia-Jewish Underworld, Attorneys, Executives, Famous Jews List, Sigmund Freud, Pope John-Paul II, Catherine Meyer Graham (Washington Post Owner), Peter R. Kann (CEO Dow Jones & WSJ), Walter Annenberg, Monica Lewinsky, Nancy Pelosi - U.S. House Speaker, Alan Greenspan, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Jack the Ripper, Armand Hammer Sr./Jr, Edgar Bronfman, Rabbi Nachman (Nahman), Art Bell, Rupert Murdoch, Hyam Salomon, Krypto Jews, Solomon Morel,
- Jewish References & Documents - Gentile Publications
Quotes on Jews by Famous People, Fraudulent Jewish 6 Million Dead Holocaust Hoax Published In 1919 or 28 Years Before Nuremberg's Show Trials, Who Rules America, Jew-Communist Conspiracy in Christian Teachings, Tolerance by James Combs, The Benjamin Franklin Prophecy, Julius Streicher's Der Sturm, Henry Ford's "The Dearborn Independent", Jimmy Carter's 'Palestine Peace Not Apartheid', Winston Churchill's "Zionism versus Bolshevism" Article Published on February 5, 1920 in Illustrated Sunday Herald in London, England, The International Jew by Henry Ford, Martin Luther's Jewish Writings, 900 Quotations About and By Jews, Adolph Hitler's Jewish Writings, Defanging the Jews, None Dare Call It Treason: Exposing The Zionist Conspiracy, ...
- Jewish References & Documents
Babylonian Talmud, Torah, Old Testament, Kabala, Das Kapital, Communist Manifesto, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Works of Sigmund Freud, Balfour Declaration, Jewish History a la Jewish Scholars, ...
- Jewish References - Lectures By Gentiles on Jews - Real Audio Archive
Myron Fagan,
- Jewish World Conspiracies
Zionism, U.S.S.R., Poland, Germany, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Jewish Mafia, Illuminati, Mossad Provocations Archive, Restitution Issues, 'The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy' Report,
- Restitution Issues
The $3 Billion Swiss Bank Robbery, Volkswagen Defamation Heist, World War Two Slave Labor Issues and Greedy Jewish Lawyers, Madeleine Albright's Father Allegedly Stole WWII Paintings in 1947, How $50+ Billions Have Been Paid to so-called Jewish "Victims", CS Monitor -- Swelling Cost of Israel, Israel's West Bank Land Heist, Democratic & Communist Parties, The New Left, Jew Watch,
- Jewish Hate Groups
Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith, Simon Wiesenthal Center, ACLU, Jewish Defense League/JDL, The Dr. Bernard Goldstein Racist Memorial, Jewish World Congress,ol
Jewish Historians
Frank Weltner, David Duke, Bradly R. Smith, Mark Weber, Ernst Zundel, Martin Luther, Holy Bible, Adams Bible, Flavius Josephus, Willie Martin, Julius Streicher, Benjamin Freedman,
Jewish Holocaust
Revisionism, Genocidism, 6,000,000 Number Frauds, Jewish Lies & Frauds, Legend of Dr. Josef Mengele, Auschwitz Gas Chamber Video Study (Download 20 Meg), Belzec Concentration Camp - Reports of Deceptions, Iran's Holocaust Conference 2006, Treblinka Death Camp Hoax, The Multi-Part 4.5 Hour Holocaust Denial Movie,
Jewish Controlled Press
| The 6 Jewish Companies That Own 96% of the World's Media | TV Networks, Film Studios, National Public Radio, TV Studios, Newspapers, Magazines, Publishing Houses, Who Rules America, Reports & Historical Sources, Arab View of Jewish Media, NEWS Monopoly..., Jewish Controlled Press Lies About Current Events, Viacom, Jews of Hollywood,
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