by Henry Makow Ph.D. On Turning 60
November 17, 2009
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
The girl at the McDonald's drive thru took one look at me and asked if I wanted a half-price "Senior's Coffee."
"Sure," I said. "I turned 60 last week."
If life's purpose is to leap nimbly from the Student Discount to the Senior Discount, I have succeeded.
I turned 60 on November 12. Getting old is baffling for a boomer like me, who was immature until age 50. I suffered from the arrested development social engineered in our "culture," i.e. feminism, multiple marriages and divorces. Now, I have cast myself as the voice of experience, a role I am unprepared for, unless we mean "bad experience."
My biggest mistake was trusting my elders --media , professors --"looking up" to them or anyone. Our society is as bankrupt culturally as it is fiscally. My writing is a memo to my 20-year-old self, containing the information I wish I had then.
When I was young, I pitied "seniors" because they didn't have sex and romance which was the Holy Grail. Now I pity my younger self because I was deceived, deluded and ruled by these chimeras.
In the past few months, I've noticed sexual desire fall away like chains turning to dust. Oh, the years I wasted in slavish adoration of the female and hankering for her love.
I am still a practising heterosexual but the female body has lost its appeal. It's not only my age. I'm disgusted with women for abandoning their femininity. Women used to be able to love men. Now they want to be men.
Changing the subject. Jerry Seinfeld and I have something in common. We belong to an exclusive club. You'll never guess the membership requirement.
We both learned about masturbation after we lost our virginity.
We were both cerebral Jewish teenagers who sublimated our sex drive. Jerry was obsessed with the art of comedy. I was obsessed with the Vietnam War and saving the world, not quite as lucrative.
But, at least I got laid thanks to the Vietnam war. I lost my virginity in 1968 after spending three hours explaining the New Left Version of that conflict to a young woman. Afterward, I asked her why she responded to my long, intricate recital.
"I needed to make sure you were serious," she said.
Yes, I have always been serious.
Technically I didn't lose my virginity that night. Because of the Jerry Seinfeld Syndrome, I didn't know what to do.
"Most men move back and forth," my girlfriend hinted.
"Well, that's other men," I said.
She didn't want to burst my balloon. She quietly endured three months of frustration until the genius figured it out by himself.
Oscar Wilde said that, "nothing worth learning can be taught."
And most of what I was taught wasn't worth learning. I tried to drop out of school many times but was dissuaded by my father each time.
Finally, school became a place to hide from society while I tried to figure out the world.
My ambition was to write the Truth but I didn't know what it was. So I studied other writers. At university, they worship Great Men as if they were Gods.
Finally, in 1999-2000, teaching part-time, I discovered that The State was encouraging lesbianism in the guise of "feminism."
"Why?" I asked myself.
That's how I discovered the Illuminati Conspiracy and haven't looked back. I took my course to the Internet and reached tens of thousands.
For my birthday Thursday, a dear friend invited me out. "So how're you doing?" he asked.
"I'm in the wrong business" I replied. "It's depressing to record the demise of civilization. I'd rather have fun like everyone else, fiddle while Rome burns."
There's not much glory or reward in sounding an alarm. But the die was cast when I read "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" at age 10 and asked,"How could adults, who demanded children's respect, could be so stupid?"
I'm still the arrogant youth who thought the other men were doing it wrong. I was mistaken then, but not now.
I am grateful that finally I can see the truth, horrible though it is, and do what I always wanted.
Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.
Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity, making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are being conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Thus courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to weaken the family and poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.
"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.
"The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman illustrates how men and women relate. We all know that a woman can open a door herself. But when a man does it, he is affirming her femininity, beauty and charm. When she graciously accepts, she is validating his masculine power. This trade, a woman surrendering physical power in exchange for a man's protection (i.e. love) is the essence of heterosexuality. In order to develop emotionally, men and women need this mutual validation as much as sex itself. Sex is an expression of this exclusive contract.
Under the toxic influence of feminism, women open their own doors. Neither sexual identity is validated; neither sex matures emotionally. Men feel redundant and impotent; women feel rejected and unloved."
Makow convincingly lays out this argument in over 55 articles. Once you understand what is happening, the world will never be the same. TO BE PUBLISHED IN JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA.
"Makow blew the whistle on feminism...The cumulative impact of these essays is enormous." Jeff Rense
"Your 'Cruel Hoax' book is great. I will leave it to my infant daughter as a 'must read' in my will along with the Bible of course, and 'Satan's Government'. Books like these will soon be Fahrenheit 451 fodder." - Alan in the UK
"I am almost finished with your awesome book. Problem is some chapters are so good, I have to keep rereading them. Cruel Hoax is undoubtedly one of the best books ever written." Jim in Minneapolis
"Spellbinding... I cant stop being affected by this book." John in Woodbridge, Ont.
Canada & US $14.95 plus $5.00 P&H TOTAL $19.95
World-- $14.95 plus $15.00 P&H TOTAL $26.95
Mail orders to Henry Makow PO Box 26041 676 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB Canada R3G0M0 (US Postal Orders must be "International") Mailed next day.
Inquire about volume and "activist" rates for Illuminati (can include "Cruel Hoax"). hmakow@gmail.com
Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing.
Naturally they want to protect this prize by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their defiance of God.
Thus, the people who hold our purse strings are conspiring against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organizations, especially government, intelligence agencies, education and the mass media.
We are being re-engineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division. They have orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third.
Henry Makow describes this conspiracy and shows how human history is unfolding according to Illuminati plan.
"World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse string." (Denis Healey, former British Secretary of Defence.)
"Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business. It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers in this country and Great Britain, to make Jews believe that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King David who will ultimately rule the world. What delusion! It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually to war between Muslims and non-Muslims. That will be the turning point of history." (Henry H. Klein, "A Jew Warns Jews," 1947)
"There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshiped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him..." --Mme Z.A. Rogozin ("Russian Jews and Gentiles," 1881)
"Henry Makow is extremely dangerous. Because he is so bold and original, his ideas provoke---dare I say it---thought. Dr. Makow thoroughly explains the conspiracy for world government. That is why it is trying to shut him down. Read this book!" --Alan Stang
"This is the most important book of the year, if not the decade." --Texe Marrs
Over 60 Key Articles, Forward & Introduction "The Cult that Hijacked the World," Makow's most outspoken statement regarding the Jewish role. 240 pp.
"Everyone I have given your book to has been very delighted with it. They were so happy to read something that makes sense of a senseless world, so I am going to give more of your books away as gifts." -- Gail
"Bought your book a few weeks ago...Thanks for your work. It is a masterpiece! God Bless," -- Pastor Bob
"I recently purchased and read "Cruel Hoax", and "Illuminati, The Cult That Hijacked the World." Both brilliant in their own unique way. Although I'm not a stranger to the subject, they offered insights that I find valuable. Of all the books that I have, your books are the ones that I will encourage my children to read and actually study." Michael
The Canadian Jewish Congress has asked the Canadian 'Human Rights' Commission to suppress many of these articles.
Published in Japan! Korean & Polish Translations Confirmed.
New Press Run (no longer print-on-demand. Therefore, lower price.)
Canada & US $14.95 plus $5.00 P&H TOTAL $19.95
Mailed next day. Four business day delivery,
World-- $14.95 plus $15.00 P&H TOTAL $26.95
Mail orders to Henry Makow PO Box 26041 676 Portage Ave. Winnipeg MB Canada R3G0M0 (US Postal Orders must be "International")
Help distribute Ma-ow's "Little Red Book." Inquire about volume and "activist" rates for Illuminati (and/or "Cruel Hoax") hmakow@gmail.com
DAVID ICKE UPDATE - 2 March 2012
Thursday, 01 March 2012 10:33
... 'People have a right to know who David Icke is.'
Given his beyond-disgraceful
behaviour with regard to Jeff Rense, a man who has already done more to
expose the conspiracy over decades than Makow will do if he lives to be
a thousand, it is perhaps more to the point that people have a right
to know who Henry Makow is and why he is targeting high-profile
researchers at such a crucial time when the public urgently need to
know what is going on in the world.
He is miffed because I won't post
his little articles anymore after seeing his vindictive and spiteful
attempts to destroy Jeff Rense and all that he has done over decades.
That makes a statement to me about his true motivations and priorities.
I want that energy on this website? No thank you. Blatant inaccuracies
in his attacks on Rense also put into question, for me, the quality of
the 'research' in whatever else he writes.
But, as Rense found out, you are
not allowed the right to decide what is posted on your own website if
'freedom-loving' Makow is involved or you get an attack of his terrible
'I'll getcha for this ...'
Smoking Out The Monster
By Jay Weidner
‘There is something in the air. Those of
us who have been around for a while can almost smell it. It is the
smell of the Monster. It is putrid and greasy. The Monster hides its
ugly face from all of us. It fears to show itself ... The agents of the
Monster are used to hiding and doing its will in solitude and
anonymity. That day is ending. The agents of the Monster are being
forced out into the open. Because a few brave humans have stood up to
the Monster the beast is being forced to come out in the open, if for
nothing else than to attempt to devour its enemies.'
By their actions shall ye know
them and they are now revealing themselves by their actions. They can't
help it, because it is time. Those who seek to destroy others are
themselves already destroyed.
Come on, let's have you, those with that sick intent. Let the world see who you are.
'You are going to face ... an
attempt to bring you down by someone who has the ability to make
people feel pity for them, aided and abetted by others, but this
attempt to discredit you will not succeed' - Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa to David Icke, August, 2010.
A self-styled 'astrologer' or modern-day 'Nostradamus' (if he says so) in Arizona called Louis Turi is circulating the story below under the heading -FACT! DAVID ICKE IS AN EVIL PROMOTER
Such lovely eyes. Such warmth.
His justification for this
attempted smear (the latest of many from this strange character and his
friend in Sedona) is that a youngster who went on a shooting spree this
week apparently said that his favourite book was The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy - you know the one that talks about the need for non-violence and to love each other.
To seek to exploit the tragic
death of three students, the wounding of others and a young man with
what appear to be serious mental problems - from whatever source - to
attack someone that you and your friend are so desperate to discredit at
any price is beyond my comprehension. Beyond disgusting.
Do people really want 'astrological readings' from someone who would do that?
P.S. Turi has apparently been on
the warpath with me since I said that the Moon is not natural because it
would appear that much of his astrology is based on the fact that it
is. No, don't laugh. Oh, go on then.
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Jeff Rense's Ninth Ex-Wife Speaks Out (Part 1)February 23, 2012(left, Jeff Rense and "Megan" got married at a Santa Booth in Dec. 2010. This is a wedding picture.) "Jeff Rense on air is the sweetest, smartest, gentlest man around. But the real Jeff Rense is a monster... Rense.com is a business, pure and simple." A psychopath will ALWAYS let you down - what you see is an illusion!!!! (reader response below) (Editor's Note: Readers need not fret that I am turning the site over to exposing the fraud, JR. This is merely a break after which I will return to my mission, "exposing feminism and the NWO.") by Megan (henrymakow.com)
Things are so bad for me now. All I want is for a few people out there know the truth.
I fell in love with, and married Jeff Rense a little over a year ago. I had been listening to him on the internet for a few years, and thought him to be intelligent, kind and sweet. He was a vegan, and was anti-pornography - I thought "what a great guy - I wish I could date him!" He had divulged his email address on air, and when I discovered he was single and looking for a mate - I emailed him, telling him about myself and expressing my romantic interest. We hit it off immediately. We seemed to be so much alike - the things we wanted for our futures meshed perfectly. We would talk on the phone for hours almost every day. We exchanged almost a ream (when printed out) of emails in which he was extremely romantic, and very happy about the type of woman I was. We quickly discussed marriage and living together and practical details down to the setting of the thermostat! It was the romance of my life! We were definitely soul mates. We lived on different sides of the country, but were very eager to meet in person. DEAL BREAKERS We began emailing on Oct. 25, 2010 and started talking on the phone the following Saturday. I warned him immediately that I do not believe in UFOs of extraterrestrial origin (I believed some are of military origin) and that I had three cats: I told him about these potential deal-breakers right off. He said he did not mind either. We met in person only six weeks after my initial email. I felt I had known him longer, as I had been listening to him for years. I now realize, looking back, that his love for me developing so quickly was a huge "red flag". But I have always been very "different" from most people, and Jeff seemed to be "different" as well. Jeff and I agreed I would not work outside of the house. I would be his mate, confidante, helper and friend. I wanted to do the traditional domestic work: housework and preparing super healthy food, We were both health nuts. I had computer skills. As well, I am a highly trained scientist. I agreed to mow the (rather large) lawn. After meeting, we decided to get married as soon as possible, and did on Dec. 14, 2010. This was the romance of the century! We got married in a Santa Booth - and the workers were beaming over our obvious grand love! I completely believed this love to be true. I was 47 years old at the time, and was finally meeting "the one." I was extremely happy. I then returned to my home state and resigned my job as an Assistant Professor of Physics, just six months away from tenure. I sold my house, my car and moved myself and my 3 cats back to Ashland to be with my husband. I did all of this in ten days, and we were re-united. He flew me and my cats out to Ashland, and paid for my furniture and belongings to be moved out later. When I arrived in Ashland the second time, now officially Jeff's wife, the Jeff I was meeting was completely different. It was literally a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde scenario. MY NIGHTMARE BEGINS In all our communications, he was so loving and concerned about my welfare and comfort. We had discussed specific issues in detail. I was met by a very cold, unaffectionate man, who literally did not even acknowledge that I was there. He had already removed his wedding band (claiming it made it harder to type on his keyboard.) He had not cleared out closet space for me. He had promised that my favorite cat could sleep with us on the bed, but this new Jeff, would not allow the cats on the bed, and in fact had them confined to a single small bedroom, and then complained that they were stinking up the whole house. The door to the bedroom was closed, and there was a $600 air filtration unit in the room. His own dog, was smelly, and free to roam the house - but Jeff seemed to only smell my cats. He was completely unconcerned about any aspect of my transition into his home, and in fact completely ignored me as he worked at his desk for up to 14 hours a day. I asked him how is it he had time to talk to me on the phone for three hours every night, and now he suddenly has no time for me? There was of course, no good answer. He does indeed work 7 days a week, so I was largely ignored. When I tried to interact with him, I was met with a cruel man, completely different from the one I thought I had married. In our emails, he said our future decisions would be 50:50, for instance, he wanted to have an underground shelter put on his property, but I said, I didn't want to live that way - in fear. He agreed (in our emails and phone conversations) not to install the shelter. One night, as he was working late at his desk, me waiting patiently on the nearby bed for him to finally come to bed and be with me (that is the only time he would pay attention to me, was in bed...). I got up to look and see what exactly he was working so hard on. I found him in an intense back-and-forth email conversation with David Chu. Jeff was discussing with David that Jeff would grow crops on his property and convert it to fuel and do a DVD with David. I was upset, because I thought decisions about our future were between Jeff and I. Jeff angrily told me, "it's MY house, MY land, MY car, I do with it what I want!" I said, what about us agreeing not to build the underground shelter. He told me he had every intention of building the shelter, that he had lied to me when he agreed not to. He would be making ALL of the decisions. -- Part Two: The "Spy" Who Loved Jeff Rense First Comment: Michele said (February 23, 2012): Megan has described perfectly what a psychopath is. Psychopaths move in very quickly once they suss that you're potential "meat". The intense relationship, the mirroring of interests are RED FLAGS and are intended to quickly reel in the victim. Jeff Rense, so many people have said, has woken people up etc but this is the game play of psychopaths - they know what their victims want and they give it to them, in spades, until they (the psychopaths) get tired and want to find new victims. The attention span of a psychopath is very short, they get bored easily, and while they play one or more victims they are always on the lookout for more. A psychopath will ALWAYS let you down - what you see is an illusion!!!! Comments for "Jeff Rense's Ninth Ex-Wife Speaks Out (Part 1)"
Mike said (February 24, 2012):
"In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as it's own and will show us their cards." Protocol 12 The big problem with the Protocols is that most people who find their way to them get caught up in the nonsense about Tsarist forgeries and do not study them for what they say. This is the blueprint of the people who actually run this world. It is worth very close attention. Jeff Rense is controlled opposition. Sure he presents anti-Zionist articles, but they are always rather tame and contain information that is already out there anyway. His site is carefully designed to appeal only to those who already understand these issues, while at the same time driving off anyone with an open mind who might stumble by. That is the reason for the numerous articles about flying saucers. It doesn't stop there, either. Many of his commentators also have "whacko" elements to them for the same purpose. Thus you have the likes of Paul Drockton with his Mormon rants, David Icke with his "reptiles" and Brother Nathaniel, who when he isn't providing eye popping information like "Ben Bernake is a Jew," likes to dress up in a funny costume and stand in the middle of the road waving a giant crucifix. All this is to make what truth they do tell look stupid to one not already versed in the subject. Perhaps he made the same mistake about you, thinking your many articles about feminism detracted from the other messages on your site. However, it appears you might have stumbled upon something real Zionists can't allow to be exposed - that Israel may have deliberately caused Fukushima. It appears that in addition to his other duties, Rense has been running interference on this subject for almost a year now. Daily the first dozen articles on his site have been on this subject. Strange that for a supposed "anti-Zionist," he is completely unwilling to even consider the possibility of Israeli involvement. Here is another relevant portion of Protocol 12: "Not one journalist will venture to betray this secret, for not one of them is ever admitted to practice literature unless his whole past has some disgraceful sore or other." Protocol 12 It is not surprising that Jeff Rense has character issues. If you're going to be controlled opposition it's one of the job requirements. That being said, I am sorry that the dispute between you and Rense got so personal, if only because it detracts from the real issue here. Red flags are flapping like mad. Reactor Four at Fukushima was defueled and under maintenance - yet it exploded. How? Israelis under a "security contract" came and installed equipment just prior to the disaster - shades of 9-11. I won't regurgitate all Jim Stone's arguments, but there is plenty here that needs to be examined. If Israel "did" Fukushima, this is big - much bigger than Jeff Rense's wives. I hope this subject doesn't get lost before there is enough information to come to a more definitive conclusion. --- Thanks Mike I attribute all of Jeff's behavior to his NPD, but you certainly make a persuasive case for controlled opposition. After all, what kind of dissident thinks of calling Homeland Security or the Secret Service for help? I'm afraid this has to be personal. Since when are personality disorders off limit? Jeff's character is as important as whether he is controlled opposition, because frankly I don't think he is. He is just a lone nutter with too much influence. H all the best
B said (February 24, 2012):
O.M.G. Megan- THANK YOU for the courage to speak out & be a warning for other potential victims. Even if only one other woman benefits from your revelations, it matters so much! Remain strong in yourself. Am still reeling from these disclosures re: Jeff. These past several days have had me in jitters, to say the least. Because JR's true nature which he's shrewdly kept hidden from public all these years is mind blowing! What a tonnage of betrayal & deceit. This has reminded me how we never really know people, especially the vampires cruising for their 'next' fix via the net. What a total Con this man (?) is! Grrrrr! I'm angry!!! What Rense did to Megan is extremely disturbing. This had to be traumatic & heartbreaking for her. She, and obviously all his other 8 ex's, were taken advantage of in the most banal, worst way. These predatory sharks can reflect bad image in younger, less educated women (who militant feminists salivate over) for purpose of indoctrinating them into to their deprived mindsets. IMO, Megan's professional background shows her to be an intelligent & responsible person. Her only mis-turn at that juncture is that she was sure she knew him.... which he certainly helped promote; ie: all his attentive emails, classical music (am sure he'd play in background during phone convo's), & fancy background "props". He's all PROP and no substance. This is chilling to the bone. I hope she was able to leave this monster with all her belongings intact. These exposures last few days is quite shocking -- but what exposes him most to me is his OWN words in writing! OMG.. Over last few years I quit visiting his site, by this time it was evident to me he neither liked nor respected other people. Sent his site emails w/links to articles detailing opposing evidence to what he'd posted. It's true this man (?) is completely walled off from public (everyone). I wondered "why"? . His audio interviews actually gave him away for me. His pompous, over-self-importance comes thru quite clearly on them.. He IS a vampire. Not blood he's after, it's much more than that he's stealing from his victims. Thank you again Megan. Hang in there... chin up, head high!
Kevin said (February 23, 2012):
Despite the hat in hand routine, J Rense appears to be doing quite well for himself. A stable of autos, a very nice home on acreage in an expensive area of Southern Oregon, etc. Frankly, I can't believe I'd have a hat to hold, not to mention the home and fleet, after 9 MARRIAGES/DIVORCES!!! I went through 1 divorce and that left me financially crippled (and a few lawyers even more wealthy). I seriously wonder about individuals who, in life, go thru what should be traumatic and draining experiences and yet seem to come out healthier and wealthier on the other side. Only a true psychopath could pull off such a feat 9 times in a row!
Peter said (February 23, 2012):
This behaviour of "musical wives" speaks of the condition of his heart. Jeff Rense is immoral. How can a man such as this be trusted?
Liz said (February 23, 2012):
Oh. My. Goodness! This is the funniest thing I think I've ever read on your site. I just giggled like a schoolgirl the entire time while reading this. The article is actually very interesting, but the pictures of Rense are just hilarious! I can't believe he walks around with that nest on top of his head like that (I mean, REAL fros are cool, but he needs to shape it up or trim it or something). And I won't apologize for saying that a woman would have to be pretty desperate to marry that man. Jeff Rense is Disinfo Agent Extraordinaire. The fact that he peddles that alien ufo bull as fact should be enough for anyone with common sense to know to stay away from him, because if he can't be trusted to tell the truth about THAT, he can't be trusted to tell the truth about much else. And I don't know how much to believe about what this woman is writing, either. I mean come on: If the woman who's writing this is as intelligent as she claims (Assistant Professor of PHYSICS???), what in the hell happened between the distance of her IQ and Jeff Rense's hair and lies--which should be quite a distance even if you're only calculating the distance from the top of his muff! Just the fact that he peddles disinfo about aliens and flying saucers would be enough to scare me the heck away; I would NOT need to meet him or his nest in person to know that he wouldn't even be the last person on my list of potential husbands. Just smh because I really don't know what to think about this one at all, but I sure am itching to read part 2. -- Liz I think you are being a little harsh on Megan. She was, after all, a fan of velvet voice, and he is a master con man. He duped me for 12 years and he is still duping hundreds of thousands. henry
LY said (February 23, 2012):
Thanks for the tip about Jeff Rense. For me it was confirmation of what I already knew. His photo, bizarre stories about UFO's told me everything I needed to know about him. I do not go onto his site, but I am passing around the article for those Catholics who do. His response to you are most definitely a product of talmudic thinking. They were quite disgusting. Incidentally, have you read Robert Maryks book on the Jesuits? He confirms what you say about them.
Adam said (February 23, 2012):
I thank you for being brave and moving forward in this expose as some of Rense' contributing writers (i.e. that Mormon-Mafia expert) are turning all their 'guns' on you. Amazing! By pointing out that the "Emperor Has NPD" -- which makes him a liability to the entire truth movement, you suddenly, after more than a decade of exposing the workings of Zionism and the Illuminati, are now accused of being an agent of them. Oh, and there's no shortage of theories as to why -- we can all play a game of "Pin the Tail on the Zionist Stooge" while we are at it. Henry, I have followed your works for many years and found you to be a man of sound intellect; and, the only contributing writer who was not and is not always asking for 'donations.' Really, go check out Paul Drockton and see how many hand-out solicitations you find (for him and Rense). At first, I questioned whether it was wise to pursue this issue regarding Rense; but now, I see the wisdom of making us aware of whom we are following.
James said (February 23, 2012):
did you hear the part where he suggested that you broke into Rense' house and stole the photos? Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at henry@savethemales.ca |
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