The following links are highly (very highly) recommended by Jordan Maxwell.
The links below are "the best of the best" of many subjects that Jordan Maxwell
speaks on. Please make a book-mark or note these links, for they are filled with
very important research you need to know !! Jordan Maxwell
1- Santos Bonacci:
YouTube Videos:
2- Lloyd Pye:
YouTube Videos:
3- Maurice Cotterell:
YouTube Videos:
4- Jan Lamprecht:
YouTube Videos:
5- JayWeidner:
YouTube Videos:
6- Dr. Stephen Hoeller:
YouTube Videos:
Free Audios & to order:
7- Bill Jenkins radio show on ABC Radio - Los Angeles.
( And very important free shows you must hear!! )
Free audio shows (listen to them all....GREAT STUFF !!)
8- Stephen Mehler:
On the Web:
YouTube Videos:
( And last, but very important !! )
9- Manly P. Hall:
Free Videos:
Free Audios: see image below also....
"The End Does NOT Justify The Means."
BLOGTALK RADIO HOME: Click "ON THE AIR". ~*~ The running costs of are provided by donations from visitors. Please use the PayPal button to contribute. CONTACT EMAIL FOR EMILY CRAGG =
"Why We Fight" VIDEO LINK :
We the English-speaking peoples are watching helplessly while our supposedly representative governments embrace corporate Fascism and control by Secret elements of Industry that also refuse to speak what is true. Their ads lie, their publicity statements lie, their policies lies, they refuse to answer to our objections, and they dominate over "governance by the consent of the governed." This site is now a catalog of issues, expressed in videos, over which we the people no longer have any control or say. Why? Because some people don't know yet.Fiat money enslaves us all; wars and oil and drugs for profit ruin our planet and our health; and what once was a culture spread across the world -- the English culture -- valueing decency, honesty, truth and care, is now a financial monopoly awaiting disaster and punishing dissent. Science and Education are driven to idiocy by politics, and we all know that false-flag terror lurks in secret compartments of governments, who have spent billions creating ways to drive our people crazy. It's horribly true.
I tutor a child from China; and today she brought me her second grade reader from her local California school. I grimaced in horror at the Glossary: not one single word of "value" in that textbook: NO honesty, no truth, no decency, no cooperation, no dominion, no sovereignty, no chastity, no thrift, and on and on. The Glossary--an Open Court Text--was BEREFT of value WORDS. And schools feed kids this empty crap and call it education?
Who Dreamed Up the 911 Attack? .7 MB html file, ~42pp.
Fascism in Britain: It WASN'T Edward, Duke of Windsor. That's a lie.
1967 Space Treaty :: "Ambassador Stevenson stated that the United States had no intention of orbiting weapons of mass destruction." That was a lie.
ON-LINE BOOK "PERFIDY: ILLUSIONS OF POWER, 1000-2004 A.D.: Political Trail of Hate, Envy, Lies and Deceit" Couple hundred pages of cited and confirmed media lies.
This New Fascist World Order is about nullifying "consent of the governed" in all forms
Dulce New Mexico, What's going on there? One account, by Anonymous
William Cooper, partial Behold ...text.
Illuminati Design And Symbolism In The Israeli Supreme Court Building showing the establishment of the Illuminati and establish proof that there has been a diabolical plan by those we refer to as the New World Order. The architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paid for by the Rothchilds reflects the presence of Free Masonry and Illuminati GENOCIDE plans.
THE MIND HAS NO FIREWALL, by Mr. Timothy L. Thomas, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS., 1998, .03 MB htm file
Stock Market & Birth Certificates. How much are YOU worth? Jordan Maxwell explains that people are owned by banks. YOUR birth certificate and mine are on the stock exchange. This puts a new spin on "human resource". Banking with Hitler BBC-UKTV HISTORY ON SWISS/US/UK bankers did business with Not-Sees during WWII, 46 minutes, 2006. Behold a Pale Horse VIDEO by William Cooper, ~1995 4:39:36. Takes a long time to buffer this video. 1.24 GIG FILE, 4 hrs 39 minutes on Google, 1991. Wm Cooper Legacy documentary TO DOWNLOAD. 264 MB. William Cooper & Jordan Maxwell radio show AUDIO, 48 mins, 1991. Behold a Pale Horse an audio tape by William Cooper, 1995, 2:54:28. MY COPY to download. 251.6 mega-bytes. "Analysis of Christianity" by David Icke at Mt. Shasta, CA, 2006. 45:59. Brotherhood of Darkness by Dr. Stan Monteith tracks Machiavellian strategies of Leo Straus, Carol Quigley and the Illuminati, 1995, 1:43:11. It is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events without the information contained in this video. What was the origin of the Council on Foreign Relations, and what is its relationship to Freemasonry, Theosophy, Socialism and Communism? Sorry about the poor sound quality. LINK David Icke -- Was he right? Channel 5 documentary from 12/26/06 which chronicles David Icke's career to present day, and asks the big question - Was he right? Anyone who is paying attention knows the answer to that. 48 mins. ESOTERIC AGENDA AGENDA 1/6 ... AGENDA 2/6 ... AGENDA 3/6 ... AGENDA 4/6 ... AGENDA 5/6 ... AGENDA 6/6 ESOTERIC AGENDA VERSUS DECENCY & CIVILITY by IAN CRANE LINK FIAT EMPIRE Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution inspired by the book, "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, , 59 minutes in length. JFK's speech RE Secrecy : "The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight."--- November 12, 1963. ... President Kennedy warned us about the existence of the "new world order" crowd on November 12th, 1963. Ten days later he was gunned down. | LINK Jordan Maxwell Exposes The Illuminati 3hr, 2006. LINK Jordan Maxwell's Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) Jordan exposes so much information hidden in plain site, in churchs, corporate logos, information on occult aspects of fremasonary. 1:57:32, 1993. LINK Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve with the late Murry N. Rothbard of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 42 mins. LINK "Outside the Box," Alex Ansary talks with David Icke about the illuminati and how the average human being is locked in a 5 sense reality. We disuss the use of covert control of the population. RING OF POWER : Tale of 3 Cities AmenStop Productions, Germany, 2 hr 23 minutes, 2007. PART ONE: City of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth. LINK PART TWO: 2hr 40min, 2007. LINK Secrets of the Illuminati RevealedBY Stanley Monteith, MD - Elite conspiracy new world order 2:33:21 LINK SONS OF GODby Jordan Maxwell. 2006 Bay area UFO EXPO, after a short introduction, talking about the use of ANNUNAKI traditions to control humanity. Bible exegesis in light of history; 1 hr 26 min. LINK The Book The Church Doesn'T Want You To Readby Jordan Maxwell, 2006. This is a round table discussion 58:00. "UFOs & the Bible in history & prophecy" ~*~ Alien abductions explained: FEATURING: Dr. Chuck Misler, Dr. Barry Downing, Dr. David Jacobs, Sigung John Peel. -- This groundbreaking documentary brings together UFO research and biblical scholarship. These two fields of knowledge placed together bring new insight into the UFO phenomenon and alien abductions and demythologizes ancient accounts of angels and gods. What does Biblical prophecy say about the role of UFOs in the future? 1:22:06. BOOKS SUSTAINING THE REALITY OF ELITE CONSPIRACIES DOWNLOAD AT WILL. A Short History of The Round Table Cecil Rhodes, founder of the De Beers diamond mining corporation, had a vision of an Imperial Federation that would re-unify Great Britain and the United States. Print horizontal orientation, 2 pages up. DULCE :: SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE: (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) [7th edition] Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton' Print horizontal orientation, 2 pages up. How the Third Reich's interest in advanced weapons became adopted by the US. None of the illustrations, but all the text. Print horizontal orientation, 2 pages up. 135 pp Nephilim/Annunaki participation in world affairs, 95-page color-printed history. |
SECTION TWO: WARS & RUIN AGAINST HUMANITY FOR PROFITS & PROPHETSLINK"BEYOND TREASON" investigates causes of Gulf War Illness & deaths of veterans. And I believe, Whoever ordered DU into the war zone ought to be impeached, tried, convicted and executed for treason, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. We need a "war crimes trial". ALSO HERE CIA Drugs CoverUp by LA detective Michael C. Ruppert; 2hr 20 min, 2006. This video is a WOWSER, and it's loaded with DATA. LINK "David Icke on 911.David Icke appeared on British TV program Wogan in Jan 06 and he exposed 911 and brought up the project for the new american century. 17:04 | CLICK HERE Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness - US Army Training Video Hazards of Depleted Uranium, never shown to the troops 15 minutes. Training materials intended to instruct servicemen and women about the use and hazards of depleted uranium munitions. 1996. 14:20 Hiroshima & Nagasaki-Original 1945 Documentary NOW VIDEOS Part 1 of 9 ... PART 2 ... PART 3 ... PART 4 ... PART 5 ... PART 6 ... PART 7 ... PART 8 ... PART 9 The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying ChildrenAn award winning documentary film produced for German television by Freider Wagner and Valentin Thurn exposes the use and impact of radioactive weapons during the current war against Iraq. The story is told by citizens of many nations. It opens with comments by two British veterans, Kenny Duncan and Jenny Moore, describing their exposure to radioactive, so-called depleted uranium (DU), weapons and the congenital abnormalities of their children. Dr. Siegwart-Horst Gunther, a former colleague of Albert Schweitzer, and Tedd Weyman of the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) traveled to Iraq, from Germany and Canada respectively, to assess uranium contamination in Iraq. War Crimes Tribunalby Alfred Webre at the 2007 Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference, 2007, 52 minutes. |
SECTION 3 : DYS-HEALTH BY GOVT. ATTACKMEDICAL SCIENCE MOVING IN REVERSEAUDIO TAPEEFFECTS OF Depleted Uranium by an Army Officer, Douglas Rokke, who became the military's persona non grata for whistle-blowing. This is an audio tape everyone needs to hear. The Morgellons Nematode - Steinernematidae The biopesticide technology behind 'beneficial nematodes' is believed to be the cause of Morgellons Disease. This technology allows a powder, crystal or gas to form into a living organism. This chemical appears to have affected other species than was intended, including man. From the urine of a Morgellons sufferer at 300x believed to be Steinernematidae. Is It Manmade? Why so many doctors are refusing to treat it; doctors call it, "Delusionary Parasititis"! Home and Environment Morgellon's Disease Protocols to prevent reinfection. WE ARE NOT SAFE by Janet C. Phelan, Call 4 Investigation of WATER POISONING AT WILL BY THE USCOVERMENT See NEWS ARTICLE HERE GULF OF MEXICO TOXICITY Water Samples Prove Toxic, Sample EXPLODES! Must Watch!! Recently, a News5 investigation collected samples from multiple beaches in and around the Gulf region. Samples were taken in areas where kids were playing and swimming. | Hospitals, Temples of the Occult Eustace Mullins, Global Sciences Congress, August 1993 in Denver. 6:55. Our medical system is just as Annunaki as politics and banking. Occult. Using drugs and surgery, they set healing back. If we want to heal, we cleanse ourselves and our thoughts from all toxins and pollutants. NEWS OF HUMAN TESTING WITHOUT CONSENT Part 1 of Heather Wokusch discussing "Breaking the Nuremberg Code." Covers Edgewood Arsenal, Project 112/SHAD and Stratton VA. Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs, BY Rima Laibow, MD. The Codex Alimentarius, a trade commission is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater. Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose wholesome food and helpful supplements. What does relegating FOOD to the domain of Tribal Corporatism DO for future generations? How we live determines what challenges our people can meet; and obtaining essentials is fundamental to civil society. How can a person relate to spiritual and ethical matters when he cannot stand on his own two feet, for hunger, isolation and want? I have a sense that Justice has LEFT US to processes that do not function to sustain human life. Our Leadership has Left Humanity to the Wolves. |
SECTION 4 : RIGID HIERARCHIESLINKBehind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR Most Americans know the mainstream media manipulates stories, manufactures illusions, and exploits fears. But the reason is more than just liberal bias or sloppy reporting. Behind the Big News exposes a revolutionary agenda originating outside the media that defines today's headlines. CFR LISTING. There is NO US Free Press! LINK ESOTERIC AGENDA : THE USE OF SYMBOLS TO DIVIDE HUMANITY; SAVING HUMANITY BY CULLING; Codex Alimentaris BY www.talismanicidols.orgPowerful meta-physical message. 2:06:24. CIA - Mind Control 1 of 4 ... 2 of 4 ... 3 of 4 ... 4 of 4 CIA Mind Control Experiments: MK-ULTRA 1 of 3 ... 2 of 3 ... 3 of 3 COVERT ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT 1 of 1 LINK AND ~*~ 2ND LINK Iron Mountain : Blueprint for Tyranny, servers in US & Netherlands, 2 hr 21 minutes, 1970s. What US/UN Leadership in 1962-1966 decided to do about establishing "PEACE," which to them meant Annunaki [hierarchical] totalitarianism. Chastity LINK ... Role Models that CHEAPEN :: Marketing to little girls, the Bratz DOLL. What do these dolls do except excite little girls with the goal to mature into prostitutes? You want to pay for this? I thought we want to teach the young that there is a time and a place for everything; I thought we prompt our children to be LIKE their decent friends. When a parent purchases such "models" at BRATS, what is the gain except to challenge their daughter's decency? Growing up is promoting the Truth of a girl's vulnerability-- not prompting her desires for ego-focused pleasures. Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport -- When investigating the 2012 theory, former governor Jesse Ventura stumbles upon clues that point towards a huge bunker under Denver Airport that the USA governement buid in preparation of 2012. . LINK 1 of 4 SIGMUND FREUD narrated by Adam Curtis on BBC 2006. LINK 2 of 4 EDWARD BERNAISE II narrated by Adam Curtis on BBC 2006. LINK 3 of 4 RISE OF THE SELF III narrated by Adam Curtis on BBC 2007. LINK 4 of 4 THE AGE OF MASS DEMOCRACY narrated by Adam Curtis on BBC 2007. The Energy Non Crisis by Pastor Lindsey Williams, his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens 75 min. The History of Political Correctness by William Lind. 22:24 - The origins of Political Correctness can be found in the early part of the 20th Century. 22:24. LINK "The Lizards and the Jews"by David Icke. HOW ZIONISM AND ILLUMISM have SPOILED "consensual governance." 2006. The Project for the New American Century by Ian R Crane, filmed at Beyond Knowledge, Liverpool 2008 | The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers 1:26:29 Aired on PBS in 1987. Moyers is a very respected TV journalist who also worked for Lyndon B. Johnson and has a very professional approach. He interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. This World Child Slavery There are still children working and living as slaves today. More interesting videos at . 1:29:41. This is a discussion that is based upon the infamous "Montauk Project" and "The Philadelphia Experiment", upon eyewitness testimony and statements given by actual people who were at the event of the experiments at the location of the secret military base located at Montauk. Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and Peter Moon (co-author of the book titled "The Montauk Project: Experiments In Time"). Underground Bases Phil Schneider, a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert, participated in the construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America and abroad for the government. In May of 1995, suffering from terminal cancer, he began giving talks in Las Vegas describing in detail the underground cities, the government's secret deal with negative aliens, high alien technology being employed by the government-including "corbamite" (element 140), mining on the moon. 1 hr 44 mins. USING YOUR BRAIN GETS YOU IN TROUBLE. SERVILITY IS REQUIRED. "If you've done a good job, why wouldn't your references be willing to say so?" So how can you make sure your references will say good things about you? Well, what if you found dishonest practices in your last job? Or if your boss ridiculed your work? Or if you were "baited and then switched"? People without "good" (if trivial-OK) references don't get rehired. Double whammy! WINNING A PLAIN OLD JOB IS LIKE WINNING THE KENTUCKY DERBY. IS IT STILL POSSIBLE to find new career opportunities? Let's look at the obstacle course, presented here, for any average worker, to find any sort of average position in today's market. Who Controls Our Children ? BY Peg Luksik: (Public Education Dumbs Down Kids) At the PA Parents Commission, Peg Luksik - - talks aboutKids' Dumbed Down EDUCATION : Who Controls Our Children ?While parents, schools, provinces and states across North America bicker about the democratic process of running public schools, forces are manipulating education from behind the scenes. This video lecture documents how today's educational system dumb down kids deliberately, making zombie-like people who don't ask any questions but just follow orders. 59 min, 2006. LINK ZEITGEIST,the Movie produced by Peter Joseph. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common? 2008. FULL VERSION 1:50:46. LINK Who Created the Modern Day State of Israel?THE BALFOUR DECLARATION : BACK-ROOM MONEYCHANGERS IN CONTROL, A SEGMENT OF ZEITGEIST VIDEO. |
How Stupid Do You Have To BE to BELIEVE the Rest of Our Solar System is not already populated?
LEGITIMATE STUDIES UNRECOGNIZEDUFOs Greatest Story Ever Denied, BY Jose Escamilla, 2006. 1hr 34 min. The Present and Future of Exopolitics is being kept Secret and Silenced. Opening Presentation at the 3rd Annual X-Conference by Alfred Webre, JD, and Michael Salla, PhD., September 14, 2007, Gaithersburg, MD. 1:33:28. A documentary revealing a wide range of evidence that points towards NASA hiding a big secret to mankind "we are not alone and have never been alone" In the past conspiracy theorists have been branded a bad name because the theory most of the time consisted of no evidence and the story would take on all kinds of twist as the conspiracy would circulate through the public like chines whispers. Information has become public because of the web, credible evidence is now to the normal person viable, we are able to validate claims made by looking through archives and company websites. Conspiracy theory is no longer "theory" but a evidential conspiracy with credible people revealing secrets within the system. Alex Collier - Exopolitics Earth Transformation Conference 2008. ALEX COLLIER IS BACK! Here is his latest gentle talk, in Hawaii in September 2008 at the Exopolitics Earth Transformation Conference. We need to think from A Cosmic Perspective -- and not merely from Human Ideologies. Alex Collier 1994 Private Interview ~*~ This is a 1994 private interview of Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier, where he reveals very IMPORTANT stuff that we should aware of by now he predicts 9/11, talks about various ET races, the truth not told by our media, the ET presence on Earth, the Reptilian control of our government and institutions, the Greys Agenda,the Orion Group, ETs and history leaders, the truth about our Moon, bases on Mars, The Lyran Wars, cloned world leaders, ETs violating our human rights and mocking how stupid we are. 1:59:23 EARTH IS GROWING This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. LINK Ethnogenic Shamism : Ancient Astronauts History & Modern Shamanism , Monroe Institute, 2007. 52 min. THIS IS A DEEPLY RESEARCHED PIECE OF JOURNALISM. LINK HOLLOW EARTH PROOF ( Alex Collier Lecture ) - - 04:25. LINK Pt 1 ~*~ LINK Pt 2 ~*~ LINK Pt 3 Hollow Earth excerpts from the Book, "Beyond Science Fiction," by Jim Wilhelmsen (; 8:51. JAL flight 1628 LINK TO SUMMARY ~*~ PLAYLIST FOR FULL REPORT ~*~ PART 1 ~*~ PART 2 ~*~ PART 3 ~*~ PART 4 ~*~ PART 5 ~*~ PART 6 ~*~ PART 7 ~*~ JAL flight 1628 is arguably one of the most reliable UFO reports. A seasoned pilot with 29 years of experience relayed his observations by radio as ground radar confirmed the contacts. The encounter lasted for 400 miles over Alaska on November 17, 1986. Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. The Universe is not what they say. Physics is a lie too. Nassim Haramein at the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. 2003. (4 HRS) - 243 min - Dec 24, 2007, Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library - ... If you are not yet familiar with Nassim Haramein's exciting work, prepare yourself for an exhilarating odyssey into hyperspace and beyond. H...all | Stargates of the Gods (.avi format) William Henry traces ancient Sumerian/Annunaki History, In parts, 2007. link The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles short version. CROP CIRCLE SHIP (.avi format) by Jeremy Stride of Crop Circle Ship dot com; 20 and 60 minutes, 2005. Thunderbolts of the Gods, Electrical Cosmology, by . Watch this film and in an hour know more than most NASA scientists about the fundamental force that forms and sustains the universe. The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo. 1 hr 2005. Scholarship Must Be Separate From Political BriberyThe practice of scholarship and especially the teaching of Meta-Physics must rely on Subjective and Intuitive Information coming from the Other "frequency resolutions" of matter and energy. Intelligent Life was out there all along, while our scientists have laughingly remained stupefied by pre-Copernican expositions of hope that someday the Others will be found. ... This claim was and is deliberate fabrication of error on the part of Leadership. Other Worlders have been known of directly since 1928 and indirectly from accounts and histories since the Dawn of Time. There is no excuse for Science not knowing Who Else is Out There; what their Ideologies encompass; what Moral and Ethical Structures they put to use; Whose and Which Ideologies sanctify or violate the PRIME DIRECTIVE, that No Soul must serve in slavery for the extent of a life.MY EXPERIENCE WITH NASA When I was married to Bill Heater, my name was Maureen Emily Heater and I worked for Xerox Corporation as a digital image technician/trainer from 1973-1978. I was trained to correct faults in copy reproduction in skew, scaling, contrast and hue. I have applied those skills to NASA/ESA/JAXA photographs, and here is what I find. 1. The lens focus point of every single NASA/ESA/JAXA camera is set at "infinite" in all photos, due to the expectation that no foreground movement can possible exist. This is a fault because foreground attendance by moving bodies DOES EXIST and can be traced as shadows and "lumps." 2. Scaling is DELIBERATELY altered AFTER the photo is taken, probably before download. Most NASA cameras provide SQUARE photos. But they don't stay square. They get changed into all manner of scaled dimensions in order to conceal detail. 3. Contrast is routinely inverted or set to extreme, to hide details. 4. False hues are added: blue sand, purple tire tracks, orange sky. Moving bodies are PAINTED OVER with black or opaque white or blue. 5. Occultation, a sophisticated software algorithm, changes patterns in the pixels to look like "familiar objects" or "cartoons," in order to obfuscate the true details. Therefore, the reproduction of NASA photos is pure perfidy and dysinfo because photos are published "as is" and uncorrected for these faults AS SCIENTIFIC DATA, which data this work merely conceals. I keep my most up-to-date albums MARS HERE ~*~ MOON HERE ~*~ OTHER PLANETS HERE so individuals can peruse and see what and how NASA's purely focused and mostly undeveloped photos can be repaird to look. However, these are still very bad photos, considering what the technology of digital images has IN REALITY become--which space science has no interest in developing. My problem is, these photos which I restore deteriorate very quickly on a server; the pixels get lost in multiple iterations and copies. Lost NASA Footage Proves Apollo Moon Hoax; Filmed on a sound stage, this Disclose TV clip shows all kinds of unsuited people hanging out in the LEM while it is supposedly on the Moon. You mist sign in to Disclose TV to see it. LINK1 ~*~ LINK2 DOWNLOAD (.mpv format) UFO: Cylinder Chased by Soviet MIG-21 Accelerates 1 min 31 sec. ND. |
JFK-BUSH CONNECTION, John Hankey's incredible documentary film that totally destroys any notion of Lee Harvey Oswald being responsible for the murder of the President, by www.planetquo dot com, 90 minutes, 2006. ALSO: NTSB Commentary JFK Jr's Death Not An Accident either! .04 MB htm file.
THE 911 ATTACK : WHAT DID WITNESSES SEE?Wm Rodriguez 911 WTC HERO-Janitor Testimony, 2006. John Schroeder NYFD 911 FIREMAN'S TESTIMONY" 49 minutes, 2007. Eye Witness Jim LaPenna's testimony at wearechange dot com; 9:51 min, 2008. Bishop Richard Williamson speaks out against the official theory of the events of 9/11, in a RARE CRY FOR THE TRUTH FROM THE CLERGY. | NEWS REPORT 9:45 am 9/11, eight minutes AFTER "something" hit the Pentagon A BOMB GOES OFF. See it closer and slower, in this video, followed by a comment from Donald Rumsfeld about his reaction to the "plane crash" at 9:37; 1:20, 2001. September Clues to 911 Media Fraud by , 60 mins. ~*~ TV FAKERY 1 Media made it up. 2:00; ~*~ TV FAKERY 2 Media made it up, 2:24, 2007. ~*~ September Clues No. 9 : CONCOCTED FOOTAGE NEVER HAPPENED, 10 min, 2008. LINK Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime,Documentary prepared by, utilizing files. This focuses on prior knowledge and smoking gun facts. People need to be held accountable, or we dont have democracy; 71 minutes , 2006. LINK 9/11 Cheney Connection A review of compelling evidence that incriminates Dick Cheney with actionable foreknowledge before 9/11, criminal misconduct on 9/11, and obstruction of the investigation after 9/11. This is not about theory, rather the historical facts. 2008. The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising full length Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. 2008 |
TRUTHERS ALL, from different roles & standings: How many can you identify?
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