Tuesday 6 February 2024


Ken O'Keefe LIVE in London for a short one after YT censorship

Ken O'Keefe

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Streamed live 105 minutes ago

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 HenryMakow.com: King Charles 1625-1649         Most people think that the murder of King Nicholas of Russia in 1918 was the first Jewish excursion into regicide but, in fact, England's long descent to satanist shithole began almost 400 years ago when Organized Jewry had King Charles I, left, beheaded. 


Jim Fetzer asks me about Gaza, Houthis, Holocaust, and immigration
We agree on everything but immigration
I'm delighted to be joined for the second hour by my dear friend and colleague Kevin Barrett residing in Morocco.
Kevin, among the developments we've been addressing during the first hour was Colonel McGregor's observation that the U.S.
has no foreign policy, that in the Middle Eastwere simply instruments or pawns or tools of Israel and that you can best understand what's going on there by assuming the equivalent that Benjamin Netanyahu is a commander in chief of the American military.
Your thoughts?
Yeah, I think it's that's pretty much the case, although it's it's not clear whether Netanyahu is 100% in control.
Maybe, you know, 65%, I would say.
There are reports that immediately after the successful Palestinian raid on Israel, the breakout from their concentration camp on October 7th, that the Israelis were about to go all out against Hezbollah.
And according to reports, the Biden administration or whoever's in charge in the U.S.gave them a very firm no.
but there haven't been very many firm no's given to Netanyahu and his crazy extremist co-ministers so yeah they're largely in charge.
I actually just published an article entitled Flashpoints for War looking over possible places where the next world war could start and one of them was Florida where I said it's imagine October 2024 polls ahead
Trump's head in the polls for 55 to 45 percent leading in the swing states and suddenly a drone swoops down on Mar-a-Lago smashes through a plate glass window and stings Trump with its explosive charge But fortunately before what's left of Trump is declared dead the media tells us that an Iranian Palestinian terrorist named Lee Harvey Adda Did it and so he's arrested on the seventh floor of the Palm Beach School Book Depository, but it's accidentally Defenestrated before he can be questioned, but fortunately on the floor of the Book Depository
The authorities find an Iranian-made Mamakar Karkano drone control rig, complete with instructions in Farsi, signed by the Supreme Leader of Iran.
And so that then would indeed cause Biden to fly Bibi Netanyahu straight into the White House Situation Room where he will take full control of U.S. policy.
Anyway, hopefully there won't be one of these crazy false flag type events that would put Netanyahu in total charge like happened on 9-11.
But you never know, do you?
Well, your satirical gifts have not failed you, Kevin.
I've always admired your stylistic manner of lampooning events in a way that gets right to the heart of the matter.
You mentioned Florida's one location for World War breaking out.
What were the other four?
Well, the others were actually kind of more obvious ones in certain.
I guess that the Trump, you know, killing Trump and blaming Iran is pretty obvious, too.
but the other ones included the Red Sea where we could get a, instead of a Persian Gulf of Tonkin incident which we've all been waiting for for 20 years now, we could get a Red Sea Gulf of Tonkin incident, an American ship could go down and be blamed on the Houthis whether or not they actually did it, and of course it would be blamed on Iran as well.
and then another possibility of course would be another of these kinds of attacks from the Qatai forces or other militias in Iraq or Syria, any of those that did a whole lot of damage, killed a lot of Americans might work.
Then of course within Palestine itself there's always the possibility of some kind of big event happening
Right now, so much of the world is so angry at the Zionist genocide that it wouldn't surprise me if actual no-return address, WMD, suddenly went off inside of Israel.
That very likely wouldn't have to be a false flag, it could be true.
Other flashpoints include Ukraine and Taiwan.
In Ukraine, Zelensky's faction, the Fanatics, they don't want to give up.
So the only way they even have a chance is to drag NATO into it, and that would take a big false flag, like maybe a nuke blamed on Russia.
And then over in Taiwan, the final flashpoint that I listed, clearly that's the big kahuna would be the number one power, the US versus the rising number two power, China.
And the Americans have been provoking the Chinese and poking the dragon for years.
And if they poked hard enough, the dragon might bite back and we'd be off to the races for
Do you know that Oliver Stone has made a wonderful statement denouncing Netanyahu?
I mean, very emphatic.
I've been totally impressed by what he had to say.
I'll pull it up and share it with you as soon as I can find it.
Here we have it.
Check this out, Kevin.
Oliver Stone.
Netanyahu is a madman, I repeat that to me he's a madman, I met him years ago, I interviewed him when he was out of office, I thought he was a madman then and I think he's gotten worse and worse, he's truly insane.
I've never seen such slaughter being justified like this as revenge.
How do you wipe out a political movement?
It's never been done in the history of the world.
How are you going to kill off everybody?
What do you do?
Separate them?
Send them to Egypt?
It's just mad, the whole solution.
And what was sickening to me was when Biden went over there, head in hand, money in hand, to give him what he wanted.
This is the problem with our country.
In that regard, I think Trump, although he supported Israel to a max and made quite a few mistakes in that regard, has better choices to make.
We can't do this.
We can't constantly support Israel.
We have to say no, cut them off, cut off everything to them right now.
That's what I would do.
And don't give me this anti-Semitic shit.
I mean, I don't even know what they're talking about.
Who are the anti-Semites in the world?
Just a few nutcases.
Nobody is an anti-Semite unless they have a problem with Hitler and all that.
But this is an issue about justice and peace and balance and basic human decency.
Kevin, I've never been more proud of Oliver Stone.
What a wonderful statement, when most of Hollywood is, of course, just singing the usual Jewish hymn.
Yeah, I think Oliver Stone is basically a reasonably good guy.
And, you know, I've had this argument with Laurent Guyenot, who wrote the book JFK 9-11 and has written articles such as 9-11 was an Israeli job and Did Israel kill the Kennedys?
Israeli nuclear weapons smuggler
I don't think Oliver Stone understood that that was the case.
I think he was steered into the same path that we all were back then, which was focusing on the CIA and Vietnam and Cuba and such, and not so much on Israel.
I think he was perfectly sincere.
Maybe Milchan sort of hoodwinked him and helped steer him.
I played a clip where Judge Napolitano was interviewing Phil Giraldi and he included where Biden was questioned about responding to the attack that killed three U.S.servicemen in Jordan just over the border and saying that he holds Iran responsible because Iran has been providing the weapons.
What the judge was pointing out is that seemed to be quite a slip on Biden's part because we're supplying the weapons for Ukraine, we're supplying the weapons for Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza and he was asking
Why not an intrepid follow-up question asked, well doesn't that mean then that the United States is responsible for genocide in Gaza, which you and I both know to be the case, but where is the national media confronting Biden with this grim reality?
Well of course the American neocons who run the empire these days are frustrated about Iran because Iran is
Major funding was not from Iran, even though it's part of the Axis of Resistance too.
Hamas' major funding was actually from Qatar, with the blessings of the Israelis who escorted the suitcases full of cash into Gaza to hand it to Hamas.
So each of these groups in the Axis of Resistance, the multiple kinds of militias, branches, really their de facto branches of the Iraqi military, is of Iran.
I'mand what and the Americans are frustrated.
What can they do?
Well, they can, you know, the BB Netanyahu wants to say they call it cutting off the head of the snake, which means going after Iran, which is the most powerful member of this axis of independent entities that all agree with the 95% plus of the people of the region that Palestine needs to be liberated and the U.S.
needs to be out of the region.
Yes, yes, yes.
Well, one of the flashpoints, of course, being the Red Sea, my wife had dictated to MSNBC, I was captivated by, I think it may have been John Kirby talking about the situation there or the MSNBC anchors saying how the US was retaliating against the Houthis because they were interfering with international shipping and in violation of international law.
without ever mentioning that the Houthis had declared war on Israel, that the Houthis were only interdicting shipping that had cargo destined for Israel, that it was the Houthis who were acting in accordance with international law in the U.S.
and the U.K.that were violating it by simply suppressing the most basic predicates on which action is being based,
They give a 100% distorted view of what's going on there, Kevin.
I so admire the Houthis and stand with them, and yet they're having to suffer, you know, ongoing bombardment by the U.S.and the U.K., which is taking place in violation of international law, the Geneva Convention, the laws of war and all the rest.
It is shameful.
Well, I think the Houthis have a pretty good argument that they are enforcing the world court's judgment that takes, uh, has ordered the Israeli government to stop, uh, any acts of genocide that appear to be going on there.
And that order is being flouted, uh, by the Israeli leadership, which has continued to massacre the same, uh, hundred plus up to averaging 200 at times people per day.
Most of them, innocent civilians, the majority women and children.
while Israeli leaders continue to make genocidal statements.
and immigration in Israel.
And of course if the US think the Houthis are going to be a pushover, they have another thing coming.
They've sustained like around eight years of bombing by Saudi Arabia, which was supplied with American weapons, probably even American pilots.
So this is really a continuation of what's happened before.
Not only that, but the Houthis were veiled they were able to work out a tentative peace agreement with Saudi Arabia where the Houthis would take the north and the Saudis the south which happens to be the oil rich region but where the Houthis have never been in it for financial reasons
I gotta say, Kevin, for the poorest nation in Africa, that the Houthis are setting a hell of a moral example.
I mean, they are exemplary.
I applaud them.
They are heroic.
Yeah, I agree.
Now, they're not in Africa.
They're across the Red Sea from Africa.
But yeah, they're very poor.
They're probably the poorest nation in the region, especially after
the suffering that they've had to undergo since this crazy US supported and instigated well maybe not instigated there's dispute about what the then Obama administration's viewpoint was about the launching the war on Yemen from Saudi Arabia and the Emirates but the Yemeni people they have really suffered horribly they've been undergoing the kind of suffering that now we're seeing in Palestine
of Yemen.
by this global neocon empire and I think that's one reason that they are working to support the Palestinian genocide victims right now because they understand that kind of suffering and so they want to stop it.
Yes, yes, I have no end of praise for the Houthis and here you have the Israelis practicing genocide on the Palestinians by means of starvation with the siege they imposed after 7 October.
No food, no water, no fuel, for the most part no communication and it's starting to take a toll
I gather a lot of Palestinians are on the verge of starvation and of course I mentioned the rule of three that a human being can go three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food.
Well, it's now been a hell of a long time.
What do we have, 120 days of this siege, Kevin?
It is outrageous.
It is monstrous.
and I can't understand how any decent human being could possibly support it and not be vehemently opposed to Israel.
Yeah, I agree, Jim, and I'm going to say something maybe a little controversial now, but it just occurred to me that I wonder, you know, people say, well, the state of Israel was supposedly basically legitimized and became a state because
of the Holocaust, right?
That everybody around the world made a huge exception for the Jews because nowhere else would you ever allow this group of settler colonialists to travel thousands of miles across the seas and basically displace, murder, and expel the indigenous people and call themselves a country and claim that they have the right to do that because
I wonder, you know, the whole never again slogan that emerged from the Holocaust, that Jews all over the world have always said, never again, never again, never again.
And people, you know, Jews like Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein's wife, have made a whole career of saying that we need these humanitarian interventions.
And in fact, I have to look at what's, you know, Israeli behavior.
It occurs to me to question whether the Jewish people in Israel even really believe that there really was a Holocaust.
Because if they did, if they really actually believed the reality, the historical reality of that kind of suffering that Jews underwent, in fact, regardless of what we think about might have happened there, obviously there was a tremendous amount of suffering.
of Israel.
very aware of the horror of genocide, genocidal campaigns to exterminate populations, get rid of populations, which is what was supposedly done to them.
But I have to wonder, Jim, whether those Israeli Jews really believe the Holocaust narrative.
Because, of course, as you and I know, we've both looked at the, I don't know how much study you've put into it, but I've read a number of books, including books by Holocaust revisionists and books that
attempt to refute the Holocaust revisionists.
And obviously the Holocaust revisionists have a pretty good case.
That is, the whole six million dead mostly in gas chambers as part of a deliberate extermination plan, officially the German bureaucracy.
Well, it's more likely than not that those three, the Holy Trinity of the Orthodox Holocaust narrative, is just not true and that the reality was a lot less than that.
we got that exaggerated version due to wartime propaganda that then somehow survived the war and so if indeed at some level you know i i think the smart jewish people know this Philip Zelikow for example who talks about public myths i think he knows that the holocaust was very likely not nearly what the official myth tells us it was and in Israel.
that was their what got them excited sexually apparently there's something weird about this I think that at some level the Jewish Israelis actually know that they're liars that they founded Israel on a whole series of lies including the story the maximal story of the Holocaust and that's why they're perfectly happy to do another genocide because they know that the supposed genocide that was done to themdidn't happen, or at least it didn't happen to the extent that their extreme myth of the Holocaust tells us it did.
So, I mean, am I crazy to think this?
I mean, could it be that it's not so much this extreme belief in the Holocaust, but it's actually that at some level they know that they're completely full of shit?
That explains their insanity.
Kevin, you're spot on.
I wrote the introduction to Nicholas from Breaking the Spell, which may be the most important book on the
Jim Fetzer asks me about immigration
confirming the results of the International Committee of the Red Cross which was keeping meticulous records on the age, the sex, the ethnicity, the religion and the cause of death of all the inmates where in 1993 they recalibrated the total 296,081 from all causes none of whom were put to death in gas chambers using Zyklon B
which was in fact being used to kill body lice which was spreading typhus and dysentery in the camps.
In other words, to preserve the health of the inmates for the obvious reason you can't get work out of a corpse.
We'll be right back with my special guest Kevin Barrett right after this break.
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Jim Fetzer asks me about immigration
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Continuing a conversation with Kevin Barrett, my dear friend and colleague who now resides in Morocco.
And of course, Kevin, as I know you're aware, during the trials of Ernst Zundell in Canada for Holocaust denial, distributing the pamphlet, did six million really die?
In 1985, the first trial was distinguished by the prosecution failure to be able to produce a single witness who could testify they had seen
Anyone put to death in a gas chamber, zilch, nada, zero, none.
In the second 1988, for the Leuchter Report, where Fred Leuchter, the leading expert on gas chambers, visited the camps and came back with a report explaining there was nothing there at any of the camps that could have remotely served the function of a homicidal gas chamber where Fred is still alive and well remarkably he spoke at my Flag and Conspiracy Conference for 2023 Kevin and I recently featured him right here on The Raw Deal where you are my guest today elaborating and he you know reviews a bidding it's just a monstrous myth and I put it this way if you've done the research then you're either a holocaust denier or a big fat liar
Well, yeah, I don't know if it's quite that stark.
I guess it depends maybe how much research.
You know, I haven't done enough research to have a firm, you know, grip on the whole issue.
But I've done enough to see that the revisionists have a really strong prima facie case.
And it doesn't take very much, you know, to figure that out.
I mean, just read a few of these introductory books by the revisionists.
You mentioned Nick Kollerstrom,
uh... and that's that's very good stuff uh... and i've read uh... a few others there's there's uh... the uh... debating the holocaust by Thomas Dalton and uh... we would have been a lot of stuff on this is really good to you Robert porous on for a song yeah yeah i've read a little bit of him and so on and then i i read the two leading attempts to respond to revisionist
in the popular history format.
One was denial by Deborah Lipstadt, which is unbelievably bad.
It's almost as if Deborah Lipstadt and her publishers and supporters, whoever's putting her up to this, is actually covertly trying to support the revisionists because it's just awful.
It's nothing but histrionic emotional wailing
with no good factual basis.
There's no coherent argument.
The references aren't convincing.
It's just a textbook case of fallacy and incoherence.
The other well-known one that sold a fair bit is called Denying History by Michael Schermer and I think the other guy was Grobman.
That is much better than Lipstadt, which isn't saying much, but it's still not very convincing.
and in fact it runs into some of the kind of obvious problems like if the Auschwitz plaque had to be changed and from like four and a half million people were gassed here to what was it like one something million were gassed here they lost like two and a half three million supposed holocaust victims overnight how did how did the defenders of the orthodox position refute that well Schermer and Grobman refute it
by saying that, well, it just so happens that at the exact moment that we lost, you know, two and a half or three million Holocaust victims, uh, turned out they didn't really get gassed at Auschwitz, but right at about the same time that that was discovered, we learned that exactly that same number of Jews had in fact been killed on the Eastern front.
We didn't realize that there had been all that same number to suddenly we got an extra 2.5 to 3 million
victims who had we just discovered had been killed on the eastern front we didn't know that before now to me that's not a very convincing argument to say the least and there are a lot of other examples too so again you know when you do the basic research and you compare uh the best you can find from both sides and honestly in terms of stuff that's actually been published and widely distributed in the english-speaking world in book form i don't think i don't know what else there is uh you know where is there a really good
defense of Holocaust orthodoxy.
And I've asked this question repeatedly, and nobody's been able to answer it.
Not even people who've come on my radio show and given a better argument than I ever saw from people like Lipstadt and Shermer and Grobman.
So my conclusion, even though I'm not a professional historian, I've just read, you know, I've read the same, you know, 30 or 50 World War II books everybody else has, plus these, you know, sort of intro to revisionism pro and con.
But just based on that,
It's just obvious that the revisionists have a good prima facie case and therefore locking people up in prison because they support the case that seems stronger makes you suspect that the whole reason that they are imprisoning historians for taking the wrong position on this is because if they didn't do that the dam would break and the fact that we've been, if not hoaxed, at least been fed a really exaggerated war propaganda narrative all these decades
would become obvious.
Billionaire Billionaire Billionaire Billionaire Billionaire Billionaire
I find this outrageous and insulting.
And we have members of the House who have declared now they're not going to allow this bill to pass.
Trump himself has said he'd rather have no bill than a bad bill.
He's, of course, also declared that if he becomes president again, he's going to undertake the greatest deportation program in the history of America.
I believe him.
I think that's what we need.
Your thoughts.
Well, you know, you and I have somewhat different perspectives on this one because I think, like, actually I understand the good arguments for tighter border control and reducing immigration to the United States and certain other countries as well.
I fully understand that and I probably agree with that position, but I am alienated by the bad arguments.
in favor of restricting immigration coming from, well, including people like Donald Trump, who harped on the supposed horrible criminality of all these Hispanic people coming across the border.
And in fact, statistics show that's just not the case, that the crime rates are not going up because of these immigrants across the Hispanic border.
And the same is maybe true to a lesser extent in Europe, where the anti-immigration forces are kind of hysteria.
They're full of hysteria.
in decrying the crimes of immigrants.
Now in Europe, I think there may be a case that immigrants do commit an unusual share of the crimes in some of these countries, but if you adjust for the age and gender, it's not nearly as disproportionate as it might look at first.
It just so happens that in some of these European countries, hardly anybody has been having kids for a generation or so.
So now if you look at all of the
a total population of 20 year old males you know you end up with an awful lot of them being immigrants and 20 year old males are the people that have the high crime rate so you do you adjust for the you know age and gender and then you could adjust for economic status as well and at the end of that adjustment you would find that immigrants aren't really that much worse than anybody else in terms of crime and so this this wailing and gnashing of teeth about the evil criminal dark-skinned immigrants
It is racist and disgusting and obnoxious, and there are all kinds of lies being peddled about it.
For instance, the story about the mass rapes that happened on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany have been persuasively, I think, exposed as a complete hoax by Jonathan Ravuski.
Certainly, that high northern Russia incident where supposedly the Hurok white people beat up the evil dark-skinned immigrants who were going to try to rape some women, that was all obviously a hoax.
hoax and then there's all this hoax of these supposed no-go zones.
Now Jim you may remember you and me and Nick Collarstrom walking around in these really pretty you know down-and-out sections of London going to mosques where we were going to try to persuade the Muslims to come see our 9-11 truth event and those were not no-go zones and yet that's the kind of place that these idiots
anti-immigration racist propagandists keep pointing at as you know no white person would ever dare set foot there and so I've issued a challenge over the it's been it's been standing for like eight or ten years now that please tell me where there is a single no-go zone in Europe where a white guy like me couldn't just show up and I will go there you put up you know pay my travel expenses and even as low as just a $1,000 premium to cover my time
I'll go to that no-go zone and I'll get on the phone or internet with you and we'll do a little chat and I'll be standing there in a no-go zone.
I'll hang out for the no-go zone for as long as you like and you'll see that there's no such thing as a no-go zone.
So these lies and this racist garbage coming from the anti-immigration side just repels sane and decent people.
They need to stop that and they need to start giving us the good arguments against excessive immigration.
Well, what are the good arguments, Kevin?
I don't want you to leave the impression or my inadvertently allow it that you think open borders is a good idea.
I mean, every economist in the world agrees you cannot combine open borders with a welfare state.
These immigrants are being given all kinds of inducements.
Millions of dollars are being used by DHS and UN to bring them here in convoys.
I even have video of trucks bringing migrants to the border where they have on their door the Star of David.
We know this is implementing the clergy plan.
I think the best arguments against immigration are, well, number one, as you say, it's incompatible with a welfare system.
That is, it's hard to take care of your own people when you're being flooded with workers.
of African Americans.
that way you're going to have higher wages for working people and then you can also have a better safe social safety net because it won't have millions and millions of people swarming in to join that social safety or if you have to be part of the group that either works or is in the social safety net and that so that's number one and then the other argument I think is that right now the rate of immigration in some places is so high that it's a threat to social stability it's just normal that if you are replacing the majority ethnic group
of a particular country that they're not going to like it and some of them are going to get very angry.
And then you almost can't blame them for going into racist hysteria, right?
So, I mean, I was kind of hard on them before, but I can kind of see how, like, these Irishmen feel.
My, you know, John Waters, who's been on my radio show, is really upset that the Irish are going to be a minority in their own country, possibly as early as 2030, because the Irish government is just shipping in so many refugees
and other immigrants.
So I think that's a good argument too, is that immigration rates need to be calibrated in such a way that they don't overwhelm the population of the country.
So those I think are really the good arguments.
And then on the other side, we have to admit that the real argument for immigration is not so much
all of these I think some of these conspiracy theories and I use that term knowing full well that a great many perhaps most so-called conspiracy theories are actually true but in this case I think the notion that the whole point of bringing in the immigrants is to bring in Democrats to vote Democratic in the US and so on and then you know in Europe there are these theories that they're it's all a Muslim conspiracy or something or you know they're all of these interesting ideas
that I can't quite make out how they would work in reality.
I think that stuff is secondary to the fact that the one actual reasonably good reason to bring in a lot of immigrants is because white people have stopped breeding.
In Europe, the child per woman birth rate is down to about one.
That's like bringing on population collapse.
And so if you're the leader of the European Union, you look at that,
and immigration.
In Morocco you may be unaware that in Chicago and New York there are lots of protests and they're being overwhelmed that they can't handle the surge
They got airports where they're housing migrants or taking over high schools or getting the students out, putting the migrants in.
They don't have the money to cope with it.
It's overwhelming.
The hospitals in Denver, the largest hospital, can't cope with a massive number of migrants.
I mean, surely that represents a threat to the nation's security.
It seems to me
If the United States were simply to adopt the migration policies of Mexico, principally two, number one, you can only migrate to Mexico if you have something to contribute to the good of Mexico, like being a carpenter, a plumber, a lawyer, a doctor.
Number two, you can only migrate to Mexico if you have the financial resources to support yourself and your family members so you don't become a burden on the state.
Those two simple principles that seem to me have adopted by the United States would solve the problem.
The Democrats are going whole hog and they're actually, this is in part impossible in my judgment, of the George Soros dream to destroy America by, you know, changing the demographic so substantially that we're going to have the same result as you spoke of in Ireland where
Americans are going to be a minority, you know, and it's not that far off at the rate at which this is taking place.
It's really, to me, completely outrageous.
Your further thoughts?
Yeah, well, I agree with a whole lot of that.
I don't understand why it's necessary to not only allow illegal immigration, but then actively encourage it.
That doesn't make sense to me.
and how it affects
I can't just cross borders without showing my papers.
I mean, it's kind of a nice dream, right?
You know, imagine all the people crossing borders without their passports.
I love it.
There's something appealing about that.
But the fact is, as long as we have this system that forces you and I to go jump through all these hoops, I mean, you should have seen the hoops I had to jump through just to bring my freaking cat to Morocco.
Jim Fetzer
and likewise all of the paper, you know, we've had to go through and all the immigration stuff and getting residency permits in Morocco, which we're doing by the way, we're not just, you know, swimming to the beach here in Saidiya from a boat and taking up residence here without, you know, without doing it legally, of course not.
You shouldn't, people shouldn't do that.
So yeah, I mean, I totally understand the people who say there should be zero illegal immigration.
Anybody that tries to come across illegally should be stopped and sent back.
Yeah, that's that makes good sense.
And then the argument is about well, then, you know, how do you run the legal immigration system?
And I think what those two points you mentioned about Mexico's policy make pretty good sense And I'm sure there are probably a few other things that could be added.
But yeah, no, I'm basically in agreement with that And I think the vast majority of Americans would agree that there's really no reason why anybody should be tolerating any illegal immigration
Just a couple of thoughts about the 2024 election.
There's, I think, no doubt Trump will be the GOP nominee.
There's also, in my opinion, no doubt the Democrats are going to try to steal the election again, but they cannot do it with Joe Biden.
His popularity has sunk to such a low point that if Biden were to be reelected, no one would believe it.
I have concluded that between Super Tuesday and the Democrat convention in Chicago, Biden is going to step out of the arena, possibly pardoning Hunter in the process, to be replaced by Kevin Newsom and Michelle Obama, probably the combination.
Michelle's been making noises about her desire to run for president,
I think that could be quite embarrassing given that Michelle Obama is actually a man with breast implants.
But what do you see forthcoming here with this election where it could be that a border crisis precipitates what's viewed as a civil war, martial law is declared and the election is suspended.
Your thoughts about all of the above?
Yeah, I think it's looking pretty chaotic.
We've had neocons
Like Robert Kagan, you know, he penned an article for the Washington Post Essentially, you know all but calling for the assassination of Donald Trump.
I think the headline was something like, you know, we can't wait one more minute Trump Trump's election is looking increasingly inevitable And a close reading of that article is I was I think the first to point out and then lots of other pointed out Point the same thing out after that
I mean the real Joe appears to have died in 2017 by my assessment.
We've had at least four different candidates playing the role of Joe Biden.
Do you think there's any reason to think that Democrats would try to run with him again?
Well, Jim, I'm skeptical about the Biden replacement hypothesis because whoever they keep replacing him with is even a little bit more senile than the previous version.
So you would think that they would actually try to tune him up a little bit if they were replacing him.
They'd build one of those Disney presidential androids
that could do better than this.
We're seeing this too.
But in any case, you're right.
You know, whether whether it's just a series of replacement robot Bidens that keep breaking down worse and worse, which is like a scene out of a Philip K. Dick novel, or whether it's just Biden himself wearing out and for some reason his earlobes look different in different pictures.
I don't know.
But yeah, I don't see Biden as being very electable.
And he's really torpedoed his chances
by going along with the Israelis as much as he has.
He's really unpopular within his own party because of that.
And of course, the other party doesn't like him anyway.
So his numbers are down in kind of unprecedentedly bad areas.
And yeah, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats find a way to dump him.
And, you know, Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom sounds like, I suppose, a dream to the Democrats.
It sounds like a scene from hell to me.
I'm just kind of glad I'm out of here.
I get it.
And having been born and raised in Southern California, of course, to see the destruction of the Golden State under these Democrat governors is tragic.
and the lawlessness
Yeah, well, policies are pretty bad on both sides.
The Trump administration gave the richest taxpayers a huge bonus
and of course Trump killed General Soleimani and gave Bibi Netanyahu Jerusalem on a silver platter and pushed these insane, sick, demonic Abraham Accords on countries such as Morocco, where I live, among others.
And so Trump's policies actually produced the current genocide in Palestine.
Had there been no Abraham Accords, no moving to Jerusalem, if Trump had taken a position at least as, you know, quote unquote moderate regarding Netanyahu,
as Obama did and as Biden has, I don't think there would be this genocide right now.
So, you know, this Trump line that if I were president this wouldn't have happened, it's the opposite.
You did it, Trump.
You created this.
My interpretation is when it's a failure of Ukraine to prevail, where Ukraine was destined to be the new Israel that has led to the mopping up, the desire to get rid of all Palestinians out of Palestine, whereas
You've heard me say before, no doubt, the ultimate solution from the Israeli point of view is to load all the Palestinians aboard a ship, float it out to sea and sink it.
They're now doing the equivalent and God only knows when it's going to be brought to a halt, Kevin.
Do you have any optimism at all about ending the genocide?
Well, it's going to end one way or another.
And I don't think the Israelis will get away with killing everybody.
And the Gazans aren't going anywhere.
And nobody's going to, you know, Egypt's not going to open up the crossing, even if the Gazans were willing to cross it, which they aren't, they'll die where they are.
And even if the Israelis were somehow able to get some of the, you know, most most starving people to sort of totter across the border, you know, get out somehow get lifted onto boats,
The majority, a huge number of people would stay in Gaza, and that would include all of the most militant people.
I mean, all of the ones who are most absolutely determined, you know, to stay and fight to the last.
So it's not going to work.
The Israelis have lost.
They've lost militarily.
They can't stop the Palestinian resistance.
And ultimately the world's going to change.
The global South is going to take over.
The American empire is going to die and Israel will die with it.
Thank you for listening to Revolution Radio.
Lunch with Jim Fetzer at my leaving-for-Morocco party

Philosophy professor emeritus James Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. He is well-known for rejecting orthodoxy on a wide range of historical and political issues. He recently interviewed me for his Revolution Radio show. Below is a partial rough transcript.

Jim Fetzer: I'm delighted to be joined for the second hour by my dear friend and colleague Kevin Barrett residing in Morocco. Kevin, among the developments we've been addressing during the first hour was Colonel McGregor's observation that the U.S. has no foreign policy, that in the Middle East we’re simply instruments or pawns or tools of Israel and that you can best understand what's going on there by assuming that Benjamin Netanyahu is the equivalent of a commander-in-chief of the American military. Your thoughts?

Kevin Barrett: Yeah, I think it's that's pretty much the case, although it's it's not clear whether Netanyahu is 100% in control. Maybe 65%, I would say.

There are reports that immediately after the successful Palestinian raid on Israel, the breakout from their concentration camp on October 7th, that the Israelis were about to go all out against Hezbollah. And according to reports, the Biden administration or whoever's in charge in the U.S. gave them a very firm no.

But there haven't been very many firm no's given to Netanyahu and his crazy extremist co-ministers. So yeah they (the Zionists) are largely in charge.

I recently published an article entitled “Flashpoints for War” looking over possible places where the next world war could start. One of them was Florida, where I said: Imagine it’s October 2024. Trump's ahead in the polls 55 to 45 percent and leading in the swing states. Suddenly a drone swoops down on Mar-a-Lago, smashes through a plate glass window, and stings Trump with its explosive charge. But fortunately, even before what's left of Trump is declared dead, the media tells us that an Iranian Palestinian terrorist named Lee Harvey Atta did it. He's arrested on the seventh floor of the Palm Beach School Book Depository, but is accidentally defenestrated before he can be questioned. Fortunately on the floor of the Book Depository the authorities find an Iranian-made Manlicher-Carcano drone control rig, complete with instructions in Farsi, signed by the Supreme Leader of Iran.

And so that then would indeed cause Biden to fly Bibi Netanyahu straight into the White House Situation Room where he will take full control of U.S. policy.

Anyway, hopefully there won't be one of these crazy false flag type events that would put Netanyahu in total charge like happened on 9/11. But you never know, do you?

Well, your satirical gifts have not failed you, Kevin. I've always admired your stylistic manner of lampooning events in a way that gets right to the heart of the matter. You mentioned Florida's one location for World War breaking out. What were the other four?

Well, the others were more obvious ones. Though I guess killing Trump and blaming Iran is pretty obvious, too. But the other ones included the Red Sea, where instead of a Persian Gulf of Tonkin incident, which we've all been waiting for for 20 years now, we could get a Red Sea Gulf of Tonkin incident: An American ship could go down and it could be blamed on the Houthis, whether or not they actually did it, and of course it would be blamed on Iran as well.

Another possibility of course would be another attack from militias in Iraq or Syria. Any that did a whole lot of damage, killed a lot of Americans, might work.

Within (Occupied) Palestine itself there's always the possibility of some kind of big event happening. Right now, so much of the world is so angry at the Zionist genocide that it wouldn't surprise me if actual no-return address WMD suddenly went off inside of Israel. That very likely wouldn't have to be a false flag, it could be true.

Other flashpoints include Ukraine and Taiwan. In Ukraine, Zelensky's faction, the fanatics, don't want to give up. So the only way they even have a chance is to drag NATO into it, and that would take a big false flag, like maybe a nuke blamed on Russia.

And then over in Taiwan, the final flashpoint that I listed, clearly that's the big kahuna that would pit the number one power, the US versus the rising number two power, China. The Americans have been provoking the Chinese and poking the dragon for years. And if they poke hard enough, the dragon might bite back and we'd be off to the races.

I so admire the Houthis and stand with them, and yet they're having to suffer ongoing bombardment by the U.S. and the U.K., which is taking place in violation of international law, the Geneva Convention, the laws of war and all the rest. It is shameful.

Well, I think the Houthis have a pretty good argument that they are enforcing the World Court's judgment that has ordered the Israeli government to stop any acts of genocide that appear to be going on there. And that order is being flouted by the Israeli leadership, which has continued to massacre the 100 to 200-plus people per day, most of them innocent civilians, the majority women and children, while Israeli leaders continue to make genocidal statements…

I gotta say, Kevin, for the poorest nation in Africa, that the Houthis are setting a hell of a moral example. I mean, they are exemplary. I applaud them. They are heroic.

Yeah, I agree. Now, they're not in Africa. They're across the Red Sea from Africa. But yeah, they're very poor. They're probably the poorest nation in the region, especially after the suffering that they've had to undergo since this crazy US supported and instigated—well maybe not instigated, since there's dispute about what the then Obama administration's viewpoint was about the launching the war on Yemen from Saudi Arabia and the Emirates—but the Yemeni people have really suffered horribly. they've been undergoing the kind of suffering that now we're seeing in Palestine. I think that's one reason that they are working to support the Palestinian genocide victims right now, because they understand that kind of suffering and so they want to stop it.

Yes, I have no end of praise for the Houthis. And here you have the Israelis practicing genocide on the Palestinians by means of starvation with the siege they imposed after 7 October. No food, no water, no fuel, for the most part no communication. I gather a lot of Palestinians are on the verge of starvation. And of course I mentioned the rule of three, that a human being can go three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food. Well, it's now been a hell of a long time. What do we have, 120 days of this siege, Kevin? It is outrageous. It is monstrous. And I can't understand how any decent human being could possibly support it and not be vehemently opposed to Israel.

I agree, Jim. And I'm going to say something maybe a little controversial now. It just occurred to me that people say that the state of Israel was supposedly basically legitimized and became a state because of the Holocaust, right? Everybody around the world made a huge exception for the Jews, because nowhere else would you ever allow a group of settler colonialists to travel thousands of miles across the seas and basically displace, murder, and expel the indigenous people and call themselves a country and claim that they have the right to do that…

The slogan “never again” slogan emerged from the Holocaust. Jews all over the world have always said, “never again, never again, never again.” And liberal Jews like Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein's wife, have made a whole career of saying that we need these humanitarian interventions.

And in fact, when I look at Israeli behavior, it occurs to me to question whether the Jewish people in Israel actually believe that there really was a Holocaust. Because if they did, if they really believed in the historical reality of that kind of suffering that Jews underwent—and regardless of what we think about might have happened there, obviously there was a tremendous amount of suffering. But if it was really as off-the-charts as the standard Holocaust narrative tells us, with six million dead, most of them killed in gas chambers, as part of a formal total extermination plan, that would have been so horrible that you would think Israeli Jews would be very aware of the horror of genocide.

But I have to wonder, Jim, whether those Israeli Jews really believe the Holocaust narrative. Because as you and I have both looked books by Holocaust revisionists and books that attempt to refute the Holocaust revisionists. And obviously the Holocaust revisionists have a pretty good case that the whole “six million dead mostly in gas chambers as part of a deliberate extermination plan”—the Holy Trinity of the Orthodox Holocaust narrative—is just not true, and that the reality was a lot less than that, and we got that exaggerated version due to wartime propaganda that somehow survived the war.

I think smart Jewish people know this. Take Philip Zelikow, for example, who talks about “public myths.” I think he knows that the Holocaust was very likely not nearly what the official myth tells us it was. He knows it’s a public myth, which he defines as “beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.

And I wonder if it isn’t just the intellectuals like Zelikow (who don’t really believe the public myth) but it also filters down to the Israeli people. Maybe they realize this based on the kinds of nonsense that they’ve been fed, as illustrated by the film Defamation depicting Israeli children being indoctrinated with insane Holocaust propaganda. I recently learned via a Ron Unz article that in the 1960s and 70s there was a huge wave of Holocaust pornography in Israel. Israelis were getting off on watching Nazis rape and torture Jews, and Jews raping and killing Nazis in revenge. That was what got them excited sexually. There's something weird about this. I think that at some level the Jewish Israelis actually know that they're liars, that they founded Israel on a whole series of lies, including the maximal story of the Holocaust, and that's why they're perfectly happy to do another genocide, because they know that the supposed genocide that was done to them didn't happen, or at least it didn't happen to the extent that their extreme myth of the Holocaust tells us it did.

So, I mean, am I crazy to think this? Could it be that (their genocidal psychosis is caused) not so much by an extreme belief in the Holocaust, but it's that actually at some level they know that they're completely full of shit?

Kevin, you're spot on. I wrote the introduction to Nicholas Kollerstrom’s Breaking the Spell, which may be the most important book on the Holocaust, confirming the results of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which was keeping meticulous records on the age, the sex, the ethnicity, the religion and the cause of death of all the inmates. In 1993 they recalibrated the total as 296,081 deaths from all causes, none of whom were put to death in gas chambers using Zyklon B, which was in fact being used to kill body lice spreading typhus and dysentery in the camps. In other words, to preserve the health of the inmates, for the obvious reason that you can't get work out of a corpse.

We'll be right back with my special guest Kevin Barrett right after this break.

1 Comment



I lived and worked for 13 years in France in the JEWISH QUARTERS (1975-1988). The whole of Paris is Jewish quarters! I traveled there many times afterwards including in the suburbs and I found NO NO-GO ZONES. It is all propaganda and I know many of the people behind it!



It took me less than 5 minutes to find out the lies from the mouth of the so-called Holocaust survivors themselves!!!!


The Holocaust is a 1,000 times PROVEN HOLOHOAX!

In the 1960s, my Jewish host Stepanovitch Drinkin of Kislovodsk (former school principal) told me THERE WAS NEVER ANY JEWISH HOLOCAUST OR HOMICIDAL GAS CHAMBERS and that they made it all up to cover the REAL holocausts carried out on Germans by the Allies!


There were 150,000 assimilated Jews in the German army!


The ICJ did not CONDEMN Apartheid Israel for the Nakba, the concentration/death camps, the enslaving, genociding, terrorising, starving to death of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians....because it is on the side of the Zionists.



Friday 4 February 2022




Tuesday 29 March 2022




SATANYAHU is in control of NOTHING! It is the ZIONIST US that created Apartheid Israel as a US MILITARY BASE in the heart of the Arab and Muslim world as planned by the British after WWI. (Lord Cromer/Curzon) where they promised they will never allow a single Muslim country on Earth to be independent or to establish any Caliphate!



By now ALL humanity should be aware that to the fake khazar/slav mulatto jews in israel (and the Gaza complicit ones outside) we goyim are ALL amalek.They have to be destroyed before they destroy us, its that simple. Pompeos please note, we cant wait for Jesus to return and do the business for us, it will be too late, sackler has to be sacked now, or we will all end up oxycontined.

Reply (1)

Gospel Jesus is a myth! 


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