Sunday 7 May 2023


 BASHEER:  So, according to you, you are doing God’s bidding? 

SATAN:  I do not see any other reason!

Sunday 7 May 2023 @ 10 AM

SATAN:  Good morning, Basheer!

BASHEER:  Good morning, Satan!

SATAN: Still not going to Church and reading “The Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock filled with dogmatic myths?  What for?

BASHEER:  Your Synagogue the CHURCH, no, thanks!  I am more interested in reading “The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored” published January 1, 2012, yes, not the old one published March 1, 2007 that proved of no or little use to the world.  Most of us have never even heard of it or read it, and the very few who have, like me, found themselves too busy struggling to survive in Hell on Earth!  Even if I am not ready, I have to leave this life and Hell despite its few paradisiacal beings like our innocent and smiling babies and other beings we call creatures of God.

SATAN:  But, why do you still bother?

BASHEER: Reading truthful material protects my sanity as there is nothing we can do to neutralise your Synagogue responsible of all the sufferings of humankind.

SATAN:  Do you have anything more to share with others?

BASHEER:  I wasted my whole life concerning myself about the others, and did not do or achieve enough to protect my own!

SATAN:  Did you see, I sent your 84 year old darling Ma Chérie, Mon Amour wife back to aggravate, poison and traumatise further the life of your loved ones?

BASHEER:  Yes, I did, and I met with that demon a few times.  You are a man of your word unlike the One humans and monsters alike call God who almost nobody listens to anymore or pretend to listen to because they are more often looking forward for a Paradise in heaven that does not exist at all, the fools!  God is a Loser even if He still saves many lives, but not enough to stop you!

SATAN:  How do you know I am a man?

BASHEER: I don’t, but you are as evil as those calling themselves MEN, if not worse, those devils who never stopped murdering the innocent and the defenceless, damaging their women, raping, selling and perverting man, woman and child, damaging and killing their own children wholesale except the Elite and the Royals!

SATAN:  As long as humans will exist on Earth, I will never stop damaging them because their God created me to do exactly that!

BASHEER:  I knew that a long time ago and I regret I was born on that damn earth where even my own do not give a damn about me or themselves because of all the trauma they had to endure under your Synagogue.  Damn you, Satan!

SATAN: Both so-called JEWS or ISRAEL and CHRISTIANS or NEW ISRAEL were warned about my Synagogue, but they both became decadent and under Oliver Cromwell they allied with me!

 BASHEER:  Their Muslim Brothers and Sisters too were warned and prohibited to ever ally with them when the decadent Two Israels allied with each other and became friends.  Muslims too became decadent, disobeyed God, and betrayed the Universal Nation of Muhammad, the Last Prophet and Messenger sent to Humanity with the Way to Peace and Love, ISLAM, and submission to no other than God Alone.

 SATAN:  And this was how I destroyed the Three Ways of Peace and Love and established my Synagogue in the world to which all nations are now bowing down since I created UNO Central World Dictatorship that also created Apartheid Israel, the Terrorist, Ethnic Cleansing, racist and mass murdering US-EU Military base in the heart of the Arab world.  I created Central World Banks, infiltrated the Vatican, and elevated all Freemasonic Death Cults...

 BASHEER:  Stop, Satan, I already know all this!  Only fools cannot or refuse to see that money, political, cultural, scientific, technological and military power in the hands of a very small group of monopolists is responsible for virtually all perversions, terrorism, wars and bloodshed on the face of this flat and static Earth!

 SATAN:  Wow Basheer!  So you know my Earth is flat and static despite all the established lies I had put in your school text books, academies and media!   

 BASHEER:  All my life I saw it flat and non moving like everybody else, but you have hypnotised almost the entire world into believing and accepting lies including that of space travels and men landing on the moon (mooning!)!

 SATAN:  Yes, but my greatest success is having made them believe and accept that I do not exist at all!

 BASHEER:  I always asked myself how you could manage this exploit! 

 SATAN:  Very easy!  MAGIC!  You call it Black Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Demonic Possession, but even refuse to see invisible forces at work influencing your daily lives!  Those fools even pay to see and enjoy White Magic, clowns in circuses, Moving Lies you call Cinema, Propaganda you call News, Brainwashing you call Education, and more.

 BASHEER:   Stop, stop, stop, please!  I know and it is so painful, but I still haven’t lost my mind, thank God! 

 SATAN:  God?  Forget about this Incompetent Manager of World Affairs!  I did a far better job!  My servants are smart and very successful at what they do.  His ones are hypocrites, cowards, traitors, and most of them worship me, not Him!  Are you blind?

 BASHEER:  I wish I were blind and worshipped you instead!  What am I saying?  Stop trying to hypnotise me too, but your Man and Woman demons did harm me though!

 SATAN:  I have been trying quite hard to make you join me for the past 60 years or so, but I can guarantee you never will!  But, my minions will try nonetheless and non stop!

 BASHEER:  MY DEATH will succeed in making me join you, Satan!

SATAN:  You are joking, I do not even exist!  The JOOZ said their GOD killed 6 million of them in homicidal gas chambers to wake the Survivors up, and to take over the world, which they indeed did together with the 6 million that never died after all!

BASHEER:  Satan, I did not know you were also anti-Semitic and a Holocaust Denier!   You must exist as we see you every day and everywhere in every nation under your control!  Anybody who has seen Bill Gates smile has seen you!

SATAN:  But, nobody has seen his tribesman Henry Kissinger smile?  I know what you are going to say.  Satan is a real deceiver.  Have you not seen the last scene of the JOOLLYWOOD 1976 anti-Christian movie “THE OMEN”?

BASHEER:  I also watched the despicable anti-Christian Joollywood movie “The Exorcist” where they show an imbecile unable to show any competence in exorcism!  Africans, Indians and Shamans are better exorcists!

SATAN: When they try, I always love to kick their butts to those Catholics hypocrites!  As for my demons at the Council on Foreign Relations, among the Jewzuits, the Bilderbergers, Skull & Bones, ADL and others of the post-Christian Talmudist Qabbalah, they do not need exorcists as they are the devils who possess the most vulnerable among you while they are themselves protected because they worship me, Lucifer, Baal, Moloch, Yahu, and themselves – and not your God!  Anyway, I have not seen Him since at least that impostor Christopher Columbus!

 BASHEER:  Satan I am really getting very tired of your boasting tactics as well as of those fanatical Christians and Muslims they will or might one day dwell n a Heavenly Paradise when most of them refuse to fight for freedom, truth, Justice and Morality while on Earth!   

 SATAN:  I remember you wrote two books, a 800 pages one “A Different Perspective of the History of Humankind” that I ordered Denis Yates of Chelmsford to delete when he had your computer in for repairs.  And a second fully illustrated 1200 pages one "The Alien Beginning and End of Humankind" that Ta-Ha publishers in London refused to publish as all important book publishing firms are owned or controlled by us!  The publisher even told you on the telephone why he could not – because he was funded by Jews!

 BASHEER:  Yes, Ta-Ha did tell me this when I rang them from “Call to Islam” bookshop, a Sectarian Tribalist Heretic Wahhabi Saudi-Salafi Centre!  So, you’ve been spying on me?

 SATAN:  I have to while your God is nowhere to be seen!  He used to be very busy killing babies, children, first-borns, and enjoying Himself with virgins Israel had saved for Him after they had raped so many!  The Holy Bible said so.

 BASHEER:  Yes, they say they are Jews, but they are not; they are your Synagogue as written in Revelation 2:9.

 SATAN:  They are my ministers, my demons of light, my Chosen ones, Holy Israel, the Superior Race selected by me, their Luciferian God!

 BASHEER:  YAKOV ISRA EL, the one who defeated God or His Angel in a battle!  Amen

SATAN:  You know that this battle was a necessary myth to create one greater and more powerful than God – ISRA EL!

BASHEER: Yes, this was a 100% fabricated myth!  The other myth preached to this day is that Israel or Jews were not Arabians – but White Ashkenazis, not even Turco-Mongolians!

 SATAN:  But, even the book you are now reading is filled with Christian dogmatic myths like the Original Sin that is a curse on the entire world unless they accept to eat the body of Christ and drink his blood and worship him as God in Four or more persons!

BASHEER:  You are right, Satan, I was indeed wrong not to provide a disclaimer right from the start that I did not agree with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock who as a fervent Christian used too many of Christian dogmatic myths, instead of concentrating mainly on provable facts!  It is obvious to me that under Muslim rule Jews did not pose a real threat at all but only in Christendom who after expelling their top criminals, re-invited them back!

SATAN:  You are right too!  But, I waited until they had made an Alliance with decadent Christendom to finally start wars after wars against Muslims, Arabs, the real Semitic people, and against Islam and the entire Goyim world.  When Muslims became decadent, it was easier for my Synagogue to conquer all their lands and set up our puppets in the Muslim Holy lands, Apartheid Israel in Palestine, and the Saudi heretics in Arabia!

BASHEER:  Yes, I became aware of all this when I was about 15 years old and this was why my life and that of my loved ones on your Earth was seriously damaged!  Today, my little ones have to face your evil with no God or human to help them!  How sad!

SATAN:  I cannot spare you or your loved ones, Basheer, because I have been ordered by your God to destroy as many of you as I can and I boldly took up the challenge knowing well in advance that it would be very easy!  But, apparently, your God did not know, but He always says He knows best!

BASHEER:  Yes, I read that too!  But, if I were God, with all the Power attributed to Him by our wise people, I would have created a more peaceful, loving and happy world!        

SATAN:  Now, you are blaspheming again Basheer!

BASHEER:  Why?  God created hypocrites, thieves, racists, ungrateful and mass murdering beings, didn’t He?  Despite all my incompetence in domestic economics, I am a better Father and a better Grandfather than Him, am I not?  And, even a better Mother and Grandmother to my grandchildren!

SATAN: I have to admit that you are right, Basheer, and I can see why you are so disappointed with life and humans because God promised me Hell if I could destroy you all and I was too happy to take uo the challenge because, like you, I knew there was no such Hell!

BASHEER:  And those foolish humans take everything literally!  I feel so sorry for them expecting to be rewarded and to live forever in Palaces and luxury in a Mythical Heavenly Paradise when both paradise and hell are right here on your Earth God said He created! 

BASHEER:  God ordered or advised humans to use their brain, logic and commonsense, but the Muslim idea of reward for their mostly few good deeds was too tempting!

SATAN:  Hey, Basheer, you took my turn!

BASHEER:  I am sorry, Satan!

SATAN:  Temptation, that’s where I took advantage of their cravings for personal rewards while they allowed most of humanity to live impoverished by my armies of demons and capitalists, starving to death, terrorised by my bombs, dying at the hands of criminals, and on the killing fields of my armies, where all my assassins are decorated and worshipped by human fools I transformed into monsters!

BASHEER:  So, according to you, you are doing God’s bidding? 

SATAN:  I do not see any other reason!  


 BASHEER:  So, according to you, you are doing God’s bidding? 

SATAN:  I do not see any other reason! 






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