Thursday 19 January 2023

Braveheart Ty 55 and Princess Charlene Bollinger - Cancer Control, Covid Plandemic, mRNA Experimental Jabs.

 “There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy - hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.” 

 Frederick William Robertson

 Braveheart Ty and Princess Charlene Bollinger - Cancer Control wthout drugs,  surgery, radiation, negative side effects.

[📚Thursday Rewind] ⏪ Celebrating Ty’s “Double Nickel” Birthday ➕ How to Heal from mRNA jabs ➕ What’s Causing “Turbo Cancer”❓
Ty & Charlene @ TTAC <>Unsubscribe
Thu, 19 Jan 2023 at 14:37


Thursday, Jan 19, 2023.


Happy Thursday, Basheer!


Normally we have a Thursday “recharge” but today it’s our Thursday “rewind.” Why? Because we’re going to rewind 55 years all the way back to 1968…(yes we had cassette tapes back then) wink

55 Years ago today a sweet little baby boy was born. His mother and father loved him. He grew up to become a good and faithful man who fell in love with his Princess who called him Braveheart. They were living “Happily Ever After” when they lost his father 6 months after they were married who was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors cut his stomach out which led to his untimely death. This was Ty and Charlene’s introduction into the cancer industry which led them into writing the book, Cancer - Step Outside the Box which has reached hundreds of thousands of people who were looking for ways to heal their body. More on that in a moment... 


First, I (Charlene) would like to interrupt the regularly scheduled email to say directly to Ty: 


Happy Birthday Braveheart! I thank God for the day you were born and for bringing us together to do the work that we do now. It has been my joy in life to be your wife and watch you work day and night to help the people of the world learn the truth that has saved countless lives. It has been a blessing beyond description to watch you be the father I didn’t know could possibly exist for our children. (No wonder they are all so amazing with you as their loving Daddy!) There is no one in the world like you. You give such light and beauty and hope everywhere you go, so much like Mom and Dad. You are the best of the best and I know they are proud of you, my Braveheart! I love you. Happy Birthday!” heart


Each of our children would also like to say something to you in celebration of the day…


Happy birthday to the best Dad ever!! You are the most selfless and sacrificial person I know, I hope you have an amazing birthday today. You are always doing things for other people, so today I hope you can take some time to rest and watch “What About Bob” and celebrate!!! Love, Brianna

Happy Birthday Daddy! I am thankful that you are my father and that you are still so involved in our lives even though you work so hard. You are a great example of what I want to be when I grow up, and I am thankful I get to see that in you. I hope you have a great day today and eat some good Feesh MOOTLE!! Love you, Bryce

Happy Birthday Daddy!!! I’m so glad today is your birthday, and I’m so thrilled that I get to spend it with you! You are such a wonderful father, and I’m so blessed to be your daughter! Today will be a fantabulous day! We will all have so much fun together! I love you to infinity!!!!! -Tabba Fish


Dear Daddy, Happy Birthday!! You are such a good father and man!! I am the most blessed girl in the world!! I hope you have the best birthday EVER!! I love you so much it is CRAZY!! Double nickels! Love, Tadpole


To commemorate Ty’s “Double Nickel” birthday (55), we’re having a “Birthday Celebration” Sale where you can save 55% on our “magnum opus” of cancer-fighting secrets, Cancer - Step Outside the Box. 


This 500+ page book is jam-packed with all the natural cancer treatments and preventions we have discovered in over 25 years of research. You’ll get all the information you'll ever need to control your cancer. Without using drugs… without surgery… without radiation… and without any negative side effects. 


Until Sunday midnight, you can get a printed copy for only $15.75, which is the lowest price we’ve ever had for this groundbreaking book. Plus, in true birthday celebration fashion, we’ll give you a link to download the digital PDF copy absolutely FREE! wink


>> Get Your Copy Now <<


We’ve also got some great articles on how Pharma used censorship to drive profits, new protocols for healing from mRNA shots, a look at the latest VAERS data, and a wild story about alcohol and cancer (it’s not what you think). We know your time is valuable, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to read these important stories.


Let’s dive in!


Advanced Healing & Recovery Protocol: How to Neutralize Damage from mRNA Shots


It’s been over 2 years since the first shots for COVID-19 were made available and they have been an unmitigated disaster. Not only do the shots fail to stop infection or transmission as promised (stopping the spread was the primary selling point for the jabs), but they have also resulted in a wave of injury and death that is unprecedented in pharmacology.



Many have already been duped into taking these shots. Some just once, others multiple times. The question remains: “What can I do to get this poison OUT of my body and protect myself from these lethal side effects?


A prominent doctor and healer (with whom many of you are familiar) has created an advanced recovery protocol for those who were tricked, forced, or coerced into getting these toxic mRNA shots.


>> Learn How to Heal from Toxic COVID Shots <<



CDC Releases VAERS Data on COVID Shots


There is a reason why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) desperately tried to hide covid “vaccine” data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): because it clearly shows that the injections are deadly and never should have been authorized or approved.



A CDC safety signal analysis based on VAERS data covering the period from Dec. 14, 2020, when covid jabs were first released, through July 29, 2022, found that the experimental gene-editing injections cause all sorts of thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, hemorrhagic, hematological, immune system, and menstrual adverse events in recipients – not to mention sudden death, which we are now witnessing occur all around the world.


There is no way to explain away these safety signals, which is why the CDC tried desperately to keep it all under wraps on behalf of its Big Pharma partners. They are not exaggerated, nor are they fraudulent or artificially inflated, the simple reason being that safety signals are not contingent upon the number of reports.


>> COVID Shots Are Killing Us <<



Does Booze Really Cause Cancer?


According to the CDC, alcohol consumption increases the risk factor for six types of cancer, including breast, liver, colon and rectum, larynx, esophagus, and mouth and throat. The claim by a new mass media blitz says that “most Americans are not aware of this link.” But is that really the case?



Ever heard of vaccine-induced “turbo cancer?” Doctors in Canada have discovered that the Pfizer mRNA booster shots for Covid-19 can dramatically increase T-cell lymphoma and create a ‘turbo-effect’ of spreading of cancer cells in the lymph nodes. This is according to analysis of PET/CT scans on cancer patients who got the jabs that the CDC claims are “safe and effective.”


Spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogenic, in other words, but the US government regulatory agencies won’t dare slap a label like that on vaccines. Meanwhile, the cover stories are running right and left, saying it’s all about alcohol and tobacco, so nobody will investigate vaccine-induced cancer, as the real vaccine-induced cancer apocalypse comes.


>> COVID Cancer Coverups <<



“There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy - hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.Frederick William Robertson


To Your Health & Liberty,



© Copyright 2022, TTAC Publishing LLC, All Rights Reserved.

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Wikipedia post a lot of Zionist trash, propaganda, and censor contents, etc.  THIS JEWIPEDIA MISINFORMATION, OUTRIGHT LIES, AND DEFAMATORY CONTENTS PROVE WITH WHOM THEY ARE IN CAHOOTS!

Ty Bollinger

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Ty Bollinger
Ty Bollinger video.jpg
Born1968 (age 54–55)
Occupation(s)Alternative medicine activist, writer
Charlene Bolinger
(m. 1996)

Ty Bollinger (born 1968) is an American misinformation marketer and conspiracy theorist who promotes alternative medicine treatments for cancer and vaccine-preventable diseases. Bollinger has no medical training and has a history of disseminating misinformation about cancer treatments, anti-vaccine conspiracies, promoting ineffective or unproven cures, and other conspiracy theories on social media platforms. With his wife Charlene, he runs the website The Truth About Cancer and its associated social media accounts, where they sell books, videos, and nutritional supplements based on these ideas.[1]


Bollinger is a former bodybuilder, and has no medical training.[2][3][4]: 1 He lives in Tennessee with his wife and their children.[5]

He attributes his interest in alternative cancer treatments to losing several relatives to cancer, starting with his father in 1996.[2][3][6][7][8] Not unlike anti-vaccination activists, he presents himself as a right-to-choose advocate rather than being anti-medicine.[9][10]

The Truth About Cancer

The couple's main website is The Truth About Cancer, established in 2014. It promotes misinformation about cancer, notably that chemotherapy doesn't cure the disease, and functions as a merchandising platform for their numerous instructional videos, as well as food supplements, alternative health books, and treatments. The reach of the videos can be considerable, some having been viewed millions of times.[4][9][10][11][12]

The Truth about Cancer videos present a variety of pseudoscientific treatments to supposedly remove toxins from the body, an approach long discredited as being incompatible with what is known about human physiology.[13][14][15][16] The videos include interviews with alternative medicine advocates selling ineffective supplements and treatments, such as Matthias Rath, Mike Adams, Joseph Mercola, Jonathan Wright, Rashid Buttar, Russell Blaylock, Stanislaw Burzynski, and Tullio Simoncini. There are no interviews with oncologists or cancer researchers. Misusing medical information, they propagate myths about the efficacy of alternative treatments and conspiracy theories involving pharmaceutical companies and health professionals. Promoted treatments include detoxification, fad diets, as well as ineffective and potentially dangerous medication such as laetrile.[3][7][17]

The website has strong commercial ties to other companies that use false or misleading information to sell products and to anti-vaccination groups. The Bollingers have said they paid $12 million to partner groups such as Children's Health Defense for website customer referrals, a practice known as affiliate marketing. This type of commercial alliance between companies and groups spreading conspiracy theories to sell products and information packages has been dubbed a "disinformation industry" by Professor Dorit Reiss.[4] Top sellers for Bollinger's The Truth About Vaccines include prominent anti-vaccination promoters, including Sayer Ji, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Rashid Buttar, Michael Adams and Sherri Tenpenny.[18]

Bollinger has a history of promoting unproven or disproven cancer treatments. One of his highly circulated 2017 videos features the viral treatment known under the name of Rigvir, which originated in a Latvian laboratory. The treatment was subsequently taken off the market by the Latvian health authority, as the company could not present results of human studies to prove efficacy after it was found the doses sold contained a number of viruses that was greatly inferior to what was indicated on the packaging.[11][19][20] Ty Bollinger promoted lycopene as a medication reducing the risk of developing several types of cancer in 2018, when extensive studies concluded as early as 2007 that it does not prevent cancer.[21]

Bollinger associated himself with osteopathic physician and conspiracy theorist Rashid Buttar to sell subscriptions to an organization (the International Association for a Disease-Free World) that appears to exist solely as a marketing device for doubtful cures sold by Buttar. Bollinger explains most of the website is accessible to paying members only, to discourage law enforcement officials and public health authorities from looking into the medical claims made about the products.[22]

He was involved in the case of Cassandra Callender, a young woman who refused chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma in 2015. In this rare case, the Connecticut Supreme Court ordered that the life-saving treatment be administered against the will of Callender and her mother. In one of his Truth about Cancer videos, Bollinger is seen coaching Callender on how to delay the medical treatments until she reaches legal age and arranging alternative medicine treatments for her cancer. Callender did stop her treatments when she turned 18 and went to an alternative medicine clinic in Mexico where she received ineffective treatments. She eventually returned to the United States to undergo chemotherapy when her cancer returned but died in 2020.[12][23]

Anti-vaccination and COVID-19

Bollinger also branched out into anti-vaccination, selling a new video series, The Truth about Vaccines from their website, with a supporting Facebook group.[22][4] The videos feature interviews and commentary by several leaders of the American anti-vaccination movement, such as Children's Health Defense's Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield, Barbara Loe Fisher, Del Bigtree, Sayer Ji, Joseph Mercola, and Rashid Buttar.[18]

In 2020, the Bollingers' social media accounts had a combined reach of 3.5 million followers.[22] In addition to promoting their merchandise and theories about cancer, they have been using their social media presence to promote misinformation about vaccines, including anti-government conspiracy theories common to the anti-vaccination movement.[22] The newsletter they distribute to their paying customers promotes several of the major players in the anti-vaccination movement.[22]

The Bollingers' company, TTAC Publishing, received two COVID-19 rescue loans from the federal government: in May 2020, when they stated they had 16 employees, and in February 2021 when they listed 27 employees.[4]

In May 2021, YouTube suspended the Bollingers' Truth About Vaccines channel, as part of the platform's efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. The channel boasted some 75,000 subscribers, with one video featuring Kennedy getting more than a million views. Their channel The Truth About Cancer was not impacted by the ban.[24]

Bollinger frequently repeats claims from anti-vaccination activists.[2][9] A study by NewsGuard ranks the Bollingers' Facebook page as one of the largest superspreaders of COVID-19 misinformation as of April 2020. The study found the page repeated many of the common COVID-19 false claims, including that the pandemic was planned, that the virus was built in a laboratory, and that COVID-19 is transmitted by 5G wireless technology. All of these claims have been debunked by public health units and independent medical researchers.[10][25] Another analysis of Twitter and Facebook anti-vaccine content, in March 2021, found the Bollingers' to be one of 12 individual and organization accounts producing up to 65% of all anti-vaccine content on the platforms.[1]

Stop the Steal

Bollinger spoke at a "Stop the Steal" rally in Nashville on November 14, 2020, repeating accusations of election fraud.[26] Such allegations of fraud were rejected by the courts due to lack of evidence,[27] the suits being frequently characterized as being frivolous and without merit.[28][29][30] He also spoke at a protest staged by pastor Greg Locke on November 23, 2020, against new restrictions imposed in Nashville to limit the spread of COVID-19. Bollinger encouraged protestors to ignore the measures put in place by Mayor John Cooper, telling them: "These codes are not laws, so they are not enforceable."[31]

The couple played a significant role in organizing the pro-Trump demonstrations that culminated in a riot at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.[32] They coordinated with leaders of the Stop the Steal movement to bring their supporters to the demonstrations. They introduced speakers to their crowd of supporters and according to Darlene, Ty joined the demonstration outside the Capitol; both afterward condemned the violence that took place at the event.[4][10][33] The Bollingers have been using QAnon hashtags in 2020 and promoted some of the movement's common conspiracy theories.[22]

Bollinger has appeared as part of the ReAwaken America tour, a political protest movement centered on opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and in favor of the conspiracy theory that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald J. Trump.[34]







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