Thursday 22 December 2022

The International Jew by Henry Ford - pdf

 The Noontide Press:
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The International Jew, by Henry Ford


"It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to be
found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are
associated. And as the Jews are the common element of the situation it would seem probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them rather than in the widely varying groups which feel this antagonism."

-- Jesse H. Holmes, in The American Hebrew

Candid Address to Jews on the Jewish Problem

This is a candid address to the Jews of the United States. Without subterfuge, without flattery, wholly without fear of all that they may threaten or can do, this attempt is made to set before them the Jewish Question as their question, theirs to acknowledge, theirs to consider, theirs to solve.

It is not a question of THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT at all. This paper has merely become the vehicle of unwelcome facts which have finally thrust themselves up for final disposal in this country.

Damning this paper, compelling cheap city politicians to interfere with its sale, indulging in ribald humor concerning it, will not affect the facts at all. What THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT says is true or it is untrue. If true, it ought to be considered. If untrue, it ought to be disproved. The present policy of Jewish leaders is to do neither, but to indulge in antics which go a long way toward illustrating what this paper has said.

What THE DEARVBORN INDEPENDENT says is true, and tens of thousands of Jews know it is true.

No representative Jew has ever approached us with a denial of the truth of what has been stated in this paper. Neither has any unrepresentative Jew.
The chief objection made against the publication of the facts is always stated in this form:

"What you say is true. Certain Jews are guilty of the things you charge. But why do you say 'Jew'? Why do you not say Al Wood, Morris Gest, Louis Marshall, Samuel Untermyer, Edward Lauterbach, Felix Warburg -- why not let it go with these men's names, why say 'Jew'? When you say 'Jew,' it sounds as if you blamed all the Jews." 

This objection has been seriously and courteously made by a number of Jews who have conferred with THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT on this series of articles, and has been as seriously and courteously considered.

What is the answer? 

First, that these men are Jews. 

Second, that being Jews these men constitute a problem for the Jews themselves.

Third, it is time for some one to call attention to the necessity of cleaning up on that problem. There has been too much mincing of words. There has been too much concealment of names and relationship. The method which the Jews were taking in this country with regard to concealment was heading them swiftly toward the same conditions which have menaced their race in Europe, and THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT would count no labor lost that would rouse the Jews to a sense of the responsibility which rests on them to solve the Jewish Question in this country, possibly the only country where it can be solved.

Let us be frank: if this paper had mentioned only the names of individual Jews, never mentioning their race, and had exposed them as isolated persons, it would have made no difference in the general Jewish reaction, the cry would still have been that "the Jews were being attacked"; whereas the other people of the country would have been just as much in the dark regarding the close bonds which unite all the groups of evil influences in this country. The purpose of this series of articles is to let in the light -- to show the Jews generally that the stench
had become too great, and to show the rest of the people where the stench arose.

The list of charges for the Jews of the United States to consider as affecting the distinguished members of their race is very serious. And the charges are true.

It is true that there is a distinct "Jewish idea" in business and professional life which has eaten away the traditional principles of honor on which Anglo-Saxon life was erected. Every Jew knows that, every non-Jew knows it. Here and there a Jew in business or professional life makes a breakaway from trickery, deception, dishonesty, and exploitation of the gullible public, and achieves success with honor, but that Jew also knows that the majority of his brethren in the same line practice different methods.

It is true that behind the amazing degeneracy of the modern stage and motion picture is a solid wall of Jewish ownership and control. This ownership and control must bear the responsibility for the rapid and dangerous deterioration which has come since such ownership and control was achieved.

It is true that behind all the shoddy and make-believe and adulteration in the staples of life is the Jewish idea of profits, "making the ephah small and the shekel great," and that the initiators of American business into these shady practices were Jewish. It is idle to retort that apt pupils have been found among non-Jews; the point is that before Jewish influence began to be felt in
American business, sound quality and a fair price were the rule. It is the Jews' ceaseless boast that wherever they go they change business, but not for the better.

It is true that beneath all the network of trivializing influences in literature, art, politics, economics, fashion and sport, is Jewish influence controlled by Jewish groups. Their Orientalism has served as a subtle poison to dry up the sound serum of Anglo-Saxon morality on which this country thrived in its formative years. Is it necessary to specify? In every movement toward a lower standard, a looser relationship, especially toward the overthrow of the old Christian safeguards, do not Jewish names predominate?

These charges and many more have all been made in detail with evidence submitted, and need not be repeated here. The present purpose is simply to get the problem squarely before the Jews of the United States.

These charges are true, they cannot be disproved, Jewish leaders have not attempted to disprove them. Thousands of Jews have said that they are true.
Then where is the obstacle to a settlement?

This question is best answered by three typical replies made by Jews during the course of the present series.

1. "What you say is true, but you should not say it."
There is a principle, seldom expressed among the Jews, but always acted on, that Jews should not have public attention called to them except by themselves or their chosen spokesmen. This is unfortunate, because any establishment of the Jews as an accepted and trusted part of the general citizenry must include their being known as such. In this country the Jew should not only welcome the widest knowledge (unless he has something he fears to have known) but
should himself undertake the exposure of those things which will eventually bring a shadow on the name of his race. The Jew has never done this. When exposure could no longer be suppressed the Jewish attitude has always been one of defense, regardless of the merits of the case. "The Jew can do no wrong" is the principle acted upon. Never must a "Gentile" charge be admitted, however true it may be. Never must a "Gentile" reform be assisted, no matter how much needed.

Now, that principle may do for other countries, but not for the United States. If the Jew is wise, he ought speedily to take warning that in this country the old line of action will not succeed. If Jews continue to show a disposition to defend the malefactors of their race against the just expostulations of the rest of the people, they must not be surprised if the public begins to view them as all one crowd -- an inner nation set against the outer nation.

2. "What you say is true, but your conclusion is wrong: it is not for the Jew to change to your standards, it is for you to change to the Jew's standards."

This is the fighting view. It admits that there are two ideas in conflict in the United States, what it unfairly terms the "Puritanic" idea, opposed by what it calls the Jewish Universal idea.

This view would command respect if it represented a superior morality in conflict with a lesser morality, if it represented a higher civilization against a lower civilization. Will any Jew contend that it does? Will any Jew deny that the influence of the Jewish idea in this generation is to break down such morality as we had? Will any Jew deny that the civilization of the United States before the advent of the Jews thither was superior to the highest civilization ever achieved by the Jews anywhere at any period of their history? 

There are two ideas in conflict -- that is certain. The Jewish idea has a tremendous infiltratingforce and a serious degenerative power. It is a powerfully disintegrating influence. It eats thesubstance out of the civilization which it attacks, destroys its moral virility, throws down itsreverence, saps its respect for authority, casts a shadow on every basic principle.

That is the way the Jewish idea works in American civilization. Moral gravitation being, like physical gravitation, downward, it is not difficult to seduce human nature to lower levels, but it is a massive task to lift it to higher levels of morality and reverence and sober justice. And this latter task, organized Jewish effort has never attempted. The campaign in the United States is a
campaign for the breakdown of the ideas that now obtain, not a lifting of them to a higher degree of nobility.

If it were an attempt to substitute the austerity of the Mosaic law -- the law given to Moses, not the ordinances decreed by Moses -- for the half-hearted Christian idealism of the day, even that would be a task in which all right-hearted men could join. But Moses condemns the modern Jews more severely than anyone else could. They have rejected the Mosaic law. They have built their international power upon the exact opposite of the Mosaic law. Moses was given a law of human society which would have saved civilization its greatest tragedies. Moses has a social program, obedience to which for one day would completely wreck the Jewish international power. Moses is their judge, and when the Law is established Moses will be their destroyer.

Let the Jews think seriously what is this idea which they set up to follow. Let them penetrate the mists and seek out where this idea originated. Let them think forward and visualize the effect if this idea should become regnant. It will not become regnant here; there are safeguards here which the true Israelite will understand; but it is as certain as day that the idea will in the end destroy, utterly destroy, all who trust in it.

This much is gained, however, from the attitude we are now discussing: we have gained clarity of understanding as to just what it is that is in collision; it is two ideas, and one of them is the idea of disruption, fostered by the false and delusive hope that disruption will spare the disrupter.

3. "What you say is true, and we Jews could change it if we only would. The trouble is, we don't want to seem to be driven to it. But I don't see how otherwise we are to do it."

Many Jews will recognize this sentiment as their own, but they will be readier to express it to a non-Jew than to a Jew. Why? Because prophets must be prepared to suffer in Judah. "Well, if you insist on playing Christ, you must expect to be crucified," said Lilienthal to Isaac Wise. "O Jerusalem, that stonest them that are sent to thee!"

Yet there is need of prophets in Judah today, men who will rise among the people and tell them plainly. The rabbinate is utterly bankrupt of the prophetic spirit. It has fallen into the blindness of the old priesthood. Here and there a literary man attempts to speak, but Jewish "art" has so accustomed the Jews to make-believe that the writing is looked upon as a performance, nothing more.

No one with a sense for such things -- and there are believers still left in Judah -- will doubt that........




Vol. 1 The International Jew
The Jew in Character and Business
Germany's Reaction Against the Jew
Jewish History in the United States
The Jewish Question -- Fact or Fancy?
Anti-Semitism -- Will It Appear in the U.S.?
Jewish Question Breaks Into the Magazines
Arthur Brisbane Leaps to the Help of Jewry
Does a Definite Jewish World Program Exist?
The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism
An Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols"
"Jewish" Estimate of Gentile Human Nature
"Jewish Protocols" Claim Partial Fulfillment
"Jewish" Plan to Split Society by "Ideas"
Did the Jews Foresee the World War?
Is the Jewish "Kahal" the Modern "Soviet"?
How the "Jewish Question" Touches the Farm
Does Jewish Power Control the World Press?
Does This Explain Jewish Political Power?
The All-Jewish Mark on "Red Russia"
Jewish Testimony in Favor of Bolshevism

 Vol. 2 Jewish Activities in the United States
How Jews in the U.S. Conceal Their Strength
Jewish Testimony on "Are Jews a Nation?"
Jew Versus Non-Jew in New York Finance
The High and Low of Jewish Money Power
"Disraeli of America" -- A Jew of Super-Power
The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S.
Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits
Jewish Control of the American Theater
The Rise of the First Jewish Theatrical Trust
How Jews Capitalized a Protest Against Jews
The Jewish Aspect of the "Movie" Problem
Jewish Supremacy in Motion Picture World
Rule of the Jewish Kehillah Grips New York
The Jewish Demand for "Rights" in America
"Jewish Rights" Clash With American Rights
"Jewish Rights" to Put Studies Out of Schools
Disraeli -- British Premier, Portrays the Jews
Taft Once Tried to Resist Jews -- and Failed
When Editors Were Independent of the Jews
Why the Jews Dislike the Morgenthau Report
Jews Use the Peace Conference to Bind Poland
The Present Status of the Jewish Question
Vol. 3
Jewish Influences in American Life
The Jews and the "Religious Persecution" Cry
Are the Jews Victims or Persecutors?
Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Baseball
Jewish Degradation of American Baseball
Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music

48 How the Jewish Song Trust Makes You Sing
Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the U.S.
Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries
Will Jewish Zionism Bring Armageddon?
How the Jews Use Power -- By an Eyewitness
How Jews Ruled and Ruined Tammany Hall
Jew Wires Direct Tammany's Gentile Puppets
B'nai B'rith Leader Discusses the Jews
Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People's Error
Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs
Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve Plan
Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America
How Jewish International Finance Functions
Jewish Power and America's Money Famine
Vol. 4
Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States
How Jews Gained American Liquor Control
Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career
The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil
Angles of Jewish Influence in American Life
The Jews' Complaint Against "Americanism"
The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold and Jewish Aid in Shady Deal
Arnold and His Jewish Aids at West Point
The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names
Jewish "Kol Nidre" and "Eli, Eli" Explained
Jews as New York Magistrates See Them
Jews Are Silent, the National Voice Is Heard
What Jews Attempted Where They Had Power
The Jewish Question in Current Testimony
America's Jewish Enigma -- Louis Marshall

77 The Economic Plans of International Jews
A Jew Sees His People As Others See Them
Candid Address to Jews on the Jewish Problem
An Address to "Gentiles" on the Jewish Problem

Next chapter

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48 How the Jewish Song Trust Makes You Sing
Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the U.S.
Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries
Will Jewish Zionism Bring Armageddon?
How the Jews Use Power -- By an Eyewitness
How Jews Ruled and Ruined Tammany Hall
Jew Wires Direct Tammany's Gentile Puppets
B'nai B'rith Leader Discusses the Jews
Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People's Error
Jewish Idea in American Monetary Affairs
Jewish Idea Molded Federal Reserve Plan
Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America
How Jewish International Finance Functions
Jewish Power and America's Money Famine
Vol. 4
Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States
How Jews Gained American Liquor Control
Gigantic Jewish Liquor Trust and Its Career
The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil
Angles of Jewish Influence in American Life
The Jews' Complaint Against "Americanism"
The Jewish Associates of Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold and Jewish Aid in Shady Deal
Arnold and His Jewish Aids at West Point
The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names
Jewish "Kol Nidre" and "Eli, Eli" Explained
Jews as New York Magistrates See Them
Jews Are Silent, the National Voice Is Heard
What Jews Attempted Where They Had Power
The Jewish Question in Current Testimony
America's Jewish Enigma -- Louis Marshall


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