Friday, 30 April 2021


" ...clandestine evil efforts of the ‘Center for Public Integrity’ (what an oxymoron)..."

Ty & Charlene @ TTAV <>Unsubscribe
Fri, 30 Apr at 18:49




Since we sent the email this morning about the clandestine evil efforts of the ‘Center for Public Integrity’ (what an oxymoron), we have been inundated with words of support ... and outrage. 


To all the people who sent words of encouragement, thank you!! wink


In case you missed the email, they are targeting our family members to try to dig up dirt to smear us! Our good friend, Mike Adams, wrote an article about this display of what he calls 'journo-terrorism' (i.e. using the cover of "journalism" to "search and destroy" someone -- in this case -- us!)


We just received this email from Clarke and we wanted to share it with you:


These types of journalistic tactics are disgusting! This reporter should be ashamed of herself for using these deceptive practices to try to dig up dirt on people like Ty and Charlene! All they want to do is help save lives!! Why don't you write an article about something that really matters? Like deaths from the coronavirus vaccine or children that are taken from their family when they refuse chemo? Why don't you write an article about the 100,000 people that die each year from FDA approved drugs?”

We agree with Clarke! But unfortunately, due to Pharma's focus on profits rather than people, when their "bottom line" is threatened, they send out digital "hit men" to protect their turf. And we are definitely "infringing on their turf" by shedding the light of truth on their evil lies!

  • How can we expose these companies that want to censor us and the truth? 
  • How can we defeat their intimidation tactics?
  • How can we make sure that they don't succeed?

SHARE this information! That’s how!

Please please please continue to share this information with your friends and family. Buy the entire docu-series and give it as a gift! What’s more valuable than the gift of life? For about the same cost as one meal at a restaurant, you can give someone the information that might literally save their life! 

And we can’t do this without you! 

We NEED your courageous efforts to help us inform others, to educate them and show that we all must stand together for freedom of choice in cancer treatments

Please share this far and wide because the shift has begun... and they can’t stop us now! 

We all ARE the change that we seek in the world and we WILL win the battle because we have strength in numbers and because we CARE! 


>> OWN the Docu-Series NOW <<

Thank you for being you. Thank you for joining our movement and supporting our mission.


Yours in health and liberty,






P.S. We’re not ‘Big Pharma’ (with deep pockets) and we don’t have advertisers. We’re a small company that’s committed to the TRUTH and committed to helping humanity. Much like PBS, we need your support to continue broadcasting free information to the world and continue saving lives. 

If you’ve learned something, been inspired to fight for health freedom, or just love how it feels to support a good cause, please consider owning the entire 9-episode docu-series today


Together, we will win the fight for health freedom.



Don’t forget ... the 60% off  “early bird” special ends in just a few hours when the countdown clock strikes zero...


© Copyright 2021, TTAV Global LLC, All Rights Reserved.
This email was sent to bafremauxsoormally@......

PO Box 530, Portland, TN 37148

🎯 Targeted by “Medical Mafia” Smear Campaign ➕ Your Cancer “Compass” Awaits! 🧭

Ty & Charlene @ TTAV <>Unsubscribe
Fri, 30 Apr at 14:08



We promised to tell the ‘TRUTH’ and expose the ‘LIES’ and we’ve lived up to that promise every single night for the past 9 days. 

Last night was no different. If you haven’t already watched the grand finale of ‘Quest for the Cures [FINAL CHAPTER],’ you can watch it here

Apparently, the grand finale, Episode 9, brought many of you to tears. The comments are “over the top”... People are encouraged and inspired and more determined than ever to stand up for choice in cancer treatments and health freedom

Meanwhile, the medical mafia and their cronies at the ‘Center for Public Integrity’ along with “journalists” (we use that term loosely) like Liz Essley Whyte are targeting our family members to try to dig up dirt to smear us! 


Our good friend, Mike Adams, just wrote an article about this disgusting display of journo-terrorism. In the words of the Health Ranger, “This is the kind of mafia-style, terror-invoking ‘journalism’ that might typically be associated with Stalinist Russia or modern-day communist China.”

How can we expose journo-terrorists like Liz Essley Whyte and the companies they work for? How can we defeat their intimidation tactics?

Share this information with everyone you know! Because there are way more of “us” than there are  of “them.” And they do not want you to know your options!

And the time is NOW!


It’s time! ...  It’s time for us all to make a difference! ... It’s time for us to rise up and educate the world with the truth!


We need your help! Let’s make a difference -- TOGETHER!

Please join the movement and support our mission by owning the entire docu-series. When you choose to own ‘Quest for the Cures [FINAL CHAPTER]’ and share it with your friends and family, you are joining the “Truth Army” and are helping us change the world! Think of this docu-series as your “cancer truth compass” and share it far and wide!!

You also help us to continue our research, interviews and most importantly, you help us to continue sharing this information with the world -- for free (just like we’re doing right now).


Remember, until tonight at midnight, the entire 9-episode docu-series is available at 60% off … 


>> Click Here to Order!


Together, we will win the fight for health freedom. smiley


Yours in health and liberty,






P.S. Hurry! The 60% off  “early bird” special ends when the countdown clock strikes zero…



    © Copyright 2021, TTAV Global LLC, All Rights Reserved.
    This email was sent to bafremauxsoormally@......

    PO Box 530, Portland, TN 37148

[UPDATE] Weird Wacky World Unfolding Right in Front of our 👀 ➕ Another CoV1D Vaccine “Coincidence” ➕ More Medical Mafia Attacks...

Ty & Charlene @ TTAV <>
Thu, 6 May 2021 at 14:21

Thursday, May 6, 2021


Happy Thursday, Basheer! 


The world premiere of Quest for the Cures [FINAL CHAPTER] was a smashing success, with over 2 million people reached with the truth! Thank you for your support and for your encouragement. We truly appreciate you! blush


And what a crazy past 2 weeks! The world has become weirder and wackier than we ever dreamed!


The medical mafia and their cronies at the ‘Center for Public Integrity’ are targeting our family members to try to dig up dirt to smear us! If you haven’t read it already, our good friend, Mike Adams, wrote an article about this disgusting display of journo-terrorism. >> READ ARTICLE


Centner Academy, a private school in Miami, has made international headlines for directing its employees who have not yet received the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, to wait until the end of the school year, as a precautionary step to protect the health of their school community. Thus far, the “bought and paid for by Pharma” mainstream media has been personally attacking our friend, Leila Centner, co-founder and CEO of Centner Academy, for daring to question the COVID-19 vaccines. Our colleague, Sayer Ji, has written an article about this. >> READ ARTICLE


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is calling on U.S. colleges and universities to allow students to attend in-person classes without requiring them to be vaccinated for COVID. >> READ ARTICLE


The family of a Michigan woman says she died as the result of complications 11 days after receiving the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine. Anne VanGeest, 35, died April 19 at Mercy Health Saint Mary’s hospital in Grand Rapids from an acute subarachnoid brain hemorrhage. >> READ ARTICLE


Featured Events 

This is your last chance to unlock a whole “heap” of free gifts from Dr. Margaret Christensen about mold/mycotoxin illness.  Moldy? Now What? eBook + Advanced Mold eTranscript +  Advanced Mold Immune Mini-Course +  Three Interview Transcripts 


>>Unlock these 4 healthy resources now!




Our good friend, Dr. David Jockers, has put some amazing work into The Chronic Inflammation Summit, which began Monday. 


Today is Ty’s presentation on “Sugar, Toxins, Inflammation and Cancer.” You should check it out! 


 >> Click here to register and watch free!



Have a great day, and remember that cancer is not a death sentence. There is always hope!


To Your Health & Liberty,



P.S. As reported by CNN, the Biden administration announced that they would use outside firms to track Americans deemed “extremists” online, enabling them to gather intelligence with methods that in the US may be illegal or unconstitutional. (Translation - anyone who questions vaccines is now considered an “extremist” and may be illegally surveilled.) 

The CNN report also noted that Telegram might be targeted for surveillance: “But some of the research firms and non-profit groups under consideration by the DHS periodically use covert identities to access private social media groups like Telegram.” 

Velcome to USSA! 

Could it be any clearer that it’s time to draw your line in the sand and stand up for freedom?