By Professor Emeritus of the University of Life,
Logic, and God.
Basheer A. Frémaux-Soormally, but not a prostitute
of the State Citadels of Slavery!
Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.
Dedicated to my
former students of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, and
a naturalised and not kosherized French citizen, I have been exposed for the
past four decades to the Apartheid Israel Plandemic since the Fort Dietric
engineered HIV “virus” that USA-ISRAEL tested on monkeys, homosexuals, and
Black Africans.Decadent Christendom and
Judendom are the world and history’s biggest manufacturers of weapons of mass
destruction, hoaxes, myths, and false flags!While the JUSSR was developing/using thermobaric bombs on Muslims in
Chechnya and elsewhere, and Khazarel was developing ethnic or biogenetic weapons to be used on people of specific ethnicities or
genotypes, in particular the Arabs, including Arab Atheists, Jews, Christians,
and mainly Muslims.
the seventies, I had to define tons of ‘scientific’ terms like cell, bacterium,
fungus, virus, infection, contagion, epidemic, pandemic, evolution, mutation, gravity,
globe and spinning earth, etc. to my students that I copied from the crappy
scientific books available at the time thanks to the Carnegie 1947 Tavistock or
Nuremberg style Foundation!By the way,
I have always been anti-Freudian, anti-psychiatry, anti-Neo-Darwinist, and
anti-public school sewage system! Heading the UNESCO Club and the Universal
Society of Islam that I had set up, I had to deal with mythical religious
concepts like the sacrifice of humans to please a certain God, the virgin birth
of the Begotten Son of God, and the Triune God, and historical lies as well,
and in particular Israel in Palestine!Only much later, I would research the tons of lies about Adolf Hitler,
the Flat non spinning Earth, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gandhi, etc.
Christendom and Freemasonry conquered the world and gave it to the most
degenerate entities of history to rule – Judendom as represented by Apartheid,
Eugenicist (Hashemist), and Terrorist Israel!Owning and controlling the Zionist UNO and all its branches, they made
the World EUGENICS Organisation (WHO) start a programme for the forced
inoculation of the undesirables of this world with all kinds of vaccines, delusions,
hoaxes, myths, and false flags, using State and Media scaremongering tactics
with the complicity of the Churches and religions like Atheism, Hinduism,
Communism, Demoncracy, and lately of decadent Muslims.
USA-ISRAEL have been at war with Iran and a New Yom Kippour was needed!And, COVID-19, the New Esther miraculously
appeared!They made the cretinist world
believe that their scientific religion came up with a test (PCR) for RNA2 to
prove the existence of New deadly Joowish-like virus (after the Torah and the 6
million Holocaust myths), that had emerged in WU-HAN, in Rothschild owned and
controlled China because that damn yellow ‘race’ is known worldwide to eat
bats, cats, dogs, snakes, and everything and anything else that moves!I found no credible evidence of such a
Biblical Plague!
PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF RNA IS NOT PROOF OF A VIRUS, OR OF ITS LETHALITY!This is not science, but dogma and propaganda
to achieve total control over the human and non human kind!I proved my point during the hoax of the
swine flu epidemic to the doctor of Whippscross hospital in London who lied to
me about its symptoms. I told him I could see the symptoms of flu or common
cold, but could not see the swine ones.Obviously,
that prostitute was lying to me!
Loose ‘scientific’ definitions of diseases
are being imposed upon us!Like
Apartheid Israel, COVID-19 cannot be defined as it knows no boundaries!Israel is a “false positive” virus designed
to be eternal and rule all nations forever!The Torah and Hashem say so!Suicide, wars, fever, coughs, heart attacks, pulmonary diseases,
cancers, flus, common cold have all of a sudden muted into SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19,
a damn imaginary lethal virus prophetically announced by JOOZ, including the
likes of Jacques Attali and Bill Gates!They tested the gullibility of the masses OVER AND OVER AGAIN, FOR
EXAMPLE, with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) by causing the 2003
panic, and again in 2009 with SWINE H1N1 FLU!Anyway, testing positive does not mean “infected” or lethality!
alcohol, road accidents, suicide, wars, terrorism, aggressive treatments like invasive
oxygenation, high dose corticosteroids, antiviral drugs, and other Big Harma
shit kill more people daily, and in particular the elderly and the more
vulnerable ones.“COVID-19” was
engineered by the USA that set up a biological weapon laboratory or factory in
WU-HAN with the collaboration of French Institut Pasteur, and most probably
tested on the population because Chinese lives do not matter much!Coronavirus was known for decades.
Emeritus of ULLG (Ask my Catholic Brother
Mark Glenn!)
Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.
not a prostitute of the State Citadels of Slavery!
Info en Questions #17 - LIVE -
L’émission hebdomadaire "l'info en QuestionS" est une émission née d'une demande grandissante d'informations libres et échappant à la censure. Les conflits d'intérêts étant désormais légion dans le monde médiatique, une équipe de lanceurs d'alerte s'est mobilisée pour partager ses dernières informations et les questions qu'elles suscitent.
Le but de l'émission « l'info en QuestionS » est également d'inviter des experts, des scientifiques et professionnels dans différents domaines afin qu'ils répondent aux questions des citoyens. Notre équipe est à géométrie variable, en fonction des disponibilités de chacun et de chacune.
Doomers are so wedded to their voodoo pseudoscience that they
have to keep dancing around Sweden rather than admit that their rain
dances aren't actually what bring the rain.
When you used to bring up Sweden, the response was: they have a high death rate! What a disaster!
Now, when Sweden is being vindicated every day, the response is: oh,
they voluntarily complied with various mitigation practices, and that's
why it worked out so well! (To some degree yes, but I recommend looking
through pictures from Stockholm during these months and drawing your own
conclusion. And remember: Sweden never closed primary schools or
businesses, or imposed a mask mandate.)
Notice what they cannot say:
"Hmm, maybe there was another way to go about this after all."
From the
beginning of the COVID fiasco we've been subjected to predictions from
something called the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
at the University of Washington.
These people are the wrongiest of the wrong, and yet we continue to be subjected to their forecasts.
Entrepreneur Yinon Weiss noticed that at the beginning of September the
IHME predicted that Sweden, which was
having close to zero COVID deaths
per day, would inexplicably rise to over 180 deaths per day by December 1
if they didn't institute a mask mandate. (Seeing that Sweden "flattened
the curve" without such a mandate, it's unlikely they'll be instituting
The IHME also said that by October 1 without a mask mandate Sweden would already have crept up to 20 deaths per day.
Well, let's see how that's going!
It's now early October and Sweden
is at... death per day.
In the entire country.
So what did IHME do?
Reexamine its assumptions?
It just pushed its deaths prediction back by a month!
So here's the prediction last month:
And then, when that prediction showed zero likelihood of coming true, we
got this identical prediction, just pushed into the future by a month:
(2) The good folks at Rocket Languages, who have been
very good to the Tom Woods Show (we're an affiliate), are taking 60% off
just the next 36 foreign-language courses they sell. Our daughter
Regina has the Japanese course, and we highly recommend them. Click
before time runs out:
I love non dogmatic "SCIENCE" and "MATHEMATICS", because you can never be wrong once you stick to the DEMONSTRABLE FACTS! Most of modern scientific boasting today is just dogma and very little science. And mathematics serve only one purpose, to prove to the gullible that scientific dogma is indeed science! All logic and free thinking has been outlawed!Switzerland does exist and we know who is behind their Bank Gangstering System that is accountable to no one on earth! But, "ISRAEL" DOES NOT EXIST AT ALL, and very few of us know this! It is just the creation of the UN, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, the EU, USSR, China, and India joined lately!Israel is just a UK-US NUCLEAR MILITARY BASE in the heart of the Arab lands just like Switzerland is in the heart of Europe to serve the same purpose: RULE THE ENTIRE WORLD BY MONEY & WARS!Is it a surprise or a coincidence that Lebanon, the property of France, is acclaimed as the Switzerland (for its banks), and as the Paris of the Arab World (for its brothels), and which "Israel" has orders to destroy together with Syria?Is it a coincidence that many of my "friends" and correspondents end up all in jail or persecuted by the same International Mafia, see themselves ostracised, lose tenure and their jobs in academy, vilified, beaten up, fined, jailed, see their families destroyed, and even end up murdered? Just a few names: William Milton Cooper, Dr. Kevin Barrett, Pr. Nicolas Kollerstrom, Pr. Roger Garaudy, Pr. Robert Faurisson, Vincent Reynouard, Hervé Ryssen, Benjamin Merhav, and two awaiting to go be jailed sooner or later: Alain Soral and Dieudonné M'bala M'bala - ALL FOR THE SAME REASON(S) AND BY THE SAME LOBBY! BAFSSunday 4 October 2020
Please try and think for yourself. Any of the hysterical purveyors of 5G mega death will not buy a Hive 5G 60ghz WIGIG router and Zap The Hamster in a box and watch is die (live streaming) from O2 deprivation - because it wont die and THAT will be the end of 5G WIGIG Mega Death hysteria...and there are no clicks in that. E.M.R is dangerous. May I suggest you get rid of your home wireless router and 4G To show your commitment to the cause. But you wont.
No one can tell me how 28/60ghz LOW POWERED 5G will be penetrating my t shirt 5ft from the 60ghz router at home and 50ft from the 28ghz street panel yet? Are you gonna quote me a scientific study which includes ALL sub 6ghz frequencies as MMW (Millimeter Wave) in the study which DO HAVE proven short and long term health effects? Can any of you read? Simple questions....DO YOU READ THE PAPERS? All state unequivocally there are NO physiologic effects from LOW POWERED HIGH FREQUENCY MMW except "local heating" of the tissues VIA THE HANDSET/ANTENNA when in CLOSE PROXIMITY and these tests are done with levels WAY above real world usage unless you plan on shoving the MMW panel up your ass which I suspect some of you might. Guns are dangerous. But a man 3km away with a .22 rabbit gun cannot kill me. Cannot injur me. Understand? You can produce all the magic bullet theories derived from fancy quantum mechanic calculations you like, it won't change the fact Lee Oswald could not have done the shooting and LOW POWERED HIGH FREQUENCY (28ghz-60+ghz) 5G cannot penetrate my t-shirt. Do you understand? Meanwhile, all you Facebook Karen's on the Dynology payroll run your little cult groups when you cant even distinguish sub 6ghz from a 60gbz wigig router. Sub 6ghz (4G, 5G, home wireless) is proven dangerous a 1000 times over. As we have only 10 years of usage with Jack and Jill living on their multiple wireless devices, I expect a smoking level health outcome for a whole generation over the next 20 years. But none of you clowns will DARE cable up the house and ban smart phone usage will you? Of course you won't you hysterical hypocrites.ZAP THE HAMSTER...or shut the fuck up.
No one can tell me how 28/60ghz LOW POWERED 5G will be penetrating my t shirt 5ft from the 60ghz router at home and 50ft from the 28ghz street panel yet? Are you gonna quote me a scientific study which includes ALL sub 6ghz frequencies as MMW (Millimeter Wave) in the study which DO HAVE proven short and long term health effects? Can any of you read? Simple questions....DO YOU READ THE PAPERS? All state unequivocally there are NO physiologic effects from LOW POWERED HIGH FREQUENCY MMW except "local heating" of the tissues VIA THE HANDSET/ANTENNA when in CLOSE PROXIMITY and these tests are done with levels WAY above real world usage unless you plan on shoving the MMW panel up your ass which I suspect some of you might. Guns are dangerous. But a man 3km away with a .22 rabbit gun cannot kill me. Cannot injur me. Understand? You can produce all the magic bullet theories derived from fancy quantum mechanic calculations you like, it won't change the fact Lee Oswald could not have done the shooting and LOW POWERED HIGH FREQUENCY (28ghz-60+ghz) 5G cannot penetrate my t-shirt. Do you understand? Meanwhile, all you Facebook Karen's on the Dynology payroll run your little cult groups when you cant even distinguish sub 6ghz from a 60gbz wigig router. Sub 6ghz (4G, 5G, home wireless) is proven dangerous a 1000 times over. As we have only 10 years of usage with Jack and Jill living on their multiple wireless devices, I expect a smoking level health outcome for a whole generation over the next 20 years. But none of you clowns will DARE cable up the house and ban smart phone usage will you? Of course you won't you hysterical hypocrites.ZAP THE HAMSTER...or shut the fuck up.
A Walk To The Beach 🏖 truth is we can’t, until we can we all need stay alert and starve Babylon, do our best at not using their $hekle$ but bartering when possible, pay as little taxes as one can legally, live a good life away from their degenerate cities. Stay strong 💪🏻 brother’s
THE JOOWISH HOLOCAUST PLANDEMIC MYTH THEY KOSHERIZED AS CORONAVIRUS SARS COV 2 COVID-19 TO SET UP THEIR NEW WORLD DISORDER!By Professor Emeritus of the University of Life, Logic, and God. Basheer A. Frémaux-Soormally, but not a prostitute of the State Citadels of Slavery!Former Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.Dedicated to my former students of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, and Hygiene.Being a naturalised and not kosherized French citizen, I have been exposed for the past four decades to the Apartheid Israel Plandemic since the Fort Dietric engineered HIV “virus” that USA-ISRAEL tested on monkeys, homosexuals, and Black Africans. Decadent Christendom and Judendom are the world and history’s biggest manufacturers of weapons of mass destruction, hoaxes, myths, and false flags! While the JUSSR was developing/using thermobaric bombs on Muslims in Chechnya and elsewhere, and Khazarel was developing ethnic or biogenetic weapons to be used on people of specific ethnicities or genotypes, in particular the Arabs, including Arab Atheists, Jews, Christians, and mainly Muslims. In the seventies, I had to define tons of ‘scientific’ terms like cell, bacterium, fungus, virus, infection, contagion, epidemic, pandemic, evolution, mutation, gravity, globe and spinning earth, etc. to my students that I copied from the crappy scientific books available at the time thanks to the Carnegie 1947 Tavistock or Nuremberg style Foundation! By the way, I have always been anti-Freudian, anti-psychiatry, anti-Neo-Darwinist, and anti-public school sewage system! Heading the UNESCO Club and the Universal Society of Islam that I had set up, I had to deal with mythical religious concepts like the sacrifice of humans to please a certain God, the virgin birth of the Begotten Son of God, and the Triune God, and historical lies as well, and in particular Israel in Palestine! Only much later, I would research the tons of lies about Adolf Hitler, the Flat non spinning Earth, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gandhi, etc.Decadent Christendom and Freemasonry conquered the world and gave it to the most degenerate entities of history to rule – Judendom as represented by Apartheid, Eugenicist (Hashemist), and Terrorist Israel! Owning and controlling the Zionist UNO and all its branches, they made the World EUGENICS Organisation (WHO) start a programme for the forced inoculation of the undesirables of this world with all kinds of vaccines, delusions, hoaxes, myths, and false flags, using State and Media scaremongering tactics with the complicity of the Churches and religions like Atheism, Hinduism, Communism, Demoncracy, and lately of decadent Muslims. The USA-ISRAEL have been at war with Iran and a New Yom Kippour was needed! And, COVID-19, the New Esther miraculously appeared! They made the cretinist world believe that their scientific religion came up with a test (PCR) for RNA2 to prove the existence of New deadly Joowish-like virus (after the Torah and the 5 million Holocaust myths), that had emerged in WU-HAN, in Rothschild owned and controlled China because that damn yellow ‘race’ is known worldwide to eat bats, cats, dogs, snakes, and everything and anything else that moves! I found no credible evidence of such a Biblical Plague! TO PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF RNA IS NOT PROOF OF A VIRUS, OR OF ITS LETHALITY! This is not science, but dogma and propaganda to achieve total control over the human and non human kind! I proved my point during the hoax of the swine flu epidemic to the doctor of Whippscross hospital in London who lied to me about its symptoms. I told him I could see the symptoms of flu or common cold, but could not see the swine ones. Obviously, that prostitute was lying to me! Loose ‘scientific’ definitions of diseases are being imposed upon us! Like Apartheid Israel, COVID-19 cannot be defined as it knows no boundaries! Israel is a “false positive” virus designed to be eternal and rule all nations forever! The Torah and Hashem say so! Suicide, wars, fever, coughs, heart attacks, pulmonary diseases, cancers, flus, common cold have all of a sudden muted into SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19, a damn imaginary lethal virus prophetically announced by JOOZ, including the likes of Jacques Attali and Bill Gates! They tested the gullibility of the masses OVER AND OVER AGAIN, FOR EXAMPLE, with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) by causing the 2003 panic, and again in 2009 with SWINE H1N1 FLU! Anyway, testing positive does not mean “infected” or lethality!THERE WAS INDEED A ‘PANDEMIC’ AND AN ‘EPIDEMIC’ THAT KILLED MANY PEOPLE, BUT NOT CAUSED BY A DEADLY VIRUS! ALL THE DEATHS AND HIGHER MORTALITY WERE CAUSED BY THE STOPPING OF HEALTH CARE, HOUSE ARREST, MILITARY DISTANCING, FORCED VACCINATION, MASKS, MILITARY LOCKDOWN, STRESS, PANIC, SUICIDE, ETC. ALL MEDICAL PAPERS I HAVE READ (despite my puny brain!) ARE JUST PROPAGANDA DEVOID OF ANY SCIENCE! AND THE CDC IS JUST A BROTHEL FOR BIG HARMA!Smoking, alcohol, road accidents, suicide, wars, terrorism, aggressive treatments like invasive oxygenation, high dose corticosteroids, antiviral drugs, and other Big Harma shit kill more people daily, and in particular the elderly and the more vulnerable ones. “COVID-19” was engineered by the USA that set up a biological weapon laboratory or factory in WU-HAN with the collaboration of French Institut Pasteur, and most probably tested on the population because Chinese lives do not matter much! Coronavirus was known for decades. IN BRIEF, THERE IS NO NEW DISEASE OF COVID-19, BUT JUST FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS LIKE FEVER AND COUGH DUE TO SEASONAL COMMON COLD!!! BAFSProfessor Emeritus of ULLG (Ask my Catholic Brother Mark Glenn!)Former Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.But, not a prostitute of the State Citadels of Slavery!Wednesday 30 September 2020
Saying that we should suppress free speech by targeting flat earthers and kicking them off, just so we don't upset the overlords in big tech??????? Eeehhmmm....
Exactly Flat Earth=Free Speech and voicing opinion and individual belief. Nothing to do with Russia. I don't think Vlad sits about worrying how many people are concerned about the Sun's daily activity.
He didn't say SHOULD... He said this stupidity and some of the ignorant acts like torching towers. Licensing and restricting access will be the solution to the problem and reaction! Give them an excuse to bring in Orwellian control methods. They DARE you!
He never said that! You people just hear what you want! You should listen to the man because he's 100% correct! You might actually learn something?😂 maybe not 😂😂😂😂
Yes i agree Gary. Maybe he doesn't understand: the moment one person is sensored, everyone is sensored. They apply the rules wherever they need to. Flat earthers are so f#ck!ng dumb they're a threat to no one but themselves.
@Gary Knight yea me too. Joe describes fully exactly what these frequencies target, and 5G targets oxygen. Joe wants no money, this guy does - maybe enough to sell out to the fucking )£vvZ.
@יאדה יאדה יאדה 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Terry O. Wrist 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Cliche Guevara 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Gary Jordan I also don't have time to go back and listen to this crap, so a timestamp would help.It's not selective hearing, it's called giving someone a benefit of a doubt, especially when I'm doing 10 things while listening. It''s considered practicing medicine without a license to make jackass comments accusing people of mental illness in internet comment sections!
@יאדה יאדה יאדה we have them bad employed actors that can torch towers anyway! If they wants to shut down certain channels on utube they can easily. Like they can anyway on many other fronts. They have shut down the earth's economy, and you speculate?
Gary, you are right. This guy is obviously some kind of asset for saying that so plainly. Attempting to control the narrative is a hallmark of a plant.
@יאדה יאדה יאדה well if you don't have time to go over it and you're not sure what was said, keep your mouth closed. Timestamp? It's almost the first thing he says.
@# danarchy yep. It should also be noted, in regards to his Icke-bashing. David Icke is hugely vocal against the nation that must not be mentioned. He was banned from visiting Oz because of it. In fact, another point, why does Brendan not talk about the police state that his home nation and his fellow countrymen is been subjected to ?
I say kill 'em. Before they breed. Seriously. When they're at your door carting you'll understand the urgency. Despite a hundred documentaries and top articles on data analytics companies, army intelligence generals in private practice...Cambridge analytica, Emerdata, NATO Psychological warfare still cannot work out where all this hyperbolic fear porn and flat earth joke crapola is coming from do you? How they would flood the zone with shit and bearded lady drag queen story time crisis actor articles to make sure everyone forgot what a BANKER was.
@Gary Jordan He has been given MASSIVE publicity from the MSM from day dot you moron. Work it out. Of course a man who says shape shifting lizards rule the world is on everyone's lips making a fortune.
@Brendon O'Connell That wasn't my point. My point is that Icke has, throughout his career, massively criticized Israel and its policies to the point he's been banned from countries. Waterstones book traders won't sell his books anyehere because of it. Look up CCDH, a UK gov funded company. They've gone to war with him big style. Just because he's on MSM means he's a schill ? By that logic your beloved Bannon is too. He's never off TV. I don't believe in flt erth or cvd19 been caused by fve gee by the way. But shutting down and labelling those with opposing views as morons stinks of working an agenda against those in the alt media on behalf of someone.
@Terry O. Wrist its exactly what he said. Silence the so called idiots so they dont make the self appointed masters angry. His theory is stupid anyway. Liscense us to a device. Whats that supposed to do ? They can already track us. Most of what he mentioned is so easy it doesnt even deserve to be mentioned. If ya put a video on you tube, how would they ever know who dun it? SMH. Playing their game will never work out for us in a good way. Thats what has been done for far too long. Look where it has gotten us. Its time to stop. They need to be told NO. They need to be held accountable for what they have done. They dont deserve to be where they are. We are too many and they far too few. They could never stop us. Until they kill off 80 percent of us.
Yea I know that happened in the Netherlands with starlings and in Germany they filmed doves actually attacking a 5G tower before dropping dead. Trees die. It's all bad but 5G will end life on earth. It kills everyfuckingthing.
It’s definitely not a spherical earth like we been taught. This is one thing I strongly disagree with him on. On Rothschild Israel and all the other I can come together with him on. He may be honestly just deceived on the earth deal. Although I would agree that there are purposely positioned flat earth people out there that is very popular staged there to make flat earth look foolish. The people he speaks of in this video may very well be one of those people.
@SouthernDude82 Very good but there seems to be quite a few things that are suspect but maybe it's just me. But thanks for the reply. And never forget the Rothschild's are Vatican Catholicism Jesuit bankers...🙏🏻
Southern hemisphere constellations do not support a flat earth model. Aristotle figured out this one in 350 B.C., and nothing's changed. Different constellations are visible from different latitudes.
@Dan V. lol so Aristotle went to Australia or anywhere in the southern hemisphere 🤔 this argument has been disproven ad nauseum...but you are absolutely entitled to believe in whatever you'd like to. Shalom 🙏🏻
@Michael John Exactly. You should of seen Trump and Clinton, following one of their debates in 2016 laughing it up with the Jesuits and Cardinal Dolan. It is such a tangled web huh.
Dan V. Also, taking a p1000 or a p900 and zooming in on so called planets and seeing they look nothing like what nasa tells us should make you question everything they’ve ever told you.
Anyone else find it funny how 99% of global telecommunications is done through undersea cables(being laid since the late 1800s), but we need to cover the last 1% with trillions of dollars worth of space programs and “satellites”? 🙃
Terry O. Wrist no that is probably what you understand having a disagreement and agreeing to disagree is what normal adults do. Everyone is entitled to their opinions we are human we all think different but that doesn’t make one right or wrong. If one does not agree they can try and research and find facts. I hardly think calling someone a name or insulting someone solves anything just points out that you do not have to knowledge or tact to have a proper debate just ignorance (without knowledge) to name call!
Dan V. You are right and I have witnessed this cuz I travel all over the world ,. But no it is a spider holding a lcd disc over a DONUT shaped earf ran not by Zionists but by evil globe worshipping Jesuits 😂😅
@SouthernDude82 ...IF there was a do Asteroids n Comets arrive..from where exactly? AND...has ANYONE IN HISTORY sailed E or W & hit an Ice Wall? Hmmmm...yr so silly!!
Sal Reed those so called asteroids and comets. Give me your proof they exist. I’ve never seen them personally. I’ve seen them in cgi and movies but that’s it.
It's even in the encyclopedia Brittanica from 1958 were they talked about the dome and the exact measurements. NASA was also founded in 1958 and since then the book was banned.
@Max Maximus I have seen much of this wonderful human being. I highly doubt wether Brendon is going to see this presentation because he knows everything, he thinks.
@Voeding 2.0 ...Craters found all over the world, well documented. Where did they come from? Comets n Asteroids also documented many many centuries b4 the Nazi created NASA! UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION! they get thru a "supposedly impenetrable" DOME? HOW....does NASA Get OFF PLANET? HOW .....did ridiculous man-made rocket crap get thru the VANALLAN BELT?
@Voeding 2.0 : as with ALL lies & Liars...easily disproved. Just look for the proof. Satanic-Nazi LIE ergo....I believe what I see for myself. You can too....Look for Earth Craters...
@Nunya Buzniss there's nothing to debate! And you do not have the right to spread blatant lie's and decieve people! Your opinion yes, but out right fiction, NO!
Terry O. Wrist I believe the same thing about this retarded reply. No argument what so ever just a pointless insult with zero logical basis. You go outside, how bout that? Get you some fresh air because you obviously have emotional problems.
@Sal Reed People have been circumnavigating (east-west) for centuries! Try and find any record of anyone doing it (north-south).... ANYONE! Good luck with that.
SouthernDude82 I seen many shooting stars and asteroids ☄️,. The usually come from a specific point in the astronomical direction at the same times each year,. But that is the lcd screen right that has been hanging in the sky since the days of adam?,.
Why is it ok to push what you and others believe but if people have other beliefs they have to removed I guess you are agreeing with taking away free speech
Exactly my point to him just at 1:15 = let it go dude.. no one has the pulse on Truth... least of all someone that uses "horses***" to push a point of authority and superiority. After that you've already lost... then making big statements about the sun without backing it either a discussion/information that explains why & how we're not fried more than just a sunburn.You say that everyone is all wrong, but if you don't present actual information first and layout what you DO KNOW and how what you've said is or isn't true...then all you're doing is character assassination... know you're talking about the frequency of a microwave without actually giving factual information. Have you ever heard of OZONE ? Ever heard of ionic-Breeze(r)? Yeah, they created ozone without using electrical-arc to do it... they used frequency! Now where are they? Out of business because they got busted for the harm they caused from changing the orbital energy of electrons in the outer electron shells creating free-radical & ozone or "O3-" which destroys mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
He’s full of shit, I’m going to go with CIA declassified documents on the very harmful effects of millimetre waves. He reeks of government BS artist rat.
Jon Le Bon is another suspect BS artist government rat, he deletes comments and he won’t ever talk about the smart cities destroying Melbourne. His narrative is basically some bullshit that a teenager on acid would create!
I agree. Joe is right. The microwaves heat up the water molecules, not the oxygen, so Brendan is wrong about that. Israel did create and develop 5G but it's banned from use there. People aren't saying 5G causes COVID-19 at all, they are saying the symptoms are similar, so when 5G is deployed we will think it's Convid. Joe has said they haven't implemented 60ghz 5G yet. I trust Joe more than this guy even though I disagree about flat earth.
@LIES EXPOSED ....Bad analogy.Putting glass close to paper directly in suns rays CAUSES fire right? Move paper further fire. Then WHY COLDER when nearing the sun? Freezing so they say....Now dy understand my confusion?!! WHO is LYING & WHY?
You’re completely wrong about 5G. Stick with politics. 5G is 60ghz and it does take away the 02 from your hemaglobin. Wuhan was the first place that went live with 5G right when corona happened. I saw some youtube channels where people were walking and just fell down for no apparent reason. I agree with your politics, but I completely disagree with your stance on this. Now you’re spreading disinformation.
I am pretty sure the people we saw dropping ' dead' . bodies in the streets in Wuhan was staged propaganda to push the fake virus. We have not seen similar scenes since.
I thought 60Ghz was exciting the oxygen molecules which then interferes with Oxygen absorption into the lungs. .. which is slightly different to what you are saying Brendon. .. .. I will have to spend some time to find the Soviet papers on it ... Also there are NO safety certification or the like on 5G as stated by the telecommunication companies representative in the Senate House hearings ..... did you not see that on POOTUBE? ?? Lastly the 5G systems is for that Ai/ robots and Internet of things smart cities. ... so are you saying people who burn burnt the towers are totally wrong? ???I think you are a bit weak on this topic
@Dave Yes. Ratheon's Active Denial System. Just in time to stop the imminent protests of millions who will see Frank Zappa's premonitory words coming to fruition:"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
@Dan Dan may be that's why they want everyone to go inside tiny apartments in smart cities and put the virtual reality headsets on. ... Because " virtual" is the only thing that they will get ...
@Dan Dan yesterday I put an observation of mine out there .And others are confirming it too it has no direct relevance to here. My house is south facing and the other side used to be in the shade all the time. .. last few years I have noticed the last few hours of the sun... The other side get sunlight. ... others whom have lived in the same homes for number of years are also coming and telling me the same. I also had seen Eskimos say lying that the position of the sun has moved. . And their lives depend on the ability to navigate. .. so what has that got to with this???Nothing and EVRYTHING... There is things that is happening that these governments and sold out scared scientists won't tell us. ...
@Melanin Magdalene so are you saying g that we should bin all soviet scientific research papers? ??? I think their leaders had to make judgments about developing technologies based on their own scientific research papers. .... Or perhaps you are saying they didn't. ...
We obviously don't live on a rotating rocket ball mostly covered in water hurtling through an infinite vacuum on an aimless Godless journey to nowhere. Deal with it.Strange days.PEACE.
There is a good reason for parents to be hysterical about the schools, they’ve already been pre programming that they will be holding children there for ‘quarantine’ without parental consultation or consent.
Brendon I agree with this stance but you're contradicting yourself, you've said in the past that 5G's dangerous effects on the human body is a pressing issue, albeit not as much as the high technology transfer issue.
Whenever i try to free people from Gematria, reptilians, flat erf, Jesuits, shape shifters, 5g, dew psyops, ect. I get called a "Notsee W/h/it/e Supr/emacist Ant/is/em/ite". Weird.
@Brendon O'ConnellIt's not that CV (which doesn't exist according to Andrew Kaufman) is caused by 5G, it's that the symptoms being attributed to CV now are the same symptoms 5G exposure will have, so later when people are sick from 5G they can blame it on CV and push the vaccines and certificates.
THE JOOWISH HOLOCAUST PLANDEMIC MYTH THEY KOSHERIZED AS CORONAVIRUS SARS COV 2 COVID-19 TO SET UP THEIR NEW WORLD DISORDER!By Professor Emeritus of the University of Life, Logic, and God. Basheer A. Frémaux-Soormally, but not a prostitute of the State Citadels of Slavery!Former Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.Dedicated to my former students of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, and Hygiene.Being a naturalised and not kosherized French citizen, I have been exposed for the past four decades to the Apartheid Israel Plandemic since the Fort Dietric engineered HIV “virus” that USA-ISRAEL tested on monkeys, homosexuals, and Black Africans. Decadent Christendom and Judendom are the world and history’s biggest manufacturers of weapons of mass destruction, hoaxes, myths, and false flags! While the JUSSR was developing/using thermobaric bombs on Muslims in Chechnya and elsewhere, and Khazarel was developing ethnic or biogenetic weapons to be used on people of specific ethnicities or genotypes, in particular the Arabs, including Arab Atheists, Jews, Christians, and mainly Muslims. In the seventies, I had to define tons of ‘scientific’ terms like cell, bacterium, fungus, virus, infection, contagion, epidemic, pandemic, evolution, mutation, gravity, globe and spinning earth, etc. to my students that I copied from the crappy scientific books available at the time thanks to the Carnegie 1947 Tavistock or Nuremberg style Foundation! By the way, I have always been anti-Freudian, anti-psychiatry, anti-Neo-Darwinist, and anti-public school sewage system! Heading the UNESCO Club and the Universal Society of Islam that I had set up, I had to deal with mythical religious concepts like the sacrifice of humans to please a certain God, the virgin birth of the Begotten Son of God, and the Triune God, and historical lies as well, and in particular Israel in Palestine! Only much later, I would research the tons of lies about Adolf Hitler, the Flat non spinning Earth, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Gandhi, etc.Decadent Christendom and Freemasonry conquered the world and gave it to the most degenerate entities of history to rule – Judendom as represented by Apartheid, Eugenicist (Hashemist), and Terrorist Israel! Owning and controlling the Zionist UNO and all its branches, they made the World EUGENICS Organisation (WHO) start a programme for the forced inoculation of the undesirables of this world with all kinds of vaccines, delusions, hoaxes, myths, and false flags, using State and Media scaremongering tactics with the complicity of the Churches and religions like Atheism, Hinduism, Communism, Demoncracy, and lately of decadent Muslims. The USA-ISRAEL have been at war with Iran and a New Yom Kippour was needed! And, COVID-19, the New Esther miraculously appeared! They made the cretinist world believe that their scientific religion came up with a test (PCR) for RNA2 to prove the existence of New deadly Joowish-like virus (after the Torah and the 5 million Holocaust myths), that had emerged in WU-HAN, in Rothschild owned and controlled China because that damn yellow ‘race’ is known worldwide to eat bats, cats, dogs, snakes, and everything and anything else that moves! I found no credible evidence of such a Biblical Plague! TO PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF RNA IS NOT PROOF OF A VIRUS, OR OF ITS LETHALITY! This is not science, but dogma and propaganda to achieve total control over the human and non human kind! I proved my point during the hoax of the swine flu epidemic to the doctor of Whippscross hospital in London who lied to me about its symptoms. I told him I could see the symptoms of flu or common cold, but could not see the swine ones. Obviously, that prostitute was lying to me! Loose ‘scientific’ definitions of diseases are being imposed upon us! Like Apartheid Israel, COVID-19 cannot be defined as it knows no boundaries! Israel is a “false positive” virus designed to be eternal and rule all nations forever! The Torah and Hashem say so! Suicide, wars, fever, coughs, heart attacks, pulmonary diseases, cancers, flus, common cold have all of a sudden muted into SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19, a damn imaginary lethal virus prophetically announced by JOOZ, including the likes of Jacques Attali and Bill Gates! They tested the gullibility of the masses OVER AND OVER AGAIN, FOR EXAMPLE, with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) by causing the 2003 panic, and again in 2009 with SWINE H1N1 FLU! Anyway, testing positive does not mean “infected” or lethality!THERE WAS INDEED A ‘PANDEMIC’ AND AN ‘EPIDEMIC’ THAT KILLED MANY PEOPLE, BUT NOT CAUSED BY A DEADLY VIRUS! ALL THE DEATHS AND HIGHER MORTALITY WERE CAUSED BY THE STOPPING OF HEALTH CARE, HOUSE ARREST, MILITARY DISTANCING, FORCED VACCINATION, MASKS, MILITARY LOCKDOWN, STRESS, PANIC, SUICIDE, ETC. ALL MEDICAL PAPERS I HAVE READ (despite my puny brain!) ARE JUST PROPAGANDA DEVOID OF ANY SCIENCE! AND THE CDC IS JUST A BROTHEL FOR BIG HARMA!Smoking, alcohol, road accidents, suicide, wars, terrorism, aggressive treatments like invasive oxygenation, high dose corticosteroids, antiviral drugs, and other Big Harma shit kill more people daily, and in particular the elderly and the more vulnerable ones. “COVID-19” was engineered by the USA that set up a biological weapon laboratory or factory in WU-HAN with the collaboration of French Institut Pasteur, and most probably tested on the population because Chinese lives do not matter much! Coronavirus was known for decades. IN BRIEF, THERE IS NO NEW DISEASE OF COVID-19, BUT JUST FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS LIKE FEVER AND COUGH DUE TO SEASONAL COMMON COLD!!! BAFSProfessor Emeritus of ULLG (Ask my Catholic Brother Mark Glenn!)Former Head of Biology, Rotarian (Freemasonic) Trinity College, Mauritius.But, not a prostitute of the State Citadels of Slavery!Wednesday 30 September 2020
the 1976 film "Logans Run" is pretty much precisely what our future might look like, you should watch that one. Also read the article "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better" from the world economic forum, it also describes what is coming and not only does it sound bad but you have to immagine that they are triyng to sell it to you this way with the intend of trapping you and making it much worse from then on.p.s. they tried to remake Logans Run a couple of times recently but never followed through because the higher ups didnt like how close the story is to reality.
You are promoting 5G without considering how the vampires agendas are played out multigenerationally. If we support 5G we will be rushed into the "internet of things" for further 24/7 surveillance. Plus 5G has brought attention to 4G as you have too so, good work.👍👍👍
Brendon, I've been following you for several years now and have learned a great deal, so thanks for that! But I gotta say that I think you are way out of line with this video! By you attacking people with a different opinion like you have done, only goes against the fundamental principles of free speech and therefor serves you no credit! Personally, I have spent many years worth of countless hours researching both models - flat and globe... and while I can't say definitively whether it's one or the other, I can say that I can only trust my naturally acquired senses and observations, which tell me we are not whizzing through the vacuum of infinite space at astronomical speeds, on a big Goldilocks rock that just happened to form from a whopping great explosion billions of years ago! That to me is as silly as buying into that stupid Aero Bar promotion in the 80s... "It's the bubbles of nothing that make it really something"... Remember that one? And the "theory of gravity", is still just that! A theory, just as is most scientism, which is akin to religious cultism! "Einstein was a fuzzy haired crackpot"! Just remember... who has founded funded and controlled all those institutions research labs and universities since day dot? I'm pretty sure you know who I mean... and I think you'll also find, they are the same ones who write and rewrite his-tory however they please! And on a spiritual note, what better way to control the masses than to convince them that they are just some random insignificant consumer that has evolved from a fucking fish, and is collectively adding to the depletion of natural resources just by being here? Unless you've got a bit of that blue blood of course... that makes you noble right? Can I suggest that before anyone makes any bold claims about anything to do with electromagnetic energy and it's effects in and of everything in our world... maybe check out some of the work of the likes of Ken Wheeler and those that he has researched and quoted. BTW, he is not of the "flat earth" mindset, but he knows a shitload about electricity magnetism light and energy, as well as ancient philosophy that just ain't taught in mainstream education! I wonder why??? What are they trying to hide from us??? A bit of knowledge of ancient technology (resonance and etheric energy) may help expand you're understanding too! There's some truly fascinating stuff that has happened in quite recent history that we are just not supposed to know about... the Tartarian Empire and the Phoenicians for example... antiqui-tech and ancient architecture? Why is that never taught in history lessons you have to ask? What are they trying to hide??? Did you know that it was Trump's uncle, John Trump, that was the head of the team that recovered all of Nicola Tesla's work when he died? What has all that amazing information been used for one has to wonder??? And just what was it that Tesla was discovering that the ancients knew about hundreds/thousands of years ago? We may well think we're all pretty smart in this technological period of time... I think more just clever, and clever ain't wisdom... but there's a shitload of knowledge we have no clue about regarding this realm, however there's a few that do, and they ain't saying jack shit, except for what they want us to "believe"!
Mr Brandon I think you're very wrong.I have listen many scientists in the entire world, also a person who work in the army all his life, and when he find out what they planning to do with 4G 5G maybe 6G in the future, he was very scared.They used in the army frequency as a weapon on people who work in American embassy, numerous villages was also targeted, in the world and many people very faster get sick. Also how we may explain 25 kids with teachers in one school in one day nose bleeding and losing consciousness, also many birds and animals in certain places died so fast, also many fish died and every single of this species was totally healthy, nobody can find what is the problem of dying. Me and my friends go in every place when they installate 5G and tell me Mr Brandon every single tree and grass is dead around, please answer that question for me. And what will happen with trees if we put so close millions or billions 5G towers in entire world.I don't know what is happening but certainly something is not right.
You bring up all this stuff about how we shouldn't believe anything we see in the media or on TV except for you and what they taught us in science class LMFAO
Saying that we should suppress free speech by targeting flat earthers and kicking them off, just so we don't upset the overlords in big tech??????? Eeehhmmm....
Exactly Flat Earth=Free Speech and voicing opinion and individual belief. Nothing to do with Russia. I don't think Vlad sits about worrying how many people are concerned about the Sun's daily activity.
He didn't say SHOULD... He said this stupidity and some of the ignorant acts like torching towers. Licensing and restricting access will be the solution to the problem and reaction! Give them an excuse to bring in Orwellian control methods. They DARE you!
He never said that! You people just hear what you want! You should listen to the man because he's 100% correct! You might actually learn something?😂 maybe not 😂😂😂😂
Yes i agree Gary. Maybe he doesn't understand: the moment one person is sensored, everyone is sensored. They apply the rules wherever they need to. Flat earthers are so f#ck!ng dumb they're a threat to no one but themselves.
@Gary Knight yea me too. Joe describes fully exactly what these frequencies target, and 5G targets oxygen. Joe wants no money, this guy does - maybe enough to sell out to the fucking )£vvZ.
@יאדה יאדה יאדה 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Terry O. Wrist 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Cliche Guevara 'if we don't start getting disciplined and getting rid of these clowns' This is a call for censorship which is NEVER ok. Selective hearing is a symptom of mental illness.
@Gary Jordan I also don't have time to go back and listen to this crap, so a timestamp would help.It's not selective hearing, it's called giving someone a benefit of a doubt, especially when I'm doing 10 things while listening. It''s considered practicing medicine without a license to make jackass comments accusing people of mental illness in internet comment sections!
@יאדה יאדה יאדה we have them bad employed actors that can torch towers anyway! If they wants to shut down certain channels on utube they can easily. Like they can anyway on many other fronts. They have shut down the earth's economy, and you speculate?
Gary, you are right. This guy is obviously some kind of asset for saying that so plainly. Attempting to control the narrative is a hallmark of a plant.
@יאדה יאדה יאדה well if you don't have time to go over it and you're not sure what was said, keep your mouth closed. Timestamp? It's almost the first thing he says.
@# danarchy yep. It should also be noted, in regards to his Icke-bashing. David Icke is hugely vocal against the nation that must not be mentioned. He was banned from visiting Oz because of it. In fact, another point, why does Brendan not talk about the police state that his home nation and his fellow countrymen is been subjected to ?
I say kill 'em. Before they breed. Seriously. When they're at your door carting you'll understand the urgency. Despite a hundred documentaries and top articles on data analytics companies, army intelligence generals in private practice...Cambridge analytica, Emerdata, NATO Psychological warfare still cannot work out where all this hyperbolic fear porn and flat earth joke crapola is coming from do you? How they would flood the zone with shit and bearded lady drag queen story time crisis actor articles to make sure everyone forgot what a BANKER was.
@Gary Jordan He has been given MASSIVE publicity from the MSM from day dot you moron. Work it out. Of course a man who says shape shifting lizards rule the world is on everyone's lips making a fortune.
@Brendon O'Connell That wasn't my point. My point is that Icke has, throughout his career, massively criticized Israel and its policies to the point he's been banned from countries. Waterstones book traders won't sell his books anyehere because of it. Look up CCDH, a UK gov funded company. They've gone to war with him big style. Just because he's on MSM means he's a schill ? By that logic your beloved Bannon is too. He's never off TV. I don't believe in flt erth or cvd19 been caused by fve gee by the way. But shutting down and labelling those with opposing views as morons stinks of working an agenda against those in the alt media on behalf of someone.
@Terry O. Wrist its exactly what he said. Silence the so called idiots so they dont make the self appointed masters angry. His theory is stupid anyway. Liscense us to a device. Whats that supposed to do ? They can already track us. Most of what he mentioned is so easy it doesnt even deserve to be mentioned. If ya put a video on you tube, how would they ever know who dun it? SMH. Playing their game will never work out for us in a good way. Thats what has been done for far too long. Look where it has gotten us. Its time to stop. They need to be told NO. They need to be held accountable for what they have done. They dont deserve to be where they are. We are too many and they far too few. They could never stop us. Until they kill off 80 percent of us.
You’re completely wrong about 5G. Stick with politics. 5G is 60ghz and it does take away the 02 from your hemaglobin. Wuhan was the first place that went live with 5G right when corona happened. I saw some youtube channels where people were walking and just fell down for no apparent reason. I agree with your politics, but I completely disagree with your stance on this. Now you’re spreading disinformation.
I thought 60Ghz was exciting the oxygen molecules which then interferes with Oxygen absorption into the lungs. .. which is slightly different to what you are saying Brendon. .. .. I will have to spend some time to find the Soviet papers on it ... Also there are NO safety certification or the like on 5G as stated by the telecommunication companies representative in the Senate House hearings ..... did you not see that on POOTUBE? ?? Lastly the 5G systems is for that Ai/ robots and Internet of things smart cities. ... so are you saying people who burn burnt the towers are totally wrong? ???I think you are a bit weak on this topic
We obviously don't live on a rotating rocket ball mostly covered in water hurtling through an infinite vacuum on an aimless Godless journey to nowhere. Deal with it.Strange days.PEACE.
Why is it ok to push what you and others believe but if people have other beliefs they have to removed I guess you are agreeing with taking away free speech
Exactly my point to him just at 1:15 = let it go dude.. no one has the pulse on Truth... least of all someone that uses "horses***" to push a point of authority and superiority. After that you've already lost... then making big statements about the sun without backing it either a discussion/information that explains why & how we're not fried more than just a sunburn.You say that everyone is all wrong, but if you don't present actual information first and layout what you DO KNOW and how what you've said is or isn't true...then all you're doing is character assassination... know you're talking about the frequency of a microwave without actually giving factual information. Have you ever heard of OZONE ? Ever heard of ionic-Breeze(r)? Yeah, they created ozone without using electrical-arc to do it... they used frequency! Now where are they? Out of business because they got busted for the harm they caused from changing the orbital energy of electrons in the outer electron shells creating free-radical & ozone or "O3-" which destroys mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
He’s full of shit, I’m going to go with CIA declassified documents on the very harmful effects of millimetre waves. He reeks of government BS artist rat.
Jon Le Bon is another suspect BS artist government rat, he deletes comments and he won’t ever talk about the smart cities destroying Melbourne. His narrative is basically some bullshit that a teenager on acid would create!
I agree. Joe is right. The microwaves heat up the water molecules, not the oxygen, so Brendan is wrong about that. Israel did create and develop 5G but it's banned from use there. People aren't saying 5G causes COVID-19 at all, they are saying the symptoms are similar, so when 5G is deployed we will think it's Convid. Joe has said they haven't implemented 60ghz 5G yet. I trust Joe more than this guy even though I disagree about flat earth.
@LIES EXPOSED ....Bad analogy.Putting glass close to paper directly in suns rays CAUSES fire right? Move paper further fire. Then WHY COLDER when nearing the sun? Freezing so they say....Now dy understand my confusion?!! WHO is LYING & WHY?
There is a good reason for parents to be hysterical about the schools, they’ve already been pre programming that they will be holding children there for ‘quarantine’ without parental consultation or consent.
Brendon I agree with this stance but you're contradicting yourself, you've said in the past that 5G's dangerous effects on the human body is a pressing issue, albeit not as much as the high technology transfer issue.
Brendon, I've been following you for several years now and have learned a great deal, so thanks for that! But I gotta say that I think you are way out of line with this video! By you attacking people with a different opinion like you have done, only goes against the fundamental principles of free speech and therefor serves you no credit! Personally, I have spent many years worth of countless hours researching both models - flat and globe... and while I can't say definitively whether it's one or the other, I can say that I can only trust my naturally acquired senses and observations, which tell me we are not whizzing through the vacuum of infinite space at astronomical speeds, on a big Goldilocks rock that just happened to form from a whopping great explosion billions of years ago! That to me is as silly as buying into that stupid Aero Bar promotion in the 80s... "It's the bubbles of nothing that make it really something"... Remember that one? And the "theory of gravity", is still just that! A theory, just as is most scientism, which is akin to religious cultism! "Einstein was a fuzzy haired crackpot"! Just remember... who has founded funded and controlled all those institutions research labs and universities since day dot? I'm pretty sure you know who I mean... and I think you'll also find, they are the same ones who write and rewrite his-tory however they please! And on a spiritual note, what better way to control the masses than to convince them that they are just some random insignificant consumer that has evolved from a fucking fish, and is collectively adding to the depletion of natural resources just by being here? Unless you've got a bit of that blue blood of course... that makes you noble right? Can I suggest that before anyone makes any bold claims about anything to do with electromagnetic energy and it's effects in and of everything in our world... maybe check out some of the work of the likes of Ken Wheeler and those that he has researched and quoted. BTW, he is not of the "flat earth" mindset, but he knows a shitload about electricity magnetism light and energy, as well as ancient philosophy that just ain't taught in mainstream education! I wonder why??? What are they trying to hide from us??? A bit of knowledge of ancient technology (resonance and etheric energy) may help expand you're understanding too! There's some truly fascinating stuff that has happened in quite recent history that we are just not supposed to know about... the Tartarian Empire and the Phoenicians for example... antiqui-tech and ancient architecture? Why is that never taught in history lessons you have to ask? What are they trying to hide??? Did you know that it was Trump's uncle, John Trump, that was the head of the team that recovered all of Nicola Tesla's work when he died? What has all that amazing information been used for one has to wonder??? And just what was it that Tesla was discovering that the ancients knew about hundreds/thousands of years ago? We may well think we're all pretty smart in this technological period of time... I think more just clever, and clever ain't wisdom... but there's a shitload of knowledge we have no clue about regarding this realm, however there's a few that do, and they ain't saying jack shit, except for what they want us to "believe"!
Well said, Gracie. You make many good points, but Brendon also made many as well. Brendon is sometimes raw making provocative statements but overall, he poses a practical narrative for the world of intrigue we live and where we're heading. Brendon’s claim that low powered, high frequency 5G as completely harmless is encouraging but will require more research before I can accept. I’ve already accepted the fact that 4G is dangerous and have a hardwired household without WiFi to prove it. Brendon further states that sub 6ghz is the problem. I hope what Brendon claims is true, but no doubt, 5G is the necessary infrastructure for the high-tech surveillance state that ominously looms on our horizon.As for the "flat earthers", perhaps Brendon’s angst is how they are being used to divide and distract. It has become a religion for many, like Darwinism, new ageism, scientism, atheism, socialism, communism… transhumanism. The proliferating isms are hopelessly dividing us and further isolating us to the point of abject ineffectiveness. I think this is the root of Brendon’s message. I’ve spent significant time looking into the theory of a flat earth myself and have come away from my study further mystified. It was rewarding, however, because it pushed me deeper into the spiritual realm to find the answers to nature’s riddles and the point of my existence. Bottom line, I’m more convinced than ever that the war we’re in is a spiritual one. The lies, deception and the advanced technology threatening our future is part and parcel an agenda rooted in a realm that transcends our five-sense material reality. So, I wholeheartedly agree with your closing words, “but there's a shitload of knowledge we have no clue about regarding this realm, however there's a few that do, and they ain't saying jack shit, except for what they want us to "believe"!” Alleluia!
@Charlie Goy I have said for a while now... "This is a war for our minds and our souls"... We (those that are awake) know exactly where these agendas are heading... It's all about absolute control, no doubt about it!... and I feel that is why his-story has had so many resets! If too many sheeple get too close to the truth, their game plan is over!
the 1976 film "Logans Run" is pretty much precisely what our future might look like, you should watch that one. Also read the article "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better" from the world economic forum, it also describes what is coming and not only does it sound bad but you have to immagine that they are triyng to sell it to you this way with the intend of trapping you and making it much worse from then on.p.s. they tried to remake Logans Run a couple of times recently but never followed through because the higher ups didnt like how close the story is to reality.
It’s definitely not a spherical earth like we been taught. This is one thing I strongly disagree with him on. On Rothschild Israel and all the other I can come together with him on. He may be honestly just deceived on the earth deal. Although I would agree that there are purposely positioned flat earth people out there that is very popular staged there to make flat earth look foolish. The people he speaks of in this video may very well be one of those people.
@SouthernDude82 Very good but there seems to be quite a few things that are suspect but maybe it's just me. But thanks for the reply. And never forget the Rothschild's are Vatican Catholicism Jesuit bankers...🙏🏻
Southern hemisphere constellations do not support a flat earth model. Aristotle figured out this one in 350 B.C., and nothing's changed. Different constellations are visible from different latitudes.
@Dan V. lol so Aristotle went to Australia or anywhere in the southern hemisphere 🤔 this argument has been disproven ad nauseum...but you are absolutely entitled to believe in whatever you'd like to. Shalom 🙏🏻
@Michael John Exactly. You should of seen Trump and Clinton, following one of their debates in 2016 laughing it up with the Jesuits and Cardinal Dolan. It is such a tangled web huh.
Dan V. Also, taking a p1000 or a p900 and zooming in on so called planets and seeing they look nothing like what nasa tells us should make you question everything they’ve ever told you.
Anyone else find it funny how 99% of global telecommunications is done through undersea cables(being laid since the late 1800s), but we need to cover the last 1% with trillions of dollars worth of space programs and “satellites”? 🙃
Terry O. Wrist no that is probably what you understand having a disagreement and agreeing to disagree is what normal adults do. Everyone is entitled to their opinions we are human we all think different but that doesn’t make one right or wrong. If one does not agree they can try and research and find facts. I hardly think calling someone a name or insulting someone solves anything just points out that you do not have to knowledge or tact to have a proper debate just ignorance (without knowledge) to name call!
Dan V. You are right and I have witnessed this cuz I travel all over the world ,. But no it is a spider holding a lcd disc over a DONUT shaped earf ran not by Zionists but by evil globe worshipping Jesuits 😂😅
@SouthernDude82 ...IF there was a do Asteroids n Comets arrive..from where exactly? AND...has ANYONE IN HISTORY sailed E or W & hit an Ice Wall? Hmmmm...yr so silly!!
Sal Reed those so called asteroids and comets. Give me your proof they exist. I’ve never seen them personally. I’ve seen them in cgi and movies but that’s it.
It's even in the encyclopedia Brittanica from 1958 were they talked about the dome and the exact measurements. NASA was also founded in 1958 and since then the book was banned.
@Max Maximus I have seen much of this wonderful human being. I highly doubt wether Brendon is going to see this presentation because he knows everything, he thinks.
@Voeding 2.0 ...Craters found all over the world, well documented. Where did they come from? Comets n Asteroids also documented many many centuries b4 the Nazi created NASA! UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION! they get thru a "supposedly impenetrable" DOME? HOW....does NASA Get OFF PLANET? HOW .....did ridiculous man-made rocket crap get thru the VANALLAN BELT?
@Voeding 2.0 : as with ALL lies & Liars...easily disproved. Just look for the proof. Satanic-Nazi LIE ergo....I believe what I see for myself. You can too....Look for Earth Craters...
@Nunya Buzniss there's nothing to debate! And you do not have the right to spread blatant lie's and decieve people! Your opinion yes, but out right fiction, NO!
Terry O. Wrist I believe the same thing about this retarded reply. No argument what so ever just a pointless insult with zero logical basis. You go outside, how bout that? Get you some fresh air because you obviously have emotional problems.
@Sal Reed People have been circumnavigating (east-west) for centuries! Try and find any record of anyone doing it (north-south).... ANYONE! Good luck with that.
SouthernDude82 I seen many shooting stars and asteroids ☄️,. The usually come from a specific point in the astronomical direction at the same times each year,. But that is the lcd screen right that has been hanging in the sky since the days of adam?,.
Mr Brandon I think you're very wrong.I have listen many scientists in the entire world, also a person who work in the army all his life, and when he find out what they planning to do with 4G 5G maybe 6G in the future, he was very scared.They used in the army frequency as a weapon on people who work in American embassy, numerous villages was also targeted, in the world and many people very faster get sick. Also how we may explain 25 kids with teachers in one school in one day nose bleeding and losing consciousness, also many birds and animals in certain places died so fast, also many fish died and every single of this species was totally healthy, nobody can find what is the problem of dying. Me and my friends go in every place when they installate 5G and tell me Mr Brandon every single tree and grass is dead around, please answer that question for me. And what will happen with trees if we put so close millions or billions 5G towers in entire world.I don't know what is happening but certainly something is not right.
@Brendon O'ConnellIt's not that CV (which doesn't exist according to Andrew Kaufman) is caused by 5G, it's that the symptoms being attributed to CV now are the same symptoms 5G exposure will have, so later when people are sick from 5G they can blame it on CV and push the vaccines and certificates.
Will someone please explain to me what he is saying, are 4 g , microwaves phones, laptops all bad and 5g is do we see videos get information if we don't have internet, etc...I am so confused..he seems really pissed off at everyone getting millions of views while his channel is struggling...
@Sparrow oh ok, I don't trust this Brendan any more, he got the microwave thing wrong - that interferes with water molecules, not oxygen. If RFK says 5G is horrendously dangerous, and 1000s of doctors and scientists have signed a petition to stop it why would I believe this bitter prick?
C/O Youtube analytical intelligent Officer 'in charge' the comments this mis information program has failed to convince the majority. ....stop ....Brendon you need to study some peer reviewed studies on the subjects you abuse. You look stupid. ref Professor Martin Pall, Professor Leif Salford (hundreds of others available!) giving you a wider perspective on the dangers of this Tech, specially with Children,...stop....; )....did y get Paid for this ???
@Fuck Ju " he got the microwave thing wrong" no one is going to get everything right, that's immature, incredibly so. The thing to do is to link to the information re: the petition to see if it causes him to evolve his position - viewpoint.
@Singularity Squared LLC. if he's a so-called investigative journalist then surely it is on him to do proper research and get everything right or keep his mouth shut. He is wrong about 5G, as RFK says it is 'horrendously dangerous' and 1000s of doctors and scientists agree. I have unsubscribed from him anyway, his attitude stinks and now I don't trust him and am suspicious of him, he was literally begging for money just a coupla weeks ago. If children die because of his lies and disinfo I bet he won't even care, the arrogant POS.
You are promoting 5G without considering how the vampires agendas are played out multigenerationally. If we support 5G we will be rushed into the "internet of things" for further 24/7 surveillance. Plus 5G has brought attention to 4G as you have too so, good work.👍👍👍
Brendon, you are bad mouthing a lot of great folks who are waking a ton of people up. But just because they believe the earth is flat, we shouldn't listen to them? I have learned long ago that folks need to take what you can and leave the rest. For the record I am a traditional round earther and I think the flat earthers should have held off on it because we have more important points to make. But the fact is that we cannot go around badmouthing people who are obviously good and VERY EFFECTIVE activists who have 95% good information , just because they believe. Its not like they are trying to spread disinformation because they are trying to mislead people. For the record I have misgivings about Joe Imbriano, but I notice you said one of his videos had over a million views so he is waking people up as well. Anyway, my point is, there's a lot of flat earthers and they are not going away. So again, I suggest you take what you can and leave the rest. You speak well and looks like you have some good information. My point is that flat earth and aliens are concepts and they are easy to ignore because we don't need to be pissing on other effective activists.
@Brendon O'ConnellBut why should we accept such a crackdown on the internet because some people want to talk about extraterrestrials and flat Earth?How does that legitimize a corporate/government crackdown? Also, if they're going to do it, the reason doesn't matter, could just as easily be 9/11, WWII, OoAT, or any topic they want to control or shut down.
@Sensei Shredder Please give me a minute, trying to deal with family (daughter) as I write this. Haha I'll get back to you on that. There's a lot I could say about that subject.
@Nunya Buzniss nothing as far as i know. freedom fighter stated that "REAL truthers" have been taken down yrs ago. i just mentioned her because she's not been removed by YT.
@Sensei Shredder As In my opinion, it's all a numbers game! Gematria, their are some people with decoding that, but few and far in-between! I've noticed that DAC @LogicBeforeAuthority was well informed/educated with doing so. Some have dis-Belief in the Gematria .
I agree, I watched it happen but I do think, because of their religion, they have to tell us what they're doing hence why Adam Green and Joe are still up but for how long?
@Brendon O'ConnellMicrowave ovens and cell phones are very unhealthy for us. Both the radiation, but also with phones we have the data gathering, AI development, tracking, propaganda, etc.
If it was blocked by a piece of paper then why install? It wouldn't provide any use. "Clean up the internet" its called censorship. If you're for censorship you must realise you would be one of the first people censored. All of these conspiracies must have gotten to you.
This shit has authentication and security exploits by design. It's spyware. The health concerns is the shit on towers they rushed to setup is still high power 4GX. So a concern and a scam. The current emissions is a serious problem and causes me pain. The real 5G is 5m range low power devices that can't penetrate trees or walls and needs to steal the NBN fibre already rolled out to be viable. They are tracker devices, but as a whole all that garbage together will be consuming alot of power. No brains or sense if the fibre is 5m away, there is no business case against FTTP apart from cartel monopolies.
@ Brendon O'Connell, I don't agree with Joe but the bible is the only truth and Way. QUESTION: Do u think we are spinning thousands of miles per hour off in space somewhere? Have u ever flown around a ball to get anywhere? Have u seen any water curve around anything? The bible says we are on foundations and there is a firmament. God holds all things together not man or pseudoscience. Just bc Joe is a wack using truth to go with his agenda doesn't mean the bible is true. Thank God Almighty for the only truth in Jesus Christ's name.
@Terry O. Wrist ,lol what am i spreading , I don't have not channels. U don't knw me at all and I see u follow man for u to jump on my comment that has nothing to do with u. Again what lie did i say bc I asked a question and to him not u and u jump on my questions as if it was for u. U don't knw me nor my walk with Christ to call me anything.
In the word of God. The earth is explained with a firmament. On the other things you speak of you provoke thought with me. I disagree with you on shape of the earth. I don’t know if it’s flat but I sure as hell don’t believe it’s what we’ve been taught.
ELIAKIM THE GREAT ENIGMA me too cuz something is def going on there. Do u ever watch Florida marquee? I know I spelled last name wrong. I’d have to look it up. He’s done a lot of interesting videos on it.
@SouthernDude82 hindu have quite a few references to the shape of the planet being a ball shape. i imagine you would dismiss their texts. where every theorist from einstein Oppenheimer and quantum maths have given credit from coming from
“Have any of you lived in a Smart house?” Well I have, and we had know idea, we’d have to shut it down. My Daughter bought a new house, and without me knowing it, she had the new router from Cox Communication on the 5G setting. She went out on Black Friday, and bought 2 Smart Nest Thermostats, And she had 5 Smart Arlo cameras. Along with the Tv’s , tablets, phones etc. She turned on all them devices, and that’s when my symptoms were beginning. My anxiety, my dog & I bleed in our stool,insomnia, vibrating, anger.... etc....It was like living in “HELL” on earth. Them frequencies were off the fkn chain. We had to shut it down with in 48 hours. Because I was about to rip all them wireless devices off the wall. Never in my life felt so angry and like death coming over me, until we had this happen. It’s beyond deadly as fk. Anyone don’t believe me, them biotches need to do everything we did. After that, I called Cox Communication and asked if it was on 2.4GHZ or the new IOT of 5G, And she said 5G. I told her your trying to K I L L people!
So that's how I found you I'm glad. I'm going to do my damnedest to watch them all your videos. God bless Brandon you are most definitely a soldier for the people
You bring up all this stuff about how we shouldn't believe anything we see in the media or on TV except for you and what they taught us in science class LMFAO
Max doesn't say the earth is flat. Get your facts straight before talking smack.Oh, except when he had that breakdown. So, you believe in a water ball spinning at1066 mph and orbiting the sun at 66,666 mph, while being dragged thru space by the sun at 666,666 miles per second? I'm not sure, but all I know are lies taught in school.
@Brendon O'ConnellThe Sun is also really far away, and the Earth has a magnetic field and atmosphere protecting us... go spend a few days lying under the Sun and see what happens to your skin. Or just stare directly at it for a few minutes and see what happens to your eyes. Distance and exposure time matter...
M8 iv been promoting your name everywhere the last couple of days like crazy. People are literally like sheep to the slaughter though. I blame Bernays (edward) really. Hope yer well and thanks for the work you do m8 honestly.
I’ve come to the brilliant conclusion that I now trust no one completely and take all information with the ol proverbial grain of salt. We have ALL been played for fools
If my recollection is accurate, I've watched parts of two of Imbriano's videos and my oxygen was stifled just watching that guy. My con man meter was going off. If the people you follow aren't talking about our 'best ally' in the mid-east, they're not telling you the truth and/or they're lying by omission.
Whenever i try to free people from Gematria, reptilians, flat erf, Jesuits, shape shifters, 5g, dew psyops, ect. I get called a "Notsee W/h/it/e Supr/emacist Ant/is/em/ite". Weird.
The mind control programs have humans programmed to not think logically, and respond by name calling those who do. Don't forget there are paid troll on social media that do nothing but attack and discredit humans... They are really sick. I don't know how they sleep at night.
@SLEEPING BEAUTY full blown sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, pathological liars, and Machiavelli wannabes with no capacity for empathy or introspection
I don't necessarily discount anything out of hand. But certainly the focus should be upon the verifiable and evident first. Once the more tangible culprits of our problems are dealt with only then should we be considering lizards.
Brendon — I wish you could synthesize your points in a readily comprehensible way — for some of the more obtuse people like me! I need a bulleted summary of what you’re trying to say. Eg, 1). Is 5G good or bad. 2) is 2G bad? 3) is Wi-Fi bad?I hear what you’re saying but I really need you to pull it together in a more comprehensive way. It’s just way too confusing. All this information you’re coming up with, and the way it’s all edited together, it’s hard to assimilate exactly what your point is.
Alright brendan, I've been commenting on other truth channels just saying they should research things you say and how they don't touch it without mentioning your name and holy shit the hate and abuse I'm getting in replies, good on you mate you obviously hitting them where it hurts keep it up as long as possible and I'm going to keep saying lsrael Russia China lran, the belt and road project rothchilds banks etc etc, ripping USA from within
I have that exact same Trifield meter- I love it!!When documenting the roll out of fiber optics (The foundation of 5G) as COX subcontractors were laying the fiber optics- I was assaulted and had the cops called out 2 times.Now WHY would any company, if they were doing something good for society, care if a lady in her 50's was video taping them? Wouldn't they like the publicity?According to the Department of Defense EMFs do have a very negative effect on our physiology -So I wonder why the DOD would warn us of EMF's??Telecommunications= A Communist ElectionAmerican Tower= A New CrematoriaEricsson= Necrosis or Crises On... it goes on and on.Isr@el and the middle east is another subject- Look at NEOM- that's what they want ALL the worldto be like- a Smart City where NO privacy exists- humans are tools- AI and the IT is EVERYTHING.This world is run by a bunch of Inbred Psychopaths.I have read a research paper on electric fields ..(sorry, can't remember the name_ but it makes our blood VISCOUS- that's THICK blood- that's NOT good for us. Explain is RF's and EMF's are "harmless" WHY are the bees disappearing?? (I'm a bee keeper- my hives have gone from 21 to 2 hives in less than 4 years. My bees don't have any electric field running next to them, but the Cel Towers across the valley are pelting them with RF! When i'm out my backyard- my Trifield is off the charts in RF- my heart rate goes high and my eyes start getting tired- that's why I purchased the Trifield meter. Believe me- I've SEEN the reports for the EMFs- they aren't good! Microwave Frequencies are so detrimental- so is sitting in front of the computer for so many hours- SITTING is the NEW SMOKING! We need to move more1 I was diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer 3 years after moving to the home i'm in. Why do I feel like an electric current is surrounding me? I've done way too much research to see the damage these cell towers and the wi-fi are doing to us- our cell phones, cars- with chips, credit cards= anything with a CHIP is an Antenna- the towers are antennas and we provide the other antenna. My chickens who have direct sight/line of the Cell tower- their chicks hatch, but then die- the chicken coop I have which is behind a big cactus- well- they just hatched 24 chicks- so how can the cell tower not have an effect? Same food, same genetics, different results- the cell tower exposure is the only thing that's different. 5G, I believe, AI- IS how they will pull off the next GENOCIDE. It cracks me up when someone throws in the "flat earth"- to disparage a person, even though they've never mentioned "flat earth' it's the same type of "conspiracy theorist" knee jerk response-The Kissinger report shows and exposes they have a HUGE depopulation agenda- the Nuremberg trials showed how these guys use x-rays, and frequencies to DESTROY and sterilize the human population. It's what they DON'T Talk about- is where we should look. Look at the "Shellbacks" the "Trusty Shellbacks too... the Electric/power- PG&E is Rothschilds. ALL the Infrastructure needs to be looked at- the water utilities, the power and the Telecommunications- THEY (and the military) are taking us down. Thank you for your research!! (have you noticed how the c! doesn't share their library files anymore?? Shutting down ALL documentation/history. Censorship is their agenda.
They trashed the structure and rebuilt on a foundation of lies, smashed in surveillance and control into a new capstone and voila, the pyramid scheme was avatar.
Mate I agree about some of the ridiculous theories promoted by some however most of these people truely believe in their cause. The only remedy is censorship of concepts and you know to do this is more dangerous than someone promoting a flat earth. Freedom of ideas and expressing them is essential, if people are lacking in perception that's their problem. You are right about 4G being more dangerous than the 5G waves, that cannot easily penetrate your home, however you miss the point, they are introducing an untested technology and you must be aware that if tests are done it will then be officially known how dangerous the entire wireless industry actually is. The 5G rollout contains major 4G boosts and upgrades as well as increasing 4G antenna and moving them into suburban areas, closer to dwellings. I'm not even going tostart listing the harm that millimetre waves are capable of should a tyrannical regime have control of such a system. Children are particularly vulnerable to harm right now, especially their reproductive systems. Any wi fi system at home or school, is a source of potential long term harm to the future of humans. You are becoming increasingly distorted in your perception and pernicious in your attitude towards others views, like a self appointed king arbiter. I have been listening to Max Igan for a few years and he has his faults like everyone but he means well and communicates a good message, he's only once mentioned a flat earth from my understanding and then retracted the statement. Your comments are clearly spiteful in nature. You are selecting information to support an argument or some unknown agenda just like the corporate media do. Tell the entire story like you usually do, that's how information becomes knowledge. By denying the physical dangers of living in a sea of wireless radiation you are endorsing an industry that doesn;t give a fuck about peoples' health. 5G is about data collection and stealing our privacy, be honest about that and you will understand why some are overstating the harm 5G will cause. The industry has been criminally negligent and deceitful for years, the safety standards in my country haven't been updated since the 1980's. Their actions dictate the rules of equity, live by the sword, die by the sword, all's fair!
@jaleel appleseed Another Mega Death panic merchant. But she doesn't care enough to...ZAP THE HAMSTER! Thats MY meme! Dont steal it! We had Jump The Shark. It's time to ZAP THE HAMSTER! Put up or shut up.
@Brendon O'Connell did you see who Josh Frydenberg appointed to the FOREIGN INVESTMENT REVEIW BOARD ? Steven Skala have a guess what religeon he is , just like putting a fox in charge of the henhouse
@Brendon O'Connell1:15 = let it go dude.. no one has the pulse on Truth... least of all someone that uses "horses***" to push a point of authority and superiority. After that you've already lost... then making big statements about the sun without backing it either a discussion/information that explains why & how we're not fried more than just a sunburn.You say that everyone is all wrong, but if you don't present actual information first and layout what you DO KNOW and how what you've said is or isn't true...then all you're doing is character assassination... know you're talking about the frequency of a microwave without actually giving factual information. Have you ever heard of OZONE ? Ever heard of ionic-Breeze(r)? Yeah, they created ozone without using electrical-arc to do it... they used frequency! Now where are they? Out of business because they got busted for the harm they caused from changing the orbital energy of electrons in the outer electron shells creating free-radical & ozone or "O3-" which destroys mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Ionic breeze used hardly any voltage, plugged right into any outlet too.
Brendon O'Connell you’re full of shit, suspect as! So CIA declassified documents on the harmful effects of millimetre waves is not credible enough? Financed BS artist rat is what you reek of.
@Brent Tanner O yes, he is the man and will crush Brendon in seconds. I don't understand what's the matter with him. First he said satanic rituals are fake, and now 5G is safe.
Well Brandon u def convinced me. I still don’t understand it all but I’m gonna keep on working on it. I’ve watched a lot of your videos but not all. I’m trying to get through them. Since I been subbed I’ve seen everyone u put out. I just found out about Cynthia McKinney. I watched a cppl videos on her. She seemed to call out Israel in the way that America is involved. So maybe someone can help me here. She’s just out here to act like she’s on our side but she doesn’t tell the whole truth? I don’t know max Egan either. So much info and disinfo. It’s a nightmare trying to figure out truth.
“I can’t control myself...” —said seriously by no Scorpio. Good job. Regarding your interesting, final comments about Alex Jones planning on getting out: he is selling out all his products. All of them. Many are now unavailable or have “waiting lists.” Yet he has tremendous sales under way for key ones still left. His excuse is the “supply chain breaking down” problem and how he doesn’t know how long he can get his products to sell. This matches your theory he is looking to get out.
In my town all the school when in to constitution, they are locked down like jails now. No way you can get in into school without someone open the door to you.
I’ve been all confused on this subject. I’m not so smart on these scientific high frequencies and stuff. Maybe I’ll understand you! Joe makes me a dang nervous wreck. I have listened to him a few times. I don’t understand joes perception of Jesus. That’s confusing and I need to be listening to ppl that are moral and believe in Jesus. He hammers stuff to hard. I have no clue what he’s even saying. I need to unsub. He’s into selling stuff too not that that’s bad but I get what he’s doing. Thanks for covering this. I see that you are true . Because of u I’m figuring out who is full of it on YouTube.
Tricks of the trade is boasted at TelAviv for aquireing the medical images and data library necessary for dna medicine and Digital medicine , payment information was hacked at hospitals first in bit coin hacks then they complied the data and give the world anlaystic interperative advise by working with communistic Russian to get the data.
Brendon is misleading,misrepresenting and saying things Joe has never said. He is intentionally obfuscating the 5G 60 Ghz weaponry capabilities . And no it's not like a microwave oven. Joe did say it came from Israel on a show with guest Gary Galeno. Brendon is selling you the supposed safe 5G technology. He had been put up to it.
Thank you for waking me up to who Alex Jones really is. I started to watch a ton of Alex J years ago and always wondered why he was the only one who could talk about "the powers that be"" so freely without consequence....AND having Donald Trump call in to his show?? it never really made sense to me but now this all is starting to make perfect sense ....I knew Israel had great ties to us in America...I remember when B. Netenyahu visited the states he asked Jared Kushner if he could tell everyone on camera during the press conference how close they(he and Jared) really were...I found that very interesting.....having a nice Jewish boy in the whitehouse and daughter (Ivanka) to be at Trumps side I didn't know how to really put it all together but now I'm seeing just how deep the Jewish roots run here....The great takeover!!
Alex Jones said, "I wouldn't mind if Switzerland invaded right now". He never ever criticizes Switzerland, home of BIS(Bank for International Settlement) with its "Investment" in 62 Central Banks, including "The Fed". Switzerland, that "protects the Vatican with its Swiss Guard, right there in Rome. Rome the home of UNIDROIT(Private International Law).
Thank you for helping me understand the 5G controversy, I was feeling insecure about this issue because I don't understand really much about this subject (technology).
Another example is Kerry cassidy , her channel project Camelot. Its the aliens, greys, reptilians, shape shifter's, did l leave anyone out , of course the spiders. Lol.
Keep going B, your amazing intelligence and your ability to get the info out in such a way that leaves NOTHING on the table to refute. I wait for all your vids, and share I the hell out of them! Ppl. Are coming to your sites more and more. Stay undiplomatic, it’s very becoming. 👍. Btw. Looks like Green got suspended, very interesting 🤔
Brendon, NIH spent 25million studying 5g and showed it causes cancer. ( according to Robert F Kennedy Jr) you don't think he is credible? RFK is one of our most potent Advocates as he always has receipts, credentials, and credibility to back up everything he says. He's in the process of sueing Facebook and the designated fact-checkers for his labeling his vaccine related been labed as fake. He's powerful, like yourself..
The problem is not so called 'high-tech', but its the lack of comprehension as to the correct definition of the word, Israel, according to the holy scriptures.
It's all electromagnetic radiation...Captain bridge burner, and it all has an energetic component(power), therefore none of it is technically safe, because it all transmits/transfers energy. When that energy hits you, regardless of frequency, some of it is absorbed into your body. It doesn't just bounce off you like a bullet bounces off Superman...because "millimetres". Diffused, visible light(ranges from 430 trillion hertz, seen as red, to 750 trillion hertz, seen as violet) is relatively safe, but focus that light/energy with a laser device (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) and you can do some serious damage.60ghz 5G(@20watts, as you say) transmits 60 billion individual energetic sine waves per millimetre, (or whatever the size of a 60ghz sine wave is) per second.On May 31, 2011 the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), officially classified all radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a (class 2B) “Possible Human Carcinogen”.
"ZAP THE HAMSTER...or shut the fuck up." And, do not tell us, my dear, that you are any better, now - EMOTIONALLY! BAFS
How To Have A Conversation With A Covid-Denier
Do you know people who downplay the seriousness of rising Covid-19 cases? Or think it's a hoax? You’re not the only one.
of us know the devastating effect Covid-19 has had on families and
friends firsthand – but at the same time, the pandemic has been
accompanied by a flurry of misinformation and a sharp rise in QAnon conspiracy theories.
Some think a second wave is nonsense, others believe “positive” test results are false, and people claim Covid is a hoax. You’ve probably been there – having to explain to your high-risk grandad why wearing a mask won’t trample anyone’s freedom, or reminding pals on WhatsApp it’s not “over” and we’re still in the midst of a pandemic.
Dr. Kit Yates,
senior lecturer in mathematical biology at the University of Bath and
author of The Maths of Life and Death, has noticed a rise in the number
of people using a range of arguments to downplay the seriousness of the
second wave of Covid-19. Some “Covid-denier favourites”, he says,
include: the rise in cases is due to a rise in testing; lockdowns “don’t
work”; people aren’t dying, it’s only cases going up; and it’s “just a
bad flu”.
So how can you have a conversation with a Covid-denier, and reason with them?
Stay cool and don’t force your views.
people in your life believe in complex conspiracies or downplay the
seriousness of Covid-19, it can lead to difficult arguments. But forcing
your views down their throats won’t do any good.
take a step back and remove the label of ‘denier’ – by making it into a
collective noun, you’re saying that’s all they are to a person,” counselling directory member and psychotherapist, Katerina Georgiou, tells HuffPost UK.
you do that, it makes it a whole lot easier to deal with. Just because
they’re a ‘denier’, it doesn’t mean they’re a terrible person, it means
they have a view you don’t agree with. Try to take emotions out of it.
The second you’re trying to win, you’re already losing.”
cool and battle through the generalised feeling of unease in these
conversations. Try to engage to the best of your abilities through
careful questioning, share any experiences, and discuss yours fears.
Remember: they may be in denial through their own fears. “Not being able to accept the reality is a very natural way of dealing with anxiety and panic,” says counselling directory member
and psychotherapist, Antony Constantinou. “A lot of what we’re told is
coming from all over the place: the media, politicians, the government,
scientists. Because everything is intertwined with so much data,
opinions and perspectives it makes things very, very difficult.”
CSA-Printstock via Getty Images
Arm yourself with data and facts.
Leave the myths and folklore to the storybooks. If in heated debate, try to reason with statistics, sources, and logic.
hard to stay unemotional in the face of distortions of the facts,” Dr
Yates explains, “but remember to stick to the facts and have your
arguments ready and well-rehearsed.”
example, if someone says: ‘But what about Sweden?’ – a country that
decided against lockdowns – Dr Yates says you could remind them
Sweden fared relatively poorly, both in terms of their economic impact
and their fatalities, compared to their Nordic neighbours. “Of course,
the deniers will always have counter-arguments, but with a little
reasoned thought these, too, can be unpicked,” he adds.
Being armed with data and studies for whatever possible outcome means you can counteract with viable explanations and reasoning – but remember, we’re not all wired the same.
functions differently, so if you gave logical statistical facts, for
some it’s too much and too hard to bear,” Constantinou adds. “Some
people just can’t function that way and will always come from an
emotional place and that seems to be the kind of disconnect.”
Avoid the social media argument.
media can be a minefield at the best of times, but the pandemic has
sent it into overdrive. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are full of
misleading and false Covid-19 claims– and you might even see your pals
sharing such articles. The best approach? Don’t bring it up – online or
everything with a pinch of salt with social media,” Georgiou says.
“People are constantly sharing articles and retweeting articles. Those
articles have got headlines on them that are designed to enrage and add
fire to the fuel. Understand the way social media and algorithms work,
they set you up in a way to be angry and to feel passionate about
Remember, take a step back, think before you comment, or don’t even comment at all. Save yourself the stress.
Agree to disagree.
When there’s a divide, it can easily manifest into a ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ situation, which can cause the rift to become even bigger.
had to change and for some, it’s just too much to bear and grasp with
the reality of what’s actually going on,” says Constantinou. “People
draw their own natural conclusions. With so much information floating
around, it’s become unclear what to believe in and people start
to think, ‘nothing can be true, someone must be lying along the way
“If people can smell a hint of a lie, they start to create their own system of belief.”
best bet if you’re struggling to get through to someone? Agree to
disagree. Don’t get involved in heated debates for the sake of it. Steer
clear and focus on what you can control, instead.