I and millions like me spent our lives fighting those International Mafia Criminals, Warmongering Genocidal Racists, and Eugenicists like the Rothschilds, Jacques Attali, and Bill Gates, for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and all our future generations!
"We are sorry but there was an error while processing your video."
David Icke has refused to acknowledge for the past 30 years or so.
•22 May 2020
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. My Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Big Pharma, And Dr. Fauci
Robert F. Kennedy Jr is the American environmental activist, attorney and author.
He is the Chairman of Children’s
Health Defense whose mission is to end the epidemic of children’s
chronic health conditions by working aggressively to eliminate harmful
exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards
so this never happens again.
Kennedy was named one of Time
magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper
lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement
helped spawn 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.
His articles have appeared in
nationally-known publications such as: The New York Times, Washington
Post, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and Rolling
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
Kennedy has contradicted the mainstream media and are here today to
discuss the global lockdown, vaccine development, the roles of Anthony
Fauci and Bill Gates and more.
Robert F Kennedy Jr talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFk assassination with Patrick Bet-David .Site for Childrens Health Defense https://bit.ly/2St8XDX Follow him on Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr https://bit.ly/2YpVBw3
About the Guest: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The group’s achievement helped spawn 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe.
American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family https://amzn.to/3f9fdL7
Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Men Who Are Destroying Life on Earth―And What It Means for Our Children https://amzn.to/3bVNPhC
Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury?a Known Neurotoxin?from Vaccines https://amzn.to/35oZbrT
Framed: Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison for a Murder He Didn't Commit
Mr. Kennedy serves as Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper and President of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is also a Clinical Professor and Supervising Attorney at Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Litigation Clinic and is of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. He is co-host of Ring of Fire on Air America Radio. Earlier in his career he served as Assistant District Attorney in New York City.
He has worked on environmental issues across the Americas and has assisted several indigenous tribes in Latin America and Canada in successfully negotiating treaties protecting traditional homelands. He is credited with leading the fight to protect New York City’s water supply. The New York City watershed agreement, which he negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.
Among Mr. Kennedy’s published books are the New York Times’ bestseller Crimes Against Nature (2004), The Riverkeepers (1997), and Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr: A Biography (1977) and two children’s books St Francis of Assisi (2005), American Heroes: Joshua Chamberlain and the American Civil War and Robert Smalls: The Boat Thief (2008). His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Nation, Outside Magazine, The Village Voice, and many other publications. His award-winning articles have been included in anthologies of America’s Best Crime Writing, Best Political Writing and Best Science Writing.
Mr. Kennedy is a graduate of Harvard University. He studied at the London School of Economics and received his law degree from the University of Virginia Law School. Following graduation he attended Pace University School of Law, where he was awarded a Masters Degree in Environmental Law.
About the channel: Valuetainment is an emerging media network for entrepreneurs created by Serial Entrepreneur, Patrick Bet-David. Valuetainment is referred to as the best channel for entrepreneurs with weekly How To's, Motivation, current events and interviews consisting of unique individuals from all walks of life.
About Patrick Bet-David: During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Patrick's family had to escape to survive and ended up living at a refugee camp in Erlangen, Germany. At 12 years old Patrick found himself collecting cans & beer bottles to raise money that could help his family and get him a Nintendo. These childhood experiences had a major impact on his perspective of freedom, hard work and entrepreneurship. Today, he is CEO of PHP Agency, Inc. a financial services company with over 15,000 agents in 49 states and Puerto Rico and an active YouTube creator commonly known for his investigative journalistic approach to interviews and unorthodox business teachings.
Subscribe to the channel for weekly videos http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4
PBD Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetd...
PBD Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickbetdavid
PBD Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-b...
Intro song : “Sweet Victory” by R-Mean. Available on all digital platforms courtesy of Pentagon Records LLC Link: http://bit.ly/36uToQT
Music selection used through agreement with Epidemic Sound http://bit.ly/2B8DxK1
To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: info@valuetainment.com
Are They Hiding This From Us?"
Dr. Rashid Buttar For additional resources
or to make contact, or to learn more about the IADFW (International Association
for a Disease Free World), click here and follow the links: https://tinyurl.com/ybx37c8k
Judy A Mikovits PHD has a virtual sit-down with Patrick Bet-David and opens up
about her fallout with Anthony Fauci that led to her 5 year arrest and
whistleblower status. Order her book https://amzn.to/2VL3AC8 Site: Plague of Corruption https://bit.ly/2Yg3Tqn Follow her on Twitter:@DrJudyAMikovits https://bit.ly/2VK4xL8 About the guest: Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in
chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in
1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington
University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic
diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of
research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry,
epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to
the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/CFS and autism.
Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship
between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and
these diseases. Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles,
many in the world’s top medical journals and she has been profiled in Discover
magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Her
pioneering work during her 20-year career at the National Cancer Institute
includes the discovery of the modulation of DNA methylation machinery by human
retro viral infection and the development of the concept of inflammatory
cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease, which was first
published in 1999, when she directed the Laboratory of Antiviral Drug
Mechanisms in developing therapeutics and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS and AIDS
associated malignancies. Subscribe to Valuetainment for weekly videos http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4 PBD Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrickbetd... PBD Twitter: https://twitter.com/patrickbetdavid PBD Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-b... Intro song : “
Sweet Victory” by R-Mean. Available on all
digital platforms courtesy of Pentagon Records LLC Link: http://bit.ly/36uToQT Music selection used through agreement with Epidemic Sound http://bit.ly/2B8DxK1 To reach the Valuetainment team you can email:
La version longue non censurée de cette vidéo est disponible en VoD (vidéo à la demande), c’est-à-dire accessible en paiement direct par carte bleue (à partir de 3 euros) : https://www.kontrekulture.com/produit...
- 00:35 - Introduction
- 03:31 - D’où vient finalement ce virus ?
- 06:03 - Virus naturel ou de synthèse ?
- 13:16 - La réaction du nouveau pouvoir chinois
- 17:17 - C’est quoi le Covid-19 ?
- 21:39 - Covid-19 et SIDA
- 33:52 - SIDA, Covid-19 : du préservatif au confinement
- 39:09 - Ni masques ni chloroquine : l’épidémie comme volonté gouvernementale
- 43:35 - Big Pharma : du serment d’Hippocrate au business du médicament
- 47:29 - Du médicament au poison : le scandale de l’OxyContin
- 50:07 - Bill Gates : quand le danger n’est pas le virus mais le vaccin !
- 01:03:21 - La Chine de Xi Jinping ou le nouveau méchant
- 01:10:30 - Effondrement économique occidental : la Chine devra payer ?
- 01:15:05 - L’empire chinois rétif à la Shoah
- 01:17:50 - Synthèse 1 — France : la dictature macronienne par la pandémie
- 01:23:22 - Synthèse 2 — États-Unis : empêcher la réélection de Trump
- 01:31:35 - Synthèse 3 — Russie : Poutine toujours aux commandes
- 01:33:22 - Conclusion — De défaite en défaite jusqu’à la victoire !
Soutenez le combat pour la vérité avec le financement participatif : https://gestion-er.fr/participatif/?p...http://egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Sor...
Pour soutenir ERTV : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr...
'Dr SHIVA' Exposed - MIT PhD 'Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai' exposed - Robert F Kennedy Jr - Dr Rashid Buttar
Re-upload of The Deleted Video of Dr Rashid Buttar Interview
Update (4/27/20): YouTube on April 24 took down the video, after it received nearly 7 million views and at least 1.2 million Facebook engagements, replacing it with a message saying, “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”
An April 16 YouTube video suggesting the novel coronavirus
is a “false flag” to force “mandatory vaccines” and microchips on people
has quickly racked up millions of views despite the platform’s pledge
to crack down on COVID-19 misinformation. The video also claims that
both Bill Gates and 5G cell phone towers are somehow involved.
Last month, as the pandemic began to spread throughout the United States, YouTube wrote
that it had “worked to prevent misinformation associated with the
spread of the virus” and would “quickly remove videos that violate our
policies when they are flagged, including those that discourage people
from seeking medical treatment or claim harmful substances have health
benefits.” YouTube has also pledged to crack down on some specific false
conspiracy theories, such as that 5G is connected to the virus, which YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki mentioned in a CNN interview aired on April 19.
But on the evening of April 16, The Next News Network, a conspiracy theory YouTube channel with a history of
pushing false and dubious claims, uploaded a video titled “EXCLUSIVE:
Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As
Economy Collapses.” The video features Dr. Rashid Buttar, who HuffPost noted is “awidelydiscreditedosteopath” and has been using social media to spread falsehoods about the virus. In just four days, the video has already racked up more than 4.3 million views and more than 930,000 Facebook engagements, and the numbers continue to climb.
Toward the start of the video, host Gary Franchi described
other videos Buttar has made, saying he has showed that there’s “fraud
... being perpetuated across the world by the World Health Organization,
the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], Bill Gates, the deep
state, the mainstream media,” and there’s “hysteria being perpetuated to
scare the world population based on false data.”
Buttar proceeded to push multiple falsehoods and conspiracy theories throughout the video. He pushed the absurdly false claim that “nobody has yet demonstrated a single death from the actual virus” and also falsely said that “the number of deaths are still less than the seasonal flu.” Additionally, Buttar claimed the death count was being inflated, although experts agree the death total is likely being undercounted, and he claimed that there was fake activity at hospitals.
Buttar also said “studies clearly show that if you've had a flu shot
you're going to test positive for COVID-19,” which is another falsehood that has spread over social media.
Later in the video, Buttar accused White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci of being a “criminal” who’s committed “traitorous” activity and dubiouslysuggested
that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine had “at least 99%
efficacy” in treating COVID-19, claiming that “they've shown hundreds
and hundreds of patients have treated, nobody's died.” Buttar suggested
the pandemic was a “false flag event to then mandate mandatory vaccines”
and that people who refuse will be “considered as dissidents” and “shot
in the head” or “quarantined in some kind of a concentration camp.” He
also suggested that “5G towers” and “chemtrails” were related to the
virus, and that increasing vaccines and 5G would cause people to become
even more sick.
Buttar also referenced a false social media conspiracy theory
involving Bill Gates to claim that future vaccinations will be
monitored by putting “more RF chips in us to see who has had the
vaccine” as part of “a cycle that they’re going to keep on going over
and over again until they’ve got everybody digitized and they have RF
chips in everybody.” He also called the CDC’s 6-foot social distancing
recommendation “absolute garbage” and a ruse to “decide who … should be
available to talk and work and who should be used as a dissident or
classified as a dissident and made quiet.”
later expanded on his Gates conspiracy theory, accusing him of having a
“depopulation agenda,” and claimed that hundreds of millions of people
will be harmed by vaccines, but “they're going to blame it on the
COVID-19.” He added that “anybody who says that vaccines are necessary,
they either are completely 100% ignorant or they have a suspect agenda.”
(Buttar also
compared his Gates-microchip conspiracy theory to what happened in the
Holocaust and then promoted a video about vaccines and eugenics from
conspiracy theory outlet Infowars.)
On Facebook, the video has been shared in multiple groups opposing 5G technology and supporting the QAnon conspiracy theory, where users claimed the video was “right on point” and called coronavirus a “FAKE PANDEMIC!!!”
The viral video comes as YouTube continues to struggle with
policing the coronavirus misinformation on its platform, such as
unproven treatments in videos and in ads and other conspiracytheorycontent about the virus.
(No wonder My Facebook Account was blocked since last September 2020 and my Blog under systematic attack! MABM - BAFS)
UK’s London Live Faces Sanctions After Airing Long Interview With David Icke
London Real/YouTube
UPDATE, 10AM PST: Ofcom has launched an urgent investigation into London Live’s David Icke
interview. It has now received 41 complaints about the show. A
spokesman said: “We have assessed this programme, and we are concerned
that it raises potential issues under our rules. We are now
investigating it as a matter of urgency.”
PREVIOUSLY, 2AM: Britain’s culture secretary Oliver
Dowden has called on media regulator Ofcom to take action against local
TV network London Live after it broadcast a 105-minute interview with
coronavirus denier and notorious conspiracy theorist David Icke.
On Wednesday night, London Live — which is owned by the billionaire Evening Standard proprietor Evgeny Lebedev — broadcast London Real: COVID-19, which was an edited version of an interview Icke did with YouTube channel London Real in March on the coronavirus crisis.
During the exchange, a largely unchallenged Icke made baseless claims
about the pandemic being part of a 30-year plot by technocrats to
destroy the global economy and impose mass surveillance on society. He
also described social distancing measures as “economic suicide” and
downplayed the dangers of coronavirus, saying most healthy people can
“slap it aside.”
Dowden was asked about the transmission on the BBC Radio 4 Today
program on Thursday morning. He described Icke as a “lunatic” and said
he expects measures to be taken, given that the London Live broadcast
could break strict broadcasting standards in the UK on accuracy and
Dowden said: “These are lunatic conspiracy theorists and no sensible
person would give them a moment’s thought. That station is regulated by
Ofcom and I would be expecting Ofcom to take appropriate action.”
Ofcom said it is assessing the program “as a priority” and has
received 19 complaints about the interview. It warned British
broadcasters last week that they will face sanctions, up to and
including fines, if they spread misinformation about coronavirus. London
is the epicenter of the outbreak in the UK, where 7,097 people have
died of the disease.
Deadline approached London Live’s chief operating officer Tim Kirkman
about the Icke interview on Wednesday evening, but he declined to
comment. It is understood that London Live reviewed the show before it
was aired and was happy that it met broadcasting standards.
London Live carried the following disclaimer ahead of London Real: COVID-19
broadcasting and during advertising breaks: “The views contained in
this program are those of individuals articulating them and are not
necessarily those of London Live. For advice on COVID-19 please visit gov.uk/coronavirus.”
A London Live spokeswoman said: “We are aware of the culture
secretary’s comments, and have proactively contacted Ofcom to offer our
cooperation and support as part of their assessment. We will continue to
work closely with Ofcom throughout this process.”
A separate London Real interview with Icke was taken down from
YouTube this week after the conspiracy theorist went further in his
attempts to discredit official advice on coronavirus. During this second
interview, Icke claimed coronavirus “doesn’t exist,” spread baseless
conspiracies linking the disease to 5G, and said a vaccine will contain
microchips that can control humans.
NY Times: ‘Life Has to Go On’: How Sweden Has Faced the Virus Without a Lockdown
all the nations on the face of this troubled Earth, one would have
expected the ultra-libtarded Scandinavian Psycho Sanitarium of Sweden to
have instituted the most oppressive Stupid-19 lock-downs imaginable
upon its notoriously obedient citizenry. But such was not the case.
Perhaps that’s because 1000’s of pathetic Swedes had already happily had themselves micro-chipped (the ultimate objective of Stupid-19) anyway? (here) and (here)And now, the no-lockdown results are in.
From the article:
was an outlier in Europe, trusting its people to voluntarily follow the
protocols. Many haven’t, but it does not seem to have hurt them.
does seem to have been as successful in controlling the virus as most
other nations. Sweden’s death rate is the same as that of Ireland, and
far better than in Britain or France.
was little evidence that people were observing the protocols — adding
further mystery to Sweden’s apparent success in handling the scourge
without an economically devastating lockdown. All around Stockholm,
younger Swedes thronged bars, restaurants and a crowded park last week,
drinking in the sun. They laughed and basked in freedoms considered
normal in most parts of the world not long ago, before coronavirus
lockdowns, quarantines and mass restrictions upended social norms.”
how the article referred to Sweden’s non-health crisis as “a mystery” –
as if Sweden had taken a risky gamble and miraculously dodged the
1. Obedient Swedes were already starting to embrace the mark-of-the-beast control mechanism of implanted micro-chipping - voluntarily.
Perhaps that is why their national masters deemed it unnecessary to
participate in an exercise whose ultimate purpose was to set the stage
for eventual chip implants.
Swedes carried on as normal -- proving that the Stupid-19 Scare was a HOAX.
nation which, like Sweden, has about 10 million people and which also
did not lock itself down was Russia's sister-state of Belarus – whose
president, Alexander Lukashenko, went a step further by mocking Stupid-19 as an “international psychosis.”
The “authoritarian” ™ leader dubbed a " Covid Denier" and so hated by the Western Fake News cited the old adage:
“It's better to die standing than to live on your knees.”
The death toll in Belarus is even lower than Sweden. Another “mystery” – perhaps even a “miracle” -- we suppose.
played hockey during the Stupid-19 non-crisis -- and urged Belarussians
to drink vodka if they feel sick. // 2. The people of Belarus were not
forced to participate in what Lukashenko properly called a "psychosis."
course, the real “mystery” here -- which no one in either “Left” Fake
News or “Right” FOX Fake News seems to want to explore -- is the strange
case of how another region of 10-12 million people (the 30 mile
outer circle around New York City, which includes parts of Long Island,
Southern New York State and Northeast New Jersey) came to account
for nearly 50% of the United States death toll and about 11% of the
worldwide number – dwarfing any other nation or metro region of similar
population. The answer to that numerical “mystery,” of course, is that
NYC Metro numbers were grossly inflated by the deliberate
mis-categorizing of death causes combined with the deliberate injection
murders of elderly and the poor.
The following chart speaks for itself:
City / Nation
NEW YORK CITY AREA 21,000 ???!
world capital of scheming, scamming, high finance and Fake News is
scamming the world. Can the HOAX of Stupid-19 possibly get any more
little factoid to share with "youse guys." According to the
all-so-high-and-mighty CDC (Center for Disease Control), 140,000
Americans die due to COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease) each
year (here).
Given that the main COPD symptom (shortness of breath) mimics Covid
(and also flu, and bronchitis, and emphysema, and pneumonia) -- how many
breathing-related deaths do you think were "presumed" to be Covid
instead -- at $10,000 a pop in special "emergency" government reimbursement to the hospital or nursing home for each case?! Hmmm?
Overcrowded India and China have a combined population of 2.8 BILLION but only 5,700 Covid deaths between them -- which is about 15,000LESS THAN
NYC area! If Stupid-19 was real, millions of poor Indians would have
died by now, as they did during the 1918 pandemic -- *which the U.S.
engineered as a bio-weapon used against Germany troops during World War I
-- but which got out of hand.
Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Sweden came out
of the Covid crisis in good shape, in spite of its refusal to lockdown
and impose social distancing. Boobus Americanus 2: I wonder why that is? * St. Sugar: Think, Boobuss. Think!!! Editor:
A shot over that numb skull of his with a piece of thick wood might jar
him into critical thinking. We've tried everything else.
Achtung!I respectfully disagree with Dr. Rashid Buttar's views about the Jews (their tattoos...) in WWII, which should be called more appropriately THE JUDAEAN WAR OF 1933-1945!
As well as his joining with that Hinduist charlatan Dr. Lipton!
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
For resources and additional information, visit https://www.AskDrButtar.com/ttav
Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM: Dr. Rashid A. Buttar received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in Biology and Theology at age 21, and then attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with his medical degree at age 25. He trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine and served as Brigade Surgeon for 2nd Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army.
Dr. Buttar became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14, becoming the youngest person in the US to get his Eagle that year, and made the list for promotion to Major in the US Army at the age of 28, becoming the youngest person to make the list for Major that year in the US Army just prior to finishing his service in the Armed Forces. During his military career, Dr. Buttar had the privilege of serving with and being attached to the 2nd Infantry Division, the 101st Air Assault Division and the 5th Special Forces Group. Dr. Buttar is board certified and a Diplomate in Clinical Metal Toxicology and Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical organizations (Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine).
Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for Advanced Medicine with clinics on the east and west coast. The Centers specialize in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to conventional treatments and who have failed the standard approach to their disease process. With a special emphasis on the interrelationship between environmental toxicity and the insidious disease processes and the “up-regulation” of the immune system, the Center has attracted patients from 89 different countries suffering from autism, cancer, heart disease, stroke and many other conditions too numerous to list.
Part 4 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar (initially censored/removed by Youtube!)
Dr Buttar discusses the US Constitution, the CDC, The WHO, as well as the evolutionary process we are going through.
This is the most important of the 4 Parts - Time to WAKE UP!
How to get organized, mass gatherings, what our children will remember, and a reminder to all US Military and law enforcement, both retired and active duty are discussed.
Remember to look into the IADFW (International Association for a Disease-Free World). Watch this video and pass it on! It's up to us to make sure the world knows the truth!
Difference Between Danger and Fear ft. Dr. Buttar
•11 Apr 2020
CRG01 - CoronaGates : à qui faites-vous confiance ? - CoronaGates #1
Lien pour télécharger toutes mes vidéos publiées sur YouTube : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v7b1j04hbm...
Les reproches qui sont faits à ma vidéo CDL33 : https://factuel.afp.com/vaccination-5...
Quelques lanceurs d'alerte et sites d'information francophones que je cautionne (liste à compléter) :
— Le site le plus complet en français sur l'immense question des vaccins : Initiative Citoyenne Belgique : http://initiativecitoyenne.be/
— Un site sur les enjeux de la 5G : Robin des Toits : https://www.robindestoits.org/
— Regenere (Thierry Casasnovas) : https://www.youtube.com/user/thierry6...
— Silvano Trotta : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJs...
— Radio Québec : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxLJ...
Pour aller plus loin, voici une sélection de mes douze meilleures vidéos : http://bit.ly/bestofJJC
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne (et cliquez sur la cloche) pour recevoir les prochaines vidéos : http://bit.ly/AbonnementJJC
*** QUI SUIS-JE ***
Ce partage de connaissances au travers de ma chaîne Youtube est le fruit de plus de 35 années de cheminement.
Comme vous avez pu le constater au travers de mes vidéos, le respect de l’humain et de sa liberté de choix sont au cœur de ma philosophie et de ma démarche.
Les pistes que je vous propose se situent le plus souvent hors des sentiers battus et ne cadrent pas avec ce que vous entendez habituellement. Pour autant, c’est ce que j’ai trouvé de plus efficace pour ma propre vie et celle de ceux que j’accompagne depuis près de 30 ans.
A travers ce partage, je veux :
— vous donner les moyens de vous épanouir à travers une vie plus consciente, plus autonome et plus responsable ;
— mettre à votre disposition des expertises variées qui auront un impact positif dans différents domaines de votre vie ;
— répondre à vos questions en vous proposant un regard neuf sur votre existence.
Pour en bénéficier au mieux, rejoignez dès maintenant les individus qui, comme vous, souhaitent résolument reprendre leur vie en main.
REJOIGNEZ cette communauté en cliquant sur ce lien : http://bit.ly/Rejoignezlacommunauté
Pour vous permettre d’aller encore plus loin, je crée également depuis des années des formations en ligne de très haute qualité.
*** La plateforme ÉMERGENCES ***
Jean-Jacques Crèvecœur est le fondateur et le directeur pédagogique de la plateforme d’ÉMERGENCES-Formations.
La création de cette plateforme répond à deux constats :
— d’une part, nous sommes des millions à ne plus nous reconnaître dans les valeurs et les messages véhiculés par les politiques, les entreprises multinationales et les médias qui veulent nous pousser à plus de consommation et plus d’individualisme ;
— d’autre part, pour créer les conditions d’un autre monde, basé sur des valeurs de respect, d’autonomie, de coopération et de solidarité, il est devenu indispensable d’acquérir de solides compétences pour apprendre à prendre soin de soi-même, de son entourage, de la communauté locale et de la nature.
C’est la raison pour laquelle la plateforme d’ÉMERGENCES-Formations a pour ambition de favoriser des connexions de plus en plus riches entre ceux qui aspirent à une meilleure vie et à un meilleur monde.
Par ailleurs, les formations en ligne proposées se distinguent par l’exigence de vulgarisation très poussée, la qualité des méthodes proposées et l’excellence pédagogique de la démarche.
DÉCOUVREZ ce qui pourrait vous être utile dans ce que nous vous proposons en cliquant sur ce lien : http://bit.ly/CatalogueEmergences
ALORS, JE VOUS INVITE À REJOINDRE DÈS MAINTENANT L’IMMENSE COMMUNAUTÉ de gens qui, comme vous, aspirent à l’émergence d’un autre monde.
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Join Dr. Buttar On Facebook Live Every Monday at 8:15 pm New York Time
For any non-medical topics, media interviews or speaker inquiries, please send an email to info@DrButtar.com
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“The life you may be saving by adopting these principles might just be your own.”
“As a patient of Dr. Buttar for more than 7 years, I know firsthand
the life-changing impact of his work, and I’m proud to call myself one
of his many successes. Over the years, he has become so much more than
just a doctor; he is a good friend and a trusted advisor, but most
importantly, he is someone I have bestowed with the highest possible
honor I could give – intrusting him with the care of my family. For the
first time ever, Dr. Buttar is sharing his breakthrough findings through
9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away. This is a truly priceless
opportunity – a glimpse inside the genius mind of Dr. Buttar. If you
care at all about yourself, your family and your future, make this book,
and the concepts included in it, a part of your daily routine. Can’t we
all agree that the health and well-being of ourselves and our families
should be at the very top of our priorities? Don’t wait for a health
crisis in your own life to start preparing. Allow yourself to challenge
traditional medical thinking and most importantly, make the most of this
precious gift. After all, the life you may be saving by adopting these
principles might just be your own.” —Greg Provenzano, President and Co-Founder of ACN Inc., the
World’s Largest Direct Selling Telecommunications Company providing
services in 21 different countries.
“I would not be living today if I had not found Dr. Buttar.”
“Anyone who has any concerns about their health needs to read this
book. It tells the truth in plain language so you and I can understand
it, and does so candidly, without any concern or influence of fear of
the FDA, mainstream medicine and big drug companies. I became a patient
of Dr. Buttar in March of 2003 after having 4 heart catherizations
(which didn’t help) for blocked arteries that were causing chest pains
and shortness of breath. I was 70 years old at the time. After tests,
Dr. Buttar started me on a specific chelation program, changed my diet,
and set me up on an exercise program. It didn’t take long for my
strength to start coming back and the angina and shortness of breath
became a memory of the past. I resumed a work schedule tailored to my
own desires and meeting my needs. As I write this I am approaching my
78th birthday, and play golf 3-5 times per week. I take no medications
at all anymore and firmly believe I would not be living today if I had
not found Dr. Buttar and started on his very sensible program. You can
be helped too by reading this book and applying the principles outlined.
Thank God for Dr. Buttar’s research, beliefs, talents, and dedication
to help others.” —- Ned Jarrett, 2 time NASCAR National Champion, inducted into 15
Halls of Fame and the only person in history to retire from NASCAR
while still a National Champion.
Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM
Biographical Information
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14, becoming the youngest person in the US to get his Eagle in 1980. Dr. Buttar graduated from high school at age 17 and received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis. While
at Washington University, Dr. Buttar was on a full academic ROTC
scholarship and played football as linebacker and defensive-end for the
WashU Bears. After graduating with a double major in Biology and
Theology at age 21, Dr. Buttar attended medical school at the
University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of
Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with
his medical degree at age 25. Dr. Buttar did a rotational internship with an emphasis in General
Surgery in Houston, Texas and then later trained in General Surgery at
Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. While serving in the US Army, Dr. Buttar also served as Brigade Surgeon for 2ndInfantry
Division, Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department
of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft.
Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army. Dr. Buttar made the list for promotion to Major in the US Army at the
age of 28, becoming the youngest person to make the list for the rank
of Major that year in the US Army just prior to finishing his service in
the Armed Forces. During his military career, Dr. Buttar had the privilege of serving with and/or being attached to the 2ndInfantry Division, the 101stAir Assault Division and the 5thSpecial Forces Group. Dr. Buttar is board certified and a Diplomate in Clinical Metal
Toxicology and Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency
Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical
organizations (Fellow of the American College for Advancement in
Medicine, Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and
Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine). Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for
Advanced Medicine. The Centers are located in NC, TX, and CA,
specializing in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to
conventional treatments who have failed the standard approach to their
disease process. With a special emphasis on the
interrelationship between environmental toxicity and the insidious
disease processes and the “dis-regulation” of the immune system, Dr.
Buttar and the Centers have attracted patients from over 90 different
countries suffering from autism, cancer, heart disease, stroke and many
other conditions too numerous to list. Dr. Buttar previously served as Director of Clinical Research and
Development for V-SAB Medical Laboratories where he was extensively
involved in research with polypeptide and peptide analog sequencing and
identification technologies as well as innovative methodologies for drug
delivery mechanisms. In addition, Dr. Buttar was heavily
involved in clinical outcome-based research and response based studies
with various groups including personal interest, private BioTech
companies, university-based projects, and government-sponsored clinical
research. Dr. Buttar has lectured worldwide on these subjects at scientific
congresses and professional symposiums and has been frequently invited
to present at medical conferences. He has appeared and been featured in local, national and international media including newspapers, radio, and TV. He
has been interviewed by or written about in numerous news journals
including the Wall Street Journal, US News and World Report, TIME
Magazine, Boston Globe and the New York Times. Dr. Buttar
has been invited to and testified in front of the North Carolina
Legislature as well as the United States Congress, giving special
testimony before the Congressional Sub-committee on Human Rights and
Wellness. Phillips Publishing, Health Directions Inc., and
Stephen Sinatra, MD have either listed or cited Dr. Buttar as being
among the “Top 50 Doctors in the United States”. Dr. Buttar served as Educational Chair for the American Board of
Clinical Metal Toxicology (ABCMT) for 3 years and was in charge of the
national training program that leads to Board Certification in Clinical
Metal Toxicology. Dr. Buttar then became the Vice Chairman
and eventually was elected as Chairman of the ABCMT and served in those
capacities for over 6 years. Dr. Buttar was also a member
of the 12 member National Metals Task Force, appointed to address the
endemic nature of metal toxicity and the resulting implications on world
health during the administration of President George W. Bush. Dr. Buttar also served as President of the North Carolina Integrative
Medical Society for 6 years and also headed up 2 other medical
societies in the past as President including the Advanced Medical
Education and Services Physician Association and Center for Advanced
Medicine Physician Associates. He has served on numerous
boards as well as CME committees for a number of medical organizations
and societies including the American Association for Health Freedom, Age
Management Medical Group, International College of Integrative Medicine
and American College for Advancement in Medicine. Dr. Buttar also served in the past as Visiting Scientist as well as
Nutritional Scientist at North Carolina State University and actively
taught for well over 20 years as faculty for mainstream medical courses
such as Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses for physicians
through the American College of Surgeons as well as the Advanced Cardiac
Life Support courses for physicians, nurses and emergency response
personnel. In addition, Dr. Buttar served as faculty for the Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses for over 15 years. Dr. Buttar’s first book, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away” released in 2010 became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon.com best seller and has since, become an international best seller now translated into multiple languages. To
access more information and learn more about the principals and
philosophy of Dr. Buttar, or to be notified when Dr. Buttar releases new
videos or books, or to simply stay in touch with Dr. Buttar, visit the
following links and hit subscribe!
I spent my
life fighting those International Mafia Criminals and Warmongering
Genocidal Racists and Eugenicists for the sake of my children,
grandchildren, and for all our future generations!
Facebook blocked me for 3 days on a false charge of
After unblocking me yesterday (after 3 days), Facebook blocked
me again within 18 hours for another 30 days with no mention of any specific
Given the alarming threats of the MILITARY (NATO),
it would be reasonable to think this had to do with the COVID-19 SCARE HOAX, the PSEDO-PANDEMIC
that has for aim to establish THE LARGEST CONCENTRATION AND DEATH CAMP of all times, locking
down entire nations, and force vaccination, and chips on all of us with their 5G WEAPON!
Unfortunately, their parents are Obedient State Deadly Vaccine Addicts who systematically deny or ignore my expertise in the matter!
And as I cannot even afford burial costs, I need to find out a way to get rid of my body somehow! The Cliff of Dover?
Trying very hard to keep away from Harmacies and other Big Harma slaves and mercenaries!!!
All articles for any given month appear on a single page -- most recent first as older items get bumped down further down page.
APRIL 2020
1: There are no "Moderate" Demonrats // Apr. 2: Slimes Worried about
"Autocrats" // Apr. 6: Pandemic Nation // Apr. 7: The Horrible LBJ //
Apr. 8: Deep Staters Fauci & Birx // Apr. 9: The Flying Squirrel //
April 10: Social Distancing: Stupid & Dangerous // April 13: Silent
Slaughter in the Nursing Homes // April 14: Trannie Madness: A "Both
Mitzvah" // April 16: Why Does Covid-19 Love "The Big Apple?" // April
17: Satanists Among and Above Us // April 19: "The Trump Depression?" //
April 20: Hitler's Birthday // April 21: Red Terror in the Nursing
Homes // April 22: Earth Day 50 & CoronaMania // April 23: Slimes
Defends Marina Abramovic // April 24: "If It Saves Just One Life"
A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions, Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times "We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"***************************************** ALL ARTICLES FOR ANY GIVEN MONTH APPEAR ON SAME PAGE -- MOST RECENT FIRST -- SCROLL DOWN FOR PAST DATES. PREVIOUS MONTHS
April 24, 2020
NY Times (Letters): Saving the Economy, and Saving Lives Times Readers are fearful that the president will ease isolation measures to help his re-election bid.
the Globo-Marxists who produce Sulzberger's Slimes each day are the
deceitful spawn of Satan himself, many of the self-important boobs who
religiously read "the paper of record" actually believe the convoluted crap presented. In various Letters-to-the-Editor,
the nattering nitwits of Normiedom -- proudly reflecting back to
teacher what they have read -- continue to express their dismay over the
idea of opening up the economy "too soon." The pleas to keep businesses
locked down are generally based on a variation of the same old idiotic
argument that self-righteously declares: "If it saves just one life... blah. blah, blah."
Take this snippet of stupidity sent in to the Slimes by one Sue Young of Montclair, New Jersey: To the Editor: I’ll
be 74 next week, and on Monday I realized that my president considers
me to be collateral damage in his effort to get re-elected. Sue Young Montclair, N.J. That's easy for you to say, Ms. Young.At
74 and living in affluent Montclair, we suspect that in addition to
collecting a Social Security check and God-knows-what-else in the form
of pensions, brokerage accounts, family trusts etc.
-- you and your insular "upper crust" crowd of mad madames don't need
to go to work. Ironically, it is old money libtard snobs like you who consider the 26 million newly unemployed (and counting) as "collateral damage" in your campaign to blame Trump for Stupid-19 and then get rid of him this November.
The 'Letters to the Editor' section truly showcases the conformist
stupidity of Slimes readers. // 2. Montclair, New Jersey -- a quaint
college town full of nice shops and restaurants --- but INFESTED with
dumb-as-dirt uppity libtards like "Sue from Montclair." // 3. I would
imagine the 74-year old "Sue from Montclair" resembling the wealthy,
stiff-necked, pearl-wearing pretender in Image 3. (She could be a silver
haired ex-hippie too)
Now, as for this imbecilic bromide about "saving lives" -- putting aside the fact that the deaths from Stupid-19 (medical murders mainly) are greatly exaggerated -- to keep things logically consistent -- The Anti-New York Times
proposes that the Federal Government impose a series of directives
which will save countless thousands of lives each year. Should any of
you pro-shutdown normies chance across these life-saving proposals --
we'd like to know if you support such suggestions. And if not, why not?
* Crisis: About 40,000 Americans are killed in automobile accidents each year.
Life-Saving Proposal:
25-mile-per-hour speed limit on the nation's highways -- 15 mph on
roads and streets. All new and used cars to be fitted with automatic
speed limiting technology.
To reduce non-essential travel, an additional $2 per gallon gas tax will be imposed
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model): 30,000 per year
* Crisis: About 30,000 Americans die from falling each year. The victims are mostly elderly, but not always.
Life-Saving Proposals:
60 or older must use a walker at all times. Hidden cameras placed in
homes will ensure that the policy is being followed at home. First
offense: $500 fine // subsequent offenses to include jail-time
Homeowners prohibited from cleaning their own gutters or painting over 6 feet from the ground
Sales of step-ladders forbidden to those 60 or older
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model):20,000 per year
* Crisis: About 5,000 Americans per year choke to death while eating
Life Saving Proposal:
food -- whether sold in markets or served at restaurants -- must come
de-boned and pureed. Strict compliance enforced by fines and
imprisonment for repeat offenders.
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model): 4,600 per year
Our cars are death machines on wheels. -- 25 mph on the highway would
save 1000's of lives. // 2. The in-home enforcement of mandatory walker
laws would save 1000's of lives and avoid billions of dollars in
healthcare costs to taxpayers. // 3. She wouldn't be choking had her hot
dog been pureed.
* Crisis:
Various forms of annual cold & flu kill an average of 35,000
Americans per year. For the 2016-2017 season, an estimated 60,000
Americans lost their lives. In both 1958 and 1968, more than 100,000
Americans died (at a time when the U.S. population was about 40% smaller than it is today)
Life Saving Proposal:
Implement the current economic shutdown and social distancing laws every year from December through April.
Make mask-wearing mandatory all year round.
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model)25,000 per year
* Crisis: Obesity is considered the main contributing factor in 300,000 deaths in America per year.
Life Saving Proposal:
weekly weigh-ins at designated fat-watch precincts. A $1 per pound
overweight tax imposed at each weigh-in. Failure to pay fees will result
in liens and wage garnishments.
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model):150,000 per year
* Crisis: About 800 American women die during childbirth or within 40 days after.
Life Saving Proposal: All unborn children will be extracted via C-Section at 8.5 monthsof pregnancy. Any babies who die as "preemies" are not to be counted as deaths.
Estimated Lives Saved(as per computer model): 700 per year
We could go on and on and on with such silly freedom-killing / economy-crashing scenarios based on the "saving just one life" (or even saving many thousands of lives)
argument. And yet, we still could not be accused of using the classic
logical fallacy / rhetorical trick of "Reductio ad absurdum" (arguing to the absurd)
because the current Stupid-19 lockdown is indeed absurd and is indeed
essentially analogous to the "Life Saving Proposals" suggested for the
other forms of premature death listed.
So, what does Sue of Marxist Montclair have to say to our "public health" program?
All strains of flus are deadly to 10's of 1000's of Americans. Why not
put the Stupid-19 protocols in place every year -- and leave the mask
policy in place at all times? // 2. If we tax fat people into the ideal
weight, countless lives will be saved and health care costs will fall as
well. // 3. Let's cut her open now. It could save her life.
Americanus 1: I was read the Letters to the Editor section of the New
York Times today. The clear consensus of the people is that we keep the
lockdown in place. Boobus Americanus 2: I agree. You can never be to safe. If it saves just one life..... * St. Sugar: A wisse decision will never arisse from a 1000 jack-asses. Editor: The total lack of empathy for the millions of people who have lost their jobs or businesses is astonishing.
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