In the above photograph, spot the FOUR DEVILS!
Mother of Eleven with her heart-broken Son Basheer - Front row, second from left.
My blessed Mother was robbed by her own devilish sons and deceived by her daughters, kidnapped and stolen from me by other members of the accursed family, poisoned and tortured, dumped in a dying home, given pork to eat, prevented from dressing like a proper Muslimah as she used to do all her life, displayed shamelessly in public by some looking after fame while in an advanced senile state, and martyred by Devil spawn miscreants and Satans!
1962 - The accursed Soormally-Bekawoo Family! Our deceased grandmother was added in the middle of the photograph.
Was it not telling that I would stand right behind my grandfather MUHAMMAD ALI, the only sane human (to my knowledge!) in the entire family, and right beside SATAN himself!!!
The reason why I LOVE THE REAL SATAN (not the human ones!), is because he is always true to himself, JUST LIKE MY FATHER AND ME who are transparent beings!
Purdue University's Muslim Discussion Group hosts Jeffrey Lang on Nov 11, 1999. Jeffrey Lang graduated from Purdue University. This is the only time he has returned to Purdue University to speak on Islam.
But, my Mother was never a SAINT as depicted by HER son Rafic Seethulsing-Soormally!
HOLY "MUSLIM" GARBAGE! "Exclusive to this Channel. Copyrighted. Do not Copy." ??? Those fanatical "Muslims" will always profane what is sacred!
Shared with me by my younger Sister ZARKA (formerly or still (?) SUBRATTY)
Hassen Rasool - The Royal Call to Prayer From Eton, England - Karl Jenkins - The Armed Man
Published on 6 Dec 2014
I just heard, a few minutes ago, at 23:00, today, Thursday 11th of January 2018, that my mother passed away. This does not affect me in the least given all the pain I suffered at her hands since my twenties, and at the hands of my father, as well as at the hands of my other siblings, and some of my cousins, nephews, and nieces!
I was born in an accursed and degenerate family! As I know there is no after-life, my mother is gone for good. Let the kidnappers bury her and cry over her death!
This is the way we all will end sooner or later. Of course, I will follow her soon, but it is a question of how and when! But, I will, God willing, leave only the truth behind as I understand and have experienced it!
P.S. So, no condolences, please, as I do not give a damn, except from my old friend Satan, of course!
Whose Migrant Mother was this?
•8 Aug 2019
445K subscribers
Dorothea Lange captured this iconic photo known as Migrant Mother in 1936. But who was the woman pictured? And how did she and her family feel about its existence in the world? Guest host John Green introduces you to Florence Owens Thompson, her family, and her story. #migrantmother #dorothealange #photography
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Ally Muhammad Soormally and our step-grandmother.
Photo I took before I left for the USSR in 1964
ALLY MUHAMMAD SOORMALLY, our grandfather who was neglected by our father and almost the entire family! He passed away in 1966 when I was in the USSR. NOBODY bothered to give me any details! Our grandfather re-married after our grandmother (Ajima Mahamdee?) died, but I am not aware that any member of our family attended their wedding! His wife had to leave her house (kicked out?) with her daughter (or her daughter Afiza was already married by then?), and she lived in Beau-Bassin where I met her.
When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
no longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks -
When her dear, faithful eyes
no longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks -
Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.
And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more.
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more.
-Adolf Hitler, 1923
A painting I had had made in Stavropol (USSR) of our handsome and debonair father Idris (Idrice) Soormally.
I wrote the caption: Allah's pleasure is in a father's pleasure!
I wrote the caption: Allah's pleasure is in a father's pleasure!
He passed away on 18 April 2006, according to Mr. Rafic's article, but I was prevented from attending his funerals in the UK by my own apostate younger brother and elder sister! He was born on 10 December 1918 under mysterious circumstances. It was confirmed to me by a neighbour and my eldest sister, the Viper, that he was cursed by our grandmother for chasing her into the street trying to hit her because she was regularly taking (stealing) so many items (foodstuffs, money, etc.) from his house to take to her "poorer" daughter Fatma Dookhit whose husband was a door-to-door vegetable monger! I heard that our father hated Mauritius and Muslims, especially the "Maulanas", and tried to go (flee) abroad, but our grandfather took him back after he had boarded a ship, and married him BY FORCE to a 14 year old illiterate girl, our mother! I also heard he hit my mother in the belly when she was pregnant of me! This may explain why she always said that I WAS CRAZY! She disliked some truths I said! I heard that our father became an alcoholic besides smoking heavily, but I never saw him drink alcohol, even once. But, I know that all or most of his wealthy Muslim friends drank alcohol, including Abdool Rajack Mohamed! Some shared the same women!
90 year old (born 17 or 27 February 1922) Blessed Mother of 11 (including many Devils!*) and her 67 year old Baby Boy in 2013!
I have always loved you, Mum, and shown you utter respect and affection - despite everything! And, I am thankful to God Almighty! But, given her extremely poor "education", I never expected our mother to understand certain things in life.
WELL, my dear old companion and friend Basheer, I just read your Godless and heartless note about your beloved mother having finally joined the elements never to return again. Yes, I saw how unmoved you were at the news because for you she died a long time ago.
I was relieved when she left because she was a wreck and was treated very badly (just like our father) as she confessed to me on a few occasions! Your other friends, Mr. Mafat (MALECK) stole her (our) house, with the complicity and financing of Mr. Satan (SAÏD ) of Colchester!
I was relieved when she left because she was a wreck and was treated very badly (just like our father) as she confessed to me on a few occasions! Your other friends, Mr. Mafat (MALECK) stole her (our) house, with the complicity and financing of Mr. Satan (SAÏD ) of Colchester!
(to be continued)
PATHETIC! (A Mauritian rag and shit slinger!)
Khaleel, ses 8 toutous et ses 18 chats sous un seul toit
Insolite: Khaleel Hamad Soormally, ses 8 toutous et ses 18 chats sous un seul toit
À ME FAIRE VOMIR! Je n’ai pas pu regarder! BAFS
Published on 28 Apr 2019
Il est célibataire. Son amour, il le partage avec ses huit chiens et ses 18 chats, qui vivent tous avec lui, dans le salon, la cuisine, bref, partout. Khaleel Soormally a fait de sa maison un sanctuaire pour les animaux, minous et toutous errants, qui viennent trouver refuge chez lui…
Cette maison pas comme les autres se trouve à Cité Pitot, Curepipe. À l’accueil, un récital de «wouf» et de «miaou». Cela fait 33 ans que le septuagénaire habite là, qu’il a créé sa «niche». «Bann dimounn, bien kriel dé no zour, rod touy zanimo. Mwa mo ramas zot.» Affalés sur le sofa, à l’aise, des chiens mènent la belle vie. Dans la cuisine, les placards, le plan de travail et autres recoins sont le territoire des chats. Toute la troupe s’entend à merveille. Les câlins avec le maître sont légion. «Ce sont des amours», confie un Khaleel plus qu’attendri.
Hélas, ce dernier est malade, fatigué. «Monn rant dans laz aster, mo népli kapav fer tousa bann travay-la pou mo bann zanimo…» Quid des soins, de la nourriture? Une bonne partie de sa pension y passe. L’homme vit modestement. Mais il a un cœur en or.
Les Mauriciens de cette colonie d’esclaves sont toujours aussi incultes, surtout les Youtubooliques et les Facebookooliques qui n’ont pas de toilettes chez eux et viennent faire leur besoin sur les réseaux sociaux pour prouver au monde entier qu’ils souffrent d’une aculturation totale. Donc, ce n’est point pour ces cons et ces connes que j’écris !
« sa maison » ? À lui ? Laissez-moi rire !
Ce cher Monsieur « Khaleel » était de connivence avec son grand ami, le fils dévergondé du constable de Police 996 que ce dernier avait envoyé pour m’assassiner ! Conduisant la voiture (Toyota) de sa maîtresse (fille aussi dévergondée d’un richissime capitaliste intouchable dont j’ai connu la mère !) sans permis, ce morveux avait roulé sa voiture à toute vitesse pour m’écraser après m’avoir aspergé de gaz lacrymogène ainsi que mon fils de 6 ans, et son propre jeune frère que nous venions (avec mon épouse) chercher à l’école Saint Helena.
Comme tout gouvernement corrompu qui se respecte, l’affaire criminelle fut classée sans suite et la propriétaire de la voiture, intouchable, nullement inquiétée ! Le parquet avait envoyé un de ses agents pour s’assurer que la magistrate classât l’affaire. Le constable en question était présent en Cour. Mon père avait payé une magistrate 800 roupies (selon l’huissier du jour qui est le père d’u de mes élèves du Collège où j’enseignais), utilisant aussi ma propre mère, ma sœur aînée, Monsieur Khaleel, et un sergent de Police, afin de me faire condamner dans une série d’affaires criminelles et civiles. L’avoué de Monsieur Khaleel réussit à me faire passer les menottes (pour une fausse dette !) par deux officiers de Police accompagnés de l’avoué en question, dès que j’avais ouvert la porte du notaire, de toute apparence complice lui aussi.
Sortant de la Cour de Curepipe pour fumer, mon beau-père rencontra un certain « REQUIN » qui lui confia qu’il avait été payé pour m’assassiner. Par qui ? Je vous laisse deviner ! Quand il sut que ce monsieur était mon beau-père, il lui demanda mille excuses, se prosternant à ses pieds, mais une fois à l’intérieur, il ne me souffla mot. Ce n’est qu’en rentrant à Port-Louis, que ma belle-mère me tint au courant !
J’avais fait entendre à la Magistrate corrompue une bande enregistrée ainsi qu’au Commissaire de Police dans la quelle le Policier en question jura que ce n’est pas du gaz qu’il donnera à son fils la prochaine fois, mais un revolver à 12 coups !
Auparavant, j’avais requis l’intervention de trois personnalités du Parquet, et de la Cour Suprême : le DPP, un Junior Crown Counsel, et un Senior Crown Counsel qui prit son téléphone pour appeler a Police pour me faire arrêter. Ce dernier devint fort célèbre par la suite grâce à un certain Paul Bérenger à qui j’avais sauvé la vie car l’ordre fut donné en ma présence de le tuer alors qu’il fit irruption, ensanglanté, dans les enceintes de la Municipalité de Port-Louis !
Mais, toutes les rédactions ont refusé de publier ces abus, y compris Yvan Martial ! Concernant ce Monsieur « Khaleel », mon grand ami Serge Constantin l’avait questionné en ma présence au procès que mon père m’avait intenté en l’utilisant concernant une fausse affaire de dette ! Il avait avoué à Serge que je ne lui devais rien, mais refusa néanmoins de signer la quittance que Serge lui présenta, et, je fus condamné grâce à la complicité de ma mère et de ma sœur aînée. Chose inadmissible, la Cour avait refusé de convoquer mes deux témoins, un Monsieur de chez Grundig, l’emprunteur, qui m’avait avancé de l’argent, en présence d’un grand ami de la famille l’Inspecteur Baramdoyal, pour remettre à Monsieur Khaleel pour son argent de poche, alors qu’il partait pour la Grande-Bretagne. Cet hypocrite m’avait caché qu’i avait de l’argent en banque, et ma petite sœur Jonan, l’autre hypocrite, le savait.
Monsieur Khaleel m’avait demandé de prendre l’argent de sa banque pour rembourser, ce que je fis en présence de ma mère et de ma sœur. Et, je remis l’argent à ma mère car dans notre culture d’alors ce fut les parents qui conservaient tout argent qui rentrait. Et. C’est elle qui remboursa le prêteur devant les mêmes témoins. Mais en bon Chrétien (Musulman christique), je pardonnai à tout le monde.
Je n’en veux pas à mon petit frère, même s’il ne s’est jamais repenti, mais je suis un malade mentale, tout comme mon père, et, comme me l’a toujours dit ma mère quand la vérité la dérangeait, qui aime toujours que la vérité se sache – un peu, quand même! Une maladie de naissance. Ayant remis l’ à sa place concernant mon autre jeune frère, je pense que celui-là aussi mérite une dose de ma plume que nul gouvernement au monde n’a su faire taire jusqu’à présent.
J’en ai aussi pas mal pour certains autres, mais je ne suis pas de ceux qui cherchent la gloire au prix de la vérité ! Quand je l’ai rencontré en 1988 avec sa Geneviève Gardie, Monsieur Khaleel vivait dans la misère, la crasse, et un manque d’hygiène total. Dès qu’il reçut mille roupies de mon épouse ou de moi, il se précipita pour s’acheter une bouteille de whisky ! En plus, il fume, le fumier ! Ne nous entendant pas sur un tas de choses concernant la famille et nos valeurs islamiques, à notre prochaine visite, on vit sur sa porte une affiche :
« Mieux vaut un chien copain qu’un copain chien ».
Cela nous a fortement étonnés car je venais de lui sauver la vie car il allait être poursuivi pour une forte somme d’argent que la banque lui réclamait, et que j’avais fait annuler, et nous allions l’aider pour refaire sa vie! Mais, sa Geneviève n’était pas du tout d’accord ! Mais, même si cette insulte ne nous était pas adressé, je décidai de ne plus le revoir ! En plus, il avait rejoint une secte et mendiait de porte en porte chez les « BLANCS » en m’avouant son apostasie, et disant tout le mal qu’i pouvait de son père, des Musulmans, etc. !
En plus, lui et d’autres, ont volé la totalité de ma correspondance avec ma famille lors de mes séjours à l’étranger, et mes albums photos, et je déteste parler du passé quand je ne puis en fournir les preuves. Mais, utiliser ce misérable pour faire vendre ses torchons ou promouvoir la vente de ses chienneries en comptant sur les émotions des imbéciles, je ne félicite pas et son patois infect des casseurs militants marxistes de jadis!
Monsieur Khaleel est aussi coupable de s’être associé avec ses deux frères aînés de Colchester pour voler à nos parents leur maison de Curepipe-Road, ainsi que ma propre firme Dodo Bread and Biscuits Factory Company Limited que mon père dirigeait, où je travaillais et que je finançais, et qui m’appartenait à moitié, grâce à un Juge chinois corrompu que j’ai dénoncé d’ailleurs, mais sans aucun résultat ! L’épouse de mon frère aîné est chinoise ! (Coïncidence ?) En plus, c’est un apostat, un alcoolique, un fornicateur, un violent, et un joueur invétéré ! L’autre, l’ancien boxeur qui fréquentait des prostituées de Beau-Bassin, et les payaient avec les bijoux volés à la maison (Gandhi faisait de même !), je l’ai toujours appelé SATAN !
À tous mes élèves, j’ai raconté l’histoire comment mon grand-père me trouva jadis sur le porche d’une église et me fit adopter par mon père. Cette histoire me plaisait car ma famille me déplaisait tellement ! Ma tante avec ses histoires de sorcellerie, ses procès interminables contre son frère, etc. Mais, elle me confessa quand même que son mari avait offert des sacrifices de porcelets dans un rituel bien connu à Maurice de « DHAN BISWA ! » pour ruiner mon père et détruire notre famille, mais, mon père n’a jamais cru en la sorcellerie. L’Institut d’Anglais de Paris (Sorbonne Nouvelle) m’avait jadis donné ZÉRO sur mon travail sur la « PARAPSYCHOLOGIE » ! Même la France refuse de croire à ces sornettes alors que l’Église catholique d’alors comptait quelques 500 exorcistes. Ceci dit, j’avais jadis rencontré le sorcier de Shiv Sagar Raam Ghulaam !
Ce mercredi 1er mai 2019
P.S. Mais, il y en a déjà pas mal de preuves de ce que j’avance dans mon autobiographie., je m’en fiche ! Je n’ai jamais aimé la presstitution ni les pressetitués !
Muhammad Rafic Soormally-Seethulsing
23 jan 2018
Bibi Rabiah Soormally and her husband, Idrice Soormally.
My mother, Bibi Rabiah Soormally (born Chaumoo), widow of Idrice Soormally, passed away peacefully on 11 January 2018 at 7.38 pm at her residence Flat 1, The Sovereigns, Queens Road, Maidstone, Kent, UK. My Mum was born on 27 February 1922 in Médine, Mauritius, to Hoosenny Chaumoo and Beebeehawa Ruhomally. She was 95 years old at the time of death. My mum was buried on 12 January 2018, around 4.00 pm, at the Gardens of Peace Cemetery, in Hainault, Essex, UK.
My mum has been well looked after over many years by my younger sister, Nazma Jonan Soormally, who is a Nurse and a former Police Constable with the Kent Constabulary, UK.
My mum was exceptional in many ways. She had 11 children and was dedicated to them and to my father, Idrice Soormally, proprietor of a sugarcane plantation and a bakery (retired), who passed away on 18 April 2006 at 87, Upper Rainham Road, Hornchurch, Essex, UK. We were all from Curepipe.
Mum was also very popular with all her neighbours and friends of her children who still remember her with great love and affection. The following are some of the messages of sympathy received, with thanks, from various relatives and people who knew my mum.
Bibi Rabiah Soormally and her daughter Nazma Jonan Soormally in 2017.
Michael Clarke of Colchester, Essex, UK: «My condolences to all, to a hard-working mother and grandmother Nanima. Hope all goes well for you today.»
Serge Bundhun of Tottenham, London, UK: «I am very sorry to hear about your mum. My deepest sympathy to all the family...»
Rakesh Burumdoyal (Ashley) of Curepipe, Mauritius: «My deepest sympathy to you and the family... My mother and the family convey their sincere condolences to you and the whole family. She feels sorry Rafic ...»
Shyam Roy of Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche, Mauritius: «Sorry to hear Rafic. My most sincere sympathies to you and family. Take care.»
Lekraj Burton of Floréal, Mauritius: «Very sorry. Sincere condolences to the family.»
Kirty Mooneeram of Bougainville Street, Curepipe, Mauritius: «Dear Rafic, sad to hear of your mum's demise. Please accept my condolences and extend my sympathies to the rest of the family.»
Krishna and Davi Kotiah of Beau-Bassin, Mauritius: «So sad to hear about this. Our sincere condolences to you and your family.»
Mohun and Sanutha Mohabeer of Great Yarmouth, UK: «So sorry to hear the sad news. Our condolences to you and family.»
Gilbert Hitilambeau of Curepipe, Mauritius: «My condolences to you and the whole family. She had had a great life and died at a great age.»
Gilbert grew up with in the same neighbourhood and loved my mum to bits.
Soobash Ramdeenee of Vacoas, Mauritius: «My sincere condolences to you and family. Much regrets.»
Farook Warsallee of Nottingham, UK: «So sorry to hear the sad news, cousin. I wish I could be there with the family to pay my last respect.»
Azam and Moradee Mooraby (born Soormally) of Vacoas, Mauritius: «May Allah (God) give her Jannatul Firdost (Paradise).»
Rossun Ramdowar (born Maharaullee): «Be brave Tiatia [Uncle]. We are with you.»
Fazila Earally of Plaine Magnien, Mauritius: «May Allah give her Jannatul Firdost.»
Kumar and Farida Doobey of Colchester, Essex, UK: «We are very sorry to hear the sad news. May she rest in peace.»
Afsana Wahab (born Firdousi) of Dacca, Bangladesh: «Inlal ...I'm so sorry to hear about Ma passing away. I have many fond memories of her and with her. She will always be in my prayers.»
Krishna Govinden (Raju) of Sutton, Surrey, UK: «So sorry to hear about the sad news. Mum was such a nice person.» Raju went on to add on my Facebook page: «I have known Mr & Mrs Idrice Soormally since I was a kid. They were fantastic people, kind, humble and extremely generous to the needy. The bond they shared with the locals in Theodore Sauzier Street, Curepipe Road, was very intimate and deep. Rafic, we’ve had some really good times together. Although I cannot remember most of these memories, I know they were all great because your brothers, sisters and yourself were great company. Our minds were like wonderlands. We were fearless together, nothing and no one had stopped us from doing anything. From climbing trees, playing hide & seek, flying kites, football and to playing marbles, I cannot thank you anymore.»
Several of my friends who did not have the opportunity to meet my mum also sent their condolences. Big thank you to them also:
Eileen Lo of Curepipe, Mauritius: «Deepest sympathy to you and your family.»
Rekha Gajjar of Harrow, London, UK: «Sorry to hear the sad news. Condolences to the family. May her soul rest in peace.»
Guiseppe Spampinato of Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK: «My most profound condolences for you and family. I have just been told.»
Michelle Kassuja of Hampstead, London, UK: «I am very sorry for your loss Rafic. You are very strong. I hope you are well.»
Manou Bheenick of Moka, Mauritius: «Saddened by your loss. My deepest condolences to you, Rafic Bhai, and to the family. I share your grief.»
Mala Samputh of Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius: «Our sympathy to you all.»
Maryline Jeanne (born Suggum) of Grand Bay, Mauritius: «Our sincere condolences to you & your family. May she rest in peace. Bon courage!»
Kresh Ramanah of Chingford, London, UK: «So sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my deepest sympathy.»
Brian Swift of Hertfordshire, UK: «Rafic, so sorry to hear the sad news about your mum. You have a good soul and she helped make you into the good man you are today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.»
I also received several calls from relatives and friends to express their condolences, sadness and support during such difficult times. I wish to thank them all. Amongst them are :
- Nasreen Sookhy (born Beekawoo) of Beau-Bassin, Mauritius. Nasreen is the daughter of my late eldest sister Bibi Farida Soormally who was married to Adam Beekawoo of Beau-Champ.
- Suresh Goburdhun of Ealing, London. Suresh is from Beau-Champ, Mauritius, and he grew up with Adam Beekawoo and he knew Bibi Farida Soormally and their children.
- Isoop Sawdoo, Farook Sawdoo, Sahelah Durgauhee (born Sawdoo), Saida Soobadar (born Sawdoo), all cousins of mine (my mum and their mum were cousins). They are also my in-laws as I married their biological sister, Sen Seetulsingh-Soormally (born Hassenbee Fatmah Sawdoo), adopted daughter of the late Ramduthlall Seetulsingh of Curepipe after Sen's mum died when Sen was just one month old.
- Alim and Nasreen Goolamhossen of Pailles, Mauritius. Alim is the son of the daughter of my Nani (the sister of my mum's mother). Whenever my sister Nazma Jonan took my mum to Mauritius, they stayed at Alim's and Nasreen's house in Pailles. They love my mum so much. They too are very distraught with her demise.
- Gori Chaumoo of Highlands, Mauritius, who was married to my mum's late younger brother, Hassam Chaumoo.
- Swalehah Neff (born Dookhith) of Tampa, Florida, United States, and Fazila Maghoo (born Dookhith) of Brentwood, Essex, UK.. Swalehah and Fazila are my cousins, daughters of my father's sister, Bibi Fatmah Dookhith (born Soormally).
Several Facebook messages of sympathy also received from Nadjet Raoud of Algeria, Rechad Golamaully, Meimouna Hafez-Amir Kathrada, Shyama Kowlessur, Subash Gobine, Bilkiss Jawnally, Jose Zaza, Tulsi Bhanderi, Zak And Shahin Zahir, Mohamad Ehsan Ramjan. Thank you all.
Rafic Soormally
To the Editor-in-chief of l'
N.B. Many of the names highlighted above were/are the deadly enemies of the Soormally family, and mine as well, including many of my own siblings not mentioned here!
N.B. Many of the names highlighted above were/are the deadly enemies of the Soormally family, and mine as well, including many of my own siblings not mentioned here!
Handwritten by our own father who was driven mad by the DOOKHITS (witchcraft, never-ending court cases, etc.) and his own two eldest Satanic Sons from Colchester (Essex), and his eldest daughter Farida he used to call "DIRTY VIPER", and whose divorced Policeman husband ADAM BEEKAWOO admitted on tape (after sending his son to tear-gas and kill me) that next time he would not send his son with TEAR GAS to kill me, but, this time, with a "12 SHOT REVOLVER" because I took his divorced wife and her son under my protection!
Mr Saïd Soormally's attack on me using a well known Mauritian WITCHRAFT practice that our father's sister Fatmah confirmed, in the very presence of our mother Rabia (born Chaumoo) and our eldest sister Farida BEEKAWOO, that HER HUSBAND ABU DOOKHIT had used before on the family! Confirmed also in Paris at the Windsor Hotel by a clerk from Fatmah's solicitor Alfred de Pitray's office, a visitor to Taj Mahal shop run by one Wahed Budally!
Mr Saïd Soormally (SATAN), a wife-beater, was well known for dabbling in witchcraft like the Dookhits in order to run his businesses successfully (besides bribes) and harm other people! He had my photohraph that he skewered on the pig's head - and it worked because only 4 years later my son and I was kicked out of our home in Stanway by my wife and two "Jehovah Witnesses" embezzlers, our own business partners Christopher Dean Harrington and his wife Jayne!
How did our father feel when he saw that same "Mr. Saïd Soormally" selling pork and alcohol since he had the Riverside Restaurant and Hotel in Colchester, having his own son Reza beaten up by hooligans and sent to hospital (so, I heard!), to this very day advertising his pork and alcohol den on facebook, or putting a pig's head on his other son's letter box after corrupting his wife, embezzling their money, and stealing their car, and bribing his way through life???
I do not give a damn whether you presstitute media print this or not, but my version of the TRUTH (backed by evidence!) has to be told as you printed bold face lies and heaps of garbage regarding OUR mother ! I have a God-given right to reply as a Sovereign Freeman-on-the-land! As your crap will remain in the public domain, a rebuttal of this pathetic piece of bovine excrement is mandatory as you will not post my rebuttal.
Mr Saïd Soormally (SATAN), a wife-beater, was well known for dabbling in witchcraft like the Dookhits in order to run his businesses successfully (besides bribes) and harm other people! He had my photohraph that he skewered on the pig's head - and it worked because only 4 years later my son and I was kicked out of our home in Stanway by my wife and two "Jehovah Witnesses" embezzlers, our own business partners Christopher Dean Harrington and his wife Jayne!
How did our father feel when he saw that same "Mr. Saïd Soormally" selling pork and alcohol since he had the Riverside Restaurant and Hotel in Colchester, having his own son Reza beaten up by hooligans and sent to hospital (so, I heard!), to this very day advertising his pork and alcohol den on facebook, or putting a pig's head on his other son's letter box after corrupting his wife, embezzling their money, and stealing their car, and bribing his way through life???
"The demise of a great lady and mother"?
I fail to see when, where, how, and why our late illiterate "mother", Bibi Rabiah Soormally, qualified as a "great lady"!
The stupid peddling of all these pathetic "condolences" can only be the fruit of an egocentric mind seeking notoriety. Who is Muhammad Rafic Soormally to speak with such bias on behalf of a mother of 11 children when he mentioned only two of her children, himself and his saint of a sister, Nazma Jonan Soormally, deliberately omitting to mention, like he did for some others, Jonan's 'marital' name(s) as she had children with two different men, including her own brother-in-law, husband of her own elder sister, and while they were still married. Her second husband, a former building/demolishing contractor of our demented father who demolished the roof where our eldest divorced sister was living with her youngest son in pityful conditions, and carrying out her sewing business (on the premises of our eldest brother's and my company "Dodo Bread & Biscuit Factory Company Limited" (managed by our father, but not owned by him), was convicted for smuggling in the UK!
The stupid peddling of all these pathetic "condolences" can only be the fruit of an egocentric mind seeking notoriety. Who is Muhammad Rafic Soormally to speak with such bias on behalf of a mother of 11 children when he mentioned only two of her children, himself and his saint of a sister, Nazma Jonan Soormally, deliberately omitting to mention, like he did for some others, Jonan's 'marital' name(s) as she had children with two different men, including her own brother-in-law, husband of her own elder sister, and while they were still married. Her second husband, a former building/demolishing contractor of our demented father who demolished the roof where our eldest divorced sister was living with her youngest son in pityful conditions, and carrying out her sewing business (on the premises of our eldest brother's and my company "Dodo Bread & Biscuit Factory Company Limited" (managed by our father, but not owned by him), was convicted for smuggling in the UK!
No, Mr. Rafic, our family was a cursed family from day one because of greed and diabolical practices by many degenerates our mother gave birth too as well as our father's diabolical and illiterate sister and his brother-in-law "patisson door-to-door seller", ABU DOOKHIT (ABU PATISSON), before our grandfather gave him a stall in the Curepipe market.
Why make public such lies and hide the truth when it is misleading that same public? Why call our mother a "great lady" when since the 1960s she has not stopped being complicit in fraud and malice, although not deliberately and under tremendous pressure, along with many of our foolish, lying, and filthy-minded siblings? You mentioned two, but what about the NINE others? Your "friends" know shit about our family!
Below, Photo posted by M. Rafic Soormally
23 jan 2018 18:13 1
Bibi Rabiah Soormally and her husband, Idrice Soormally before I would find him in 1968 bankrupt (a White racist who I met had stolen his 200 acres of sugar-cane plantation land!), on my return from the USSR, abandoned by all, and an utter mental wreck thanks to his two eldest treacherous and ungrateful sons, and dangerous and two sick-minded psychiatrists. They damaged our father further! At 22, after my return from the USSR, on academic leave, so I thought, I took over the management of our family matters and properties with my mother's permission as our sick father was misbehaving, and with no objection from his part, to the utter dismay of many of my other siblings who did everything to stop me! Some even declared war on me!
Idrice Soormall would later turned apostate, keep smoking, and was an alcoholic, I was told! I never saw him drink alcohol even once!
But, Mr. Rafic omitted to mention that the above photo he chose to publicise was in fact taken by his own brother Basheer Ahmad, now Frémaux-Soormally, yet he was so eager to give credit to all Toms, Dicks, and Hariettes (I coined that one) who posed as lovers of and so knowledgeable about our Mum when they know practically nothing about her or chose to hide her devilish side.
I was not allowed to go back to the USSR as I learned that the personal friend of my father who sold a Soviet scholarship to my father had it cancelled after my eldest sister, the "dirty viper" had hit him on the head with her sandals in public in front of ADVANCE news paper offices in Port-Louis. This testimony was from my friend ANGUIRA JUDOONUNDUN who told me that his uncle (Labour Trade Union leader) tried to sexually abuse my sister when she was working for him as secretary or whatever at his Labour Trade Union Office in the building of "Bureau ADVANCE". One cousin of mine was said to work with him as well, and he was notoriously known to engage in sex with some of his female staff, including one young woman who I had known and who he had sent on a scholarship to Moscow in 1964. My father stopped my studies at the Royal College of Curepipe in order to please him because he did not want his son to go to Moscow alone for his further studies as he was too young. So, I went with him although our father had to pay for my own scholarship. Many famous personalities in Mauritius took advantage of my father's wealth! Unlike my grandfather, he loved rich people and did not care about the lower classes! At least one 5 ton load of banana stumps was delivered to the scoundrel at Mare-La Chaux, to my knowledge.
My mother did not pass away "peacefully"!
* I was not made aware that my mother had or lived in a "residence Flat" at 1, The Sovereigns, Queens Road, Maidstone, Kent, UK. But, I was made to understand that she was dumped at my sister's home in Maidstone after she was treated badly in Colchester by my apostate elder sister and my apostate younger sister who had her occasionally fed with pork at a Nursing facility in Colchester, and she was prevented from wearing her traditional oriental dress of decency as this was too shocking to her non Muslim relations.
Why is Mr. Rafic afraid to mention that both our elder brothers rejected and harmed our mother.
One was a notorious mafia-type conman and sex pervert married to an English woman and trading in alcohol and pork, and the other a veteran womaniser, gambler, and alcoholic? The former tried to abuse my French wife in my absence at the Riverside Restaurant and Hotel after he had drugged her and made her part with some £207,000 for a property that was worth only around £80,000 in 1990, and another big sum, and the other "legitimate bastard" (as my father used to call them) bragged about his desire "to taste my Mauritian wife" because our father informed many people that I was getting married to a 16 year-old girl he himself had engaged me to, but who could not have children!
I know of none in my Satanic family who tried to stop my father on his diabolical campaign to DESTROY me! This made one half extremely happy and the other half totally indifferent! He even wrote to 3 newspapers (STAR, l'EXPRESS, and Le MAURICIEN) to ruin my wedding day and prevented my step grandmother from being present and act as my representative. I forgave my father! Islamic Shari'a did not apply in his case!
Our demented father carried Dr. Noël's (Clinique mauricienne) medical certificate about my fiançée's medical condition around to vilify her.
When I went to confront him about his vile behaviour, my taxi driver, Suresh Nuckcheddy, my student Maxsood Sohawon, and myself were assaulted and injured by my three brothers (including Mr. Rafic!) in the very presence of our mother who threatened, hit and insulted me. They smashed the driver's car completely, a Toyota with plate number P310, I think. I DID NOT FIGHT BACK!
I know of none in my Satanic family who tried to stop my father on his diabolical campaign to DESTROY me! This made one half extremely happy and the other half totally indifferent! He even wrote to 3 newspapers (STAR, l'EXPRESS, and Le MAURICIEN) to ruin my wedding day and prevented my step grandmother from being present and act as my representative. I forgave my father! Islamic Shari'a did not apply in his case!
Our demented father carried Dr. Noël's (Clinique mauricienne) medical certificate about my fiançée's medical condition around to vilify her.
When I went to confront him about his vile behaviour, my taxi driver, Suresh Nuckcheddy, my student Maxsood Sohawon, and myself were assaulted and injured by my three brothers (including Mr. Rafic!) in the very presence of our mother who threatened, hit and insulted me. They smashed the driver's car completely, a Toyota with plate number P310, I think. I DID NOT FIGHT BACK!
I see my younger brother Rafic Soormally promoting his own good relations shamelessly using the passing away of our mother who has been repeatedly treated with such cruelty by her own biological children after she was used by her demented, sick, and demon-possessed husband, and his other evil children to destroy the lives of others, including mine.
I wonder if Mr. Rafic had such a similar eulogy printed in the Mauritian or other rags about the passing away of our father, Idrice Soormally. I was called to the latter's death bed at the home of one of his apostate sons, here in the UK, in Romford, but I was not told where he would be buried the following day, and I was prevented to invite a couple of "Muslims" to read the "Holy Qur'aan" that same night, as is the Tradition, because despite of his anti-Islamic behaviour, our father always loved Islam and the Holy Book in his manner! He was not only handsome, charming, well educated, but a very learned Muslim, and well versed in many languages including Arabic. Our mother told me that our father used to share his mistresses with one very famous "Muslim" politician, rumoured to import whisky into the country. And, that one of them, a white Franco-Mauritian or mulatto woman, even lived with our father for two years on my grandfather's bakery premises, and he made her pregnant! Guess who was the newborn who was rejected by our father, and WHO adopted him as his own son? Whether this is true or not is a matter of DNA testing if the progeny in question or anyone of his blood line would accept such a test! I make no statement! But, my request for a DNA test was ignored by the one concerned! It could well be a lie as well.
I knew about the famous "Gardens of Peace Cemetery, in Hainault, Essex, UK." where women were not allowed inside, thanks to Muslim fanaticism, tribalism, sectarianism, and obscurantism (all forbidden in Islam!), but I never visited my father's tomb to this day, nor did I attend my mother's burial there (I was told after) although my younger brother Rafic informed me of her death lately by telephone. When told, I said something like "I do not care", as to me my mother died a long time ago. For several years Rafic and I stopped talking to each other except on three very brief occasions, because I made him angry when I told him that I needed a copy of the Supreme Court judgment where the "Chinese" Judge shamelessly and unjustly ruled against our late father and some of our brothers and sisters, including Rafic (defendants), in favour of our apostate and alcoholic gambling eldest brother (plaintiff, married to a "Chinese" girl!) in a Court case instigated and paid for by our Satanic apostate brother, the notorious "Mr.Satan" of Colchester, a bribe-giving Police informant, where our father and mother were defrauded of their right of ownership of their own property and home in Curepipe, and where I was fraudulently deprived of my own shares and assets in the Dodo Bread & Biscuit Factory Company Ltd, a company set up and managed by our own father with my collaboration and personal bank loan, and where our eldest brother and myself were the only two shareholders. This was a project agreed by my brother when he visited me in jail in 1968 in London, before I was deported to Paris! My Satanic brother's English mistress told me after they split that my brother was behind my imprisonment here in London in January 1968! Previously, public notary Keswarduth Dassyne fraudently transferred our company on to the names of our sister Bibi Rahelah and her husband Hassen Oomar, who later shared the stolen assets amongst our four brothers, Saïd, Rafic, Khalil, and Reza. (See attached documents)
* Rafic is telling another colossal lie and half truth when he states in his crappy article:
"My mum has been well looked after over many years by my younger sister, Nazma Jonan Soormally"
Our mother confessed to me several times that she was repeatedly treated very badly and shamelessly by my younger brother who looked after our father and mother for many years, but when he accepted his own daughter to fornicate under their roof, our mother did not like it! So, he got rid of her! She was also looked after in turn by our three sisters, and occasionally by a fourth one, but was always too scared and prevented to come and live with me despite many requests because our other sisters had her under their total control, as well as my younger apostate brother. My other siblings prevented me from also taking care of our father because of my Muslim way of life!
Let Mr. Rafic brag about HIS mother when he or his wife never agreed to take care of her at all, and never did so, to my knowledge!
Our mother was indeed exceptional in many ways, but only when we were young, and until my father had me engaged in the late sixties or early seventies with the then Prime Minister's "tapeur" and notorious gandia (cannabis) trafficker's niece, and all hell broke loose with "Mr. Satan" of Colchester leading the pack, supported by our other Satanic eldest brother and our Policeman brother-in-law Adam Beekawoo and his jobless, fornicating and apostate eldest son who used to call me father in childhood!
* Our father, Idrice Soormally, was a proprietor of more than one sugarcane plantation, in Midlands, Bamboo Verrieux, etc.
*But, to my knowledge, he was never the proprietor of any bakery at all. He was managing the National Bakery in Curepipe belonging to our grandfather and later on behalf of my eldest brother (holding his power-of-attorney) who himself received it as a donation from our grandfather Ally Muhammad (Mamode) Soormally, and, later on, on behalf of Maleck after our company was set up, but our father did not act for me as I was working for the company on site as a shareholder, and borrowed money from the bank to run the business, but which my father refused to repay allowing the Bank to sue me, and I was condemned to pay the loan.
I was assaulted and kicked out of the property manu military for being in disagreement with my father regarding my marriage with a young 16 year old girl still studying at College he himself had me engaged to (after I had refused several other propositions) because I found out a few months later that she was unable to bear children. Both my elder brothers jumped on me like vultures!
"Mum was also very popular with all her neighbours and friends of her children who still remember her with great love and affection."
Maybe this is why Rafic calls our Mum a great lady?
ALL her neighbours???
Friends of her children??? Rafic's?
"Her children"??? Which children?
Great love and affection???
How dare Rafic have such a despicable picture of our Mother printed in a rag in the company of that "Policewoman" whose eldest son, a former Policeman, was convicted for indecent assault, and husband number two for smuggling?
Our Mother with the only sister (out of 5) I got on until recently - ZARKA SUBRATTY!
It is now official that Zarka Subratty has joined MR. SATAN and other Shayatiin! But, I am not surprised at all!
It is now official that Zarka Subratty has joined MR. SATAN and other Shayatiin! But, I am not surprised at all!
She found the picture printed in "GREAT"???
Carribean alcoholic Michael Clarke should shut up his mouth when his own mother-in-law, my elder sister RAHELA, said she was fed up with our mother and dumped her at our younger sister's place (SHEHNAZ) and the latter had her fed pork! She used to work at our Satanic brother's "Delicatessen" shop in Colchester! Where was Mr Clarke when our mother was being treated so badly? What about Mrs Clarke (our own niece SHAMIN) who kicked her mother (my elder sister) out of her own house forcing her to live alone in a Council Bungalow because my sister strongly disagreed with her abandoning Mr. Clark because she was having an affair (said to have started in the eighties!) with our nephew who tried to kill me, and tear-gassed me, his own brother, my wife and our son?
And all these "Sorries" and strangers calling OUR Mum, Mum or whatever? Pathetic!
"Nasreen Sookhy (born Beekawoo) of Beau-Bassin, Mauritius. Nasreen is the daughter of my late eldest sister Bibi Farida Soormally who was married to Adam Beekawoo of Beau-Champ."
That same Nasreen Sookhy who kicked her mother (our eldest sister) out and who I had to shelter in my own house together with her youngest son before she allied with "Mr. Satan" who made her sue me on a false claim?
That same Nasreen Sooky whose brother was sent by their father, Police constable Adam Beekawoo, to kill me by driving Soraya Currimjee's car (without a licence!) on me, and who tear gassed me, his own younger brother, my wife, and son with "Police" gas supplied by his father, and got away with crime despite of the fact that her father admitted to his ex-wife on the telephone that he had sent him to kill me, a recording of which was provided to the Curepipe Court Magistrate "Laure Pillay"?
During the Court case, the DPP had sent out a member of his staff to see to it that his son was acquitted and the Currimjees not implicated. Police constable Beekawoo was in attendance. Awaiting my turn, my father-in-law, CASSIM GAFFOOR, went outside smoking where he meant "Requin" who told him he was on a contract to kill or stab one "Basheer Soormally". When my father-in-law told him that BASHEER WAS HIS SON-IN-LAW, he apologised and pleaded many times for forgiveness. My father-in-law did not tell me about the incident, but on returning home he told his wife! He was always very discreet, and HE SAVED MY LIFE!
That same Nasreen Sooky whose Policeman father threatened to send his son again, this time, with a 12 shot revolver to kill me because I was taking care of his divorced wife (my eldest sister) and her young son?
How can our brother Rafic descend so low as to always find a pretext to promote his Hindu wife (born a Muslim and member of our own family) when her immediate Hindu family was known to have rejected both her and her "Muslim" husband? They did not even want her to use the name Seetulsingh! Why is she always referred to as Seetulsingh-Soormally when it should have been Hassenbee Fatmah Soormally? To my knowledge, our "cousin" Hassenbee (Sen) did live with the late Ramduthlall Seetulsingh, but was never adopted by him! But, at the time, Rafic was courting Hindu prestige, honorability, and acceptance, and he even chose a "Hindu" name for his first born!
(Censored bit by me!)
"Whenever my sister Nazma Jonan took my mum to Mauritius, they stayed at Alim's and Nasreen's house in Pailles. They love my mum so much. They too are very distraught with her demise."
What Mister Rafic does not say is that his Saint Nazma Jonan had once taken our mother to Mauritius, and then dumped her at our Auntie's place with her passport and luggage, and it was our younger brother-in-law (Subratty) who took her to the air-port, I was told by his wife or former wife (our younger sister)!
That same Gori Chaumoo of Highlands, Mauritius, whose husband Abdool Rahim (Hassam) was the one who pork-selling Mr. Satan (Riverside Restaurant), and our eldest pork-eating brother (in the sixties!), both apostates, was hired as attorney to sue our father and other members of our family, including Rafic himself, over our house in Curepipe, and the Company's Bakery and land?
That same Abdool Rahim Chaumoo or Chamroo who was caught around 5 o'clock in the morning on my premises burying witchcraft items under my bedroom window at Arsenal Street, and who sued me over a property matter with Yusuf Mohamed as his barrister?
I had France Vallet as lawyer, but he dumped me on our father's instructions! I had a heated argument with Mr. Yusuf Mohamed during the hearing, after he cowardly turned to the magistrate saying "You heard what he said"? "Ne ricanez pas, Monsieur Mohamed", I had whispered to him, but the magistrate who had his head turned away did not hear me! He angrily threatened to arrest me if I did not behave! Outside the Court, I encountered Mr. Mohamed and I reminded him in his face about the rumours I heard about him and his father! Apparently he knew about them!
That same Bibi Fatmah Dookhith (born Soormally), our own father's sister, who admitted to me in the presence of our mother and eldest sister, that her husband had sacrificed piglets on the name of her brother (our father) and sons to destroy them, and that it was not her doing! (Dhan Biswa, a common Indian practice in Mauritius!) ?
This pig sacrifice was confirmed to me in Paris by Alfred de Pitray's clerk when questioned by me at the Hôtel Windsor Laumain that I was managing then!
Alfred de Pitray was the attorney of that notorious witch, my own father's illiterate sister who seemingly was behind my retinal bleeding while I was studying in the USSR. I received an anonymous letter and inside there was a blank sheet of paper with ashes! The very next day I lost my eyesight in one eye because of bleeding, but was treated successfully in Moscow! This is why I interrupted my medical studies and went on academic leave. My aunt must have obtained my address from her daughter who was then working with the Labour womaniser! I think she lives in the US. After I visited that witch one day (Mauritius, around 1969) she gave me something to eat, and I was suspicious because she never used pepper on fried eggs! It was ashes AGAIN! The very next day, at the Curepipe College where I was teaching I had a new bleeding of the retina.
Alfred de Pitray was the attorney of that notorious witch, my own father's illiterate sister who seemingly was behind my retinal bleeding while I was studying in the USSR. I received an anonymous letter and inside there was a blank sheet of paper with ashes! The very next day I lost my eyesight in one eye because of bleeding, but was treated successfully in Moscow! This is why I interrupted my medical studies and went on academic leave. My aunt must have obtained my address from her daughter who was then working with the Labour womaniser! I think she lives in the US. After I visited that witch one day (Mauritius, around 1969) she gave me something to eat, and I was suspicious because she never used pepper on fried eggs! It was ashes AGAIN! The very next day, at the Curepipe College where I was teaching I had a new bleeding of the retina.
Colchester, Essex, after my Satanic brother, an apostate and Police informant, embezzled my own plotting wife of well over £100,000 in 1990. When I found out, he stole our car, had our house burgled, and carried out witchcraft rituals he learned from our own father's sister Fatmah Dookhit who admitted her husband sacrificed pigs in our names to destroy our family. This Mauritian "black magic" ritual is called "DHAN BISWA", and is carried out over money, and to break up couples and famililies! It was in the Essex local newspaper, but the Police officer that attended my premises, said it was just a joke???
I write the truth as I experienced it, and avoided a few painful although relevant bits, and do not give a damn if this displeases and the people mentioned by name in that piece of self-praising shit! Some of the above facts were meant for my autobiography, currently being edited, but given the false and shameful publicity about MY (OUR) mother, I had at least to write it down as a form of rebuttal knowing perfectly well that no presstitute media would ever dare print it! But, I am thankful to our brother for providing us (me) with such a comprehensive list of names associated with our mother and him, and thankful to the member of our family who Mr. Rafic does not socialise with, who provided me with the above link as I do not read Mauritian crap! "My" family did not even invite me to her funerals just like they did for our father's funerals! WHY? Until the end, I remained the BLACKEST SHEEP OF THE FAMILY!
Our mother, a mother and grandmother of many devils too, yes!
Our mother, a mother who went to Court to have our eldest sister Farida convicted on an apparently false charge, and later to have me convicted too on a false charge TWICE!
Our mother, a mother who, after I found it out, admitted to me in the presence of my younger brother and his Turkish wife that she indeed went to a "healer" in Mahebourg "to ask him to pray for me" in the company of Reza who, the sorcerer said, went too, to ask him to cast a spell on our younger sister Zarka as he coveted her part of our house in Curepipe-Road, and in the company of our eldest sister Farida who went to ask him to solve her problems with her divorced Policeman husband Adam Beekawoo whose sister-in-law was known to dabble in witchcraft! I witnessed it myself in their own house in Phoenix when my sister fell a victim of her husband's sister-in-law - roasting chicken legs to give my sister to eat because she was having fits! Many times my sister would faint at work (Family Planning) and her husband had to rush to see her!
The sorcerer told me that my mother asked him to "curb my stubbornness because I did not get on with the rest of the family", and he confirmed he had me possessed with a woman "tchureyl", and asked me to come to the river with him the following week to have her removed. I never went although around 4 o'clock in the morning I did recurrently see a woman in my dream for a few seconds! The sorcerer ("longaniste") gave me something to throw in the sea and when I reached Curepipe, I gave it to our mother on the bakery premises from where our eldest sister was kicked out. I asked her to lift her right foot, and I passed my hand underneath and said to our mother: "I have now taken my Paradise from under your feet" in the very presence of my younger brother Reza and his Turkish Cypriot wife Fatma who had fraudulently taken over that part of the building! They did not say a word nor deny the accusations!
But, there are tons more, good, bad, ugly, and evil in the Soormally family, like in many families! Great lady, indeed!
Basheer Ahmad Frémaux-Soormally
Tuesday 20 February 2018 (Edited on Eid Sunday 11 August 2019)
Sovereign Freeman-on-the-land
Servant of God Only
And of no government
I never voted in my entire life
I never belonged to any political or religious Group
P.S. But, Rafic was somewhat better than all my other Satanic brothers!
(This practice of bribery is very common. The usher of Curepipe Magistrate who was the father of one of my students told me that our father had given the magistrate 800 rupees in his very presence to have me convicted in one of the many cases instigated by him and others to destroy me!)
2002 SCJ 212
Record No. 35256
In the matter of:-
Mr Abdool Maleck Soormally
1. Miss Shenaz Soormally
2. Mrs Bibi Rahelah Soormally
3. Miss Bibi Zarka Soormally
4. Miss Nazma Jonan Soormally
5. Mr Reza Soormally
6. Mr Said Soormally
7. Mr Khalell Hamad Soormally
8. Mr Mohummad Raffic Soormally
In the presence of:-
Mr I. Soormally
The plaintiff and the defendants are the children of the co-defendant. It is
averred by the plaintiff that in 1962, he purchased from the co-defendant a portion of
land of an extent of 24¼ perches (Doc P1) and from his grand father, the bare
ownership in a portion of ½ arpent (Doc P2). His grand father passed away in 1966
while he was overseas for his studies and he appointed his father as his agent and
It is averred by the plaintiff and which has been proved by the various title deeds
produced that:-
(a) in virtue of a deed drawn up by Notary K. Dassyne on March 20, 1978 (Doc
P3), the co-defendant acting as his agent and proxy, transferred to
defendants nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 the portion of land of 24¼ perches for the
sum of Rs20,000 alleged to have been paid “hors la vue du notaire”;
(b) on March 19, 1969, in virtue of a deed drawn up by Notary K. Dassyne, the
co-defendant acting as his agent and proxy transferred to Dodo Bread and
Biscuit Factory Co. Ltd. the portion of ½ arpent for the sum of Rs12,000
allegedly paid “hors la vue du notaire” (Doc P4);
(c) On November 28, 1972 and March 5, 1973, before Notary K. Dassyne, the
co-defendant acting as the statutory manager of The Dodo Bread and Biscuit
Factory Co. Ltd. transferred to defendant no. 2 the ½ arpent for Rs 30,000
(Doc P5) out of which Rs20,000 was paid before the sale;
(d) On June 10 and 15, 1976, before Notary K. Dassyne, the co-defendant acting
as the agent and proxy of defendant no. 2 sold to defendant no. 6 who was
absent from the country, 25 perches distracted from the ½ arpent for the sum
of Rs15,000, the payment having been effected “hors la vue du notaire” (Doc
(e) On January 12, 1978, before Notary K. Dassyne, the co-defendant acting as
agent and proxy of defendant no. 2 sold to defendant no. 7, a portion of 17
perches distracted from the ½ arpent for the sum of Rs17,000 paid “hors la
vue du notaire” (Doc P8);
(f) On June 15 and 20, 1978, before the Notary Dassyne, co-defendant acting
as agent and proxy of defendant no. 7 sold to defendant no. 8 a portion of
land of 7 50/100 perches distracted from the land of 17 perches mentioned in
(e) for Rs 8,000 paid “hors la vue du notaire” (Doc P9);
(g) On July 4 and 13, 1978, before Notary Dassyne, the co-defendant acting as
agent and proxy of defendant no. 2 sold to defendant no. 6 a portion of 7
96/100 perches distracted from the ½ arpent for the sum of Rs35,000 paid
“hors la vue du notaire” (Doc P 10) ;
(h) On 9 and 15 January 1985, before Notary Joson, defendant no. 6 through his
agent and proxy, his sister Bibi Fareeda Soormally, sold to defendant no. 5
the portion of 7 96/100 perches mentioned in (g) for the sum of Rs35,000
paid “hors la vue du notaire” (Doc P11);
It is the contention of the plaintiff that the abovementioned sales were fraudulent
transactions made by the co-defendant to the defendants without any consideration and
he is praying for a judgment-
(i) declaring and decreeing that all the sales mentioned above are null and
(ii) ordering and condemning the defendants and co-defendant to pay, jointly
and in solido, the sum of Rs 30,000 as moral damages.
Defendants nos. 1 to 5, 7 and 8 who were originally defended by the same
counsel and attorney, have given a common plea denying that the plaintiff was the
owner of the two plots of land. They further aver that the plaintiff left the country in 1961
when he was 21 and they have no knowledge that he had appointed co-defendant as his
agent and proxy. It is also averred that defendant no. 6 was personally present to
approve the sale referred to at (b) and defendant no. 7 was personally present in respect
of the sales referred to at (b), (e) and (h) while the other defendants were not in
attendance. They also aver that the plaintiff was never in possession of the two plots of
land and that they have never acted in collusion with the co-defendant in respect of the
sales which they claim to be genuine transactions.
Defendant no. 6 who was represented by his agent and proxy, Mr Adam
Soormally, has admitted all the averments of the statement of claim.
In his plea, the co-defendant has pleaded as follows:-
(i) that he did transfer in plaintiff’s name the property of 24¼ perches which was
a fictitious sale and that the plaintiff was acting as his “prête nom”;
(ii) after the sale, he had been in occupation of the property in question with
all his family;
(iii) while the plaintiff was abroad, he was sending money every month to the
plaintiff as the latter did not have any means of subsistence;
(iv) the transfer was effected in plaintiff’s name as he was the eldest son of
the family who was to return two years after his studies;
(v) as regards the plot of ½ arpent, he was running the bakery for his
personal account found on the land and his late father intimated his
intention to sell the land to him as he was trading on the land of ½ arpent;
(vi) he had the personal means to pay the sale price as his business was
(vii) the plaintiff was again acting as his “prête nom”;
(viii) he had been occupying the land as the owner;
(ix) in 1968, when the plaintiff intimated his intention to settle in the United
Kingdom, he asked the plaintiff to send him a power of attorney which
empowered him to manage and sell the properties in lite;
(x) he denied having acted fraudulently to appropriate plaintiff’s properties;
(xi) he claimed to be the owner of those properties and was therefore entitled
to dispose of them as it pleased him;
(xii) the co-defendant’s children purchased the lands as they wanted to keep
the family properties for them.
Alternatively, it is pleaded that, if the court finds the plaintiff to be the owner of the
lands in lite, the co-defendant acting under the power of attorney was entitled to act as
he did and that the plaintiff’s remedy can only be one of reddition of accounts in
connection with the management of his properties and affairs under the said power of
It is also pleaded that the co-defendant had provided for the plaintiff during the
latter’s stay in London from 1961 to 1978 which amount had never been reimbursed.
Consequently, the co-defendant is not indebted to the plaintiff in any amount.
The first issue is the ownership of the two portions of land in lite. There is no
evidence to buttress the contention of the co-defendant that the plaintiff was his “prête
nom” as the co-defendant has left default and his interests were looked after by learned
counsel appearing for him. The other defendants who depose had no knowledge of it.
The plaintiff admitted that he was abroad when the sales were effected and that he
considered it to be a donation from his late grand father whose friend acted as his agent
and proxy on those occasions. He does not dispute that he had no means to purchase
those plots. For his subsistence, he had the help of his father and more particularly that
of his grand father. When gauged against the testimony of the plaintiff and the contents
of the deeds of sale (Doc P1 and P2), I find that it has not been established that the
plaintiff was the “prête nom” of the co-defendant as alleged and in the absence of
evidence on behalf of the co-defendant, the other relevant averments in his plea have
also not been proved.
Two points were raised as regards the sales. Firstly, it is said that the sales were
null and void in view of the collusion between the co-defendant and the defendants. It is
conceded by learned counsel for the plaintiff that there was no direct evidence of
collusion but that he was relying on circumstantial evidence.
It is the submission of learned counsel of some of the defendants that on the
evidence of the plaintiff himself, there could not have been collusion between the
defendants and the co-defendant as some of the defendants were not in the country at
the time of the sale and furthermore, the plaintiff himself stated that some of them were
not even aware of the sale.
In fact, the sales where the co-defendant acted as agent and proxy of the plaintiff
are those mentioned at (a) and (b) above and they were in respect of the 24¼ perches
and the ½ arpent. However, those two sales must not be considered in isolation more
especially, the sale in respect of the ½ arpent which had been the subject of further
parcelling and sales. The various sales when scrutinized as a whole, reveals that the
co-defendant has through a scheme disposed of those two plots of land in favour of his
other children for whom he also held a proxy. No doubt the co-defendant as agent and
proxy of the plaintiff has the necessary power to sell on behalf of the latter but in the first
place, there must have been a request by the plaintiff to sell which is blatantly absent in
the present case and I believe the plaintiff that he was not even aware of the sales
referred to at (a) and (b) above until much later.
As pointed out in S. B.Baillache v S. Madarbukus [2001 SCJ 70] where the
agent and proxy had acted against the interest of his principal in circumstances
revealing a fraud to the prejudice of the latter, the acts done on behalf of the principal do
not bind him. Furthermore, the result would be the same in the event of the agent
diverting the power given to him for his own benefit and in those circumstances, the
remedy for reddition of account finds no application.
I may also refer to Jurisclasseur Dalloz: Verbo Mandat, Art 1991 à 2002 Fasc
2 at note 15:-
“Bien qu’accomplis dans les limites du mandat, les actes du mandataire
n’engagent pas le mandant vis à vis des tiers de mauvaise foi, et
particulièrement en cas de fraude concertée entre le mandataire et le tiers.”
I shall therefore analyse the facts of the present case in the light of the authorities
referred to above. Although the co-defendant had left default, the plea he had given
goes a long way to show his attitude and his state of mind. He claimed to be the owners
of those lands, the plaintiff being simply his “prête nom”, and therefore he was free to
dispose of those lands without even informing the plaintiff. That plea, as rightly
submitted by learned counsel for the plaintiff, is in contradiction with that of the other
defendants who claim that the sales were genuine sales.
Now the sale to the Dodo Bread and Biscuit Factory Co. Ltd. is a clear example
of a conflict of interest and a breach of co-defendant’s duty as agent and proxy of the
plaintiff. He acted as agent and proxy of plaintiff to sell to the Dodo Bread and Biscuit
Co. Ltd. when he was its statutory manager (Doc P4). He was no doubt an interested
party and he had diverted the power vested in him for his own benefit. It could not be
said that he acted in good faith and in the interest of his principal and it can reasonably
be inferred that there had been collusion between the co-defendant and the Dodo Bread
and Biscuit Factory Co. Ltd represented by the other manager of the company to deprive
the plaintiff of the said property. I am satisfied that the sale smacks of fraud.
Furthermore, there is more to the fraud. After the sale of the land to the Dodo
Bread and Biscuit Factory Co. Ltd., the scheme designed by the co-defendant reveals
that he was not acting in the best interest of the plaintiff and that without plaintiff’s
knowledge becomes clearer. The co-defendant, in his capacity as the statutory
manager of the company, sold the plot of ½ arpent to defendant no. 2 who was absent
from the country and she was represented by defendant no. 7 (Doc P5). The codefendant
acting as agent and proxy of defendant no. 2 sold to defendant no. 6, who
was absent from the country and who was represented by one Azad Sookhy, 25 perches
distracted from the ½ arpent (Doc P7). Again acting as agent and proxy of defendant
no. 2, the co-defendant sold 17 perches distracted from the ½ arpent to defendant no. 7
(Doc P8). This time acting as agent and proxy of defendant no. 7 who was absent from
the country, the co-defendant sold 7 50/100 perches distracted from the 17 perches to
defendant no.8 who was absent from the country and was represented by one Bachun
Goodoorah (Doc P9). Again acting as agent and proxy of defendant no. 2, the codefendant
sold to defendant no. 6 who was represented by Mrs Farida Soormally a
portion of 7 96/100 perches (Doc P10). Even if there was no evidence of collusion
between the co-defendant and the other defendants who were absent from the country,
their agent and proxy simply accepted the sales on their behalf. This does not mean
that there was no fraud as for all the sales, it was the co-defendant who masterminded
them and was, on his own plea, entitled to do whatever he wished with those properties.
Bearing in mind the attitude of the co-defendant as culled from his plea, the
question is whether there had been consideration for those sales.
Now, the plaintiff could not say if there had been payments and he conceded that
the co-defendant did not remit any money to him and furthermore, he did not ask him to
account for the sales for which he was kept in the dark until much later when he got wind
of them.
Although defendant no. 5 has deposed that he had sent money to defendant no.
7, however, he had to concede that the money he had sent as evidenced by the various
bank documents and the certificate of posting (Doc D5 to D8) was meant to help
defendant no. 7 and not to buy land. Anyway, the two sales took place in March 1978 in
respect of the 24¼ perches and in January 1985 in respect of the plot of 7 96/100
perches and the money sent to defendant no. 7 was well after those sales. I do not
believe him that he had well before the sale left money with defendant no. 7 to pay for
the purchase. Oddly enough, there is no trace of any document to show the existence of
any fund left with defendant no. 7.
Defendant no. 4 left for England in October 1973. She worked in the bakery for
some time before she opted for a job as teacher in a secondary school for 18 months.
She wants me to believe that, at the time when she was still a student nurse, when she
came back two years after her studies, she had brought with her 500 English pounds in
cash to give it to her father for the purpose of purchasing a plot of land. It was in 1978
that a plot was purchased in co-ownership with his brothers and sisters (defendants no.
1, 2, 3 and 5). She knew nothing about the sale to Dodo Bread and Biscuit Factory Co.
Ltd. When she was confronted with the fact that the sale of the 24¼ perches of land
was for Rs 20,000 and that she must have purchased a bigger share in the 24¼ perches
of land with her 500 pounds sterling, she was quick to reply that she had only 1/5 of the
share and the money she had given was also used to maintain the house and the land.
Furthermore, she had been sending money regularly for the maintenance of the property
but she had no document to buttress her say.
I have not been convinced by her in view of the plea given by the co-defendant
who had considered that the lands were his and that he could do whatever he wanted
with them. The letters produced by the plaintiff which he claimed to have been written
by his father and which I do not doubt, reveals clearly that the co-defendant had, through
the scheme as highlighted above, been distributing those lands at will to his children.
The co-defendant was also the agent and proxy of those children concerned in the
various sales and the payments were allegedly paid “hors la vue du notaire” and the
question is who gave the money. For some of the defendants, the money was left with
their father, the co-defendant, and the proxy representing them must have been there
simply as a formality when the truth is that no money had changed hands.
Similarly defendant no. 8 has explained that he was the co-owner of a plot of
land in Vacoas together with his brother, defendant no. 7, which was sold in 1975
through his father, the co-defendant, who was acting as their agent and proxy. The sale
was for Rs66,000 (Doc D3) which amount was allegedly kept by the co-defendant who
used it to pay for the purchase of 17 perches in 1978. For the same reason given as
regards defendant no. 4, I doubt if payment had been effected.
By his admission in court, defendant no. 6 has brought water to the mill of the
plaintiff in that the sales were fictitious transactions with no consideration. I would not go
along with him that he was aware of all the sales but at least for those which concerned
him. Anyway, if that method had been applied in his case, I find it reasonable, again
bearing in mind the attitude of the co-defendant, that the same must apply for the others.
After anxious consideration, I find that the plaintiff has established on a balance
of probabilities that through a scheme, his father, the co-defendant, had acted in bad
faith and against his interest in disposing his properties without his knowledge, in fraud
of his rights and for no consideration. I therefore find that the sales at (a) and (b) are null
and void and consequently, I also find all the subsequent sales referred to at (c) to (h)
are also null and void.
Similarly as regards the sale at (g), albeit that there was a letter dated April 4,
1980, written by the plaintiff on behalf of defendant no. 6 giving instruction to his sister,
Bibi Faridah Soormally, to sell on behalf of defendant no. 6 the land and the bakery
found on the land (Doc D2), that sale is of no effect and it is null and void as (i) the sale
to defendant no. 2 was null and void and consequently she had no title to pass; (ii) the
plaintiff had no power to instruct his sister on behalf of another brother; (iii) no
explanation was given why the sale took place in 1985 only and I accept the explanation
of the plaintiff what prompted him to write that letter and finally, I also find that there was
no consideration.
I do not consider the amount of Rs 30,000 claimed as moral damages against all
the defendants and the co-defendant jointly and in solido to be unreasonable and I allow
plaintiff that amount.
With costs.
16 August 2002
For Plaintiff : Mr Attorney M H Salehmohamed – Mr R Montocchio QC
For Defendants No. 2, 3 & 4 : Mr Attorney R Posooa – Mr S Ghurburrun, of Counsel
For Defendant No. 5 :Mr P Balmanno SA – Sir M David QC
For Defendant No. 7: Mr Attorney S Sookia – M A Bocus, of Counsel
For Defendant No. 8 : Mr Attorney U K Ragobur – Mr N Proag, of Counsel
For Co defendant : Mr Attorney R Bucktowonsing – Mrs Y Juddoo-Proag, of Counsel
2007 SCJ 45
In the matter of:
1. Mr M.R. Soormally
2. Mr R. Soormally
3. Mrs B.R. Soormally
4. Miss B.Z. Soormally
5. Miss N.J. Soormally
6. Miss S. Soormally
A.M. Soormally
In the presence of:
1. Mr S. Soormally
2. Mr K.H. Soormally
This is an appeal against a decision of the Supreme Court which
declared null and void –
(a) the seven sales effected by the then co-defendant, Mr Idriss
Soormally, the deceased father of the appellants, the
respondent and the two co-respondents (“the deceased”) in
respect of two plots of land in lite of 24¼ perches and ½ arpent
belonging to the respondent, then the plaintiff;
(b) the sale effected by the first co-respondent in 1985 to the
second appellant in respect of a portion of land of 7.96 perches
distracted from the plot of land of ½ arpent and which had
earlier been sold to him (the first co-respondent) by the
deceased in July 1978,
since the deceased had acted in bad faith and without the respondent’s knowledge,
in fraud of his rights and for no consideration.
The respondent was also awarded by the Court Rs 30,000 as moral
We need not reproduce the grounds of appeal of the appellants which
were pressed before us and essentially question the findings of fact of the trial Court
and its appreciation of the evidence on record. With regard to the issue of delay
between (a) the dates of the various sales and the entry of the claim in 1986 and (b)
the entry of the claim and the trial, it was not raised, as rightly pointed out by learned
Counsel for the respondent, in the pleadings of the appellants, then the defendants
or of the deceased, then the co-defendant, nor canvassed in evidence by the
appellants or in submissions made on their behalf. In any event, the delay for the
protracted trial was largely due to the fault of the appellants and the deceased, as the
record shows. That is why we refused to allow Counsel for the appellants to pursue
the matter further before us on appeal.
The trial Court considered, first, the ownership of the two plots of land
in lite of 24¼ perches and ½ arpent respectively purchased by the respondent from
the deceased and his grandfather (Docs. P1 and P2). It had no difficulty in rejecting
the claim of the deceased that the respondent was his «prête nom», the more so as
the deceased did not testify in Court to buttress his claim. Consequently, it rightly, in
our opinion, found that the owner of the two portions of land in lite was the
respondent, as evidenced by Docs. P1 and P2. It is significant that, although the
two sales effected to the respondent were without any consideration, it was not the
case of the appellants that those sales were disguised donations. The appellants in
this regard only denied that the respondent was the owner of the two plots of land
in lite.
Second, the sale effected by the deceased, acting as the agent and
proxy of the respondent, to the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth appellants in
respect of the plot of land of 24¼ perches as well as the subsequent two sales of the
plot of land of ½ arpent to Dodo Bread and Biscuit Factory Co. Ltd. and the third
appellant respectively and the four other sales of the various portions of land
distracted from the plot of ½ arpent to successively the first co-respondent, the
second co-respondent, the first appellant and the first co-respondent were effected
without any consideration whatsoever and without the knowledge of the respondent
and in fraud of the rights of the respondent.
The trial Court found as a fact that the sale of the plot of land of 24¼
perches to Dodo Bread and Biscuit Industry Co. Ltd of which the deceased was a
statutory manager was “a clear example of a conflict of interest and a
breach” of the deceased’s duty as agent and proxy of the respondent as he had
diverted the power vested in him for his own benefit.
Moreover, although there was no evidence of collusion between the
deceased and the appellants, the trial Court found that it was the deceased himself
who had masterminded the scheme regarding all those fictitious sales and that the
proxies of the appellants simply accepted the sales on their behalf so that the
respondent was dispossessed of his two plots of land without his knowledge and in
fraud of his rights.
Having reviewed the evidence on record, in the light of the
submissions of Counsel on all sides, we consider that the findings of fact of the
learned trial Judge are warranted by the evidence on record and there is
consequently no justification for interfering with them or with his appreciation of the
evidence adduced before him.
As for the plea of the first co-respondent, then the sixth defendant, it
was considered by the trial Court as an admission against himself; it was never
reckoned by the Court to be evidence against the other appellants. All that the trial
Court stated was that the first co-respondent “had brought water to the mill” of the
respondent in that “the sales were fictitious transactions with no consideration”, as in
the case of the two portions of land of 25 perches and 7.96 perches sold to him (the
first co-respondent) by the deceased in 1976 and July 1978 respectively. The Court
concluded as follows –
“Anyway, if that method had been applied in his case, I find it
reasonable, again bearing in mind the attitude of the co-defendant (the
deceased), that the same must apply for the others” (the underlining is
Given the scheme masterminded by the deceased to dispose of the
two plots of land of the respondent without the latter’s knowledge by means of
fictitious sales to the appellants and the co-respondents, we consider that this
conclusion cannot be faulted. Moreover, since the deceased had illegally sold to the
first co-respondent the portion of 7.96 perches in July 1978, it stands to reason that
the first co-respondent could not lawfully sell, as he did, that portion of land to the
second appellant in 1985 as he had no title to that land.
For the reasons given, we uphold the decision of the trial Court and
dismiss this appeal, with costs.
1 March 2007
Judgment delivered by Hon. A.G. Pillay, Chief Justice
For appellants Nos. 1 and 2: Mr Attorney R. Bucktowonsing
Mr N. Proag, of Counsel
For appellants Nos. 3,4,5,6: Mr Attorney V.R. Luchmaya
Miss S. Xavier, of Counsel
For respondent: Mr Attorney M.H. Salehmohamed
Mr R. Montocchio, Q.C.
N.B. Muhammad Rafic Soormally well deserves an award for all his contributions in the Mauritian press [BAFS 5.9.2018]
DIASPORA : Mauritian Achiever’s Award (UK) 2018 to Rafic Soormally
Rafic Soormally & wife Sen Seetulsingh-Soormally.
The Mauritian Achiever’s Award (UK) 2018 ceremony was held in conjunction with Mauritius Jubilee Independence celebrations on 17 March 2018 at Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow, London.
The organisers, Gyanchand Sunil Mungur FCCA, Chariman of SPELmedia UK, also Chairman of the Mauritius Hindu Association (UK), and Dr Lock (Sashi) Sohodeb, recipient of several international awards for literature, spared no detail to make this occasion a complete success.
It was a well-organised, sumptuous and lavish evening with distinguished awardees and guests, with excellent food and refreshments. The occasion was animated by Tony Patti, professional DJ on Sunrise Radio and sponsored by Gynch Shaw Maurice & Co. It was also a charity event supporting Eastern Welfare Association for the Disabled and SOS Children’s Village Mauritius, attended by distinguished personalities such as Miss England Stephanie Hill, Mr England Jack Eyers, actor Nitin Ganatra who plays the part of Masood Ahmed in the ever so popular soap opera East Enders.
The Mauritian Achiever's Award (MAA) Magazine 2018 describes his contribution, as an awardee in the Professional and Media Category, as follows:
“M Rafic Soormally, son of Idrice and Rabiah Soormally, was born in Curepipe, Mauritius. Having taught at Imperial and Balliol Colleges, he left for the UK in 1972 to further his studies. He completed his Diploma in Business Studies, Foundation ACCA course and Certificate of the Institute of Marketing. He also did a BA (Hons) in Economics at Essex University and studied a post graduate Diploma in Law course at City University. Rafic is married to Sen Seetulsingh, adopted daughter of Ramduthlall Seetulsingh of Curepipe. He worked in Accounts at the London Underground before he and his family returned to Mauritius where he worked as Operations Analyst and Accountant at Currimjee Ltd from 1990 to 1998 when they returned to the UK with their two sons, Anup and Sahil. Rafic started to write for the magazine Mauritian Abroad in the UK, which led him to write in several newspapers in Mauritius, including Mauritius Times, le Mauricien, The Star, l’Express, Sunday Vani, Impact News, Le Matinal and News on Sunday. Rafic has been writing for 18 years and still contributing in the Mauritian press.”
Rafic Soormally honoured at Mauritian Achiever’s Award (UK) 2018
The Mauritian Achiever's Award (UK) 2018 ceremony was held in conjunction with Mauritius Jubilee Independence celebrations on 17 March 2018 at Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow, London.
Rafic Soormally & wife Sen Seetulsingh-Soormally
The organisers, Gyanchand Sunil Mungur FCCA, Chariman of SPELmedia UK, also Chairman of the Mauritius Hindu Association (UK), and Dr Lock (Sashi) Sohodeb, recipient of several international awards for literature, spared no detail to make this occasion a complete success.
It was a well-organised, sumptuous and lavish evening with distinguished awardees and guests, with excellent food and refreshments. The occasion was animated by Tony Patti, professional DJ on Sunrise Radio. Sponsored by Gynch Shaw Maurice & CO. It was also a charity event supporting Eastern Welfare Association for the Disabled and SOS Children’s Village Mauritius, attended by distinguished personalities such as Miss England Stephanie Hill, Mr England Jack Eyers, actor Nitin Ganatra who plays the part of Masood Ahmed in the ever so popular soap opera EastEnders.
Rafic Soormally and Miss England Stephanie Hill
The Mauritian Achiever's Award (MAA) Magazine 2018 describes my contribution, as an awardee in the Professional and Media Category, as follows:
« M Rafic Soormally, son of Idrice and Rabiah Soormally, was born in Curepipe, Mauritius. Having taught at Imperial and Balliol Colleges, he left for the UK in 1972 to further his studies. He completed his Diploma in Business Studies, Foundation ACCA course and Certificate of the Institute of Marketing. He also did a BA (Hons) in Economics at Essex University and studied a post graduate Diploma in Law course at City University. Rafic is married to Sen Seetulsingh, adopted daughter of Ramduthlall Seetulsingh of Curepipe. He worked in Accounts at the London Underground before he and his family returned to Mauritius where he worked as Operations Analyst and Accountant at Currimjee Ltd from 1990 to 1998 when they returned to the UK with their two sons, Anup and Sahil. Rafic started to write for the magazine Mauritian Abroad in the UK, which led him to write in several newspapers in Mauritius, including Mauritius Times, le Mauricien, The Star, l’Express, Sunday Vani, Impact News, Le Matinal and News on Sunday. Rafic has been writing for 18 years and still contributing in the Mauritian press. »
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI spent my childhood having a lot of fun and serving my home and family non-stop until one day I got so frustrated that I foolishly (censored). I did not have to read novels as so many stories of life were UNFOLDING right inside my own family including those of the evil ones.
DeleteAt 72, I could write an entire encyclopaedia about my parents and their eleven children and even the twelfth one, AMINA, who died at birth in clinic. All the rest of us were delivered at home (apparently) by a Harijan Hindu woman with impaired eyesight.
But,I do not trust my memories, except what I can back up by evidence most of which has been savagely destroyed by my barbaric, uncultured, and selfish family.
My other siblings will of course disagree as they chose to live in lies, and cohabiting with even the evil ones. So, our paths differed.
Among the boys, I was the only one close to my mother when I lived at home. With my sisters, we did all the house, garden, and shopping chores together, according to my abilities as a child, inluding gardening, ironing, cutting vegetables, cleaning rice, etc. While all my four brothers lived only for themselves, each one busy with his own selfish hobbies or studies.
The one thing that we all missed was a monoculture, one religion, and God! Although extremely well versed in many languages, and in Islam, our father did not give a damn about the spiritual upbringing of his children, and chose the materialist way in a despicable and incompetent manner!
As far as material incompetence is concerned, my father and I are the same.
From a very close relative
ReplyDeleteUNCLE, you and your articles!
Bardoise GOBURDHUN • il y a 6 mois
I saw her at Plaisance airport sometime in October 1973 with your late brother-in-law Adam Beekawoo and your sister.
And also in February 2016 , Bethnal Green, London, when I attended the wedding of your son, ANOOP.
Bon courage
Suresh (Bardoise) Goburdhun
N.B. Muhammad Rafic Soormally well deserves an award for all his contributions in the Mauritian press [BAFS 5.9.2018]
ReplyDeleteGilbert Hitilambeau of Curepipe, Mauritius: «My condolences to you and the whole family. She had had a great life and died at a great age.»
ReplyDelete"Gilbert grew up with in the same neighbourhood and loved my mum to bits."
Bloody hell! And, I never loved my mum "to bits"! Maybe somebody should ask Mr. RAFIC why I was nicknamed "FEMMELETTE"!
Or ask him who among her 6 boys always helped her in her house chores, shopping, washing, ironing, sewing, gardening, painting, decorating, cutting the hedges, painting, and so on? THERE WAS ONLY ONE, and it was not him or Gilbert!!!
ReplyDeleteCeci dit, Khaleel Hamad Soormally, une victime de la decadence et un abandonné converti au christianisme, était le plus civilisé et le seul embourgeoisé (comme son père) de mes soi-disant frères car la rumeur fut que mon grand-père Ally Muhammad m’avait trouvé bébé en 1945 dans un panier sur le porche de la Basilique de Sainte Hélène à Curepipe-Road, et remis à son fils Idris ou Idrice pour être adopté, et je lui en fus très reconnaissant, même si en retour mon père adoptif a tout fait pour me détruire avec l’aide d’un gouvernement aussi corrompu, in Paradis du vice ! Apparemment, je fus le fils d’une allemande célèbre (suicidée) et d’un soldat musulman de l’armée de Monsieur Adolphe, mais ces Créolistes de Morysiens ne sont intéressés que par les jacasseries des colonisés, des Créoles noirs et métissés, des néo-colonisés, des socialistes, communistes, racistes, putes, et autres.
8 chiens et 18 chats? Et, son épouse catholique Gèneviève Gardie, et son deuxième marriage avec une musulmane? Tu parles de journalisme!
Hexagram Baal/Shamash
ReplyDeleteThe Six Pointed Star
a book by Dr. O.J. Graham
The Six-Pointed Star is going into its fourth edition. There have been thousands of letters over the years and comments are available upon request. The questions which are asked of this author are:
What made you even remotely curious that the six-pointed star might not be "Jewish"? After all, it is called the "Star of David" and has it not become the international insignia of Jewishness and the State of Israel?
The controversy and the challenge are answered in the book. The quest began at York University, Ontario, Canada, when an Orthodox Jewish friend of mine was investigating Messianic Judaism. Our intellectual conversation covered many topics which included the so-called Star of David, which he said he did not use as the symbol G-d really gave the children of Israel was the seven-branched Menorah. Being a journalist, he challenged me to explore the six-pointed star. And I accepted the challenge, with the plan that I would prove its Jewishness. After all, I wore one and felt I had to defend it, even to him.
That was the summer of 1979 and the research took me four years to complete. I found a few Jews who knew it was not Jewish, and these are mentioned in the book. Others did not think about it, and most did not care whether it was originally occult or not - they did not think it mattered. I checked Jewish sources and all their encyclopaedias attested that it was not originally Jewish and was not used as the symbol for any of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jewish sources said it wasn't originally Jewish. So, what was it? That took four years of research. From archive to archive, library to library...history book to history book.
The first mention of the star was in Amos 5:26 regarding the trek from Egypt to Canaan. Then in 922 B.C., when Solomon married the daughter of Pharoah and went into magic and witchcraft and built an altar to Ashtoroth and Moloch. The book traces the six pointed star from Egypt to Solomon, to Arab Magic and Witchcraft, to Druid use (references are documented). The book traces the star through Freemasonry usage to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he had hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of "Red Shield" or Rothschild. The research carried on through this family, to their court of arms, to Cabala, to Astrology, to Hitler and his putting a yellow six-pointed star on all Jews during the holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag of the State of Israel and beyond.
Because this symbol is comprised of a six within a six within a six (6 points, 6 triangles, 6 sides of the hexagon in the middle) the research also included a look at the 666 prophecies in the Book of Daniel etc., regarding the "wilful King" (anti-Christ) and the "mark of the beast". The Scriptural significance of the number seven and a Biblical description of the real Messiah and the seven-branched Candlestick (Menorah) which God gave to the children of Israel as an everlasting covenant (which is also mentioned in the New Testament) is covered. All the sources are written at the bottom of each page making it easy for readers to see and check for themselves.
I started out to defend this symbol, but ended up shocked and quite devasted with the evidence gleaned from the academic research. It is the only book on the origin and history of the six-pointed star or hexagram. Have a good read, check the references yourself, and I would be happy to hear your comments. All the best to you
August 16, 1999
Dr. O.J. Graham