Everything on false
flag operations, false Islamic attacks with the aim to vilify Muslims and
create a clash of ‘civilisations’.
Tout sur les opérations sous faux
drapeaux, les faux attentats islamiques pour diaboliser les Musulmans, et créer
une guerre entre ‘civilisations’.
"Islamists admit terror plot charges"
Four radical Islamists have admitted plotting a major pre-Christmas terror attack on the London Stock Exchange.
The al Qaida-inspired fundamentalist group wanted to send five mail bombs to various targets over the 2010 festive period, and discussed launching a "Mumbai-style" atrocity. A hand-written target list found at one of the defendant's homes listed the names and addresses of London Mayor Boris Johnson, two rabbis, the American Embassy and the Stock Exchange.
A total of nine men admitted various terror offences at Woolwich Crown Court and will be sentenced next week.
"Lynchpin" Mohammed Chowdhury, 21, and his London accomplice Shah Rahman, 28, were followed by undercover detectives on November 28, 2010, observing Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the Palace of Westminster.
The conspiracy also involved three defendants from Cardiff and four from Stoke. It was stopped by undercover anti-terror police before firm dates could be set for attacks.
The terrorists met through their membership of various hardcore Islamic groups and met at specially arranged meetings held in parks in a bid to make surveillance difficult.
The nine, all British nationals, were due to stand trial but changed their pleas at the last minute. Chowdhury, of Stanliff House, Tower Hamlets, and Rahman, 28, of St Bernard's Road, Newham, admitted preparing for acts of terrorism by planning to plant an improvised explosive device (IED) in the toilets of the London Stock Exchange. Brothers Gurukanth Desai, 30, of Albert Street, and Abdul Miah, 25, of Ninian Park Road, both Cardiff, also admitted the same count.
Prosecutor Andrew Edis QC told a jury, which had been sworn in but was discharged after the pleas, that the four involved in the Stock Exchange plot had not intended to maim and kill. "Their intention was to cause terror and economic harm and disruption. But their chosen method meant there was a risk people would be maimed or killed."
Usman Khan, 20, of Persia Walk, Mohammed Shahjahan 27, of Burmarsh Walk, and Nazam Hussain, 26, of Grove Street, all Stoke, admitted engaging in the preparation of terrorism by attending operational meetings in Roath Park, Cardiff, on November 7 and in a Newport country park on December 12. Omar Latif, 28, of Neville Street, Cardiff, admitted attending the meetings with the intention of assisting others to prepare or commit acts of terrorism. The fourth Stoke defendant, Mohibur Rahman, admitted possessing an article for a terrorist purpose on December 20, 2010.
(My comments are never allowed on the Zionist controlled media!)
When you listen to the audio recording of that very conveniently landed "news" (fresh from MI6 or the Knesset?) like all the fake Sheikh Usama Bin Ladin tapes, ALL THE JEWISH-ZIONIST ELEMENTS OF THE FABRICATION are in there for even donkeys to see! That small piece of "news" FULLY PACKED (NUCLEAR LOADED) and looks even like and OVERDOSE of it!
This COLOSSAL LIE is yet another Tavistokian experiment to test how dumb the masses still are!
The press is supposed is to provide the public with information not with DISINFORMATION, PROPAGANDA, ENDLESS DRUMMING FOR WARS, GENOCIDE, SANCTIONS, EMBARGOES,INVASIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, TORTURE AND CONCENTRATION CAMPS, MASS RAPE, but they are all owned/controlled by the Jews, Zionists, Corparations, Military Industrial Complex, the Satanists and the Monarchs. The greatest prostitute in the land is the mainstream press. As for the alternative press, it is almost non existent at least on the national scene.
This is from another presstitute called The Telegraph. They surpass Goebels a billion times!
Terror gang who plotted to blow up London Stock Exchange could be free in six years
A terrorist gang involved in a plot to blow up the London Stock Exchange, the American Embassy and the home of Boris Johnson could be free in just six years.
The group of four Qaeda-inspired fundamentalists admitted planning to send
mail bombs to their targets during the run up to Christmas 2010 and
discussed launching a Mumbai-style attack on Parliament.
But they could all be out after just six years after the two ringleaders of
the group were given an indication of their sentences before deciding
whether or not to plead guilty.
Mohammed Chowdhury, described as the group’s “lynchpin”, and Shah Rahman, his
accomplice, pleaded guilty following a so-called Goodyear hearing where the
judge gave them an indication of their maximum sentences should they plead
The judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, told Chowdhury, 21, that he would be sentenced
to no more than 13 and half years, while Rahman, 28, was told he would be
given 12 and a half years if he admitted his involvement in the plot.
The two, along with fellow conspirators Gurukanth Desai, 30, and Abdul Miah,
25, admitted the charges of preparing for acts of terrorism after being made
aware of the sentences they were likely to serve.
It was part of a controversial 'Goodyear Direction' which allows defendants to
judge whether they should plead guilty, depending on the sentence they are
likely to face.
Had they been opted to go to trial instead and been found guilty by a jury, they would likely have been sentenced to approximately 20 years.
But now they could be out in fewer than six years. They will be released automatically at the half-way point in their sentence and spend the remainder on licence.
They will also have a year deducted for time already spent on remand.
Four of the al-Qaeda inspired men were preparing a Christmas bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange, the American embassy and the home of London Mayor Boris Johnson.
Two of the men conducted a surveillance trip around central London and also talked about launching a Mumbai-style attack on Parliament.
A “target list” was found at the home of the ring-leader which listed the names and addresses of Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, as well as two Rabbis and the American Embassy. It had on it the letters ‘LXC’ for London Stock Exchange.
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London (PA)
Torn pieces of paper showed a sketch of what is believed to be a car bomb.
Three other men met with the plotters and planned to travel abroad to get more training before returning to launch further attacks. Another two men pleaded guilty to associated charges.
The men, from London, Stoke and Cardiff, were inspired by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular (AQAP) and used their English-language magazine Inspire as a guide.
In Stoke the gang talked about attacking local pubs and clubs but decided to travel abroad to get more training.
In East London, Mohammed Chowdhury, 21, the ring leader, and Shah Rahman, 29, were under surveillance as they toured central London sites for six hours between 3.30pm and 9.30pm on November 28 2010.
They got off a bus in Trafalgar Square and walked along Whitehall towards Westminster. They were observed looking at Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Blackfriars Bridge and the Church of Scientology on Queen Victoria Street.
The interior of Westminster Abbey, London (Alamy)
After visiting a McDonalds restaurant on Cannon Street in the City of London, the two men boarded a bus back towards East London.
In the bedroom at Chowdhury’s flat in the Isle of Dogs, police found a handwritten target list on a folded piece of A4 paper on the computer desk.
The Stoke group have their origins in Pakistan, while the London and Cardiff groups were originally from Bangladesh.
The three groups were inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the leaders of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular, who died in a drone attack last year.
The defendants made contact with each other through dawah – proselytising - or by Paltalk or other internet messaging.
Meetings took place in November and December 2010 at which the defendants planned to use explosive devices to attack significant locations in London and around the country.
Their plans could be carried out without much preparation and were very difficult to intercept, sources said.
The London and Cardiff groups were keen to act quickly, at first talking about sending mail bombs through the Royal Mail and then deciding on a plan to set off bombs in the toilets of the stock exchange.
(Clockwise from top left) Mohammed Shahjahan, Omar Latif (centre), Nazam
Hussain, Usman Khan and Mohibur Rahman (PA)
The Stoke group talked about persuading others to take bombs into pubs in their area so that they would explode.
Abdul Miah, 25, said to be at the centre of the Cardiff gang, and his brother Omar Latif, 28, pleaded guilty to taking part in the Stock Exchange plot. Gurukanth Desai, 30, pleaded guilty to attending meetings.
Mohibur Rahman, 27, from Stoke pleaded guilty to possession of a document containing information useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism.
The charges relate to two editions of al-Qaeda’s English language Inspire magazine.
Usman Khan, 20, Mohammed Shahjahan, 27, and Nazam Hussain, 26, all from Stoke pleaded guilty to preparing acts of terrorism.
At Khan’s home in Persia Walk, Stoke, police officers recovered a folded A4 sheet of paper which bore notes of the structure, roles and responsibilities of individuals in a terrorist cell.
It included the headings ‘structure’, ‘responsibilities’, ‘communication’ and ‘local’ and appeared to be written by Shahjahan.
Had they been opted to go to trial instead and been found guilty by a jury, they would likely have been sentenced to approximately 20 years.
But now they could be out in fewer than six years. They will be released automatically at the half-way point in their sentence and spend the remainder on licence.
They will also have a year deducted for time already spent on remand.
Four of the al-Qaeda inspired men were preparing a Christmas bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange, the American embassy and the home of London Mayor Boris Johnson.
Two of the men conducted a surveillance trip around central London and also talked about launching a Mumbai-style attack on Parliament.
A “target list” was found at the home of the ring-leader which listed the names and addresses of Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, as well as two Rabbis and the American Embassy. It had on it the letters ‘LXC’ for London Stock Exchange.
Torn pieces of paper showed a sketch of what is believed to be a car bomb.
Three other men met with the plotters and planned to travel abroad to get more training before returning to launch further attacks. Another two men pleaded guilty to associated charges.
The men, from London, Stoke and Cardiff, were inspired by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular (AQAP) and used their English-language magazine Inspire as a guide.
In Stoke the gang talked about attacking local pubs and clubs but decided to travel abroad to get more training.
In East London, Mohammed Chowdhury, 21, the ring leader, and Shah Rahman, 29, were under surveillance as they toured central London sites for six hours between 3.30pm and 9.30pm on November 28 2010.
They got off a bus in Trafalgar Square and walked along Whitehall towards Westminster. They were observed looking at Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Blackfriars Bridge and the Church of Scientology on Queen Victoria Street.
After visiting a McDonalds restaurant on Cannon Street in the City of London, the two men boarded a bus back towards East London.
In the bedroom at Chowdhury’s flat in the Isle of Dogs, police found a handwritten target list on a folded piece of A4 paper on the computer desk.
The Stoke group have their origins in Pakistan, while the London and Cardiff groups were originally from Bangladesh.
The three groups were inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the leaders of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular, who died in a drone attack last year.
The defendants made contact with each other through dawah – proselytising - or by Paltalk or other internet messaging.
Meetings took place in November and December 2010 at which the defendants planned to use explosive devices to attack significant locations in London and around the country.
Their plans could be carried out without much preparation and were very difficult to intercept, sources said.
The London and Cardiff groups were keen to act quickly, at first talking about sending mail bombs through the Royal Mail and then deciding on a plan to set off bombs in the toilets of the stock exchange.
The Stoke group talked about persuading others to take bombs into pubs in their area so that they would explode.
Abdul Miah, 25, said to be at the centre of the Cardiff gang, and his brother Omar Latif, 28, pleaded guilty to taking part in the Stock Exchange plot. Gurukanth Desai, 30, pleaded guilty to attending meetings.
Mohibur Rahman, 27, from Stoke pleaded guilty to possession of a document containing information useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism.
The charges relate to two editions of al-Qaeda’s English language Inspire magazine.
Usman Khan, 20, Mohammed Shahjahan, 27, and Nazam Hussain, 26, all from Stoke pleaded guilty to preparing acts of terrorism.
At Khan’s home in Persia Walk, Stoke, police officers recovered a folded A4 sheet of paper which bore notes of the structure, roles and responsibilities of individuals in a terrorist cell.
It included the headings ‘structure’, ‘responsibilities’, ‘communication’ and ‘local’ and appeared to be written by Shahjahan.
Radical Islamists admit London Stock Exchange bomb plot
The list of potential targets scoped out by the al-Qaeda inspired group – Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the Palace of Westminster – resembled a must see guide to the English capital.
The nine men, who pleaded guilty to terror offences, also discussed sending five mail bombs to various addresses during the 2010 festive season.
And one of their homes contained the addresses of London Mayor Boris Johnson, two rabbis, the American Embassy and the London Stock Exchange.
But it was the stock exchange that “lynchpin” Mohammed Chowdhury, 21, and his accomplice Shah Rahman, 28, eventually set their sights on.
Along with brothers Gurukanth Desai, 30, of Albert Street, and Abdul Miah, 25, of Ninian Park Road, both Cardiff, they planned to detonate an improvised explosive device (IED) in toilets in the heart of the City’s financial centre.
Christopher Blaxland QC, representing Chowdhury, of Tower Hamlets, London, said the bomb plot came “with the obvious attendant risk, but without any intention to cause death or even injury, but with the intention to terrorise, damage property and to cause economic damage”.
The group, who met through membership of extremist Islamic groups and stayed in touch through the internet, mobile phones and special meetings, also included Usman Khan, 20, of Persia Walk, Mohammed Shahjahan 27, of Burmarsh Walk and Nazam Hussain, 26, of Grove Street, all Stoke, who talked about leaving homemade bombs in the toilets of their city’s pubs, and discussed travelling abroad for terror training.
They admitted a charge of engaging in conduct for the preparation of terrorism between 1 November and 21 December, 2010.
Omar Latif, 28, of Neville Street, Cardiff, admitted attending the meetings with the intention of assisting others to prepare or commit acts of terrorism.
Mohibur Rahman, 27, of North Road, Stoke, admitted possessing two editions of the al-Qaeda magazine Inspire, which contained such articles as “Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom”.
The magazine was the brainchild of Anwar Al-Awlaki, a prominent al-Qaeda leader who was killed by a drone attack in Yemen in September last year, and prosecutors believe the plotters had been motivated by his preachings, even though they were not members of the global terrorist network.
Andrew Edis QC, for the prosecution, said the nine “were implementing the published strategy of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)”, the network formerly led by Al- Awlaki.
Mr Edis said the four involved in the stock-exchange plot had not intended to maim and kill.
He said: “Their intention was to cause terror and economic harm and disruption. But their chosen method meant there was a risk people would be maimed or killed.”
The nine men were due to stand trial at Woolwich Crown Court, but changed their pleas at the 11th hour.
The judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, indicated Chowdhury would receive 18 and a half years and Rahman, of St Bernhard’s Road, Newham, London, would be handed 17.
However, they would be expected to spend just six years behind bars as five are served on licence, prisoners only serve half their term as standard, and they have already been behind bars for more than 12 months.
Sentencing of the group will begin on Monday.
Speaking outside the court, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Osborne, senior national co-ordinator for counter-terrorism, said: “We welcome the guilty pleas entered by all nine defendants today, following what was the largest counter- terrorism operation of 2010.
“Our priority is and always will be the protection of the public.”
1 February 2012
Last updated at 14:19
The men planned to terrorise people and to damage the economy and property
The men, from London and Cardiff, were arrested in December 2010 and were set to stand trial at Woolwich Crown Court.
Five other men have pleaded guilty to other terrorism offences and all nine will be sentenced next week.
The men, who are all British nationals, had been inspired by the preachings of the recently-killed radical extremist Anwar Al-Awlaki.
The conspiracy was stopped by undercover anti-terror police before firm dates could be set for attacks.
The terrorists met because of their membership of various radical groups and stayed in touch over the internet, through mobile phones and at specially arranged meetings.
They gathered in parks in a bid to make surveillance difficult.
The court heard that Chowdhury, 21, and his London accomplice Rahman, 28, were followed by undercover detectives on 28 November 2010, observing Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the Palace of Westminster.
Chowdhury, of Stanliff House, Tower Hamlets and Rahman, of St Bernard's Road, Newham, admitted preparing for acts of terrorism by planning to plant an improvised explosive device in the toilets of the London Stock Exchange.
A jury had been sworn in to hear the trial before the defendants changed their pleas to guilty.
The men admitted the offences after a special hearing which allows a defendant to hear from the judge what sentence they may receive if they plead guilty on the eve of a trial.
Chowdhury was told by judge Mr Justice Wilkie that he would receive 18-and-a-half years and Rahman was told he would receive a maximum of 17 years.
Brothers Gurukanth Desai, 30, of Albert Street, Cardiff, and Abdul Miah, 25, of Ninian Park Road, Cardiff, also admitted the same count, namely preparing for acts of terrorism by planning to plant an improvised explosive device in the toilets of the London Stock Exchange.
Meanwhile, Omar Latif, 28, of Neville Street, Cardiff, admitted attending meetings with the intention of assisting others to prepare or commit acts of terrorism.
Four of the nine-man group are from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
The quartet talked about leaving homemade bombs in the toilets of their city's pubs and discussed travelling abroad for terror training.
Three of the Stoke contingent admitted a lesser, specific
charge - engaging in conduct for the preparation of terrorism between 1
November and 21 December 2010 - namely travelling to and attending
operational meetings, fundraising for terrorist training, preparing to
travel abroad and assisting others in travelling abroad.
Usman Khan, 20, of Persia Walk, Mohammed Shahjahan 27, of Burmarsh Walk and Nazam Hussain, 26, of Grove Street, all Stoke, admitted attending operational meetings in Roath Park, Cardiff on 7 November and in a Newport country park on 12 December.
The fourth Stoke defendant, Mohibur Rahman, 27, of North Road, admitted possessing two editions of al-Qaeda magazine Inspire for terrorist purposes.
Protect the public Following the guilty pleas, DAC Stuart Osborne, senior national coordinator of Scotland Yard's counter-terriorism team, said: "We welcome the guilty pleas entered by all nine defendants today, following what was the largest counter terrorism operation of 2010.
"The investigation was coordinated by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit, working in close partnership with the national CT network, Staffordshire, South Wales and Metropolitan Police, the Security Service and Crown Prosecution Service.
"Our priority is, and always will be, the protection of the public."
Bob Quick, the country's most senior anti-terrorism police officer until 2009, said it was an important case, with serious acts being planned.
"It serves to remind us that there are still people out there in the country that are prepared to contemplate, conspire and even perpetrate serious acts of terrorism."
The Liberal Democrat peer Lord Carlile, the government's former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the case showed the value of the new law that made preparing for terrorism a criminal offence.
But he added he was disappointed the control orders had been abandoned for "the wrong political reasons".
"They should have remained in place until at least after the Olympic Games. I hope we will not rue the abandonment of control orders particularly with the tool of re-locating people who are suspected of being terrorists away from their normal home environment," he said.
London Stock Exchange bomb plot admitted by four men
Four men inspired by al-Qaeda have admitted planning to detonate a bomb at the London Stock Exchange.
Mohammed Chowdhury, Shah Rahman, Gurukanth Desai and Abdul
Miah pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of
terrorism.The men, from London and Cardiff, were arrested in December 2010 and were set to stand trial at Woolwich Crown Court.
Five other men have pleaded guilty to other terrorism offences and all nine will be sentenced next week.
The men, who are all British nationals, had been inspired by the preachings of the recently-killed radical extremist Anwar Al-Awlaki.
Continue reading the main story
They were certainly dangerous enough for the police and MI5 to have placed them under surveillance, and ultimately arrest them. The homes of some of them had been searched as long ago as 2008.
At the end of 2010 two of them scouted high-profile targets in London and discussed with others the possibility of blowing up the London Stock Exchange. Others talked about putting bombs in the post, even suggesting one be hidden in a toy doll.
The men from Stoke got as far as pondering the logistical problems of religiously observant Muslims planting bombs in pub toilets.
And they were surveillance-aware too, warning each other about the possibility of bugs in their cars, and meeting outdoors in secluded places like country parks.
No explosive materials were bought - and no bombs planted. But that may have been different had they not been arrested.
Fantasy could have become reality.
Were they realists or fantasists?They were certainly dangerous enough for the police and MI5 to have placed them under surveillance, and ultimately arrest them. The homes of some of them had been searched as long ago as 2008.
At the end of 2010 two of them scouted high-profile targets in London and discussed with others the possibility of blowing up the London Stock Exchange. Others talked about putting bombs in the post, even suggesting one be hidden in a toy doll.
The men from Stoke got as far as pondering the logistical problems of religiously observant Muslims planting bombs in pub toilets.
And they were surveillance-aware too, warning each other about the possibility of bugs in their cars, and meeting outdoors in secluded places like country parks.
No explosive materials were bought - and no bombs planted. But that may have been different had they not been arrested.
Fantasy could have become reality.
It emerged that those who
admitted planning to target the London Stock Exchange wanted to send
five mail bombs to various targets during the run up to Christmas 2010
and discussed launching a "Mumbai-style" atrocity.
A hand-written target list discovered at the home of one of
the men listed the names and addresses of London Mayor Boris Johnson,
two rabbis, the US embassy and the Stock Exchange.The conspiracy was stopped by undercover anti-terror police before firm dates could be set for attacks.
The terrorists met because of their membership of various radical groups and stayed in touch over the internet, through mobile phones and at specially arranged meetings.
They gathered in parks in a bid to make surveillance difficult.
The court heard that Chowdhury, 21, and his London accomplice Rahman, 28, were followed by undercover detectives on 28 November 2010, observing Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the Palace of Westminster.
Chowdhury, of Stanliff House, Tower Hamlets and Rahman, of St Bernard's Road, Newham, admitted preparing for acts of terrorism by planning to plant an improvised explosive device in the toilets of the London Stock Exchange.
A jury had been sworn in to hear the trial before the defendants changed their pleas to guilty.
Continue reading the main story
How the plot unfolded
- The conspiracy developed over six weeks in late 2010, before the police arrested the nine men
- 7 November 2010: Group meet in Roath Park, Cardiff, to discuss their ambitions
- 28 November 2010: Choudhury, Rahman, Miah and Desai meet in London to discuss targets and methodology
- 12 December 2010: Another group meeting at Cwmcarn Country Park, near Caerphilly. Stock Exchange discussed
- 14 December 2010: Stoke defendants discuss their own plans, under surveillance
- 20 December 2010: Police arrest suspects in early hours
Addressing the jurors as they
were discharged, Andrew Edis QC, for the prosecution, said that the four
involved in the Stock Exchange plot had not intended to maim and kill.
"Their intention was to cause terror and economic harm and
disruption. But their chosen method meant there was a risk people would
be maimed or killed," he said. The men admitted the offences after a special hearing which allows a defendant to hear from the judge what sentence they may receive if they plead guilty on the eve of a trial.
Chowdhury was told by judge Mr Justice Wilkie that he would receive 18-and-a-half years and Rahman was told he would receive a maximum of 17 years.
Brothers Gurukanth Desai, 30, of Albert Street, Cardiff, and Abdul Miah, 25, of Ninian Park Road, Cardiff, also admitted the same count, namely preparing for acts of terrorism by planning to plant an improvised explosive device in the toilets of the London Stock Exchange.
Meanwhile, Omar Latif, 28, of Neville Street, Cardiff, admitted attending meetings with the intention of assisting others to prepare or commit acts of terrorism.
Four of the nine-man group are from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
The quartet talked about leaving homemade bombs in the toilets of their city's pubs and discussed travelling abroad for terror training.
The BBC's June Kelly explains how the plot to bomb the stock exchange was uncovered
Usman Khan, 20, of Persia Walk, Mohammed Shahjahan 27, of Burmarsh Walk and Nazam Hussain, 26, of Grove Street, all Stoke, admitted attending operational meetings in Roath Park, Cardiff on 7 November and in a Newport country park on 12 December.
The fourth Stoke defendant, Mohibur Rahman, 27, of North Road, admitted possessing two editions of al-Qaeda magazine Inspire for terrorist purposes.
Protect the public Following the guilty pleas, DAC Stuart Osborne, senior national coordinator of Scotland Yard's counter-terriorism team, said: "We welcome the guilty pleas entered by all nine defendants today, following what was the largest counter terrorism operation of 2010.
"The investigation was coordinated by the West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit, working in close partnership with the national CT network, Staffordshire, South Wales and Metropolitan Police, the Security Service and Crown Prosecution Service.
"Our priority is, and always will be, the protection of the public."
Bob Quick, the country's most senior anti-terrorism police officer until 2009, said it was an important case, with serious acts being planned.
"It serves to remind us that there are still people out there in the country that are prepared to contemplate, conspire and even perpetrate serious acts of terrorism."
The Liberal Democrat peer Lord Carlile, the government's former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the case showed the value of the new law that made preparing for terrorism a criminal offence.
But he added he was disappointed the control orders had been abandoned for "the wrong political reasons".
"They should have remained in place until at least after the Olympic Games. I hope we will not rue the abandonment of control orders particularly with the tool of re-locating people who are suspected of being terrorists away from their normal home environment," he said.
From other news sites
Scottish Sun Terrorists admit London bomb plot 3 hrs ago
Yahoo! UK and Ireland Islamists admit plot to blow up London Stock Excha 6 hrs ago
New Zealand Herald Four British men admit 2010 London terror plot 6 hrs ago
Financial Times* Radicals admit City of London terror plot 7 hrs ago
Sky News Islamists Admit Stock Exchange Bomb Plot > 11 hrs ago
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The Conscious Army.
Each One Reach One - Each One Teach One"On the surface of the world right now there is War and violence and things seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, Something else is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place And certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation. A Spiritual Conspiracy. There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the TV. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio. We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles. Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes In every country and culture of the world Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, In farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You could pass by one of us on the street And not even notice. We go undercover. We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit But simply that the work gets done. Occasionally we spot each other in the street. We give a quiet nod and continue on our way.
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs But behind the false storefront at night Is where the real work takes place. Some call us the Conscious Army. We are slowly creating a new world With the power of our minds and hearts. We follow, with passion and joy Our orders come from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~ Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness...
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways With our own unique gifts and talents. Be the change you want to see in the world. That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the Power of all the oceans combined. Our work is slow and meticulous Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance. And yet with it entire tectonic plates Shall be moved in the centuries to come. Love is the new religion of the 21st century. You don't have to be a highly educated person Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings. Be the change you want to see in the world. Nobody else can do it for you.
We are now recruiting. Perhaps you will join us Or already have. All are welcome. The door is open." Author UnknownTogether We Can Make A Difference In This WorldAwareness, consciousness and unity are the only weapons we have to spread the cause and awaken a new reality born of justice, peace, understanding and compassion. I ask for your support in helping to build a more peaceful world one mind at a time.If you prefer to send a check or money order, (US Funds) Information Clearing House, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Tom Feeley
February 17, 2014 Click Here For Op-Ed Articles Click Here For Hard News Items Click Here For Cost Of War UK MAIL ON LINE
Qatada, the happiest man in England: Brother boasts of hate-preacher's delight as he is given a more expensive home (funded by the taxpayer, of course)
- New home has more bedrooms, a bigger garden and more fittings
- Family of freed terror suspect are said to be 'delighted' at the move
- 51-year-old had requested a move from previous home worth £400,000
Rehoused: Qatada has been handed a more expensive taxpayer-funded home
Abu Qatada has been upgraded to a larger taxpayer-funded home since his release from jail last month, the Mail can reveal.
The terror suspect has told relatives in his native Jordan that he is the ‘happiest man in England’ after he was rehoused to the more expensive property.
His wife and five children are also said to be ‘delighted’ with the move, because their new home has more bedrooms, a bigger garden and more modern fittings.
Qatada, who was once described by a judge as ‘Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe’, asked to switch houses a week after being freed from Long Lartin jail in February.
The hate preacher had initially moved into a £400,000 home in Wembley, North London – organised by the local authority – where his family were said to be paying £1,900 a month rent which they funded through benefits.
But the 51-year-old requested a move after complaints from the property’s owner, who was furious to discover he had unwittingly allowed the cleric to become his tenant.
Qatada’s brother, Ibrahim Othman, said: ‘He told us they have now given him a very nice new place, bigger than the first house he went to after the British let him go.
‘He is really enjoying his new home and so are his family. The inside is very modern and has been done up more nicely, it has more bedrooms and a larger garden.
‘It is better for the family. They are all very happy in the larger house.
‘My brother cannot work so the British government fund his family to live there. The new house is costing more but he does not have to pay it because there is no way he can earn money.’
Delighted: Abu Qatada with companion, is said to be 'really enjoying his new home
Abu Qatada is reportedly living near Wembley Stadium, in north west London
‘My brother says nobody on their street seems to know that they have moved in. He likes that because there is so much hatred against him in England now.
‘He just wants to be happy with his family as he is at the moment. He wants the simple life. Right now he is the happiest man in England.’
Sibling: Qatada's brother Ibrahim Othman has said that the cleric is the 'happiest man in England'
Qatada has also been keeping a close eye on the British media reports about him, his brother said.
‘He told me he is very unhappy with what has been written about him in the Daily Mail. He is far more pleased with the BBC which has been much more favourable about him in its coverage. That’s what he likes to see.’
In February, the BBC was accused of trying too hard to be politically correct after it emerged its journalists had been told not to describe Qatada as an extremist.
Bosses said he should be referred to as radical instead.
Qatada was born Omar Othman but, aged 19, gave himself the name Abu Qatada after an Islamic scholar he admired.
He was allowed to enter Britain in 1993 after travelling on a false United Arab Emirates passport.
He later claimed asylum, despite his family admitting there was no specific threat against him from the Jordanian authorities at that time.
If Qatada had stayed in Jordan, he and his family would likely still be living in his elderly parents’ house in a run-down district of the capital Amman.
Twenty people - including 14 children - currently share the decaying five bedroom family home.
They include Qatada’s parents, his three brothers and all their children.
Qatada is wanted in Jordan on terror charges, but his deportation from Britain was halted by European judges.
The Home Secretary Theresa May travelled to Jordan this month to try to negotiate a deal that would allow Britain to deport him.
Qatada was released on bail to live with his
wife and children at the home in Wembley, London, after six-and-a-half
years in Long Lartin prison, Worcestershire
The Islamist cleric is subject to a surveillance operation costing a £100,000 every week, as authorities monitor his every move to ensure he does not escape.
Police have warned the phenomenal cost of keeping an eye on Qatada is diverting money from murder investigations, and could lead to up to 12 going unsolved each year.
According to his bail conditions, Qatada must observe a 22-hour curfew which allows him out of his home for just two one-hour periods each day.
He is banned from using mobile phones and is only allowed to meet people who have been security vetted and pre-approved by the Home Secretary.
In order to enforce the tight security regime, dozens of police officers and intelligence agents have been drafted in for an intensive surveillance operation.
Every word spoken on Qatada's home telephone is monitored, recorded and analysed by an officer at a police listening station. An interpreter is on hand to transcribe conversations held in Arabic.
Security services heard the pair discussing the plot on the telephone between January, 2011 and April, 2012.
Passing sentence, Mr Justice Wilkie QC said the pair posed "a significant risk of serious harm to the public".
He imposed a custodial sentence of least 11 years and three months, with a five-year extension period subject to licence.
Umar Arshad, 24, and Syed Farhan Hussain, 22, were jailed for six years and nine months and five years and three months respectively for their roles in preparing a terrorist attack.
Security services had heard the four men discussing methods, materials and targets for a terrorist attack, the court heard.
Iqbal and Ahmed talked about making an improvised explosive device (IED) based on instructions in online al Qaeda manual "How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom - by the al Qaeda chef", the court was told.
Covert recordings of the pair heard Iqbal suggesting attaching the bomb to a remote controlled toy car and sending it under the gap of an entrance gate at a TA centre in Luton.
Iqbal was recorded telling Ahmed: "I was looking and drove past like the TA centre, Marsh Road. At the bottom of their gate there's quite a big gap.
"If you had a little toy car, it drives underneath one of their vehicles or something."
The men were arrested following a series of raids at their homes in April last year after a joint operation by the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command and the British Security Service (BSS).
The court heard that Iqba acted as a facilitator for people who wanted to travel for "extremist purposes" and had helped Ahmed travel to Pakistan in March, 2011 for military training.
Mr Wilkie said a further 13 counts relating to the possession of information contrary to the Terrorism Act 2000 should be left on the file.
Addressing Iqbal and Ahmed, Mr Wilkie said: "In each of their cases, their persistent commitment to terrorist activity, in a number of different ways, over a significant period of time and, in each case, their willingness to take practical steps to obtain terrorist training abroad, marks them as particularly dangerous."
N.B. Even the photographs are not convincing at all - the usual media and State stereotypic shit!
Four men have been sentenced for their part in a plot to detonate a bomb at a Territorial Army (TA) base.
Zahid Iqbal, 31, and Mohammed Sharfaraz Ahmed, 25, who wanted to guide a
bomb mounted onto a remote-controlled toy car into the base, have been
sentenced to life in prison.Security services heard the pair discussing the plot on the telephone between January, 2011 and April, 2012.
Passing sentence, Mr Justice Wilkie QC said the pair posed "a significant risk of serious harm to the public".
He imposed a custodial sentence of least 11 years and three months, with a five-year extension period subject to licence.
Umar Arshad, 24, and Syed Farhan Hussain, 22, were jailed for six years and nine months and five years and three months respectively for their roles in preparing a terrorist attack.
Security services had heard the four men discussing methods, materials and targets for a terrorist attack, the court heard.
Iqbal and Ahmed talked about making an improvised explosive device (IED) based on instructions in online al Qaeda manual "How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom - by the al Qaeda chef", the court was told.
Covert recordings of the pair heard Iqbal suggesting attaching the bomb to a remote controlled toy car and sending it under the gap of an entrance gate at a TA centre in Luton.
Iqbal was recorded telling Ahmed: "I was looking and drove past like the TA centre, Marsh Road. At the bottom of their gate there's quite a big gap.
"If you had a little toy car, it drives underneath one of their vehicles or something."
The men were arrested following a series of raids at their homes in April last year after a joint operation by the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command and the British Security Service (BSS).
The court heard that Iqba acted as a facilitator for people who wanted to travel for "extremist purposes" and had helped Ahmed travel to Pakistan in March, 2011 for military training.
Mr Wilkie said a further 13 counts relating to the possession of information contrary to the Terrorism Act 2000 should be left on the file.
Addressing Iqbal and Ahmed, Mr Wilkie said: "In each of their cases, their persistent commitment to terrorist activity, in a number of different ways, over a significant period of time and, in each case, their willingness to take practical steps to obtain terrorist training abroad, marks them as particularly dangerous."
#8 by Doug on September 8, 2012 - 2:25 am
ReplyDelete"Where was Putin when Gaddafi needed him?"
From the Ugly Truth "Russia warns Israel, U.S. striking Iran would be ‘literally disastrous’"
Vladimir Putin has proved himself to be yet another SON OF THE DEVIL, a wolf in sheepskin!
Dear Earthlings!
Forget about the Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Muhammad, Christ, Jews, Palestine, Israel, and
Some good humans are stranded on that Satanic land of the slave and the coward called AMERICA!
The entire earth is inhabited by entities ALIEN to the GOD-CREATED HUMAN 'RACE'!
We all live in HELL on Earth and deal with DEMONS every single day of our lives.
In our day and age, loving your neighbour is USELESS because what guarantee do we have that your neighbour is not ONE OF THEM?
At this time of the night, FOUR A.M., I always come up with strange thoughts as a little Devil or Angel often wakes me up to tell me things! . But, during my passage on earth, I have known this night hour to be THE HOUR OF TRUTH!
At this hour of the night, I always see clearer than all those who are possessed by extra terrestrials, UFOs put together or the Holy Ghost!
But, there is nothing we can do th change things otherwise we would have done it A LONG TIME AGO! Knowing the truth has become useless because the Devil is too powerful! We slaved for him all those centuries and armed him to the teeth. Now, he is ready to take all of us out!
What hope do we have? NONE! Christians and Muslims will always have hope, but they are all dead DUE TO THEIR COWARDICE AND HYPOCRISY AND SELFISH MATERIALIST LIFE-STYLE!
Saturday morning 8 September 2012 at 4.16 A.M.