Sunday 16 October 2011


"WE must decide the fact from the fiction... There are no experts, leaders or politics we can blindly trust anymore... Perhaps we never should have... But this event (9-11) and OUR action or inaction in it's aftermath will be the biggest decision us regular, plain ol' Americans will have to make, perhaps, in our history as a country... and it effects the world.
"Many people have spent many hours (now years) painstakingly researching for evidence. Some are bias, in that their drive for research was politically motivated. This does NOT simply mean their findings are skewed and to be brushed aside. Many others have resisted the assertions of some, but, when finally looking at the evidence, they at least saw a full REAL investigation is in order.
"Do not blow it off... prejudge... or be lazy and let someone else decide for us. Think for yourself... read... watch... observe... and make an intimate decision. A personally found answer. Whether you do or not, you and your children will have to live with that choice. To choose NOT to choose, is still a choice. As for me, I will seek Truth, and accept it, and act on the found Truth, no matter what the cost or what it maybe.
"Beware of those who attack the character of the "messenger" and ignore the evidence. That is a red flag.. a fingerprint of propaganda. Truth needs no packaging, clever words or "help" to be... Truth just is.
"Do not expect for any ONE to have it ALL correct. Rarely does that happen. But, look at each piece of evidence offered on it's own merit.
"The dots that connect are nice, but the dots that do not connect are the pointers to Truth.
"The evidence I have personally read and heard leaves no doubt in my mind and heart there should be a full open NON partisan investigation into the pre and post events around 9-11-01 and if crimes were committed, the full maximum weight of justice prescribed by the law should blindly fall and fall hard on those involved.
"There is no trust more grievously trespassed, then the Public Trust given to it's Leaders."
-James Arthur Jancik
March 27, 2006
of the live, weekly,
Feet to The Fire radio show.
These are arranged in no particular order. Links added as they are found.
Some of these sites have MANY MANY other links then mentioned on this page
Rather then copy them all here, I simply linked to their page of links.
Send source/link suggestions to:
Official Gov Reports:

Opposing Views and Articulated Contradictions
and Omissions In the Official Gov Findings/Report
Hear Jim Hoffman's interview on F2F <=MUST Read!
Hear Eric Hufschmid's interview on F2F
Hear Dustin Mugford's interview on F2F
Hear Dr. Judy Wood's interview on F2F
Hear Andrew Johnson's interview on F2F

Opposing the Opposition:
Interesting recontruction and explanation to the
Pentagon Plane/No Plane argument on 911
"Screw Loose Change" (Blog answering the Movie "Loose Change")

Misc Info Related to or Effecting 9-11 Conclusions
1st WTC Bombing, Oklahoma City, Flight 800, US Government Knowledge
and Inaction, 9-11, Al-Qaeda and Iraq all tied/link together.

Overt Political Flavored Views

Apparently Just Info without Views/Conclusions

Info on Post 9/11 Implications
Kristina Borjesson
BOOK: "Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11"
Hear her interview on F2F

"WE must decide the fact from the fiction... There are no experts, leaders or politics we can blindly trust anymore... Perhaps we never should have... But this event (9-11) and OUR action or inaction in it's aftermath will be the biggest decision us regular, plain ol' Americans will have to make, perhaps, in our history as a country... and it effects the world.
"Many people have spent many hours (now years) painstakingly researching for evidence. Some are bias, in that their drive for research was politically motivated. This does NOT simply mean their findings are skewed and to be brushed aside. Many others have resisted the assertions of some, but, when finally looking at the evidence, they at least saw a full REAL investigation is in order.
"Do not blow it off... prejudge... or be lazy and let someone else decide for us. Think for yourself... read... watch... observe... and make an intimate decision. A personally found answer. Whether you do or not, you and your children will have to live with that choice. To choose NOT to choose, is still a choice. As for me, I will seek Truth, and accept it, and act on the found Truth, no matter what the cost or what it maybe.
"Beware of those who attack the character of the "messenger" and ignore the evidence. That is a red flag.. a fingerprint of propaganda. Truth needs no packaging, clever words or "help" to be... Truth just is.
"Do not expect for any ONE to have it ALL correct. Rarely does that happen. But, look at each piece of evidence offered on it's own merit.
"The dots that connect are nice, but the dots that do not connect are the pointers to Truth.
"The evidence I have personally read and heard leaves no doubt in my mind and heart there should be a full open NON partisan investigation into the pre and post events around 9-11-01 and if crimes were committed, the full maximum weight of justice prescribed by the law should blindly fall and fall hard on those involved.
"There is no trust more grievously trespassed, then the Public Trust given to it's Leaders."
-James Arthur Jancik
March 27, 2006
of the live, weekly,
Feet to The Fire radio show.

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survival seed vault

Info Sources:

eFood Driect Storable Food OVER Gold or Silver

non hybrid heirloom tomato seeds

solar gadgets

Forgive, but
NEVER forget.

Drivers Unite

MUST HAVE "how to" when the power goes out... and it will. A frequent guest on F2F. -James

James' Dog Charlie

Get a FREE CD of Samson Orion's Interview on F2F with a purchase of his book. Lowest price in the world, courtesy of Susan Orion, Samson's widow for F2F listeners!

7:00pm Central
Opening comments and news from James
Back With Black!
I have canceled two weeks of live radio and been bedridden in great pain after having my back "go out" when driving (not because of anything I did; it "goes out" from time to time... but NEVER like this). I drove for 1500+ miles with utter agony. It took as much as 90 mins to get out of the bed to drive again. Took a week off and lie on my back. I assumed I needed back surgery, which would bankrupt me, as I was refused health care coverage.
But, there is good news. I went back to work this week with (reasonable) back discomforts which diminished as the week went on. The live radio shows will resume this weekend.
What happened to bring this turn around? Not sure but think it was several things. I wish to thank listeners who wrote with suggestions, prayers, and healing energies. I had several regular guests send Reiki healing. I have many hours to examine and learn lessons and discern messages this event brought with it. I observed my fears and beliefs in action. I accepted what this event brought and taught. I visited a Acupuncturist/Chiropractor who did several things to me.
Just a note to explained why I had "dropped of the face of the earth" as one email put it, and that I am back and hopefully grown from the experience.
Reach for the Skies.... Within!

7:45pm Central
An Attempt/Experiment In Group/Distant Healing/Energy
James will take a name from email each week, and work with listeners to send energy to the person for their self-healing. Please think of this person this week, and visualize sending healing, love, energy.
This Week's Focus: OPEN
Music provided for segment by Liquid Mind (Thanks Chuck!)
Send Requests to:

8:00pm Central
James Arthur Jancik
James will address:
1)- The statements by David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford that recent seismic events in Virginia and Colorado were "destruction of underground bases" in which 10's of thousands might of died by 'good' forces deystroying the places the PTB were planing to retreat to after setting in motion world wide chaos. (Others have said it was the 'good' aliens).
2)- The Occupy X Movement in light of some of Alan Watt's teachings that PTB always have a plan to control and manipulate the masses.
3)- Alex Jones assertion that WWIII is less then 2 weeks away with Israel attacking Iran with the USA's blessing and logistical backup.

~8:45pm Central
with Sterling Allan.
Each Sunday Night, join us for a 10 minute update of what is happening in the world of Free Energy.

9:00pm Central
Lamont Wood, Author- "Out of Place in Time and Space"
The book is a collection of anecdotes that indicate that the consensus definition of sequential time is flawed, since there are objects, beliefs, practices, and knowledge that show up well before youʹdexpect them to. The moons of Mars were described 151 years beforthey were discovered, the Apollo Program about a century before it took place, and the Pacific War 16 years before it began. Therereligious painting in a museum in France, done in 1460, where the Christ Child is depicted as playing with a flying toy helicopter. The Roman Army was once defeated in battle by an assemblage of machines that then drop from history
Each example has an individual explanation, and there is no need to invoke irrational forces. But, admittedly, some of the explanations are pretty weak, and taken as a whole they indicate that there is something about time that we are missing.
The book invokes the term ʺreverse anachronismʺ to describe many of the anecdotes. It presumes that a conventional anachronism is a modern phenomena incorrectly depicted as being present in the past (like people in films about Ancient Rome who are speaking English.) A reverse anachronism, therefore, concerns modern phenomena that were actually present in the past. As soon as you start looking for them, you find them.
And there are some things that are simply puzzling, like the Voynich Manuscript, a hand‐made medieval illuminated book written in no known language. Such examples indicate that there may be reverse anachronisms from the future, and we will not understand then until they come into synch with the present.
As a journalist and freelance writer of wide experience, Lamont Wood is familiar with the sometimes arbitrary distinction between cause and effect, and the subsequent gulf between what happens, what is experienced, what gets written, and what is understood. He has been freelancing for nearly three decades, writing for publications ranging from American Heritage to trade journals in Hong Kong. He has also been a newspaper reporter, a publicist, and a welder. He lives in San Antonio, Texas.

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