David Icke Newsletter Preview
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Gaddafi was being demonised by the Reagan-Father Bush administration (the Rothschilds) in the 1980s when the CIA and Mossad led a campaign to destabilise Libya that mirrors what has happened in 2011. Newsweek reported on August 3rd, 1981: 'The details of the plan were sketchy, but it seemed to be a classic CIA destabilization campaign. One element was a "disinformation" program designed to embarrass Kaddafi and his government. Another was the creation of a "counter government" to challenge his claim to national leadership. A third - potentially the most risky - was an escalating paramilitary campaign, probably by disaffected Libyan nationals, to blow up bridges, conduct small-scale guerrilla operations and demonstrate that Kaddafi was opposed by an indigenous political force.'
Sound familiar? That was 30 years ago.
But so many just buy the lie no matter what the era or generation. As Adolf Hitler said: 'Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.' And his propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, said: 'The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Hitler also said, with equal relevance: 'What luck for the rulers that men do not think.'
NATO planes pepper-bombed Tripoli in support of the 'rebels' on the ground. Thousands of the very civilians that the UN resolution said should be protected were killed in the process. But we hear nothing of this in the mainstream media and precious little of the murder and executions of Gaddafi supporters by the 'rebels' throughout the conflict and after they entered Tripoli.
The emphasis is always on alleged executions and killings of rebel supporters by Gaddafi's forces. No doubt some of these claims are true, but where is the balance? There is none, and Syria is now being demonised to go through the same process of demonise, invade, conquer, control. Richard Haas, president of the Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations which directs US foreign policy, has admitted that the NATO bombing of Libya was not about protecting civilians, but removing Gaddafi. He also called for an 'international force' to occupy the country and 'maintain order'.
It is the same rhetoric, the same blueprint, which we have seen in every other country 'liberated' by the architects of tyranny. It really is goodbye Libya: rest in peace. The United States and its conscripted NATO allies are not going to walk away and leave Libya to the Libyans. It is an occupation force to pillage the oil resources and the banking system, and it was always going to be.
"They plot and plan but ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the best of Planners."
Qur’an VIII – 30 قال الله عزَّ وجل: ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين " سورة الأنفال"
Exposing Media Disinformation, Propaganda and Lies...
"They plot and plan but ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the best of Planners."
Qur’an VIII – 30 قال الله عزَّ وجل: ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين " سورة الأنفال"
Exposing Media Disinformation, Propaganda and Lies...
شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Libya in the Talmud, the theological reasons behind the invasion of Libya. In 2012 , Israel will take full power over the West and will enter in the last phase before the appearance of their 'moschiah', or antichrist-dajjal
Israel is behind the invasion of Libya, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia.
Please read the link below, you'll understand the role Israel in the fake 'Arab uprisings':
Libya in the Bible...More to Come...
And read below the direct connection between Israel and the fake Libyan rebels. But make no mistake, Al Qaeddafi was put in power by the French-Israeli connection and he is just helping establishing the 'moschiah agenda', sacrificing the whole Libyan people. Please see video below:
Labels: Libya
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Ivresse musulmane devant la chute de Tripoli
Par Omar Mazri,
Devant l'empressement des pays et des mouvements islamiques à reconnaitre le CNT libyen la première des choses est de ne pas paniquer devant ce raz de marée qui déstabilise et nous met en doute de notre vision et de nos principes. La victoire et la défaite appartiennent à Allah. Il faut une foi et une expérience de la vie pour ne pas désespérer du genre humain et surtout ne pas perdre le sens de la mesure :
"Allah mon Seigneur montre la vérité vérité et le mensonge mensonge". Par ce hadith Mohamed nous demande de nous tourner vers Allah pour ne pas être illusionné par les apparences trompeuses.
Quand on voit la liesse de joie qui s'est emparée des démocrates et des islamistes algériens après la "prise de tripoli" par les forces spéciales de l'Otan on devient dérouté comme le dit le hadith :
Labels: Libya
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Les documents Takieddine: L'émissaire de Sarkozy protégé par la DGSE
Par Mediapart,
Cet homme est à lui seul un secret d'Etat. Jusqu'à récemment, Ziad Takieddine, l'émissaire officieux du clan Sarkozy auprès de plusieurs dictateurs arabes et principal suspect dans le volet financier de l'affaire Karachi, pouvait dormir tranquille. La direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (DGSE) ne dirait rien.
Questionnée en 2010 par les juges de l'affaire Karachi, qui enquêtent sur son rôle d'intermédiaire lors de la vente des sous-marins Agosta au Pakistan, la DGSE a dissimulé l'intégralité de ses informations sur l'activité parallèle de l'homme d'affaires, selon de nouveaux documents et des témoignages recueillis par Mediapart.
Labels: Libya
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Apres la neutralisation des agents de la DGSE Must'amar Al Qaeddafi et les harkis de Benghazi, Al Bayad, Hifter et ses clans sectaires et divisés, par la DGSE. La DCRI entrera en scene avec ses faux GIA/AQMI pour mettre a feu et a sang toute la Libye et le Maghreb sur le model iraquien, provoquant la division de tout le Maghreb en zones ethnico-tribales en guerre les unes contre les autres. Ceci justifiera la colonisation permanente de tous les pays du Maghreb par les mercenaires sionistes de l'OTAN qui auront la charge de proteger les routes des pipelines et les zones petroliferes, permettant ainsi a Israel de controler totalement toute la region MENA
La chute de Tripoli et la perspective d’un nouvel Irak en Afrique du Nord
par Mohamed Tahar Bensaada - publié le mardi 23 août 2011
Ce que était prévisible depuis des semaines s’est produit. Inquiets de l’enlisement militaire sur le terrain et déçus de l’incurie des forces rebelles qui perdent systématiquement toute conquête momentanée acquise grâce à la couverture aérienne de l’Otan sitôt les avions occidentaux retournés à leurs bases, les stratèges de l’Otan ont revu leurs calculs et ont fait intervenir directement leurs hélicoptères d’attaque et des détachements de leurs forces d’élite qui débarquent à partir de la mer et du territoire tunisien et encadrent les forces rebelles. A ce sujet, saluons au passage la courageuse opposition de citoyens tunisiens libres au port de Zarzis contre une cargaison d’armes qatarie à destination des rebelles en Lybie.
Labels: Libya
Monday, August 22, 2011
Lybia is heading towards a sectarian civil war which will provoke the total destruction of the libyan oil and gas production apparatus and will see the price of the barrel go up to 500 $. This is Israel's master plan to start her big war in the Middle East
The Emir of Qatar built the duplicate of the Bab Al-Azzazia in Tripoli to fake the fall of Tripoli, news you will never hear from Aljazeera, BBC, France24 or CNN. Al Qaeddafi, Rafik Hariri, and the Emir of Qatar, Sarkozy, Israel are all involved in a huge multi billions scandal of kick backs in defense contracts signed with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UAE. Killing Al Qaeddafi will save Sarkozy, Israel and the Emir of Qatar to be investigated in the Rafik Hariri murder.
LIBYA (and Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, etc.) - ALL about OIL for ISRAEL
Libya is just another zionist instigated war for oil.The price of Brent Crude oil in London plunged more than 3 per cent to $105.5 a barrel this morning.
But there is unlikely to be respite at the pumps for beleaguered motorists because it takes weeks for a plunge in the price of fuel to filter through.
The oil markets will be watching carefully with a smooth transition of power in Tripoli likely to send prices falling further.Well, the oil market is one culprit we could point to in response to cui bono from the bloodshed in Libya.
But who else stands to gain from a western friendly government in Tripoli?
Around 85per cent of Libyan oil output was exported to Europe until the revolt disrupted the country's production.
European refineries have struggled to make up for the production loss despite an increase from Saudi Arabia.
Labels: Lybia
Sunday, August 21, 2011
la Tunisie et le CNT libyen - le forfait et la forfaiture
Mossadnik Sarkozy et le harki en chef de Benghazi, agent de la DGSE comme Musta'mar Al Qaeddafi et Al Mesmari, Mustapha Abdeljalil Al Bayad, le nouvau Maliki local!
Par Omar Mazri,
Par Omar Mazri,
La Tunisie vient de reconnaitre officiellement le CNT Libyen. Cet organe au service de BHL a transgressé la règle mohammadienne :
« Le Messager d'Allah (saws) sortit en expédition pour la bataille d'Ohoud et en arrivant au col Al-Wadâ` il regarda derrière lui et il vit un bel escadron. Il demanda (saws) : "Qui sont ceux-ci ?" On répondit: "C'est `Abdallah ibn 'Obbay ibn Saloul et ses compagnons parmi les Juifs ils sont les alliés de `Abdallah ibn Sallâm. Le Prophète (saws) demanda : "Ont-ils embrassé l'Islam ?" On répondit : "Non, ils n'ont pas changé leur religion. Le Prophète répondit : "Dites-leur de revenir en arrière. En vérité, nous ne cherchons pas l'aide des polythéistes contre d'autres polythéistes." »
Labels: Lybia
Is the Gaza death camp living his last moments : Israel is about to unleash a barbaric slaughter on the Palestinian people to try to avoid a UN recognition of the state of Palestine
WARNING : Very graphic images of innocent children assassinated by Netanyahu during the last 72 hours
Labels: Genocide of the Palestine
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Genocide of the Palestinian people, extension of the borders of Israel from Iraq to Egypt, Turkey to Saudi Arabia, the 'moschiah (anti-christ-dajjal) agenda' is now unfolding in day light
Israel Prepares for War with Egypt in Sinai Desert
An Israeli military convoy along the Egyptian border (file photo)
The former head of Israel’s National Security Council (NSC) urges military action by the regime in the Sinai Peninsula, following growing tensions with Egypt.
Labels: Egypt
Friday, August 19, 2011
Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident
9/11 Anniversary and Israeli UN Vote to Coincide
By Gordon Duff,
Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran. Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to happen. No nation earth, we should believe, would ever stage such an even, dirty bomb or even full scale nuclear attack, as nothing less than that could push Americans to war, not an America very skeptical of 9/11 and its aftermath.
However, one nation is free to do just that, knowing it faces no consequences of any kind from America, our closest ally, continually caught spying on us, buying off politicians or, as in Britain, running the government into the ground behind the front of “News Corp” and the Murdoch empire. We need not name that country, not while 81 members of congress are there, entertained, perhaps being recruited?
Labels: Israel and the new 9/11
Thursday, August 18, 2011
La solution finale de la Palestine est entrée dans sa phase finale. Israel va expulser tous les Palestiniens vers l'Egypte , la Jordanie et le Liban dans un des pires nettoyage ethnique que l'humanité n'ait jamais connu
Apres l'operation de destabilisation israelienne d'Eilat, au moins 6 martyrs a Gaza: Abou Obeida: " Nous répondrons à toute agression sioniste visant Gaza"
Les Brigades du« martyr Izz el-Deen al-Qassam »,la branche militaire du Mouvement de résistance islamique "Hamas", ont mis en garde contre toute nouvelle agression de l'occupation sioniste, visant la bande de Gaza, tout en confirmant leur réaction vigoureuse.
Labels: Genocide in Gaza
False flag in Eilat, Israel wants to take full control of the Sinai and NATO is ready to attack and invade Syria
Why would HAMAS attack Israeli buses this close to the United Nations vote expected to support Palestinian statehood and while a delegation of 81 US congressmen are visiting the occupied land? Such an attack benefits Israel politically and harms the Palestinian cause.
This is such an obvious hoax, false flag; a staged justification for Israel to start CAST LEAD II, to wipe Palestine off of the map, expel all the Palestinians from Gaza before the United Nations vote can take place. Netanyahu activated the attack on Syria at the UN security council with Obama. Israel plan to seize the Sinai, the Eastern part of Egypt (Egypt sent commandos two weeks ago in the Sinai fearing an israeli invasion), dismantle all the North Africa, invade Syria before their 'moschiah', the invisible man living in the skies, can come to Jerusalem to claim his rule over the world...
Hamas denies responsibility for attack near Eilat
Hamas denied responsibility for the attack on two Israeli buses, carrying soldiers, near Eilat on Thursday morning that left seven killed and 20 others wounded.
Labels: Genocide in Gaza
Mask of Zion BLOCKED?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass
Syria is in the final stages of a Zionist-engineered destabilization operation; can the Arab nation of Resistance survive? |
Since 2004, the Zionist entity’s Mossad and its American partners in the Zionist-founded, Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have funded, armed and trained various opposition factions in Syria, spawning an army of ‘democracy-seeking activists’ ready to mobilize on command. An operations team was assembled by the House of Saud and the usurping Israeli regime, working together with a closeness most would have never imagined to be possible, and an HQ was established in Brussels with various satellites inaugurated in America and Britain just prior to the inception of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’ Leading this team are Zionists US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffery Feltman and US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, former Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri, influential, US-based Zionist Syrian exiles Farid al-Ghadry and Ammar Abdulhamid, the well-connected ex-Syrian VP, Abdel-Halim Khaddam and of course, the powerful Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (1).
Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s immensely popular President, is in the crosshairs of an axis bent on transforming the Middle East into an extension of the illegitimate entity currently occupying al-Quds. He, along with the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, the Islamic Republic of Iran and what is left of the Islamic Resistance of Gaza, make up the counter-axis; the Axis of Resistance standing in the way of Zionism and its aims of conquest. Syria is under the heaviest fire it has ever been under; even heavier than the plot that the Israeli-Saudi partnership attempted to execute against Hafez al-Assad, Bashar’s father, from 1976-1982 (2). And as the fire continues to burn through Syrian society, Zionist destabilization has hit critical mass. The plot to take down Syria which the usurping entity has actively and vigorously pursued for decades is dangerously close to coming to fruition.
On Syria, as well as a plethora of other geopolitical issues, the Saudi tyrant sees eye to eye with the Zionist regime and its lapdog, the United States. |
From the moment that the unrest in Syria exploded, Tel Aviv, through its tremendously venomous and wide-reaching media apparatus, unleashed one of its many ‘kisses of death’ against Bashar al-Assad and his government, labeling him its “favorite dictator (3).” This piece of pernicious hasbara was disseminated far and wide with the intent of not only turning the Syrian people against Bashar al-Assad, but to mask any Israeli involvement in Syria in the eyes of the international onlookers, developing an atmosphere of bewilderment and psychological warfare. The calculated move proved successful and the Zionist regime provided perfect cover for covert Israeli special forces, who have been on the ground since August 2007 (4). And then, as the world was looking away, Zionism lowered the boom.
It began on July 20th, when Israeli Prime Minister and mass murdering war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu offered his support to ‘protesters’ in Syria by stating, “the young people of Syria deserve a better future” and he went on with his usual diatribe against Syria for standing with Iran and Hezbollah. Ominously, Netanyahu also stated that it would be “bad for the people of Lebanon, bad for the people of Syria and bad for peace” if attention was shifted away from the unrest in Syria. The subtle words of Netanyahu were not what was most disturbing though. It was who the words were delivered to. And that who was Al-Arabiya News (5), the malicious Saudi propaganda outlet owned and run by the brother-in-law and son of the ex-Saudi tyrant, ‘King’ Fahd (6). The rare interview was an important revelation, exposing the public Israeli-Saudi working relationship.
Next up was an amplification on July 26th, when godfather of the Zionist nuclear program, war criminal, massacrer of Qana and Israeli President Shimon Peres stated in no uncertain terms, “Bashar al-Assad must go. The sooner he will leave, the better it will be for his people.” Peres also went on to say that regime change will lay down the groundwork for an eventual ‘peace’ treaty between Syria and the vile Zionist occupation. Who did Shimon Peres deliver this declaration of overthrow to? Arab media (undoubtedly dominated by the Saudi-Qatari alliance), in an ‘unprecedented’ press conference (7).
The Saudi-Israeli Alliance: demolishing Syria under the guise of 'democracy.' |
The “killing machine” spoken of by the Saudi despot is in reference to what the Zionist media calls the “Ramadan Massacre.” In a desperate attempt to garner international Muslim support during Islam’s holiest month, the Zionist media has peddled unverified, reactionary, sensationalist claims that Syrian security forces have massacred hundreds of ‘protesters’ in the Muslim Brotherhood stronghold of Hama (11).
The truth, something that the Zionist propaganda machine has never been concerned with, has been systematically repressed. An insurrectionist named Nader Hassan al-Kattan has confessed to being part of an organized terrorist operation in Hama, consisting of multiple units, in which he was paid $5,000.00 a day for his services. The operation consisted of the targeting of security personnel and civilians alike, for the sake of triggering all-out mayhem on Hama’s streets. Al-Kattan says he was recruited by a man named Mohammad Noir (12). Mask of Zion’s Syrian sources have confirmed that Mohammad Noir is a disciple of Mossad asset Muthanna al-Dhari, detained earlier in the uprising by Syrian security forces for attempting to coordinate false flag bombings with Israeli intelligence (13). It is clear that even without its leader, al-Dhari’s Zionist-backed network is alive and well.
America stands with the usurping Israeli entity and the House of Saud in an axis against Syria. |
This is a most frightening development, as the Zionist entity, the House of Saud, Washington D.C. and the Turkey-France partnership, which has played a prominent supporting role in the attack on Syria’s sovereignty via intelligence and military support for the Mossad-NED-created opposition (19), have taken their once-covert agenda public, so that the entire globe becomes aware that under the rule of international Zionism, Bashar al-Assad has no place. Also, the formation of such a council will mean that when the inevitability of sanctions against Syria’s rich oil and banking sectors becomes reality and billions of dollars are confiscated, the money will then be transferred into the hands of the Zionist criminal network’s puppets. The formation of such a council is an act of war.
Essential to every Zionist war effort is hasbara; and the hasbara against Syria has been nothing short of epic. |
Former Al-Jazeera Beirut Bureau Chief Ghassan Bin Jeddo, who will be launching an anti-Zionist satellite network called ‘Al-Mayadeen’ in early 2012 to serve as a counterweight to the media monopoly in the Arab world currently held by the GCC (20), went on the record in July to condemn the international (Zionist) media’s campaign to sow sedition in Syria, with the greater agenda of undermining Syria’s ‘Resistance’ stances and fragmenting the country (21), as per the plans laid out by Israeli Foreign Policy Advisor Oded Yinon in 1982 and the neoconservative ‘Clean Break’ cabal led by Zionist war criminal Richard Perle in 1996 (22).
Bin Jeddo couldn’t be more correct in his assessment. The powerful New York Times, owned by the Sulzberger family, a founding clan of the exclusively-Jewish Freemasonic organization B’nai B’Brith that is at the heart of all major media cover-ups (23), has been depicting Hama as a massacre-zone where civilians are under siege from a cruel, unrelenting military force (24), instead of a city where bitter armed conflict continues to rage. Robert Fisk, a foul (and unfortunately, authoritative) 9/11 gatekeeper and notorious slanderer of Hezbollah, Lebanon’s righteous Islamic Resistance, is begging the Zionist puppets in France, America and Britain to take action against Bashar al-Assad to “stop the spilling of innocent blood (25).” House of Saud mouthpieces, specifically those owned by ‘Prince’ Salman and his children, continue to elevate the anti-Assad, pro-Brotherhood line with each successive clipping that they print (26).
The historically Zionist wire service, the Associated Press, is channeling the hasbara of WINEP, a known front for AIPAC, in regards to the foreign-sponsored ‘Syrian Revolution’ taking a toll on Hezbollah’s image throughout the region (27). But no media institution has participated in the propaganda campaign against Syria quite like Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, which has taken the ‘humanitarian intervention’ approach in the dissemination of its hasbara and has now been picked up in New York, giving it a wider audience to influence, manipulate, confuse and brainwash (28). Al-Jazeera deliberately mistranslated a Bashar al-Assad speech in late July, ‘revealing’ that the Syrian President called opposition protesters “germs,” when he said no such thing (29), thus fueling the already-present geopolitical conflagration against Syria. Most despicably, it has partaken in the propagation of the ‘Ramadan Massacre’ narrative, using a pathetic, poorly-shot, unverified video as “evidence” that a murderous army operation had occurred (30). This is not journalism. This is not credible. This is hasbara, simple and plain; clear-cut.
Al-Jazeera's coverage on Syria is one of the most disgusting propaganda campaigns in modern history; it is now an official arm of the Zionist media, serving as the 'Arab' division. |
While Al-Jazeera is leading the way in overall coverage in the ongoing stream of hasbara against Syria, there is a single story that soars high above every single other propaganda pieces like a condor soaring above the Andes Mountains. And this is not the typical ‘inflated-protest-numbers’ story which has been typical and frequent of the Zionist media’s coverage on Syria; transforming hundreds of demonstrators at Syrian Muslim Brotherhood-dominated gatherings into thousands, thousands into millions and deceptively morphing pro-government protests into anti-government protests (34). No, this is far more gruesome, far more obscene in its falsehood. Propagated by CNN, run by avid Zionist Jeffrey Bewkes who has been honored by the ignominiously pro-Israel American Jewish Committee and the equally pro-Israel Simon Wiesenthal Center (35), this story was quite literally a blast from the past; a replication of a Gulf War PSYOP against Iraq.
CNN has always functioned as a mouthpiece for the Zionist occupation and all of its global ambitions, whitewashing its crimes and covering up its most intricate plots. |
As aforementioned, this ‘incubator babies’ hoax had been attempted before, in the lead-up to the Gulf War which paved the way for genocidal sanctions against Iraq, weakening the nation for the Zionist-engineered invasion that would thoroughly annihilate its infrastructure and brutalize its people in a seemingly eternal occupation 13 years later. At the heart of the Iraq ‘{312 dead} incubator babies’ hoax was the ubiquitous and devilish Amnesty International, working hand-in-glove with British intelligence and Zionist war criminal and Congressman Tom Lantos. Though the story was ultimately revealed as a hoax, it didn’t matter in the slightest. The Zionist plot had been put in motion and Iraq’s fate (destruction) was sealed (37).
This invocation of history is of the utmost vitalness to note. False stories, drawn up to despicably target basic human emotion and generate support for criminal-minded plans, can have tragic, reprehensible results; Iraqis, 2.5 million dead Iraqis from Zionism’s 2003 invasion alone (38), are the proof. The Zionist globe holders attempted to use such a story against Syria to accelerate their ‘Greater Israel’ ambitions and turn the Arab nation into another Iraq. It seems they will now have to go back to the drawing board.
Sheikh Adnan al-Ar'ur; agent of the House of Saud and 'face' of the 'Syrian Revolution.' |
With international efforts mounting to topple Bashar al-Assad and replace his government with one more subservient to the iron fist of the Zionist Power Configuration, the mainstream media has bombarded its viewers with a plethora of figures spouting propagandist venom and bolstering the Zionist narrative to increase unrest and ultimately bring about an invasion. Each figure, in their own way, plays a part in the global media spectacle shaping public opinion on all matters pertaining to Syria.
The individual with the most influence and therefore, the most destructive potential, is a ‘religious’ figure named Sheikh Adnan al-Ar’ur. Sheikh Adnan is based in Saudi Arabia and is receiving an obscene amount of press from the House of Saud’s propaganda giant, Al-Arabiya, which is touting him as a ‘symbol of the Syrian Revolution.’ He is known for his promotion of sectarianism and tragically, he commands a significant amount of influence in Syria (39); because of the sectarianism embedded in his verdicts, he is playing a major role in the Saudi Defense Ministry’s ‘civil war’ agenda.
Al-Ar’ur’s bloody fingerprints can already be found on the streets of Homs, a city 165 kilometers north of Damascus. On July 26th, three Alawi families were brutally butchered by agents of the Saudi-funded Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in an attempt to plunge the city of Homs into sectarian civil conflict. Throughout the unrest, MB agents, influenced by al-Ar’ur, have attacked Alawi mosques in Homs, Adlab, Latakia and Hama; all points of conflict between the MB and the Syrian army (40). While the Syrian people themselves have righteously rejected such sectarianism, this outrageous violence is taking a toll on the nation and their communities.
Rime Allaf is a member of the Chatham House, the UK arm of the Zionist, warmongering Council on Foreign Relations. |
Other notable assets of the hasbara war against Syria are Hamdi M. Rifai and Radwan Ziadeh. Rifai is a Syrian exile and News Jersey-based attorney who has recently had his legal license revoked for ethics violations. He has openly declared his friendship with the usurping Zionist entity and has strongly advocated for the Zionist-occupied United States government to militarily intervene in Syria. Rifai also spends significant amounts of his time spreading the works of neoconservative fanatics to justify his murderous positions and works with fellow exiles to generate sectarianism in not only Syria but Lebanon as well (42).
Twitter is a major breeding ground for hasbaraniks where anti-Syria propaganda can flourish uninterrupted. |
While Allaf, Ar’ur, Ziadeh, al-Abdallah, Rifai and other House Arabs cut from the same cloth claim to represent Syria and the demands of the Syrian people, the evidence shows that they are no more than shrill propagandists of the Zionist-Saudi axis and its agenda to drive Bashar al-Assad’s government into the ground. The truth is clear, overwhelmingly clear: the Syrian people support al-Assad and the multiple million man marches that they’ve conducted to show support for the President and his stance of Resistance and to counteract the Zionist-Saudi-backed insurrection are the proof (45).
An Israeli-NATO plan is already in the works to launch military strikes against Syria and cripple its army and infrastructure. |
One of the lesser-discussed players in the ongoing onslaught against Syria is Turkey, a collaborationist regime bound to the Zionist entity via several military-intelligence MOUs drawn up for the specific purpose of carrying out aggression against Israel’s enemies, including Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ankara has not only played the role of host for the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and served as the go-between for the US government and the Israeli-Saudi-controlled opposition, it has already intervened in a militaristic way by providing MB agents with weapons and a safe haven to re-up when ammunition is low. Ankara has already given NATO the signal to set up a military base in Western Turkey and fill it to the brim with ground forces (46).
NATO’s leadership has answered Ankara’s call and has begun planning an invasion to ‘roll back’ Syria and then Yemen in the final steps before launching full-scale warfare against Iran (47). This would assuredly please the Zionist creature occupying al-Quds, which signed an intensive, exhaustive military-cooperation agreement with NATO in 2005; a military offensive against Syria represents the very essence of the Israel-NATO bilateral agreement (48). Part of the Israeli-NATO plan has already been revealed and it is a mirror image of the current monstrous bombing of Libya; multiple airstrikes against Syria’s air defenses followed by an all-out bombardment of Syria’s army and infrastructure (49). Another criminal Western war carried out in the Zionist regime’s name. It for this reason, that Bashar al-Assad scoffed at Turkey’s attempts (read: threats) to convince his government to kowtow to Western pressure and bow to the insurrectionists tearing the country to shreds (50). Iran has also rebuked Turkey for its traitorous stance against Syria, offering its full support to Bashar al-Assad and signing a multi-billion dollar energy pact to solidify it (51). As Israel’s smokescreen dissolves, the battle lines get clearer and clearer.
Meanwhile, the aforesaid Saudi-Israeli-controlled insurrectionists continue wreaking havoc throughout the streets of Syria and are doing so with new weapons provided by a smuggling operation run by Saudi-puppet and former Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri’s March 14 movement (52). The Zionist media’s ‘peaceful protesters’ narrative crumbles a little bit more every day. Beyond waging brutal warfare against the Assad government, the Syrian opposition is committing crimes against humanity; crimes that will almost assuredly not be investigated by the likes of the ‘international community.’ In Hama, they are butchering soldiers and dumping the bodies into the Asi River (53). In Jisr al-Shughour, a conflict-heavy area in Syria’s north, Syrian Muslim Brotherhood agents are murdering al-Assad supporters by lynching them (54).
Brigadier General al-Talawi's children; murdered by the 'peaceful' Syrian opposition. |
Israel’s favorite Western mouthpiece, the Sulzberger-owned New York Times, covers up these horrors by concocting its own horrors; its latest lie is that Syrian security forces are using “anti-aircraft weaponry on civilian buildings” in Hama (59). Hillary Clinton is now covering up the barbarity that her office ordered by calling on the world to completely cut economic ties with Syria and blaming the barbarity on Bashar al-Assad (60). The people of the world are being duped yet again; but it seems that not even the thud of NATO depleted uranium rocking Damascus as it is now rocking Tripoli will convince them of this reality.
Syria and Somalia: The first two targets of the Zionist-Orwellian 'Atrocities Prevention Board.' |
On August 4th, 2011, the next generation of war, psychological subversion, intelligence masking and covert operations began, officially, with a United States stamp of approval. Chief Zionist stooge, Barack Obama, considered by the Zionist-gangster class that fomented his meteoric political rise to be “the first Jewish President (61),” created the Atrocities Prevention Board to ‘stop genocide’ and “isolate those who engage in or conspire to commit atrocities (62).” Naturally, in a move obviously meant to please his Zionist sires, Obama invoked ‘the holocaust’ to justify the creation of the shadowy interagency (63). It is ironic: ‘the holocaust’ is one of history’s greatest exaggerations/fabrications, filled to the brim with false testimonies and coverups and is now an ideological weapon routinely deployed by the Zionist Power Configuration against all who oppose Israel (64), and it is now being used as the basis for the creation of another ideological weapon.
Apart from the gut-wrenching hypocrisy of the United States government taking steps to prevent atrocities, when it has funded or is directly responsible for mass atrocities in Cambodia, Vietnam, Germany, Japan, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine and Kashmir to name just a few, the creation of the Atrocities Prevention Board will now give America (acting at Israel’s behest) jurisdiction to unleash hell on any nation it so chooses with the use of a single pretext: “humanitarianism.” Just like the Wikileaks PSYOP was designed to usher in a new era of COINTELPRO to subvert the growing anti-war and solidarity movements (65), the Atrocities Prevention Board will serve as its twin sister, coopting human rights movements and steering them towards an agenda of Orwellian war (66).
Libya was the trial run for the Atrocities Prevention Board; the absurd, baseless official line remains that NATO prevented Muammar Qaddafi from committing a massacre in Benghazi, the second largest Libyan city. A similar plan is already in place for Syria, with the Zionist entity leading and Washington D.C., Ankara, NATO and Riyadh ready to provide support for the ‘humanitarian war’ under the logo of R2P, ‘Responsibility To Protect.’ This is why the usurping entity, the US and NATO have been stockpiling and integrating their weapons systems since 2005, when Israel and NATO signed the aforementioned bilateral agreement. Mossad is increasing its covert support to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots and the Zionist media is increasing its hasbara against al-Assad to mask the Brotherhood’s atrocities. The groundwork for ‘R2P: Syria’ is deeply underway (67).
The Zionist Power Configuration wants al-Shabab eliminated so it can turn Somalia into a haven for multinationals and neoliberalism. |
Drowned out in the Zionist media’s coverage of famine and drought in Somalia is that the Zionist-run US State Department is sending droves of private military contractors to fight the Resistance (70) and aid the puppet government forced upon the Somali people by a globalist axis and armed by the Obama administration (71). Not mentioned by the Zionist media at all is that al-Shabab didn’t even exist until the US-backed United Nations-African Union occupation of Somalia began in 2006. The occupation has been slaughtering Somali civilians in the thousands ever since. There is no “democratically-elected” government in Somalia, only a coalition of puppets handpicked by the American and French militaries (72). Al-Shabab is all that stands between Somalia and total Zionist-globalist colonization.
The Zionist-dominated Obama administration is denying aid to all areas in Somalia controlled by al-Shabab, which is the majority of the country. Aid has been restricted to a few square miles of territory controlled by the US-AU-UN-backed puppet regime, exacerbating the famine and the drought and effectively transforming them into weapons of war (73); weapons of war against Resistance to colonial domination. These deliberate acts of terrorism will generate an international outcry to ‘save the babies,’ and in response, another invasion of another Muslim-majority country will occur, but this time, it will be under the ‘almighty’ humanitarian brand of the Atrocities Prevention Board.
At the heart of the ‘humanitarian’ adventures planned for Syria and Somalia, as is the case with every war waged by Israel and its global garden of imperial puppets, is energy. For Somalia, there is Bab el-Mandab, a strategic waterway that links Yemen, Somalia and billions of dollars in oil traded on the neoliberal markets; the Zionist-occupied United States government is dying to take control of this waterway, snatching it from Russia and China, allies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (74). For Syria, there are the gargantuan natural gas fields of the Levantine coast line, sitting between two energy corridors that Syria rests upon; Iran has already offered Syria assistance in cultivating these fields and the Zionist Power Configuration wants to take control of the project at all costs (75).
The Merhav Group of Israel is a Mossad asset that specializes in hostile takeovers of regions rich with energy. |
Today, Syria and Somalia, two of the last remaining nations on the planet standing up against the neoconservative foreign policy and neoliberal economics of the globalist power matrix governed by Zionism, are both targeted under the insane premise of ‘humanitarianism.’ Tomorrow, the targets will be Lebanon, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Yemen, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba. Plans are already in place, as are agents of subversion and in some instances, preliminary, criminal action has already been taken.
If Bashar al-Assad falls, what will replace him? An anti-Resistance proxy of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime. If al-Shabab is conquered, what will follow in Somalia? Most likely a carbon copy of the Zionist-marionette regime in Ethiopia, which has been nothing more than an Israeli military proxy for decades. But if the Resistance of both nations can survive the onslaught that they are now experiencing, feeding off of the intense support of the people that they defend, it will send a message to the globe holders: no matter what kind of tactics you may employ, the will of the people will always leave the arrogant powers torn asunder when the sun rises and the darkness is exposed. If only ‘if,’ wasn’t the word.
~ The End ~
(1) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – The Syrian Revolution: 100% Manufactured by Israel and Saudi Arabia by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(2) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – History On The Fly I: The 1976-1982 ‘Uprising’ by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(3) Israel’s Favorite Dictator Of All Is Assad by Salman Masalha, Haaretz
(4) Mossad Carries Out Daring London Raid On Syrian Official by Duncan Gardham, The Telegraph
(5) Netanyahu Exclusive Interview With Al Arabiya: ‘Never Hamas!’ by Nadia Idriss Mayen, Al Arabiya News
(6) Al-Arabiyyah TV Fires A Courageous Professional Journalist by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(7) Israeli President Says Syrian Leader Assad Must Go by Daniel Estrin, The Associated Press
(8) Syria Unrest: Saudi Arabia Calls On ‘Killing Machine’ To Stop by Adrian Blomfield, The Telegraph
(9) Kuwait, Bahrain And Saudi Arabia Recall Ambassadors by Siobhan Silke, France 24
(10) ‘Saudis Seek Civil War In Syria’ by Press TV
(11) USCENTCOM Buys Software To Impersonate Social Networkers And Bloggers; Blogosphere Shows Tell-Tale Signs Amid War On Libya by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(12) Syrian Terrorist Details Hama Massacre by Press TV
(13) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – The Syrian Revolution: 100% Manufactured by Israel and Saudi Arabia by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(14) US: Assad Has Lost Legitimacy To Rule by Al-Jazeera English
(15) Syria Protests: U.S. Preparing To Demand Departure Of President Bashar Assad, Say Sources by Matthew Lee and Bradley Klapper, The Huffington Post
(16) Continuing Violence In Syria by Hillary Rodham Clinton, The U.S. Department Of State
(17) Syria Forces Besiege Town After Defections: Residents by Khaled Yacoub Oweis, Reuters
(18) Syrian Transitional Council by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(19) Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear; Section – Turkey’s Deadly Role In Syria Corroborated by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(20) Beirut-Based Al-Mayadeen Satellite Channel To Launch Next Year by Wassim Mroueh, The Daily Star
(21) Bin Jeddo: Syria Faces Misleading Media And Incitement Campaign To Undermine Its Stances by Syrian Arab News Agency
(22) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – History On The Fly II: Oded Yinon, A Clean Break and Direct Israeli Aggression by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(23) Arlen Specter – The Elder Of Zion In The U.S. Senate by Christopher Bollyn
(24) In Scarred Syria City, A Vision Of A Life Free From Dictators by Anthony Shadid, The New York Times
(25) This Slaughter Will End Only When Words Of Condemnation Are Acted On: Dictator Of Damascus Will Continue His Bloody Reign Until He Is Stopped by Robert Fisk, The Independent
(26) Propaganda On Syria: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(27) Syria’s Crackdown Hits Ally Hezbollah’s Image by Zeina Karam, The Associated Press
(28) A Good Day For War: Al-Jazeera Is Picked Up In NY by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(29) Aljazeera Standards by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(30) President Peace Prize Calls For Regime Change In Syria Due To Ridiculous Propaganda Campaign by Scott Creighton, American Everyman
(31) Al Jazeera No Longer Nips At Saudis by Robert F. Worth, The New York Times
(32) Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear; Section – Syrian Crimes Against Humanity: Fact Or Pretext For Invasion? by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(33) Libya – Lather, Rinse, Repeat – Syria: Liberal Imperialism And The Refusal To Learn by Professor Maximilian C. Forte, Monthly Review
(34) Lies And Media Manipulations Regarding The Protest Movement In Syria by Pierre Piccinin, Global Research
(35) Circuit: The Wizard Of Oz Honored by Michael Aushenker, Jewish Journal; Does Hollywood Give Jewish? by Brad A. Greenberg, Jewish Journal
(36) How CNN Helped Spread A Hoax About Syrian Babies Dying In Incubators by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(37) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – History On The Fly I: The 1976-1982 ‘Uprising’ by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(38) Army Of Widows, Orphans Trail US War by Press TV
(39) “Symbol” Of The Syrian Revolution? by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(40) Syria In The Throes Of Religious War by Hassan Hanizadeh, Press TV
(41) USCENTCOM Buys Software To Impersonate Social Networkers And Bloggers; Blogosphere Shows Tell-Tale Signs Amid War On Libya by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(42) Suspension Order – Hamdi M. Rifai by Ikhras
(43) Ikhras Shoe Of The Month Award – July 2011 by Ikhras
(44) MPs Decry Israeli Apartheid Week by Hillary Lutes, The Charlatan; Canadians To Baird: “Israel’s Gaza Blockade Is Illegal. We Will Sail To Gaza” by Reuters
(45) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Media Manipulation: Zionism and Al-Jazeera Unite by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(46) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Turkey: The Beast of Two Faces Emerges by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(47) NATO Plans Campaign In Syria, Tightens Noose Around Iran – Rogozin by RIA Novosti
(48) The Destabilization Of Syria And The Broader Middle East War by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
(49) Blueprint For NATO Attack On Syria Revealed by Andrew Rettman, Global Research
(50) Syria Hits Back At Turkish Rebuke As Pre-Visit Tension Escalates by Ceren Kumova, Today’s Zaman
(51) Iran Draws The Line With Turkey On Syria by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi, The Asia Times
(52) Arms Smuggling To Syria (From Lebanon) by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(53) Syrian “Rebels” Dumping Bodies In River by Scott Creighton, American Everyman
(54) Unfolding The Syrian Paradox by Alistair Cooke, The Asia Times
(55) Armed Criminal Groups Shot And Mutilated Army Officer And His Family by Syrian Arab News Agency
(56) Western Media Lie About Syria – Eyewitness Reports by Russia Today
(57) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(58) Destabilizing Syria by Stephen Lendman, The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
(59) Support For Assad Government Shows Signs Of Weakening by Anthony Shadid And Steven Lee Meyers, The New York Times
(60) Clinton Urges World Cut Economic Ties With Syria by Haaretz
(61) Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually The ‘First Jewish President’ by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz
(62) Statement By Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative To The United Nations, On Steps Directed By President Obama To Prevent Mass Atrocities by The United States Mission To The United Nations
(63) Obama Creates Atrocities Prevention Board by United Press International
(64) Holocaust, Hate Speech And Were The Germans So Stupid? by Anthony Lawson, My Cat Bird Seat
(65) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(66) Libya And Syria: Humanitarian War Is A “Monstrous Illusion” by James Peck, Institute For Public Accuracy
(67) A “Humanitarian War” On Syria? Military Escalation. Towards A Broader Middle East-Central Asian War? by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
(68) Media Disinformation And The Causes Of The Somali Famine by William Bowles, Global Research
(69) ‘US Runs Secret Facility In Somalia’ by Press TV
(70) U.S. Relies On Contractors In Somalia Conflict by Jeffrey Gettleman, Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times
(71) U.S. Sends Weapons To Help Somali Government Repel Rebels Tied To Al-Qaeda by Stephanie McCrummen, The Washington Post
(72) UN/AU Continues Somali Slaughter by Thomas C. Mountain, Counter Currents
(73) US Prepares For Military Intervention In Somalia by Susan Garth, World Socialist Web Site
(74) Hollywood – Manufacturing Consent by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(75) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Conclusion: Long Live The Resistance by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(76) The War For Caspian Oil And Gas by Christopher Bollyn, Ascertain The Truth
Labels: Al-Jazeera, Bashar al-Assad, Israel-Saudi Ties, Mossad, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Zionist Criminal Network, Zionist Propaganda
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By arming “moderate” rebels, Washington knew it might then create a group of Salafist extremists.
As the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group continues to gain ground in the Middle East, a newly released Defense Intelligence report shows that the US was fully aware of the dangerous consequences of its involvement in the Syrian Civil War. By arming “moderate” rebels, Washington knew it might then create a group of Salafist extremists.
The US government had no way of knowing that those arms supplies would, in fact, aid the extremist Islamic State, which rose from the wreckage of the wars in Syria and Iraq.
Washington had no way of predicting that Islamic State fighters would get their hands on the massive weapons stockpile left in Ramadi, Iraq, where “a half dozen US tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a large number of armored personnel carriers, and about 100 wheeled vehicles – like Humvees,” according to Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren.
Declassified Pentagon Report: US Created ISIL as Tool Against Assad
Posted by Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on June 2, 2015
Washington knew it might then create a group of Salafist extremists.
…from Sputnik, Moscow
[ Editor’s Note: VT’s
reporting on ISIL is confirmed once again. We saw all this coming, not
because we were military geniuses, but because it was so obvious.
It was so
much so that we have always suspected that high up “dupes” were used to
sandbag on this childish “arm the moderates” nonsense, knowing it would
not only be a smokescreen for the shadow government to field their own
units, but also to tap into the Pentagon kitty for funding.
In working
to track the money flow — a normal tool in establishing who is running
operations — our source told us, in regard to the Jordan training for
example, that once the money got to Jordan for training, weapons and
ammo, the paper trail hit a firewall.
There was
no way to determine what the money was spent on from that point, nor who
was responsible for making those decisions, as it could be used for
say that was a bit unusual would be an understatement. It was something
that was constructed to hide where the money was really going. What was
going on here is working the seams of the command structures, as you
had the military and CIA both involved.
high levels knew they could take advantage of the long established rule
of the military and CIA staying in their separate lanes.
expect to ever see any real investigations on this. Such things would be
such an embarrassment that they are classified as hurting national
security, when it is instead the incompetence of allowing these criminal
elements to operate inside the chain of command that is the much
greater threat.
We are
poorly served by what is going on now, and to justify it as defending
the Nation is an utter fraud on the American people… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … June 01, 2015 –
As the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group
continues to gain ground in the Middle East, a newly released Defense
Intelligence report shows that the US was fully aware of the dangerous
consequences of its involvement in the Syrian Civil War. By arming “moderate” rebels, Washington knew it might then create a group of Salafist extremists.
As the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group continues to gain ground in the Middle East, a newly released Defense Intelligence report shows that the US was fully aware of the dangerous consequences of its involvement in the Syrian Civil War. By arming “moderate” rebels, Washington knew it might then create a group of Salafist extremists.
The US government had no way of knowing that those arms supplies would, in fact, aid the extremist Islamic State, which rose from the wreckage of the wars in Syria and Iraq.
Washington had no way of predicting that Islamic State fighters would get their hands on the massive weapons stockpile left in Ramadi, Iraq, where “a half dozen US tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a large number of armored personnel carriers, and about 100 wheeled vehicles – like Humvees,” according to Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren.
But according to new documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency, obtained by Judicial Watch,
the United States knew all too well that arming moderates would
actually result in the arming of extremists, but looked the other way
in the interest of undermining the Assad regime.
For starters, the documents show that the Pentagon was fully aware of al-Qaeda’s key placement within the Syrian opposition.
“AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning, both ideologically and through the media.”
The report then shows that the Pentagon was briefed on the rise of the Islamic State.
“If the situation unravels there
is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist
principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly
what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate
the Syrian regime,” reads the DIA report, dated August of 2012.
The documents also point out the opposition’s refuge in the chaos of the Iraqi borderlands.
opposition forces will try to use the Iraqi territory as a safe haven
for its forces taking advantage of the sympathy of the Iraqi border
population, meanwhile trying to recruit fighters and train them on the
Iraqi side…” the report reads.
The documents also make mention of the possible collusion between various terrorist groups in the region.
“ISIL could also declare an
Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organizations
in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying
Iraq and the protection of its territory.”
Yet, even with these predictions, the United States government went
ahead in arming the so-called moderate factions. Whether this was a
gamble on the part of US intelligence, or a show of solidarity
with allies who have knowingly funded the Islamic State – like Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar – is impossible to say.Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor
W. Dean is managing editor of Veterans Today wearing many hats from day
to day operations, development, writing and editing articles. He also
has an active schedule of TV and radio interviews as do the other VT
editors, and will have a show on our new VT Radio and TV platform. He is
hoping to refresh and move over a lot of his Heritage TV archive of 200
shows done during his Atlanta public TV years.
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