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October 11/06/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: Denis Rancourt.
2nd Hour: More debate with Denis Rancourt on 9/11.
10/30/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: Six innocent men: Denis Gullickson, John Gaie and Mike Piaskowski.
2nd Hour: With Splitting-the-Sky.
10/23/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Mike Palecek.
2nd Hour: With Tod Fletcher.
10/16/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Mark Siljander.
2nd Hour: With Tim Cox.
10/09/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Glenn Edwards-Seaman.
2nd Hour: With Anthony Hall.
10/02/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq.
2nd Hour: With Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn.
September 09/25/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Mohammed Ismail.
2nd Hour: With Anisa Abd el Fatah.
09/18/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Elias Davidsson.
2nd Hour: With Khalil Bendib.
09/04/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Teddy Woodward with friends Derek and Doug.
2nd Hour: With Lenny Charles.
August 08/28/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Bill "Anab" Whitehouse.
2nd Hour: With Enver Masud and A.K. Dewdney.
08/21/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Harun Yahya.
2nd Hour: With Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
08/14/2010 Saturday - Meria Heller, Sander Hicks, Richard Gage, Enver Masud, Luke Rudkowski, Barry Kissin, Nick Bryant, Rev. Ian Alterman, Paul Zarembka, Mark Glenn, and USS Liberty Survivor Phil Tourney...all on the same show? Is this the Marx Brothers' stateroom scene...or am I shooting for a world record? Check this archive and see how I did.
08/07/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Craig Ranke.
2nd Hour: With Enver Masud.
July 07/31/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With David Livingstone.
2nd Hour: With Don Meserlian.
07/24/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Gordon Duff.
2nd Hour: With Henry Makow.
07/17/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Mark and Eric with "We Are Change".
2nd Hour: With Nick Bryant.
June 06/26/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Craig Ranke.
2nd Hour: With Four Arrows.
06/19/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Max Ajl and Jim Fetzer.
2nd Hour: With Ken Jenkins.
06/12/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Phil Tourney and Mark Glenn.
2nd Hour: With Nick Bryant.
06/05/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Adam Shapiro and Darlene Wallace.
2nd Hour: With Splitting The Sky With Anthony Hall.
May 05/22/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Tim Donaghy
2nd Hour: With Rodrigue Tremblay
05/15/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Franklin Lamb
2nd Hour: With Gordon Duff
05/08/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Callers
2nd Hour: With professor Ira Chernus
05/01/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Ian Fletcher
2nd Hour: With Matt Naus
April 04/24/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Thomas Dalton
2nd Hour: With Roberto Muehlenkamp and Andrew Mathis
04/17/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Michael Murphy
2nd Hour: With Enver Masud
04/10/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Jared Ball
2nd Hour: With Alfred Webre
March 03/27/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With
2nd Hour: With
03/27/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Dave Lindorff
2nd Hour: With Webster Tarpley
03/20/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: Dr. Richard Curtis and Betsy Metz
2nd Hour: 9/11 family member Manny Badillo
03/13/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Bruce Leichty
2nd Hour: With John Hankey
03/06/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Splitting the Sky and Anthony Hall
2nd Hour: With James Petras
February 02/27/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Anab Whitehouse
2nd Hour: With Professor Craig Hill
02/20/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Karen Tostado
2nd Hour: With Professor Graame MacQueen 02/13/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Jonathan Mark
2nd Hour: With Dr. Leonard Horowitz. 02/06/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Nick Kollerstrom and Tina Foster
2nd Hour: With Ted Pike. January 01/30/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Frank Tolopko
2nd Hour: With Brother Raymond Schwab. 01/23/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Susan Clarke and Tim "Tribute to John Lennon." At 5:25 pm A.K. Dewdney.
2nd Hour: With Imam Elahi. 01/16/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Elias Davidsson.
2nd Hour: With Mike Casner and Frank Tolopko. 01/09/2010 Saturday - 1st Hour: With Mark Graham.
2nd Hour: With Jerry Mazza. |
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