Friday 18 June 2010

Davutoglu aux Arabes - Nous prierons bientôt à AlAqsa

Palestine Occupée: Davutoglu aux Arabes : Nous prierons bientôt à AlAqsa
Posté le 15 juin 2010 à 18:18:07 EDT par admin

Davutoglu aux Arabes : Nous prierons bientôt à AlAqsa

Davutoglu aux Arabes : 
Nous prierons bientôt à AlAqsa  15/06/2010
Le ministre des affaires étrangères turc a promis que très bientôt, les Musulmans vont prier dans la mosquée d’AlAqsa. Ces propos ont été tenus par Ahmet Davutoglu lors du forum économique qui s’est tenu dernièrement à Istanbul réunissant ses homologues représentants 17 états arabes. Ils ont été rapportés par le quotidien turc Melliet qui confiait les dessous de cette rencontre : «  très prochainement, Jérusalem sera la capitale de la Palestine ; nous irons prier ensemble à la mosquée d’AlAqsa » aurait-il lancé d’un ton passionné sans excitation.

Citant un responsable turc qui commentait ces propos, sachant que les turcs peuvent obtenir des visas israéliens et se rendre à Jérusalem, et prier dans cette mosquée sainte, il a assuré que le chef de la diplomatie turc signifiait pas ses propos « la création d’un état palestinien, dont la capitale est Jérusalem, insinuant que les dirigeants arabes s’y rendront librement pour effectuer la prière, sans nul besoin de visas israélien ».

Ankara accuse Washington de double langage, mais rappelle les liens d'amitié

Ankara accuse Washington de double langage, mais rappelle les liens
  Le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a accusé mardi les Etats-Unis de pratiquer le double langage au Proche-Orient mais il a rappelé que Washington reste un "ami de longue date " .

"Vous parlez de démocratie mais ensuite vous faites tout le contraire de la démocratie... Quand cela vous arrange, vous vous mettez du côté des régimes totalitaires, et quand cela vous arrange, vous parlez de démocratie", a-t-il déclaré devant les députés de son parti, sans citer explicitement les Etats-Unis dans ce passage du discours .
 "Se couper de l'Ouest ou de l'Est ne serait ni possible ni juste pour la Turquie. C'est un fait indéniable que l'Histoire a montré", a-t-il ajouté, alors que plusieurs pays occidentaux, dont les Etats-Unis, redoutent que la Turquie, pays membre de l'Otan, ne se tourne vers l'Est et les pays arabes .

 "Le pays qui peut le mieux comprendre la mission et l'importance de la Turquie est notre ami de longue date, les Etats-Unis", a-t-il ajouté, précisant que "dans de nombreuses régions, la Turquie et les Etats-Unis ont des objectifs communs ".
 Les deux pays ont des divergences "occasionnelles", car ils "utilisent des méthodes différentes et ont des ordres de priorité différents" dans les affaires de la région, a-t-il ajouté .

1 comment:

  1. Benazir Was Killed At Behest of CIA: PPP Chief
    Written by (Author ) Local, Pakistan Jun 22, 2010

    Yesterday June 21, 2010 an extra-ordinary meeting of Bhutto Memorial Trust was held at PPP headquarters, Rajbagh, Srinagar, Kashmir in connection with the 57th birth anniversary of slain leader of Pakistan, Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto. The meeting was presided over People’s Political Party (PPP), Chairman, Er. Hilal Ahmad War.

    PPP Chief, Hilal Ahmad War said that she was killed at the behest of American Intelligence Agency, CIA with the help of some insiders of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

    He further said that Benazir Bhutto and her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto vehemently opposed American Policy of making Pakistan a Satellite State for its future plans. “First it (America) engineered the execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and now its Intelligence Agency, CIA got Benazir Bhutto eliminated”, said War. Mr. War said that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto was part of the ploy to create instability in Pakistan. This type of condition is created in Pakistan to justify the take over of Nuclear Weapons of Pakistan by United States of America. He asked the Pakistani people and leaders to rise to the occasion and defeat such nefarious designs of an enemy of the country.

    During the meeting special and important aspects of political life of Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto were highlighted. All the members unanimously and strongly condemned all those conspirators who were directly or indirectly responsible for the gruesome and barbaric murder of Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto. Leaders of PPP and Bhutto Memorial Trust and other participants with one voice demanded of the present government of Pakistan that all those surviving military and political figures directly or indirectly involved in assassination of Qaid-e-Awam, Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto under illegitimate judicial colour be forth- with arrested and produced before a Special Commission, wherein their barbaric criminal role be exposed with condemnation in strong possible words. Such elements should also be proceeded against under criminal law in a specially constituted ‘Summary Trial Court’ so that they receive the punishment which they deserve under law and principles of justice. The participants of the Trust unanimously appealed to the people of Pakistan that they should rise above regional, racial and ethnic prejudices and considerations and unite together whole heartedly in the direction of national and emotional integration because such a course only can save Pakistan from external conspiracies aimed at disintegrating Pakistan once again like December 1971.

    The speakers emphasised that the concept of ‘Greater Pakistan’ floated by Shaheed Z.A. Bhutto and his Kashmir Policy for realization of right of self-determination for struggling people of J & K were and are the source of inspiration for the political and armed activists of Kashmir Liberation Movement . The participants of the meeting urged the Govt.of Pakistan to formulate a Kashmir Policy in accordance with the letter and spirit of Shaheed Z.A.Bhutto’s Kashmir Policy. The participants also disfavoured and disapproved the proposed idea of showing any flexibility by Govt. of Pakistan with regard to settlement of Kashmir Dispute, as such a flexibility is bound to cause irreparable damage to Kashmir Cause and shall adversely affect Kashmir Liberation Movement which has so far taken heaviest toll of life, honour and property of the masses and activists in the entire J & K State.

    After conclusion of speeches delivered by various participants’ special prayers (Fatah Khawani) were offered for the eternal peace and comfort of the souls of Shaheed Z.A.Bhutto and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto.
