Saturday, 23 November 2013





Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK MURDER AND CONSPIRACY

By Michael Collins Piper 

Adalberto Erazo

Nov 23 at 10:58 PM
• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
- See more at:
Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
- See more at:
 Michael Collins Piper: FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK Conspiracy]

By Jesse Ventura 

Published on 27 Sep 2013
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK.

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.
- See more at:


Why Roger Stone’s JFK book has to be taken seriously

Let’s talk about power: Richard Nixon and Roger Stone.

Roger Stone is the first JFK assassination author to have worked in the White House and among the few who have personal acquaintances with JFK’s successors.

As a former aide to President Reagan and confidante of RIchard Nixon, Stone brings unique practical experience and personal contacts at the highest levels of American politics to a subject that has often been written about by people with neither.

Stone’s background doesn’t mean that his interpretation of November 22, 1963, is necessarily correct, but he cannot be dismissed as “conspiracy theorist” who is deluded about the realities of American politics and power.

To the contrary, he has far more first-hand experience with those Washington realities than an academic like John McAdams or a prosecutor like VIncent Bugliosi. I think Stone’s indictment of Lyndon Johnson deserves to be taken more seriously than anyone else’s precisely because of his White House experience.
In an email interview with JFK Facts, Stone opened up about his sources, why he wrote the book, and what he really thinks of Chris Matthews.

Q. To some liberal pundits, anyone who shows an abiding interest in the JFK assassination is seriously lacking in understanding of the realities of American politics, if not clinically mentally ill. I’m thinking of Cass Sunstein, Vince Bugiiosi, and Chris Matthews, for example. What’s your reaction to such pronouncements?

RS: I have been in the mainstream of American politics and have been a senior campaign staffer to three Presidents, having worked on eight national Republican Presidential campaigns. Long before I began my book, the House Select Committee on Assassinations essentially debunked the Warren Commission Report. The Assassination Records Review Board declassified enough documents to bolster the conclusions of the House Committee; there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. Oswald did not act alone — in fact I don’t think he acted at all.

My book is not disparate from many other groundbreaking works like James Douglass’, The Unspeakable; Phillip Nelson’s LBJ: the Mastermind of the JFK Assassination; Barr McClellan’s Blood Money & Power; Craig Zirbel’s Texas Connection; and Glen Sample and Mark Collom’s The Men on the Sixth Floor. I seek to build on these seminal works.

Yes, I believe that LBJ spearheaded a conspiracy funded by Texas Oil and assisted by elements of the CIA and the Mob. Yes, I think LBJ’s unique relationships with J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, defense contractors, Texas Oil, and organized crime allowed him to spearhead a conspiracy. All had a stake in Kennedy’s death.
Candidly, I have know Chris Matthews for 30 years and have been on his TV show, Hardball. He is an egomaniac and pompous asshole who isn’t nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Liberals like Daniel Patrick Moynihan have done a disservice to the public by pigeonholing anyone who questions the Warren Commission conclusion as a “nut.” If this is true two-thirds of the people in America are “nuts.”

Stone’s book will be published in November 2013

Q. Where were you on the day it happened? Some people on the political right were known to have cheered the news? Did you hear any of that?

RS: I was 11 years old. I was in the Lewisboro (NY) Elementary School. Lots of my young classmates were crying. When the teacher asked why I wasn’t crying I said, “I’m a Republican.” Yet when I saw the photo in the New York Daily News of young John-John Kennedy saluting his father’s casket a few days later, I too wept.

Q. Your book reports on your conversations about JFK with Richard Nixon and John Mitchell about the assassination. How did you get these men to open up about such a sensitive topic?

I worked as a political advisor to President Nixon in his post-presidential years and spent many hours with him talking politics. Nixon liked a dry martini and he liked to talk politics. He was circumspect and never overtly said “LBJ did it” but he did say a number of things that more than indicate he believed this. My book details this. Nixon recognized Jack Ruby and knew him since 1947 as a “Johnson Man.” Upon seeing Ruby kill Oswald on national TV Nixon recognized him — and understood what had really happened in Dallas.
I first met John Mitchell at the Republican National Convention in 1968 when I was  a volunteer assigned to the messenger pool. He wrote me a letter of recommendation to Mort Allyn to secure me a post in the Nixon White House Press operation. I had little contact with him during Nixon’s re-election because I was the youngest staff member at CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) and my boss, Herbert L. “Bart” Porter, and his boss Jeb Magruder, both warned me that “direct contact with Mr. Mitchell was out of the chain of command.”

By 1976, Mitchell was out of prison and quietly helping me line up Republicans for Ronald Reagan, convincing former Kentucky Governor Louie Nunn, to serve on the “Citizens For Reagan” being chaired by Senator Paul Laxalt. Mitchell had a small office in Georgetown. We used to drink at a bar in Georgetown called the Guards. Mitchell confirmed that many of the same things Nixon said to me he had also said to Mitchell. Mitchell shared his own conversations with Nixon.

Also beneficial were my interviews of Ambassador John Davis Lodge who confirmed that his brother Henry Cabot Lodge, JFK’s Ambassador to Vietnam, had knowledge of the involvement of the CIA and Lyndon Johnson in JFK’s murder.  I also interviewed long time Nixon aide Nick Ruwe who probably spent more waking hours with “RN” than any other individual, as well as John P. Sears, whose insights into Nixon and his thinking were invaluable.

I also had the opportunity to talk to Governor Jesse Ventura who’s research confirmed the link between the Bay of Pigs, JFK’s assassination and the downfall of Nixon in Watergate.

Q: In his memoir Bob Haldeman speculated that when Nixon spoke of “the whole Bay of Pigs thing” he was actually referring to JFK’s assassination. Did Nixon ever use that phrase in your conversations?

RS: Nixon ran a covert CIA operation to assassinate Fidel Castro when he was Vice President. Some of the CIA operatives and assassins involved in these plans, altered but not canceled after JFK’s surprise election, ended up working for the CIA in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. These same men, E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were involved in the JFK assassination. They would surface again in Watergate.

It is important to recognize that in 1963 Nixon was completely out of power and considered politically washed up. Like LBJ, Nixon still burned to be President but he was considered finished. Nixon understood the connection between the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination and came to understand Johnson’s role in Kennedy’s murder. After his comeback election in 1968, Nixon demanded all CIA records on the JFK assassination seeking them for leverage and insurance.

In my book I make the case that Watergate, like the JFK assassination, was a coup d’etat a in which the CIA participated. Once CIA veteran James McCord was brought in on the Watergate burglary plan, the CIA knew what Nixon’s minions were up to. The Bay of Pigs, the JFK assassination and Watergate are thus inextriplicably linked.

Nixon’s effort to get the CIA to instruct the FBI to back off the Watergate investigation was a threat to expose the CIA involvement in the murder of JFK, which he knew grew out of the Bay of Pigs Invasion failure.

Q. When did you decide to write this book? And why?

RS: I have worked on this book for at least 10 years and have worked on it intensely for the last two years. I am greatly indebted to my researcher and co-writer, Mike Colapietro. Some will say that I have some partisan angle as my motive for writing this book. In fact, Republicans Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Earl Warren, Arlen Specter and John McCloy don’t come off well in the book. All play some role in the events of November 22, 1963.

Many people have asked me why I waited until now to write my book. When I told Mitchell I would write a book about the JFK assassination “someday,” he said, “on the 50th anniversary” and I agreed. I have honored that commitment.

Q. For some conservative commentators (I’m thinking Thom Mallon, James Swanson, and Gerald Ford), JFK conspiracy theories are a hobbyhorse that deluded leftists use to denigrate America and American power? Does your book denigrate America? 

The evidence of a conspiracy is so overwhelming now that the vast majority of Americans believe they have not been told the truth by the government about the JFK assassination. It is important to note that John F. Kennedy was murdered not just because of his plans to wind down the Vietnam War, his entreaties for better relations with the Soviets and his efforts to repeal the oil depletion allowance but also because of his double cross of the mob after their support in the 1960 election and concern by many at the Pentagon about JFK’s drug use. Kennedy was in fact hopped up on intravenously injected meth during the 1960 debates as well as the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK was no saint.

Q. I have always been personally skeptical about the “LBJ did it” theory because I don’t see much evidence that Johnson or his cronies knew about the existence of Lee Oswald, much less had contact with him or the ability to manipulate him. If LBJ organized the death of JFK what is your theory/evidence about who organized the patsy role for Oswald?

While Johnson was the primary mover of the assassination there is no doubt that the conspirators including the Dallas Police Department, the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office, both perhaps unwittingly as well as  the Secret Service and the FBI, as well as rogue elements of the CIA. The agency set Oswald up as a patsy when fingerprint evidence demonstrates conclusively that the shooter from the sixth story window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository building was in fact Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, a longtime LBJ henchman whose ties to Johnson are thoroughly established and documented in my book.

Interestingly, LBJ acknowledged to both his mistress, Madeline Brown and his Chief of Staff, Marvin Watson, that the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s murder — not exactly his Warren Commission’s conclusion. LBJ was facing political ruin and prosecution and jail for corruption when he insisted on JFK’s visiting Texas and when Gov. John Connally insisted on visiting the Trade Mart and on the motorcade through Dealy Plaza.

I also delve in the LBJ the man. He was a monster. Power hungry, crude, vulgar, abusive, sadistic,vicious and often drunk, this is a man who reveled in his aides’ discomfort by conducting meetings while sitting on the toilet defecating. He had at least three illegitimate dhildren, two of whom are still living. I tie LBJ to at least eight political murders in his ascent to political power and his quest for money. Johnson’s capacity for lying, cheating and crime knew no bounds, which is why Jacqueline Kennedy said, “I never liked Lyndon Johnson and I never trusted him” and why Robert Kennedy described him as “an animal.” LBJ was a murderer, and perhaps even a functional lunatic.

“The difference between me and LBJ  was, we both wanted to be President but I wouldn’t kill for it” Nixon told me in 1989.

Q. Correct me if I am wrong but I think you are the only White House employee since JFK’s death who has ever written a book about JFK’s death. Why do you think that is?

RS: I have been a participant in mainstream American politics for 40 years. I had unique access to a number of individuals who played pivotal roles in the entire drama. While I understand that many JFK assassination researchers believe the President was killed by “the establishment” or the “military – industrial complex,” which would include munitions manufacturers, defense contractors, Texas oil, the CIA, the FBI and numerous ambitious politicians. What these researchers don’t understand is that “the establishment” is not monolithic. Members of the establishment don’t necessarily move in concert. The establishment is racked with its own intramural contests, rivalries and struggles for political power. While it may be true that many establishment figures either knew about Kennedy’s murder in advance or at least acquiesced in it, they were not conspirators themselves. Because I have seen these struggles firsthand I believe I am uniquely qualified to write this book.

Q. When will your book reach stores and Amazon? 

My book will be in stores November 6, 2013. Amazon will ship pre-orders at that time. I will do a book signing at the Barnes and Noble in Dallas on November 22, 2013, as well as book signings in DC, Santa Monica and Ridgewood, New Jersey outside of New York City.

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Exclusive: Bilderberg 1966 Data Dump -- The War on Nationalism Exposed: All files in ZIP format (31.1 MB):

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    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E07 Government mind control

    Click to hear this week’s Power of Prophecy program by Texe Marrs FREE:

    (Order your personal copy of this powerful program in either Tape or CD)

    DOJ Files Prove President Kennedy fighting Zionists When Murdered

    Shocking DOJ Jewish Lobby case files released under a Freedom of Information Act show: President Kennedy & AG Robert Kennedy were fighting the Zionists When President Kennedy was Murdered.
    by Nicky Nelson

    These fascinating historical documents were released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing. I have in bold critical information just prior to President Kennedy’s murder; click on the date to see the original documents.

    Keep in mind the dates that President John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy were murdered while reading these historical documents regarding their efforts to get the nefarious Jewish Lobby in America registered as Foreign Agents as is required by law; AZC (American Zionist Counsil) / AIPAC (The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee).
    Instead of the Kennedy brothers accomplishing this critical goal, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC applied for a federal tax exemption in 1967 and the “Federal” Reserve’s criminal collection agency, the IRS aka the US Treasury Department grants it—backdated to 1953!!! Click here: 11/27/1967

    Congressman Donald Rumsfeld sent a letter to Robert F. Kennedy on behalf of the Zionists and status of AZC FARA registration on 07/15/1963. It appears Rumsfeld has been working on behalf of Israel and the Zionists his entire career and we know what a big help he was to Israel during 9/11 when 3,000 of our countrymen were burned alive in broad daylight.

    Donald Rumsfeld letter to Bobby Kennedy
    FARA – The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. Fd ARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.
    FARA Law Information
    22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq – United States Code
    Title 28 C.F.R. Part 5 – Judicial Administration
    President Kennedy
    These documents may be more relevant today than they were at the time of their creation. We must continue the fight to make these nefarious organizations register as foreign agents as is required by law in order to break the stranglehold Israel has on America and the world through U.S. Military force.
    (10/17/1963 – J. Walter Yeagley notes of DOJ AZC meeting attended by Nicholas Katzenbach. “Judge Rifkind then made a plea for no registration, stating it was the opinion of most of the persons affiliated with the Council that such registration would be so publicized by the American Council on Judaism that it would eventually destroy the Zionist movement…he did not believe his clients would file any papers or sign any papers indicating that the organization was an agent of a foreign principal. I told him that any such information or material that is supplied on that basis would be made part of the Department’s public files available for inspection by the public…”)
    About one month after this last correspondence ^ Kennedy was murdered, November 22, 1963. Zionism and the Jewish Lobby lived on… President Kennedy was now dead.
    See Christopher Bollyn’s “LBJ & the Zionist Cover-up of the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy”
    The article continues below…

    Bobby Kennedy

    DOJ orders the AZC to Register as a Foreign Agent

    “Attached hereto is the entire file relating to the American Zionist Council and our efforts to obtain its registration under the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act…

    Israeli Lobby Archives


    In the early 1960’s Israel funneled $5 million (more than $35 million in today’s dollars) into US propaganda and lobbying operations. The funds were channeled via the quasi governmental Jewish Agency‘s New York office into an Israel lobby umbrella group, the American Zionist Council. Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigations and hearings documented funding flows, propaganda, and public relations efforts and put them into the record. But the true fate of the American Zionist Council was never known, except that its major functions were visibly shut down and shifted over to a former AZC unit known as the “Kenen Committee,” called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC) in the late 1960’s. The following chronology provides links to images of original Department of Justice case files released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act filing.

    John F. Kennedy President, Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General

    * AZC (American Zionist Counsil)
    * AIPAC (The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee)
    Document/File Date Contents
    08/27/1962 AZC internal memo – Lenore Karp to Rabbi Jerome Unger about AZC Department of Public Information literature distribution.
    Undated 1962-1963 AZC Public Relations Plan summary
    10/31/1962 Assistant Attorney General and Director of the Internal Security Division J. Walter Yeagley notifies Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy we are soliciting next week the registration of the American Zionist Council under the Foreign Agents Registration Act...You may be aware that the American Zionist Council is composed of representatives of the various Zionist organizations in the United States including the Zionist Organization of America.
    11/06/1962 Nathan B. Lenvin, head of the FARA section, memo to central files, about a meeting with Jewish Agency representative Maurice M. Boukstein who asks about FARA applicability to AZC. “…in his view it was doubtful that any great protest would be made since in the discussions he has had with various officials connected both with the Zionist Council and the Jewish Agency he had made it clear in his view an agency relationship would result which may require registration.'”
    11/14/1962 Edwin Guthman letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach about future AZC FARA registration order. “I doubt very much there will be any fuss. I don’t think the American Zionist Council is in any position to do so…the Council has compromised its position.” OK’d by Robert F. Kennedy.
    11/21/1962 DOJ orders AZC to register under FARA “…receipt of such funds from the American Section of the Jewish Agency for Israel constitutes the Council an agent of a foreign principal…the Council’s registration is requested.”
    12/06/1962 AZC President Rabbi Irving Miller response to DOJ “The request for registration contained in your letter raises many questions of fact and of relationships which first must be resolved by us before compliance can be made. Therefore, it is requested that you be good enough to grant us a delay of 120 days…”
    Isaiah L. Kenen incorporates the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, DC
    DOJ draft file memo about 01/23/1963 DOJ meeting with AZC head legal counsel Simon H. Rifkind “…he had advised his client to discontinue completely the agency relationship and cut off the receipt of any additional funds…Mr. Lenvin pointed out specifically that the termination of the ‘activities’ on the part of AZC did not absolve it of its obligation to register…”
    01/25/1963 Article in the National Jewish Post, filed in FARA Section – “AZC Gives Up $ to Avoid Foreign Agent Registration”
    02/01/1963 DOJ Executive Assistant Thomas Hall memo to Nathan Lenvin updating meeting notes “Mr. Hall emphasized that a contrary conclusion would not of course be reached during the course of this meeting and suggested that the subject submit a detailed argument as to why it was of the opinion it should not be required to register….”
    02/08/1963 DOJ AZC January 23, 1963 meeting notes by Nathan Lenvin filed “discontinuance of receipt of such funds thus terminating the agency relationship did not absolve the Council of its obligation to register.”
    02/19/1963 American Council for Judaism (AJC) newsletter. “The American Zionist Council (coordinating political action arm of all U.S. Zionist organizations) was asked last month by the Justice Department to register as a ‘foreign agent’ of the State of Israel.”
    03/07/1963 New York Times reporter Tony Lewis calls FARA section to verify AZC foreign agent order state AJC press release.
    3/23/1963 AZC Counsel “Memorandum of Law in support of our position that the American Zionist Council is not required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.”
    04/01/1963 Nathan Lenvin file memo of DOJ AZC meeting on April 1, 1963- AZC Memorandum of Law rejected. “…if necessary I would be willing to recommend, if the representatives of the Council insisted upon these points, that the matter be litigated.”
    04/05/1963 Thomas Hall memo with J. Walter Yeagley notes “Okay, but let’s get it concluded. Have we sent them J.A. reg[istration] statement?”
    05/02/1963 Nathan Lenvin file memo of DOJ AZC meeting on May 2, 1963 “Finally, Judge Rifkind raised the point…that the vast number of Jews who adhered to the principles of Zionism could not understand how ‘our administration’ could do such harm to the Zionist movement and impair the effectiveness of the Council by insistence on registration. He appealed to the discretionary power of the Department…Mr. Katzenbach then noted that if the Council made a full disclosure of the receipt and expenditure of the funds it had received from the Jewish Agency so that such information would then be available for public inspection the purposes and objectives of the Registration Act might well be accomplished and very likely there would be nothing further for the Government to do…”
    05/23/1963 First Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Israeli Foreign Agents (Senate Records)
    06/28/1963 Wall Street Journal article “Federal lawyers near decision on whether to require the American Zionist Council to register as an agent of the Israeli government. High Justice Department officials weigh the risk of offending Jewish opinion in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Fulbright also eyes the council’s activities.”
    06/28/1963-07/26/1963 Citizen telegrams and letters urging FARA decision based on legal merits rather than political considerations.
    07/02/1963 Irene Bowman FARA section file memo on a June 28, 1963 DOJ AZC meeting, “Mr. Adrian W. DeWind and a Mr. Kahn (ph) of the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison …for the purpose of submitting for the Department’s examination a stack of publications and several books prepared by the American Zionist Council….Prior to Mr. DeWind’s departure he said he was disturbed by what he described as the speed with which the American Council on Judaism learned that the Department had solicited the registration of the American Zionist Council. He wondered whether there was a leak in the Department.”
    07/15/1963 Congressman Donald Rumsfeld letter to Robert F. Kennedy about status of AZC FARA registration.
    07/19/1963 Thomas K. Hall Memo to Deputy AG Katzenbach and J. Walter Yeagley on Wall Street Journal Article. Yeagley notes “I called Judge Rifkind Thursday July 18. He said he thought the material had been submitted and was ’embarrassed.’ Fri[day] someone else from the firm called asking for still another 2 or 3 weeks as their controller or someone is in Europe.”
    07/19/1963 J. Walter Yeagley responds to Rumsfeld “ultimate determination will be based on the law as applied to the facts…not on any consideration of its effect on the public opinion of the Jewish community…”
    07/26/1963 American Council for Judaism Letter to RFK about AZC FARA registration “I am enclosing latest issue of our newsletter, Brief, featuring our comments on the Department of Justice investigation of the American Zionist Council…”
    07/26/1963 Theresa Green FARA memo about AZC phone call request for two week filing deadline extension.
    7/30/1963 Routing memo from Deputy AG Nicholas Katzenbach to J. Walter Yeagley “I guess this is the correct response. Rifkind should be needled, but much depends on Fulbright, too.”
    8/1/1963 Second Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings on Israeli Foreign Agents (Senate Records)
    08/14/1963 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover offers J. Walter Yeagley FBI assistance to investigate the AZC “In view of recent public hearings…it is requested that you advise whether any investigation is desired….”
    8/14/1963 J. Walter Yeagley response to 7/30/1963 Katzenbach routing memo (copy from above) “Mr. Hall – is it time to write Rifkind—or send memo to A.G. or send in FBI?”
    08/15/1963 Thomas K. Hall internal FARA memo about AZC legal counsel “stalling hoping that time will resolve the difficulties faced by the AZC…We should go on record with the AG (copy to deputy) outlining the posture of this matter and indicate the need for more drastic action…
    8/16/1963 Irene Bowman, FARA section analysis on alleged AZC FARA violations derived from Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings. “…the Department should insist on the immediate registration of the American Zionist Council under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and if such registration is not forthcoming, appropriate action should be taken to enforce such a request.”
    08/17/1963 AZC Executive Director Rabbi Jerome Unger letter and filing to FARA Section “Enclosed wherewith are the two reports of Income and Expenditures of the American Zionist Council…”
    08/20/1963 Nathan Lenvin query asking if Irene Bowman would accept as FARA registration, Bowman: “Absolutely not!”
    08/22/1963 J. Walter Yeagley memo to Nicholas Katzenbach: “There is also attached a proposed letter from me to Judge Rifkind requesting a registration to be filed within ten days.”
    08/23/1963 J. Walter Yeagley to FBI Director “..registration was originally solicited by letter dated November 21, 1962…Pending a determination as to whether further letter should be written insisting on registration no investigation will be required. You will be kept advised of developments in this matter.”
    10/11/1963 DOJ Demand for AZC Registration “the Department expects a response from you within 72 hours with regard to this matter.”
    10/17/1963 J. Walter Yeagley notes of DOJ AZC meeting attended by Nicholas Katzenbach. “Judge Rifkind then made a plea for no registration, stating it was the opinion of most of the persons affiliated with the Council that such registration would be so publicized by the American Council on Judaism that it would eventually destroy the Zionist movement…he did not believe his clients would file any papers or sign any papers indicating that the organization was an agent of a foreign principal. I told him that any such information or material that is supplied on that basis would be made part of the Department’s public files available for inspection by the public…”

    President Kennedy was murdered one month after this last entry on November 22, 1963, during he and his brother’s struggle to get the Jewish Lobby to register as foreign agents as is required by law.

    It’s hard to imagine that the President of the United States and the Attorney General were unable to accomplish this critical goal given their authority and positions of power.
    Ltr AZC Destroy the Zionist Movement

    In addition, President Kennedy had recently signed Executive Order 11110 to stop the Jewish Banker’s “Federal” Reserve:

    On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order.
    In simple terms, it is still valid. When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy – the author of Profiles in Courage -signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency -money – without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated.
    It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America. “United States Notes” were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a “Federal Reserve Note” issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a “United States Note” from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy’s Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says “Federal Reserve Note” on the top while the other says “United States Note”. Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number. President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of the nation. According to the United States Secret Service, 99% of all U.S. paper “currency” circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes. Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes.
    This is a very simple matter of economics. The USN was backed by silver and the FRN was not backed by anything of intrinsic value. Executive Order 11110 should have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level…(Excerpts from John P. Curran’s JFK vs The Federal Reserve)

    “Final Judgment” by Michael Collins Piper is a MUST READ recommended by Jim Condit Jr. You can read this fascinating well-documented book for free by clicking on the photo below, or you can purchase your own copy.
    PDF provided by American Free Press

    Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper Cover
    Michael Collins Piper Final Judgment
    Another book recommended by Jim Condit Jr. is “There’s a Fish in the Courtroom” by Gary L. Wean. Copies of this controversial book run between $107 -$632 on Amazon. Click the photo for more information:
    Theres a Fish in the Courthouse by Gary Wean
    Kennedy was also going to put an end to the traitorous CIA and stated he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (3) 

    (In late April 1961, over fourteen hundred members of the Cuban Expeditionary Forces landed at the Bay of Pigs, in Cuba. Their mission was to overthrow the communist regime of Cuban President Fidel Castro. The mission was a striking failure. Almost immediately it became known that the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) trained the “freedom fighters:” Cubans trained to overthrow the Castro regime. American President John F. Kennedy had approved the mission. President Kennedy soon after the failure spoke at a meeting of the American Association of Newspaper Editors and assumed all blame for the failed invasion. His staff then began leaking information to reporters, blaming the failure on anyone except the administration. (1)President Kennedy was quoted as saying, “How could I have been so stupid?” to trust the groups who were advising him, such as the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). (2) Even more damning to the CIA was a reputed quote by President Kennedy that he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (3) ) Source:

    Lyndon B. Johnson President, 

    Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General

    12/11/1963 AZC Counsel to DOJ “…our client is not prepared to register as an agent of a foreign government. It has, however, no reluctance to make this information available voluntarily…”
    01/02/1964 Deputy AG Katzenbach asks DOJ FARA section to prepare a “reply for his signature in a friendly rather than a hostile tone…to the effect that the material he submitted is not satisfactory…”
    01/10/1964 Deputy AG Katzenbach letter to AZC counsel “The material you submitted is much less useful than what I had expected you were going to submit and of course there is no disclosure unless the data is available for public inspection.”
    01/16/1964 AZC counsel Rifkind to Katzenbach “I shall try to accommodate my trip to Washington to some occasion when I am there on other business..”
    02/03/1964 Nathan Lenvin meetings with AZC counsel Rifkind “Judge Rifkind opened the meeting by showing me a pamphlet distributed by the American Council for Judaism which contained charges that Zionists were acting as propaganda agents for the State of Israel…he was concerned that any disclosure which were being made should not be such as to substantiate these charges made by the American Council [for Judaism]… Mr. Rothenberg made one caviat, that they would have to be sure anything they submitted would not ultimately prejudice the organization in the eyes of the public.”
    02/10/1964 Ed Guthman Letter to J. Walter Yeagley “I don’t see how we can accept a caveat that an organization won’t submit information that might prejudice it publicly.”
    02/10/1964 J. Walter Yeagley letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg “the Department is not concerned with the Council’s expenditures in connection with exempt activities such as Hebrew education and culture but requests that the Council submit a statement detailing its other expenditures and particularly those under the category of the Department of Information and Public Relations…”
    02/12/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg acknowledgement “I acknowledge receipt of your letter…”
    03/16/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Lenvin – “You are familiar, I know, with the agreement reached between Judge Rifkind and Mr. Katzenbach, in the presence of Mr. Yeagley, with regard to additional information to be furnished your Section. Such agreement was reached, as I understand it, in the realization by Mr. Katzenbach that with the present size of the staff of the Council it would be indeed burdensome to furnish your department with itemization of expenses of the past two years. A sample itemization was therefore forwarded to you for a period of approximately three months.”
    03/16/1964 James Weldon FARA letter to Rothenberg “it is requested you advise of your progress in this matter”.
    04/28/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Weldon “Reference is made to my letter of March 16 addressed to Mr. Nathan B. Lenvin.”
    04/30/1964 Assistant AG Yeagley note to Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach “This is the most blatant stall we have encountered. Do you mind suggesting what we do next because all of us here would call their records before a grand jury.”
    05/4/1964 Assistant AG Yeagley note to Katzenbach forwarding 3/16/1964 Rothenberg inquiry “Here is tickler from Rothenberg about his March 16 letter on the American Zionist Council. Do you want me to do something on this?”

    Lyndon B. Johnson President, Nicholas Katzenbach acting Attorney General

    10/07/1964 Acting AG Katzenbach letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg “While we have endeavored to make our requests as reasonable as possible, we cannot accept your suggestion since the information offered is not in compliance with the Act or what we thought our understanding was with Judge Rifkind.”
    10/20/1964 Irene Bowman FARA section review of AZC filing for 1962 and 1962 – “sample itemization deemed deficient.”
    10/30/1964 Nathan Lenvin notes October 22, 1964 DOJ-AZC meeting – “Mr. Katzenbach had to excuse himself shortly after the meeting commenced because of urgent business elsewhere, but before he left he made clear to Mr. Rothenberg that, in response to the latter’s assertion that to submit all of the financial information we had previously requested for a two- to two-and-a-half year period would be a great burden on the subject, we would accept a statement as to a typical three month expenditure projected for the entire period concerned.” Assistant AG Yeagley notes “They are to include the names for confid[ential] info of the Dept.—not for public file.”
    11/04/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter “Pursuant to understanding reached at our meeting…I write to give you an outline of the information to be submitted.”
    11/09/1964 Nathan Lenvin FARA section cover memo to Bowman “looks okay to me, please prepare a reply”
    11/18/1964 J. Walter Yeagley letter to AZC counsel Rothenberg “Your proposed outline of the information to be contained in the report appears to be in accordance with our understanding.”
    11/23/1964 AZC counsel Rothenberg letter to Nathan Lenvin, FARA section – “In accordance with our understanding I have asked the American Zionist Council to proceed with the preparation of the report.”
    01/19/1965 Irene Bowman FARA section memo to Nathan Lenvin – “To date to my knowledge no such report has been submitted.”

    Lyndon B. Johnson President, 

    Nicholas Katzenbach Attorney General

    02/25/1965 Nathan Lenvin FARA memo to files – “The delay, according to Mr. Rothenberg, was caused by the inability of the subject to collect all of the information we wanted in the detail it was indicated…”
    Harry A. Steinberg, Executive Director AZC cover letter and filing to FARA section “There is also enclosed herewith, in duplicate, a listing of persons who have received funds as shown in the record of disbursements. Mr. Rothenberg has requested of you that this listing be kept separate and apart from the record of disbursements in any public files in your Section.”
    03/02/1965 AZC FARA section filing for April 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962 (public)
    03/02/1965 AZC FARA section filing for April 1, 1962 to June 30, 1962 (non-public)
    03/23/1965 Irene Bowman, FARA memo that AZC filing is in “substantial compliance” Irene Bowman handwritten note “I agree with the conclusion that the material be accepted and put into form for public examination.”
    03/24/1965 Irene Bowman, FARA retraction and list of AZC filing inadequacies “While it appears possible to make up a registration statement from documents furnished by a prospective registrant, these documents should furnish all of the information required by the Act to be stated in a registration statement. The above material, none of which is executed under oath, fails to provide the following information which is material for the purpose of the Act…:”
    03/31/1965 Nathan Lenvin file transfer to J. Walter Yeagley – “Attached hereto is the entire file relating to the American Zionist Council and our efforts to obtain its registration under the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act…In her memorandum to Files, Mrs. Bowman points out certain lacunae, which fail to establish all of this material as meeting all of the requirements for registration…we were well aware that no full and complete registration statement in the ordinary sense would ever be received…only alternative to a refusal to accept what has been submitted as compliance with the Act would be to institute prosecutive proceedings, which would be impractical…no useful purpose would be served by including these names in the material which would be made available for public inspection.”
    4/08/1965 Nathan Lenvin instruction memo to Ulda Eldred, FARA section “The material filed by the American Zionist Council (AZC) was filed in accordance with an understanding between the Department and the AZC…If you should receive inquiries as to whether the AZC is registered under the Act, you should respond in the negative. You should advise, however, that the AZC has filed information with this Section which is available for public examination.
    05/17/1965 Nathan Lenvin / J. Walter Yeagley notice to files – “…material of the AZC was placed in an expandable portfolio to distinguish it in appearance from the registration statements which are filed in manila folders. In the event Mrs. Eldred receives inquiries as to whether the AZC is registered under the Act, she has been instructed to respond in the negative.”
    05/14/1965 J. Walter Yeagley Yeagley requests closure of AZC case at the FBI “the material does not comprise a registration statement but does supply basic information regarding the activities of the AZC financed in part by the Jewish Agency…”
    05/20/1965 Nathan Lenvin to J. Walter Yeagley on special handling/case closure – Yeagley handwritten note OK. This seems to be what attorney Gen[eral] Kennedy and the then Dep[uty] AG Katzenbach had in mind.”
    06/22/1965 05/17/1965 New York Times article: AZC convenes a major meeting at Jewish Agency New York headquarters “revising its program to strengthen every phase of Jewish religious and cultural life in this country….there should be no appeasement at the expense of Israel.” FARA section file copy, reviewed by DOJ officials.
    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC applies for a federal tax exemption. The US Treasury Department grants it—backdated to 1953.
    Documentation Source: The Israel Lobby Archive –
    For constantly updated content,
    Congress is powerfully controlled by the organized Jewish Lobby through such organizations as The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-defamation League (ADL), who happens to be funding the training of our out-of-control Law Enforcement Officials in Israel. Click on photo to read more.

    The Real Scoop on Ferguson

    According to former Congressman Jim Traficant, who ended up doing nearly 8-years in prison for going up against the Jewish Lobby, both the Congress and the Senate; both houses are powerfully controlled by AIPAC, in fact he said they were “owned” by them.
    The Hon. Jim Traficant passed away after a freak accident on his family farm in 2014 during the launch of Project Freedom USA which meant to do away with the “Federal” Reserve and their criminal collection agency, the IRS. Jim Condit Jr. was running against Speaker of the House, John Boehner, at the time and had been working and traveling with Traficant the last 6-months of his life helping him with this project. We carry on with Target Freedom USA in his memory.
    He was one of the last honest and freedom loving Americans to serve in Congress. Jim was one of the few to speak out about Israel’s stranglehold on American politics. The world has lost a great and courageous man. (2014) RIP – Jim Condit Jr.

    “As stated by the late, former Congressman Jim Traficant, former Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan, former Senator Friz Hollins, and former Congressman Paul Findley, Congress is powerfully controlled by the organized Jewish Lobby through such organizations as AIPAC (The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee). Congressmen and women must be nominated and elected who will throw off this foreign control of our nation.

    Republican Paul Findley Dares to Speak Out Again – AIPAC exposed!

    Former Congressman paul Findley was a Congressman from Illinois who talks for 1 hours about how AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) controls the US Congress, State Legislators, and City Councilman, — in conjunction with their fellow operatives for the organized Jewish Lobby in the Big Media.” – Jim Condit Jr

    A Dire Plea to the Media and Chilling Warning to Americans from President John F. Kennedy before he died.
    Don’t think the Zionists could take over the U.S. and keep it out of the Zionist controlled media? Listen to this alarming speech.

    “…The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

    But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of “clear and present danger,” the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public’s need for national security.

    Today no war has been declared–and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.

    If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

    It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

    Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

    Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security–and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.

    For the facts of the matter are that this nation’s foes have openly boasted of acquiring through our newspapers information they would otherwise hire agents to acquire through theft, bribery or espionage; that details of this nation’s covert preparations to counter the enemy’s covert operations have been available to every newspaper reader, friend and foe alike; that the size, the strength, the location and the nature of our forces and weapons, and our plans and strategy for their use, have all been pinpointed in the press and other news media to a degree sufficient to satisfy any foreign power; and that, in at least in one case, the publication of details concerning a secret mechanism whereby satellites were followed required its alteration at the expense of considerable time and money.

    The newspapers which printed these stories were loyal, patriotic, responsible and well-meaning. Had we been engaged in open warfare, they undoubtedly would not have published such items. But in the absence of open warfare, they recognized only the tests of journalism and not the tests of national security. And my question tonight is whether additional tests should not now be adopted.

    The question is for you alone to answer. No public official should answer it for you. No governmental plan should impose its restraints against your will. But I would be failing in my duty to the nation, in considering all of the responsibilities that we now bear and all of the means at hand to meet those responsibilities, if I did not commend this problem to your attention, and urge its thoughtful consideration.

    On many earlier occasions, I have said–and your newspapers have constantly said–that these are times that appeal to every citizen’s sense of sacrifice and self-discipline. They call out to every citizen to weigh his rights and comforts against his obligations to the common good. I cannot now believe that those citizens who serve in the newspaper business consider themselves exempt from that appeal.

    I have no intention of establishing a new Office of War Information to govern the flow of news. I am not suggesting any new forms of censorship or any new types of security classifications. I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed, and would not seek to impose it if I had one. But I am asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country to reexamine their own responsibilities, to consider the degree and the nature of the present danger, and to heed the duty of self-restraint which that danger imposes upon us all.

    Every newspaper now asks itself, with respect to every story: “Is it news?” All I suggest is that you add the question: “Is it in the interest of the national security?” And I hope that every group in America–unions and businessmen and public officials at every level– will ask the same question of their endeavors, and subject their actions to the same exacting tests.

    And should the press of America consider and recommend the voluntary assumption of specific new steps or machinery, I can assure you that we will cooperate whole-heartedly with those recommendations.

    Perhaps there will be no recommendations. Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace, any discussion of this subject, and any action that results, are both painful and without precedent. But this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.

    – II

    It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation–an obligation which I share. And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people–to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well–the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face…”

    For the entire transcript from the Presidential Library:
    So what are the possible repercussions of the Kennedy’s not being able to get the Zionists and Jews to register as foreign agents? How powerful have the Zionists become? What do the Zionist/Jews/Dual-US-Israeli Citizens own and control?
    Nearly all major media (96%) and global means of communicating. Banking and finance are controlled at every corner and the Rothschild Zionist’s Crowning Jewel? The Not-So-Federal “Federal” Reserve that has been destroying America and the world around us since 1913 along with their Criminal Collection Agency the IRS that same year, and the creation of the Anti-defamation League in 1913 to protect the Jewish bankers that had taken over America.
    Related article:


    Brother Nathanael presents his 4 Point Plan to deal with AIPAC’s stranglehold.

    The ADL – The Anti-Defamation League
    ADL History

    The Rothschilds (German Jews) had more money than governments and didn’t want it confiscated, they needed a safe haven to protect their wealth. The Rockefellers and Rothschild Zionists set up their “Federal” Reserve in 1913 along with their criminal collection agency the IRS. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 showing the intent to make a “Jewish” state in Palestine, against the Torah.

    (“…United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…”)
    Then the Rothschild and Rockefeller families create the UN and about 1948 take over Palestine using their alliance with the British and the UN; Party A (Britain) gives Party B’s property (Palestine) to Party C (Rothschild’s Zionist Israel). Israel is the head of the snake and the “Federal” Reserve. – Nicky Nelson
    Federal Reserve Graphic
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    USS Liberty 3
    Health Freedom Target Freedom USA Article Button
    Source: Target Freedom USA

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
Target Traficant

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination
Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
While Stone referenced—in passing—Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.
Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Phillipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.
Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Phillipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection which heretofore has remained unknown except to those who explored Phillipps’s website.
Today, AMERICAN FREE PRESS becomes the first publication to report Phillipps’s findings.
Although Bloomfield (who died in 1984) donated his papers to the archives contingent upon them being kept under wraps until 20 years after his death, Bloomfield’s widow sought to extend the restriction until 25 years after her death. This prompted Phillipps to file suit, the result of which was that in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released.
Documents indicate Bloomfield was so close to Rothschild that he (Bloomfield) incorporated (in Canada)—and was a shareholder of—Tri Continental Pipe Line Ltd. (described by Phillipps as “a major Rothschild company”) to which Israel granted a 49-year exclusive right on use of a 16-inch pipeline between the Red Sea and Haifa in Israel.
The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman—the head of the World Jewish Congress, with whom Bloomfield was also closely associated—were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program. According to Israeli author Michael Karpin, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to those donors as “consecrators,” suggesting, as Karpin noted, “in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, the nuclear project was holy.”
While Phillipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.
Phillipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.
In this same realm, Phillipps has uncovered documents indicating that, in Bloomfield’s words, “the guiding genius” behind Permindex was Rome-based Giorgio Mantello—born George Mandel, a Romanian Jew—whom Bloomfield described as a “33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles.”
Mantello was clearly no Nazi. In 1989, then-United States Representative Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—a Jewish leader in Congress—introduced a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Mantello, describing him as “truly one of the great unsung heroes of the World War II era . . . one of the most outstanding examples we have of a single individual . . . mobilizing the world against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.”
Declaring Mantello “saved nearly 30,000 Jews from almost certain death in the Holocaust, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more,” Schumer hailed him as responsible for disclosing the “Auschwitz Protocol,” vaunted as the first publicized claim of mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz labor camp in Poland.
(That the Auschwitz Protocol was a fraud has been proven by a host of historians whose writings are available from THE BARNES REVIEW.)
Schumer also said, “Mantello was extremely useful to both the American and British intelligence services . . . [having] slipped millions of dollars of Swiss technical instruments that were necessary for the war effort out of Axis-surrounded Switzerland and into Allied hands.”
How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in association with the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.
Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison—the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community—were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.
Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.
The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro- Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.
So Shaw’s Rothschild—and Mossad—connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.
All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.
A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds—the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva—was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”
BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.
In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”
We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”
The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan—listed as “executive producer”—was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics—operating in the Rothschild sphere—Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.
Although Milchan—partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza—paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200K for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.
Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman—a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen—says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel Garrison had written which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”
Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.
And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.
- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
Target Traficant

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination
Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
While Stone referenced—in passing—Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.
Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Phillipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.
Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Phillipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection which heretofore has remained unknown except to those who explored Phillipps’s website.
Today, AMERICAN FREE PRESS becomes the first publication to report Phillipps’s findings.
Although Bloomfield (who died in 1984) donated his papers to the archives contingent upon them being kept under wraps until 20 years after his death, Bloomfield’s widow sought to extend the restriction until 25 years after her death. This prompted Phillipps to file suit, the result of which was that in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released.
Documents indicate Bloomfield was so close to Rothschild that he (Bloomfield) incorporated (in Canada)—and was a shareholder of—Tri Continental Pipe Line Ltd. (described by Phillipps as “a major Rothschild company”) to which Israel granted a 49-year exclusive right on use of a 16-inch pipeline between the Red Sea and Haifa in Israel.
The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman—the head of the World Jewish Congress, with whom Bloomfield was also closely associated—were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program. According to Israeli author Michael Karpin, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to those donors as “consecrators,” suggesting, as Karpin noted, “in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, the nuclear project was holy.”
While Phillipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.
Phillipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.
In this same realm, Phillipps has uncovered documents indicating that, in Bloomfield’s words, “the guiding genius” behind Permindex was Rome-based Giorgio Mantello—born George Mandel, a Romanian Jew—whom Bloomfield described as a “33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles.”
Mantello was clearly no Nazi. In 1989, then-United States Representative Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—a Jewish leader in Congress—introduced a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Mantello, describing him as “truly one of the great unsung heroes of the World War II era . . . one of the most outstanding examples we have of a single individual . . . mobilizing the world against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.”
Declaring Mantello “saved nearly 30,000 Jews from almost certain death in the Holocaust, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more,” Schumer hailed him as responsible for disclosing the “Auschwitz Protocol,” vaunted as the first publicized claim of mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz labor camp in Poland.
(That the Auschwitz Protocol was a fraud has been proven by a host of historians whose writings are available from THE BARNES REVIEW.)
Schumer also said, “Mantello was extremely useful to both the American and British intelligence services . . . [having] slipped millions of dollars of Swiss technical instruments that were necessary for the war effort out of Axis-surrounded Switzerland and into Allied hands.”
How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in association with the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.
Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison—the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community—were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.
Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.
The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro- Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.
So Shaw’s Rothschild—and Mossad—connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.
All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.
A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds—the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva—was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”
BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.
In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”
We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”
The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan—listed as “executive producer”—was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics—operating in the Rothschild sphere—Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.
Although Milchan—partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza—paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200K for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.
Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman—a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen—says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel Garrison had written which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”
Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.
And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.
Michael Collins Piper
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.
- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
Target Traficant

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination
Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
While Stone referenced—in passing—Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.
Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Phillipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.
Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Phillipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection which heretofore has remained unknown except to those who explored Phillipps’s website.
Today, AMERICAN FREE PRESS becomes the first publication to report Phillipps’s findings.
Although Bloomfield (who died in 1984) donated his papers to the archives contingent upon them being kept under wraps until 20 years after his death, Bloomfield’s widow sought to extend the restriction until 25 years after her death. This prompted Phillipps to file suit, the result of which was that in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released.
Documents indicate Bloomfield was so close to Rothschild that he (Bloomfield) incorporated (in Canada)—and was a shareholder of—Tri Continental Pipe Line Ltd. (described by Phillipps as “a major Rothschild company”) to which Israel granted a 49-year exclusive right on use of a 16-inch pipeline between the Red Sea and Haifa in Israel.
The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman—the head of the World Jewish Congress, with whom Bloomfield was also closely associated—were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program. According to Israeli author Michael Karpin, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to those donors as “consecrators,” suggesting, as Karpin noted, “in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, the nuclear project was holy.”
While Phillipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.
Phillipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.
In this same realm, Phillipps has uncovered documents indicating that, in Bloomfield’s words, “the guiding genius” behind Permindex was Rome-based Giorgio Mantello—born George Mandel, a Romanian Jew—whom Bloomfield described as a “33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles.”
Mantello was clearly no Nazi. In 1989, then-United States Representative Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—a Jewish leader in Congress—introduced a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Mantello, describing him as “truly one of the great unsung heroes of the World War II era . . . one of the most outstanding examples we have of a single individual . . . mobilizing the world against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.”
Declaring Mantello “saved nearly 30,000 Jews from almost certain death in the Holocaust, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more,” Schumer hailed him as responsible for disclosing the “Auschwitz Protocol,” vaunted as the first publicized claim of mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz labor camp in Poland.
(That the Auschwitz Protocol was a fraud has been proven by a host of historians whose writings are available from THE BARNES REVIEW.)
Schumer also said, “Mantello was extremely useful to both the American and British intelligence services . . . [having] slipped millions of dollars of Swiss technical instruments that were necessary for the war effort out of Axis-surrounded Switzerland and into Allied hands.”
How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in association with the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.
Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison—the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community—were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.
Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.
The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro- Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.
So Shaw’s Rothschild—and Mossad—connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.
All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.
A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds—the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva—was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”
BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.
In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”
We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”
The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan—listed as “executive producer”—was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics—operating in the Rothschild sphere—Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.
Although Milchan—partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza—paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200K for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.
Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman—a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen—says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel Garrison had written which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”
Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.
And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.
Michael Collins Piper
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.

- See more at:

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators
By Michael Collins Piper
Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John F. Kennedy assassination on its 50th anniversary are suspiciously ignoring the very real Rothschild connection to the JFK conspiracy.
Right now the big push is to pin blame for the assassination on former Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The “LBJ Killed JFK” theme is rampant, even in the self-styled “alternative” media.
However, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is pleased to be the first publication ever to report on the findings of Maurice Phillipps—an otherwise unheralded researcher —who uncovered the never-before-revealed Rothschild banking dynasty connection to a key player linked to the JFK conspiracy.


Here’s the story, one which should force JFK researchers—at least the honest ones—to take a whole new look at the death of the president.
Today, although the JFK assassination is the focus of a media frenzy, many writers avoid delving into (or even mentioning) New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful 1969 prosecution of trade executive Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK conspiracy, knowing Garrison had turned up leads pointing in some uncomfortable and controversial directions.
In fact, when Garrison launched his investigation of Shaw he had unwittingly unearthed the “Rothschild connection” to the JFK conspiracy, although Garrison himself apparently didn’t realize it at first. This explains why there was such a concerted effort—coming from the highest levels—to derail and destroy the hard-driving prosecutor.
While many first heard of Garrison’s prosecution of Shaw through Oliver Stone’s film “JFK”—which presented the JFK conspiracy as the work of LBJ and the military brass, aided by rogue Central Intelligence Agency operatives—there was much more that Stone left out.
Below, AFP provides an annotated overview of the astounding revelations by Canadian writer Phillipps whose work has heretofore been suppressed. Although Phillipps’s book, De Dallas a Montreal, is available only in French, Phillipps has written in English of his research on his well-documented website.
Once you learn of what Phillipps has uncovered, you’ll understand why so many truth seekers are so determined to suppress his findings.
Target Traficant

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

• Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination
Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
While Stone referenced—in passing—Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.
Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Phillipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.
Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Phillipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection which heretofore has remained unknown except to those who explored Phillipps’s website.
Today, AMERICAN FREE PRESS becomes the first publication to report Phillipps’s findings.
Although Bloomfield (who died in 1984) donated his papers to the archives contingent upon them being kept under wraps until 20 years after his death, Bloomfield’s widow sought to extend the restriction until 25 years after her death. This prompted Phillipps to file suit, the result of which was that in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released.
Documents indicate Bloomfield was so close to Rothschild that he (Bloomfield) incorporated (in Canada)—and was a shareholder of—Tri Continental Pipe Line Ltd. (described by Phillipps as “a major Rothschild company”) to which Israel granted a 49-year exclusive right on use of a 16-inch pipeline between the Red Sea and Haifa in Israel.
The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman—the head of the World Jewish Congress, with whom Bloomfield was also closely associated—were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program. According to Israeli author Michael Karpin, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to those donors as “consecrators,” suggesting, as Karpin noted, “in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, the nuclear project was holy.”
While Phillipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.
Phillipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.
In this same realm, Phillipps has uncovered documents indicating that, in Bloomfield’s words, “the guiding genius” behind Permindex was Rome-based Giorgio Mantello—born George Mandel, a Romanian Jew—whom Bloomfield described as a “33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles.”
Mantello was clearly no Nazi. In 1989, then-United States Representative Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—a Jewish leader in Congress—introduced a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Mantello, describing him as “truly one of the great unsung heroes of the World War II era . . . one of the most outstanding examples we have of a single individual . . . mobilizing the world against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.”
Declaring Mantello “saved nearly 30,000 Jews from almost certain death in the Holocaust, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more,” Schumer hailed him as responsible for disclosing the “Auschwitz Protocol,” vaunted as the first publicized claim of mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz labor camp in Poland.
(That the Auschwitz Protocol was a fraud has been proven by a host of historians whose writings are available from THE BARNES REVIEW.)
Schumer also said, “Mantello was extremely useful to both the American and British intelligence services . . . [having] slipped millions of dollars of Swiss technical instruments that were necessary for the war effort out of Axis-surrounded Switzerland and into Allied hands.”
How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in association with the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.
Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison—the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community—were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.
Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.
The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro- Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.
So Shaw’s Rothschild—and Mossad—connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.
All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.
A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds—the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva—was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”
BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.
In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”
We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”
The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan—listed as “executive producer”—was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics—operating in the Rothschild sphere—Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.
Although Milchan—partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza—paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200K for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.
Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman—a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen—says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel Garrison had written which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”
Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.
And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.
Michael Collins Piper
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.

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    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    December 10, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    During his interview with Russian Television, why did Roger Stone not mention a single word about

    1. The American Zionist Council (the Jewish Lobby that received an order from US Attorney Robert Kennedy to register as a Foreign Agency because it was bribing US politicians and which after the murder very conveniently changed its name to AIPAC?
    2. Israel or MOSSAD?
    3. LBJ’s mistress being Jewish (at least one of them)?


  2. Many US Americans woke up in the sixties to US-Israeli treachery, but not enough to make a difference. Even today we have great talkers and practically no doers! They are for the most part pacifist adepts of two perverts, M.K. Gandhi and Michael King (MLK)! While I totally agree with what Ralph Lopez had described as quoted in the above picture, some crucial facts are missing unless I am proven wrong.

    NSA surveillance planes were all the time (or one plane) flying over the USS Liberty monitoring (and filming by satellite or otherwise, why not?) the Israeli attacks and reporting to both the US and Israeli military because the Israeli attacks were a joint US-Israeli plan and US military were present at the Israeli military head quarters during the attacks. Maybe they were just there drinking Coca-Cola!

    British journalist Alan Hart lied or covered the truth up about his presence in the Sinai with an Israeli General before or while the attacks were going on. Note that he was not with an Arab military General! I was in Moscow in 1967 when I learned of the joint US-Israeli operation with Russian complicity.

    I challenged Hart many times but he runs away all the time. I even challenged Phil Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor, but he refused to answer my questions and asked me to read his book instead!

    I am still waiting for Alan Hart or any other independent investigative journalist (not the Corporate whores!) to tell us what happened to the 100 or so journalists who had already assembled on one of the Six Fleet warships ready to document the Nuclear attack on Cairo!

    I even fully documented the lies or cover up of even the Captain of the USS Liberty! He knew the truth!

    But, I never found anybody - not a single soul - to prove me wrong about certain statements I made or questions I posed regarding this matter. There are things I knew for decades about US American foreign policy that most Americans did not, do not and even refuse to know up to this very day, namely the millions of Christian zealots and fanatics who serve two masters, Jesus and Caesar, Caesar (Israel and the Illuminati) being the greater, of course!

    Was the USS Liberty not saved from total destruction by the sudden appearance on the scene of a Soviet battleship (one or more)? Was it not a Soviet ship that escorted the USS Liberty to safety after it was abandoned by the US-Israeli military! Or did I dream of all this?

