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a crime was committed a crime considered
so serious that for its commission the
death penalty is mandatory and no
statute of limitation
applies if the crime had been committed
intentionally and was not the result of
carelessness then the circumstances
warranted a finding of high treason with
the mandatory death penalty and
exhaustive investigation may even at
this late date uncover elements in or
out of government who Abed the original
Act of
treason on March 21st 1980 FBI agents of
the Pittsburgh field office interviewed
in his home a former employee of the
nuclear materials and Equipment
Corporation more specifically the
unnamed interviewee worked at the
company's facility in Apollo
Pennsylvania a manufacturing plant for
Uranium fuel for nuclear
reactors recalling one night working
overtime in the spring of
1965 the interviewee related that when
he entered the loading dock area on this
particular evening he noticed a flatbed
truck backed up to the loading dock with
some strange equipment on it he advised
he then noticed the new Mech owner Dr
zman Shapiro pacing around the loading
dock while shipping and receiving
foreman and newc truck driver were
loading stove pipes that normally are
used to store High enriched uranium
products which he defined as 95 %
uranium bright polished aluminum
canisters with yellow labels containing
typewritten information and nuclear fan
symbols the interviewee citing his
Natural Curiosity stated he observed
another man lay his clipboard down on
the empty drum located on the dock
whereupon he proceeded to read the
information contained on the shipping
order he said he noticed that the
destination for the equipment on the
truck was Israel and that it was to be
transported by ship after he had quickly
read the information contained on the
shipping order the man grabbed the
clipboard away from him telling him in
words to the effect that the material
contained in the shipping order was
confidential and not for his eyes he
advised that shortly thereafter an armed
guard ordered him off the loading
dock he advised he had not come forward
before because he had a large family to
support and the day following the
incident the plant Personnel manager of
newc threatened to fire him if he quote
did not keep his mouth shut concerning
what he had seen on the loading dock the
night before he further advised he
mentioned the threat he received from
the Personnel manager to his Union
steward whereupon he claims he was
visited by quote some Union goons and
again told to keep his mouth
shut hi my name is gdf and you can
probably tell by the direction that this
video is going in that I'm not very
Advertiser friendly for that reason I
rely completely on my patrons
subscribers and
donations Dr zman morai Shapiro that man
pacing around the loading dock had at
one time been a chemist with the atomic
energy commission and in 1957 he became
a founder of
numac he was also the subject of 51 FBI
reports 41 of which were classified
secret and in November of 196
the FBI began physical surveillance and
wiretapping of Shapiro stating we are
investigating Shapiro to determine
extent of his relations with Israeli
government as head of nuclear materials
and Equipment Corporation Apollo
Pennsylvania Shapiro has access to
atomic energy material which could be
most helpful to the
Israelis what worried the FBI were
connections subject has been in contact
on two occasions with Dr Abraham hermony
scientific counselor Israeli Embassy
Washington DC and Israeli intelligence
agent Source has also disclosed contacts
with a senior official of Israeli
military intelligence individuals
associated with Israeli atomic energy
commission and member of Israeli
internal security
service his loyalties as well were of
concern he is considering settling
permanently in that country and if
necessary would fight for Israel
FBI describes an awkward predicament
subject and others involved in instant
case in addition to holding top
positions in their respective fields are
very active and highly regarded in
various Jewish organizations which exert
some influence in this country referring
specifically to America's powerful
Lobby his affinity for Israel as well as
his lobbying for the country were no
secret and he was quite open about it
stating in a 19 1984 oral history I am
working for the COA and I'm a national
officer I'm a vice president I work for
the Federation of also a officer of uh
the American techan society I'm a
director of hellow I work for the ADL
and I work for it in other words you you
work in every facet of the community
sounds like his Israel Affinity would
become a conflict of interest
professionally enough so that the FBI
felt it appropriate to place him on
their notorious security index the index
was a list of individuals to be placed
under arrest without warrant in the
event of as FBI described a National
emergency the reason in Shapiro's case
being that subject continues to solicit
information for Israeli scientific
censored Personnel Shapiro founded numc
in the late 1950s with close associate
and owner of the Apollo Steel company
David lenthal Who provided the seed
with it they converted a portion of the
steel mill into a uranium Factory
pumping out up to 700 metric tons in a
single year but problems began in
1965 write Howard con and Barbara Newman
for Rolling Stone for its December 1st
1977 Edition during a routine inventory
US Government inspectors discovered that
a substantial amount of enriched uranium
enough for several atomic bombs was
missing from a Pennsylvania nuclear
plant Newman and con write that the
amount of material unaccounted for was
194 lb larger by far than any previous
known discrepancy at other US nuclear
facilities while also observing that
approximately 22 pounds of enriched
uranium are needed to make the smallest
functional bomb the number snowballed as
there appeared to be a massive leak at
the plant as of October 3st 1965 there
were an astounding
382 lbs unaccounted for by early 1967
the atomic energy commission had
Newman and con further quote George
Murphy Jr then executive director of The
Joint Committee on atomic energy the
jcae was the atomic energy regulator of
the US Congress with regard to the
commission's estimate that 366 of the
572 lounds had been lost through normal
plant operations Murphy ridiculed the
atomic energy commission's conclusion
that 127 lbs of liquid uranium had run
off into the nearby kisy River as a
possibility that could be entertained
only if the plant had run 7 days a week
24 hours a day since before the
War suspicions arise when considering
newex financials since early on this
lost uranium was costing them millions
fines in September 1966 the atomic
energy commission's press office
revealed losses over many contracts have
totaled approximately 178 k gr of
235 having a value of about $2
million it seems curious the company
could afford such an expense given newex
financial data provided by Roger J
Matson who led a 1977 investigation of
the new Mech Affair for the nuclear
Regulatory Commission the atomic energy
commission's Federal
regulator the $2.2 million in total
charges was more than four times the
atomic energy commission's 1967 budget
for research and development on nuclear
material safeguards the $2.2 million
exceeded the initial Capital used to
form newc the $2.2 million was nearly 10
times the company's net income in its
fiscal year ending September 30th
1965 the $2.2 million was more than 50%
of the company's long-term debt of $4.3
million at the end of its fiscal year
however $2.2 million was a bargain for
securing the material needed for a
fledgeling nation to build its first
bombs indeed John Haden CIA station
Chief in Tel Aviv from 1963 to 1967
throughout the numc affair would testify
to Congress that numc had been an
Israeli operation from the beginning but
the CIA had not been able to follow the
money Trail the agency thought newc had
been financed by the owner of Apollo
steel mill Israeli War of Independence
veteran David
lenthal in fact Mr lenthal himself was
also known to law
enforcement David L lenthal who is
reportedly closely associated with
high-ranking officials of the Israeli
government fought for Israel as a
freedom fighter in 1956 and who
currently travels to Israel on the
average of approximately once each month
information known to the bureau
previously whose Pittsburgh field office
noted the same and add additionally that
lenthal is closely associated with high
ranking officials of the Israeli
government and recently observed shaking
hands with prime minister benan and
defense minister mosha Dian in
Israel in February 1976 Carl E Ducket
briefed a small group from the US
nuclear Regulatory Commission Ducket
served as CIA deputy director for
Science and Technology he was also cia's
leading expert on Israel's nuclear
weapons program
one of those Commissioners present was
Victor galinsky writing years later what
Ducket confirmed to everyone's
astonishment was that the CIA believed
that the nuclear explosives in Israel's
first several bombs about 100 kg of bomb
grade uranium in all came from material
that was missing at a US Naval nuclear
fuel plant operated by the nuclear
materials and Equipment Corporation in
Pennsylvania the consequences are
revealed by US Army Lieutenant Colonel
Warner far writing in 1999 a history of
the Israeli nuclear weapons program for
the US Air Force counter proliferation
papers a series prepared for policy
makers far writes before the 1967 6-day
war they felt their nuclear facility
threatened and reportedly assembled
several nuclear devices by the 1973 yum
kipor War Israel had a number of
sophisticated nuclear bombs deployed
them and considered using
them additionally Israel has most
probably conducted several nuclear bomb
tests Israel's nuclear capability was
known to CIA a summary of the February
1976 Ducket briefing from the nuclear
Regulatory Commission notes that Ducket
had related that CIA had drafted a
National Intelligence estimate on
Israel's nuclear capability in
1968 he then showed it to CIA director
Richard Helms Helms told him not to
publish it and he would take it up with
President Johnson Mr Helms later related
that he had spoken to the president that
the president was concerned and that he
had said don't tell anyone else even
Dean Rusk and Robert
mamera indeed president Lyndon Johnson
found the information so sensitive that
it be kept from Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and Secretary of Defense Robert
mcnamer the scale of Israel nuclear
Arsenal by April of 1976 was reported in
Time Magazine at a briefing for a group
of American space experts in Washington
recently an official of the Central
Intelligence Agency estimated that
Israel had between 10 and 20 nuclear
weapons available for
use the CIA official was none other than
Carl Ducket himself who let the
information slip to members of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and
astronautics in fact time has learned
Israel possesses a nuclear arsenal of 13
atomic bombs assembled stored and ready
to be dropped on enemy forces from
specially equipped cafir and Phantom
Fighters or Jericho
missiles these weapons have a 20 kiloton
yield roughly as powerful as those that
obliterated Hiroshima and
Nagasaki describing how close the world
came to nuclear war time reports that
after midnight on the morning of October
9th during the Yum kipor War defense
Minister mosha Dian solemnly warned
Premier Golda Mayer this is the end of
the Third Temple Mrs Meer thereupon gave
diione permission to activate Israel's
doomsday weapons as each bomb was
assembled it was rushed off to waiting
Air Force units before any triggers were
set however the battle on both fronts
turned in Israel's favor the 13 bombs
were sent to Desert arsenals where they
remain today still ready for
use as reported in the Christian science
monitor Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger even received a message from
breev stating that Moscow was
contemplating unilateral military steps
in the Middle East and late at night on
October 24th 1973 American troops all
over the world were put on alert Defcon
3 the highest state of armed forces
Readiness for peacetime
conditions the year before the CIA
judged the veracity of the new Mech
story in a memo titled possible
diversion of weapons grade nuclear
materials to Israel by officials of the
nuclear materials and Equipment
Corporation as CIA put it diversion of
special nuclear materials to Israel by
Dr Shapiro and his associates is a
distinct possibility lead coated or
nickel-plated it would present no
radiation Hazard and could have easily
gone by diplomatic pouch or Israel
merchant ship or even LL
Airlines transportation of diverted
material to Israel would have been a
matter indeed in a top secret strategy
document from July 1969 from Henry
Kissinger to President Nixon there is
circumstantial evidence that some
visionable material available for
Israel's weapons development was
illegally obtained from the United
States by about
1965 this is one program on which the
Israelis have persistently deceived us
and may even have stolen from
us this allegation was echoed in an
embarrassing leak of the cia's special
National Intelligence estimate for
1974 which was released in almost
unredacted form in
1978 we believe that Israel has already
produced nuclear weapons Israel has gone
to great effort to obtain uranium
concentrate it has sought this material
clandestinely followed by a
redaction another CIA Source from April
of 1977 adds further doubt to the atomic
energy Commission official story a note
from Anthony a lapam the cia's general
Council to CIA associate deputy director
for operations Theodore shackley reads
as I understand it the investigations of
newc are related to the possibility that
nuclear material may have been diverted
and apparently at least the energy
research and development Administration
has concluded there is no evidence of
diversion however that conclusion is
difficult to square with our
intelligence information
an amusing example from the same year a
CIA memorandum for the record containing
a summary of Carl duckets testimony to
staffers when asked how stolen uranium
could conceivably be transported out of
the United States Ducket responded he
had no firsthand knowledge of the topic
followed by redactions of the remainder
of his three page long
response investigations of Dr zman morai
Shapiro focused attention on his ties to
Israeli intelligence from the beginning
as we've seen in October 1968 FBI
Pittsburgh reports a request from a
group of Israelis to visit the newc
plant at Apollo one of them was Dr
Abraham Hermon a member of the Israeli
intelligence service who was known to be
engaged in the establishment of a
technical intelligence Network in the
United States and that prior to his
assignment as scientific counselor of
the Israeli Embassy Washington DC he was
intimately connected with Israeli
efforts to develop nuclear weapons in
his capacity as technical director
Armament Development Authority Ministry
Defense another visitor was the
notorious Rafi iton later spy handler of
Pard interestingly enough the new Mech
Affair is apparently not Taboo in the
Israeli press indeed when in 2015 the
Jerusalem Post published an article on
the life of now 88-year-old iton thing
included in his career summary
involvement in the diversion of Highly
enriched uranium from an American
nuclear fuel plant the Apollo
Affair a 1978 report from the general
Accounting Office concluded that federal
agencies failed to investigate the new
Mech Affair we believe a timely
concerted effort on the part of these
three agencies would have greatly aided
and possibly solved the new Mech
diversion questions if they desired to
so difficulties in properly
investigating the affair include a lack
of transparency troves of documents
unreleased or released with
redactions the cia's cin is exhibited in
a secret 1979 Memo from then acting
deputy director for operations John
Stein ordering to advise the general
Accounting Office that we cannot
declassify our report because of the
need to have a coordinated executive
branch position
and our desire to protect a sensitive
and valuable liaison
equity in their seminal work the Israel
Lobby and US foreign policy John mimer
and Steven Walt observe that the irony
is hard to miss the United States has
pressured many other states to join the
non-proliferation treaty imposed
sanctions on countries that have defied
us wishes and acquired nuclear weapons
anyway gone to war in 2003 to prevent
Iraq from pursuing weapons of mass
destruction and contemplated attacking
Iran and North Korea for the same reason
yet Washington has long subsidized an
ally whose clandestine weapons of mass
destruction activities are well known
and whose nuclear Arsenal has given
several of its neighbors a powerful
incentive to seek weapons of mass
themselves it's difficult or virtually
impossible for us to even know what the
Israel nuclear Arsenal has become just
days after the October 7th 2023 attack
on Israel we'll remember that an Israeli
lawmaker of the ruling leud party called
for use of a Jericho missile Jericho
missile strategic alert before
considering the introduction of forces
doomsday weapon this is my opinion may
God preserve all our strength and amihai
eliyahu Israel's minister of Heritage
who also suggested dropping a nuclear
bomb on the Gaza Strip harat's
intelligence correspondent yasi Melman
dismisses these officials as Messianic
farri though is this observation enough
to quell the anxieties of those fearing
nuclear Holocaust in the Middle East
after all Messianic and far-right
officials lead powerful Ministries in
the current government of Israel
including religious Zionist Bezos
smotrich Israel's Finance Minister and
itamar benav Israel's National Security
Minister and leader of the Jewish power
party the same party as Heritage
Minister amii
eliyahu the sustained and continuous
rise in political power of the Messianic
right in Israel is well
documented perhaps most terrifyingly of
all the sheer power of such mystery
weapons can only be speculated though
there are some troubling hints in the
history if we remember the history of
the Israeli nuclear weapons broke for
the US Air Force counter proliferation
papers US Army Lieutenant Colonel Warner
far noted that considerable
collaboration between Israel and South
Africa developed and continued through
the 1970s and 1980s South Africa became
Israel's primary supplier of
uranium in a disturbing development in
1987 The Institute for defense analysis
prepared a report for the office of the
under Secretary of Defense which
declared that the Israelis are
developing the kind of codes which will
enable them to make hydrogen
bombs all the more troubling when
considering the fact that according to
former nuclear regulatory commissioner
Victor galinsky on September 22nd 1979 a
US vea satellite designed to detect
nuclear tests registered a signal over
the Indian Ocean that was generally
believed in the US intelligence
Community to indicate an Israeli nuclear
test carried out with South African
cooperation and the government covered
it up this conclusion was politically
awkward for the Carter Administration
then trying to mediate mid east peace
the president's science adviser brought
together a group of prominent
non-governmental scientists for a narrow
review of the event the panel came up
with the inventive interpretation that
the light signal detected by the
satellite came not from the ocean
surface far away but rather from
Reflections from tiny particles that
happened to pass in front of of the
satellite detector in exactly the right
way to imitate a bomb signal the White
House panel discounted data from
ionospheric disturbances recorded by a
radio telescope in Puerto Rico that was
consistent with the bomb interpretation
of the satellite data Additionally the
vea satellite experts at the Los Alamos
laboratory are still convinced their
satellite recorded a nuclear test the
worrisome part the technical
significance of such a test was was that
it would have indicated Israel was
developing hydrogen weapons for which
testing is essential and thus its
weapons program was then already highly
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