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Christendom's Foremost Prophetic and Theological Works |
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About Tim Cohen and His Books |
by God in 1987 to be "him who has understanding" (Rev 13:18) — while a
United States Air Force Academy cadet — Timothy Cohen is today an
internationally recognized Christian author, speaker, and teacher. He
has researched and written what many are now coming to view as
Christendom's foremost prophetic and theological works (Rev 19:10), to
include The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea as well as the Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period multi-volume series. Would you like to understand where we are in the timeline of Bible prophecy, without having to guess? In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen presents the fascinating saga of the British Monarchy's centuries-long endeavor to establish a "New World Order," and gives hard-evidence to suggest the actual identity of the coming AntiChrist. Learn the remarkable truth concerning the "man of sin," the "son of perdition," in The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea. Along with The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (Rev 13:18), Tim Cohen's forthcoming Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period series offers a real and deep insight into the prophetic scriptures. Tim's teaching therein represents a genuine paradigm shift in Christian understanding of both The Person and the work of The Messiah — the testimony of Yeshua (Rev 19:10). As such, it illuminates biblical theology and will, over time, redefine the best in Christian understanding and teaching. The saints will understand both the written and living Word of God more deeply and more fully than previously. Within Cohen's volumes, you will see many hidden treasures of God's Word and learn biblical wisdom; you will be taught things that few understand, what some obstinately or ignorantly refuse to investigate or consider, or even perilously choose to ignore — despite the great strength of the evidence. Future theologians and historians will, we believe, come to recognize Cohen's books as the new theological standard in several areas of study. For example, Cohen unveils the first-ever unified school (and theory) of Christian theology, one that encompasses the whole of eschatology and eschatological interpretation — a true Messiah-centered approach called the "Messianic view" — in Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period. This is well beyond the "scholarship" of today's Christian seminaries and Jewish schools, and yet Tim Cohen makes it biblically testable and easy to grasp. This will change the way you think about and perceive God and Yeshua. Tim's books are written for all levels of Christianity, from the babe in Christ to the "scholar of scholars." They are clear and easy to follow, yet packed with more information than would typically be found in several times as many pages of other authors' writings. |
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Our Items | ||
North Korea, Iran, and the Coming World War: Behold a Red HorseNORTH KOREA, IRAN, AND THE COMING WORLD WAR reveals that scripture actually foretells the upcoming wars involving North Korea, Iran and other global actors, leading to World War 3. The world now sits on edge over fears of what may come — and this book specifically addresses those fears. It is the most thorough and enlightening work on the second seal. Just a few of the many topics covered include: Historical background • The “peace and security” delusion • North Korean, Iranian, Russian and Chinese weapons collaboration • The nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) threat to the U.S. • Chinese traps, and other international flash points • Coming strategic realignments, and much more. (ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-02-9 / LCCN: 2018940972 / 790 pages / paperback.) For the Kindle Mobi-format eBook version, click on the cover image or click here.* (ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-05-0 / .mobi electronic.) *You may use a Kindle reader or download the free Kindle reader application from Amazon, which is available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Between the second half of 2023 and first half of 2024, Prophecy House will also be publishing Cohen's stunning Mideast "companion" work — Israel, “Peace” and the Looming Great Tribulation. Related to the companion work, we also are to publish Cohen's work on the historicity of Israel's ancient exodus from Egypt, which determines the event's actual date with great accuracy while also identifying the actual pharoah of the Exodus, other major pharoahs who impacted ancient Israel, Joseph's apparent Egyptian name and persona (i.e., who he was in ancient Egypt's records), and Moses' actual adoptive mother — proving to unbelieving Israel and the world that the Hebrew scriptures and their historical records are trustworthy and true. This latter work is titled Israel’s Sojourn In, and Exodus from Egypt: The Real Dates and Pharaohs. | ||
![]() | The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea: Charles, Prince of Wales, ForetoldThis is the SECOND EDITION of the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the AntiChrist. Place your order today, as once shipping begins (see below), the price will increase from higher costs. This book has reached the publication phase, and is to start shipping in mid- to late August. Massively updated, this new edition covers Charles' July 2022 global promotion of Ba'al-Molech worship, as well as his May 2023 coronation, details his power and extraordinary wealth as king—and covers a great deal more. IMPORTANT: For CURRENT customers: Please be aware that Prophecy House has delayed publication by a period of weeks, to enable inclusion of King Charles III's full coronation information and related upcoming events in Israel. For NEW customers (i.e., if you have not yet ordered this book): We have thousands of orders, and shipping will occur in the order of purchases; so, your copy as a new purchaser would likely ship as late as the end of September 2023—unless volunteers are able to help us ship more quickly. In The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, representing the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like those of a man — a unicorn with human eyes). This prince's coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as "Prince of the Red Dragon" (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system — the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify six-hundred and sixty-six. This prince has the involvement in the Mideast peace process. In fact, the current Road Map, as well as the Oslo process from which it derives, and the Madrid Peace talks from which the Oslo process itself derived, are directly traceable to the London Agreement of 1987, which in turn is traceable to...THIS PRINCE. Also, this prince has the global authority.... That's right — he is not the ignored wimp that the masses have been misled to believe; rather, he is mankind's number one globalist, and has been for decades. Indeed, this prince is over the entire New World Order power structure—through the world's most prominent and oldest order of chivalry: the Order of the Garter. This order is very much more than merely a revival of King Arthur's legendary round table. And to top it all off, this prince HAS THE IMAGERY OF WHAT IS TO BE THE FUTURE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION! What is that? In March 2002, while trekking through Brazilian rain forests, this prince was presented with a miniature version of a statue depicting himself as an angelic figure with large wings standing atop a mass of human bodies looking up to him (this prince) as savior! In fact, the inscription on the statue's base reads "Saviour of the World"!!! And it has this prince's face...with wings! So what did this prince say when Brazilian officials asked his permission to create a ten cubits high (12 or 15 feet) version of this statue, and to place it in a square named after him in their capital city? Instead of calling it blasphemy to identify him as "Saviour of the World", this prince remarked, "I am touched and deeply amazed," and then, with the small ego he has, this prince gladly gave permission to create the larger version! Now, bear in mind that the arrival of this statue was years after the 1998 publication of the first edition of The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (ISBN 0-9662793-0-1), and there is no other man or woman who is being called "Saviour of the World" other than this prince whom Tim Cohen decades ago identified as the foretold AntiChrist — according to a true understanding of the prophetic scriptures. Coincidence? No. Just consider this: What would happen if even the miniature version of this princely idol, which has already been received by this prince and photographed by global media, were one day placed in a newly constructed holy place in Jerusalem? And what about the ten cubits high version? Would not all of evangelical Christianity suddenly scratch its collective head and wonder, "Gee, could this prince be the AntiChrist?" Well, you don't have to wait for that day to find out, nor do you have to be entirely unprepared: Get The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea and read it carefully. Tim Cohen not only identifies the Apocalypse's "fourth horseman" (i.e., this prince) and shows his pale-green-gray "horse" (Rev 6:7-8), but also suggests plausible identifies for the first three horsemen, showing their respective "horses" — white, "blue black," and red (Rev 6:1-6). Moreover, Tim provides guidance to recognize the actual Tribulation timeline. We may ask, "Is the Church then already in the Tribulation Week?" "Are the first three horsemen already riding?" "Is East Jerusalem about to be taken captive in war from Israel, and the Great Tribulation about to start?" "What was 2012 really all about?" "Will mankind and the world soon be given over to unprecedented apocalyptic disasters and death; famine and disease, economic collapse, international lawlessness and greed; the most destructive of wars, incorporating the most feared weapons, terrifyingly displayed on the Korean Peninsula and in the Middle East, and spreading from those hotspots; and a conquering antiChrist spirituality offering more lies and false hopes?" Tim answers these and other challenging and timely questions. Is Jesus' return now just years away? Could the Church today discern the actual year, month and week of Jesus' return, but neither the day nor hour? Have God's saints been duped into thinking otherwise (i.e., wrong thinking), so that the Church itself has become "dull of hearing" and hardened to genuine scriptural truth — somehow taking Jesus' own simple words to mean something entirely opposite to what He intended to communicate? Would such error be due to the false prophets and mistaken teachers of whom Jesus likewise forewarned? Indeed, Jesus said no man would know the "day or hour" of His return (i.e., the Second Advent), but He did not say — nor does scripture anywhere — that no man would know the "year," "month," or "week;" in that omission, Jesus left open the possibility. Given that the foretold AntiChrist is now revealed to the saints, in this book and its first edition, should we be at all surprised to find that the world is, in fact, only years away from Jesus' return and Armageddon — or, for that matter, that a clearer timeline may now be possible? You will be astonished by this essential, illustrated work. (ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-01-2 / LCCN: 2008942657 / unspecified pages, paperback, illustrated.) | |
![]() | Solar ApocalypseSeven Unique Volumes:
In this world-shaking series, Tim Cohen provides evidence-backed disclosure of seeded “alien” life throughout much of our solar system. This includes definitive and phenomenally extensive proof — not just beyond all imagination, but of such a solid nature that no space agency or academic will be able to credibly deny it — of complex “non-terrestrial” life. (You may place your order now, as this is expected to go to press sometime between late 2023 and the first half of 2024, give or take a few months. The image will be updated at that time.) Mars, Earth’s Moon and other bodies in our solar system were — and in some cases yet are — populated by a staggering variety of dangerous and evidently carnivorous hybrid creatures: many actual photos (e.g., from NASA, the ESA, JAXA and China's space agency) are provided. This series on exobiology and related disclosures is arguably more of a “game over” than a “game changer.” Due to the contents of this series, and thus the “feathers” it inevitably “ruffles,” Tim labored in near-total secrecy on these volumes for several years. They address all the major questions concerning “aliens,” doing so not just articulately, but with great evidence others have, in many cases, never before seen or heard. Going further, Tim also presents independently-verifiable evidence demonstrating that certain whistleblowers either a) were on Mars in the 1980s or b) possess impossibly specific — and herein actually proven — knowledge from others who at some point were. It is likely that you and the world will be startled and even livid when you see the provided and independently-verifiable evidence of NASA cover-ups and actual conspiracy that Tim has uncovered; this is not mere speculation or hearsay, but actual “leaked” (i.e., publicly posted and retrievable) concrete evidence that comes straight from NASA and the world's other major space agencies. With all this, Tim also provides a stunningly comprehensive and highly-detailed survey of soft disclosures in modern mass entertainment (focusing particularly on movies and TV shows and series), going back to the start of Hollywood and other major studios globally, or early in the twentieth-century. All told, the evidence in this series is not only uniuqe and new to the world, but is also precisely — really and truly — what just about every “aliens” and “UFOs” enthusiast has long desired to know and see, but never actually attained. (No other researcher, author or entity in the world has ever been able to offer what Tim Cohen has here compiled and articulately presented. There is simply no where else to go, and no other scholar to whom to turn for much of this information or easy access to the comprehensive proof it contains.) Along with many jaw-dropping photographs (and we do mean jaw dropping), this series provides invaluable background information — scientific and otherwise — on what’s actually possible in terms of life in places that have, until now, been presumed to be uninhabitable. This powerful information will, in turn, enable you to believe what your eyes reveal to you as you turn the mind-blowing, shocking pages. (Set ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-06-7 / Set ISBN-10: 1-933689-06-4 / LCCN: 2018957161 / unspecified pages in seven volumes, illustrated.) Important: While you may feel put-off by the pre-publication prices for this series and its volumes, the actual cost of the entire series, even at these anticipated prices, is lower than the cost to travel to, and attend a typical conference anywhere in the world dealing with such subjects — and no such conference has ever provided even a tiny fraction of what this series contains — let alone in an independently-verifiable manner. So, even at these prices, this Solar Apocalypse series represents an incomparable bargain! In fact, many who purchase will never again feel the need to spend the money to attend another conference addressing such topics, given that this series credibly provides the real aswers to their many serious questions. In such a light, you may realize that you will save yourself both money and time over coming years by purchasing this series. Also, know that prices are based upon actual costs to provide printed volumes with many color images; such printing is pricey to start, until large quantities may be attained. Corresponding electronic editions, which will be large also due to having many color images, are expected to be similar in cost. (We are bringing you this series at the most affordable cost possible.) This set will be either paperback or hardback, which is yet to be determined; your pre-publication purchase cost, however, will not change. Volume titles, organization and number are subject to some change as the editing process occurs and publication draws near. If you make a pre-publication purchase, and changes occur, you will receive the equivalent of your purchase under the new organization / titles, etc.; also, if prices (determined by publication cost) should decrease, you will recieve additional title(s) from this Solar Apocalypse series to equate to your purchase price or more — so purchase with confidence. | |
![]() | The “Alien” Infested Coffee Table, Book OnePacked with stunning photos of living creatures and fossils from all around our solar system, this book is sure to be the center of much conversation. Printed in high-quality color throughout, this particular "coffee table" piece has no rival. (You may place your order now, as this is expected to go to press sometime between late 2023 and the first half of 2024, give or take a few months. The image will be updated at that time.) (ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-24-1 / Set ISBN-10: 1-933689-24-2 / LCCN: 2018957170 / unspecified pages in seven volumes, illustrated.) Note: This will be either paperback or hardback, which is yet to be determined; your pre-publication purchase cost, however, will not change. ![]() ![]() | |
![]() | Messiah, History, and the Tribulation PeriodSeven Unique Volumes:
Coming in 2023 or 2024, following decades of scholarly research and writing (since 1987): Tim Cohen's masterful Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period series covers nearly the entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation — in a highly structured and systematic way. Written from a Hebrew Christian perspective, it deftly handles and clearly traverses biblical interpretation, signs of the times, the Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15), biblical chronology and history, Messiology (Christology), the strong scriptural parallels between The Messiah and Israel, apocalyptic eschatology, the eschatology of the feasts, as well as the prophetic and chronological writings of the ante-Nicene (pre-Council of Nicaea) Church. The series concludes, however, with a new and highly advanced (theologically speaking) Messiah-centered school of eschatological interpretation — in place of the futurist, idealist, preterist, and historicist schools and their variants. Called a Harmony of Weeks, this Messianic view of eschatology demonstrates, in a biblically provable way, that God has patterned all the weeks of scripture, to include the creation week itself, after the Crucifixion Week — in which Yeshua (Jesus) was crucified, killed, buried, and resurrected. Among other things, a knowledge and understanding of this harmony makes possible a scripturally testable sequencing of unfulfilled prophecies pertaining to the Tribulation Week (Daniel's seventieth period of seven years or the Tribulation Period) — the sequence presented throughout the Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period series. Beyond eschatology, the Harmony of Weeks is, therefore, nothing less than the scriptural basis for a new unified school of Christian theology as a whole — a Messianic View. As such, this Messiah-centered school actually resolves many previously unanswerable theological quandaries and questions held by the saints. It will enhance and revolutionize Christian theology going forward. (Set ISBN-13: 978-0-9662793-1-3 / Set ISBN-10: 0-9662793-1-X / LCCN: 2005909423 / roughly 1,400 pages in seven volumes, paperback.)
Set List Price: Not yet determined (est. $245.00) | |
![]() | Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period 2005 Prophecy ConferenceIn July, 2005, Tim introduced his forthcoming MESSIAH, HISTORY, AND THE TRIBULATION PERIOD multi-volume series — in seven prophecy conference sessions held over three days in Odessa, Texas. These teachings remain as current and prescient today as when they were first delivered. The following sessions are available on either eight DVDs or twelve CDs: Some Highlights (on Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period) • Some Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) • The Real Rapture • The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (An Overview and An Update) • On Feasts and Prophecy • Question and Answer Session • The Passover: Israel Conformed to Yeshua's Crucifixion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection. The DVD set also includes an excellent live interview with God's Learning Channel on a ninth disc. Even the most seasoned bible and prophecy "veterans" will find that there is much to learn from Tim. Prophecy House is convinced that you will find Tim's prophetic teachings at this Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period conference to be the most instructive, the most informative, and the most powerful relating to prophecy and the Person and work of Yeshua (Jesus) that you have ever heard. In fact, there has likely never before been a prophecy conference offering this much biblical understanding and knowledge. This is the one which you, as well as all the Church of God in Christ, truly cannot afford to miss! (Nearly one-hundred percent of those who attended this conference purchased this set immediately afterwards!) DVDPack01 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-03-X / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-03-6 / 2005 / Color / 14 Hours 36 Minutes) or CDPack01 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-20-X / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-20-3 / 2005 / 12 Hours 27 Minutes). ![]() ![]() NOTE: DVDs 1 and 8 in DVDPack01 have a background hum that may be loud enough to bother some, and DVD 1 also has some unfocused video segments; these are due to cameraman and production errors, and not due to any disc defects. To compensate you for this inconvenience, Prophecy House has included the GLC interview DVD with DVDPack01 at no extra charge. | |
Biblical Interpretation Program Series — Truth, in Messiah YeshuaHere are twelve fascinating teachings on interpretation of scripture with Tim Cohen. Available on six DVDs or six CDs, these programs serve to expose false beliefs, while also offering some powerful new evidence — unrecognized by the Church until now — to effectively share Yeshua with unbelieving Israelites: Sound Doctrine and the Last Days, and Modern Versus God's Principles of Interpretation • Examples of Interpretation: Jesus' Hebrew Name and Messianic Title • Jesus' Hebrew Name and Messianic Title in the Context of the Protoevangelium • The Word of Y'hoveh (yod-hay-vav-hay), Testing and Proving All Things, and According to the Torah or Teaching • Similitudes, and Messiah The Son of Joseph Versus Messiah The Son of David • Similitudes Recap, The Psalms, and Fulfilling the Law of Moses • Fulfilling the Law of Moses: The Weekly Sabbath, and Clean Versus Unclean Foods • Fulfilling the Law of Moses: Peter's Vision and Foods, and Hebrew Christianity • Hebrew Christianity's History; Jacob Versus Esau; and Israel and the Church • The Messiah, David, Solomon, and the AntiChrist • Psalm 22, and "Savior" Versus "Messiah"; and The Length of a Generation • Example of a Super-Similitude: Jericho's Collapse and the Apocalypse (Revelation). DVDPack02 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-30-7 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-30-2 / 2005 / Color / 5 Hours 31 Minutes) or CDPack02 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-29-3 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-29-6 / 2005 / 5 Hours 31 Minutes). ![]() ![]() | ||
Tim Cohen — Interviews with Jewish Voice Today, God's Learning Channel, and OthersThis set of five excellent interviews with Tim Cohen on four DVDs includes an interview with Jewish Voice Today, two interviews with God's Learning Channel (6/30/2005 and 9/22/2005), and two interviews with a DayStar-network station (KRMT TV41). Hear what Tim has to say on a variety of topics related to bible prophecy and the last days, including his books. These interviews are at once captivating and amazing, and will challenge those who view them. Herein, you will find a wealth of fascinating and little-known information. DVDPack03 (ISBN-10:1-933689-12-9 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-12-8 / 2005 / Color / 5 Hours 53 Minutes). ![]() ![]() | ||
The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea — PresentationsCan the saints of God in Christ recognize the AntiChrist now? Could this truly be possible? Yes! Tim Cohen reveals hard evidence in THE ANTICHRIST AND A CUP OF TEA — the definitive and foremost book on the subject of the AntiChrist. Likewise, in Tim's excellent presentations, contained herein, you will learn about the fascinating saga of the British Monarchy's centuries-long endeavor to establish a "New World Order," and see hard evidence which proves the actual identity of the foretold AntiChrist. Watch these presentations on The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, as well as Tim's June 30, 2005, interview with God's Learning Channel — all on four DVDs. These are as prescient today as when they were first delivered. The first presentation, from 1999, is the perfect length (one hour) for sharing Tim's research on the foretold AntiChrist with your friends and loved ones. The second, much lengthier presentation — an overview of, and an update to The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea on two DVDs — is taken from Tim's 2005 Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period Prophecy Conference. This latter presentation, like Tim's GLC interview, discusses and shows the "Saviour of the World" statue dedicated in 2002 to the man who, according to scripture, is the AntiChrist — and much more. If you doubt or deny that the prophesied AntiChrist shall be made known to the saints of God in Christ before the coming Great Tribulation, and before Yeshua's (Jesus') return for the saints, you will have no doubts after watching these! DVDPack04 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-14-5 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-14-2 / 2005 / Color / 5 Hours 46 Minutes). ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period 2005 Prophecy Conference — The Real RaptureTaken from Tim's 2005 Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period Prophecy Conference, these two presentations on two DVDs or three CDs will have you glued to the edge of your seat from start to finish. This stunning material, which is derived from the corresponding volume in Tim's upcoming Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period series of books, has changed the views of entire churches on the Tribulation Period and the timing of the coming rapture! It is revolutionary, and will leave you wondering how so many in the Church could have been so misled for so long by so-called "prophecy experts," "scholars," and "teachers!" Tim makes some startling and astonishing revelations; these presentations — the most powerful ever given to the Church on the rapture — will significantly affect your views on the subject of Jesus' return and its timing for the saints. Yes, Tim also covers all the "rapture bases," to include the pretribulational, midtribulational, pre-wrath, and posttribulational views, before offering the true biblical view and timings. This is the meat of The Word, and you will come away equipped to carefully test everything you've heard from scripture. (You may find yourself listening to these two presentations several times over!) False "Christian" teachers and "Christian" prophets everywhere take heed: Tim is gunning for your lies, and his aim is lethal! Those who hear Tim will no longer have an excuse to walk in a dark haze of prophetic deception. This is a powerful call to repentance for the entire Church. DVDPack05 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-13-7 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-13-5 / 2005 / Color / 3 Hours 21 Minutes) or CDPack05 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-26-9 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-26-5 / 2005 / 3 Hours 27 Minutes). ![]() ![]() | ||
Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period 2005 Prophecy Conference — On Feasts and ProphecyIn these two DVDs or three CDs, which are from Tim's 2005 Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period Prophecy Conference, Tim demonstrates that all the biblical feasts are fulfilled in each of the major biblical weeks (i.e., the Crucifixion Week, the Week of History, and the coming Tribulation Week). This understanding will greatly impact your prophetic discernment, as well as that of the entire Church in days to come, related to God's Holy Days. For example, as Tim demonstrates, it is untrue that the relative timing of the coming rapture can be determined on the basis of the prophetic fulfillment of the feasts. Like Tim's "The Real Rapture," this too is revolutionary, and once again, Tim surprises and astonishes with the depth of the biblical knowledge and understanding he has received from God. What Tim offers here will further challenge and change the views of many who have been led astray by the common prophetic half-truths of our time. Catch this — you'll be glad you did! DVDPack06 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-15-3 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-15-9 / 2005 / Color / 3 Hours) or CDPack06 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-27-7 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-27-2 / 2005 / 3 Hours). ![]() ![]() | ||
Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period 2005 Prophecy Conference — The PassoverTaken from Tim's 2005 Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period Prophecy Conference, "The Passover: Israel Conformed to Yeshua's Crucifixion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection" is available on two DVDs or three CDs. What Tim shares herein will vastly enhance your understanding of Yeshua's (Jesus') crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection; these central events to the Christian faith are more central to the work of God in all spheres than the saints yet know. Listen as Tim begins to unfold this great, transforming mystery for the Church. Not only will your understanding of the work of Christ be expanded and taken to new depths, but your apprehension of God's calling upon Israel as a nation and a people will begin to be just as transformed. This presentation is based upon the fourth day in Tim's Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period volume entitled, The Harmony of Weeks: God's Inspired "Grand Unified Theology" Unveiled. This is the heart of all of Tim's work for Christ and the greatest example of what God has called him to accomplish for the saints and the Church; it is the "creme de la creme." Herein, Tim demonstrates that Israel as a nation suffers the typological equivalent of a national crucifixion, death, and burial at the midpoints of the Week of History (past) and the Tribulation Week (yet future); like Christ, Israel is biblically called God's "firstborn son." This has huge theological implications, and explains much about God's dealings with His chosen people throughout history. We are confident that this material will radically enhance your understanding of Christ, Israel, and God's dealings with both; it quite literally represents a quantum leap in biblical understanding and theology. DVDPack07 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-16-1 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-16-6 / 2005 / Color / 3 Hours 20 Minutes) or CDPack07 (ISBN-10: 1-933689-28-5 / ISBN-13: 978-1-933689-28-9 / 2005 / 3 Hours 18 Minutes). ![]() ![]() NOTE: DVD 8 in DVDPack07 has a background hum that may be loud enough to bother some, though the audio is still perfectly understandable; this is due to a production error, and not due to any disc defect. |
Christendom's Foremost Prophetic and Theological Works |