“From BIO-WARFARE to COVID: Cover Up & Collusions among Wuhan, CIA, US Intel & Chinese CCP”. Malone on the RFK Jr. New Book

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
In a brief article the famous American physician and biochemist Robert W. Malone has fully confirmed the detailed reports of the WuhanGates investigations published by Gospa News about the collusion among Wuhan Institute of Virology, Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency of which was deputy director, during the dangerous experiments on SARS virus, the bioweapons expert Avril Haines who is the current National Director of US Intelligence chosen by president Joe Biden…
You can read many of this exclusive, meticulous and itemized inquiries in the links added aftermath inside the article.
“The Wuhan Cover Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
By Robert Malone
<I have been aware that this sequel to RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” has been in the works for quite a while, and had advanced notice of some of the scope and content. Unlike the predecessor, I was not involved in editing this one.
I was recently provided an advanced pre-print version of this current book for review, and realized that what has been produced is a potential game changer of much broader scope and depth than I had anticipated. The following is my initial assessment of the work. I just hope that people read it and pay attention.>
The title of US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, The Wuhan Cover Up, does not really represent the scope and nature of this seminal work. This book is the most comprehensive historic summary and indictment of the history of the United States’ biowarfare/biodefense program ever written.
Summarizing an amazing sweep of untold censored history, it begins with ancient Mediterranean and European examples of both chemical and biological warfare, proceeds to an open discussion of the shocking truths concerning Imperial Japan’s WWII biowarfare program (Unit 731), the importation of both Japanese and German biowarfare experts and technologies into Fort Detrick to create USAMRIID (operation Paperclip), strategic evasion of global biowarfare “treaties,” through to the present Wuhan Institute of Virology CIA/Intelligence Community/Chinese CCP collusion and cover up, and concludes by glancing into the future.
What is often overlooked by academia, corporate media, and the Washington, DC political caste is that the history of modern biology (particularly microbiology, molecular biology, and virology) and the infectious disease pharmaceutical industry is intimately entwined with the American biowarfare enterprise.
It has been estimated that total Federal expenditures on biowarfare research and development from the end of WWII through to the implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (1975) exceeded the costs of the US Nuclear Warfare program during this period, and this biowarfare program (and funding stream) is intimately linked to academia.
Most of the leaders of the American Society of Microbiology were also leaders in the American DoD/CIA-funded biowarfare program.
This background and context is necessary to understand how the fundamental corruption of academic medicine, peer-reviewed journals, the CDC, FDA, biological and academic research have been so comprehensive, as has been revealed by the COVID crisis. Just follow the money.
Which leads us to the most recent and egregious sordid chapter in this sorry tale, The Wuhan Cover Up. A case study demonstrating the consequences of the situational ethical slide which often occurs when a massive administrative bureaucracy fuses with an “intelligence community.”
The resulting Leviathan, steeped in the utilitarian “ends justify the means” logic typical of all those skilled liars who have practiced spycraft throughout the ages, eventually forgets both its purpose and its commitment to serving the citizenry, and becomes a predatory monster.
With his masterful summary, Mr. Kennedy has provided the receipts on how this modern embodiment of the slouching beast foretold in Yeats’ “Second Coming” has been born and nurtured via a cooperation of convenience between the Western and Eastern military/intelligence/industrial complexes.
Now, looking forward, the open question is whether this globalized Leviathan will continue to succeed in its efforts to deploy advanced psychological and information control methods on the entire human community to avoid the consequences of its actions?
Or will this book and the work of so many others trigger an awareness, awakening, and effective reaction among citizens to the deep corruption of medical-biological research, medical ethics, and the entire Western “health” enterprise which has occurred over the last century? With this book as a guide, we can see the enemy, the face of creeping globalized utilitarian evil, and it is us.
by Robert Malone
Reprinted on Brownstone Institute from the Robert Malone’s Substack
Robert W. Malone is a physician and biochemist. His work focuses on mRNA technology, pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing research. You can find him at Substack and Gettr
Meryl Nass on WHO "Tyranny Treaty"Plus: E. Michael Jones on #BanTheADL; K. Barrett Bilali on Morocco earthquake and more
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Substack.First hour: Dr. Meryl Nass takes time out of her busy schedule to return to Truth Jihad Radio! (She was a regular guest on this show, where she exposed the COVID origins coverup, before she was famous.) Next Tuesday, Sept. 19, Maine’s medical licensing board will conclude its hearing on revoking Dr. Nass’s license to practice medicine. Then the following day, Wednesday, Sept. 20, the UN will roll out its own PPPR (pandemic prevention, preparedness and response) program, coordinated to accompany the controversial World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Treaty. A protest against the PPPR and WHO Treaty will be held on Saturday, Sept. 23 at the UN headquarters in New York. Dr. Meryl Nass may be speaking. Dr. Nass, a published expert on biological warfare, has been subjected to a barrage of specious and often incoherent attacks since she began questioning various aspects of the COVID pandemic/response. The original campaign to pull her medical license charged her with spreading misinformation. But since misinformation is often in the eye of the beholder, and more importantly since there is no provision for pulling medical licenses on such grounds, her persecutors dropped that absurd charge and instead went after her for prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients, just like tens of thousands of other doctors around the world have. (Ivermectin has been used by almost a third of the world’s population, meaning more than two billion people.) More recently, Dr. Nass was subjected to a discombobulated “debunking” by the Associated Press. “Fact checker” Melissa Goldin spends most of the article belaboring the obvious fact that Dr. Nass is not a representative of the WHO, when in fact neither Dr. Nass nor anyone else has ever claimed that she is! Compounding the irony, Goldin gets the most important fact wrong. I fact-checked her fact-check in a September 2 email: Hello Melissa, In your article on the Meryl Nass video, you cite the AP as saying “The (WHO) treaty, though legally binding, has no enforcement mechanisms and does not overrule any nations’ individual health or domestic policies.” But doesn’t the treaty itself say that signatory nations MUST enforce its provisions? Since treaties are legally binding, that means that the treaty DOES include an enforcement mechanism: Namely, the legal requirement that signatory nations enforce it. Therefore it DOES overrule whatever policies those nations would have otherwise pursued by making independent policies illegal, and forcing the signatory nation to enforce the WHO’s rules whether they like it or not. Please let me know if I’m wrong, in which case I’ll have my international law professor friends arbitrate. Best Kevin Barrett [NO RESPONSE] Second hour: Dr. E. Michael Jones, one of the world’s leading critics of the Anti-Defamation League, shares his thoughts on the viral hashtag #BanTheADL—which garnered support from Elon Musk, whipping up MSM hysteria and raising hopes that one of the world’s nastiest organizations may get taken down within our lifetimes. So did the ADL finally pick on someone its own size? Did it finally pick on the wrong goy, I mean, guy? Will Musk, with his impending lawsuit, push the ADL into bankruptcy before the ADL bankrupts him? Though the ADL calls itself a civil rights group, a more apt description might be “organized crime ring.” For the appalling details, check out Ron Unz’s “The ADL in American Society” and his recent “Elon Musk and the True History of the ADL.” Incidentally, I have a 15-year history with the ADL which might be summarized as: They defame me, I challenge them to debate, they ignore me. Rinse and repeat. Don’t miss tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News! It’s always posted at the FFWN rubric by 1pm Eastern on Saturdays. We’ll be discussing the disasters here in North Africa, the JFK assassination “breakthrough,” and much more. And speaking of disasters, get a load of today’s Washington Post. They are telling us with a straight face that “Libya’s catastrophe is everyone’s fault.” In other words, it’s not NATO’s fault for waging a war of aggression, overthrowing Libya’s government, murdering its leader, and destroying Libyan society, leading to the horrific neglect of the generally admirable infrastructure built by Muammar Gaddafi. The death of more than 10,000 people in catastrophic flooding is a NATO war crime, even if they didn’t pump up and steer the hurricane and/or blow up the dams (and I wouldn’t put that past them either—these people are the worst criminals in human history). Meanwhile WaPo’s imperial propagandists vomit up their Big Lie: “If it’s everyone’s fault, it’s really no-one’s fault.” That’s what the war criminals running the Zio-NATO empire would like you to believe. |