As a
martial artist, first and foremost, I’m not interested in “Wing Chun,”
“tradition,” or “style.” I’m not
interested in flashy acrobatics, winning tournaments, or what looks cool. I’m only interested in what works. What keeps you alive in real life and death
fight situations? What is the most
effective way to defeat one or many opponents with or without weapons? How is the human body best trained to become
a master of self-defense? What
techniques, drills, and concepts must become second-nature to ensure proper
reaction and adaptation during the chaos of real-life combat? How can any system or style cover the
literally infinite potential dangers faced? With so many different martial arts from all
over the world, how can one separate the wheat from the chaff and discern which
is the most effective?

Real fighting
is dirty, no holds barred, spontaneous full-force explosive aggression. In actual combat there are no rules, no
regulations, no referees, no traditions, no tap-outs and no gloves. So any system which caters to and trains with
rules, regulations, and traditions in mind is ultimately not preparing
you for actual combat but for unrealistic sparring situations. For example the
average UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) match
lasts almost 9 grueling minutes. The average
street fight, however, lasts a mere 9 seconds! Why the huge difference? Is it just because they’re wearing boxing gloves? No. The
fact of the matter is that tournament fighting, and martial styles which cater
to tournament fighting (such as MMA, Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate,
Jui Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling etc.) all have a huge list of highly effective techniques
and vulnerable targets which are completely off-limits! The reason they are prohibited is because they
are too effective, will end the fight too quickly, and could severely injure,
maim or kill the opponent!

In the
interest of clean competitions and good sportsmanship it makes sense that
certain targets and techniques be prohibited from tournament fights, but what
happens when rules and traditions start to dictate your martial training? Instead of always practicing the most
effective techniques on the softest targets, you actually train less effective
techniques on harder targets! How can
repeatedly drilling less than optimum techniques at less than optimum targets,
make you an optimum fighter? As the
saying goes, practice doesn’t make perfect, only perfect practice makes

Western Boxing, for instance, the extreme limitations are clear for everyone to
see. You wear huge padded gloves and almost every fighting technique imaginable
is prohibited except punches to the torso and head. No kicks, no knees, no elbows, no head butts,
no groin strikes, no eye gouges, no grappling, no throws, just round after round
of getting pounded by padded punches.
Boxing is a perfect example of a fighting style with so many rules that
its practical self-defense applications are very limited. It is clearly a sport, and not a science of
self-defense. Boxing’s punches are undoubtedly second to
none, but there is much more to effective self-defense than good punching. How
does Western Boxing prepare you to defeat an opponent carrying a knife? How does Boxing deal with kicks, takedowns
and grappling? How does Boxing handle multiple
attackers? The answers are all the
same: It doesn’t, because it’s against
the rules and not part of the game.

In the
game/sport of Taekwondo all punches to the head, kicks to the legs, and
grabbing techniques are prohibited so the result is a style full of fast-paced
flashy spinning jumping head kicks. These
are definitely fun to watch and work during point sparring competitions, but in
real-life combat, almost the entire repertoire of Taekwondo’s techniques are
pitifully ineffective and leave you off balance and vulnerable. Being a 2nd degree black belt and former
Taekwondo instructor myself, I can say from experience that Taekwondo’s kicks
are second to none, but there is much more to effective self-defense than good kicking.

As a cocky 20 year old, I thought my
sidekick alone would be fast and powerful enough to defeat my soon-to-be Wing
Chun instructor in a series of full contact challenge fights. I was quite sure that he couldn’t get past my
legs and he was quite sure that he could.
After several philosophical discussions about fighting we decided to put
his Wing Chun and my Taekwondo to the test.
Time and time again he waited for me to attack, parried my kicks, then
completely dominated and destroyed me with an intense flurry of chain punches, stomp
kicks, knees and elbows. At best I
clipped him a couple times with my kicks, but ultimately he would always take
advantage of my one-legged, off-balance, side-facing positioning, maneuver behind,
kick out my back leg, and take me down embarrassingly easily.

Muay Thai,
Kickboxing, and MMA are much more dynamic and street-effective than Boxing or Taekwondo
making use of knees, elbows, leg kicks, clinches, throws, and takedowns. But once again there are no groin or throat
strikes allowed, no eye gouges, no knee stomp kicks, no defense against
weapons, and no defense against multiple attackers. These few limitations may seem insignificant,
but keep in mind that most street fights involve either a weapon or multiple
attackers, and the three most vulnerable targets on the human body are the
eyes, groin and throat! This means that Muay
Thai, Kickboxing, and MMA are not training or utilizing the most effective
targets or techniques when it comes to real life or death combat.
These styles also use a lot of low roundhouse
kicks to the opponent’s legs with the intention of wearing them down over time,
which sounds good and works wonders during tournament bouts, but the average
street fight lasts only 9 seconds and involves multiple attackers, so in actual
combat there’s no time to strategize several kicks for wearing down your
opponent’s legs. You need more quick,
direct, and devastating attacks to vulnerable targets. Wing Chun’s two main kicks, the inside stomp
kick to the knee and front snap kick to the groin, are so brutally effective
that they are banned in all sports fighting and martial arts tournaments. The inside stomp kick smashing down at 45
degrees onto the kneecap reliably and easily takes down and/or breaks the leg
of even very strong opponents. And of
course one good swift kick to the groin beats a whole barrage of Muay Thai leg
kicks any day. So whether it’s
Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate or MMA, two of the most devastating
kicks are prohibited and so rarely if ever trained.

(Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Judo, Wrestling, and other grappling styles have little
or no striking whatsoever which is obviously a severe limitation. No punches, no kicks, no knees, no elbows, no
eye gouges, no hair pulling and no biting, yet these styles spend almost all
their training time on the ground. How
realistic is a ground fight without any striking, eye gouges, hair pulling or
biting? Even MMA, which allows ground
striking, still prohibits attacks to the neck and spine, eye gouges, groin strikes,
hair pulling and biting. This is the
only reason UFC/MMA/BJJ fighters spend so long rolling around the mat together vying
for position like a couple of entangled homosexual hyenas.
If they were allowed to elbow necks, stomp spines, gouge
eyes, strike groins, pull hair and bite, the entirety of their well-developed “ground
games,” would be useless.
Spending minutes jockeying for a side-mount or trying to pull off an
arm-bar is highly ineffective if your opponent is wildly
gouging at your eyes, attacking your groin, pulling your hair and biting you! The whole idea of martial artists needing a complex
“ground game” as seen in UFC/MMA/BJJ is erroneous anyway because when real
fights go to the ground, there’s no springy, soft canvas cushion to roll around
on. In the street it’s concrete and the odds
are whoever makes the first takedown wins.
These styles spend almost all their training time on the ground working
on the philosophy that 95% of fights go to the ground. While it’s true that most competition MMA
fights go to the ground at some point, this is not the case with street
fights. A cursory glance through
YouTube’s many fine street fights caught on camera show the majority of fights
being won with stand-up striking techniques, not with ground grappling
techniques. Besides, when facing multiple
attackers, going to the ground simply isn’t a viable option because
while you're busy rolling around wrestling one guy, his buddies will all be standing
straight punt-kicking the snot out of you.

Drunken Boxing, Wu Shu, and other overly flowery forms of Kung Fu are beautiful
to watch and wonderful for developing strength, flexibility and flow, but when
it comes to real life or death combat these flashy acrobatic styles also fail
in many respects. Too much emphasis is
placed on dancing and feigning the opponent, often leaving the practitioner
off-balance and vulnerable to attack.

of the fancy offensive striking techniques are indirect, less powerful, and
less effective than tried and true quick, direct strikes along the opponent’s
centerline (as in Wing Chun). So much
time is spent practicing flowery non-combative dancing or acrobatic techniques
that proper application and actual fighting often takes a back seat. Karate and several traditional martial arts also
have a similar problem incessantly training rigid robotic forms, stances,
blocks and strikes absolutely inapplicable and unusable in the street. For example the traditional front stance low,
high, inside and outside blocks of Karate are so slow, wide, rigid and
telegraphed that they cannot work even against an unskilled opponent. All Karate practitioners realize this and
never use the traditional blocks while sparring anyway, but still spend
countless hours training these useless forms and techniques regardless.

are many martial systems which don’t fall into the “irrelevant tradition” or
“sport fighting” traps and are thus much more street-ready such as Krav Maga,
Silat, FMA, Aikido, Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do.
These styles tend to be much more formidable and effective due to the
fact that they are always training with actual combat in mind and not slaving
to sports rules or ancient irrelevant traditions. To my sensibilities however, Wing Chun stands
out and maintains a distinctive edge over the rest with iron-clad concepts and
unique techniques such as simultaneous attack/defense, immoveable elbows, three
triangles, centerline theory, sticky hands/legs, and chain punching.
Wing Chun
is all about whatever works. Arm and leg
breaks, throat and groin strikes, eye gouges, finger locks, hair pulling,
biting and whatever else works is fair game. The movements and principles are so
universally applicable to any fight situation, that empty-hand practice,
weapons practice, and empty vs. weapons practice all utilize exactly the same
structures and techniques. This means regardless of the fight situation,
you are poised and prepared with muscle-memory to react more effectively to any
empty-hand or weapon attack, because all your training is universally
applicable regardless of how many attackers, how strong they are, or which
weapons they have.
Chun has often been called “the thinking man’s martial art” and if you have
made it this far through the article you can probably appreciate why. Originally however Wing Chun was not a “man’s”
martial art at all, but the only fighting system in the world known to have
been invented by a woman. A Shaolin nun named
Ng Mui developed the art over three centuries ago by taking only the most
direct and effective techniques of Shaolin Kung-Fu and creating a compact martial
training system specially suited and designed to defeat bigger, stronger and
faster opponents. Ng Mui and her female
student Yim Wing Chun used this new style against several men in challenge
fights. Both became legendary figures in
Kung-Fu history, neither of them ever losing a fight.

So how
does a man benefit from training a woman’s martial art? Think about this: If you get in a fight with someone who
is smaller, slower and weaker than you, then your natural advantages will
almost always defeat such an opponent without any training necessary. Therefore, if you are going to learn a
self-defense style, shouldn't it specifically train you to defeat opponent(s)
who are bigger, stronger, and faster than you? Since women on average tend to
be smaller, slower and weaker, Wing Chun seeks to compensate for these natural
disadvantages by relying on body mechanics and touch sensitivity instead of
speed and brute force to overcome an opponent.
Having trained this fighting system daily for 10 years now, I can personally
attest to its efficacy and intricacies.
It is ostensibly a simple martial art with a swift learning curve, but contains
incredible depth and complexity enough to spend a lifetime perfecting, always potential
for refining and developing to new levels of proficiency. I have researched and trained various martial
arts for most of my life, all with their unique pros and cons, advantages and
disadvantages, and I respect the traditions and practitioners of all martial
disciplines, but for me Wing Chun, based on its intelligent scientific principles
and sheer brutal effectiveness stands head and shoulders above the rest.
The idea that religions originated with the ritual use of visionary,
i.e. psychoactive, plants is not a new one. This has been
demonstrated in many cultures. The use of peyote (a cactus), psilocybin
mushrooms or DMT-containing plants is wide-spread in the Americas.
Hindu texts describe “soma”, a plant-based entheogenic drink. Some
African tribes employ the roots of the Tabernanthe iboga shrub. And the
blue lotus, depicted in ancient Egyptian wall paintings, has been proved
to be psychoactive and I am sure it was used for spiritual purposes.

In his book “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A Study of the
Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the
Ancient Near East”, John Allegro, one of the translators of the
scrolls found at Qumran, advanced the thesis that the religions of the
Middle East were ultimately based on shamanic practices, utilizing
plants as a source of communion with God. Publication of such a
controversial thesis in the 70s was a courageous act. He brought upon
himself the ire of every insufferable know-it-all scholar and every
insufferable Bible-thumping ignoramus. He paid a high price: it ended
his career.
At the heart of Allegro’s thesis is the fly-agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria). I do not think it very likely that this
species of mushroom would have played a significant role seeing that its
natural habitat is circumpolar and that it is almost always associated
with pine trees: it would therefore have been rather bare in the Middle
East. There were then and are now more likely candidates; all of them
widely available in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Near East and I
will look at just a very small selection.

Solanaceae: Let us start with the episode of the “burning bush”. In the Midrash
(a collection of Jewish legends) the burning bush was identified as a
rose bush. The significance of this reference is supposed to be that
while the Jewish people may be as difficult as thorns, there
nevertheless are “roses” among them. Fanciful nonsense! There is a much simpler explanation. When Moses saw the “burning
bush” he was quite possibly under the influence of a visionary
substance. There is one widely distributed plant that fits the bill: Datura stramonium
or “thorn apple”! It will produce splendid visions, yes, but also lead
to hot, dry skin while at the same time the ability to sweat is
reduced. Voila, you have a build-up of inner heat experienced as the
sensation of burning. Perhaps it was Moses that was burning and not the
bush??? The plant thrives in the arid conditions of the Near East and
while herding sheep for his Midianite father-in-law he would no doubt
have come across it and would have been familiar with its visionary

Datura: The datura is a member of the solanaceae (nightshade) plant family to which various species of henbane and mandrake
also belong. Both henbane and mandrake have the same constituents as
datura, albeit in different proportions; they are less toxic but have
the same effects as the datura. The mandrake is mentioned twice in the
Bible (cf. Genesis 30:14). The
traditional view is that mandrakes were an ancient folk remedy to help
barren women conceive. While mandrakes do not contain to our knowledge
any fertility-enhancing constituents they do have, if used judiciously,
aphrodisiac, euphoriant and relaxant effects that can aid in conceiving
as barrenness is frequently a result of psychosexual factors. Song of
Songs 7:12-13: The ‘Song of Songs” is a sensuous love poem and the
connection with the mandrake is impossible to miss:
Let us go early to the vineyards
To see if the vines have budded
If their blossoms have opened,
And if the pomegranates are in bloom
There I will give you my love.
The mandrakes send out their fragrance
And at our door is every delicacy
Both new and old
That I have stored up for you, my beloved.
Even such an unlikely place as the Western Wall in Jerusalem is home
to a variety of flora. You will find there Ephedra, which produces
ephedrine, a stimulant, and the golden henbane, compared
by the Jewish historian Josephus to the head-gear of the high priest.
Why would the tiara of the High Priest be designed to look like the seed
capsule of the henbane? Accident? I do not think so.
DMT and Peganum harmala (also known as Syrian rue): Benny
Shanon, Professor of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
has written an article for "Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology,
Consciousness and Culture" in which he speculates on the use of DMT-containing species of acacia in combination with Peganum harmala to yield the equivalent of the Amazonion “magic potion” ayahuasca,
a drink that will produce truly awe-inspiring visions. The acacia is
frequently mentioned in the Bible. Shanon’s thesis is that Moses had
knowledge of its psychoactivity and made use of it.

It is beyond the scope of this article to go into the details of
chemistry. I’ll leave it to the interested reader to pursue this
further. Suffice it to say that for oral administration to work it is
absolutely essential that two ingredients be present: a) DMT, supplied by the acacia although it also is present in many other plants and b) a MAO inhibitor, supplied by the Peganum harmala. Even if Moses did not know that both ingredients had to be present
for oral ingestion this does not rule out DMT as the source of visions.
It is quite effective on its own if the material that contains it is
smoked. Peganum harmala, too, can work either smoked – in fact it is
used as an incense – or brewed into a tea.

Frankincense and Myrrh: Frankincense and myrrh were both used in all ancient civilisations as
a perfume, incense and in medicine. Frankincense and myrrh were
precious; they were gifts fit for a king! Think of the gifts offered to
baby Jesus! Furthermore, a convict led to execution was given
frankincense or myrrh mixed into a cup of wine, numbing his senses so as
not to suffer pain. The women of Jerusalem donated the frankincense,
myrrh and wine to the court. When they were not donated, they were
purchased from public funds (Sanhedrin 43a). Think of the cup that was
offered to Jesus (although he refused to accept it)! Modern science shows us that frankincense has the ability to increase
oxygen around the pineal gland, thereby stimulating the pineal gland
through which we communicate spiritually. A recent study conducted at
Hebrew University noted frankincense smoke contained the psychoactive
substance incensole acetate that relieved
depression and anxiety (Moussaieff et al., 2008). Myrrh, taken
internally – if you can stomach the extremely bitter
taste - has very strong narcotic properties. It induces a state of
consciousness which partakes of both wakefulness and dreaming. You are
here and at the same time you are …. well, somewhere else. I can
personally vouch for its efficacy as an aid in meditation and a tool for
consciousness and dream enhancement.

In Conclusion: The fact is: humans are
hard-wired to seek altered states of consciousness. We have a hunger
for them. For that reason alone the “War on Drugs” is unwinnable.
Consider the length to which some will go to attain such states: long
periods of fasting or sleep deprivation, retreating for years into
deserts or mountains to meditate, breathing techniques that border on
asphyxiation, flagellation or other pain-producing techniques, extreme
physical exercises and so on and so forth. Such techniques have been
practiced since time immemorial. Often they require years of strenuous
and focused effort and you have no guarantee that you will succeed.
Furthermore, they are not without risk to life and limb or health!
Psychedelics, on the other hand, if used wisely, will yield results in a
much shorter time and without having to push body and mind to punishing
and dangerous extremes.

It was Timothy Leary who coined the slogan: Turn On – Tune In – Drop Out. Turn on means: take a psychedelic. Tune In means: look inward and rediscover your true self. Drop Out
means: abandon your submission to reality as defined for you by others –
stay tuned in! It does not mean to drop out of life and society!
We know that the
Ancients had knowledge of and access to the plant material described
above and a lot more besides. They certainly made use of most of them
for medicinal purposes. Did they also use them for their psychotropic
effects? Why would we think that they were different from us? Why would
we think that they did not use nature’s gifts? Only modern man is at
war with the natural world.

Of course, the notion that Moses might have been a shaman is anathema
to the traditionalists. In their view this reduces the perceived
“greatness” of their prophet and the “glory and splendour” of their god
to the level of a mere hallucination, created by none other than Satan
to mislead man. That’s why consciousnes-expanding visionary substances
are demonized and outlawed. Naturally, the mind controllers that
presume to rule us are quite happy to allow a dangerous drug like
alcohol. Why? Because it does not open the mind – quite the contrary!
Therefore it presents absolutely no challenge and poses no threat to the
consensus reality they have imposed upon us. To those nay-sayers who preach against the evils of “drugs” I say
this: you need to distinguish drugs from visionary substances. Opium,
for instance, is a medicine and a visionary substance – heroin is a
drug! Coca is an essential medicine in the mountains of the Andes! But cocaine is a drug!
Unless you have experienced an altered state of consciousness,
brought about by a visionary substance, ingested in a safe setting
conducive to meditation, with the proper intent and, ideally, under the
guidance of an experienced teacher, you do not know what you are talking
about, no matter what you think your qualifications are. What you
really need to do is to Shut Up – Turn On – Tune In - Drop Out! Then we can talk! You have the right to your own opinions but you have no right to impose your benighted views on anyone!
There is an entire legitimate and well-researched branch of
medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology which studies the effect of thoughts and
emotions on human biochemistry. Biologist
Dr. Bruce Lipton actually left his tenured University position to pursue his
research in this fascinating field.
recently, conventional medicine dismissed the role of the mind in the
functioning of the body, except for one pesky exception - the placebo effect,
which demonstrates that the mind has the power to heal the body when people
hold a belief that a particular drug or procedure will effect a cure, even if
the remedy is actually a sugar pill with no known pharmaceutical value. Medical
students learn that one third of all illnesses heal via the magic of the
placebo effect. With further education,
these same students will come to dismiss the value of the mind in healing
because it doesn’t fit into the flow charts of the Newtonian paradigm.
Unfortunately, as doctors, they will unwittingly disempower their patients by
not encouraging the healing power inherent in the mind.” -Dr. Bruce Lipton, “Spontaneous Evolution”
The placebo effect cures one-third of all illnesses. This is a staggering statistic - It means
that a wide range of health problems can be cured by our minds! In fact many ailments are literally created,
sustained, and eventually healed via completely non-physical processes
involving the mind and emotions. Acne,
allergies, angina pectoris, rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis, asthma,
cancer, the common cold, diabetes, fever, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
disease, radiation sickness, seasickness, ulcers, and many more diseases have
all been cured using a mere placebo. This
of course strikes another blow at the root of the western medical paradigm which
traditionally teaches health as a purely physical bio-chemical phenomenon. The non-physical psycho-emotional aspects of
health are dismissively disregarded.

numerous cases patients are cured simply by taking the placebo alone and with
no genuine supporting medication whatsoever.
This works because the patient sincerely believes, beyond any doubt in
the mind of the patient that the placebo is in fact real medicine that will
cure them. In this case the patient has
subconsciously used their own imagination upon themselves, but the result is
exactly the same, often to the considerable surprise of doctors and all others
concerned; a complete cure. The patient
visualized themselves as being cured as a direct result of taking what they
believe to be an effective medicine, in turn influencing the energy of the
inner bodies, thereby manifesting as an observable cure within the physical body. This process works both ways of course and
there are people who unwittingly become ill due to the subconscious use of
creative visualization and of the imagination generally and thought processes
generally. This occurs when a normally
healthy person strongly believes they are, or should become ill for some
reason, perhaps out of guilt, or for example as happens in the case of someone
considered to be a hypochondriac. This
belief coupled with the person subconsciously and very often intensively
imagining and believing themselves to be ill, will in turn attract that illness.”
Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (563-4)
Experiments have shown that even an injection of caffeine
will put caffeine-sensitive patients to sleep if they believe that they are
receiving a sedative. People with
multiple personalities can change eye color, turn off/on allergies, and even
have multiple menstruation cycles for each personality. Under hypnosis people can control heart rate,
body temperature, visual acuity, and will away scars and birthmarks. If humans are simply biochemical machines as
the western medical paradigm professes, and our beliefs/subconscious plays no
role in bodily health, how can such physical effects possibly come about from
non-physical causes?
“We may not think that a thought could be enough to undermine an
entire system, but, in fact, misperceptions can be lethal. Consider the
situation of a person with anorexia. While relatives and friends clearly
perceive that this skin-and-bones individual is near death, the anorexic looks
in a mirror and sees a fat person. Using this distorted view, that resembles an
image in a funhouse mirror, the anorexic’s brain attempts to control a
misperceived runaway weight gain, by-oops!-inhibiting the system’s metabolic
functions.” -Dr. Bruce Lipton,
“Spontaneous Evolution”
surgery has been used as a placebo. In
the 1950s, angina pectoris, recurrent pain in the chest and left arm due to
decreased blood flow to the heart, was commonly treated with surgery. Then some resourceful doctors decided to
conduct an experiment. Rather than
perform the customary surgery, which involved tying off the mammary artery,
they cut patients open and then simply sewed them back up again. The patients who received the sham surgery
reported just as much relief as the patients who had the full surgery.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (90)
Psychologist Shlomo Breznitz at Hebrew University in
Jerusalem performed a telling experiment with several troops of Israeli
soldiers. Each troop had to march 40
kilometers but different groups were given different information. Some groups were told they would march 30
kilometers, and later informed they had another 10 to go, other groups were
told they would march 60 kilometers, but were then stopped after 40. Some groups were allowed to see distance
markers along the way to keep track of how far they had marched; other groups
were not shown distance markers. Once
the 40 kilometers were complete Breznitz performed blood tests and found that
the stress hormone levels in the soldiers’ blood always reflected their
projections and not the actual distance they marched. This experiment shows another example of our
bodies physically responding not to “reality” but to our perception of reality.

“Just as
surely as positive thoughts can heal, negative ones - including the belief we
are susceptible to an illness or have been exposed to a toxic condition - can
actually manifest the undesired realities of those thoughts. Japanese children allergic to a poison
ivy-like plant took part in an experiment where a leaf of the poisonous plant
was rubbed onto one forearm. As a control, a nonpoisonous leaf resembling the
toxic plant was rubbed on the other forearm. As expected almost all of the
children broke out in a rash on the arm rubbed with the toxic leaf and had no
response to the imposter leaf. What the
children did not know was that the leaves were purposefully mislabeled. The
negative thought of being touched by the poisonous plant led to the rash
produced by the nontoxic leaf! In the majority of cases, no rash resulted from
contact with the toxic leaf that was thought to be the harmless control. The
conclusion is simple: positive perceptions enhance health, and negative
perceptions precipitate disease. This mind-bending example of the power of
belief was one of the founding experiments that led to the science of
psychoneuroimmunology.” -Dr. Bruce
Lipton, “Spontaneous Evolution”
“Our ability to control the body
holographic is molded by our beliefs.
Our minds have the power to get rid of warts, to clear our bronchial
tubes, and to mimic the painkilling ability of morphine, but because we are unaware
that we possess the power, we must be fooled into using it … No incident better
illustrates this than a now famous case reported by psychologist Bruno Klopfer.” -Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe” (93)

Dr. Bruno
Klopfer had exhausted all standard treatments trying to cure a man named Wright
of his advanced cancer of the lymph nodes.
Wright’s entire torso from groin to neck was covered in tomato-sized
tumors. His spleen and liver were so
enlarged and toxic that he had two quarts of milky fluid drained out of him
everyday. At his wits end, Wright heard
about an exciting new experimental drug called Krebiozen and begged Dr. Klopfer
to let him try it. At first Klopfer
refused because Krebiozen was in the testing phase and only being tried on
people with very short life expectancies.
Regardless Wright was persistent and insisted that they try this
remedy. Eventually Klopfer agreed and
within a week Wright’s tumors “melted like snowballs on a hot stove” to half
their original size, a result far surpassing even the strongest radiation
therapy. Within another week, the tumors
had vanished completely and Wright walked out of the hospital seemingly cancer-free. Later on, after two months of good health,
Wright began reading articles on the internet claiming that Krebiozen actually
had no effect on cancer of the lymph nodes.
He started becoming nervous and depressed reading more and more studies
until he suffered a relapse, all the tumors came back and he had to be readmitted
to the hospital. Seeing that Wright’s
hypochondria brought back the tumors, this time Dr. Klopfer decided to try an
experiment. He informed Wright that
Krebiozen in fact was effective on lymph node cancer as they had seen
themselves, but some of the initial supplies had deteriorated during shipping
and that was to blame for the relapse.
Furthermore, Klopfer said he just received a new highly concentrated
version of Krebiozen and this time it would work for sure. Wright enthusiastically agreed, rolled up his
sleeve, and his fibbing doctor injected him with a plain water placebo. Miraculously within days Wright’s tumors once
again melted away, his chest fluid emptied, and he was released from the
hospital feeling healthy and symptom-free from the mere water injection. About two months after this the American
Medical Association published their nationwide study of Krebiozen which flatly
stated that the drug had no effect whatsoever on treating cancer. Wright read the study and was
devastated. He immediately lost all faith
in the treatment causing the tumors and chest fluid to come back full force,
and he died two days later.
reason why people who are not aware of true healing cannot be cured is because
they believe in their own mind that only doctors, surgeons and other members of
the medical profession can ‘cure’ an illness.
Unfortunately, that very belief will ensure that true healing will not
be effective, due to the fact the true channels of healing will be blocked by
the conscious and subconscious mind, and energy influenced in the same
direction. It is sensible to visit a
doctor with any ailment, and to respect their words and actions, but it is
extremely important to know beyond any doubt the true origin of healing, and to
focus accordingly. Even if you are given
a course of medicine, exercises or even a surgical procedure, view these as
secondary influences while always knowing that the primary and true healing
influence is by virtue of the energy from which we are all made.” -Adrian
Cooper, “Our Ultimate Reality” (571)
If every day you go to someone else’s establishment, work on
their schedule, do everything they say, and make money for them, then I’m sorry
to bear bad news, but you might be a slave.
If you often awake to an alarm clock smothering your dreams to death with
a pillow then you very well might be a slave.
If you went into debt so you could spend the best years of your life qualifying
for a piece of paper to qualify for a salary-wage job, then you’re likely a
slave. Even if you work in a fancy
high-rise building, a compartmentalized neck-tie drone in some sociopathic
hierarchy, you might still just be an office slave, an expendable rung on the
corporate ladder.
No matter how attractive the position, whenever you work for
someone else, your financial means of subsistence, your ability to provide
food, water, and shelter for your family, is completely in the hands of another
person. Regardless of pension promises
or signed contracts, the real fact of the matter is there is no “job security” in
working for someone else. If at any time
for any reason the boss has a problem with you, the market goes south, your
contract’s over, the clientele fades, the account goes red, or the business
goes belly-up, then you’re high and dry on your way to becoming an unemployment
statistic. Tenures get overturned,
pensions get sucked away, and promises of rich retirements are rarely worth the
wait. Real job security and financial
freedom means owning your own business (and refusing to pay any taxes,
fees or fines from the mafia government that wants to keep you their slave).
The only true success that exists is when we find a way to
make a living doing exactly what we want.
When you wake up every morning and create your day exactly how you dream
it to be, that is success. When your
passion and your work are aligned, when you would do your job for free because
you like it so much, that is success.
The root of “work” and “worship” are the same, and if you’re living your
dreams aligned with your passions, doing what you were placed here on Earth to
do, then your work really is like your worship, your service to the world.
Slave jobs are great for when you need quick reliable
short-term income to get back on your feet or gather start-up capital for your
next venture, but remaining someone’s slave for too long, even high-paid
lap-dogs will eventually wish to leave their master. No matter how attractive
the position, whenever you work for someone else, you will always be selling
your time wholesale to someone who is profiting from you retail. No boss can afford to pay any employee the
amount of money which that employee brings to the company, as that would cause
the business to bankrupt. The only way to run a profitable business is to
pay employees less than they're worth, usually far less. So if you are working for someone else, your
financial stability is completely in their hands, and it is guaranteed
that they are paying you less than you are worth.
You can’t just up and quit your slave job without some
serious planning and hard work though. There
are several steps that all wage slaves must take before riding the
entrepreneurial underground railroad to financial freedom.

The first step to quitting your slave job and manifesting
your dream lifestyle is getting a clear picture of your life’s purpose. What were you born to do? What makes you happy? What is your true passion? What would you like to spend your days
doing? If money wasn’t an issue, what
would you do with your life? Once the
answers to those questions form a clear image in your head, step two is
imagining and creating a product or service aligned with your purpose. For instance, if your absolute favorite thing
in life is skateboarding, always has been and always will be, it makes you
happy and it’s your favorite way to spend your time, then your step one is simple
and complete. Your step two would be
deciding what marketable aspect of your passion appeals most to you. Would you like to open a skate shop? Would you like to manufacture
skateboards? Would you like to design
them? Would you like to teach
skating? Would you like to make skating
videos or start a skating magazine? How would
you most like to express your passion and how can you use it to enrich,
inspire, empower and add value to others?
Once your vision is clear, step three is to get free of all
debt. If you quit your slave job but
still owe debts to the bank or anyone else, then you are no less of a
slave. So it is crucial that you pay off
all your debts (and don’t take on any more!)
To pay off your debts, you must make sure your monthly expenditures
always remain lower than your monthly slave income. If your expenditures are too high you must
find ways to thriftily cut corners so that you can always stay in the
black. Calculate your slave salary minus
your monthly expenses equals the amount you can put away each month towards
your debt. Also note that if you are able
to pay ahead on the principle (and not just the monthly minimum) you can
exponentially cut down the total interest due.
Once you are debt free, step four is to take the difference
between your slave salary and your monthly expenditures and start saving
it! You will need to save up enough
money to cover two important costs: the
start-up expenses for your entrepreneurial venture, and a savings safety net to
fall back on. To calculate your start-up
costs add up all the expenses you will need to create and get your product or
service on the market. This includes
things like materials, advertizing, transportation, consultations, shipping,
rentals, any and all potential expenses necessary to start your venture. Beyond this you will also need a savings safety
net, enough money to cover your living expenses for several months kept away as
an emergency fund in case any unexpected problems arise (which they will). Calculate your average monthly living
expenses and save at least 3-12 times that for use if you’re ever having
trouble living off your business’ income alone.
While in the saving phase, now is the time to start your
business. If you quit your job first
then try to start your venture, it will likely fail to bring in enough reliable
income to sustain you, since building a reliable, sustainable income usually
takes time. So you will essentially have
to work two jobs for a while; your slave job from 9-5, and your dream job from
5-9 (and make sure to get enough sleep in there somewhere). If your business sells a product then you
will need to start manufacturing, advertizing, and making sales whenever
possible in your down-time. If your
business sells a service you will need to refine, advertize and start providing
your service on nights and weekends (or whenever you are free). This process of promotion and building a
loyal customer base could feasibly take anywhere from a couple months to a
couple years.
Advertizing and self-promotion is usually the most difficult,
most time and money-consuming part of growing a successful business, but it is
also the most important, because without finding some reliable and effective
advertizing methods, you will never secure a stable customer base. Once word spreads and repeat sales start
coming in, the final step to financial freedom is growing the monthly income
from your business until it exceeds your monthly living expenses. When you’re making all the money you need to
sustain yourself from your own business then you’re ready! It’s time to quit your slave job and live
your dream life!
Life is too beautiful to waste living for someone else. Work and play are too important to be
separated. If you love your job so much
that you would do it for free then you are certainly on the right path, but anything
less than that is selling yourself short.
When people say “there just aren’t enough good jobs,” or when
governments and corporations act like they’re economic saviors by “creating
jobs” for us, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that there are, have always been,
and always will be just as many “jobs” as there are people on the planet! If you have two functioning arms and half a
brain then there will always be work that you can do. What the governments and corporations won’t
tell you is that it’s up to you to create your own job, find your own niche
passion, add value to the market, and that’s the reality of “job creation.” Being “employed” means being a slave, so
don’t worry about the ever-rising “unemployment rate.” In a perfect world every single person would
be unemployed (and unemployable!) because they are already making an income
doing exactly the work that they worship.

Upon finishing my latest book Spiritual Science, my good friend and loyal reader Matt gave me one of my favorite reviews. He said, "In my opinion it's the best metaphysical book on the market, better than the Bible."
Now depending on who you ask, that statement is either a blasphemous
impossibility or not even a compliment, but coming from a fellow gnostic
yogi I knew he meant it as high praise. Having put nearly three years
of my life into compiling and writing this esoteric encyclopedia of
modern spirituality, it is my greatest wish for it to be read by as many
people as possible. I truly believe the knowledge and wisdom condensed
and consolidated between it's bindings can awaken anyone to their inner
latent spirituality:
My first and second books Asbestos Head and Atlantean Conspiracy which
I've always given away free have now been downloaded by over 500,000
people. Spiritual Science, however, which I charge $20 for has only
been downloaded by 50 people. After factoring out many other
alternatives and giving my tens of thousands of loyal weekly readers the
benefit of the doubt, my team of expert analysts has concluded that the
reason Spiritual Science has received so few downloads is that most
people don't value my hard work and dedication :( I've hired a
separate team of specialists to help console me but unfortunately their
consolations don't help pay the rent. If you appreciate and benefit
from what you've learned on please help me out and download a copy today! Thanks so much to everyone who follows my websites and those of you who have helped make my dreams of being a professional writer come true.
Order the Spiritual Science 284-page Paperback
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the 1990s three independent scientific studies brought to light the importance
of DNA and emotions in creating quantum reality. The first major study
performed by Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev at the Russian Academy
of Science was deemed the “Phantom DNA Experiment” and yielded some fascinating
results. First they created a vacuum in a specially designed test tube, and then
measured the location of light photons inside to see if they were clumped at
the bottom, clung to the sides, or dispersed all throughout. As expected, the photons were scattered
randomly throughout the tube. When a
strand of DNA was placed in the tube, however, the particles acted as if drawn
by an invisible force and spontaneously arranged themselves around the DNA
strand! Even stranger, when the DNA was
removed from the tube, the particles stayed in exactly the same shape. This is notable because nothing in
conventional physics allows for such an effect, yet now we have observable
documented proof that DNA, the substance that composes us, can have a direct
and powerful effect on the quantum world around us.

experiment is important for a number of reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is that it clearly
shows us a direct relationship between DNA and the energy that our world is
made of. Of the many conclusions that we
may draw from this powerful demonstration, two are certain: 1. A type of energy exists that has
previously gone unrecognized. 2.
Cells/DNA influence matter through this form of energy. Produced under the rigid control of
laboratory conditions, evidence arose of the powerful relationship that ancient
traditions have held sacred for centuries.
The DNA changed the behavior of the light particles – the essence of our
world. Just as our most cherished
traditions and spiritual texts have informed us for so long, the experiment
validated that we have a direct effect on the world around us. Beyond wishful thinking and New Age isms,
this impact is real. The DNA phantom
effect shows us that under the right conditions and with proper equipment, this
relationship can be documented.”
-Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (45-6)

the same time Poponin and Gariaev recorded their Phantom DNA findings, similar
experiments were being conducted by the U.S. Army testing the power of emotion
on DNA and living cells. They
volunteers up to specially designed electrometers then played series’ of
video images (from comedy to torture to erotica) designed to create
genuine states of feeling in order to collect a broad spectrum of
fluctuation. Just as expected, peaks and
dips in volunteers’ electrical responses coincided perfectly with changes in
emotional stimuli. The
big surprise came during the next phase in which they took tissue/DNA swabs
from the volunteers, placed them in a vault several hundred feet away, and
repeated the experiment. Strangely
enough, the tissue/DNA samples locked hundreds of feet away still registered
the same electrical peaks and dips coincident with the donor’s response to
emotional video clips.

the DNA and the donor to have any connection whatsoever, there must be
something that links them together. The
experiment suggests four things: A previously unrecognized form of energy
exists between living tissues; Cells and DNA communicate through this field of
energy; Human emotion has a direct influence on living DNA; Distance appears to
be of no consequence with regard to the effect.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (49-50)
Cleve Backster more recently performed this experiment with a distance of 350
miles between the donor and his cells.
Even at this extreme distance, in experiments gauged by an atomic clock,
the donor and his cells still responded absolutely identically,
simultaneously! The fact that a donor
and his DNA 350 miles away have such coincident responses suggests that the
energy of the donor’s emotions doesn’t “travel” anywhere but is already
everywhere, as demonstrated by Bohm’s holographic universe metaphor. This experiment also grants credence to such
practices as prayer and energy healing, showing that emotion and intention can
produce measurable physiological results at any distance.
been conditioned to believe that the state of the DNA in our body is a
given. Contemporary thinking suggests
that it’s a fixed quantity – we ‘get what we get’ when we’re born – and with
the exception of drugs, chemicals, and electrical fields, our DNA doesn’t change
in response to anything that we can do in our lives. But this experiment shows us that nothing
could be further from the truth … There’s absolutely nothing in conventional
wisdom that allows for the material of life in our bodies to have any effect whatsoever
on our outer world. And there’s also
nothing to suggest that human emotion can in any way affect DNA when it’s
inside the body of its owner, let alone when it’s hundreds of miles away. Yet this is precisely what the results are
showing us.” -Gregg Braden, “The
Divine Matrix” (52)

third relevant study conducted around this time was performed at the Institute of HeartMath
in Northern California. Scientists began by isolating human DNA in
glass beakers then exposed them to “coherent emotion” which is an intentionally
created physiological state achieved by practicing specially designed
mental/emotional self-management techniques such as meditation and deep breathing. Volunteers trained in
applying coherent emotion directed it towards the glass beakers and actually
succeeded in changing both the physical and chemical structures of the
DNA! Different directed intentions
produced varying effects on the DNA molecules causing them to wind or unwind,
change shape or even separate atomic/chemical components.
the first experiment, Poponin showed us that human DNA has a direct effect on
the vibration of light. In the second –
the military experiment – we learned that whether we’re in the same room with
our DNA or separated by distances of hundreds of miles, we’re still connected to
its molecules, and the effect is the same.
In the third experiment, the HeartMath researchers showed us that human
emotion has a direct effect on DNA, which in turn directly impacts the stuff
our world is made of. This is the
beginning of a technology – an inner technology – that does more than simply
tell us we can have an effect on our bodies and our world … it shows us that
this effect exists and how it works!”
-Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (53)
In further studies The HeartMath Institute found that our hearts
actually have the strongest magnetic field in the body and that field has an
effect well beyond our own bodies. When
we feel love or joy the heart’s magnetic field relaxes and unwinds DNA, but
when we feel anger or frustration it tightens and winds up. Furthermore, when tested for immune response,
researchers found the relaxed DNA performed far more proficiently than the
control group while the tightened DNA performed far worse. This proves scientifically that
positive/negative emotions alter both our DNA and our immune systems, which
means our emotional states are significant contributing factors in our physical
health and wellness.
“If you are
someone who thinks sad, angry or negative thoughts most of the day, you are
weakening your immune system. The chemicals in your body which fight off
infection can be clinically shown to decrease.” -Cathy Chapman, Ph.D. “Strengthening the
Immune System”
these experiments suggest two similar conclusions, which are the crux of this
book: 1) There is something ‘out there’: the matrix of an energy that connects
any one thing with everything else in the universe. This connective field accounts for the
unexpected results of the experiments.
2) The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our
universe, and emotion is the key to tapping in to the field.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (53)
quantum physics was first becoming accepted as the mechanisms by which the
universe operates, the physicists had trouble with this themselves. They could
say, ‘Well, I can see these ideas working at the level of atoms and molecules
but I can’t bring that kind of weirdness into my life.’ So there was an
arbitrary decision back in the 1920s to say, ‘Let’s restrict quantum mechanics
to the world of atoms and molecules and use Newtonian physics to describe the
rest of the world.’ That is why biology went on its merry way using Newtonian
physics. Yet we are today beginning to see work by very reputable scientists
that says the universe is created by our observations; we create the field and
the field shapes the particle. The big lesson is that what you think or ask for
is what you are going to get. It is not a coincidence; we are actively involved
in physically shaping the world that we experience.”
-Dr. Bruce Lipton, “How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology”
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Four Dharmic ideals which I constantly strive to embody, embrace and express are Truth, Freedom, Peace, and Love.
I think of these four ideals as the immutable pillar stones necessary
for an impeccable moral foundation. Morality and Dharma are on the
decline in our current age (Kali Yuga) and the only way to change and
improve things externally is to change and improve ourselves
internally. To manifest the ideals of Truth, Freedom, Peace and Love,
first we must stop manifesting Lies, Enslavement, Violence, and Fear.
are broadcast daily from our governments, mainstream media, big pharma,
the public education system, pundits, politicians, lawyers, actors, and
advertisers all making a living from lying. To take our power back
from the liars we must be devoted 100% to honesty and integrity in our
own lives. We must make a 24/7 habit of absolute sincerity, standing
strong in our truth, striving to express as eloquently and articulately
the truth as we know it. We must refuse to believe the lies and help to
expose the liars. Refuse the temptation to lie to make our lives
easier and never cheat on our spouses / partners because that is a form
of lying too. We must refuse the notion that some lies are acceptable
because "the truth would hurt" too much. If there is ever to be an
actual "Truth Movement" it can only happen through radical,
unconditional honesty and integrity.

Slavery is practiced by governments, corporations, banks, private
prisons, insurance companies, factory farms, bankers, politicians and
lawyers who all make a living from enslavement. To take our power back
from the slave drivers we must be 100% free and sovereign in our own
lives. We must quit our wage slave jobs, stop paying taxes, stop obeying unlawful legislations, get free of debt, learn self-defense, acquire tangible assets, get off the grid, grow our own food, create our own jobs, become entrepreneurs and freemen on the land,
start our own interest-free banks and local currencies. We must
completely refuse to be enslaved, refuse to enslave others, and help one
another achieve true freedom.

Violence is practiced by governments, corporations, militaries,
police forces, private security, prisons, gangsters, mafias,
mercenaries, factory farmers and butchers all making a living from
violence. To take our power back from the bullies we must be 100%
peaceful in our interactions. We must refuse to be employed as a
soldiers, police or mercenaries. We must end the animal holocaust. We must stop domestic abuse and practice peaceful parenting.
We should never hit, harm or even raise our voices to others,
especially our friends and family. All interactions between parents,
children, siblings, friends, and strangers alike should be free of all
force; even passive-aggression is still aggression which we must
personally refuse to manifest.

Fear is employed by governments, corporations, militaries,
police, banks, insurance companies, factory farms, mafias, private
prisons, politicians, and lawyers who all make a living off victims of
fear. To take our power back from the fear-mongers we must practice
unconditional love. As Jesus, John Lennon and many-a-martyr will agree,
no one word, no one concept is so powerful and unifying as Love. Love
is the main immutable pillar for a truly moral foundation. If you have
developed true unconditional love, then you already have the other three
pillars of Truth, Freedom and Peace as well, because love is certainly
honest, free and peaceful. Cheating or lying is not true love.
"Loving" a bird enslaved in a tiny cage is not truly loving the bird.
And forceful or "violent love" cannot be called true love at all, in
fact it's called rape or domestic abuse.
So before saying or doing anything, remember the four pillars: Is it
true? Does it promote freedom? Is it peaceful? And is it loving? Or
if you're short on time just check the fourth: Is this a loving thing
to say? Is this a loving thing to do? Adhere to these and we will be
on the Dharma fast-track through morality to another golden age. All we
need is Love.
All we
need is Love??? NO!!!
Eric Dubay's anti-Islam and anti-Muslim bias or prejudices are quite disappointing!!! [BAFS]
"Four Dharmic ideals which I constantly strive to embody, embrace and express are Truth, Freedom, Peace, and Love."
WHAT ABOUT ISLAMIC IDEALS??? Islam preaches the WAY to the SOURCE (GOD) by STRUGGLING in that Way, not otherwise! There can be no FREEDOM without STRUGGLE, peaceful and otherwise (physical, where comes the concept and necessity of SELF-DEFENCE). TRUTH without Freedom and JUSTICE is useless! The Way must also be a MORAL WAY!!!
"LOVE" IS A WRONG CONCEPT, MISUNDERSTOOD, AND NOT PRACTICED BY MOST HUMANS! The western concept of "love" is 100% ORGASMIC (just a biological necessity) by whatever means!