Personal Letter from Roger Stone
friendship and loyalty to the President made me a target in the
illegal, illegitimate and politically-motivated Mueller witch-hunt in
which I was vilified, smeared, threatened, terrorized, illegally spied
on, framed, unconstitutionally gagged, lynched, virtually bankrupted,
attacked from the bench repeatedly for my political beliefs and activism
and was railroaded at trial."
By Roger Stone
September 8, 2021
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I am grateful to my friends Ty and Charlene Bollinger, producers of TheTruthAboutCancer documentary, for allowing me to update you directly regarding the relentless attacks of a corrupt government and the continuing distortions in the fake news media against me and my family, as well as providing an update regarding my wife’s shocking, recent diagnosis with cancer which doctors at first told us was “stage 3” but almost immediately downgraded her condition to stage 4 cancer.
Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably know that I am a vigorous 69-year-old veteran of eleven national Republican Presidential campaigns after working in the Senate for one of the greatest living American Sen. Bob Dole, I have worked on the campaigns of Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and Trump. I am also a 40-year friend and advisor of Donald Trump, who I first urged to seek the Presidency in 1988.
Many Americans were shocked when 29 heavily-armed FBI agents, in full SWAT gear and night goggles and brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons, stormed my home with a CNN camera crew in tow. My wife, who is hearing-impaired, woke up looking down the barrel of a rifle and she too was “perp-walked” out of our house, in her night clothes, in the predawn hours of my arrest for the benefit of the CNN cameras. Is it any wonder that she is afflicted with cancer?
My friendship and loyalty to the President made me a target in the illegal, illegitimate and politically-motivated Mueller witch-hunt in which I was vilified, smeared, threatened, terrorized, illegally spied on, framed, unconstitutionally gagged, lynched, virtually bankrupted, attacked from the bench repeatedly for my political beliefs and activism and was railroaded at trial.
As you may recall, I was subjected to the nightmare of a legal lynching featuring a Trump-hating Judge, a corrupt Jury Forewoman, a carefully stacked jury of Trump haters and prosecutors who ignored of withheld exculpatory evidence that would have destroyed Mueller’s clever but contrived charges of “lying to Congress.” I was subjected to a brisk Soviet Style show trial in which the Judge arbitrarily violated my First, Forth and Sixth Amendment rights.
To insure I went quietly, I was unconstitutionally gagged – unable to defend myself against the torrent of smears, lies and falsehoods in a fake news media pile-on that lasted two full years. Between the massive legal fees for my defense and my inability to generate any income due to the judge’s gag order, my wife and I lost our home, our savings, much of our insurance and my car. Although Mrs. Stone did not have much valuable jewelry, she sold everything except her wedding ring to help finance my legal defense.
By the grace of God, President Trump, recognizing the corruption of my prosecution, the hateful bias of the Judge, the malfeasance of the Jury Forewoman and a rigged jury and corrupt prosecutors, ultimately granted me a full and unconditional presidential pardon.
Only my decision to reaffirm my belief in Jesus Christ and my fervent prayers asking the Lord to deliver me from my persecutors and those who bore false witness against me saved my life.
My wife and I emerged from this epic two-year struggle of uncertainty and terror, battered, broke and exhausted, but with a strengthened belief in God.
I wish I could tell you that our tribulations are over but sadly that is not the case. The relentless attacks on us by a corrupted DOJ and an entirely dishonest and malicious fake news media continue unabated.
Left-wing outrage over President Trump’s redemptive pardon of me based on the epic and obvious lack of fairness in my trial, as well as the basic legitimacy of the fabricated charges against me, have created an ugly bloodlust on the American left. This helps accelerate multiple false narratives where “guilt by association” is used by the media to smear me regarding the events of January 6th in which I played no part and laying the foundation for continuous harassment of both my wife and me in FIFTEEN baseless civil lawsuits.
In fact, the Reuters news service reported only days ago that a senior FBI source confirmed that the FBI had found no evidence tying me in any way to the illegal events of January 6th. Unfortunately, that does not stop the avalanche of well-funded but entirely baseless harassment civil suits against me.
The unfairness of it is shocking. The potential cost of my legal defense is staggering – but wait, there’s more!
Incredibly, on the day after Joe Biden was inaugurated as President, the IRS suddenly ended formal legal negotiations and the Biden DOJ filed a sensationalized but baseless CIVIL lawsuit against me and my wife implying, but providing no evidence to substantiate the claim that we have somehow evaded federal taxes.
Biden’s DOJ also claims, in their malicious but baseless tax suit against me, that my wife and I are somehow living a lavish and luxurious lifestyle which is a vicious lie concocted so that patriots who are inclined to support me and my family in our ongoing struggle against the Deep State are discouraged from rallying to my side. Thank God that Ty and Charlene Bollinger know better.
The government’s phony tax complaint is stunning in its factual inaccuracy and, in fact, each of the nine individual assertions against my wife and I by the government are categorically and demonstrably false.
Nonetheless, it will cause me tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to prove that the government’s case against me is a fraud upon the court when the case goes to trial in Miami presumably later this year. But those who seek to torture me got the desired effect – multiple headlines in the fake news media that falsely insinuate that my wife and I are tax cheats. In fact, we have reported and declared taxes on every penny of taxable income I have received. It’s just another vicious smear.
The politically-motivated attacks on me and my wife continue.
Only days ago, the “Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,” a nasty group of radical left-wing lawyers connected to Barack Obama, filed, a baseless, unsubstantiated and entirely politically motivated harassment lawsuit on behalf of seven Capitol Hill Police Officers they recruited against President Trump and myself, claiming that I was responsible for the endangerment of the police officers and that I conspired with others to deny the Police Officers their civil rights. My personal attorney, Grant Smith Esq., estimates that my defense against this entirely bogus lawsuit filed in the highly politicized DC Circuit could cost me as much as $250,000 in legal fees over the next several months.
Both the DOJ lawsuit and the lawsuit by this crazed band of left-wing attorneys are what is known as “lawfare,” a tactic of the radical left to file highly sensationalized but baseless lawsuits for the purpose of defaming the defendants in the court of public opinion and requiring their targets to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight their malicious claims.
All of this pales in comparison to the shocking news that my wife of thirty years, Nydia Bertran Stone, was diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 cancer in the form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Back in late February, my wife of thirty years, Nydia Stone, had a complete physical with a full blood panel as well as chest x-rays in which the results pronounced her to be in perfect health. Now, she has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which began in her lymph nodes but has now spread to her lungs. Needless to say, my wife is committed to waging a brave, spiritual, medicinal, and holistic fight to survive.
When cancer attacks someone you love, it changes your entire perspective on life and forces you to reconsider what you had previously considered priorities. While I have no choice but to raise the necessary funds to fight these vicious, distorted and baseless harassment lawsuits against my wife and me, nothing is more important now than victory in my wife’s epic struggle with cancer.
As a political scientist, I was forced to immerse myself in all of the available research in order to evaluate not only the effectiveness of those cancer treatments recommended by modern Western medicine but more importantly to those holistic, homeopathic and all-natural therapies as well as certain FDA-approved prescription drugs not currently prescribed for cancer but demonstrating impressive results in killing cancer in legitimate drug trials.
It was in this quest for information to help my wife make sound decisions regarding her cancer treatment that I fully discovered the wealth of information available at and the extraordinary knowledge and power that can be gleaned by watching the riveting series of videos put together by Charlene and Ty Bollinger.
Even Western doctors will admit that relentless stress is a triggering factor in the emergence of cancer. I have no doubt that the relentless pressure, stress, uncertainty, and terror my wife has experienced over the last almost three years, coupled with the financial hardship brought upon us by a relentless, hostile and politically motivated justice system bent on pressuring me to lie or destroying me when I refused and now continuing their systematic harassment by abusing our judicial system by filing sensationalized harassment lawsuits against us.
Shifting my entire focus to my research on cancer, it became clear to me that chemotherapy and radiation as widely recommended by the current medical establishment, are both extraordinarily toxic to the human system and both suppress natural immunity. Neither, however, can kill cancer stem cells – they can only knock the cancer back or slow its growth. At the same, cancer can be eradicated by rebuilding the patient’s natural immunity.
I also learned that there are many effective all-natural supplements which have proven to be medically effective anti-cancer agents or to boost natural immunity. While some of these supplements such as oxygenated water, digestive enzymes, beta glucans and certain mushrooms consumed either in capsules or in the form of tea, are relatively inexpensive, other effective therapies are costly.
For example, intravenous vitamin infusions of vitamins B, C and B-12 as well as infusions of certain peptides are expensive. Fortunately, Brian Clement, the Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, was able to refer us to a clinic in West Palm Beach where these all-important infusions, as well as the oxygenation of Mrs. Stone’s blood can be administered.
Concentrated THC products which are custom designed for strength as an anti-cancer agent, coupled with highly specific cancer-targeting CBD oil, are also vital components of my wife’s cancer-fighting regimen.
Candidly, we have also examined and evaluated a number of FDA-approved drugs or drugs that are currently in clinical trials, including drugs approved for canine use, which are not toxic to the human system. I have now documented many cases where cancer victims were told there was no hope and that their life expectancy was extremely limited, yet their cancer has been eradicated when they added these drugs to their cancer treatment regimen.
Fenbendazole CYDY (Leronlimab) and Olaparib are all drugs that show great promise in destroying cancer cells or slowing their growth. Needless to say, we are not trying to evaluate the effectiveness of ivermectin in cancer treatment.
If you know anything about natural healing therapies, you know that a patient must be consistent in the application of the therapy and that the supplements injected or taken through injection must be consistent. In all honesty, Mrs. Stone has run out of the most effective supplements, and we are struggling to pay for her THC/CBD therapy, more vitamin infusions, as well as oxygenation of her blood. Her remaining insurance does not cover these treatments. That is precisely why I am writing to you today.
It is also vital that my wife be allowed to heal in a calm and peaceful environment. I can tell you that she is effectively fighting a medicinal, all-natural and spiritual battle for her life with prayer, confidence, and hope.
At the same time, I must continue to struggle to be certain that I can pay for the basic expenses of housing, groceries, gasoline, remaining insurance premiums and taxes, as well as going out to raise money for my legal defense fund. The stress and pressure is relentless but I will never give in to this harassment – but we urgently need your help.
Mueller and his thugs may have taken my savings, income, car, home and most of my insurance but as long as I have my wife – I have everything.
Because of internet de-platforming, I have been banned for life on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which has prevented me from reaching my over two million followers to monetize the sale of my books, our family financial recovery has been more difficult than I have anticipated, which leaves me no choice but to ask the many people who stood with me and my wife during my epic struggle for justice, personal freedom and vindication to help me and my wife again now. Will you help us now in our time of need?
Beyond your prayers, you can help in two ways:
First: please make a contribution at to support my family and my wife as we continue to fight both the forces of evil, bent once again, on our destruction, as well as assisting my wife with access to the strongest and most effective all-natural cancer-fighting therapies.
Secondly: forward this e-mail to ten of your friends or family members who support health freedom, the U.S. Constitution and who have the courage to oppose both Big Pharma and the medical establishment and who you think would be likely to support me, my wife and my family at this crucial time.
Just as the Lord delivered me from those who sought to persecute me, I am praying fervently that he will heal my wife and help me manage the enormous stress of raising the money both for her alternative cancer treatments and for my legal defense against the continuing abuse of our judicial system where I must fight malicious, groundless, unsubstantiated and baseless civil lawsuits from those seeking only to drain my resources in order to destroy me.
Once again, I want to thank Ty and Charlene Bollinger—true American patriots who have suffered the slings and arrows of the vicious fake news media because of their fearless advocacy of the truth about cancer and health freedom.
Please let me hear from you today. Thank you for your prayers.
Roger Stone
PS – I am attending this year’s TRUTH ABOUT CANCER “LIVE” conference in Nashville from October 22nd to October 24th. I look forward to seeing you there.
PPS – Please remember to forward this e-mail to at least 5 of your friends or family members who you think will be likely to help me and my family in the difficult days ahead.
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standard” for people to learn what’s actually happening RIGHT NOW
in the world of natural health. And with the current state of the
nation and how freedom and liberty literally hangs in the balance, it’s
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