Look DADA (grandfather), the Earth is not moving nor turning, and it is flat!
YES, BABA (my little one), that's what I SEE too, and Dada will never tell lies to innocent children!

The dismissal of Hagar by Pieter Pietersz Lastman.
‘Cast (KICK) out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac’”
‘Cast (KICK) out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac’”
Sarah sent Ishmael away after Isaac was “weaned” (Genesis 21:8–10).
Then the Demonic God spoke to terrorize Abram on this issue:
“Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you,... ???
Then the Demonic God spoke to terrorize Abram on this issue:
“Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you,... ???
Abraham obeyed the Lord, meaning SARAH!
“So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away” (LYING Genesis 21:14).
Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets

Join us as we discuss our History... and why it cannot be true and what
"new chronology" seems to make more sense. Joining me via phone will be
Clint Wayland, someone who has done more research than I into Anatoly
Fomenko who is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, professor at Moscow
State University, and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is
author of a pseudoscientific theory known as New Chronology. He is also a
member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Hagar and Ishmael (expelled to DIE) in the Desert, by Grigory Ugryumov (c. 1785).
Abraham obeyed the Lord, meaning SARAH!
“So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away” (LYING Genesis 21:14).
Mrs. Abraham (Hagar) and her son Ishmael
cast to die in the Arabian desert?
هاتف :17273787فاكس :17274787ص.ب .10493الالكترونياليريدالبحرينمملكة :Tajdeed@Tajdeed.org Al- Hijaz, Homeland of Abraham and the Israeli prophets
An Arab’s geographical map for Abraham's journey based on Arabia historical accounts Tarik Ahmed, Ammar Rajab
Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society Kingdom of Bahrain
June 2006
WWW.Tajdeed.orgSecond edition- July 2006
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled
"Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography".
The book is readily available for downloading from the society's website. Most of the Arabic originating references quoted in this paper are currently unavailable in English; hence the relevant references are cited in the original language only.
Extremely hard to share my experiences about False History, God(s), Religions and "Science" to my little ones in the midst of TRUTH-HATERS!
jeranism LIVE #11 - History is a Lie with guest Clint Wayland
Streamed live on 8 Jul 2017
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✔PLEASE NOTE My videos are my personal opinion and only that. If you hear the words truth or fact, I am stating my opinion. You may have a different opinion. If you don't like hearing my opinion on the matter, simply block me. If you make a comment and it doesn't show up, you have probably hit a filter that I have set to remove comments that are useless. Any personal attack, name calling, appeals to authority, straw men arguments or excess profanity laced nonsense will be deleted as well. Also if you have no avatar, you'll probably be deleted. Drop a link, please explain what it is or I will delete it. I don't have time to go through comment by comment so if yours is accidentally deleted, try again. For those that think themselves so smart and well educated... you should understand that I am saying that some of what you have been taught is not correct and as such, you telling us all how smart and right you are is just proving my point. I am challenging "scientific fact," because doing so will either reveal that I was taught the truth or I can help rid the world of the lies and together, we all get closer to the truth. Asking questions is step 1 of the scientific method. Blind belief in what you are told is a sign of a religion. Go watch a video you enjoy... life is too short.
☻As always, thanks for watching!
Philippe Baile to Quantum Prophecies
ISRAEL'S HAARETZ 1999: ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it"
"...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out:
The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.
http://www.truthbeknown.com/biblemyth.htm " read more on this at syrian eyes & my discoveries in saudi : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
need look that first
= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية www.tajdeed.org
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...
Like · Reply · 40 minutes ago · Edited
Syrian Eyes For The Full Truth
MORE ? > here : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth
The alliance's founding statement:
Intellectuals against forgery
"Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"
In the name of God,
After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false. They were used to deceive the nations of the world.
This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all around the world, including Jews from Israel.
The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party, government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted population.
The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all prophets of Israel.
The story asserts that Palestine is the land promised by God to the people of Israel.
It also claims that there existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.
Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam, for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.
This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried out in the history of mankind.
The "State of Israel" obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical events.
Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors' land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the land!
All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today, to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine more than a century ago.
The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions, cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time for our history to be told by us, not by others.
The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated through various mechanisms.
The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and 'Islamic' countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and universities.
The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious outlook.
The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and maintaining its membership.
The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via different methods.
The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international journals.
The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:
Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie, the Republic of Iraq
Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the rebuttal of these forgeries.
Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.
Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race or language.
Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance, thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however, be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place that was agreed upon.
Manama - Bahrain
26 – 12 – 2010
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
ISRAEL'S HAARETZ 1999: ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it"
"...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out:
The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.
http://www.truthbeknown.com/biblemyth.htm " read more on this at syrian eyes & my discoveries in saudi : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
need look that first
= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية www.tajdeed.org
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat- Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...
Like · Reply · 40 minutes ago · Edited
Syrian Eyes For The Full Truth
MORE ? > here : https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Eyes.Truth
The alliance's founding statement:
Intellectuals against forgery
"Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"
In the name of God,
After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false. They were used to deceive the nations of the world.
This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all around the world, including Jews from Israel.
The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party, government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted population.
The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all prophets of Israel.
The story asserts that Palestine is the land promised by God to the people of Israel.
It also claims that there existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.
Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam, for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.
This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried out in the history of mankind.
The "State of Israel" obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical events.
Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors' land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the land!
All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today, to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine more than a century ago.
The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions, cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time for our history to be told by us, not by others.
The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated through various mechanisms.
The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and 'Islamic' countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and universities.
The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious outlook.
The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and maintaining its membership.
The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via different methods.
The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international journals.
The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:
Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie, the Republic of Iraq
Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the rebuttal of these forgeries.
Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.
Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race or language.
Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance, thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however, be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place that was agreed upon.
Manama - Bahrain
26 – 12 – 2010
Deconstructing the walls of Jericho www.truthbeknown.com
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
source : http://www.queenofsheba.info/files/part-1.pdf
ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but
Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it" LOL !
"...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel,
archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the
Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not
conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David
and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These
facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and
nobody wants to hear about it.
http://www.truthbeknown.com/biblemyth.htm "
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
need look that first= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for
Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an
abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed
Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat-
Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...
MORE ? >
The alliance's founding statement:
Intellectuals against forgery
"Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"
In the name of God,
After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started
to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind
and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological
bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false.
They were used to deceive the nations of the world.
This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved
by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished
collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all
around the world, including Jews from Israel.
The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to
this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting
circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and
activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party,
government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without
hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted
The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine
was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all
prophets of Israel. The story asserts that Palestine is the land
promised by God to the people of Israel. It also claims that there
existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet
Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds
(Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The
story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and
residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.
Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed
by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about
the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for
most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of
the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam,
for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This
fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that
happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the
consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.
This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish
this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish
immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is
indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of
time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were
scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for
various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers
and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried
out in the history of mankind.
The State of Israel obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a
global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They
assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established
historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific
research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic
and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to
the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the
history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly
of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical
Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither
would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it
wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the
cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to
books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and
accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now
considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors'
land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The
United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will
bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from
returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the
All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and
rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its
important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today,
to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from
deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate
rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the
candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of
thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that
establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different
backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists
can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This
has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form
of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of
resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the
ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from
scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression
and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine
more than a century ago.
The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual
cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions,
cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that
work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and
reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This
alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to
revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the
Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time
for our history to be told by us, not by others.
The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a
form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other
forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a
neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated
through various mechanisms.
The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and
Islamic countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place
on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and
The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will
not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will
keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious
The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It
believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were
victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the
global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance
asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and
maintaining its membership.
The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that
adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and
be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via
different methods.
The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed
significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in
today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a
book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international
The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event
organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in
the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed
and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:
Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie,the Republic of Iraq
Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who
hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the
rebuttal of these forgeries.
Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural
and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a
decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and
its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the
agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.
Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of
the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to
one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to
those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race
or language.
Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance
will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance,
thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also
derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has
to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however,
be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place
that was agreed upon.
Manama - Bahrain
26 – 12 – 2010
source : http://www.queenofsheba.info/files/part-1.pdf
ISRAEL'S TOP ARCHEOLOGIST: "These facts have been known for years, but
Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it" LOL !
"...Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel,
archaeologists have found out: The patriarchs' acts are legendary, the
Israelites did not sojourn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not
conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David
and Solomon, nor of the source of belief in the God of Israel. These
facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and
nobody wants to hear about it.
http://www.truthbeknown.com/biblemyth.htm "
Archeology has demonstrated that much of the Bible is inaccurate as history.
need look that first= http://www.tajdeed.org/article.aspx?id=10334
جمعية التجديد الثقافية الاجتماعية
Note: This paper has been presented at the Second World Congress for
Middle Eastern Studies held at Amman- Jordon. It represents an
abstract of a comprehensive research work published by Al-Tajdeed
Society in an Arabic book of 550 pages, entitled "Neda' Al Surat-
Kidnap of the Prophets Geography". T...
MORE ? >
The alliance's founding statement:
Intellectuals against forgery
"Towards Liberating Palestine From Zionist Fantasies"
In the name of God,
After decades of bitter and bloody struggle, a few things have started
to unravel, revealing a deliberate forgery in the history of mankind
and civilizations. All the facts now show that all the ideological
bases that were employed to occupy Palestine are completely false.
They were used to deceive the nations of the world.
This important historical and ideological discovery was not achieved
by pro-Palestine intellectuals alone, but was accomplished
collectively by a group of archaeologists and researchers from all
around the world, including Jews from Israel.
The Palestinian cause was, and will always be, the central cause to
this nation. It is the nation's dividing line as well as its uniting
circle. It is a humanitarian cause that attracted many noblemen and
activists around the world, irrespective of their ideology, party,
government, religion or race. All stood up to this cause without
hesitation, demanded to bring back to this land its evicted
The first step that paved the way to the unlawful seizure of Palestine
was marketing the story that claims Palestine to be the land of all
prophets of Israel. The story asserts that Palestine is the land
promised by God to the people of Israel. It also claims that there
existed a "Jewish Kingdom" once in Palestine. A temple for the prophet
Sulaiman (Solomon) is claimed to have been established in Al-Quds
(Jerusalem), situated precisely at the location of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The
story includes stories of the prophet Abraham traveling to and
residing in Palestine, amongst other prophets.
Due to the fact that today's Israel is an orientalist community formed
by the colonial powers, it grew and nurtured this spurious tale about
the history of Palestine. Yet this story has become a cornerstone for
most of the world's nations, an incontestable truth at the heart of
the Judaism and Christianity cultures. It even found its way to Islam,
for many of today's Muslims accept it as an unquestionable fact. This
fable was the justification for many bloodsheds and atrocities that
happened over the years. Thousands have died as a result, and the
consequences of this fact-distortion still linger today.
This indoctrinated story that provided the foundations to establish
this illegitimate entity - and paved the way for the Jewish
immigration to Palestine - is an entirely fabricated tale. It is
indeed a fable that was contrived and propagandized over the course of
time by numerous western governments and colonial powers, who were
scheming to seize the region's wealth, and thwart its solidarity for
various reasons. Among them were the Zionist Movement, the pioneers
and the main sponsors for the largest historical forgery ever carried
out in the history of mankind.
The State of Israel obtains its moral and legal legitimacy from a
global consensus on the Jewish right to reside in Palestine. They
assert that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a well-established
historical fact. Yet all information collected from scientific
research, archaeological excavations and the clarifications of Arabic
and Islamic heritage confirm the untruthfulness of this tale. Prior to
the occupation of Palestine, a complete distortion occurred to the
history of Palestine and the whole Arabic land. This consisted chiefly
of forging the prophets' geography and their relevant historical
Western nations would not have blessed this unlawful seizure; neither
would The United Nations legalize it by dividing Palestine if it
wasn't for this forged story. This story has found its way to the
cultures of all the world's nations, to the scientific institutes, to
books and encyclopedias of all languages. It is so widespread and
accepted that a simple claim of its possible falsehood is now
considered a form of heresy. The Jews' return to their "ancestors'
land" has now become a moral duty for Christians from Europe and The
United States, and in some cases, a religious obligation that will
bring closer the return of the Messiah! Hindering the Jews from
returning to Palestine incurs the wrath of God who promised them the
All this requires some urgent action that will defend truth and
rationality. A responsible response that will seek to take its
important part in the liberation of the suppressed human mind today,
to redeem the lost Arabic will, to rid the religious heritage from
deliberate misuse and intentional propaganda that attempts to violate
rights and nourish tensions. It requires an act that exemplifies the
candid search for truth, and sets an example for the freedom of
thought. This can be achieved by establishing an alliance; one that
establishes a forum through which intellectuals from different
backgrounds, think-tanks, journalists and interested archaeologists
can convene and work together to stand for this critical cause. This
has become an urgent matter, an pressing strategic necessity, a form
of cultural resistance that should be adjoined to other forms of
resistance against the unlawful Zionist seizure of Palestine; for the
ink of the pen is of no less significance than the blood spilt from
scores of Palestinians who died under the heat of Israeli oppression
and violence since the start of the Zionist immigration to Palestine
more than a century ago.
The alliance "Intellectuals against forgery" is an intellectual
cultural framework that encompasses all research institutions,
cultural societies, intellectuals, researchers, and personalities that
work in the field of correcting the region's distorted history, and
reject all the incumbent falsehoods injected into our history. This
alliance will seek to form a corrective school of thought that aims to
revise the Arabic and the region's history without referring to the
Orientalists accounts and their geopolitical terminology. It is time
for our history to be told by us, not by others.
The Alliance will promote this crucial issue and will address it as a
form of cultural resistance that should go hand in hand with other
forms of resistance defending the cause of Palestine. It is a
neglected form of resistance that needs to be vitalized and activated
through various mechanisms.
The Alliance will also try to talk to the Authorities in Arabic and
Islamic countries in order to allow for this revisionism to take place
on a wide-scale basis, such as in the curricula of schools and
The Alliance will be named "Intellectuals against forgery" and will
not be exclusive to a specific religion or a defined nation, but will
keep an open door for anyone who is willing to adopt this conscious
The Alliance affirms its respect for all religions and nations. It
believes that none of them is responsible for this case, but all were
victims of fraud and forgery that was so deviously executed by the
global "Zionist Movement" over the course of time. The Alliance
asserts that this respect is a prerequisite of obtaining and
maintaining its membership.
The Alliance will contact all institutions and personalities that
adopt this view to invite them to become members of this alliance and
be part of this project. It will seek to spread its vision via
different methods.
The founders of this Alliance are intellectuals who had contributed
significantly to reveal the forgeries and falsehoods present in
today's human heritage. These contributions may be in the form of a
book, a paper, or articles published in Arabic or international
The first core of this alliance was formed in a cultural event
organized by Al-Tajdeed Cultural and Social Society titled "A World in
the Manacles of Forgeries". Then a few other Arab researchers followed
and joined the affiliation, which now consists of:
Dr. Ahmed Dawood, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr. Fadel Al-Rubaie,the Republic of Iraq
Mr. Zaki Al Ghul, mayor of the Eastern Quds, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Al-Dabash, Palestine
Mr. Jalal Al-Qassab, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ms. Fawzia Rashid, novelist and journalist, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Tariq Ahmed, Al-Tajdeed Society, Kingdom of Bahrain
The founders have agreed to send an invitation to all of those who
hold the same view and have produced a noteworthy contribution to the
rebuttal of these forgeries.
Temporarily, the alliance will be administrated by Al-Tajdeed Cultural
and Social Society until the first assembly is summoned. Therein a
decision will be made regarding the administration of the alliance and
its headquarters. All decisions will be made unanimously to ensure the
agreement of all members in each and every step taken in this project.
Membership is, in fact, open to anyone complying to the conditions of
the alliance. Joining the alliance is possible upon request sent to
one the founders. The alliance itself may send out invitations to
those who share the same vision, irrespective of their religion, race
or language.
Once a decision has been reached, the administrators of this alliance
will work on spreading the founding statement of this alliance,
thereby launching its first official announcement. They will also
derive from the declaration the targets for the affiliation, which has
to be agreed upon by all members of the alliance. These will, however,
be under rolling review every time a meeting is conducted in the place
that was agreed upon.
Manama - Bahrain
26 – 12 – 2010
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert,
by Grigory Ugryumov (c. 1785).
Hagar and her son Ishmael
in the Arabian desert
Ishmael,[a] a figure in the Tanakh and the Quran, was Abraham's first son according to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Ishmael was born to Abraham and Sarah's handmaiden Hagar (Hājar) (Genesis 16:3). According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17).
The Book of Genesis and Islamic traditions consider Ishmael to be the ancestor of the Ishmaelites and patriarch of Qaydār. According to Muslim tradition, Ishmael the Patriarch and his mother Hagar are buried next to the Kaaba in Mecca.[1]
"Egyptian" (MISR WAS IN ARABIA AND NOT IN EGYPT!) Hagar could not and was not Abraham's SECOND LEGITIMATE WIFE because she was inferior to Sarah the Barren Matriarch before and after her marriage?
Sarah's husband Abraham was portrayed as a coward?
A kind of Jewish-Israel joke! Oy Vey!
More jokes!
"Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old (Genesis 17:17).
Sarah sent Ishmael away (sometime before the incident at Moriah) after Isaac was “weaned” (Genesis 21:8–10).
Generally, weaning took place somewhere between the ages of 2 and 5. Sarah died (sometime after the incident at Moriah) at the age of 127.
This means Isaac was older than 4 or 5 and younger than 36 or 37 when he was offered as a sacrifice. The phrases a long time in Genesis 21:34 and some time later in Genesis 22:1 suggest that a substantial amount of time elapsed between Isaac’s birth and the trip to Moriah. So, Isaac was certainly not an older man when he was to be offered as a sacrifice, but neither was he a toddler."
N.B. By the way, if Abraham ever existed, he was an ARAB from a town ("MISR") in ARABIA and ARAB-SPEAKING! The RACIST Greek invaders of the Arab lands translated that term MISR into AEGYPTUS, the land of the BLACK PEOPLE!
But, what is the REAL TRUTH, only the Devil knows! For sure, the "ARABS" knew better! ISRAEL was Arab and Arab-speaking too, but they (EZRA & COMPANY) decided to show their superiority over all Arabs and even all humankind! ISRAEL even had an ARAB GOD - EL and/or Gods - ELOHIM!
ISRAEL spoke an Arab dialect later called HEBREW by the invading Europeans while the ARABS developed the more advanced QUREISH ARABIC language that is spoken and understood to this very day!
ARABS are always falsely portrayed by Jewish and Christian racists as DESERT-DWELLERS, but not ISRAEL or The JEWS or even the Early Christians!
JEWISH A RABBI and others are boasting that they will make Christians and Muslims fight to death for ISRAEL TO COME OUT VICTORIOUS WITHOUT FIGHTING!!!
More jokes and literal SHIT in the "HOLY BIBLE"!!!
Question: "Why did Abraham banish Ishmael (Genesis 21:14)?"
Answer: “Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, laughing. So she said to Abraham, ‘Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac’” (Genesis 21:10).
Abraham was not happy with Sarah’s response (Genesis 21:11). He cared about Sarah, but he did not share her view that Hagar and Ishmael should be sent away. Ishmael was his own son, after all.
Then God spoke to Abraham on this issue: “Be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you, for through Isaac shall your offspring be named. And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring’” (Genesis 21:12-13).
Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you???
God’s promise to make another nation from Ishmael began to be fulfilled when Ishmael had twelve sons who presided over twelve tribes (Genesis 25:16).
Abraham obeyed the Lord. “So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, along with the child, and sent her away” (Genesis 21:14).
So, Abraham put a skin of water ON HER SHOULDER ALONG WITH THE CHILD???
As far as we know, Abraham did not see Ishmael again. Ishmael appears later at Abraham’s burial (Genesis 25:9).
Genesis 25:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,So, what happened to Abraham's "SECOND WIFE" KETURA AND HER SIX SONS?
According to both Jews and Christians, HAGAR was not his wife, but only his "CONCUBINE", and Ishmael was a BASTARD!
Verse 5. - And Abraham was an hundred years old (cf. Genesis 17:1, 17), when his son Isaac was born unto him. Literally, at the time of bearing to him (ἐν τῷ τεκεῖν) Isaac (vide Gesenius, 'Gram.,' § 143). Thus Abraham had waited twenty-five years for the fulfillment of the promise - a remarkable instance of faith and patience (Romans 4:20), as Isaac's birth was a signal display of Divine power (Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:12). Whether Isaac was born at Gerar or at Beersheba cannot with certitude be inferred.
"Ishmael was born when Abraham was 86, so in the coming year, Abraham would be 100, Sarah 99, Ishmael would be 14. Genesis 17:17-25: And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.13 Aug 2018"
Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop
By Mike King
According to an account written by the drunken, cigar-chomping, terrorist scum-pig, Winston Churchill, it was during the 1943 Tehran Conference that "Uncle Joe" Stalin proposed executing 50,000 German staff officers after the war. American Gangster President Roosevelt then joked that 50,000 was too many; but that 49,000 would do! Though Churchill claims that the sick joking upset him (sure it did, Winnie -- sure it did), the murderous Allies were all in agreement that "trials" of Germany’s top leaders would take place after the war. And indeed they did.

Long before Nuremberg, the vicious Allies had already begun to systematically hang "Nazis" by the tens of thousands, including officers and "female Nazis."
When the show trials began in late 1945, an 8-panel tribunal (The Nuremberg Trials) was seated (2 judges each from the US, UK, USSR, & France). The primary American judge was Francis Biddle, of the Biddle Family that spawned the 19th century American Central Bank Chairman and nemesis of Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle. Honorable German leaders were condemned as “war criminals” by governments that not only imposed the war upon Germany, but also carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the civilian Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atomic bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here.
Joker Justice
Of the accused at Nuremberg, 11 were sentenced to hang, and 7 (including the peacemaking parachutist Rudolf Hess) received long or life prison terms. Herman Goering, Head of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) managed to cheat his executioners by taking poison in his jail cell (or was he "suicided" to duplicate The Book of Ester / Purim scenario?)
These were good men; noble men; peace-loving family men - ignobly murdered in cold blood for daring to protect Germany from the demonic henchmen of The New World Order crime syndicate. May they rest in Valhalla at the right hand of the even greater hero that they served.
In the sickening Book of Ester (Old Testament), the lifeless bodies of the 10 sons of the "anti-Semite" Minister Haman (Hitler) were hanged and Haman's 1 daughter committed suicide.
This Jewish "holiday" is celebrated every year as "Purim."
The Apostle Paul in Arabia
C. W. Briggs
Holocaust denial
A lunatic Chaplin imitator and his greatest fans Nazism |
![]() |
First as tragedy |
Then as farce |
- 1 Beginning with a note from Ike
- 2 Definitions and terminology
- 3 Evidence for the Holocaust
- 3.1 Nazi documents, speeches etc.
- 3.1.1 Hitler in 1922
- 3.1.2 Mein Kampf
- 3.1.3 Goebbels' diaries
- 3.1.4 Jäger report and other Einsatzgruppen reports
- 3.1.5 Wannsee Conference
- 3.1.6 Himmler's 1942 report
- 3.1.7 Himmler's speeches in Posen
- 3.1.8 Odilo Globocnik's reports
- 3.1.9 Korherr report
- 3.1.10 Höfle Telegram
- 3.1.11 Other wartime documents
- 3.1.12 Kurt Gerstein
- 3.1.13 "Sonderbehandlung" and other euphemisms
- 3.2 Testimonies
- 3.3 Allies' knowledge during the war
- 3.4 Swedish journalists: Valentin and Fredborg
- 3.5 Death toll and census data
- 3.6 Physical evidence
- 3.1 Nazi documents, speeches etc.
- 4 Denial tactics
- 5 Revisionist tactics
- 6 Red herrings tactics
- 7 The Holocaust denial movement
- 8 Questions to ask a Holocaust denier
- 9 Appendices
- 10 See also
- 11 In popular culture
- 12 External links
- 13 Notes
- 14 References
“”A school of historians and polemicists has sprung up, which for political reasons is bent on denying the truth of the story of the Holocaust. Present day revisionists continue this tradition. They are the academic equivalent of the neo-Nazi thugs. […] Unfortunately, the fabrications of the "revisionists" have fallen on fertile ground in a Europe where the old lies of anti-Semitic propaganda and old forgeries are once again being circulated, and indeed were never wholly eradicated.
—Stuart Hood![]() |
- The Nazi Holocaust was faked (Holocaust truther):
- TLDR: The evidence is fabricated.
- The Allies faked evidence for the Holocaust to gain the world's sympathy, and "history is written by the victors".
- The world-controlling Jews faked evidence for the Holocaust to gain the world's sympathy (see Holocaust profit controversy) and encourage Jewish migration to Eretz Israel.
- Surviving death camp witnesses are/were insane, liars, or shills. The Nuremberg testimonies were extracted via torture (and thus untrustworthy) or were otherwise faked.
- The Nazi Holocaust didn't happen (Holocaust denier):
- TLDR: The evidence is wrong.
- The Final Solution was not genocide, but merely the expulsion (As if those are mutually exclusive anyway:[note 1] see Circassian genocide
/ Deportation of the Chechens and Ingush
) of all Jews from Germany. (Repeat for all other races.) As such, concentration camps were pre-emigration camps, gas chambers were delousing stations, etc.
- The Holocaust was not genocide, but merely a forced-labor program during wartime. As such, concentration camps were work camps, etc.
- Hitler actually protected European Jews.[5]
- Other groups supposedly slaughtered by the Holocaust (such as Roma or homosexuals) were not included, and in fact helped the Germans enact it.
- The Nazi Holocaust wasn't that bad (Holocaust revisionist):
- TLDR: The evidence is weak.
- Reported death counts are overexaggerated, and the 6,000,000 dead Jews figure is especially wrong.
- Other groups supposedly included in the Holocaust (such as disabled persons) were not included in the Holocaust.
- Stalin killed more people in the Holodomor. (Possibly true, but so what?)
- The Allies killed civilians too (e.g., Bombing of Dresden). (Ditto)
- Jews or other victims brought the Holocaust upon themselves (blaming the victim)[6]
- Jews tried to undermine Germany by creating Bolshevism.
- Jews sold Germany out in World War I.
- Jews had declared war on Germany (The Jewish agenda).
- Nazi victims actually helped perpetrate the Holocaust.
Particularly when it focuses on "how the Jews faked it all," Holocaust denial is a form of anti-Semitism often embraced by bigots who are too cowardly to admit that they wished that Hitler had finished the job.
Holocaust denial, as noted, has many variants. This article tries to briefly rebut the most common claims.
Beginning with a note from Ike
“”I saw my first horror camp [on 12 April 1945]. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never been able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain however, that I have never at any time experienced an equal sense of shock.
I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that "the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda." Some members of the visiting party were unable to go through with the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton's headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and the British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt. |
—Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, 1948[7] |
Definitions and terminology
The Holocaust was, according to Wikipedia:[8][note 3]
“”The genocide of approximately six million European Jews and millions of others during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory.
Functionalism/intentionalism versus Holocaust denial
Today, scholars of history are divided between two interpretations of the Holocaust: functionalism versus intentionalism.
Intentionalists see the Holocaust as being primarily Hitler's idea, something he had planned even for years before coming to power. By contrast, functionalists see the Holocaust evolving bottom-up rather than being ordered from the top-down. Of course, even if Hitler did not plan or order the Holocaust, that doesn't mean he escapes moral responsibility for it. He created the climate of extreme anti-Semitism that made it possible, created many of the policies which immediately contributed to it, provided the leadership that considered these measures both permissible and acceptable, and failed to stop or prevent it.
For example, both intentionalists and functionalists agree that Hitler ordered deportation of Jews to Nazi-occupied Poland. However, intentionalists believe that "deportation" was, from the very beginning, a codeword for extermination (see explanation of Nazi euphemisms below), and functionalists see "deportation" at the beginning as being quite literally that, a plan to deport Jews, with little thought as to what would happen to them when they arrived in Poland.
Functionalists see the Holocaust as a bureaucratic solution among low-level Nazi officials in Poland to handle all these incoming Jews, by killing most of them. Functionalists such as Ian Kershaw also point to the highly chaotic nature of the Nazi state, where individuals vied with one another for power and Hitler's good favor (those often being the same thing). This process, referred to by historians (after Nazi civil servant Werner Willikins) as "working towards the Führer", aimed at satisfying Hitler's ever-increasing calls for "radicalism" in all matters of policy, naturally led various officials to propose more and more extreme solutions to the "Jewish question" (that there were multiple proposed solutions is evidenced by the term "the Final Solution").
Functionalists still believe that even if Hitler did not directly start the Holocaust, he became aware of it while it was in progress, and in all probability, signed off on the proposal; in no way does functionalism absolve Hitler of moral responsibility or downplay the atrocities themselves. Unlike Holocaust denial, functionalism is an academically respectable position in the field of history.
Revisionism versus denial
Many Holocaust deniers describe themselves as "revisionists". Does that mean they are not deniers? How do we define Holocaust denial?Modern scholarship defines "The Holocaust" as:
- The murder of five to seven million Jews, plus about three million other victims — the number
- with gas chambers, forced labor, starvation, and firing squads, as well as other methods — the method
From this follows:
- The claim that significantly fewer than five to seven million Jews died is Holocaust denial, even while agreeing with modern scholarship upon the method.
- The claim that gas chambers were not used for mass executions is Holocaust denial, even while agreeing with modern scholarship upon the number.
In fact, the term "Holocaust revisionism" does not carry any meaning separate from Holocaust denial. As History PhD student[10] Tristan of Step Back History explains in his history of American hate groups:[11]
Groups like the Institute for Historical Review have tried to deny the genocide of Jews and other groups in the Holocaust. They claim that the final solution was about deportation, that there were no extermination camps, or that the five-to-six million dead count is just exaggerated.Despite all this, there exists within the fringes of revisionism a group of persons who do not deny any of the established facts, but instead strive for more clarity in the history — actual proponents of historical revisionism.
They are called "holocaust deniers" because revisionist history is something different. Revisionists try to upturn established histories using credible methodology. A holocaust denier, much like a climate change or evolution denier, has a pre-determined conclusion and ignores overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Most denialists claim some sort of vast Jewish conspiracy designed to advance Jews at the expense of everyone else. I think I speak for many by saying that this entire movement is based on anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
These revisionists, alienated by the cranks riddling their field, instead argue not whether or not the gassing took place, nor whether the millions were in fact killed, but simply that much of the history has been lost and that the Holocaust was likely far worse than the histories currently state. In that sense, they seek to revise the accounts to a more accurate manner.
Chief among these revisionists is Franciszek Piper, manager of the historical department at Auschwitz. Piper's research, now accepted by Jewish historians, revised the reported death toll of Auschwitz from the previous four million killed to roughly 1.5 million. However, his work does not dispute the overall number of Holocaust victims, and he concluded that his revision of the death toll covered the discrepancies that could actually be found.[12]
And indeed, in theory, that might be all the revisionism which evidence will ever guide us to undertake. That, however, is a conclusion which is a priori unacceptable to any genuine Holocaust denier, who would contend that "revisionism" can't be considered done (per definition) until the Holocaust is essentially demoted from one of history's most breathtakingly cruel and efficient genocides to some kind of minor inconvenience, if not an outright hoax. Franciszek Piper was no such denialist.
The term "Holocaust" itself
“”His eyes sparkling with faith and decision, he had proved that he could summon the holocaust.
—LIFE Magazine, September 1939, discussing Hitler's impending war[13] |
As said, the term Holocaust was not universally used until the 1970s. But how does this call the facts of the Nazis' deliberate murder of 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, into question? What happened does not change simply because the most popular term to describe it changes.
The fact that our presently favored terminology for a historical event is newer than the event itself doesn't in any way call into question the historicity of the event; the Black Death wasn't known by that name until centuries after it swept through Europe, but it still happened. Historical events often do not receive their current names until many years, sometimes even centuries or millennia, after they occur.
Evidence for the Holocaust
“”Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses – because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.
—not General Dwight D. Eisenhower[14] |
“”I made the visit [to the Gotha concentration camp] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to "propaganda."
—actually General Dwight D. Eisenhower[15][16] |
- a written order by Hitler to exterminate the Jews
- an autopsy record concluding that a Jewish prisoner died from gassing
A refutation: such an event as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, apparently connected to gangster Al Capone, has never been linked to any written order. Capone typically gave spoken orders, and Hitler could have given a verbal order without putting it in writing. Also, the Nazis typically did not perform autopsies on deceased persons who had been gassed.
Nazi documents, speeches etc.
This is just a sample of the wealth of documentary evidence from the Nazi government itself.(Caveat: Holocaust deniers reason that, since the Holocaust did not happen, any evidence to the contrary is a forgery created by the Jews as part of their International Jewish Conspiracy™.)
“”They claim that forgers created these and other documents — complete with complex internal reference markings, on typewriters that perfectly matched those used by the various German units said to have written the documents — and then planted thousands of these perfect forgeries in numerous different archival collections (in exactly the right file and in precisely the right sequence) all over Europe. Not only is such a scenario fantastically improbable, it fails to explain why these supposedly incredibly talented forgers did not succeed in producing the one piece of paper that deniers demand as 'proof' that genocide took place under the Third Reich — an order from Hitler authorising the destruction of the Jews.
—Deborah Lipstadt[17] |
Hitler in 1922
In 1922, Hitler told a journalist that:
“”Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews. As soon as I have the power to do so, I will have gallows built in rows — at the Marienplatz in Munich, for example — as many as traffic allows. Then the Jews will be hanged indiscriminately, and they will remain hanging until they stink; they will hang there as long as the principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied, the next batch will be strung up, and so on down the line, until the last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit, precisely in this fashion, until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews.
- — Adolf Hitler, 1922. (Josef Hell, "Aufzeichnung," 1922, ZS 640, p. 5, Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte.[18])
In a speech to the Reichstag on 30 January 1939, he made his intentions clear with this quote, which was even used in the 1940 Nazi propaganda film "Der ewige Jude" (The Eternal Jew):
Hitler also gave The Obersalzberg Speech

On 18 December 1941, Himmler asked Hitler, "What to do with the Jews of Russia?", to which Hitler replied, "als Partisanen auszurotten" ("exterminate them as partisans"). This remark is probably as close as historians will ever get to a definitive order from Hitler for the Holocaust.[21][22][23]
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf (1926 edition)
“”If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas, such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[24] |

“”The nationalization of our masses will succeed only when, aside from all the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated.
—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf[26] |
Goebbels' diaries
Sample page from Goebbels' diary
“”"The intellectual does not have the natural means of resisting the Jewish peril because his instincts have been badly blunted. Because of this fact the nations with a high standard of civilization are exposed to this peril first and foremost. In nature life always takes measures against parasites; in the life of nations that is not always the case. From this fact the Jewish peril actually stems. There is therefore no other recourse left for modern nations except to exterminate the Jew…" [28]
Jäger report and other Einsatzgruppen reports
Page 6 of the Jäger report
Karl Jäger

The report itself is 6 pages of dates, locations, and numbers. It begins:
Complete list of executions carried out in the EK 3 area up to 1 December 1941[.]Not everyone killed was a Jew -- but the vast majority were. For example, from 22.8.41 to 29.8.41, those killed included:
Security police duties in Lithuania taken over by Einsatzkommando 3 on 2 July 1941.
(The Wilna [Vilnius] area was taken over by EK 3 on 9 Aug. 1941, the Schaulen area on 2 Oct. 1941. Up until these dates EK 9 operated in Wilna and EK 2 in Schaulen.)
On my instructions and orders the following executions were conducted by Lithuanian partisans:
Following the formation of a raiding squad under the command of SS-Obersturmführer Hamman and 8-10 reliable men from the Einsatzkommando, the following actions were conducted in cooperation with Lithuanian partisans:
- In Algona: "Mentally sick: 269 men, 227 women, 48 children"
- In Panevezys: "1,312 Jews, 4,602 Jewesses, 1,609 Jewish children"
- In Kreis Rasainiai: "466 Jews, 440 Jewesses, 1,020 Jewish children"
- In Obeliai: "112 Jews, 627 Jewesses, 421 Jewish children"
- In Seduva: "230 Jews, 275 Jewesses, 159 Jewish children"
- In Zarasai: "767 Jews, 1,113 Jewesses, 1 Lith[uanian] Comm[unist], 687 Jewish children, 1 Russ[ian] Comm[unist] (f[emale])"
- In Pasvalys: "402 Jews, 738 Jewesses, 209 Jewish children"
- In Kaisiadorys: "All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish children" [1,911 people]
- In Prienai: "All Jews, Jewesses, and Jewish Children" [1,078 people]
- In Dagda and Kraslawa: "212 Jews, 4 Russ[ian] POW's"
- In Joniskia: "47 Jews, 165 Jewesses, 143 Jewish children"
- In Wilkia: "76 Jews, 192 Jewesses, 134 Jewish children"
- In Kedainiai: "710 Jews, 767 Jewesses, 599 Jewish children"
- In Rumsiskis and Ziezmariai: "20 Jews, 567 Jewesses, 197 Jewish children"
- In Utena and Moletai: "582 Jews, 1,731 Jewesses, 1,469 Jewish children"
Today I can confirm that our objective, to solve the Jewish problem for Lithuania, has been achieved by EK 3. In Lithuania there are no more Jews, apart from Jewish workers and their families.The Jäger report is the most important of the Einsatzgruppen reports because of its meticulous detail.[30]:154-155 The Jäger report was not discovered until after the Nuremberg trials, but other such reports served as evidence at the Einsatzkommando trial at Nuremberg.[30]:159-176 The Einsatzgruppen together with their collaborators killed more than 1 million people, mainly Jews.[30]:124
The distance between from the assembly point to the graves was on average 4 to 5 Km.
I consider the Jewish action more or less terminated as far as Einsatzkommando 3 is concerned. Those working Jews and Jewesses still available are needed urgently and I can envisage that after the winter this workforce will be required even more urgently. I am of the view that the sterilization program of the male worker Jews should be started immediately so that reproduction is prevented. If despite sterilization a Jewess becomes pregnant she will be liquidated.
It also should be noted that in the Jager Report there is a specific section dedicated to the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania)'s Jewish populations it explictly mentions Einsatzgruppen executions of Jews of which Estonia is listed as 'Judenfrei' (Free of Jews) and coffins to indicate how many have died.
Wannsee Conference
A March 1942 letter from Reinhard Heydrich, following up on the Wannsee Protocol regarding the Endlösung der Judenfrage (Final Solution of the Jewish Question)
“”Under proper guidance, in the course of the final solution the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. The possible final remnant will, since it will undoubtedly consist of the most resistant portion, have to be treated accordingly, because it is the product of natural selection and would, if released, act as a the seed of a new Jewish revival (see the experience of history.)
Himmler's 1942 report
The 29 December 1942 report from Himmler to Hitler
1. Bandits
- a) Established number of deaths after combat 1,337
- b) Prisoners executed immediately 737
- c) Prisoners executed after lengthy thorough interrogation 7,828
- a) Arrested 16,553
- b) Executed 14,257
- c) Jews executed 363,211[36]
Himmler's speeches in Posen
In 1943, Heinrich Himmler, leader of the SS, spoke openly about the extermination of the Jewish people, as well as the equivocation used to cover it up, during a speech to SS Officers in the Posen (Polish: Poznań) town hall. An audio recording, as well as a transcription of the original German, is available.[37][38]I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly.The National Archives explains why this speech was recorded: "The SS, for example, used recording equipment to obtain transcripts of Himmler's speeches. During the 1930s many of Himmler's speeches were taken down in shorthand by secretaries or SS aides who later typed texts from these shorthand notes. Then, beginning in 1940, efforts were made to replace the stenographers with sound recording equipment.
It should be discussed amongst us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public.
Just as we did not hesitate on June 30 to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them.
About which we have never spoken, and never will speak.
That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that tact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered, and everyone was clear that the next time, he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary.
I am talking about the "Jewish evacuation": the extermination of the Jewish people.
It is one of those things that is easily said. "The Jewish people is being exterminated," every Party member will tell you, "perfectly clear, it's part of our plans, we're eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, ha!, a small matter."
And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.
And none of them has seen it, has endured it. Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1000. And to have seen this through, and — with the exception of human weaknesses -- to have remained decent, has made us hard and is a page of glory never mentioned and never to be mentioned.
Because we know how difficult things would be, if today in every city during the bomb attacks, the burdens of war and the privations, we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and instigators. We would probably be at the same stage as 1916-17, if the Jews still resided in the body of the German people.
We have taken away the riches that they had, and I have given a strict order, which Obergruppenführer Pohl has carried out, we have delivered these riches completely to the Reich, to the State. We have taken nothing from them for ourselves. A few, who have offended against this, will be [judged] in accordance with an order, that I gave at the beginning: He who takes even one Mark of this is a dead man.
A number of SS men have offended against this order. There are not very many, and they will be dead men — WITHOUT MERCY! We have the moral right, we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us. But we do not have the right to enrich ourselves with even one fur, with one Mark, with one cigarette, with one watch, with anything. That we do not have. Because at the end of this, we don't want, because we exterminated the bacillus, to become sick and die from the same bacillus.
I will never see it happen, that even one bit of putrefaction comes in contact with us, or takes root in us. On the contrary, where it might try to take root, we will burn it out together. But altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have taken on no defect within us, in our soul, or in our character.
Though initial efforts were not very successful, by late 1942 the technique had been perfected and nearly all the extant typed and printed texts of Himmler speeches dating from 1943 and 1944 were derived from recordings made while Himmler was speaking. Goebbels also found speech recordings useful. After delivering an address, he could leisurely listen to the recording and make the changes that he felt would heighten the speech's propaganda effect. Then the propaganda ministry would issue a press release containing the edited text, or parts of it, which German newspapers would publish as if they were presenting the text of the original speech.
Though the recordings were chiefly just useful tools, Himmler, Goebbels, and other prominent Nazis were careful not to destroy the original discs. The Nazis' interest in preserving oral records matched their prodigious efforts to save written records of their rise to power and days of glory. The leaders of the Third Reich were convinced that they were participating in events of great historical magnitude, and, because of the importance they attached to the spoken word, it must have seemed obvious to them that the recordings should be preserved."[39]
2 days later, Himmler said:[40]
We came to the question: what to with the women and children? I decided to find a clear solution here as well. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men — that is, to kill them or have them killed — and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be taken to make this people disappear from the earth. For the organisation which had to execute this task, it was the most difficult which we had ever had. But it was accomplished, and without — I believe I can say — our men and their leaders suffering any mental or spiritual damage.
Odilo Globocnik's reports
The Odilo Globocnik
Korherr report
Written in March 1943, by Dr. Richard Korherr
Höfle Telegram
The Höfle Telegram
Other wartime documents
There is an abundance of documents from the concentration camps by guards and leaders describing the details of the death camps and even "death vans".[43]Kurt Gerstein
SS officer Kurt Gerstein

"Sonderbehandlung" and other euphemisms
As mentioned before, mass executions were rarely described literally (the Jäger Report being a notable exception). The Nazi documents used euphemisms instead; more than twenty different euphemisms were in frequent use, such as Umsiedlung (resettlement) and Endlösung (Final Solution).[44]Perhaps the most infamous one was Sonderbehandlung ("Special treatment"). Revisionists might claim that Sonderbehandlung meant delousing and disinfection (e.g., denier Carlo Mattogno),[45] introduced in the Nazi camps in Poland.
However, Sonderbehandlung was an established term for killing, confirmed by police documents from 1939, and reports from Action T4, a program for killing people with disabilities. Adolf Eichmann testified that Sonderbehandlung meant "killing."[46]
A sketch from the 40-page 1944 Vrba-Wetzler report,
written by two escapees from Auschwitz, Rudolf Vrba
and Alfréd Wetzler

- Concentration camp prisoners (including but not limited to Jews, Poles, Roma and Sinti, homosexuals, and political opponents).[47][48][49][50] Sonderkommandos (prisoners recruited for corpse disposal)[47] witnessed the extermination campaign directly.
- Auschwitz guards.[51]
- Railroad crews,[52]:38-40,66-67[53][54] civil servants, commanders[note 5][55] and other off-site soldiers and civilians.[52][56]
- Allied soldiers from various countries.[57]
- Humanitarian expeditions from various countries.[58][59]
- Secret wiretaps were made of German prisoners of war, where they freely discussed the war, including extermination of Jews. These recordings were transcribed and edited by Sönke Neitzel and Harald Welzer in the book Soldaten: Protokolle vom Kämpfen, Töten und Sterben[60]
Soldiers and Nazi officials
This section is limited to soldiers, SS men and other members of the German armed forces, who testified about the Holocaust before the German surrender in 1945.Gunnar Eklöf (1922–1991) was a Swedish Waffen-SS volunteer in the Nordland Division. The 2014 book Hitlers svenska SS-soldater ("Hitler's Swedish SS Soldiers") by Bosse Schön describes his career extensively.[61] During his 1943 furlough back home in Sweden, he bragged about murdering Jews on the Eastern front. His scandalous behaviour and his stories from the mass murders were noticed by the press and the police (which is confirmed by archives); however, he never faced investigation or trial.
Gösta Borg (1915–2000) was a Swedish SS volunteer and Kriegsberichter (war correspondent) who reported from the Eastern Front; including summary executions of Communists and Jews. During the war, he shared his observations with the Swedish Legation in Berlin.
Prisoners, Sonderkommandos and Kapos
Sonderkommandos burning corpses in a pit at Auschwitz-Birkenau, August 1944
Sonderkommandos were the only prisoners allowed to see anything of the mass murders. Still, Sonderkommandos were regularly killed and replaced by new prisoners, so very few of them survived the war.
Diary of Anne Frank
Pages 92–93 of the original Diary of Anne Frank
The diary, the one that was originally published, was indeed edited; this was because it was the private diary of a girl going through puberty, and records things ranging from masturbation and homosexuality to various arguments amongst family members. Obviously, her father Otto Frank didn't want all of his daughter's (and family's) personal moments open to the public. This provides avenues of attacks from two different sets of crazies. The first, the aforementioned deniers who will latch on to any alteration being "proof" of a coverup, and when the unedited version became published, the moral guardians who didn't want kids learning about the little man in the boat.[64]
Claims to dissenting testimonies
Holocaust deniers have made some really lame efforts to find a "second opinion".Paul Rassinier

Richard Baer

Red Cross reports: The Red Cross famously visited Theresienstadt in the present-day Czech Republic, and reported relatively good conditions among the inmates. After the war, they could show that the Nazis had deceived the observers.[66] Among the false evidence given to the Red Cross was the Nazi-staged propaganda film Theresienstadt: Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet (Terezin: A Documentary Film from the Jewish Settlement Area), also known as Der Führer Schenkt Den Juden Eine Stadt (The Führer Gives the Jews a City), supposedly showing the humane environment the Jews lived in.[67][68]
Allies' knowledge during the war
On December 17, 1942, British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden read the Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations
Swedish journalists: Valentin and Fredborg
Arvid Fredborg in 1959

Though neutral, the Swedish government was under pressure from Nazi Germany, at least until 1943. On behalf of Germany, the Swedish government censored anti-German propaganda and obstructed GHT at several occasions.
Arvid Fredborg (1915–1996)[69] was a Swedish correspondent in Berlin from 1941 and 1943. His 1943 book Behind the Steel Wall estimates that 2 million Jews and 1 million Poles had been executed.[70]
Death toll and census data
As mentioned before, Holocaust deniers claim that the Jewish death toll in the Holocaust is significantly less than the 5.7 million claimed by current scholarship. The exact number claimed varies — the IHR claims 300,000, while David Irving has raised his claim to 4 million, though he may have raised it to avoid a harsh prison sentence when on trial in Austria.[71]According to censuses, there were about six million more Jews in Europe in early 1942 (as the Holocaust began) than there were at the German surrender in 1945. The Wannsee Protocol from 1942 said that there were 11 million Jews in Europe, of which roughly 6 million were living in German-controlled territories (as the Third Reich was at its peak by 1942).[72] Where did they go?
Revisionists, such as the IHR, have claimed that the Jewish population within the Nazi-occupied area was just 4 to 6 million. This contradicts the Wannsee Protocol, as well as other demographics.[73]
World Almanac gambit
Some deniers, such as the IHR, refer to World Almanac statistics which claim that there was no decline in the global number of Jews during the war. However, the Almanac data for Jews until 1948 were old estimates. The fresh estimate for 1948 shows a decline of 4.4 million. Updated estimates for 1949 show a total decline of 5.3 million.[74]Where did the Jews go?
Holocaust deniers claim that millions of Jews in the Nazi camps in Poland either were "deported to the east" or had survived captivity.[75] In the end, they would have moved to foreign countries, with Palestine (including the areas that would form Israel), the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union mentioned. Some of them might have disguised as non-Jews. Several thousand Jews did indeed escape Axis territory during the war (such as 7,800 Danish Jews who fled to Sweden), but these are not included in scholarship's death toll.The Korherr report provides statistics on Jewish emigration from Axis territories from 1933 until 1943, differing from "evacuation" (transport to Nazi camps in Poland). As much of this emigration took place before the war, the numbers are insufficient to explain the disappearance of the 11 million Jews mentioned in the 1942 Wannsee Protocol.
Israel had no more than 590,000 inhabitants at its foundation in 1947, including non-Jews (Arabs, Druze etc.), Jews who arrived before 1939, and Jewish immigrants from non-Axis territories. The Jewish immigration to the United States around World War II was in a lesser order of magnitude.[76] The United States upheld a harsh immigration policy throughout the war, preventing Jewish refugees from arriving.[77] Soviet censuses are more uncertain, but could hardly hide millions of immigrants. Also, deniers have yet to suggest a Jewish migration path from the Nazi camps in Poland, across the Eastern Front (one of the deadliest fronts in history) into the Soviet Union.
Scholars are aware that a large number of Jews (together with some civilian non-Jews) from the western Soviet Union did migrate eastwards before the German troops invaded the land and started rounding up Jews and opponents. However, this does not help revisionists explain what happened to Jews outside of the Soviet Union.
There is a $4,000 reward for anyone who can provide names of Jews who were transited from death camps in Poland to the Soviet Union.[78]
Not quite six million Jews
According to current scholarship, around 5,700,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust.[79][80][81] Revisionists may point out that this number is less than six million — either claiming a revisionist success, or criticizing the well-known number of six million killed Jews. However, 6 million is a correct approximation of 5.7 million. (This is comparable to a YEC complaining that scientists say the universe is 13.7 billion years old, not 14 billion years old.)Discrepancies in per-camp death toll estimates
Western historians have different estimates for the exact death toll for each individual camp. Deniers might claim that this makes established history self-contradicting, which is untrue given that the commonly cited figures are derived primarily from demographical evidence (specifically pre-war and post-war population comparisons) and not from a sum of all of the individual camps.[82]The Auschwitz gambit
Similarly, some Holocaust deniers have claimed that "revisionist" research has corrected the official death toll of Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.1 million. The number of 4 million originated with the first Soviet publications about the Holocaust. It has been used by the Auschwitz museum until the 1980s, in then-communist Poland, which exaggerated enemy atrocities for propaganda purposes. Western scholars have never claimed that 4 million people died at Auschwitz.[83] Compare this with the controversy on the bombing of Dresden.Alexander Scronn
According to the 1965 book General Psychologus by pseudonym Alexander Scronn,[84] the Red Cross estimated the death toll to be 230,000 to 270,000. This figure has never been verified. Further, in 1975 Red Cross delegate Françoise Perret attested that the organization never published information of the sort and that a similar claim made by Richard Verrall, attributing a figure of 300,000 victims to official Red Cross documents, was a fraud.[85]The document in question is from the International Tracing Service, an organization created during the war to track missing persons. The 300,000 number specifically (per the ITS itself) does not include the vast majority of those murdered in the camps, but rather those for whom the ITS was able to issue a death certificate at the request of family members.[86] The ITS has never compiled a count of all those who died in the camps.
Physical evidence
Either these shoes were from the Holocaust victims or the Nazis were some serious foot fetishists. Take your pick.
The Red Army managed to recover 300,000 pairs of prisoners' shoes from Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.[87] 20,000 pairs were predicted to be collected each day, around the rate of gassings at Auschwitz II.[88]
Denial tactics
Experienced Holocaust deniers might bring up technical details, such as the chemical properties of Zyklon B, the size of cremation ovens, or soap recipes.A novice skeptic might be deceived that all these details are true and that they support the denier's arguments. Look closer and you'll see easily that they don't.
Among the public, there is some confusion about what happened, and what did not happen, during the Holocaust. Even academics argue about some details. Holocaust deniers try to use these spots of uncertainty to disprove the whole event.
Gas chamber denial
In the eastern camps, gas chambers were the primary murder weapon. As said before, denial of gassing is a cornerstone of Holocaust denial, and deniers have many claims to disprove the use of gas chambers. They might claim:- Lack of Nazi documents on gas chambers (see above)
- Lack of testimonies about gassing (see above)
- That gas chambers were only used for delousing (see below)
- Lack of forensic examinations supporting the use of gas chambers (see below)
- Hydrogen cyanide (in the form of Zyklon B) being useless for extermination (see below)
- Hydrogen cyanide being dangerously explosive (see below)
- The lack of Prussian Blue on gas chamber walls
- Gas chambers being difficult to ventilate (see below)
- Gas chambers were not useful for execution at all (contradicted by use in the United States)
Zyklon B
Leftover Zyklon B with cans (note skull and crossbones).
As deniers point out, Zyklon B was purposed as a delousing agent[89]. While it was indeed produced and marketed as an insecticide and rodenticide, that makes it no less harmful for humans. The cans were clearly marked as containing highly toxic substances. Zyklon B is about as unfit to kill humans as a machete, an axe or a carpet knife, none of which are produced or marketed for their killing ability. Just like any tool or substance, it can be abused to kill.
The concrete in a gas chamber at the extermination camp at Majdanek that the Nazis did not successfully destroy shows evidence of the use of cyanide through a strong blue coloring of a door from a reaction between iron and cyanide fumes.[90]
HCN is explosive in large concentrations, and deniers might say that this contradicts testimonies that guard smoked cigarettes in gas chambers between gassings. However, 300 parts per million of HCN in air kills a human within minutes, but the minimal concentration for an explosion is 56,000 ppm. These figures are even supported by Nazi documents.[91]
Forensic examinations on gas chambers, crematoria etc.
Gas chamber showing Prussian blue staining
Holocaust deniers might claim that there is no forensic proof of gassings. During R v. Zündel in 1985, Raul Hilberg, well-renowned Holocaust scholar, and author of The Destruction of the European Jews, was unable to mention any scientific report proving gassings. Though Hilberg mentioned that there were plenty of Nazi documents describing the Holocaust, this apparent absence of scientific proof has caught some revisionists' attention.[92]
However, since the trial, at least two scientific reports on the gas chambers have been published:
- Jean-Claude Pressac
(1944–2003) — a French pharmacist who used to be a Holocaust denier, who in 1979 undertook a forensic examination of the Auschwitz gas chambers. The result? He was shocked by the overwhelming evidence. In 1989 he published a book that confirmed the established view that the gas chambers were functional, killing between 631,000 and 711,000 prisoners.[93]
- Deborah Lipstadt's
book Denying the Holocaust[94] won the UK libel case Irving v. Penguin Books and Lipstadt. The case contained forensic examination for the use of gas chambers.
The Leuchter Report
Holocaust denialists often point to theMuch of Leuchter's claims are refuted in Errol Morris' 1999 documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.[97]
"Hitler didn't gas 6 million Jews!"
According to scholarship, the Axis powers killed millions of Jews through methods other than gassing[30] such as 800,000[98] in Ghettos, or the 500,000[99]-1,300,000[100] in mass shootings by death squads. These events are less known to the public than the Nazi camps in Poland, and they are still subject to research.[101]Deniers might point out that many laymen falsely claim that six million Jews were gassed, but that has never been claimed by scholars. Though the Jewish death toll of gas chambers is far below the total six million, it still does not contradict the mass gassings.
Corpse disposal and cremation
Deniers might have objections against the capacity of corpse disposal and cremation. This is, by part, a consequence of miscalculation. Considering Auschwitz-Birkenau, the first crematory ovens were indeed overburdened, and additional ovens were constructed. The officers had to resort to burning corpses in pits.[102][103]Another objection deniers have put forth is that the amount of fuel necessary to cremate that many bodies would have been impractical. In 2000, David Irving sued an author in British high court for libel, for calling him a "Hitler partisan" who manipulated the historical record to deny the reality of the Holocaust. At the widely publicized trial, Irving (his own attorney) claimed that it would take mountains of coal to burn all the bodies. An expert witness for the defense countered by showing German patents, issued before the war, for a mass crematorium that could be run almost entirely off the body fat of the corpses disposed in it.
One common objection revisionists hold, is due in part to two facets of the crematoria which were found in Auschwitz. The first of these facets is the curious structure of the crematorium smokestack. They will often argue that it is fake because it is not directly connected to the ovens by any visible means. However, historical data from Topf and Sons (makers of the crematoria) proves that the design used in Auschwitz (and other camps) was one where the exhaust gasses from the retorts were fed down through the floor and outside to a free-standing chimney.
The second objection in regards to the ovens themselves is more arguing semantics. They often note that the designs used in the camps, in particular, Auschwitz, were not crematoriums as might be defined by modern standards; but instead were based off of a large-scale hospital incinerator design which Topf and Sons created prior to the war for industrial uses. In this, they are marginally correct that the crematoriums are in truth incinerators, but this does not remove from the discussion that the use of either would have the same results. Historians note that it is easier, both in explaining what Germany was doing during the Holocaust, as well as teaching younger people, to simply call the ovens crematoriums, as stating anything else would only confuse people.
Ash disposal
Deniers ask what happened to the ashes of the cremated corpses; the volume corresponds to a full shoebox for each body. The officers at Auschwitz and other camps had many opportunities to dump it — in rivers, on farm fields and in marshes, so ash disposal was not a problem. Much of it rained from the smokestacks. It was also used to grit icy road and paths around Auschwitz II (Birkenau), recalled Yehuda Bacon at the 1961 Adolf Eichmann trial, who had been 14 years old when he was sent to Auschwitz in December 1943.[104] In fact there are huge pits filled with something near Treblinka and Belzec that have been excavated only by a Polish archeologist and in 1997. These are the smoking gun that can't be faked yet there is no interest in them. This is very odd."Auschwitz chimney not connected to anything"
From a holocaust denier.[105]
Camp questions
Detention in Deutschland, death in Poland
Old Germany, within the borders of the Weimar Republic and annexed Austria, contained several detention camps (Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Mauthausen, etc.) set up before the war. Dachau was the first, set up in 1933 for political prisoners. Though some gassings and other executions took place there, for correctional and experimental purposes, they were not built for mass murder. Later, the Nazis built extermination camps; "camp" is, however, a misnomer, as the only residents were the guards, and prisoners were usually killed on arrival.Most extermination camps were built in the territory that used to be Poland; Auschwitz and Chelmno were located in Ostgebiete (provinces which had been transferred from Germany to Poland in 1918, and re-annexed into Germany in 1939) or the eastern General Government (Treblinka, Sobibór, Majdanek, Bełżec), in essence, a colony run by a German military junta, planned to be annexed and settled by Germany. For the occupation, the Nazis abolished the name Poland. In this article, the camps in present-day Poland are described as "Nazi camps in Poland" to emphasize this difference, and avoid the presupposition that many of these were extermination camps. Some camps were also set up in Czechoslovakia and conquered parts of the Soviet Union.
It should be noted that none of the best-known camps were extermination camps. This is because the well-known camps are the ones that people survived. The name Auschwitz is more known than Birkenau (or Auschwitz II); the extermination department of the Auschwitz complex. Also, many parts of the Warsaw Pact (due to their own problems with collaboration and anti-Semitism) tried to erase the history of these extermination camps. However, this does not in any way disprove the existence of real extermination camps, such as Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór.
Camp amenities: Auschwitz swimming pool, orchestras
Auschwitz I swimming pool in 2006
Other Holocaust deniers have presented survivor testimonies about orchestras, theatres, and cinemas in Auschwitz and other camps.[112] Just like the swimming pool, these amenities were a privilege for few prisoners.[111] It is hard to argue that privileges granted to inmate collaborators disprove the existence of the Holocaust (or the prisons themselves)!
"Why didn't the Jews fight back?"
Holocaust deniers and other laymen might raise confusion about the claim that the Jews did not fight back when sent to certain death.In fact, there were Jewish revolts with approximately 100 resistance groups in various ghettos. The most famous ghetto uprising was the Warsaw ghetto uprising where many Jews of that city decided to die fighting rather than be sent to the death camps. The camps in Sobibór and Treblinka both had uprisings that resulted in hundreds killed. Others escaped from Kruszyna, Minsk-Mazowiecki, and Janowska where they joined partisan units which fought against the Nazis. Even in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Jews resisted but were, ultimately, all executed.[113][114]
Nuremberg Trials and subsequent trials
Nuremberg Trials. Defendants in their dock, circa 1945-1946
See the main article on this topic: Nuremberg trials
The Nuremberg trials and their subsequent followups represent a popular piece of evidence in support of the Holocaust. However, even if the trials had never taken place, the facts of the Holocaust would still remain. These claims do not disprove the Holocaust. On the contrary, the trials unearthed massive evidence for it."We knew nothing"
When the facts of the Holocaust were presented to the defendants of the Nuremberg Trials, as well as other German and Axis citizens, many of them replied "davon haben wir nichts gewusst", translated to "about that, we knew nothing". This statement might be read as if the common man was ignorant of the Holocaust until 1945. Holocaust deniers might exploit this perceived ignorance, to argue that evidence and testimonies have been fabricated.The phrase davon haben wir nichts gewusst implies that the speaker knew that something was going on (davon is roughly translated "about that"),[115] so the translation We knew nothing is incomplete.
In fact, the extermination campaign was known outside Germany as early as 1942. Whether the common man did believe the news or did bother about it, is another question.
Tortured testimony
Many thousands of German officers and guards were stationed at the camps in Poland and were suspected of carrying out or ordering the Holocaust (e.g., Franz Suchomel, Hans Stark). Many were sent to trial, and some of them confessed or testified about mass murder.Holocaust deniers claim that these testimonies were given out of torture. In truth, many Nazis were mistreated during the Allied occupation. But several German veterans testified about mass murder decades after the occupation.[116]
Moreover, Holocaust deniers might claim that the Nuremberg trials coerced the defendants to make false statements about what happened to the Jews. This is contradicted by the fact that most defendants who were found guilty for detention and extermination (Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Jodl, etc.) were hanged, while the defendants not involved with the Jews (Dönitz, von Papen, Hess, etc.) got away with prison, or acquittal.
Unfair trials
Holocaust deniers might claim that the Nuremberg trials were unfair. These claims do not disprove the Holocaust even if the trials were unfair. The purpose of a trial is to evaluate the defendants' guilt, not to decide whether the crime has happened.One complaint is that the judges were recruited from Allied countries, enemies of Nazi Germany — and that the defendants could not expect a fair trial from their erstwhile enemies, and should be tried by peers from their own countries. This request is absurd — if a defendant could refuse a judge belonging to an enemy country, no one who committed a crime abroad or on international territory, or espionage or terrorism against a government, could ever be brought to justice. There is another good reason why the judges were not German — the German Reich had ceased to exist in May, 1945, and could therefore not provide any certified judges. West and East Germany were not founded until 1949. And if there are reasons for Allied judges to be biased against the defendants, the argument could be used that German judges would be biased for them. Moreover, West German courts (with German judges) have held subsequent trials, such as the Frankfurt trials.
Another complaint is that the the war crime trials were deliberately set up so that only war crimes commited by the Axis powers but were not commited by the Allied powers were considered worthy of trial and conviction.[117] Freda Utley states:[118]
“”Few Americans at home may be aware of it, but their representatives at Nuremberg have expressly stated that the victors are not bound by the same laws as the vanquished. When the German defense counsel argued that if it was a crime against international law for the Germans in occupied Poland and Russia to confiscate private property, use civilians and prisoners of war as forced laborers, and starve the people in the occupied territories, then why is it not also a crime for American, British, French or Russian Military Government to do the same thing, they were told: "The Allied Powers are not subject to the limitations of the Hague Convention and rules of land warfare."

“”"In view of all the facts proved and in particular of an order of the British Admiralty announced on the 8th May, 1940, according to which all vessels should be sunk at sight in the Skagerrak, and the answers to interrogatories by Admiral Nimitz stating that unrestricted submarine warfare was carried on in the Pacific Ocean by the United States from the first day that nation entered the war, the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare."[119]
Subsequent trials
The Primary Nuremberg Trials were held in 1946 against 24 top-ranked German officers, politicians, and industrialists.In the subsequent Nuremberg trials, from 1946 to 1949, the United States held trials against low- and medium-rank German officers, bureaucrats and industrialists. There was indeed some political pressure on the courts. However, the American military wanted the judges to be softer on the defendants, because the Cold War had begun, and the United States needed the Germans on their side against the Soviet Union. This dilemma (which is described by the feature film Judgment in Nuremberg), contradicts the Holocaust deniers' story.
The Einsatzgruppen trial

Accused Germans, Auschwitz Trial Kraków, November 24-26, 1947
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials (also known as the "second Auschwitz trials") took place from 1963 to 1965. Judges and defending lawyers were appointed by the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). Some defendants were imprisoned for life, some were sent to time-limited sentences, and others were acquitted. The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials were largely open to the public.
The last Holocaust trials, probably definitely, were held in the 2010s, with prosecutors and judges working for the reunited Federal Republic of Germany.
Not once during any of these trials going on for more than 60 years has any of the defendants (or their lawyers) used a complete denial defense: a statement that the alleged crime did not happen at all. In contrast, the mostly used defense strategy has been the superior orders defense, which is technically an admission, or a confession. The "superior orders strategy" is so strongly associated with these trials that it is now called the Nuremberg defense.
The Holocaust gave birth to many rumors about atrocities. Some of these turned out to be true while others were false. Examples include allegations that the Nazis manufactured soap and lampshades out of their victims' remains on an industrial scale. The fact that these allegations have been disproved is supposed to imply that revisionists have been successful changing the minds of historians and that the main facts of the Holocaust are also in question. However, it has no relevance to the big picture of the Holocaust, just as misconceptions of science by the media or the public have no relevance to the validity of the science being misconceived, usually biology (evolution, natch), astronomy, or physics.
Professor Spanner from the Danzig Anatomical Institute freely confessed (not even in a court) that he used the fat of the corpses that underwent the process of maceration to make human soap (which, he claimed, was used to make joint preparations flexible, while some others claimed it was also used to clean up the lab)[122]. However, according to The Nizkor Project (an Internet project documenting and refuting Holocaust denial),[123] serious historians of the Holocaust never believed the Nazis mass-produced soap from the corpses of Jews, so it was never a case of historians changing their minds to begin with.[124]
In any event, soap is manufactured from fats, and the emaciated victims of the Holocaust and the mistreatment of Soviet POWs (other 'candidates' for such treatment due to sheer numbers and the frequency with which they were murdered) would rarely have had the sufficient fats for processing into soap. Nazi Germany had copious sources of fats from livestock butchered for meat.
There is a credible testimony from Buchenwald that at least 1 human lampshade was made (this was testified to by the inmate who made it himself on the orders from above), although the popular rumors of mass production or Ilse Koch's participation are unproven. [125]
Revisionist tactics
Revisionists do not deny the deportation of Jews from all of Europe and the detention in camps in Poland (which was semi-annexed by Greater Germany and abolished in name). They have several explanation models to motivate the Nazi deportation of Jews. None of them are bulletproof.Deportation to Madagascar
Auschwitz, Sobibor, and other international concentration camps were located in Greater Germany. So — if the Nazis intend to expel the Jews out of Greater Germany, why did they take the effort to ship Jews into Greater Germany from distant occupied countries such as Norway, France and Greece (which were ruled by puppet governments and were not going to be annexed)? In other words: if the policy was to get Jews out, why bring them in?The Nazis used several euphemisms for killing; one was "deportation", according to the Nazi policy to cleanse Germany from Jews. The Nazis indeed had ideas of a Jewish homeland in Madagascar. Madagascar was under Vichy French control (but practically isolated from Germany) until 1942, when it was occupied by the Allies.
Forced labor
Some revisionists claim that Jews were rounded up for forced labor. This does not explain why small children and elderly people were deported, separated from their families. Since Poles and other Slavic peoples were used for forced labor, abducting more of these people would have been more economical than transporting Jews from distant occupied countries, such as Norway, France, and Greece.Security risks
Some revisionists, such as the IHR,[126] claim that the internment of Jews was motivated since they posed a security risk. However, while most Jews were deported to Poland, Nazis did not routinely deport resistance fighters or non-Jewish civilians from occupied nations. In any case, this explanation is no good for the deportation of children as young as five, and old people in their eighties.Slaughter of millions vs genocide
See the main article on this topic: Not as bad as
Some Holocaust deniers use this fact in the reasoning "the Jews were not exterminated, therefore, it was not a real genocide." The simplest response is that the UN's definition of genocide does not require the successful implementation of a plan.[127] Why? Because killing every single member of a given race is nearly impossible. Some people can pass as other races, like many Jews did. Some members of every race will be dispersed all over the world. Some would hide, bunkered, for decades. There wouldn't be a single successful genocide in human history if perfection was required — and this would make the word "genocide" meaningless.Moreover, even if the Holocaust wasn't a genocide, it was still an atrocious loss of human life that deserves condemnation.
Red herrings tactics
See the main article on this topic: Red herrings in Holocaust denial
Holocaust deniers might use red herrings, arguments without relevance to the reality of the Holocaust. Here is a brief description of red herrings in Holocaust denial:Laws against Holocaust denial
See the main article on this topic: List of countries where Holocaust denial is legal
If it's against the law, it must be right! In countries in red, Holocaust denial is prohibited by law, as of February 2016.
- These laws are much younger than Holocaust denial itself. Most of them were made in the late 1980s or 1990s, as a counter-measure against the rise of white supremacism in a European generation which had no experience of the war. During most of post-war history — more than 40 years — Holocaust denial has been legal in all countries of the world. It was only in 1990 that the French government enacted the Gayssot Law, which declares questioning the scale or existence of any crimes against humanity a crime. This was the first European statute explicitly outlawing denial of the Holocaust.
- Most of these laws outlaw denial of all crimes against humanity, not limited to the ones committed by the Axis of World War II, but also explicitly (as in Poland, Slovakia, or the Czech Republic) or implicitly including crimes by Communist regimes, and other crimes often emphasized by Holocaust deniers. Only in Romania is the law limited to Holocaust denial. The Israeli law is the only one of these laws actually mentioning Jews.
- Currently, there are 179 countries, and several autonomous territories, without any law or judicial precedent against Holocaust denial. This list includes all of North and South America, Africa, Oceania, Asia (except Israel; as if any Holocaust denier would want to go there in the first place) and 37 of the 50 countries in Europe. On July 8 1986, the Israeli parliament passed a law criminalizing denial of the Holocaust. In 2007, The European Union approved legislation that makes Holocaust denial a crime punishable by jail time.[128] The laws against Holocaust denial do not even cover the areas affected by the Holocaust; genocide denial is legal in the former Yugoslav states, Greece and several other countries where the Nazis abducted Jews during the war.
- The number of countries banning genocide denial has been largely constant since the 1990s. Spain repealed their law against genocide denial in 2007. Parliaments in United Kingdom and Sweden have rejected proposals for such laws. The European Parliament has also rejected a directive to criminalize genocide denial. Canada's Supreme Court sentenced James Keegstra
(1934–2014) in R. v. Keegstra in 1990 for hate speech not limited to Holocaust denial, but in R. v. Zundel in 1992 they acquitted Zündel and declared Holocaust denial to be protected by the Canadian Constitution. The only recent law against genocide denial was made in Hungary in 2010. Previously, the trivialization of the Holocaust was illegal. The new law prohibits "denial of genocide committed by Communist or Nazi system," with no special mentioning of the Holocaust or Jews.[129]
- Deniers may claim that these laws are a product of Jewish influence. In that case, why is Holocaust denial legal in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Russia, which have significant Jewish populations, but is illegal in Poland, Romania and Lithuania, where hardly any Jews live today (and why do so few Jews live there)?[note 8]
Holocaust compared to other atrocities
See the main article on this topic: List of atrocities cited by Holocaust deniers
The Holocaust is not the largest mass murder in history.[130] Deniers might, in a ruse of whataboutism, compare British and American atrocities (bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc.) to Nazi atrocities, but the millions of Axis civilian victims are still an order of magnitude more than the civilians killed by the Western allies.- Holocaust deniers might claim that the Allied bombing of Dresden killed around 250,000 people, though the death toll was only 20,000-25,000 people—lower in fact than the death toll of the bombing of Hamburg in 1943.
- The Allied bombings and detentions were never censored or denied.
- Revisionists might point out that Allied leaders were never tried or sentenced for war crimes. However, no defendant in Nuremberg was tried or sentenced only for war crimes.
- Though Japanese-American prison camps were shameful, this is a completely different case from the Holocaust because Japanese American prisoners did not suffer mass extermination, starvation, epidemics or forced labor, nor were they stripped of their citizenship.
- The IHR compares the Nazis' Nuremberg Laws to the Jim Crow laws or other segregation laws in some states of the USA at the same time. This has no relevance, and the Nazis were much, much worse. Jews were stripped of their citizenship, and violation usually led to a death sentence.
- Just as in the case of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union invaded neutral countries, used forced labor and murdered civilians. But that does not disprove the Holocaust.
- Israel's armed forces have killed some tens of thousands of people since 1948. This number is dwarfed by the Holocaust's death toll. The IHR also compares the Nuremberg Laws to present-day laws of Israel. Most of these claims are lies, and they are all irrelevant.
- Based on the aftermath of these and other atrocities (the Armenian genocide, Rwandan genocide, etc.) Holocaust deniers might claim that the Holocaust gets too much attention. Holocaust deniers are welcome to commemorate these other atrocities, and be attentive to deniers.
What about white genocide?
See the main article on this topic: White genocide
Many holocaust deniers are also believers in the idea of an ongoing modern white genocide. Some Holocaust deniers will raise the question "What about the ongoing white genocide through immigration? If the Holocaust was so bad, why don't you fight against white genocide?"[131] However, this is just a red herring and a distraction tactic. The existence (or not) of the Holocaust is independent of the existence (or not) of modern white genocide. This tactic is an attempt to DARV those who believe in the Holocaust and put them on the defensive.Claimed bias against Holocaust denial
Holocaust deniers might claim that governments and (Jewish) mass media use the Holocaust as propaganda, and oppress "revisionist" views. First, this is irrelevant. Second, the Holocaust deniers also have had their endorsements. Iran held a conference dedicated to Holocaust denial, and deniers have spread their word in many countries through books, radio, and the Internet.The Jewish agenda
See the main articles on this topic: Holocaust profit controversy and Holocaust envy
White guilt as just another tool in Jewish control.
Onward, Jewish soldiers! (No, this war did not happen.)
Holocaust deniers might assert the existence of a "Holocaust industry", claiming that the Holocaust was made up to "blackmail" Western governments and German corporations for economic compensation. This is irrelevant. Reparations have been paid to survivors, not to people who were killed.
Holocaust deniers might also complain about survivors' profiteering on books and lectures. This, too, is irrelevant, and many high-ranked Nazis earned royalties from books after the war — maybe the Nazi game all along was to kill a few million and make a killing in lecture fees? In all seriousness, the use of the Holocaust by any group for political capital (or gain of any sort) has no bearing whatever on its historical importance, nor should it in any way affect the general understanding of the events.
General conspiracy theory/pseudo-history components
Holocaust deniers might point out that many other people in history have falsely confessed crimes after torture or other pressure (such as witchcraft). However, the Holocaust is backed by technical evidence. Also, not a single one of the thousands of guards and officers has withdrawn their confessions, or provided a dissenting confession.Holocaust deniers frequently repeat the cliché that victors write history. On a literal plane, this is false. Dönitz, Speer, and other high-ranked Nazis, wrote and published their memoirs. Re-telling the events of the war is a strong tradition in Germany.
Some history books might tell that Jews were deported to concentration camps, without mentioning the gas chambers or the death toll. Some do not use the term "Holocaust." However, a book is nothing more than the words of its author. If a textbook omits the Holocaust, we should go ask the author why. The most probable answer would be "lack of space."
Martin Glynn's "Holocaust" article from 1919
Martin H. Glynn,
By coincidence, Glynn counted "six million" European Jews, and used the word "holocaust" (see above) to describe the threatening famine. This has led to some interesting interpretations.
Metapedia merely claims that the article was propaganda:[133]
The American Hebrew on 31 October 1919 published a propaganda article under the headline "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" In the article, it was claimed that during the world war because of epidemics, starvation and "holocaust", six million Jews might have succumbed. Later everything turned out to be war propaganda.Other Holocaust deniers have used this article to "prove" that the idea of staging the murder of six million Jews originated from at least 1919.[134] This idea has several issues:
- Besides the phrases six million and holocaust, the article has nothing in common with the Holocaust which we know from World War II — although deniers might falsely claim it to mention murder, Germany or the war.
- Deniers claim that the article originated as a speech.[134] This statement is not backed by evidence, nor does it matter.
- Deniers still have to explain exactly what this article proves. Was the claimed plan to stage a genocide already worked out in 1919? Was the "staged" holocaust just an a posteriori carbon copy of Mr. Glynn's article?
The Holocaust denial movement
- White supremacists and the far right, including but not limited to neo-Nazis and Hindu nationalists.
- Authoritarian pro-Palestine activists who oppose the very existence of Israel (Holocaust-denier arguments related to Israel are addressed in Red herrings in Holocaust denial). These folks can be divided into two sub-categories: militant Islamists, and far left political activists.
- Anti-Semites in general.
- General conspiracy theorists, iconoclasts, or curmudgeons who don't necessarily pursue such denialism based on any political motives. In this category can be found some astonishing examples from either left-wing or libertarian politics: James J. Martin
(1916–2004), Paul Rassinier
(1906–1967), Harry Elmer Barnes
(1889–1968), L. A. Rollins,[135] and Samuel Edward Konkin III (1947–2004). Except for Rassinier and Barnes, they are better known for other things and only incidentally linked to Holocaust denial, but neo-Nazis and anti-Semites like to use them as cover by promoting their names and work to show that denial spans the political spectrum. It doesn't; these are freak occurrences. This category could also include Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky; while neither of them denies the Holocaust, Finkelstein rails against what he sees as the "Holocaust industry",
while Chomsky makes a point of defending deniers on free speech grounds.
Aims and techniques of deniers
This is manifested in some of the aims of Holocaust denial:- Making National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again, or to defend some of Hitler's anti-semitic laws as being good for society.[123]
- Questioning the United Nations' decision to claim land for Israel in 1948, or any recognition of the state of Israel.
- Using the story of a "staged" Holocaust as part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Famous deniers
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2007
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in 1979
Savitri Devi
David Duke in 2008
Bobby Fischer in his conspiracy phase
David Irving in 2003
Revilo P. Oliver in 1963
George Lincoln Rockwell in 1951
Bradley Smith
Richard Williamson in 1991
Ernst Zündel in 1992
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956–) — Former President of Iran. Hosted a 2006 conference, the "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust," at which the panel of speakers included among others David Duke and Robert Faurisson. Ahmadinejad is proud of his achievement: “That was a taboo topic that no one in the West allowed to be heard,” Ahmadinejad said in a speech, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency, "We put it forward at the global level. That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime."
- Sultan bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
(1955–) — United Arab Emirates politician. Promoted a Holocaust denial symposium in Abu Dhabi in 2002.[136]
- Steven Anderson (1981–) — Pastor of the Faithful World Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Producer of the "documentary" video Marching to Zion in which he rants about the "blasphemous teachings of the Talmud and Kabbalah" and "scriptural evidence that the Jews are no longer God's chosen people."[137] According to the ADL, he "has a history of anti-Semitism through his sermons and a series of YouTube videos."[138]. On one of his videos, in which he denies the Holocaust, he openly says, "Frankly, I don't believe that the official version of the Holocaust is true, whatsoever."[139][140]
- Harry Elmer Barnes
(1889–1968) — Originally, a mainstream writer and historian. After World War II, a marginal crank who brought his marginalization on himself because he insisted that all accusations against Germany and Japan were fabricated wartime propaganda. Revered and frequently name-dropped by today's Holocaust denial movement but their politics are likely far from Barnes' which were more along the lines of "I didn't leave liberalism, liberalism left me."
- David Brandt Berg ("Moses David")
(1919–1994) — Founder of the Children of God cult. He peppered many of his group's tracts with anti-Semitic rants[141] and occasional denials of the Holocaust, such as, "You hear all about Hitler & how he was supposed to have killed 6 million Jews! — Well, they've never been able to prove yet that he even killed 60,000!"[142]
- Arthur Butz
(1933–) — Professor of electrical engineering at Northwestern University; author of the 1976 book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry. Accused of getting another professor removed from the department for incorporating the Holocaust into his lecture on ethics in engineering.[143]
- Willis Carto (1926–2015) — Founder of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in 1979, the main Holocaust denial group in the United States. Founder of the Barnes Review, a "historical revisionist" magazine that mostly runs articles questioning the Holocaust but covers it up with other articles on serious historical topics. Previously founded the wingnut Liberty Lobby in 1955.
- David Dees — Former Sesame Street illustrator turned conspiracy theorist. His Photoshopped creations have been heavily used by like-minded conspiracy believers, and these include a number of which include references to Holocaust revision.[144][145][146][147]
- Francis E. Dec[148] — Disbarred lawyer[149] turned pamphleteer known for vehement and often incoherent screeds of a delusional and paranoid nature. In one of his pamphlets, dated Spring 1984, he insisted that during World War II, the Jews lived in luxury while the concentration camps were run by both the Jews and the Nazis in order to exterminate Polish and Slavic people.[150]
- Savitri Devi, née Maximiani Portas (1905–1982) — Greek-British ethnicity, French citizenship, Hindu-convert, spy for the Nazis, imprisoned in Germany after World War II for distributing Nazi propaganda. She convinced Ernst Zündel (below) to deny the Holocaust.[151]
- David Duke (1950–) — Neo-Nazi and former-Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, well-known and despised in the United States. Notably came disturbingly close to being elected Governor of Louisiana in 1990.
- Robert Faurisson
(1929–) — French writer, prosecuted for defamation in 1979 after writing letters to Le Monde claiming there were no gas chambers. The author of a 1991 booklet claiming the Diary of Anne Frank is a forgery.
- Bobby Fischer (1943–2008) — American world chess champion. Despite his openly anti-Semitic remarks and denial of the Holocaust from the 1980s until his death, he reportedly was on good terms with Jewish chess players. Fischer's mother and possibly his biological father were Jewish.
- Ursula Haverbeck"
(1928–) — German writer, convicted in Germany.[152]
- Michael Hoffman (1957–) — American writer and editor of the journal Revisionist History. Claims that he is being persecuted by anti-German Jewish "racists."
- David Irving (1938–) — A "historian and a neutral observer" who believes that the Jews asked for it.
- Milton L. Kapner a.k.a. Brother Nathanael Kapner — Born to Jewish parents, he converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity and joined a monastery.[153] While he often wears the trappings of a monk, he no longer is one, and his actions have been denounced by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.[154] Runs the "Brother Nathanael Foundation" (a tax-deductible 501(c)3 Non-Profit), and a website called "Real Jew News" where he has a page listing "Holocaust Hype Articles". He has also made a number of YouTube videos promoting his views.
- Charles Wing Krafft
(1948–) — Pop artist noted for his "disasterware" (Delft plates depicting violent disasters or fascist themes) and funerary memorial porcelain artworks crafted from human remains, who was outed as an anti-Semite and holocaust denier. On a July 28, 2012, podcast on The White Network, a site that officially hosts the program "Whites Talking To Whites About White Interests", he openly stated, "I believe the Holocaust is a myth."[155] In an e-mail to writer Jen Graves of The Stranger, regarding his thoughts on the Holocaust, he stated,
“”"I don't doubt that Hitler's regime killed a lot of Jews in WWII, but I don't believe they were ever frog marched into homicidal gas chambers and dispatched. I think between 700,000-1.2 million Jews died of disease, starvation, overwork, reprisals for partisan attacks, allied bombing, and natural causes during the war."[156]
- Fred Leuchter
(1943–) — Consultant to the lucrative capital punishment industry in the U.S. and manufacturer of electric chairs. In 1988, he was hired by Ernst Zündel to investigate whether the gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps could have been used for mass extermination. Leuchter claims he concluded they could not have been and published The Leuchter Report: An Engineering Report on the Alleged Execution Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Majdanek Poland. Fred Leuchter has no scientific background to have made such a claim. He was the subject of the 1999 Errol Morris documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
- Laurent Louis
(1980–), a member of the Debout Les Belges! party and of the Belgian parliament. He was convicted in 2015 of Holocaust denial.[157]
- Texe Marrs (1944–) — Christian writer and conspiracy theorist. On his website he sells his own recordings entitled The Holocaust Controversy and the Falsification of History, and Holocaust Dogma Unmasked — A Grim Global Conspiracy Mocking Reality and Capitalizing on Death is Outed by Brave Truthtellers. He also peddles Victor Thorn's book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie, and Brian Alois Clèrauba's book A Greater "Miracle" Than The Lost Ten Tribes Discovered...—The Dead "Six Million" Uncovered...!, as well as the anti-Semitic screeds The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, and Martin Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies.
- Eustace Mullins (1923–2010) — Anti-Semitic writer and (until his recent demise) contributing editor to Barnes Review.
- Revilo P. Oliver
(1908–1994) — His original claim to fame was as a JFK assassination conspiracy theorist. Kicked out of the John Birch Society for public anti-Semitic statements, went on to neo-Nazi activities in his later years.
- Ahmed Rami
(1946–) — Moroccan-Swedish writer, and founder of Radio Islam. Sentenced by a Swedish court in 1990 to six months in prison for hate speech rising from the material including, but not limited to, Holocaust denial. Has co-written a Holocaust denial book, Tabubelagda tankar (Tabooed Thoughts), with Swedish Neo-Nazi leader Björn Björkqvist.
- Roeland Raes
(1934–) is a Belgian politician, a former senator and vice president of the Vlaams Blok party. He was convicted of negationism under the Belgian Holocaust denial law in 2010.[158]
- George Lincoln Rockwell (1918–1967) — US Navy veteran of both World War II and the Korean War, and one-time commercial illustrator, advertising agent, magazine publisher, and sign painter, later founder of the American Nazi Party (later known as National Socialist White People's Party), which was one of the first US organizations to promote Holocaust revisionism and denial as part of its ideology. (It splintered off into numerous groups after his 1967 murder by a purged party member.) An outspoken white supremacist and anti-Semite, he was quoted in an April 1966 interview in Playboy:
“”"I don't believe for one minute that any 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated by Hitler. It never happened." … "I emphatically deny that there is any valid proof that innocent Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis. The photographs you've seen that have been passed off as pictures of dead Jews have been identified as pictures of the corpses of German civilians — mostly women and children and refugees who were killed in the one-night Allied bombing of Dresden, which slaughtered 350,000 innocent people."
- Germar Rudolf,
a.k.a., Germar Scheerer (1964–) — German student who released a poorly researched report while interning at the Max Planck institute claiming that samples taken from gas chamber walls showed no more cyanide evidence than random farmhouses. He ignored the basic chemistry of cyanide by not discriminating against iron-based cyanide compounds.[159] The study was subsequently falsified, and Rudolf was fired and imprisoned. Rudolf has since gone on to other impressive feats such as denying 9/11.
- Bradley Smith — A crank who has spent the last 25 years trying to place advertisements in newspapers calling for an "open debate" on whether the Holocaust happened. He seems to crave the controversy that results and chants the mantra of "free speech" a lot. He is especially fond of trying to place these ads in student newspapers on college campuses, which usually results in free publicity for him and his pet cause whether or not the ads are accepted for publication.
- David Stein a.k.a. David Cole — Leader of Republican Party Animals, a Hollywood-based conservative political group. In 2013, he was exposed as being "David Cole," a Holocaust revisionist who made a splash in the media in the 1990s.[160]
- Paul Topete — Lead vocalist of the "Patriot" rock band Poker Face. On the band's on-line forum, Topete, using the handle "Pokerkid", has made a number of anti-Semitic statements, including the following (reproduced verbatim):
“”"I am always amazed at how many roads lead back to one of the largest if not THEE [sic] largest scam ever played on humanity… Yes that [sic] right… the HOLOHAUX aka holocaust. 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zundel DESTROYED the Myth known as the cult of holohauzianity. In a canadien [sic] court of law, Ernst zundel took on the biggest frauds in the SHOAH Industry, and showed them to be the frauds that they were. Names like Raoul Hilberg and Vrba. And several other parasites known to infest this worldly sham. Wake up people, You are being played for fools for you LACK KNOWLEDGE."[161]
- Hal Turner (1962–) — White supremacist, shortwave and internet talk show host, and FBI informant, now convicted felon. Quoting him directly:
“”"Jews love to complain about the 'Holocaust.' Let me tell you, there was no Holocaust in World War 2 — but rest assured, there most certainly IS GOING TO BE a holocaust. I look forward to participating with zeal."[162]
- Richard Williamson
(1940–) — British Roman Catholic Bishop and former member of the Catholic Traditionalist Society of St. Pius X, was fined by the German government for denying the Holocaust on Swedish TV while on German soil.[163] During the interview, he stated, "I believe that the historical evidence is strongly against, is hugely against six million Jews having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler."[164] and "I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, but none of them in gas chambers."[165]
- Shaun Patrick Winkler — American White Supremacist and failed Sheriff candidate for Bonner County, Idaho who attempted to build an "Aryan compound" to replace the now defunct Aryan Nations Church.[166] In an interview, he was quoted as saying, "The bad, evil, rotten Jew is behind a lot of things. We look at the media, we look at society in general. We look at even our public school systems. They paint this pretty little portrait for Jews, how they were such victims of the Holocaust or, as I like to refer to it, the ‘Holo-Hoax.’ We … deny that 6 million died."[167]
- Francis Parker Yockey (1917–1960) — An American Hitler admirer who wrote an unreadable post-World War II tome called Imperium under the pen-name "Ulick Varange," a book which you can't make heads or tails of but vaguely has something to do with advocating European unification around a program of "total politics."
- Ernst Zündel (1939–2017) — German writer and neo-Nazi who, through his Canadian publishing company (he lived in Canada 1958-2000) and his website, has been a prolific promoter of Holocaust denial through. Was prosecuted in Germany and sentenced to five years in prison in 2007 for violating Germany's law against inciting hatred. Released in 2010, but seems to have been relatively inactive after.
Victim blaming
See the main article on this topic: Blaming the victim
“”Denial is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims.
—Gregory H. Stanton[168] |
“”"Blaming the victim" is a tried and true method of genocide rationalization and denial, and has been used in case after case: "The Jews" were against Germany to undermine it (by supposedly creating "Bolshevism," for instance, they had traitorously sold Germany out in World War I, or had even declared “war” against Germany).
—Sara Elise Brown and Henry C. Theriault[6] |
Examples include:
- Mahmoud Abbas,
President of the Palestinian National Authority, stated that usury and banking were the reason for pogroms in Europe, leading up to the Holocaust.[169] Abbas later apologized for his statement under worldwide pressure.[169] Abbas previously disputed the number of people killed in the Holocaust in the introduction to a 1984 book.[169][170]
- The Institute for Historical Review, which has also engaged in more overt forms of Holocaust denial, has cited the work of Lenni Brenner
(Zionism in the Age of the Dictators[171]) regarding Zionist collaboration with Nazis,[172] and Brenner (an anti-Zionist ethnic Jew) has strongly objected to this.[173]
- Ken Livingstone, the former mayor of London, was forced to resign from the Labour Party for his antisemitism.[174] He stated that Hitler supported Zionism because of the Haavara Agreement
agreement, which was the only means for German Jews to legally leave Germany from 1933-1939.[175] The misinterpretation of the Haavara Agreement, which in actuality stripped German Jews of their wealth before allowing them to emigrate to Palestine, has been used by antisemites to claim that Jews collaborated en mass with the Nazis.[175]
- William S. Lind,
who has denied being an overt Holocaust denier, gave a speech on cultural Marxism at a Holocaust denial conference.[176]
- Antoni Macierewicz,
Polish Defense Minister since 2015 under President Andrzej Duda, has indicated that he believed that there was truth to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[177] but he later stated that he "accepts with no doubts that the Protocols is false."[178] The Duda government also criminalized claiming that Poland could have been complicit in the Holocaust.[179]
Others who have falsely accused Soros of collaborating with the Nazis (or of being one) include:
- Rosanne Barr (actor),[182] who later apologized to Soros[183]
- Conservapedia[184]
- Ann Coulter[185][186]
- Dinesh D'Souza[185][187]
- Alex Jones[182]
- Donald Trump, Jr.[182]
- James Woods (actor)[185][188]
Questions to ask a Holocaust denier
- Did the Nazis exterminate Romani, gays, and political opponents?
- If so, the gas chambers and crematories were functional, despite Holocaust deniers' "proof" that they were useless.
- If not, these groups of people were also part of the conspiracy. How large can a conspiracy become?
- Temporarily set aside your objections to my evidence for the Holocaust. Other comparable mass killings have about the same amount of supporting evidence. If you can deny the Holocaust, then can't you also deny other mass violence — such as [select the most applicable] the Great Leap Forward,
the Holodomor, or the Atlantic Slave Trade, the decimation of native populations of the Americas?
- If one can deny the Holocaust, one of the most well-documented events in history, can one not deny practically anything and make history itself meaningless?
- [If they are religious] Scholars agree that there is far better evidence for the Holocaust than [pivotal religious event]. Why put any faith in [event] but deny the Holocaust? Given how important [event] is to [religion], isn't there even more reason to think that historians and scholars would lie about [event] than about the Holocaust?
- If you were a Jew, would you kill 6 million of your own just to get sympathy?
- Nazi documents indicate that approximately 1.5 million Jews were sent during WWII to three camps in Eastern Poland: Sobibor, Belzec, and Treblinka. After these deportations, all trace of these people disappeared. If they weren't killed at these three camps, can you provide evidence for even 1% of them turning up someplace else?
- Documents showing evidence of personal culpability of Nazi leaders and ranking subordinates were discovered in huge numbers after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Such documents included architectural plans for the camps, engineering drafts, test results, accounting ledgers, railroad timetables, payroll records, commendations, orders, deportation lists, and death counts. The victorious Allies could not have forged so many documents so quickly, and Nazis who may have claimed that their signatures on incriminating documents were forgeries did not claim that the documents themselves were forgeries. If these incriminating documents were generated by the Nazis, then why would they create such evidence that would surely lead to their imprisonment or execution as war criminals?
- Have you seriously considered the possibility that you may, in fact, have lost your fucking marbles and you just don't know it yet?
- Himmler on the execution of Jews
- List of countries where Holocaust denial is legal
- Red herrings in Holocaust denial
See also
- Holocaust envy
- International Jewish conspiracy
- Metapedia
- Nizkor Project
- White extinction scenario
- Anna Rosmus, who exposed a few instances of Holocaust denial
- Potemkin village for Theresienstadt
- Gilad Atzmon — has been accused of denialism, but he denies this
- Secondary antisemitism
In popular culture
A critically-acclaimed 2016 theatrical film, Denial, told the story of Deborah Lipstadt's legal defense againt a libel suit brought by holocaust denier David Irving. The film was written by David Hare and Deborah Lipstadt, and directed by Mick Jackson. It was nominated in the year's BAFTA awards as outstanding British film, but lost to I, Daniel Blake.External links
- Holocaust deniers
category on Wikipedia
- Rebutting the "Twitter denial": the most popular denier memes debunked by Sergey Romanov
- Nizkor project
- Remember.org — A People's History of the Holocaust and Genocide
- Auschwitz Paintings by Holocaust survivor Jan Komsk
- Auschwitz Paintings by Holocaust survivor Jan Komsk
- Holocaust denial at The Skeptic's Dictionary
- Rewriting History: Holocaust Revisionism Today, published by HOPE not Hate (PDF)
- Holocaust Denial on Trial: Using History to Confront Distortions
- /r/AskHistorians: Monday Methods: Holocaust Denial and how to combat it
- /r/holocaust -- a Holocaust denial subreddit, to see the kinds of tactics used
- RationalWiki on Holocaust Denial, The Right Stuff (Archive)
- Is there any factual basis for Holocaust denial?, on The Straight Dope
- There is a reasonable case against making all genocide denial a crime. The Holocaust is well researched and it can easily be argued that deniers are either wilfully ignorant or liars. Other genocides are less well known, i.e. it is much more difficult for historians to estimate the death toll in the massacres of Native Americans, as Native Americans left no record of births and deaths or of causes of death. What proportion of deaths were intentional killings and what proportions were the results of infectious diseases introduced unintentionally? When denying or trivializing a case of genocide is a criminal offense, people who want to keep within the law become reluctant to discuss it, and this can hinder an impartial analysis.
- An Epidemic of Dishonesty on the Right, Kevin D Williamson, National Review, Feb 22, 2018

Fifty years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 242. The resolution is used as a framework for implementing the two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
ReplyDeleteBut since its adoption in 1967, Israel has violated the resolution by entrenching its occupation of the Palestinian territories through illegal settlements.
600,000 – 750,000: Illegal settlers in the occupied Palestinian territories
150: Settlements
119: Outposts
42%: Of West Bank land controlled by settlements
86%: Of East Jerusalem for Israeli state and settler use
The majority of settlements have been built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian property
To the casual visitor or tourist driving through the occupied West Bank or Jerusalem, Israeli settlements may appear as just another set of houses on a hill.
The middle-class suburban style townhouses, built fast and locked in a grid of uniform units, stand like fortified compounds, in direct contrast to the sprawling limestone Palestinian homes below.
Settlement homes, mostly constructed of cement with a cosmetic limestone cladding, tend to fashion a similar look: American-style villas topped by red-tiled roofs and surrounded by lush, neatly trimmed green lawns.
The largest settlement, Modi’in Illit, houses more than 64,000 Israeli Jews in the occupied West Bank. The mega-settlement has its own mayor, as well as schools, shopping malls and medical centres.
Some settlements even have their own universities.