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The Fake Media and Fake Historians won't ever show you these amazing…
To really understand Adolf Hitler, we must first be willing to honestly search for the truth, and be able to handle it once we find some of it.
Then, a complete 4 season cleaning needs to be first accomplished because (in most cases) 90% of what we can hear, read and see, and 99,9% of what we are taught in public schools are just propaganda.
Leaving acquired dogmas aside, if you can find out by yourself who was the greatest leader of any nation in the world of the time, you will have the answer to most of your questions, and this will completely change your life and maybe even make you lose family and friends.
But, start first by watching “The Money Masters 1996” FULL DOCUMENTARY
Then, ask yourself who have a monopoly on issuing usury money, and who posed a real threat to the monopolists, and what happened to them, including the legendary Christ.
You will find out that, like Napoleon and many US Presidents, Adolf Hitler posed a serious threat to the usurers and had to be eliminated at all costs! Who eliminated him? NOT THE JEWS!!! But, decadent Christendom that joined the Freemasons and used the Khazar Judaics to do their dirty jobs, like when they trafficked in slavery, genocide, and chopped off the heads of Christian royalty. The British Royals are not Christians, but Freemasons and Satanists.
The Rothschilds (made Barons, a Christian title!) took over the financial operations of the Catholic Church worldwide in 1823, and became more powerful than and even own the British Royals and start all military campaigns, including the French and Russian so-called Revolutions.
Why were Muammar al Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussain, and many celebrities assassinated?
ONLY THEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND WHO DESTROYED GERMANY AND WHY, and that Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader in Europe!
Finally, wanting to keep the white European biological type intact is not racism. The biggest racist of the Age is Apartheid Israel set up by the usurers, and they rule the world of Christ, Islam, of all religions, and non religions alike!
Do your homework, please!
Thursday 9th of May 2019
ManageTo really understand Adolf Hitler, we must first be willing to honestly search for the truth, and be able to handle it once we find some of it.
Then, a complete 4 season cleaning needs to be first accomplished because (in most cases) 90% of what we can hear, read and see, and 99,9% of what we are taught in public schools are just propaganda.
Leaving acquired dogmas aside, if you can find out by yourself who was the greatest leader of any nation in the world of the time, you will have the answer to most of your questions, and this will completely change your life and maybe even make you lose family and friends.
But, start first by watching “The Money Masters 1996” FULL DOCUMENTARY
Then, ask yourself who have a monopoly on issuing usury money, and who posed a real threat to the monopolists, and what happened to them, including the legendary Christ.
You will find out that, like Napoleon and many US Presidents, Adolf Hitler posed a serious threat to the usurers and had to be eliminated at all costs! Who eliminated him? NOT THE JEWS!!! But, decadent Christendom that joined the Freemasons and used the Khazar Judaics to do their dirty jobs, like when they trafficked in slavery, genocide, and chopped off the heads of Christian royalty. The British Royals are not Christians, but Freemasons and Satanists.
The Rothschilds (made Barons, a Christian title!) took over the financial operations of the Catholic Church worldwide in 1823, and became more powerful than and even own the British Royals and start all military campaigns, including the French and Russian so-called Revolutions.
Why were Muammar al Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussain, and many celebrities assassinated?
ONLY THEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND WHO DESTROYED GERMANY AND WHY, and that Adolf Hitler was the greatest leader in Europe!
Finally, wanting to keep the white European biological type intact is not racism. The biggest racist of the Age is Apartheid Israel set up by the usurers, and they rule the world of Christ, Islam, of all religions, and non religions alike!
Do your homework, please!
Thursday 9th of May 2019
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Stacy Hepding I forgot to say that Mike King has done the job already and it is excellent.
Jewish fencer (sword-fighter) Helene Mayer won the silver medal -- FOR GERMANY!
2. Helene gives "sieg heil" salute during the awards ceremony.
The Rothschild 1821 – 1849: Global monopoly
Continuing on from 1818:
1822: The emperor of Austria made the five Rothschild brothers Barons. Nathan Mayer Rothschild chose not to take up the title.
1823: The Rothschilds take over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.
1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his nine volume set, The life of Napolean and in volume two he states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and was financed by the money changers of Europe (The Rothschilds).
1832: President Andrew Jackson (the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837), runs the campaign for his second term in office under the slogan, “Jackson And No Bank!” This is in reference to his plan to take the control of the American money system to benefit the American people, not for the profiteering of the Rothschilds.
1833: President Andrew Jackson starts removing the government’s deposits from the Rothschild controlled, Second Bank of the United States and instead deposits them into banks directed by democratic bankers. This causes the Rothschilds to panic and so they do what they do best, contract the money supply causing a depression. President Jackson knows what they are up to and later states, “You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”
1834: The Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, is selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world and would serve in that capacity until he died in 1872.
1835: On January 30, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but miraculously both of the assassin’s pistols misfires. President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that attempted assassination. He is not the only one, the assassin, Richard Lawrence, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity, later bragged that powerful people in Europe had hired him and promised to protect him if he were caught.
The Rothschilds acquire the rights in the Almadén quicksilver mines in Spain. This was at the time the biggest concession in the world and as quicksilver was a vital component in the refining of gold or silver this gave the Rothschilds a virtual world monopoly.
1836: Following his years of fighting against the Rothschilds and their central bank in America, President Andrew

Nathan Mayer Rothschild dies and the control of his bank, N. M. Rothschild & Sons is passed on to his younger brother, James Mayer Rothschild.
1837: The Rothschilds send one of their own, August Belmont, an Ashkenazi Jew, to America to salvage their banking interests defeated by President Andrew Jackson.
1840: The Rothschilds become the Bank of England’s bullion brokers. They set up agencies in California and Australia.
1841: President John Tyler (the 10th President of the United States From 1841 to 1845) vetoed the act to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States. He goes on to receive hundreds of letters threatening him with assassination.
1844: Salomon Mayer Rothschild purchases the United Coal Mines of Vítkovice and Austro-Hungarian Blast Furnace Company that would go on to be one of the top ten global industrial concerns. Benjamin Disraeli, an Ashkenazi Jew (who would go on to become British Prime Minister twice – the only admitted Ashkenazi Jew to do so) publishes Coningsby, in which he characterises Nathan Mayer Rothschild as, “the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and Monarchs and Ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions.”
1845: The Great American Patriot, Andrew Jackson (7th President of the United States) dies. Before his death he is asked what he regarded his as greatest achievement. He replies without hesitation, “I Killed The Bank,” This is in reference to the fact he banished the Rothschilds Second Bank of the United States in 1836. Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild (who by now had married his niece, Betty, Salomon Mayer Rothschild’s daughter), now known as Baron James de Rothschild, wins the contract to build the first major railway line across the country. This was called the Chemin De Fer Du Nord and ran initially from Paris to Valenciennes and then joined with the Austrian rail network built by his brother (and wife’s father – all sounds a bit sordid doesn’t it) Salomon Mayer Rothschild.
1847: Lionel De Rothschild now married to the daughter of his uncle, Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild, is elected to the parliamentary seat for the City of London. A requirement for entering parliament was to take an oath in the true faith of a Christian. Lionel De Rothschild refused to do this as he was Jewish and his seat in parliament remained empty for 11 years until new oaths were allowed. He must have been an invaluable representative for his constituency, bearing in mind he could never vote on any bill as he never entered parliament! I wonder how he managed to keep his parliamentary seat for 11 years?

Eva Hanau, Amschel Mayer Rothschild’s wife dies.
1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
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