JOSEPH GREGORY HALLET visited me at my flattic (I coined that word), an attic flat gifted to me in 1998 by the United Kingdom of Israel (John Major, Tony Blair and Company) in London with my "Jewish" acquaintance "Barry Lyndon", a former Masonic Mormon, a "Light Worker of the Galactics" and a David Ickian character. But, Greg did not allow me to take a picture of us together. I did not understand why, and why all the mystery surrounding him. But, we surely had quite a bit in common regarding British History and their Judean Royals, in particular, Princess Diana, which I later found out why thanks to the Internet, to Mark Windows, another acquaintance of mine, and Pr. James Fetzer, my then Internet contact who was then having tumultuous video broadcasts with Dr. Kevin Barrett while dealing with False Flags issues. Strangely, Greg refused to take a picture together with me and Barry. I learned only later why, because he alleged to be the "attorney executor" of Elizabeth II "the illegitimate Queen of England" and her "superior"?
"Greg Hallett ...who is/was a superior Royal to Queen Elizabeth II."
Oy vey!
I wrote to Imran Khan about his entrapment with Jemima Goldsmith and her closeness (genetic or otherwise) with the Rothschilds and Princess Diana. I called Jemima a planted ESTHER! Khan never responded to any of my letters, including one asking for yhe refund of my £1,000 donation for his Cancer Hospital in Lahore stolen by a suspected MI5/MI6 agent from Ilford (according to Professor K.G., a close friend of mine) and a martial art teacher at the local Asian Community Centre where I was also an executive member - Amir Chowdhurry who also stole my £1,000 donation for Kashmir Refugees as well as £25,000 I transferred to his account from Paris to buy property in Sialkot, Pakistan. He also stole my son's Honda Civic car I bought for around £4,000. Even Scotland Yard refused to investigate my complaints against the conman! Apparently, jobless Amir invested my money he embezzled in a bed and breakfast in Ilford, I was told. He even made death threats to me and my son! Both Lord Ahmed Nazir (who I interviewed at the House of Lords for a French Magazine) and the Pakistan Embassy refused to help me.
After my interview with "Lord" Nazir Ahmed at the House of Lords
Allegedly King - The Documentary: Debunking Greg Hallett Part 1
27.4K subscribers
4,590 views 17 Nov 2020
ALLEGEDLY KING The Documentary: Debunking Greg Hallett Part 1 In the first part of the definitive documentary of my journey debunking Greg Hallett, a man claiming not only to be the king of England and other territories, but to hold the 'title christ'.
In part 1, we look at how I ended up fighting this scam, and how I connected with many people, even including Greg's friends and family and why I ultimately, am making this documentary Part 2 out now! • Allegedly King - The Documentary: Deb...
Hallett Report No. 8
“ Finding Jesus’ Graves … challenges the Flat Lie Royals "
Greg Hallett Interviewed by Dr James Henry Fetzer, 23 January 2015
(The Real Deal Ep No. 9 Iconoclast, The World’s Leading Revisionist Historian)
Greg Hallett Interviewed by Dr Jim Fetzer, 23 January 2015 (The Real Deal Ep No. 9 Iconoclast, The World’s Leading Revisionist Historian)
Hallett Report No. 8
“ Finding Jesus’ Graves … challenges the Flat Lie Royals “
Greg Hallett Interviewed by Dr Jim Fetzer, 23 January 2015
(The Real Deal Ep No. 9 Iconoclast, The World’s Leading Revisionist Historian)
The Show exposes the entity called Queen Elizabeth II as a fake, a Flat Lie Royal, a usurper, rendered Greg Hallett's Charge in October 2011 …
Prince William (UK) as the illegitimate son of King Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess Diana (UK), which is why King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicated, as a direct result of Greg Hallett's exposure and near-identical photographic analysis of Prince William (UK) and King Juan Carlos (Spain).
The proposed Laws of Succession in the UK are 'Queen' Elizabeth II's confirmation of her and her family's illegitimacy, where Elizabeth is the illegitimate Artificial Insemination daughter of Winston Churchill and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s Maid …
where Winston Churchill is the illegitimate son of King Edward VII …
and King George V (UK) is the illegitimate son of Tsar Alexander III of Russia …
and Princess Diana sabotaged the breeding of Prince William and Prince Harry
to ensure that neither were born in auspicious months …
and that Queen Victoria and her psychics predicted that all of this would be written up by a Lemurian (New Zealander) …
where Greg Hallett was directed by Queen Elizabeth II's doctor to King George VI's Natural son in New Zealand, who is/was a superior Royal to Queen Elizabeth II.
See the Five Hard Cover Full Colour Yellow Ribbon Volumes, 1200 pages, 700 photos of 'THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND', wherein lies a Superior Claim to the Throne..
Jim Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer, your host on The Real Deal. Well, I am especially pleased to have as my featured guest today one of the world’s greatest revisionists historians, one of the world’s leading iconoclasts. He is best known for his studies of the lineage of the Royal Family in the UK which is demonstrated not to be legitimate. He is the author of ‘HITLER WAS A BRITISH AGENT’, ‘GIFTING THE UNITED NATIONS TO STALIN’, ‘NEW ZEALAND — A BLACKMAILER’S GUIDE’ and many other works. His name … 'Greg Hallett'. Welcome Greg Hallett to The Real Deal!
Greg Hallett: Thanks Jim, it’s been 2 years and 10 days since our last interview — and apparently I’ve died in the meantime.
Jim Fetzer: Greg, I was very concerned, honest to God, I thought that you’d been taken out by the Royals, because they were so upset with your exposés, and I’m very relieved to have you back on the air.
Greg Hallett: Well, I was living in this cave for four (4) months, and I had no WiFi, no internet, no electricity, no cooker, for four (4) months — 122 days.
Jim Fetzer: How did you do it? How did you do it, Greg? How did you even resupply. Did you have to go out for food and water?
Greg Hallett: A little bit, yes, some food was brought down to me, which was nice. Some cooked food was brought down. I made salads. I couldn’t make a cup of tea. I couldn’t cook anything. So I just got water from a local spring and ate salads for 4 months, and levelled the floor of the whole cave with a pinch bar, a five-foot pinch bar, and moved 4 cubic metres of bedrock, rock, loam, sand and clay, sifted it all, separated it all and created a rock garden 3.14 metres long, 1.5 metres wide, about 1.2 metres high and then, that was all white rock. And then I covered it with top soil, clay actually, I covered it with clay. And the clay turns brown when it is too cold to sleep in the cave, and it turns white when it’s warm enough to sleep in the cave, so I can look down from above and see the colour of my rock garden to tell me whether I can inhabit it.
Jim Fetzer: Absolute sensational, Greg, and I’m sure you’re actually more healthier and fit after that experience than you were before.
Gregory Hallett's King Cave
Jim Fetzer: Wow!
Greg Hallett: Yes, it was just falling of me.
Jim Fetzer: Of course, it had a wet bar.
Greg Hallett: Well, it was 8 metres from the sea and then there was a 14-metre vertical drop from the cliff face to the sea to the Atlantic. So I had the World’s second-biggest swimming pool!
Jim Fetzer: Fantastic, fantastic!
Greg Hallett: It’s called a ‘Front Line Property’!
Jim Fetzer: It’s much preferable to the Pacific by the way, Greg, which is being radiated by Fukushima. It’s quite a disaster there, sea live is dying, I mean it’s just massive — unbelievable!
Greg Hallett: So I’ve got the best swimming pool in the world then!
Jim Fetzer: Yes, yes. Now you have been very busy. In the meanwhile, I know, a whole set of your books has been published, I want you to tell us all about it, there’s an ample opportunity here. I want you to explain to us what you’ve been doing, what you got now, and why everyone should be looking at your books. Wow!
Greg Hallett: This is the Boxed Set. The ‘S’ that we’ve used, which is showing on the front of the books as well, that’s the ‘Signet Ring of the Holy Roman Emperor Germanic’. So they’re all hardcover books, and they’re all full colour throughout, it’s about …
Jim Fetzer: This is a five (5) Volume Set on THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND, is that right?
Greg Hallett: Yes, yes. It’s 1200 pages, and over 700 photos.
Jim Fetzer: Tell us, tell us!
Greg Hallett: It took four (4) years, right, and I needed to prove the origin of Kingship because the British and European Families claim that their Kingship stems from Jesus. And then religion tells us that Jesus died on the cross when he was like 33 in like A.D. 33, and he never married and he had no children. But historical documents and the High Orders, Secret Society documents, show that Jesus survived the crucifixion, and married and had children … and also, that there were Two (2) Jesuses.
Jim Fetzer: Oh tell us more, this is reminiscent of the 'Two Oswalds', Greg, you’ve no doubt heard of that theory. That’s why John Armstrong said that "there were two (2) persons living relatively comparable lives, who had mothers by the same name, to whom he refers as 'Harvey' and 'Lee' respectively, who the CIA used for trading off for different roles here in setting up the assassination of JFK and framing one of them for the event!".
Greg Hallett: Yes well, you know, Jesus was really framed, wasn’t he?
Jim Fetzer: Tell us, tell us about Jesus — the Two (2) Jesus!
discovering the
origins of the Kingship
of the United Kingdom
and found Jesus’ graves!
One Jesus went to England, and another Jesus went to the Algarve in Portugal.
This cave is in the Algarve in Portugal.
The Algarve is the whole south coast of Portugal. I’ve spent four (4) years discovering the origins of the True Kingship of the United Kingdom and I found Jesus’ graves … So I had a nap in them, which was actually really nice.
It was a really nice energy. It’s called Macrocosm — Microcosm, where you feel yourself with the one with yourself, that is the small, which is five (5) the Microcosm, as well as the Macrocosm which is the six (6). These were places where there is a vortex of energy.
I found ten (10) of these Jesus’ gravesites, and they were backed up by the foundations of buildings, religious ceremonies that are stilled practiced today, and codification in literature, film, statues, buildings, time, bearings, directions, Prime Meridian and law … Common Law, and Civil Law, Statute Law, as well as the Royal Courts of Justice and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
Yes, so you know, it’s quite big, ground breaking.
1 Million Pounds in her time
on her genealogy.
Pope Francis actually agrees with me, that there are Two Jesuses, or there were Two Jesuses. When I was in Lisbon, having discovered one of the gravesites, his people were not only following us around, and sitting in the same café, and all wearing the same perfume, but they were also in the places already that we were going to in Lisbon.
And when I got back to the hotel room, that same perfume was emanating out of the ensuite, which has got double double-glazed doors which were closed, and double shutters — so there was no way for the perfume to get into the bathroom, but it was emanating out of the bathroom. So we were definitely being followed by the Pope’s people who were telling us, through perfume, that we were on the right track!
of the Catholic Church
is that there are 2 Jesuses.
Greg Hallett: Yes, well, the French word for ‘Initiation’ is ‘Lancement’. So the higher the initiation, the longer the lance. So Jesus was reportedly, figuratively up on a cross, getting pierced by a very long lance, which suggests that it was a very High Initiation.
I think that the initiation was this, that : Jesus was from a Royal lineage, he was based in Galilee, which is just east of Jerusalem, and he was too much trouble for the Romans in and around Jerusalem, so they gave him another Kingdom!
That kingdom was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which then had a combination of names as a series of small kingdoms. So he needed a reputation to precede him to go to England to set himself up as King, and this all was done with Roman Compliance, and Roman Escort, with a lot of Romans looking the other way — including Pontius Pilate et cetera.
So Jesus gets to the south-east coast of England under Roman military and diplomatic escort — and that’s actually proven and recorded in the murals on the Lord Mayor of London’s carriage, and in the Lord Mayor of London’s ceremonies today, where the Romans have spears, long lances that they’re poking at the Lord Mayor of London, in like 2012, and the Lord Mayor of London is laughing at the spears or lances.
So Jesus arrived in south-east England, he arrives up the Medway, which is the Tidal River going in south of the Thames.
Jim Fetzer: Jesus came to England!
Greg Hallett: Yes. There is a whole lot of legends about it. The second national anthem of Britain [written by William Blake: ‘And did those feet in ancient time, Walk upon England’s mountains green … Til we have built Jerusalem In England’s green & pleasant Land].
Jim Fetzer: And of course this is post, after the crucifixion …
Greg Hallett: … which didn’t happen to either of the Jesuses! If there was a crucifixion, a physical death, then it happened to someone else, which may have been a look-alike and some people suggest it was Judas. I’m not sure if it even happened.
Jim Fetzer: Continue!
Greg Hallett: But he survived, because he had a lineage, and that lineage claims to be the Monarchs of the United Kingdom and of Europe.
So Jesus arrives up the Medway, which is a Tidal River. And the Medway used to circle right round the whole south-east coast of England, which was an island, and then it was a tidal island, and then it was a spring tidal island, and then it silted up until about 1955 when it was dammed, and then in 1959, and then again in 1969 the Medway flooded over the dam and up to the top point of the stream.
The top point of the stream is called Eden, and there is Edenbridge which goes over the stream, as in ‘Garden of Eden’, and the nearest local landmark is called ‘Godstone’. And the area was covered in giant golden oaks.
Jim Fetzer: And where precisely is that located, Greg?
Greg Hallett: It’s near the intersection of Surrey and West and East Sussex. The whole tidal island southeast of England was called "Regni", and Regni was ‘Kingdom Come’. Regni was where all of the Exilarchs of the conquered Kingdom were taken. So first of all, Jesus became King of Regni because his reputation preceded him, and he had such a good lineage. And then he took a walk along ‘Pilgrim’s Way’.
Pilgrim’s Way is 44 miles to London to Southwark, 'South-walk' and Southwark Cathedral. It’s written "South Wark" — South Walk. So Southwark Cathedral marks where you 'walk south', ‘South Walk’ down ‘Pilgrim’s Way’ to ‘Regni’, which was the Kingdom of the Exilarchs or Kingdom Come, and ‘Eden’ at ‘Godstone’.
Then Jesus took the ferry across the Thames and started to develop London which was then called ‘Trinovantum’, which means ‘Splendid Trinity’, and then eventually the name was changed.
He actually designed London. London was just a commune at the time. And later, in about 360 A.D., it became a walled commune. But London was designed and built in the shape of a Lion, as in ‘Baby-Lion’, as in ‘Babylon’ without the head, and Jesus was the head.
Then he changed the name of London — or he changed the name of ‘Trinovantum’, ‘Splendid Trinity’ — to ‘LondinVM’ which is a ‘Lion Brood Desposyni Virgin Mary’. So that formed ‘LondinVM’ which became London.
Then Jesus became the Mayor of London, and the Mayor of London has all the roles of the King, within London, and essentially within England. The Mayor of London does all the work of the King, and the King just sits back.
Today the Mayor of London does all the roles of the King within England and the British Isles, and even does overseas trips.
So Jesus became 'Lord Mayor of London' as in "Jesus is Lord", and then Jesus became the 'King of England' and 'King of Scotland'.
Then the Catholic Church broke away from Jesus’ teachings in 451 A.D. and in the same year the Catholic Church sent the Saxons in to Great Britain to remove any evidence of Jesus and his teachings.
So the Catholic Church actually excommunicated itself from Jesus’ teachings, Jesus’ lineage, and Jesus’ history.
Then there were a lot of authors, even up to like 1400 A.D., who wrote as though they were writing in 700 A.D. [b.672—d.735], and called themselves things like ‘The Venerable Bede’. They were actually conspiracy writers! And their conspiracy writing was then taken as historical fact, and as a result there is very little history in Great Britain prior 451 A.D. and there is very little history in Britain prior to 1066 when the conqueror came over.
So Britain was essentially conquered and its history was wiped out and its culture was wiped out. So all the British really know about their history is bits and pieces from 1066. So what I did was use documents from …
Jim Fetzer: You mean William the Conqueror!
Greg Hallett: Yes!
Jim Fetzer: From the time of William the Conqueror, that’s all they know up there!
Greg Hallett: 1066, and there is very little before that!
So there were conquerors, a lot of conquerors, successively, came over and destroyed the culture, history and artefacts of Britain. A few artefacts became uncovered from the 1666 Great Fire of London, which resulted in timber buildings being pulled down, and then diggings being done for the foundations of the stone buildings. That unearthed things like an effigy of 'John Marci', where "John Marci" is the name of Jesus’ firstborn son … I know you’re not religious.
Jim Fetzer: No, it’s fascinating! It’s fascinating, Greg. This is going to startle a huge percentage of the audience that view this program! Startling!
Greg Hallett: Yes! Well, there were Two Jesuses.
There was Jesus of England, or Jesus of Britain, and then there was Jesus of the Algarve, which was the coastal southern state of Portugal, which was its own Kingdom. It used to be the 'Kingdom of Portugal and a Kingdom of the Algarves'.
So what I did was, look at Google Earth and go … "I need to go there!"
I would do as much research as I could on it, and the research you can do on it on the Internet is ‘blah!’. It’s really just confusing go nowhere blah! But when you get there, and you live there, and you talk to the locals, and you find out local knowledge and you find out that, in the Algarves there's three (3) conflicting types of historian — there's the Miguelist Nazis, there's the Arabists, and there's the Christian Templars, and they all got completely different versions!
On top of that, Portugal is under fascist control until 1974, so when historians wrote things, they would codify it. And one of the ways they codified it, is that — if we had one page of information in a 100 page book, they would take 4 paragraphs out of that page and intersperse it a-quarter-way through, halfway through and at the end of the book. So in order to find out what they were actually saying, you had to retype the book, and reset the paragraphs to try and get some continuity on what they were saying.
The historians in Portugal were doing massive obfuscation to save their bacon until 1974 — which is similar to what happened to England until 1066. So on top of that, you have to read several books, and talk to the three (3) different types of historians, and go to the site and take photographs and measurements, to ascertain whether what they were saying was true, or it actually wasn’t based on anything … because when you got there and checked out the information, the physical site was so different from what they mentioned, it was absolutely worthless! Right … so in order to get beyond that, you actually had to look at the Portuguese historian’s information in the light of ‘they were alluding to something but they definitely weren’t saying it’ and you had to look at what they were covering up, and how they were covering it up.
So what I found through all of this obfuscation and the three (3) different types of historians here — Miguelite Nazis, Arabists and Christian Templars — was that the truth of the history in the Algarves was recorded in the buildings, especially in the foundations in the older buildings, and in the doorways. And often the doorways were moved within a building to allude to where Jesus’ body had been moved to!
Because his grave in the Algarves was moved largely due to the Earthquakes, and then when his body was located and it became a source of Kingship — having the body of Jesus was a mark of Kingship — there were all sorts of invasions from 1807 to 1834, like there were three (3) major wars there. And they were all after the remains of Jesus of the Algarve. So his body was moved, and I used the codification — and how the doors were moved from the outside on the north side to the inside on the south side et cetera — to find out where his next burial site was.
I also looked at the literature, with things like [in Silves] they had a random ceremony, where they would put candles on the inside of the windows of all the houses to celebrate something — but if you do that, you can’t see out, which means the people outside can move a body down the street at night, or some remains, and no one can see out because it’s winter, the windows are closed, and the reflection from the light on the windows means that all of the windows are effectively blacked out. So that’s the sort of thing that gives you the date on the moving.
On top of that, the Algarves is covered in natural subterranean tunnels, so some of the movement was happening underground, some of the so-called Templar atrocities never happened because the Arabs escaped down wells underground, and walked underground for 8 km to escape.
So it took a while, and then right at the end on Easter Friday, I found in Silves, the ceremony on Easter Friday where they carry a vertical Joseph of Arimathea, a vertical Mary or Virgin Mary and a horizontal Jesus in a coffin … that the way the coffin was presented was exactly the same way that I found his original gravesite … and the pathway they took, I mapped that out on Google Earth, and it was a direct allusion to the knowledge Jesus had dating back to Babylon.
Jim Fetzer: Have you been able to trace a genealogy from Jesus forward?
Greg Hallett: Well, Queen Victoria did it. And post-publishing the books, I have begun — and it could be part of the next book. I found that Jesus of the Algarve's grandson was Emperor Caesar Trajan … and Emperor Caesar Trajan adopted his nephew Hadrian, who was the great grandson of Jesus of the Algarve … and Emperor Hadrian adopted Antonio Pius, Emperor Caesar Antonio Pius, and he was the great grandson of Jesus of England.
And Antonio Pius had a daughter [Faustina the Younger], and his daughter married Caesar Marcus Aurelius, and his biological son was Emperor Commodus. So Commodus was the lineage of Jesus of England and Jesus of the Algarve.
Jim Fetzer: This is all so extraordinary, Greg. Do the Windsors therefore claim that they can trace their genealogy back to the one or the other of the Two Jesuses?
Greg Hallett: Well, the thing about the 'Windsors' is that they’re illegitimate, biologically illegitimate, and bigamously born, and they have been since 1840. So they’re really just a write-off family, they’re a bunch of Commoners usurping as Royals who actually haven’t been Crowned, and in their crowning they haven’t declared their true names.
Their name ‘Windsor’ was assumed on the seventeenth of July 1917, and prior to that, it was ‘Saxe-Coburg and Gotha’, and that was assumed on the 7th and 10th of February 1840. That was a fake name as well, because Queen Victoria’s supposed first husband Prince Albert was not ‘Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha’, he was ‘Prince Albert of Saxony’ which is a name given to Illegitimates … and his mother had an affair, and the person she had an affair with, she ended up marrying. He became the Count of Pölzig.
Prince Albert was illegitimate, and he was chosen from Germany because he was illegitimate. Prince Albert didn’t sire any of Queen Victoria’s children. Prince Albert was given the title ‘Prince consort Albert’ 2 ½ years after the last official child of Queen Victoria was born — Princess Beatrice. Given the title ‘Prince consort Albert’ two-and-a-half (2 ½) years after the last official child was born, was a PUBLIC NOTICE that Prince consort Albert had not sired any of the children.
Prince consort Albert died a few years later in 1861. He was actually murdered my "M.A.D.", which is 'Medically Assisted Death'.
Queen Victoria was married before she purportedly married the misnamed, mistitled Prince Albert. She was married to the second-in-line to the British Throne, who was Blind Prince George of Cumberland, who became 'Blind King George V of Hannover', who was also the Holy Roman Emperor Germanic. (Greg Hallett shows the Boxed Set of THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND.) This is his Signet Ring.
Jim Fetzer: Right in the center.
Greg Hallett: No, the whole thing, the whole "S".
Jim Fetzer: The whole "S" is the Ring, I see.
Greg Hallett: The Signet Ring is only this big (one inch / 2.5 cm). You wear it on your finger …
Jim Fetzer: Yes …
Greg Hallett: … and you press it into the wax …
Jim Fetzer: … on official documents …
Greg Hallett: … to show that it’s your seal. And only he wears it. And the Signet Ring that Blind Prince George of Hannover wore, as King George V of Hannover, his Signet Ring was "Camelot". And ‘Camelot’ means ‘Curved Light’.
So if we look at the five books here, what we did is, take the Signet Ring and photograph it, and then photograph it again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again
Jim Fetzer: … yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes, and twice more, yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes …
Greg Hallett: … and again …
Jim Fetzer: … yes.
Greg Hallett: What we did is, we put the Signet Ring on a bit of sellotape and put it under natural light, and then just turned it 5 degrees, photographed it, turned it 5 degrees and photographed it, and every time we did that, we got a different colour.
Jim Fetzer: Yes. Fascinating!
Greg Hallett: And that colour is curved light. And curved light is the meaning of 'Camelot'. So this was Camelot’s Signet Ring, effectively, essentially, or as well.
Camelot relates to Prince Arthur, and King Arthur. Prince Arthur is the one who ‘pulls the Sword out of the Stone’, but it’s the Philosopher’s Stone. What Prince Arthur does is, he polishes the Philosopher’s Stone so much, or so much (hands around head polishing his mind), that he can pull a sword out of it — the Sword of Knowledge — and cut through all the bullshit!
Jim Fetzer: Are you suggesting ‘Pulling the Sword out of the Stone’ is more than a myth?
Greg Hallett: I’m saying it’s an allegory!
Jim Fetzer: An allegory?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: Tell us more.
Greg Hallett: ‘Polishing the Stone‘ means that you come to grips with the knowledge so much that you can pull information out. And that information acts like a sword to destroy all usurpers … like the ‘House of Windsor’ is a Family of usurpers. They’re fake monarchs. They’re pretenders. They’re illegitimate, and bigamously born all the way!
Jim Fetzer: And they have to be extremely unhappy with you, Greg Hallett!
Greg Hallett: No, I actually think they are just biding their time, because all of this has been predicted.
J.M. Barrie, who wrote ‘PETER PAN’, used to read ‘PETER PAN’ to Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margret when they were children. Peter Pan is an allegory of Marcos Manoel, who is the subject of these books … and Marcos Manoel is Queen Victoria’s firstborn and only legitimate child.
So Princess Elisabeth absolutely knows about these stories, and she’s been expecting this whole story to come out and break anywhere from the 19th of September 2012 to 2019.
Jim Fetzer: And you’re talking about the Queen herself?
Greg Hallett: Well, the person who calls herself "Queen Elisabeth II", but she’s actually not a Royal — she’s a Commoner and she’s never been crowned, and she’s a usurper. It’s called ‘Flat Lie Royal’, where you’ve got somebody who is not a Royal on the Crown.
So she is just holding the position until we take it.
Jim Fetzer: So there’s no prospect that Prince William for example, who seemingly signed out of his opportunity to acceed to the Crown, but maybe induced to reassume that role, is actually going to ever be crowned King of England …
You know well they rearranged the order of succession to put William ahead of Charles. And it’s only because William has suggested that he did not want to become King, that Charles has been resurrected as a prospect.
Greg Hallett: No, they’re just trying to keep themselves in the news — they’re fakes.
Queen Elizabeth is illegitimate, and Prince William is illegitimate.
We can prove to you that Prince William is illegitimate because we toppled the King of Spain.
Jim Fetzer: Let me get clear on this, Greg. Was not Williams sired by Charles and Diana, or was William sired by Diana and someone else?
Greg Hallett: Prince William was conceived by Diana and sired by King Juan Carlos of Spain.
Jim Fetzer: And I take it, Harry of course is the son of James Hewitt?
Greg Hallett: Prince Harry is NOT A PRINCE and he is either the son of James Hewitt or some other ginger nut.
Greg Hallett: Diana was quite loose, you know.
Jim Fetzer: Well, she felt quite neglected by her husband, did she not? I think she did not feel overly loyal to him as a consequence, and all this Camilla business was quite an absurdity, even a circus.
Greg Hallett: Yes well, Prince Charles and Camilla had a child together when they were teenagers.
Jim Fetzer: What happened to him, or her?
Greg Hallett: Him! He became a telecommunications engineer and moved to Australia, and his name is 'Simon Charles Day'.
Jim Fetzer: So he's still around today!
Greg Hallett: Well, since I’ve noticed the public that "Simon Charles Day is the illegitimate son of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles", he’s disappeared.
Greg Hallett: Yes!
Jim Fetzer: MI6?
Greg Hallett: I have no idea, no idea!
Jim Fetzer: Well, that’s very troubling, isn’t it? But the Royals are going to clean up after themselves, aren’t they? You would think they would want to suppress the information that you're bringing forward in your five books?
Greg Hallett: Well, this is all predicted in the ‘Tradition Received’, which is the High Order Knowledge that's passed down.
Queen Victoria used psychics from within a year of her crowning. She was big on psychics. She virtually founded and funded the 'Ghost Club Society', which turned into the 'British Psychic Society'. She had psychics working with her.
Victoria herself was a 'Sorer', which meant that she was a 'female Frater'. She was a female into the secret Rosicrucian Knowledge, which is the ‘Knowledge of the Long Year’, which is the ‘2160 Year’, which really kind of goes from 0 A.D. to now — plus or minus a hundred years.
So we’re in that same ‘Long Year’ which the Rosicrucians’ make their predictions in, for the ‘Long Year’, whereas Freemasons are more into the ‘Century’, the hundred year, which actually goes from ‘the 97 year to the 97 year’. So from 1897 to 1997 to 2097.
Queen Victoria was a sorer, and she had some Rosicrucian knowledge, and she employed psychics. She recorded her psychic knowledges in Familiar French, High German, English, Invisible Writing, Royal Marks, Paintings, Landmarks, Nations, Boundaries, the Timing of Nation Boundaries et cetera, and then spread these around.
One of the codifications, let’s say Rosicrucian Codification, was that this information would be uncovered by a Lemurian, and written up by a Lemurian.
A Lemurian is someone from New Zealand, Australia or the Pacific Islands, and I am from New Zealand. So I was fulfilling this, so I was kind of allowed because I was the only one who stuck in my hand from New Zealand or Australia.
And actually when I was born — my mother told me this when I was 31 — she said: ‘This psychic woman came to our house and said “Your son just born will achieve something big in the world!”’ — or large, or one those big words. So you know, it seems to have been predicted.
And then, what Queen Victoria got to me was a letter written by her hand in Familiar French written in Invisible Writing, saying “Assemble Him Claimant”.
Jim Fetzer: Well, what’s the current state of the Royal Family, it seems to be in considerable disarray!
Greg Hallett: The House of Windsor seems to be completely falling apart. Even the genealogical websites have comments on them saying “The House of Windsor is not expected to last beyond the next generation” — which would be William.
I spoke to a Russian Prince and he said: “The British Royal Family began with a William and a Harry, and ends with a William and a Harry”.
Jim Fetzer: Isn’t that remarkable!
Greg Hallett: Yes!
Jim Fetzer: As I recollect, Greg, you actually went to the Prime Minister and delivered a document relating to the lineage of the Crown, demonstrating that the present occupants were not the legitimate occupants of that office!
Greg Hallett: Yes, and that actually caused ‘The proposed change of the Law of Succession’.
Jim Fetzer: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Greg Hallett: Under our belt so far, we’ve been the Causation, or Effecting the Change to the Laws of Succession, and that is an Admission by the entity called Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor that they are illegitimate.
That is what the Laws of Succession are — they are “An Admission that the House of Windsor is illegitimate” — that’s all it is!
They are masquerading that the Laws of Succession are about equality of Religion, allowing a Catholic to become a Monarch, and Equality of Gender, allowing a firstborn Female to become a monarch.
But that’s all cover, and what they are actually saying in the ‘Proposed Changes to the Laws of Succession’ is that only the children of Charles, Prince of Wales, can be the Monarch.
Now Charles, Prince of Wales, didn’t sire Prince William or Prince Harry.
Charles, Prince of Wales sired a child with Camilla Parker Bowles on Camilla Parker Bowles’ 18th birthday. Charles was sixteen (16), and that child is ‘Simon Charles Day’ who was born on Tuesday the fifth of April 1966.
And then Prince Charles had a child with a Maid, a servant girl, in Balmoral Castle. That was related to me by British SAS.
Jim Fetzer: That’s a rather lascivious aspect, all of this, Greg! How young was she?
Greg Hallett: Who?
Jim Fetzer: The maid with whom he sired the second illegitimate child.
Greg Hallett: Eighteen (18).
Jim Fetzer: Eighteen (18).
Greg Hallett: Yes. She was 18, and it was in 1967, and the child was born in 1968. So Charles might have been 18 or 19.
Jim Fetzer: Have you seen photographs of her, is she quite fetching?
Greg Hallett: No, no, I haven’t seen her. But I have seen pictures of Jumbo the Elephant with the very big ears, have you seen that? [alluding to Pr. Charles’ Disney representation]
Jim Fetzer: Well, Greg, this is very disturbing. You’re saying that the legitimate heir, given the revision of the Laws of Succession was in Australia, he was the illegitimate offspring of Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, and now he has disappeared?
Given the Change to the Laws of Succession, that would seem to be a rather big deal?
Greg Hallett: Well, you see, the reason we created … or we forced Queen Elizabeth to create the ‘Proposed Changes to the Laws of Succession’ for her to publicly admit and acknowledge that her family are completely illegitimate.
In the ‘Proposed Change to the Law of Succession’ they were sent out let’s say a twenty-page document to all the Commonwealth Nations to get their approval. Their approval was expected before the last eighty pages of the document was written, so ‘Sight Unseen’. In that unseen 80 pages that are pre-signed, Elizabeth II wanted to verify some marriages and annul some marriages, thus rendering ‘illegitimates, legitimate’, and ‘legitimates, illegitimate’.
So she wanted to re-write history. And Justices in the United Kingdom actually stated and found that ‘The Proposed Change to the Laws of Succession is Unlawful’.
So, because Prince Charles has two (2) illegitimate children, and did not sire Prince William or Prince Harry, and ‘The Proposed Change to the Laws of Succession’ says that only the children of Prince Charles can become the Monarch, there is No Monarch, the House of Windsor is over because you can’t have an illegitimate Commoner becoming the Monarch.
Jim Fetzer: Wasn’t that done on the basis of the presumption that the Public would believe that William and Harry were children of Charles, even though Harry looks nothing like him, and while William may bear a passable resemblance. You have explained that William is not Charles’ son.
Greg Hallett: It’s like this. This is Pr. Charles : Hi, I’m the father (mimics outstanding ears) … and this is Pr. William : Hi, I’m the son (mimics flat ears).
Jim Fetzer: The ears, for example, are so different, yes!
Greg Hallett: There is no resemblance at all, not at all, not in the least. Prince Charles and Prince William have the passing resemblance that they are both white males.
Jim Fetzer: That’s not quite a lot of resemblance!
Greg Hallett: No! There is no resemblance at all. This is just a black-and-white version, right.
Jim Fetzer: Yes.
Greg Hallett: Here is King Juan Carlos of Spain, aged 24. And here is Prince William aged 28 or 30.
Jim Fetzer: There is some similarity there, including the nose …
Greg Hallett: … the eyes, the chin, the necks, the ears …
Jim Fetzer: … jawline, forehead. Striking!
Greg Hallett: Yes. Not only that, but King Juan Carlos’ wife and William’s wife …
Jim Fetzer: … Kate …
Greg Hallett: … are nearly identical!
Jim Fetzer: Kate!
Greg Hallett: Kate, and Juan Carlos’ wife, Sophie.
Jim Fetzer: That’s fascinating! I am fascinated, Greg. That’s fascinating! What do you take of the resemblance of the wives? What do you make of that?
Greg Hallett: It’s just genetic preference.
Jim Fetzer: That’s not just coincidental, that coincides with the preference of certain men for women with a certain look.
Greg Hallett: But the father and son look, the ears of Juan Carlos and Prince William are identical. They are actually a match that would pass a phrenology test as ‘THE SAME PERSON’.
Jim Fetzer: That’s utterly fascinating. Do you have any other photographs comparing Charles with William?
Greg Hallett: Yes!
Jim Fetzer: To show their dissimilarity?
Greg Hallett: Here’s a photo here, of purportedly Charles, and Diana, in Juan Carlos’s house. In actual fact we brought the story out, and we used this picture, and that is actually Juan Carlos there, and that is actually Charles there, and the HOUSE OF WINDSOR swapped their heads to make Charles look like the centre of the picture.
Jim Fetzer: Really, Really.
Greg Hallett: The first swaps were cruder than Harley Lee Oswald’s shadow going in the wrong direction.
Jim Fetzer: Yes.
Greg Hallett: So they swapped these two heads, because this is actually Juan Carlos here with the head swapped, and this is actually Prince Charles sitting to one side, and this is actually Prince William and Prince Harry on the knee of Juan Carlos!
Charles sitting over there forlorn, going “I’m just a gooseberry. I’m nothing to do with this relationship!”
Greg Hallett: That’s Juan Carlos’ son there.
Jim Fetzer: And below …
Greg Hallett: That’s Juan Carlos’ wife there, who seems to be looking up to Juan Carlos, but they’ve put Prince Charles’ head there.
Jim Fetzer: That’s fascinating!
Greg Hallett: The House of Windsor is absolutely [illegitimate]
Here is another photo where they haven’t swapped the heads. And there’s Prince Juan Carlos with Prince William sitting on his lap, and there is Diana with Prince Harry … and there’s Charles to one side as a Gooseberry.
Jim Fetzer: Charles of course must be aware that the children are not his.
Greg Hallett: Prince Charles is absolutely aware. He is completely and utterly and totally aware. He is also aware that his mother is an illegitimate Commoner.
What happened in July 1996, is a very wealthy European Aristocratic female, Lily Bet, hosted a dinner party. Juan Carlos King of Spain was there. Diana was there, and Chahrles was there, and a whole lot of other aristocrats. This was all recorded by Intelligence.
Lily Bet stood up and said to Prince Charles: “You’re nothing. You are not a Prince. Your mother is a Maid. She’s a Maid! You’re not the Prince of Wales. You are nothing!’ And Charles went like this [Prince Charles head sinks down and stays down … a long Pause with sunken head]
Jim Fetzer: And this was the Queen saying this to Charles?
Greg Hallett: This was this really wealthy woman in Spain, it was in Marbella in July 1996.
Jim Fetzer Who was it again, Greg?
Greg Hallett: Lily Bet. A really wealthy aristocratic woman, in Marbella in Spain and …
Jim Fetzer: She just happened to be in possession of the accurate information.
Greg Hallett: Yes. This was called the Soirée of Puddles. The dinner was called ‘The Soirée of Puddles’. Charles was denounced. He was actually dethroned there, before he becomes a Monarch.
Prince Charles was dethroned as the Prince of Wales at this dinner in July 1996.
Princess Diana was there, all dressed up looking in her finest with her jangly bangles on, and she goes “Oh Crap. I’m married to a Commoner!” So Diana goes around and has as many affairs as she can, to expose Charles as the ‘Son of a Maid’.
Elizabeth II is the daughter of a Maid. She’s not a Royal. She’s a Commoner! So the person you call Queen Elizabeth II is a Commoner.
Her image is Not on the Pound Note or the Pound Coins, or any of the Cents.
Jim Fetzer: Whose image is on those?
Greg Hallett: Elizabeth is a Commoner!
Jim Fetzer: Whose image is on the pound and so forth? I mean, was it just someone who stood in for her?
Greg Hallett: It’s something like Mrs. Stamford … something like that.
Jim Fetzer: Really!?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: Greg, this is so extraordinary beyond belief. Listen, we are approaching our first break. Is there anything you would like to squeeze in before we take a break? I have another question for you after the break, but I just wondered if there is anything that you wanted to say to tie this off at this point in time.
Greg Hallett: Ok, yes. Prince William’s natural biological father is King Juan Carlos of Spain, and in exposing that, I toppled the King of Spain!
Jim Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer on The Real Deal with my very special guest, revisionist historian extraordinaire, Greg Hallett. We’re taking a break and we’ll be right back.
Jim Fetzer: This is Jim Fetzer, your host, concluding my conversation with a most extraordinary guest, Greg Hallett, one of the world’s great iconoclast, revisionist historian extraordinaire … Greg, it’s just such a pleasure to have you here, I can’t begin to tell you how much I am enjoying this!
Greg Hallett: Cheers, thanks Jim. It’s good to be back!
Jim Fetzer: Let me take you back to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. There’s been a lot of speculation that Albert in fact was somehow involved in the entire history of ‘Jack the Ripper’.
I know you’re well acquainted with this, or not, because the suggestion has been for example, that Albert had married a woman who was a Commoner, that there were like five(5) witnesses to the marriage, and that the surgeon attendant to the Queen was issued the responsibility to destroy all of them, whereas the woman he was married to was incarcerated into an insane asylum. Does any of this ring any bells for you?
Greg Hallett: Yes. Prince Albert, who was married in a bigamous marriage to Queen Victoria, he died on the 14th of December 1861.
The way he died is he caught a bit of a cold. So his doctors put him in a bed in Windsor Castle, chained him to the bed and left the windows open so that the winter winds came in and he got pneumonia and died in the Blue Room in Windsor Castle.
Jim Fetzer: The Blue Room?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: Well named!
Greg Hallett: Now his official son was Bertie, Prince of Wales, who became King Edward VII. And his [Bertie, Prince of Wales/Edward VII] official firstborn son was Prince Eddy, who was involved in the ‘Jack the Ripper’ murders.
[Bertie, Prince of Wales/Edward VII] official second born son became King George V who reigned from 1910—1936.
George V of England was actually the illegitimate son of Tsar Alexander III of Russia (R. 1881—94).
I’ve just done the ship manifest and escort vessel manifest at the time of the conception of George, who became King George V. His purported father, King Edward VII, was in another country, nine (9) days’ sailing away at the time of conception, and twenty-one (21) days either side of that conception.
And what happened is, Tsarevich Sascha Alexander conceived a child with Alexandra, Princess of Wales, of England, and then murdered his older brother Grand Duke Nicholas II, and became first in the line to the Russian Throne.
The person who was there (at the time of conception) was Tsesarevich Sasha Alexander (1845—94), who was the younger brother of Grand Duke Nicholas II of Russia (1843—65).
What happened is, Tsesarevich Sasha Alexander (of Russia) conceived a child with Alexandra, Princess of Wales (of England), and then murdered his older brother Grand Duke Nicholas II, and became first in the line to the Russian Throne.
George V of England was conceived in a Black Moon Month, where there are two no moons, or two new moons, in the same month, and they’re quite rare. The Russian and Scandinavians and Danish and Wiccans really value a Monarch that is conceived in a Black Moon Month that is conceived in a month with two new moons in the same month.
So it was the Danish and Russians who were behind the ‘Jack the Ripper’ murders to remove First-in-line Prince Eddy, because they wanted the Second-in-line, Second-born to become King, to become King George V.
Prince Eddy’s death was faked on the 14th of January 1892 and he was moved to Glamis Castle in Scotland where he had the world’s longest Bed-and-Breakfast, which was over 33 years from 1892 to 1933+, and he was photographed by a female relative.
The condition for the world’s longest bed-and-breakfast was that one of the children of Glamis Castle would marry the Monarch … and that was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
So Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was born in 1900. She was first engaged to the person who became, David, Prince of Wales who became Edward VIII, who was never crowned.
Within a week of the engagement, [the future] Edward VIII told Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon that he was going to Abdicate, because he knew that his father George V was reigning falsely because George V’s older brother Prince Eddy was still alive.
So that’s why Edward VIII was never crowned.
So what Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon did, a week after her failed engagement with David, Prince of Wales, who became Edward VIII … she was engaged to George, Duke of York, who became King George VI.
King George VI had an IQ of 67, and 66 is ‘retarded’. He had knocked knees, a terrible stutter, he was an alcoholic, and a chain smoker.
So Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon said: “Egad, I’m not having sex with him! I am not going to marry him!”
So she brought her Maid in, which was the Whipping Boy, and the Whipping Boy had been with her since 1907, doubling up in photographs. The Whipping Boy was one of the twin from Waterford in County Waterford in Southern Ireland.
She was essentially the Maid, the Whipping Boy was the Maid to Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. And the Whipping Boy became engaged to George, Duke of York, who became King George VI. Even she refused to have sex with George VI. She had one child with him.
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s Maid married the person who became King George VI, and they had one child together by Artificial Insemination. That was a son, and it was epileptic and left to die on the [hospital] gurney. Thereafter the near retarded chain-smoking alcoholic knocked-kneed stutterer George VI was removed out of the Royal Gene Pool in terms of Breeding, and replaced by another illegitimate Royal — ‘Winston Churchill’.
Winston Churchill was the illegitimate child of King Edward VII, who was himself illegitimate.
Winston Churchill donated the sperm by Artificial Insemination to King George VI’s wife, who was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s maid.
The resulting child was born above a pub, above the Coach & Horses pub, in Mayfair, and that child is a Commoner given the name “Elisabeth” or “Elizabeth”, and you know that Commoner illegitimate Elizabeth today as ‘the uncrowned Queen Elizabeth II’.
Jim Fetzer: Who’s actually the child of Sir Winston Churchill.
Jim Fetzer: By artificial insemination.
Greg Hallett: Yes, so is Princess Margaret (conceived by artificial insemination).
Jim Fetzer: It’s just astounding. It’s just astounding what you have disentangled, Greg. I am just in awe!
Greg Hallett: Well, Queen Elizabeth II, or the entity known as ‘Queen Elizabeth II’, actually acknowledges me as her superior.
Jim Fetzer: Meaning genetically, or in terms of lineage, or in terms of proximity to the Legitimate Crown?
Greg Hallett: She knows that she is my ‘Charge’!
Jim Fetzer: Explain what you mean by that.
Greg Hallett: The Commoner entity known as ‘Queen Elizabeth II’ acknowledges that she is my charge, that officially, as soon as she Abdicates, she is my charge. I am in charge of her. I am in charge of ensuring that she lives comfortably until the end of her days.
Jim Fetzer: And you come to be in that position by virtue of ?
Greg Hallett: She was given to me on the 7th of October 2011. So that’s about three (3) years and three (3) months.
Jim Fetzer: This is designated that you should have this responsibility?
Greg Hallett: Yes. Queen Elizabeth II was given to me on the 7th of October 2011 on the condition … basically as soon as she Abdicates … and she Abdicated at CHOGM, the ‘Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting’ exactly 21 days later, on the 28th of October 2011.
Jim Fetzer: This would make you in effect an Executor. So you have Power of Attorney over her?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: Extraordinary! Listen, I wanted to go back to …
She started quizzing me on why I had been in Holland for so long. And you know, I’ve only got a New Zealand Passport, so I am only supposed to be in Europe for like three (3) months, and I’ve been here five (5) years. A bit of a stay away, but I’ve been here for five (5) years. So she asked me what I was doing, and I told her what I was doing, and I verbally gave her my titles.
She said “I believe you!” and 2½ days later, Queen Beatrix announced she was going to abdicate. I thought that was just something, you know, it was just something in the back of my mind.
Then I announced all this information about King Juan Carlos of Spain being the biological father of Prince William of England … and King Juan Carlos of Spain was also the President of the WWF, the World Wildlife Fund, so his role was to protect Wildlife.
In 2012, he went to Africa and shot Big Game, and dislodged his hip or did something with his hip [officially he broke his hip].
Then in 2014 he went to Africa again and broke his leg, and the Leg represents kingship, which represents a broken kingship.
The kingship in Spain was broken from 1931 to 22 November 1975, when King Juan Carlos got back on the throne, basically with the near simultaneous death of General Francisco Franco of Spain (on 20 November 1975), who was a Nazi. And the Nazi General Francisco Franco of Spain actually raised King Juan Carlos virtually as a son. So there were Nazi tendencies there.
Jim Fetzer: Strikingly alike, yes. But is William aware?
Greg Hallett: The height. Especially around here (around the mouth). You’ve really got to look at this area. It’s a real tell-tale sign. The nose, their forehead, the ears, the jawline, their hairline, their eyes, skin colour …
Jim Fetzer: Is William aware that Carlos is his father?
Greg Hallett: Oh absolutely. He goes on holidays there and they hang out together.
Jim Fetzer: And Diana, you said on four different occasions she had prolonged affairs or she stayed with Carlos.
Greg Hallett: Yes, and Prince Charles was such a gooseberry, on one of the affairs she actually took Prince Charles along.
Jim Fetzer: She even took Prince Charles along on some of these dalliances!
Greg Hallett: Yes! They would actually go on the Royal Yacht together.
Jim Fetzer: She must have had much more passion for Carlos than she felt for Charles.
Greg Hallett: I wouldn’t describe Charles as passionate, or …
Jim Fetzer: I know, I know, or even attractive or whatever …
Greg Hallett: He’s not attractive. He’s not sexy.
Jim Fetzer: Tell me more about Diana’s escapades.
Greg Hallett: So Diana had an affair with King Juan Carlos of Spain that resulted in the conception and birth of Prince William of England.
Prince Charles’ and Princess Diana’s marriage was planned so they had another couple of days left in a Black Moon month, with ‘Two No Moons’, which is an auspicious time to conceive a King, and they did not conceive in that time.
Then, with the conception of Prince Harry, there was another auspicious time to conceive, so what Princess Diana did was conceive five (5) months beforehand, so even if she had an abortion, there was no way that she could conceive again in that auspicious month.
So Diana absolutely purposefully sabotaged the conception of Prince William and purposefully sabotaged the conception of Prince Harry.
She did this for a couple of reasons. Diana absolutely hated the House of Windsor and the British Royal family, and she was an Agent, she was an intelligence agent, she was a Honey Trap …
Jim Fetzer: An Intelligence Agent for … a Honey Trap for … which Agency would she be working for?
Greg Hallett: Princess Diana was an Intelligence Agent for her father, the Rothschilds. Diana was a Rothschild.
Jim Fetzer: That’s rather disturbing, all things considered, Greg! Given the vast reach of the Rothschilds, you know, their Worldwide Empire and the power they exert, that’s really quite extraordinary that Diana was a Rothschild!
Diana looks exactly like Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, has the same flashy eyes, the same long fingers, same expressions and mannerisms, and she looks identical to Jimmy Goldsmith’s three daughters. One of whom is Jemima Goldsmith who married Imran Khan.
Jemima Goldsmith and Princess Diana were best friends … and half-sisters! (Diana also looks exactly like Zak Goldsmith).
Jim Fetzer: So when they ran around, they just looked like sisters because they were sisters!
Greg Hallett: Yes, yes.
Jim Fetzer: Well Greg, Diana seemed to me to be a rather extraordinary person because she took her position as celebrity and put it to the benefit of the world by, for example opposing Landmines. That also won her friends and admiration, but also powerful enemies.
Greg Hallett: Yes well, ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’.
Jim Fetzer: Yes. You believe that played a role in her eventual assassination.
Greg Hallett: Oh absolutely. Are there less landmines now?
Jim Fetzer: Yes, yes. How did her relationship with Dodi, how did that play out? Were the Royals upset that she might have such an interest in a Muslim?
Greg Hallett: They just wanted to kill her, and Dodi Al Fayed was the boyfriend at the time.
You’ve got to consider that the most indicative thing to Diana’s death was that Lily Bet exposed Princess Diana in Marbella in Spain in ‘July 1996’, and Diana was murdered in ‘August 1997’, and ‘the Assassination Attempt Failed’, then she was beaten to death, or suffocated, or whatever, in the ambulance. And the ambulance was about eighty-five (85) minutes late.
[From crash at 12.23 a.m. on 1 September 1997 in Pont d’Alma Tunnel to La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital should have been 18 minutes or less. The SAMU Ambulance arrived late, then Lady Diana was detained inside for 67 minutes (12:59—2:06 a.m.), then died 6 minutes after arriving to the Hospital at 2.12 a.m., and was officially pronounced dead 108 minutes later at 4.00 a.m. 36+67 = 103-18 = 85 minutes delay, or 1 hour and 25 minute delay.]
Jim Fetzer: Yes! an 1:45 hour actually. It was 1:45 hour when it should have taken 10 or 15 minutes. It appears that she was beaten to death to insure that she had enough internal injuries that she would die, even though when they got her to the hospital she was still alive, she only survived about 10 minutes longer.
Greg Hallett: Yes. But the interesting thing that happened, the Navy actually acknowledged that I toppled the King of Spain.
Jim Fetzer: That you what?
Greg Hallett: The Navy acknowledged that I toppled the King of Spain.
Jim Fetzer: The Navy acknowledged that you talked to the King of Spain.
Greg Hallett: No, no, that I ‘toppled’ the King of Spain.
Jim Fetzer: Toppled — ‘T-O-P-P-L-E-D’. Yes.
So I went into the Carvoeiro bar on Friday the 18th of April, and someone who is connected to British and Portuguese Royalty, who I’ve spoken to a few times, and he said to me: “What do you think is going to happen next?”
And I said “The King of Spain is going to abdicate!”
Then I moved into the sea cave on the 29th of May 2014, that was on a Thursday night. I used the offcuts from the boardwalk they were building, to build a bed base. The floor was just up and down about a metre difference. Then I used the offcuts of the boardwalk to build the bed, and the next day I built a proper bed, a full length bed, then the same day I went and got an airbed, put it on top, and I had a front line place with views, almost 180 degree views, and I was 8 metres from the sea, glistening to blue water, absolutely sunny, really warm at night, didn’t need any bedding, it was just fantastic.
I just had finished the book and I was just getting rid of WiFi and Bluetooth and electricity, absolutely de-stressing. De-focusing my eyes. You look at the distance and the sky to do that. So that was the Thursday and the Friday.
Then on the Saturday morning, King Juan Carlos announced that he was going to Abdicate — that was Saturday the 31st of May 2014.
I didn’t have any electricity or WiFi, didn’t have a radio or anything in my car, no TV, so it was all a surprise, you know.
But at the time he announced that he was going to abdicate, the Portuguese Navy came up to the Sea Cave. They actually came up to the Sea Cave, blub-blub-blub, doing two knots, stopped.
Jim Fetzer: They were coming for you?
Greg Hallett: Yeah, they just stopped, they stopped right there. About 225 metres off shore. And it was just at the distance that I couldn’t read the name on the boat, or the number.
Then they sent a zodiac off the deck and a guy got on it and he came right to my cliff face and had a look at it to see if he could climb up my cliff face, which is 14 metres high, it’s 40 feet high vertical cliff face from the sea.
The tide goes up and down about 4 metres. So it was really about 12 to 16 metres depending on the tide. He realised he couldn’t come up the cliff face, he went back to the Portuguese Navy Ship, and then they moved at one (1) knot to about there, and then stopped again. So the whole time they were stopped was 35 minutes.
My Gmail address for the last seven (7) years, for the 7 years prior to that, is and has been, and still is ‘Prince of New Spain’. Via my cell phone they can track the Gmail ‘Prince of New Spain’. So King Juan Carlos of Spain is abdicating, I’ve got the Gmail ‘Prince of New Spain’, I’ve exposed him as the father of Prince William of England, he’s announcing he’s going to abdicate, and the Portuguese Navy turns up for 35 minutes, doing 2 knots, stops, moves at 1 knot, stops, you know.
That Navy Ship and no Navy Ships turned up again until my last day in the cave, which was the 28th of September 2014. Then, when they did that, they did it in such a way that they turned the boat so I could read the tail plate and get the tail gate number off the Coast Guard Naval Ship — it was “P1165” — which is actually code for the work we’re doing.
The 6 and the 5 is 11, and the 1165 means “MM” which is ‘Marcos Manoel’ — 6 / 5 means Macrocosm Microcosm, which is the work I did, discovering the work that the Jesus’ did, it’s what the graves are about and the buildings et cetera. So that was interesting.
So that was Saturday the 31st of May 2014, and I didn’t know at this stage that Juan Carlos had abdicated … so I went down to the same Carvoeiro bar, and the same guy was there from six weeks earlier, and he stands up, you know:
“Kudos to you”.
I said “What do you mean?”.
He said “King Juan Carlos of Spain has announced he is going to abdicate! You said that six weeks ago!”
No one else in the bar had heard it, so I didn’t really believe him, but it was that night that he said he was going to abdicate.
The same guy, Mike Stuart, said: “When do you think he is actually going to abdicate?”.
I said : “Well, the official date of the copyright date for the publication of these books here is the 4th of July 2014. So I reckon he will abdicate a month and a day before that, so it doesn’t show any correlation. So that would be the 3rd of June, Tuesday. Today’s Saturday, so in three days, Tuesday, the 3rd of June. Then he officially abdicates on Tuesday the third of June!”
Jim Fetzer: You’re astounding my friend, just astounding!
Greg Hallett: King Juan Carlos was the President, or is the Honorary President of the World Wildlife Foundation — that’s a cover! King Juan Carlos of Spain was actually — also — the President of the Almanach de Gotha, which is the record of the parentage of all of the Royals. He got that position so that he could avoid stating, he would be in the controlling position so that he could avoid stating, that he was the biological father of Prince William of England. You get it?
So when I exposed that King Juan Carlos was the biological father of Prince William of England, and King Juan Carlos was President of the Royal Almanach de Gotha, which had to record that ‘King Juan Carlos was the biological father of Prince William, and therefore Prince William was illegitimate and couldn’t be the King of England, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’ — then that is why King Juan Carlos had to abdicate.
The fact that he was taken to Africa, shot Big Game and broke his leg, and then they said Juan Carlos had to abdicate because he shot Big Game, and he wouldn’t have been caught unless he broke his leg — that’s the cover story!
The fact that he was the President of the Almanach de Gotha, was the biological father of Prince William of England, and did not record that in the Almanach de Gotha … which just destroys the integrity of the Almanach de Gotha, which is the lineage of Royals, and destroys the Spanish Kingship!
Then it brought about things, he started to expose things like, when Juan Carlos was 18, he shot his brother in the face and forehead at point blank range and killed him.
Jim Fetzer: Was that an accident? I mean, it sounds rather extraordinary?
Greg Hallett: There’s a couple of different points of view on it, and King Juan Carlos has never ever given his point of view! He’s never said, but Juan Carlos had just come back from Military Training, and he was being raised by the Fascist General Francisco Franco.
So General Francisco Franco might have said: “Ok, look: I’ll give you your Kingship as long as you kill your brother”.
Jim Fetzer: The reason for the condition being … ?
Greg Hallett: To affirm allegiance to Naziism.
Jim Fetzer: Ah! This is a demonstration of his loyalty to Franco? That Franco would tell him to kill his brother, that’s certainly an acid test of loyalty, and then he did so, and Franco made him King?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: Stunning! Greg, I want to go back just to pick up a few pieces about ‘Jack the Ripper’. I never quite grasped exactly how that was playing out, and why these women had to die.
Greg Hallett: Well, it’s actually kind of interesting, because it goes to the bombings of World War II — the last air raid.
Prince Eddy, the eldest child of King Edward VII, who was then Bertie, Prince of Wales, and married to Alexandra, Princess of Wales. They had a loveless marriage, absolutely loveless.
The result of their loveless marriage, their first child, was born two months premature, and that was Prince Eddy who looks deformed. He was a bisexual who was into male prostitutes and female prostitutes, and he smoked Turkish cigarettes — which is code for “He smoked Marijuana”.
He used to drink, party, hang out at brothels, and he used to sign himself in the brothels as “PAV” — ‘Prince Albert Victor’ and occasionally he signed himself in as “Victoria”.
He was set up by the Russians and Danish. He got involved with a shop girl and married her in a church that was Catholic or Anglican, in a ceremony that was Catholic or Anglican, to a girl who was a Danish Catholic. So it was very likely a Catholic Ceremony.
The witnesses were five or six prostitutes, and the celebrant was a guy called Somerset Veck, who was a homosexual prostitute. That was St Saviour’s Chapel dedicated to Matryr Charles I.
Greg Hallett: The prostitutes were all killed because they were witnesses to the wedding. His wife was given a lobotomy by Sir William Withey Gull, who was the Sergeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria and then the Sergeant Surgeon to Bertie, Prince of Wales, who became King Edward VII.
Prince Eddy’s death was faked. He was sent to Glamis Castle, which resulted in Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon being engaged to a Monarch et cetera.
The true Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon married and moved to France and died in 1950 of a heart condition, which is the same age and cause of death as one of her brothers.
At the end of WWII the British Royal Family wanted to get rid of this church [St. Saviour’s Chapel]. All the British High Command and all the German High Command had each other’s phone numbers, and if the British High Command wanted something bombed, or if the British Royalty wanted something bombed, they would tell the German High Command, and they actually send the coordinates to the Germans, who would then Blitzkrieg that site.
So they tried to Blitzkrieg this St. Saviour’s Chapel, and they got all the buildings either side, and then the next night they got the blocks either side, but the church was still standing.
This was the last bombing raids of WWII.
So what the British did was actually plant bombs inside St. Saviour’s Chapel that Prince Eddy was married in, and blew it up after the last bombing raid.
Jim Fetzer: Oh Greg, how awful! How absolutely awful! And this was because it was the location where he had married, and they just wanted to destroy any remnants? So it was like dismantling the Sandy Hook Elementary School to conceal the fraud that was perpetrated there?
Greg Hallett: I’ve had buildings burn down after I’ve left, after written a book in there, six months a year after I’ve left. Probably shouldn’t really tell that ’cause I won’t have anywhere to live. Just completely destroyed.
Jim Fetzer: Greg, let me bring you to the present, because I personally have looked at this marriage of William and Kate Middleton and I know there is more to the story about Kate and her background.
What I’m particularly interested in now is: “Did she actually bear these children, or did she fake her pregnancy while there was a surrogate carrying the children?”
Kate Middleton showed absolutely no signs of pregnancy whatsoever, other than a prosthetic pregnancy belly.
She had no swollen breasts, she had no swollen ankles, she had no extra weight, she had no puffiness in the face or her neck, she had no puffiness around her calves, there was absolutely no baby fat, pregnancy fat, absolutely nothing!
When she came out of the hospital, it appeared to be a rubber baby that was a month old. Prince William got the rubber baby, brought it out, opened the back door of the car and virtually plonked the baby down.
Jim Fetzer: Really!
Greg Hallett: Almost to the point of giving it a brain hemorrhage, like it was a rubber baby.
Kate Middleton came out looking exactly the same as when she went in, having gone through no pain or trauma or even exercise of child birth, and she was still wearing her pregnancy belly when she came out after the birth.
Jim Fetzer: A number of us noticed that. That was picked up by some American tabloids, that she seemed to be still pregnant as it were, when she came out after having given birth, presumptively.
Greg Hallett: I know, it’s just absolute fakery!
Jim Fetzer: So that was a rubber baby. It wasn’t a real baby?
Greg Hallett: Yes, at that time it was a rubber baby. It may have been replaced by a surrogate baby. Someone suggested to me that a relative of Camilla Parker-Bowles was the surrogate mother.
Jim Fetzer: But was this is any way William’s or Kate’s child?
Greg Hallett: No.
Jim Fetzer: Or Kate’s, if it was a surrogate mother, unless they had an ovarian transfer too?
Greg Hallett: Well, when Kate was in Hospital they murdered Jacintha Saldanha. ‘Saldanha’ was the Portuguese Diplomat that worked with the Duke of Wellington and actually won the wars for the Duke of Wellington, and then was the Portuguese Diplomat in London.
Jim Fetzer: Why in God’s name would you murder him?
Greg Hallett: No, they murdered ‘Jacintha Saldanha’ because she was Indian, but she had a Portuguese name. That was sending a message to the Portuguese, which is us, that the British Royal Family is fake and that George is fake.
All of this was told to me in 1967 by King George VI’s doctor, who was Lord Arthur Espie Porritt. He was a New Zealander, he got Bronze Medal in the 100 Metre Olympics in 1924, and he was Sergeant Surgeon to King George VI and to Queen Elizabeth II, and then he came out to New Zealand to become the Governor General.
Before he became the Governor General, he had a meeting with me, and I was 5 ½ years old at the time in March 1967. The cover was: my father was a shearer and a Champion shearer …
Jim Fetzer: Got it, got it — shearing the sheep.
Greg Hallett: We lived about 45 minutes away from Lord Porritt’s sheep farm. So he came out to New Zealand in March 1967 and asked my father to shear his sheep. So he shore his sheep, and then on Sunday there was cold meat and sandwiches afterwards, for the family et cetera.
So I am sitting on my father’s knee, and Lord Porritt, King George VI’s doctor says: “Why don’t you take your son down to Rotorua to see King George VI’s son?”
So about the time that the currency changed from ‘Pounds, Shillings and Pence’ to Decimal Currency, which was on the 10th of July 1967, we went down to Rotorua and the others went for a hot swim, or we went for a hot swim, the others went to the shore, and I went with my father up to see King George VI’s son, who was called George FitzRatema — I’ve spoken to you about this — and he was born Christmas 1927, and he was the Natural-born son of King George VI and a Maori woman called Guide Rangi.
My father shot off, and I had a private meeting with King George VI’s son. Because he was the natural born son of King George VI, and was ‘a Male’, he was a Superior Royal to Queen Elizabeth II who was ‘a Female’, and ‘Not the natural daughter of King George VI’ .
So he was the True King of England, and his name was ‘George’.
So when William and Kate named their first child “George”, it was like saying to me: “That’s the end of the House of Windsor!” They can’t have a King George VII, because I’ve met him! And I was introduced to him by King George VI’s Sergeant Surgeon and Queen Elizabeth II’s Sergeant Surgeon … which is probably why the abdicated Queen Elizabeth II has been made my Charge.
Jim Fetzer: This is all so extraordinary, Greg. I don’t believe anybody in the world knows as much about these matters as you. Truly, unbelievable! Extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary!
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: So I take it that the future of the Royal family is dim.
Greg Hallett: Oh, the House of Windsor is over! It’s gone! Even the judges in England, in the United Kingdom, are fully aware that the House of Windsor is Fake. They are absolutely 100% totally aware that the Queen is a Fake! That she is a Flat Lie Royal, and not a Royal, never the Queen, and never crowned.
The reason Elizabeth married Prince Philip was by extortion. Prince Philip extorted Elizabeth into marriage on the basis that she was an illegitimate Non-Royal.
Prince Philip is a Conman — Paedophile, Nazi, Heroin Trafficker, Mass Murderer, Murderer, Contract Killer, and he even stole my car in London in 2012.
Prince Philip stole my car!
Jim Fetzer: Prince Philip stole your car?
Greg Hallett: Prince Philip stole my car — Mercedes Vito van. He stole it, he absolutely stole it!
Jim Fetzer: Why in God’s name did he do that, Greg? He could afford a zillion of them on his own? He wanted yours?
Greg Hallett: No, he didn’t want me to have it. Well, it’s called depleting the resources of the person that is exposing the story. London cost me a lot. London was ‘a very expensive Fraud in Motion’.
Jim Fetzer: You have no concern the Royals are coming after you. I mean, you survived multiple assassination attempts?
Greg Hallett: He turned to murder me the same year in England, and I ended up in a Wye Hospital in the Borderlands between England and Wales. I was in there for two (2) days on Morphine on the 5th and 6th of June 2012. But the interesting thing is, that the assassin came to the hospital, and rang up to get the final order for the execution by Prince Philip, and Prince Philip was in hospital and unavailable on the same two (2) days, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Jim Fetzer: That can’t be a coincidence, right?
Greg Hallett: Well, you know, it’s like Prince Philip’s controls are aware, perhaps, who I am and what I’m doing, and that it’s true and correct and they saved me on that basis.
Jim Fetzer: Extraordinary, just extraordinary! You’ve had any ramifications from your book about ‘Blackmail in New Zealand, the Guide’ and all that, I mean has anything developed there?
Greg Hallett: Yes, actually I have! Prince Philip’s agent in New Zealand, who is the Mafia Boss in New Zealand called Peter Williams QC, he did everything he could to suppress ‘New Zealand — A Blackmailer’s Guide’, partially because it exposed him as a Heroin Trafficker, a homosexual, whose daughter Kate Williams has been a Methamphetamine user. So what he did was, get his daughter a job in the Judiciary, so that was cover up. Then they blew up my car several times, and they actually physically attacked it. There were t seven (7) police officers involved in attacking my car, that was at the High Court in broad day light when I won the right to appeal the case because I was never invited to the hearing.
Jim Fetzer: You mean, they took like hammers to the vehicle just to smash it up?
Greg Hallett: Yes.
Jim Fetzer: God.
Greg Hallett: Yes, well, Prince Philip’s Agent — it’s all about depleting the resources, and slowing things down.
Jim Fetzer: Yes.
Greg Hallett: So Peter Aldridge Williams QC, he started off as a Bank Robber in 1954/58, and then he moved into Heroin Trafficking with the Queen Mother, who is actually Elizabeth’s mother, who’s ‘The Maid’.
That Heroin Trafficking went on from at least the early 1960’s according to the Army Intelligence, and carried on right through to 1980.
I was actually the target of that Heroin Trafficking, because Queen Victoria’s psychic said that ‘The person who would write this up would come from Lemuria’.
So Prince Philip had his agents around the world, and especially in Lemuria, supplying Heroin to the places that the person predicted to write this could be.
So Lemuria included New Zealand, and I think that one of the psychics predicted that I would ‘Come from the opposite side of the World, North’ — which is a confusing little conundrum — ‘The Opposite Side of the World, North’.
So I lived in North Auckland, and then in North Shore, and then Northcote, and then Northgrove Ave, and then Norton Road which means North-Town Road — so this is ‘The Opposite Side of the World, North’.
Prince Philip’s Agent Peter Williams targeted the Heroin to all these areas called North, especially North Shore. So I was targeted with the Heroin. The Heroin didn’t get to me, but it was destroying the neighbourhoods.
Then they had another crack with the Methamphetamine, and it still didn’t get to me. So they did know who I was, but they were targeting me. So when I got to London, they targeted me by stealing my car, stealing £100,000.00, and movie rights as well. They didn’t allow me access to publish any books, or sell any books in any shops, or through chains, or to have a literary agent.
Jim Fetzer: They blocked the selling of your books throughout the UK?
Greg Hallett: Oh yes, totally, completely, yes.
Jim Fetzer: But they can be obtained through
Greg Hallett: Yes, they can, and
Jim Fetzer: Is that one word online?
Greg Hallett: Yes. The World of Truth.
Jim Fetzer:
Greg Hallett: So you can put a little thing on the bottom of the screen if you want. Yes, they’ve done their best. I’ve had about 14 assassination attempts. There is others I haven’t really bothered to count. Most of them I have written up as a matter of record.
Peter Aldridge Williams QC who is the Mafia Boss in New Zealand, who is Prince Philip’s agent, whom I exposed as the Heroin Trafficker and Methamphetamine Trafficker, who murdered Harvey and Jeannette Crewe, and then accused Arthur Allan Thomas, and then got Arthur Allan Thomas off, and thus became a hero, getting Arthur Allan Thomas off for the murders that Peter Williams had done. It took ten (10) years, and it kept Peter Williams in the forefront of the legal media from 1970 to 1980.
So I exposed him in ‘New Zealand — A Blackmailer’s Guide’ as basically the Mafia Boss and Heroin Trafficker. He tried to suppress the book. The case went on for five (5) years, then I had a flurry of murder attempts, and my car being exploded, bombed, but instead of doing explosions, which is newsworthy, they did implosions, so it was just huge maintenance bills. It started off as $800, and then it went to $1500, and then $8000. So they blow up your car by destroying the electronics.
So it was becoming horrendously expensive to live there (New Zealand).
Then I got a loaned car, just for the day, a little Honda Civic. I took that to the High Court, drove myself there, parked it outside of the High Court, went in, won the Right to Appeal, came out, and the Mafia Boss of New Zealand Peter Williams was standing with a detective either side (2), another two behind him (2), and there was another detective at the corner of the High Court (1), and another one across the street (1).
So there were six (6) detectives, and a retired police officer called Winston West came around on his motor scooter and jumped on the bonnet of my car, as I was getting out of the roadside park.
Jim Fetzer: While you were in the car?
Greg Hallett: While I am in the car driving, doing like doing one (1) mile an hour, trying to get out. He ripped the wiper blade and arm right off the car, and he ripped the rear vision mirror right off the car. It’s a Honda Civic, you know, so the bonnet’s really low.
Jim Fetzer: I’ve had two Honda Civics, Greg.
Greg Hallett: Yes. This is like a 1985 thing, it’s a loan car. So you can sit on the bonnet, and your feet can touch the ground, or they’re maybe that far off the ground (ca. 3 inches / 10 cm). So he’s sitting on the bonnet, and he falls on the ground — he’s got a helmet for the motorcycle which is white. So he falls on the ground, he waves his arms and legs up in the air, his back is on the ground, like a dog wanting to get patted, and like he is injured. He is not! He has hit the car. I didn’ t hit him!
Jim Fetzer: These are the local law enforcement authorities who are attacking you!
Greg Hallett: Then 20 seconds later, an ambulance picks him up and whisks him away, but the hospital is two minutes’ drive away by ambulance.
So the whole thing was prearranged just as a façade.
Then it got so ludicrous, I absolutely won the case by evidence, and it got so ludicrous, that they actually had to close down the Court. They had No Court of Record, so there is No Record. I had 800 pages of evidence of his Heroin Trafficking and Methamphetamine Trafficking and organized Paedophilia et cetera.
This is Prince Philip’s agent we’re talking about.
The judge suppressed it all, then the case was delayed for five (5) years, and I had all these attacks, including murder attempts, and car being imploded.
I went overseas for a year, and then the case was heard without me being notified, either by email or mail. Then the SIS moved into my house and interfered with my mail, so I didn’t get any mail, ever again.
Jim Fetzer: Greg, all in all it’s fairly astonishing you are still here to do this interview with me today, frankly. I mean, I’m just in awe of the history, the threats upon your life, the attempts to kill you, what you’ve been able to unearth about the Royal Family, about the whole history of the British Monarchy. I am stunned, I am in awe, and I cannot thank you enough for coming on for this interview today and I look forward to many more, my friend!
This is Jim Fetzer, your host on The Real Deal, thanking my special guest extraordinaire Greg Hallett for being here and all of you for listening.
I need Greg to confirm this encounter for autobiographical reasons. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBasheer Soormally
7 Dec at 12:35
http://muhammad- ali hallet -visited-me-at-my-home-with.html
GREG HALLET visited me at my home in London (Walthamstow E17) with my "Jewish" acquaintance "Barry Lyndon", a former Masonic Mormon, a "Light Worker of the Galactics" and a David Ickian character. But, Greg did not allow me to take a picture of us together. I did not understand why, and why all the mystery surrounding him. But, we surely had much in common regarding History and the British Judean Royals, in particular, Princess Diana, which I later found out thanks to the Internet, to Mark Windows, another acquaintance of mine, and Pr. James Fetzer, my then Internet contact who was then having tumultuous videos broadcasts with Dr. Kevin Barrett while dealing with False Flags issues. I later understood why Greg would not allow me to photograph him with me.
Thursday 7th of December 2017
ReplyDeleteGreg Hallett: The Hidden King of England; Finding Jesus’ Graves … challenges the Flat Lie Royals
20,417 views 26 Sept 2015
Full transcript and more pictures
Buy the books
The Show exposes the entity called Queen Elizabeth II as a fake, a Flat Lie Royal,
a usurper, rendered Greg Hallett's Charge in October 2011 …
Prince William (UK) as the illegitimate son of King Juan Carlos of Spain and Princess Diana (UK),
which is why King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicated,
as a direct result of Greg Hallett's exposure and near-identical photographic analysis of
Prince William (UK) and King Juan Carlos (Spain).
The proposed Laws of Succession in the UK are 'Queen' Elizabeth II's confirmation of
her and her family's illegitimacy, where Elizabeth is the illegitimate Artificial Insemination daughter
of Winston Churchill and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon’s Maid …
where Winston Churchill is the illegitimate son of King Edward VII …
and King George V (UK) is the illegitimate son of Tsar Alexander III of Russia …
and Princess Diana sabotaged the breeding of Prince William and Prince Harry
to ensure that neither were born in auspicious months …
and that Queen Victoria and her psychics predicted that all of this
would be written up by a Lemurian (New Zealander) …
where Greg Hallett was directed by Queen Elizabeth II's doctor to King George VI's
Natural son in New Zealand, who is/was a superior Royal to Queen Elizabeth II.
See the Five Hard Cover Full Colour Yellow Ribbon Volumes,
1200 pages, 700 photos of 'THE HIDDEN KING OF ENGLAND',