Friday, 17 November 2017


Most of my personal library has gone now, but, I do not regret anything, as I have learned from experience and TOO LATE that truth without freedom is useless, and Earthlings in general in 'modern' times do not give a damn about freedom, truth, justice and the Moral Way!

Like Field McConnell, I love messing about with my ugly looks!

Alain Soral – Mon hommage à Robert Faurisson

Published on 25 Oct 2018

Alain Soral réagit à la mort de Robert Faurisson. Pour commenter cette vidéo : https://www.egaliteetreconciliation.f... 


During my first year of teaching in the early 70s, I taught against a book I had to teach at Secondary School level for the Colonial British Cambridge School Certificate: "Le Silence de la Mer" under the penname of "VERCORS".  Jean Bruller, the author was a "résistant" to German occupation of France after the latter had declared war on Germany.  France was allied to the United Kingdom that too had declared war on Germany after Judea had declared war on Germany in 1933.  The French "résistants" were in fact groups of terrorists and saboteurs led by Marxist Judaic Revolutionaries,  and others who wanted to see a blood bath in France, and not a peaceful occupation AFTER FRANCE HAD LOST THE WAR THEY THEMSELVES HAD DECLARED! 

At the time when I was teaching all those facts were unknown to me!  Yet, I saw the lies in that "NOVEL", and I never liked works of fiction when I reached adulthood!  I was a "revisionist" since I was at college (early sixties) when my very first article for the Royal College Magazine was not accepted by the Hindu editor, one Prem Burton, son of the then Minister of Education, if I remember correctly.

In the nineties, it was very easy to debunk the so-called 6 million Jewish holocaust in a secondary level school course-work given to my son, using exclusively the material provided by the school itself, and where we both found less than 200,000 Jewish casualties from a variety of causes, but no homicidal gas chambers at all!  Today, that same school has turned a Jewish Holocaust propagandist!  

As a matter of fact, I was a rebel all my intellectual life, and revised every branch of knowledge or Corporate Patented "science" that came under my scrutiny! 


Le Pr. Yeshayahou Leibowitz accuse Israël de JUDÉO-NAZISME, et dont la politique "salit tout le peuple juif"!

La vérité pour toujours: "Un homme" - de Paul-Eric Blanrue

Confirmed by British Jewish Member of Parliament 

Gerald Kaufman





Décès de Robert Faurisson: [Interview Censurée] (FR) 2018


Published on 25 Oct 2018

Hervé Ryssen. La ligne rouge (de Eric Zemmour à Robert Faurisson)

Published on 31 Oct 2018
http://herveryssen-leslivres.hautetfo... Les patriotes se plaignent des lois restreignant la liberté d'expression, mais la plupart restent très en deçà de la ligne rouge qu'on leur a assignée. Les livres d'Hervé Ryssen : indispensables pour comprendre le monde contemporain. Zoom sur le cinéma hollywoodien :

Even in the United Kingdom Freethinkers are persecuted! 

Les Saoudiens ne sont que des bouffons, et des terroristes fanatiques SANS AUCUN POUVOIR! 
C'est vrai que de nombreux Blancs et la plupart des Musulmans souffrent d'oppression ILLUMINATI juive-sioniste!

Plus fort que Zemmour (censuré à la TV)



26 mins ·22 October 2018

Fred Leuchter
It is with great Sadness that I announce that Professor Robert Faurisson is dead!> De: Faurisson Jean <>
> Objet: [RR] Pr.Robert Faurisson is dead
> Date: 22 octobre 2018 à 01:11:22 UTC+2
> I regret to inform you that my brother Robert passed away yesterday, Sunday the 21st of October, at about 19:00h. Just as he entered through the door of his home in Vichy returning from a trip to his birth place in Shepperton (UK), he collapsed presumably because of a massive heart stroke.

> There had been meetings with friends which were interrupted twice violently by opponents of his views. A video from bocage-info herebelow shows. I was accompanying him on this occasion
> His 90th birthday was due on 25th January next.


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Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus

Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus: He already rests in peace! I will soon join him in the elements! 

But, he promised he would release a BOMB at his death? 

As I am of the questioning type, are you THE REAL FRED LEUCHTER? 

Thanks for letting us know. I had no family, friend or foe YET to let me know about his death! 


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dieudonné, Blanrue et Faurisson en Tintin, Haddock et Tournesol !

A terre, Faurisson en Professeur Tournesol. Se portent à son secours Dieudonné en Tintin et Paul-Eric Blanrue en Capitaine Haddock. Je ne connais pas l'auteur du dessin. Je lui dis ma gratitude. Qu'il sache que, le 16 septembre 1989, lors de la plus grave des dix agressions que j'ai subies de 1978 à 1993, j'avais à mes côtés « Pupuce », une toy, c'est-à-dire, une chienne plus petite encore qu'une caniche naine. Avant de tomber sous les coups de mes trois agresseurs, j'ai eu le temps d'apercevoir en un éclair, à quelques mètres de nous, une Pupuce totalement pétrifiée. Quand, de retour de l'hôpital et après avoir recouvré l'usage de la parole, j'ai voulu lui parler, elle a refusé de me répondre. Je me suis toujours demandé pourquoi. Peut-être mes cris l'avaient-ils  effrayée ; peut-être s'était-elle imaginé qu'ils lui étaient adressés. Il a fallu longtemps pour que nous reprenions nos conversations. Elle est morte quelques années plus tard. Il paraît que, dans un journal (?) de l'époque, ma petite chienne a été décrite comme un berger allemand (natürlich !). Le 17 septembre, apprenant mon nom dans la presse, le jeune homme qui s'était porté à mon secours et m'avait sauvé la vie a confié à la police qu'il regrettait son geste. J'ignorais encore ce repentir quand, plusieurs semaines après mon hospitalisation, je suis allé au domicile de ses parents avec une impressionnante boîte de chocolats. L'accueil a été glacial mais la boîte de chocolats a été acceptée par le jeune homme et ses parents. Souvenirs ! Souvenirs !

Je rappelle que je n'ai pas fait un seul jour de prison pour la cause révisionniste et que, sujet britannique et citoyen français, j'ai la chance de vivre dans un pays de cocagne : la France. Somme toute, il semble que j'aie eu la baraka. Pourvu que cela dure ! A l'époque la plus éprouvante, j'ai eu un bon avocat et toutes sortes d'appuis. Enfin, je constate que, sur le plan strictement scientifique et historique, le révisionnisme a gagné la partie. Il reste beaucoup à faire mais je sais que la relève est assurée. La fin de 2011 et le début de 2012 s'annoncent intéressants. Nous allons en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à nos saigneurs et maîtres. « Experto, crede, Roberto » (Crois-en Robert [de Sorbon ?] qui en a l'expérience).

Bien à vous.  RF
16 juillet 2011


By Mike King


"All The News That Sulzberger's  Propaganda Rag  Saw Fit To Distort"

A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,
Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines


"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"


Robert Faurisson arrived for trial at a Paris courthouse in 2000. “He was a falsifier of history,” one historian said.
NY Times: Robert Faurisson, Holocaust Denier Prosecuted by French, Dies at 89


Image result for Arthur O'Shaughnessy
But on one man's soul it hath broken,
A light that doth not depart;
And his look, or a word he hath spoken,
Wrought flame in another man's heart.
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy / 19th Century English / Irish Poet

Because of the Fake News and Fake Academia which we have all been deeply steeped in since early childhood, all of us World War II truthers were, at one time, "normies" on the subject. We therefore all owe a debt of gratitude to the researchers and writers whose "light that doth not depart" .... "wrought flame" in our hearts.
According to the touching testimonials of many of "youse guys," Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times and authors of "The Bad War" kindled that flame for you. It has truly been our pleasure and honor. But we too were once normies, and would still be so were it not for our own fire-starters.
These brave and "broken" (though not in spirit) writer-warriors who served as personal instructors and motivators include The Great One, Little Joey Goebbels, Willis Carto, William Pierce, Leon DeGrelle, David Irving, Ernst Zundel and Valhalla's newest arrival, the recently-departed Robert Faurisson of France --- whose highly unflattering obituary in "the paper of record" only serves to confirm the unerring nature of his scholarship as well as the heroic content of his noble character.

Image result for faurisson Related image
Were it not for men like Monsieur Faurisson passing the torch of enlightenment in this dark world of insanity, highly-effective truth tools such as and the "The Bad War" would never have been created.

The Slimes unloads its filth right out of the gate:
"Robert Faurisson, a former literature professor turned anti-Semitic propagandist whose denial of the Holocaust earned him multiple prosecutions, died on Sunday at his home in Vichy, France. He was 89."
As a "Holocaust Denier" , Faurisson distinguished himself by breaking through the barriers of the mainstream media of France when he managed to get an article published in Le Monde -- the most "respected" newspaper in all of France -- in 1978. Titled “The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz,” the article brought immediate and intense Jew heat down upon the newspaper. The controversy had the unintended effect of launching the obscure professor of French Literature from the University of Lyon to "rock-star" status among "anti-Semites" .
Image result for The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz,Related image Image result for robert faurisson books
In addition to demolishing the myth of "zee gas chambers" , Faurisson also wrote a book dispelling the authenticity of "The Diary of Anne Frank" ™.

In 1989, the very small Faurisson was severely beaten in a park near his home by a cowardly band of thugs calling itself "Sons of Jewish Memory." In 1990, he became the first person in France to be convicted under a law that criminalized "Holocaust Denial ."
Undaunted, the fearless Frenchmen's bold assertions continued to draw attention in a French press which was evidently far more freer back then that it is today. Growing older and under constant threat of heavy fines, Faurisson faded from view over the last decade -- but not totally. The most recent judgment against him came in November 2016, when a French court fined him 10,000 euros ($11,400 dollars) for propounding “negationism” in interviews published on the Internet.
Scorned and persecuted at home, in 2012, Faurisson was welcomed and lauded in Iran, where he received a prize for his excellent research from then-President, the feisty Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The much-maligned David Duke, another of our personal flame-kindlers and a highly under-rated scholar in his own right, was also welcomed at that "Holocaust Denial" conference.
Mr. Faurisson is survived by his wife, Anne-Marie, two sons and a daughter. Au revoir, adieu and merci; grand homme. What you did in life, will echo long after you've departed, right here in the cyber-pages of the ANYT -- in spite of what the filthy slandering vermin at Sulzberger's Slimes have to say about you.
Image result for faurisson beaten Image result for faurisson and ahmadinejad Image result for david duke and ahmadinejad
1. Brave Jew thugs beat up the diminutive professor (about 5' 4") pretty badly.  2. Pariahs in their own "free" countries, Messrs Faurisson and Duke were welcomed to speak in Iran.
  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that some French Holocaust Denier just died.
Boobus Americanus 2: What type of individual would deny the Holocaust?


Alain Soral - révèle les objectifs des juifs "21 juin 2016"

Cigarettes (drogues!) et Musulmans???

"Islamistes radicaux"??? Quel langage de MERDE!!!

Alain Soral, je ne leur laisserai pas mon pays sans me battre.

Alain Soral - La France est devenue une extension d'israël



3-10-2017 Karl Lentz - Teaching the Real Common Law


203 9 Share

Published on 12 Mar 2017

Karl Lentz is an expert on the courts, the law, and the abuse of common men and women by those dressed in black. Karl will be given and open mic on today's impromptu Abel Danger show expected to air, live, at 1900 GMT or 1400 eastern. The Abel Danger chat room will be very busy as Karl speaks. He knows more about the law and the courts than the court jesters do. If Karl is willing to take questions they can be submitted via Abel Danger private chat room, not the Livestream chat room, or by email to

Isis, Ei, Eiil, Etat islamique (Daesh...): l'effroyable imposture de la coalition


527 104 Share

Published on 8 Oct 2014

Avec des interventions de rafaa, Alain Soral, Tepa, Aldo Steronne, Dieudonné et Thierry Meyssan. Version augmentée de la vidéo "Rafaa156, Soral, Dieudo : Déstabilisation de l'Algérie (Daesh, Isis, Ei, Eiil, Asl,Otan)" J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube ( 
There are no Jihadists, but only GANGSTER MERCENARIES recruited by the USA, FRANCE, and ISRAEL!

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