NICOLA MILLS - When compassion meets with talent
Published on 9 Apr 2016
Indicated to me by Br S.R.
Brendon O'Connell
RIP Asiah Abdul Hamid
November 1975 - March 2017
Asiah Abdul Hamid. She was 42. A long history of depression. I used to live with Asiah back in 2001. It was Asiah who bashed on my door Wednesday morning, "They're bombing America! They're bombing America!" I'd slept through the whole thing. It happened 11pm Tuesday night.
You might ask how one so beautiful and funny and all that stuff could be depressed? Well...everyone has a story. Plus, Asiah was a Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Rising with the Sun in the 12th House of dissolution. It was always going to be tough. Plus, the moon in Capricorn, not as expressive as one might want.
Maybe Asiah is the result of the fractured Western society we live in? No family bonds, or, tenuous or non existent, or based in fighting and anger and anxiety. Breaking free is hard to do. I dont think some of the people around her helped.
She was on a flight coming back from Mexico, Los Angeles to Sydney. First reports said she was a drug mule. Family have told me there was a suicide note on her body. She went out with a bang and made the papers. I hope she was business class. I could actually imagine her planning it like this. Scorpio, meticulous planners when they finally decide to end things.
She is survived by all the ASIO and Military Intelligence/SAS who tried to recruit her as a honey pot. Well, you can see why. Have a look at those perfect teeth

I will always remember Asiah coming home all excited, "Hey! I just met this guy from ASIO! He took me to the cricket, we sat in the VIP box and I met all the players." I replied, "Yeh, I'm a fucking fighter pilot and an astronaut, fancy a root? You fell for that crap?" "No! For real! Showed me his ID! He is really ASIO!" And he was.
Then there was the time I was tending my hydroponic marijuana operation and Asiah brings a friend home..."Wayne". We all sat down and watched JFK. I educated Military Intelligence that day.
Asiah was a girl of intrigue. All that Scorpio...
Asiah never hurt a fly, except herself.
She was a damned fine cook too and deserved a husband and some kids and a picket fence. She loved kids, but never had any.
I'm gonna write a book one day and dedicate it to her. Called "Pearl". Asiah's dad was Malay and a pearl diver in Broome. I imagined her child hood growing up in multi cultural Broome, on Western Australia's north west coast. Asiah without doubt was Aphrodite, coming ashore on a wave.
She has a great sister called "Sal". Or "Super Sal" aka: "Wonder Woman". I was "Action Man". They were both sisters to me.
RIP Asiah Abdul Hamid - November 1975 - March 2017
Sincere condolences to the grieving family and friends
From Brendon, Vickie Jacobs, Jacleen Allen, Basheer, and many others.
A passenger has died on an inbound international flight that arrived at Sydney Airport.
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Real
human compassion is rare! Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Arabic:
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ) is a part of a verse from
the Qur'an which translates to "We belong to Allah and to Him we shall
return."[n 1][1] The phrase is recited by Muslims when a person
experiences a tragedy in life,[2][3] especially upon hearing news that a
person has died.[3] The phrase may also be recited in situations that
involve risk of any sort.
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus "Suspected drug mule" - This title is real shit! Made by a degenerate!

Brendon O'Connell Strangely, I cant find a damned picture with me in it with her and Sal. I took all these.
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus "I
cant find a damned picture with me in it with her and Sal." ? This
proves that you are negligent, my Son! We Orientals use herbal drugs
for HEALING, but the civilized world uses drugs to produce degenerates
and TO KILL!

Brendon O'Connell Just "another" suicide...400 per year.
Brendon O'Connell Its
hard to be sad. It appears to be a suicide. Only she could plan it that
way. A trip to Mexico to get the pills, then die with a splash on a
plane. No quiet death in some place where no one notices.
I think the worst thing she ever said about anyone was..."Gawd, that woman is so annoying."
I think the worst thing she ever said about anyone was..."Gawd, that woman is so annoying."
Jeff Dahlgren I
am not sure it was a suicide as it possibly, due to their announcing
this suspected drug mule and no drugs recovered it seems, that she might
have swallowed them in condoms or balloons and had a failure.
Toxicology would not be out that fast but how ...See More
Muhammad Ali Ben Marcus Brendon O'Connell "A trip to Mexico to get the pills, then die with a splash on a plane." ? No way unless she was really "deranged"!!

Jacleen Allen Much love, Brendon. I can tell you have lost a much loved friend

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Tuesday 26 February 2008 17.00 GMT (RACIST ZIONIST MEDIA!)
'Preacher' "guilty" of organising "terror training camps" This is Jewish-Zionist shit!

Terrorist (truther) convicted for being on TV show