SPUTNIK: Orbiting the world with George Galloway - Episode 14

Published on 18 Feb 2014
Galloway and Gayatri Pertiwi present Sputnik 'orbiting the world' on
Russia Today. In episode 14 Lord Dobbs discusses writing the political
drama House of Cards, now an award winning US TV series. In part 2
British Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman discusses the urgent need for
international sanctions against Israel and justice for those who live on
the Gaza Strip.
- News & Politics
- N.B. Both George Galloway and Gerald Kauffman are damn wrong about the "Holocaust"! But, the interview is great! Thanks to both George and Gerald! (BAFS)
Watch out when the Communists, Socialists, the Jewish Lobby, L.G.B.T., Friends of Israel, and others will make HISTORICAL REVISION OF THE HOLOCAUST OR EVEN OF WWII OR OF STATE STAGED 7/7 FALSE FLAG A HEINOUS CRIME!
UK Holocaust Memorial Museum: I challenge the British Authorities

Published on 24 Feb 2017
year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London,
near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent
Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks:
1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec.
2. for a public debate between revisionists and historians to discuss the value of this evidence.
Plan of the video :
Part I. How I became a revisionist
Part II. 1945: how an old yarn from the First World War became a "reality"
- 1. Extorted confessions
- 2. An old yarn from 1916 reappeared in 1942
- 3. 1944: the Soviets recycled this old yarn to galvanize their troops into the last assault of the Third Reich
- 4. 1945: the Allied carried on with soviet propaganda to divert public attention from their own war crimes (carpet bombings...)
- 5. In Germany, the Allies "discovered" at the last minute a homicidal "gas chamber" (at Dachau)
- 6. Shoah: the reality
- 7. "Gas chambers": a creed imposed on the world without a single element of proof
- 8. "Six Million": a figure unfounded
- 9. Nazi "gas chambers": a silly story (no toxic gas would have be necessary)
- 10. What the 1944-1945 propagandists didn't foresee
- 11. Antirevisionist laws everywhere: the last solution to protect the Holocaust myth (British people, beware!)
- 12. From fines to fixed prison: harder and harder repression (my own experience in France)
- 13. From judicial repression to social persecution
Part III. British revisionists must attack the Holocaust myth from the front
- 1. "Holocaust": a new religion
- 2. Our challenge to the British authorities
1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka, Sobibor or Belzec.
2. for a public debate between revisionists and historians to discuss the value of this evidence.
Plan of the video :
Part I. How I became a revisionist
Part II. 1945: how an old yarn from the First World War became a "reality"
- 1. Extorted confessions
- 2. An old yarn from 1916 reappeared in 1942
- 3. 1944: the Soviets recycled this old yarn to galvanize their troops into the last assault of the Third Reich
- 4. 1945: the Allied carried on with soviet propaganda to divert public attention from their own war crimes (carpet bombings...)
- 5. In Germany, the Allies "discovered" at the last minute a homicidal "gas chamber" (at Dachau)
- 6. Shoah: the reality
- 7. "Gas chambers": a creed imposed on the world without a single element of proof
- 8. "Six Million": a figure unfounded
- 9. Nazi "gas chambers": a silly story (no toxic gas would have be necessary)
- 10. What the 1944-1945 propagandists didn't foresee
- 11. Antirevisionist laws everywhere: the last solution to protect the Holocaust myth (British people, beware!)
- 12. From fines to fixed prison: harder and harder repression (my own experience in France)
- 13. From judicial repression to social persecution
Part III. British revisionists must attack the Holocaust myth from the front
- 1. "Holocaust": a new religion
- 2. Our challenge to the British authorities
« Holocauste » : Pourquoi j'ose défier les autorités britanniques

Published on 26 Feb 2017
spectateurs s'inquiètent du fait que j'ai lancé un défi aux autorités
britanniques à propos du futur Musée Mémorial de l'Holocauste, à
Londres. Dans cette vidéo, j'explique pourquoi, comme toujours, j'ai
choisi de ne pas reculer devant les risques pris, et cela même si je
sais les ennuis qui en résulteront fatalement.
Vincent Reynouard – 'A challenge to the British Authorities'
Published on 24 Feb 2017
sorrows of exile have long been sung about by poets, were described by
Euripides, and have been suffered by a wide array of intellectuals and
dissidents, from the likes of Ovid and Dante, to Emile Zola. The
globalist liberal-leftist elite's mass media of today, while making much
of those individuals and movements they approve of, studiously ignores
the growing trend of writers, historians and political radicals
worldwide who are deemed to have committed thought crimes against the
growing tyranny of political correctness, and who by so doing endure
long prison sentences in consequence. Their plight is pointedly ignored
by groups such as Amnesty International, which makes a mockery of such
organisations' claims to be politically neutral. Facing a political
trial in 2015 and a long spell of imprisonment, Vincent Reynouard,
rather than spend years languishing in jail, chose to flee his beloved
France and take refuge abroad, from where he could continue the fight
for free speech and free debate, and where he could highlight the plight
of those incarcerated for speaking the truth. Sentenced in absentia he
spends his time now in research and campaigning against
anti-revisionist persecution, from which he has suffered for the last 20
years at the hands of the French State, a State which does so much to
stifle liberty. In this speech, his first ever talk given in English, he
reveals the incredibly wealthy international anti-revisionist lobby’s
preferred strategies to silence dissent, including that of applying
immense overt and underhand pressure to the justice system, in order to
force it to pass new-fangled oppressive laws against freedom of
expression. In this presentation he also sets a challenge for the
British authorities who, at taxpayer’s expense, have given the go-ahead
for an ultra-brutalist, uglissimo structure which will house a new
‘National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre’ to be built on the
small park adjoining Parliament - a former haven of peace and quiet
known as Victoria Palace Gardens.
- Standard YouTube Licence
And millions of fanatics around the world believe and preach that JESUS CHRIST IS STILL ALIVE AND IS KING OF ALL ISRAEL!!!