Tuesday 3 January 2017





In which Alex Jones explodes in blubbering rage at the mere mention of my name

If one of the speakers in this video is "mentally ill" it sure isn't Jeremy Rothe-Kushel

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor (thanks to Martin Hill for posting about this, and to Jeremy Roth-Kushel for all of his amazing work)

In February 2007—shortly after I had been driven out of the University of Wisconsin by neocon politicians—I sat for twenty minutes or so with Alex Jones in the control booth of his studio in Austin. During the middle of our interview the power suddenly went out; the studio was plunged into blackness, and Alex started yelling and cursing.

I sat there in the dark next to the fulminating Alex, wondering if we had been zapped by a New World Order satellite weapon. A few minutes later, the lights and power came back on, we finished the interview, Alex gave me a 9/11-was-an-inside-job T shirt, and I departed on what seemed like amiable terms.

Alex Jones gives Paul Joseph Watson a megaphone to trumpet the 9/11 perps’ genocidal propaganda…yet his head explodes at the thought of letting a Muslim respond.*

Today, Alex Jones is a Trump enthusiast and an apologist for the ultra-genocidal brand of Zionism represented by the likes of Bibi Netanyahu and the rest of the gang that did 9/11 (as well as the pre- and post- 9/11 false flags). Does Alex really not understand that Zionist extremists are the world’s leading practitioners of false flag terror?

Does he not realize that the purpose of 9/11 was to hijack the US military and take out “seven countries in five years”  — the seven countries that posed a threat to Israel — in accordance with the Oded Yinon Plan and the 1996 Clean Break document? 

Does he not know who PNAC was, which country’s extremist leadership it really represented, and why it called for a “New Pearl Harbor” in September, 2000 and got it one year later? 

Does he not grasp that the poisonous Islamophobia he spreads furthers the whole purpose of the 9/11 Big Lie?

I would be happy to come on Alex’s show* to explain and/or debate these issues…and plug my False Flag Trilogy featuring 55 leading public intellectuals, including many regulars on the Alex Jones Show, pushing back against the biggest false flags of 2015-2016.

But I doubt Alex has the courage to debate me. His operation, Infowars, spreads the Islamophobia manufactured by Bibi’s Zionist gang, without a single contrary word from the Muslims they victimize.* Like all bullies, Alex (and even more so his acolyte Paul Joseph Watson) are terrified by the thought that one of their victims might actually stand up for himself.*

So an ignorant moron like Watson is given unlimited time on Infowars to trumpet ludicrous lies about Islam and Muslims, yet Muslims (including those like me who are articulate native English speakers with Arabic and Islamic Studies Ph.D.s,  conversant with the kinds of issues Alex raises on his show) are not only banned, but so banned that Alex’s head almost explodes when our names are mentioned.*
Isn’t it interesting that Alex patiently listened to Jeremy Rothe-Kushel right up until Jeremy mentioned my name – at which point Alex lost it, started barking like a mad dog, and cut Jeremy off.*
Why am I so scary and threatening to Alex Jones?* Is it because I’m not particularly appreciated by the ADL and the B’nai Brith? Well, neither is David Duke — who, unlike me, really could be accused of being a racist, or at least a racialist — yet Alex gave Duke plenty of airtime to speak his mind.

Now that Trump is bringing open Islamophobia into the Oval Office, it’s more important than ever that Muslims be given a chance to explain their point of view. Cowardly refusal to listen, or even acknowledge that such a viewpoint exists, is despicable and morally unacceptable.

Please, follow Jeremy Rothe-Kushel’s example and call in or write to Alex Jones asking him to have me on his show.

Email Alex Jones
Call-in To The Show Weekdays 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Central: (800) 259-9231     Sunday 4 to 6 pm Central:  (877) 789-ALEX or (512) 646-1776


Raw Story covered this, but Infowars (a “truther” outlet) didn’t!

That's Muslim Hater Alex Jones for you!


I wrote about my findings regarding Alex Jones' deliberate anti-Islam and anti-Muslim policy to Daryl Bradford Smith (and others) and was more than pleased when Daryl had regular Muslim guests on his broadcast like David Musa Pidcock, Muhammad Rafique, and Dr Yakub Zaki who  I had known personally and with whom I was communicating via the telephone.

And I wrote to Alex about this via Email or on his own website and all of a sudden our correspondence stopped!  I did not expect Alex to answer as I proved him to be an IMPOSTOR and a ZIONIST!  A HYPOCRITE, which in Islam God says is WORSE THAN THE KAAFIR (Truth Coverer, God-hater or Liar about God, often mistranslated as UNBELIEVER)!

And I was proven right over and over hundreds of times since I stopped listening to his propaganda.  So, I am really amazed and pleasantly surprised to see ONE MUSLIM out of the alleged 1,8 billion globally come up with the same conclusions as me.  


All genuine Muslims (sadly, there are not many left who have a voice!) should not only come to the same conclusions as Dr Kevin Barrett, but also tell it to the whole world and TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTIONS!

Tuesday 3rd of January 2017

God bless her for her patient, unrelenting and courageous efforts to wake people up!

 Once I heard Alex scream that Arabs were buying the US and owned Hollywood - a remarkable Judaic joke, Oy Vey!!

Hysterical Alex Jones Weeps & Prays For Bibi: "Globalists Clearly Trying To Overthrow Israel" & Arrest Netanyahu. 'All You That Hate Jews' Get Ready for Islamic Rule in the U.S.
By Martin Hill
January 3, 2017


Must see:

On his Monday January 2 show, Infowars Alex Jones went on an absolutely hysterical rant, weeping, praying for Bibi Netanyahu, saying that the 'globalists' want to destroy Israel, which will launch Armageddon, and hopes that 'all you who hate Jews' will be happy living under Islamic rule in the United States. By the way, I hope you appreciate this clip and transcript. The person who alerted me to this did not know at what section of the program this was, so I actually had to wade through almost an hour of his show to find it. It was not easy. I cannot stand listening to him. I tried to offer it up. Thankfully I found it towards the end of the first hour. He is very hysterical and manic.

On another amusing note, I was getting a haircut on Christmas Eve day and two of the 20-something chubby, tattooed/pierced hair stylists girls started talking about Alex Jones and how much they love his show. I am not kidding. I had nothing to do with the conversation, I was only listening. I was shocked. I finally figured out who is Alex audience in 2017. I'm not saying these girls are bad people, it was just very interesting. I now understand who Alex's target demographic market is, because I knew it sure as heck couldn't be non-interventionist adults who have been studying this stuff for years.
Begin at 51:30
[Note: If anyone can make this segment from 51:30 into a separate clip please upload it and send me the link, thanks. Or you can post the link in the comment section below. You don't need to log in or register, you can post as a guest.]

Here Alex begins taking about the ZeroHedge article:
"Whether you love Netanyahu or hate Netanyahu, Israel has done things politically that aren't anything compared to other people in the region.
Why are they held to a higher standards? That's my only issue.
I try to be fair here. They're surrounded by people that want to kill 'em! Who say they want to overthrow 'em! They're supposed to have a one state, or a two state, open the borders up?!
To a bunch of people who have basically gone there just like Syria got invaded by a bunch of globalists in the last five years, a bunch of promises that it won't be taken over? Those aren't Syrian refugees coming into Europe. They're people that got their butt kicked. Out of the country. Turkey admits that.
That's why 80% of them are military-aged men who have fake Syrian passports. They're Pakistani. They're Muslims from India. They're Muslims from all over the world.
From the United States. From England. But mainly from Saudi Arabia, Katar, Pakistan, you name it.
[reads headline again] 'Israel police enter Netanyahu home for questioning over corruption allegations.'
THE GLOBALISTS ARE MOVING. You don't think Obama'd come out and have the UN vote, basically saying Israel's illegitimate and now they say they've got that new resolution ready - that actual one saying that Israel's illigitmate and that it should be overturned. The U.N.'s already voted on that before. Ladies and gentleman that's what I said last week, I said if they kill Netanyahu or something you know world war three's about to happen, well here it is.
[Slaps the article about cops going into Bibi's house.]
"And I told you, they're really thinking about arresting Trump. They're really thinking about false- remember all these rape charges? And pedophile charges? There were always fake names that were never true, all got dropped, as soon as he, won?
Claiming Jerry Epstein connections when it was really the Clintons, and Hillary? See, everything they're doing, they say we're doing.
So now, this is zero hedge.
Israel police enter Netanyahu's home for questioning over corruption allegations. Boy you talk about canary in the coal mine. The globalists wouldn't move against Netanyahu, as wikileaks shows they're planning to do, via Soros, if they weren't planning to have people ready to imprison him or kill him, if he starts trying to spill the beans on stuff.
'Cuz Netanyahu's been involved in everything. Good, bad, ugly. You name it.
And if they move against Netanyahu, that means they're moving against Trump. BET YOUR BOTTOM BUCK. WHOOOOH! I MEAN this is incredible!
This is getting crazy! This is so frickin' out of control!
It's time to pray! (starts to literally weep, puts his head in his hands.)
Our Heavenly Father, please help us, open our eyes. Please help us be good, we're so sorry for all the abortions and all the evil in our name. Please protect the children. Please reprieve us if it's in Your will. Please somehow stop the evil forces that are trying to stop this miracle that you've given us. Please help there be peace in the middle east. Please stop those who are trying to overthrow Israel and start world war three and bring about Armageddon. Please give us a reprieve like Nineveh, that we have time to wake people up and reach out to those that are still in darkness and deceived. Please in your name of your son, Jesus Christ, lead God, and direct us. Amen.

And I don't do that for show, folks, I don't even want to be here. I... I am so upset right now that my head is burning. I am sweating, even though it's like 65 degrees in here. I am so pissed. And see, I shouldn't be on air, I'm gonna start cussing. [Slams hand down on table.] Please God, give me the strength. THEY'RE GONNA START NUCLEAR WAR! THEY'RE PURE EVIL! THEY'RE COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!! AND they're moving on every front, and regardless of what you think about Netanyahu or Trump, the globalists know they're nationalists. There's a nationalist allies organization forming from Japan to Israel to the United States to the U.K. to Russia. A lot of these groups are formerly enemies, but they understand the globalists don't want prosperity.
And there's a move worldwide to get back the prosperity. These governments don't want to have people poor, on average. But it's the globalist plan and people are sick of it!
Globalism is horrible for the average person!
It's horrible for the average elite!
They don't want to see people poor and thing falling apart.
KINGPINS!! Even corrupt kingpins wanna sit up on top, big powerful massive systems. They don't want to see enslavement.
They don't want to see the public losing everything. Even the most corrupt Roman emperors wanted prosperity. It was only the occasional psychopath that wanted to kill everybody and make everybody poor, and those people usually got their throats slit, or poisoned.
We have the worst type pf psychopaths that want us to be poor, that want us to be desperate, who get off on it. Really evil people in control.
And the whole worlds saying no.
And now Benjamin Netanyahu, they're looking at arresting him, and throwing him in prison!!!And you know what that means?
The minute they take down Netanyahu, they're going after Trump.
So hey, all of you that wanted to live under globalist Islamic rule?
All you that hate Jews?
You're about to get a big juicy taste, if the globalists win, of what it's gonna be like being under Saudi Arabia and communist China, politically calling the shots to the Democrats, who openly made deals to sell us out to them.

Oh..oh.. and then have weirdo Nazi collaborators like George Soros, who's Jewish, sitting over it. So.. so.. YA KNOW get your anti-Semitism straight there, you've got this evil, doctor evil over here running this whole takeover here, who's Jewish, and they're about to get rid of the Jewish state!!! So, just enjoy yourselves! You got a taste right on up Jews in world war two, just is so delicious, little Soros, he just can't stop!
And its all the wikileaks!
And you know what? The Jews haven't done anything to stop him. Hell, half the Jews are liberals, love George Soros, so hey, just have WHATEVER YOU WANT, DUMB-ASSES!
THEY'RE CLEARLY TRYING TO overthrow Israel. They're clearly trying to overthrow Trump!
Watch the video below. Some people have posted funny pictures to go along with this story. of DJ Thermal Detonator of Truther TV says that this might be the next infowars t-shirt:

Here is another one, from 'The Ugly truth' blog:

Watch the clip here, start at 51:30.

In this clip, Alex as a young man talks about how he supports Israel. Surely it was his protestant Fundy background that gave Alex these weird ideas. Such brainwashing is not easy to shake.

[This article was posted on WhatReallyHappened.com, Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth' blog, by Dr. Kevin Barrett and on Republic Broadcasting Network. It was re-tweeted by Fitzpatrick Informer, who added "Oh boy, Alex Jones sinking to new lows. What a grovelling piece of garbage."]

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Martin Hill is a Catholic paleo-conservative and civil rights advocate. In 2015, President Donald J. Trump in front of a live international TV audience, said Hill was "very committed" and "got a lot of energy," adding that "he's on our side" and "is a Trump guy." In addition to being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and The Daily Beast, Hill's work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 TV Los Angeles, The Press Enterprise, LewRockwell.com, WhatReallyHappened.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Economic Policy Journal, TargetLiberty.com, FreedomsPhoenix, Haaretz, TMZ, Veterans Today, Jonathan Turley blog, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, National Motorists Association, AmericanFreePress.net, RomanCatholicReport.com, WorldNetDaily, HenryMakow.com, OverdriveOnline.com, Educate-Yourself.org, TexeMarrs.com, Dr. Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad radio show, Strike-The-Root.com, Pasadena Weekly, ActivistPost.com, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI AM 640, IamtheWitness.com, Redlands Daily Facts, SaveTheMales.ca, BlackBoxVoting, The Michael Badnarik Show, The Wayne Madsen Report, Devvy.com, Rense.com, FromTheTrenchesWorldReport.com, BeforeItsNews.com, The Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, CopBlock.org, DavidIcke.com, Whittier Daily News, KCLA FM Hollywood, The Fullerton Observer, Antiwar.com, From The Trenches World Report, and many others. Archives can be found at LibertyFight.com and DontWakeMeUp.Org.

Be sure to see my meeting with Trump:

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Front-Row Protester Disrupts Trump's Michigan Speech with "ISRAEL DID 9/11! FIVE JEWS ARRESTED ON 9/11 IN NEW JERSEY, NOT MUSLIMS." Donald Trump Responds To "ISRAEL DID 9/11" Protester With "He's A Trump Guy, He's very committed, Got a lot of energy, He's on our side" (!!!)

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HERE IS THE CLOSE-UP VERSION. GO TO MINUTE 20. Trump says that the "Israel Did 9/11' Protester is "A Trump Guy, He's On Our Side, He's Very Committed, he's Got a lot of energy."

Here is the wide-shot footage from the back of the room. If you watch starting at around minute 20, That's when I interrupt him, and he responds to me. Then a few minutes later, he stops his speech again to watch the Secret Service take me out, and he is referring to me when he says: [21:18] Oh! Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him. Be very nice. Be very nice. Yep. Be nice to him. Don't hurt him. See how nice I'm being? I'm only doing it for them, you know that (points to the media) Don't hurt him! (21:34) Tell me, ... I love you too, maam.. Look. Is there more fun than a Trump rally? (21:48) Is there more fun?


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 Begin at 51:30
[Note: If anyone can make this segment from 51:30 into a separate clip please upload it and send me the link, thanks. Or you can post the link in the comment section below. You don't need to log in or register, you can post as a guest.]

Here Alex begins taking about the ZeroHedge article:

"Whether you love Netanyahu or hate Netanyahu, Israel has done things politically that aren't anything compared to other people in the region.
Why are they held to a higher standards? That's my only issue.
I try to be fair here. They're surrounded by people that want to kill 'em! Who say they want to overthrow 'em! They're supposed to have a one state, or a two state, open the borders up?!
To a bunch of people who have basically gone there just like Syria got invaded by a bunch of globalists in the last five years, a bunch of promises that it won't be taken over? Those aren't Syrian refugees coming into Europe. They're people that got their butt kicked. Out of the country. Turkey admits that.
That's why 80% of them are military-aged men who have fake Syrian passports.

They're Pakistani. They're Muslims from India. They're Muslims from all over the world.
From the United States. From England. But mainly from Saudi Arabia, Katar, Pakistan, you name it.
[reads headline again] 'Israel police enter Netanyahu home for questioning over corruption allegations.'
THE GLOBALISTS ARE MOVING. You don't think Obama'd come out and have the UN vote, basically saying Israel's illegitimate and now they say they've got that new resolution ready - that actual one saying that Israel's illegitimate and that it should be overturned. The U.N.'s already voted on that before. Ladies and gentleman that's what I said last week, I said if they kill Netanyahu or something you know world war three's about to happen, well here it is.
[Slaps the article about cops going into Bibi's house.]
"And I told you, they're really thinking about arresting Trump. They're really thinking about false- remember all these rape charges? And pedophile charges? There were always fake names that were never true, all got dropped, as soon as he, won?
Claiming Jerry Epstein connections when it was really the Clintons, and Hillary? See, everything they're doing, they say we're doing.
So now, this is zero hedge.
Israel police enter Netanyahu's home for questioning over corruption allegations. Boy you talk about canary in the coal mine. The globalists wouldn't move against Netanyahu, as wikileaks shows they're planning to do, via Soros, if they weren't planning to have people ready to imprison him or kill him, if he starts trying to spill the beans on stuff.
'Cuz Netanyahu's been involved in everything. Good, bad, ugly. You name it.
And if they move against Netanyahu, that means they're moving against Trump. BET YOUR BOTTOM BUCK. WHOOOOH! I MEAN this is incredible!
This is getting crazy! This is so frickin' out of control!
It's time to pray! (starts to literally weep, puts his head in his hands.)
Our Heavenly Father, please help us, open our eyes. Please help us be good, we're so sorry for all the abortions and all the evil in our name. Please protect the children. Please reprieve us if it's in Your will. Please somehow stop the evil forces that are trying to stop this miracle that you've given us. Please help there be peace in the Middle East.
Please stop those who are trying to overthrow Israel and start world war three and bring about Armageddon. Please give us a reprieve like Nineveh, that we have time to wake people up and reach out to those that are still in darkness and deceived. Please in your name of your son, Jesus Christ, lead God, and direct us. Amen.

And I don't do that for show, folks, I don't even want to be here. I...
I am so upset right now that my head is burning. I am sweating, even though it's like 65 degrees in here. I am so pissed. And see, I shouldn't be on air, I'm gonna start cussing. [Slams hand down on table.] Please God, give me the strength.
THEY'RE GONNA START NUCLEAR WAR! THEY'RE PURE EVIL! THEY'RE COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!! AND they're moving on every front, and regardless of what you think about Netanyahu or Trump, the globalists know they're nationalists. There's a nationalist allies organization forming from Japan to Israel to the United States to the U.K. to Russia. A lot of these groups are formerly enemies, but they understand the globalists don't want prosperity.
And there's a move worldwide to get back the prosperity. These governments don't want to have people poor, on average. But it's the globalist plan and people are sick of it!
Globalism is horrible for the average person!
It's horrible for the average elite!
They don't want to see people poor and thing falling apart.
KINGPINS!! Even corrupt kingpins wanna sit up on top, big powerful massive systems. They don't want to see enslavement.
They don't want to see the public losing everything. Even the most corrupt Roman emperors wanted prosperity. It was only the occasional psychopath that wanted to kill everybody and make everybody poor, and those people usually got their throats slit, or poisoned.
We have the worst type pf psychopaths that want us to be poor, that want us to be desperate, who get off on it. Really evil people in control.
And the whole worlds saying no.
And now Benjamin Netanyahu, they're looking at arresting him, and throwing him in prison!!! And you know what that means?
The minute they take down Netanyahu, they're going after Trump.
So hey, all of you that wanted to live under globalist Islamic rule?
All you that hate Jews?
You're about to get a big juicy taste, if the globalists win, of what it's gonna be like being under Saudi Arabia and communist China, politically calling the shots to the Democrats, who openly made deals to sell us out to them.

Oh..oh.. and then have weirdo Nazi collaborators like George Soros, who's Jewish, sitting over it. So.. so..
YA KNOW get your anti-Semitism straight there, you've got this evil, doctor evil over here running this whole takeover here, who's Jewish, and they're about to get rid of the Jewish state!!! So, just enjoy yourselves!
You got a taste right on up Jews in world war two, just is so delicious, little Soros, he just can't stop!
And its all the wikileaks!
And you know what? The Jews haven't done anything to stop him. Hell, half the Jews are liberals, love George Soros, so hey, just have WHATEVER YOU WANT, DUMB-ASSES!
THEY'RE CLEARLY TRYING TO overthrow Israel. They're clearly trying to overthrow Trump!

No Shalom, there is more! Oy vey!

LOOK ==>>

Protected: Allen Roland on CHAOS REIGNS / TRUMP TWEETS ONLY HE CAN BE BELIEVED / OBAMA LEGACY QUESTIONED_ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio

Coming Up Wednesday, January 11th —
Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 16:00 GMT

Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad Radio

First half hour: In this interview, recorded the night before Trump’s big press conference, Dr. Allen Roland discusses his article/compilation: CHAOS REIGNS / TRUMP TWEETS ONLY HE CAN BE BELIEVED / OBAMA LEGACY QUESTIONED. Allen writes: “The seeds of Authoritarianism have been officially planted in America with the Election of Donald Trump along with strong central power, limited political freedoms and little constitutional accountability. Only the authoritarian tweeter voice of president-elect Trump can be seen and heard…” Yet Allen says America made the right choice in rejecting Hillary. Now we have to go through an age of chaos, so buckle your seat belt!


Second half hour: Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett on the sad demise of the former-9/11-truth-advocate Alex Jones, who is now pumping out propaganda for Bibi Netanyahu and his team of 9/11 perps.

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I had a serious disagreement with Richie, but I do not remember about what! As we did not engage in any kind of correspondence, it was left to that. The fact that I see him talking to Kevin pleases me to the utmost. I will try to listen to the talk time permitting.
Shanti, Salaam,Shalom – PEACE to both of them!
Good luck to both and MAY TRUTH PREVAIL!


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