From the Shadows: The New World
Documentary produced by Owen 'Alik Shahadah, written by Abdul Karim Hatim and Shaid Ahmad, and distributed by Halaqah
Media Group
"Blocked by BBC for copyright reasons", and they make us pay a licence for watching ???
(Not me, and I do not watch television!)
From the Shadows 1998 Original Video
I have personally known Abdul Karim Hatim who told me he was cheated of his rights in the production and distribution of this documentary by the Halaqah Media Group. We kept some telephonic correspondence for quite some time until I lost track of him completely.
Narrated by NICHOLAS MOORE, this is a master-piece, sorry, a MISTRESS-PIECE!!!
Erratum: Speaker seems to have misspelt FRATERNITY as "franility".

I am a 70 year old French citizen (now nearing 73 in 2018!) going on my daily routine
occupation as a grandfather of four, including a 6 months old grandson who I
take regularly in a Graco pram to Walthamstow Market in London E17, Walthamstow.
On Friday 19 August 2016 I was with the same push chair on
my way to my grandchildren. For unexplained reason I was assaulted in London in
my own locality by a man in Police uniform. He grabbed my arm with a steel grip
to near breaking my bone, tried to drag me away by force and prevented me from
going on my own business peacefully. He called for support and threatened to
arrest me several times despite the fact that I had put him under his oath of office as a Police constable. When
asked if he understood, he said he understood, but he did not give a damn. He
detained me by force for some 20-30 minutes against my will and in full view of
passer-byes in Walthamstow open Market E17.
Another man in uniform came and
A third man in uniform said: I too am a
The aggressor in uniform repeated to me some twenty
times:or more "STOP SHOUTING! CALM DOWN!". I was not shouting and I
was perfectly calm but very upset as my mouth had dried up completely.
He kept lecturing and threatening me preventing me from talking saying repeatedly "I HAVE NOT FINISHED" and pointing his finger at me repeatedly!
Any thoughts on this?
P.S. This happened after an optician ordered me out of his
shop many times after he himself had invited me in and when I was at the door
leaving the shop. The video was shot by a lady passer-by (from Liverpool) who kindly sent it to
Oath of Office:
' I (name) do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable, without favour or affection, malice or ill will; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of Her Majesty's subjects and that while I continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. '
' I (name) do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable, without favour or affection, malice or ill will; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons and properties of Her Majesty's subjects and that while I continue to hold the said office I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. '
"Abdul Karim would like to thank Hamza Yusuf
Hanson for inspiration, David Musa Pidcock
author of Satanic Voices and The Editors and
staff at Halaqah Media for their time and effort"
- Paul Urban II, in the name of the Cross, ordered a series
of wars
637. Women were raped,
babies were murdered without pity, and
prisoners were boiled and
babies roasted for feeding the Anti-Christ
Crusaders, and blood
ran in the Muslim, Jewish and Christian streets
knee high, a feat
decadent Christendom would repeat against Muslims
and Islam
using Mongol mercenaries to decapitate Islam and
the Muslims for good by destroying their civilisation.
After anti-Christian European Masons had joined
hands with the
Jewish Qabbalah (DAJJAL) and destroyed Muslim Spain,
Hindustan, occupied Muslim Indonesia, and conquered all the
Arab speaking and Muslim lands, including the Three Holy
of Islam, Jerusalem, Mecca (Makkah) and Medina
(Madinaat-un-Nabee or
the Town of the Prophet). the Judeo-
Freemasonic Wars have been raging
nonstop using a bogus
Semitic bloodthirsty tribe calling themselves
Jews, the Chosen
Ones of Lucifer, their God, while hiding in the
shadows. Oy vey!
The foolish Chrisitians call their God YAHWEH or
The British Royals (Rothschild owned) and the USA (Israel)
the International Freemasonic Crusade against God, religion and
against both Christians and Muslims by pitting the Christians
the Muslims globally and by promising fanatical Jews
Communists, Socialists, Marxists, perverts, reformed or
non religious
Jews, and a few extremists) to rebuild their Temple
of Solomon, which
in truth is the Solomon Knights Templar's
Freemasonic Temple of the
Qabbalah. The USA, France, and the
United Kingdom (Greater Israel)
are all Freemasonic
and Masons under the lawless UNO own and control the
Earth and all
its resources and human slave labour. They pollute
the habitat and
pervert the species at will and create diseases for
profits: AIDS,
vaccines, etc. while our greatest experts are bogged
down in media
and Freemasonic State propaganda as an addiction
or entertainment
even though it cost many of them their lives, jobs,
freedom, personal
and family happiness! It happened to me; so I
know what I am talking
about! Muslims have fallen into the same
trap and are preaching
false religions, and worshipping false Gods
while their own are being
imprisoned, gassed, nuked, raped,
murdered, tortured, persecuted,
terrorised, enslaved, lethally
vaccinated, poisoned, and destroyed by
all kinds of abominations!
But, WE will never learn, we cannot, when we have military might
and Satan against us!
6th of August 2016
Far from trying to take credit for your hard work, you keep
amazing me by your deep and truthful insight in world matters, and
especially concerning Adolf Hitler. Despite all the evil that has
been written about him he remains in my view the greatest leader
Europe has ever had in modern times. And I found that amongst
the people who hate him by ignorance most are the most evil
characters I have ever known or read about!
Thanks again.
Kissinger' / April 20, 2010
How I allowed God to fool me!
Thursday, 30 July 2015
LGBT EXPOSED - Hard-Hitting, Major
Russian TV Film (SODOM) HD Eng Dub
Far from trying to take credit for your hard work, you keep
amazing me by your deep and truthful insight in world matters, and
especially concerning Adolf Hitler. Despite all the evil that has
been written about him he remains in my view the greatest leader
Europe has ever had in modern times. And I found that amongst
the people who hate him by ignorance most are the most evil
characters I have ever known or read about!
Thanks again.
Benjamin's influence was immense.
Why has he been all
but erased from history?
By Mike
P. Benjamin was known as "the
brains of the
Confederacy," its "court Jew," "the statesman of the Lost
Cause," and even "the Confederate Kissinger. As,
successively, Attorney General, Secretary of War and
Secretary of State in the Confederate Cabinet, he was
President Jefferson Davis' closest and most trusted
- The New Orleans Times Picayunne / 'The Confederate Confederacy," its "court Jew," "the statesman of the Lost
Cause," and even "the Confederate Kissinger. As,
successively, Attorney General, Secretary of War and
Secretary of State in the Confederate Cabinet, he was
President Jefferson Davis' closest and most trusted
Kissinger' / April 20, 2010
we think of the Confederacy, the big names that
automatically come to mind are the three legends carved into the
side of Georgia's Stone Mountain: President Jefferson Davis,
General Robert E. Lee and General Stonewall Jackson. Significant
figures for sure, but in the grander power-scheme of things, these
men, including President Davis himself, were outranked by Judah
P. Benjamin. The fact that Benjamin's name is so relatively
unknown is, ironically, testament to the awesome "behind-
the-scenes" power that he wielded. Unfortunately for the South
(and the North), Benjamin's influence served neither of the
Americas. His loyalties lay elsewhere - in Rothschild's London!
automatically come to mind are the three legends carved into the
side of Georgia's Stone Mountain: President Jefferson Davis,
General Robert E. Lee and General Stonewall Jackson. Significant
figures for sure, but in the grander power-scheme of things, these
men, including President Davis himself, were outranked by Judah
P. Benjamin. The fact that Benjamin's name is so relatively
unknown is, ironically, testament to the awesome "behind-
the-scenes" power that he wielded. Unfortunately for the South
(and the North), Benjamin's influence served neither of the
Americas. His loyalties lay elsewhere - in Rothschild's London!
Benjamin's image never made it to Stone Mountain, but his 'mug-shot'
did appear on Confederate currency and bonds!
Before and during the War Between the States, there is Jewish influence supporting both the
cause of Northern Unionism and Southern Secession. Louisiana Senator John Slidell
is not Jewish (at least not outwardly), but his family ties to elite European Jewry runs deep. Slidell’s daughter
is engaged to Baron Frederic Erlanger, a French Jewish financier based in Paris. Erlanger helps to fund the
Confederacy, gouging the South with usurious interest rates and fees too! (here)
Erlanger's financing of the South, as confirmed even by
today’s New York Times , is directly linked to the House of Rothschild.
(here) Pappa-in-Law Slidell would later serve the Confederate States government as foreign diplomat
to Great Britain and French Emperor Napoleon III.
Now the niece of the influential Senator is married to northern financier
August Belmont (Schönberg)- Rothschild’s Jewish boy and Democrat boss supporting the
Northern cause, at least at first. After the war, “Confederate”
Slidell will make his “Unionist” nephew-in-law Belmont his political protégé.
Also hooked up with Senator Slidell in this tangled North-South-Rothschild knot of financial-political intrigue
is fellow Louisiana Senator Judah Benjamin,
the Jewish big-shot who goes on to become the Confederacy’s
Attorney General, then Secretary of War, and then Secretary of
State. Through the shadowy fog of 150 years of elapsed
history, we can now discern a pattern of divide & conquer,
balance of power conspiratorial actions being played upon
both sides - and with tragic consequences.

Senator Slidell – His Jewish Son-in-Law Erlanger – His Jewish Northern Nephew-in-Law
Belmont, and Jewish fellow Senator Benjamin form an incestuous North-South connection with direct links to
the House of Rothschild.
If the South is to have any chance of gaining independence, it will have to win early,
before the more industrialized and populated North can outlast them. The first battle of the war at Bull Run (Manassas,
Virginia) is therefore critical. To make a long story short, the rebels force a Union retreat that soon turns into a
full rout. The Battle of Bull Run will soon be referred to by some as “The Battle of Yankee Run".
Union Capital, Washington DC, is just miles away and now essentially
undefended. It is the South’s for the taking. The capture of DC
and other parts north would have delivered a huge psychological
blow to the North. Because many northerners aren’t in favor of
the war anyway; the capture of DC might very well have
ended the war that same year. But instead of finishing the job,
someone has decided to spare the Capital - a decision that
inflames the Southern press and leads to bitter
The ‘fall-guy’ for this blunder will be War Secretary Leroy Walker.
in reality, it is the ex-war hero, ex-War Secretary and current
Confederate President Jefferson Davis who calls the shots,
not the young Walker. But it is also known that Davis relies
heavily on the advice from the man whose intelligence and gift-of-gab
he is awed by – Jewish Attorney General and former Louisiana
Senator Judah Benjamin, referred to by critics as, “Davis’s pet Jew”. (here)
Was it Judah Benjamin, the man so admired by Solomon de Rothschild, (here)
who may have whispered poison in Davis’s ear, telling him not to take
DC and thus blowing the chance to win the game
early for the South? And after Walker has been made the
scapegoat and fired; who replaces him as War Secretary? None other
than Judah Benjamin!

1 & 2 - After Bull Run turned into a rout, Washington DC –
just 30 miles away – could have been captured. Whose idea was it to halt? That of Davis -- or his
trusted "adviser" Benjamin?
- Engraved portraits (from 1861) of the South's chieftains
depict Judah Benjamin at the very top (!) with Jefferson Davis
in a bigger circle but down lower. Sleazy Slidell with the
Rothschild agents for in-laws is to the left of Davis.
the new War Secretary Benjamin's subsequent 1861 interference with the Generals, - acts so controversial that
they would force a Congressional investigation - and his bizarre refusal to supply them as requested have been a
ploy designed to prolong the war until Rothschild could bury both sides in debt, before sending the Family's British
and French hit-men to divvy up' America into two spheres?
historians will later
claim that Benjamin's stubborn defiance of the Generals was due
to a lack of supplies in the South. But given how early it
was in the war, the claim that supplies were low seems like a
cover story. If "lack of supplies" had been the
cause of Benjamin's decisions, Generals Stonewall Jackson and
P. G. T. Beauregard would not have had reason to dislike Benjamin
as they did.
Such a delaying scenario would fit perfectly with a Rothschild plan to have
a long war, one in which both sides could be indebted and weakened before the British & French can arrive.

Jackson, Beauregard and Wise all hated Judah Benjamin.
in mind, let’ take a closer look at the shady Mr. Benjamin. Outwardly, the esteemed Jefferson
Davis is the ‘top dog’ of the South – the President of
the Confederate States of America.
But behind the scenes, Judah Benjamin, with his European
connections, 'gift of gab' and impressive intellect is, in the grand
scheme of things, more powerful than Davis. What the banking
agent Alexander Hamilton had been to George Washington, the trusted
Benjamin is to Davis, and then some. Like Hamilton, Benjamin was also born a British subject (West Indies).
There is simply no exaggerating the influence of Judah Benjamin.
Biographer Eli Evans wrote that Benjamin:
"...achieved greater political power than any other Jew in the nineteenth century
— perhaps even in all American history."
Historian Charles Curran, in a 1967 issue of ‘History Today" wrote:
"Judah Philip Benjamin must
be bracketed with Disraeli, who was his contemporary,
as the ablest Jewish politician ever born under the British
flag. But his career outdid Disraeli’s in audacity. Benjamin
lived three lives in one."
is a plantation owner,
slave-owner and originally a Senator from Louisiana - as was
the aforementioned and equally European-connected John Slidell.
Although he has no military experience, Benjamin is named the South’s Secretary of War in 1861, after
having served as Attorney General for several months. Many in the South will come to loath and mistrust Benjamin. The
great General Jackson once threatened to resign over conflicts with Benjamin (here) - who was commonly referred to in the South as “Mr.
Davis’s pet Jew". (here)
But certain people in Europe had a much higher opinion
of Benjamin. In 1861, Salomon de Rothschild - grandson of dynasty founder Mayer Amschel Rothschild
- during a visit to Louisiana describes Benjamin as: “the greatest mind in North America” (here) That pretty much tells us all we need to know about the “southern rebel” Judah Benjamin!
the fall of 1859, de Rothschild, the son of Baron James de
Rothschild of Paris, had come to the United States as a
tourist. His travels in the North and South are recorded in a series
of letters to his cousin Nathaniel in London.
met with prominent politicians (surely with Benjamin!) and commented on the issues of the day. His views were
"pro-Confederate" and his letters urged cousin Nathan to use the family's influence to gain the recognition of the
Confederacy by the European powers.
Rothschilds for Dixie? - Sing it! - "Oh I wish
I were in the land of Matzo..."
Solomon Rothschild (l) urged Nathan Rothschild (who resembles Judah Benjamin) to support the South.
EXCERPT: "The European states should indeed intercede in order to avoid bloodshed which would be useless
and very detrimental to their commerce.....
is astonishing here, or rather, what is not astonishing, is the high
position occupied
by our co-religionists, or rather by those who were born into
the faith and who, having married Christian women, and without
converting, have forgotten the practices of their fathers.
Judah P. Benjamin, the Attorney General of the Confederate States, is
perhaps the greatest mind on this continent. H.M. Hyams, the lieutenant governor of Louisiana, Moyse, the
Secretary of the Interior, etc. And what is odd, all these men have a Jewish heart and take an interest in me,
because I represent the greatest Jewish house in the world." (here)
1862, Benjamin, under
intense Congressional pressure, is forced to resign as War
Secretary. Jefferson Davis then appoints his beleaguered adviser
as the South’s Secretary of State! In this position, Benjamin
will work with Slidell and Slidell’s French Jewish
son-in-Law Erlanger to secure not just financing from the
Rothschild syndicate, but also to induce the direct involvement
of Rothschild’s Britain & France into the war, on the side
of the South.
A joint British & French entry into the war would have tipped the scales in favor of the South,
and ultimately led to two American nations, both under foreign influence. Lincoln and his Secretary of State, William
Seward block Judah Benjamin's scheme by turning to Russia for help.
a clear message to his old Rothschild-funded foes from the Crimean War,
Czar Alexander II stations
the better part of his Pacific fleet in San Francisco, and a
portion of his western fleet in New York. The British & French
instigators of the Crimean War get the message and are forced
to back off. Judah Benjamin and the Rothschild financiers are
thus thwarted. Together, Alex and Abe have defied the London Bankers and will both pay a heavy price
for it.
After the war, in recognition of, or payback
for, Russia’s help in keeping Britain & France out of the war; Seward will arrange for the purchase of Alaska
from Russia after the war – an act dismissed at the time as “Seward’s Folly”. But now we know the
reason for the “folly".
The presence of Russian fleets in San Francisco and New York
kept Judah Benjamin's British and French attack dogs at bay.
2- Seward's Folly was Union payback to Russia.
On 16, October 1864 on page 2, The Chicago Tribune reported,
is perhaps
somewhat flattering to our national pride to know that
the Rothschilds, who hold up every despotism in Europe, have
concluded that it would be cheaper to buy up one of
our political parties (Democrats), and in that way secure the
dissolution of the Union, than to have their agents in
England and France interfere and fight us.
Irishmen and Germans
have a something, which for brevity we will all a
'crop,' and this fact sticks in their crop, that the oppressors
of Ireland and Germany, the money kings of Europe, not
daring to carry out their first pet project of breaking down
this Government by the armed intervention, of England
and France.
Belmont state over his own signature, if he can that he and
Rothschilds have not, directly
or indirectly, in their own name, or in that of
others, operated in Confederate stocks during this rebellion. Until
he can face the music in that style it matters little
what tune any of the Copperhead penny whistles may be authorized
to blow, as they are very seldom authorized to state
anything that is true."

Slidell – Erlanger – Belmont – Benjamin
In the closing days of the American Civil War, a massive conspiracy to decapitate
the U.S. government results in the assassination of President Lincoln by an actor with ties to secret societies. John
Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln in the back of the head as Lincoln and his wife watch a play at Ford’s Theatre.
Booth escapes.
On the same night of Lincoln’s murder, Lewis Powell, an associate
of Booth, attacks Secretary of State William Seward
in his home. Seward is stabbed in the face and neck before
other men in the house subdue Powell. Seward’s wife Frances
dies two months later from stress caused by seeing her husband
nearly killed.
Vice President Johnson and General Ulysses
S Grant were also to have been killed. The “conspiracy theorists” of the day point the finger at Judah
Benjamin, (here) who burns the official papers of the Confederate Secret Service right about this time. (here) Thanks to Bennie the Burner, the full story of Confederate clandestine services, and
most likely the Lincoln assassination, may never be known.

1 & 2: Abe and Alex both paid with
their lives for defying the Rothschilds. Judah Benjamin was suspected of engineering the Lincoln assassination.
3 - "Extremes
Meet" - British Press mocks Abe and Alexander's cooperation.
alliance with the Rothschild family's most hated enemy, Russia,
and his printing of interest-free 'Greenbacks" to finance
the war were big "no-no's" that got him killed. John Fazio's
'Decapitating the Union' supports the belief of many
during that time that Judah Benjamin was the mastermind of the
the south collapses, Benjamin
stays in the home of a Jewish merchant in South Carolina while
final surrender negotiations drag on. Here, Benjamin abandons
President Davis's plan to fight on, telling him that the cause
is hopeless. When negotiations fail, Benjamin remains
part of the group around Davis that moves on with the
At one point, Benjamin (under suspicion for involvement in Lincoln’s assassination)
tells Davis that he needs to separate from the Presidential
party temporarily, and go to the Bahamas to be able to send instructions
to foreign agents. He reassures Davis that he will rejoin him
in Texas. According to historian William C. Davis, "the
pragmatic Secretary of State almost certainly never had any intention of returning to the South once gone".
When he bades
Postmaster Reagan goodbye, the Postmaster asks where Benjamin is going. Benjamin replies: "To the farthest place from the United States, if it takes me to the middle of China." (here)
Confederate leaders, including the trusting fool Jefferson
Davis, are being jailed and abused, Benjamin arrives in London
before traveling to Paris - where his wife and daughter had
been sent to live years before the war had even started.
Benjamin then moves back to England and will enjoy a very
profitable career and “second life” as an attorney,
until his death in 1884. Congressman John Wise, son of
Confederate General and Virginia Governor Henry Wise, wrote a highly
popular book about the South in the Civil War in 1899, The End of an Era. In it, he stated:
had more brains and less heart than any other civic
leader in the South ... The Confederacy and its collapse were
no more to Judah P. Benjamin than last year's bird's nest."
Unfortunately for
historians, and fortunately for the Rothschilds, Benjamin, exactly as
he had done with papers pertaining to the Confederacy’s secret
services in 1865, also burned his personal papers shortly
before his death in 1884.

1 & 2 - John Wise's ‘End of an Era’
expresses the true Southern feeling toward the fleeing scoundrel Judah Benjamin, to whom the South was like "last
year's bird's nest."
3 - After abandoning his Confederate colleagues and the people of the South, Benjamin the "British"
Barrister went on to enjoy a hugely successful 2nd career in Rothschild’s London -- where he was a contemporary of Karl
Marx and Benjamin Disraeli.
Now that you know the story of "The Confederate Kissinger"; the reason his name
is so little known should no longer be a mystery.
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"Sooner will a camel pass
through a needle's eye than a great man be 'discovered' by an election."
- Adolf Hitler
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By Adolf Hitler

Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which
without it would not be thinkable. It provides
this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread. In its
most extreme form, parliamentarianism created a
'monstrosity of excrement and fire,' in which, however, sad to say,
the 'fire' seems to me at the moment to be burned
out. . . .

Democracy breeds Marxism
me most food for thought was the obvious absence
of any responsibility in a single person. The parliament arrives at
some decision whose consequences may be ever so
ruinous - nobody bears any responsibility for this, no one can be
taken to account. For can it be called an
acceptance of responsibility if, after an unparalleled catastrophe, the
government resigns? Or if the coalition changes,
or even if parliament is itself dissolved?
a fluctuating majority of people
ever be made responsible in any case? Isn't the
very idea of responsibility bound up with the individual? But can an
individual directing a government be made
practically responsible for actions whose preparation and execution must
set exclusively to the account of the will and
inclination of a multitude of men?
will not the task of a leading statesman
be seen, not in the birth of a creative idea or
plan as such, but rather in the art of making the brilliance of his
intelligible to a herd of sheep and blockheads, and
subsequently begging for their kind approval?
Is it the criterion of the
statesman that he should possess the art of persuasion in as high degree
as that of political intelligence in formulating
great policies or decisions? Is the incapacity of a leader shown by the
that he does not succeed in winning for a certain
idea the majority of a mob thrown together by more or less savory
Indeed, has this mob ever understood an idea before success proclaimed its greatness?
Isn't every deed of genius in
this world a visible protest of genius against the inertia of the mass?
And what should the statesman do, who does not succeed
in gaining the favor of this mob for his plans by flattery?
Should he buy it?
in view of the stupidity of his fellow citizens,
should he renounce the execution of the tasks which
he has recognized to be vital necessities? Should he resign or should
he remain at his post?
In such a case, doesn't a man of true character find himself in a hopeless conflict between knowledge
and decency, or rather honest conviction?
Where is the dividing line between his duty toward the general public and his duty toward
his personal honor?
Mustn't every true leader refuse to be thus degraded to the level of a political gangster?

Political gangsters:
Clinton and Zionist Senators Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Levin
And, conversely, mustn't every gangster feel that he is cut out for
politics, since it is never he, but some intangible mob, which has to bear the ultimate responsibility?
Mustn't the principle of parliamentary
majorities lead to the demolition of any idea of leadership?
Does anyone believe that the progress of this world springs from
the mind of majorities and not from the brains of individuals?
Or does anyone expect that the future will be able to dispense with
this premise of human culture?
Does it not, on the contrary, today seem more indispensable than ever?
rejecting the authority of the individual
and replacing it by the numbers of some momentary
mob, the parliamentary principle of majority rule sins against the basic
aristocratic principle of Nature, though it must be
said that this view is not necessarily embodied in the present-day
of our upper ten thousand.
The devastation caused by this institution of modern parliamentary rule is hard for the reader of Jewish
newspapers to imagine, unless he has learned to think and examine independently. It
is, first and foremost, the cause
of the incredible inundation of all political life
with the most inferior, and I mean the most inferior, characters of our
Best American "democracy" has to offer? The 5 living Presidents are all fools and criminals.
as the true leader will withdraw
from all political activity which does not consist
primarily in creative achievement and work, but in bargaining and
for the favor of the majority, in the same measure
this activity will suit the small mind and consequently attract it.
more dwarfish one of these present-day
leather merchants is in spirit and ability, the
more clearly his own insight makes him aware of the lamentable figure he
cuts - that much more will he sing the praises of a
system which does not demand of him the power and genius of a giant,
is satisfied with the craftiness of a village
mayor, preferring in fact this kind of wisdom to that of a Pericles.
this kind doesn't have to torment himself with responsibility
for his actions. He is entirely removed from such
worry, for he well knows that, regardless what the result of his
bungling may be, his end has long been written in
the stars: one day he will have to cede his place to another equally
mind, for it is one of the characteristics of this
decadent system that the number of 'great statesmen' increases in
as the stature of the individual decreases. With
increasing dependence on parliamentary majorities it will inevitably
to shrink, since on the one hand great
minds will refuse to be the stooges of idiotic incompetents and
and on the other, conversely, the representatives
of the majority, hence of stupidity, hate nothing more passionately than
a superior mind.
For such an assembly of wise
men of Gotham, it is always a consolation to know that they are headed
a leader whose intelligence is at the level of
those present: this will give each one the pleasure of shining from time
time-and, above all, if Tom can be master, what is
to prevent Dick and Harry from having their turn too?

in action: untalented clowns doing their clown act.
invention of democracy is most intimately related to a quality
which in recent times has grown to be a real
disgrace, to wit, the cowardice of a great part of our so-called
What luck to be able to hide behind the skirts of a so-called majority in all decisions of any real importance!
a look at one
of these political bandits. How anxiously he begs
the approval of the majority for every measure, to assure himself of the
necessary accomplices, so he can unload the
responsibility at any time. And this is one of the main reasons
why this
type of political activity is always repulsive and
hateful to any man who is decent at heart and hence courageous, while it
attracts all low characters-and anyone who is
unwilling to take personal responsibility for his acts, but seeks a
is a cowardly scoundrel. When the leaders
of a nation consist of such vile creatures, the results will soon be
Such a nation will be unable to muster the courage
for any determined act; it will prefer to accept any dishonor, even the
most shameful, rather than rise to a decision; for
there is no one who is prepared of his own accord to pledge his person
and his head for the execution of a dauntless
For there is one thing which we must never forget: in this, too, the majority can never
replace the man. It is not only a representative of stupidity, but of cowardice as well. And no more than a
hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards.
Cowards and weaklings
too afraid to
oppose the Marxists, so they join them.