Reynouard Vincent
At College and in Academia, we are always reminded to REVISE WELL before we attend test/examination sessions, but today ZIONIST AND LUCIFERIAN (ROTHSCHILD) JOOZ have occupied Academia, and made it a crime to revise Economics, History, and Science when it will show ZIONISTS and COMMUNISTS behind all wars and world calamities they have engineered themselves.
My Sorbonne teacher of Macro-Economics Mr. Marzellier a "former" Banker, confirmed my findings to me face to face and I had to leave his lectures in 1981.
Le calvaire vécu par les militants révisionnistes (et leurs familles)- CALVARY OF MILITANT REVISIONISTS (AND THEIR FAMILIES). [BAFS]
Published on 21 Jul 2016
Dans cet édito, Vincent Reynouard explique pourquoi il ne répond plus aux contradicteurs et autres insulteurs. Après avoir expliqué son calvaire, celui du professeur Faurisson et, surtout, celui de Jean-Louis Berger (ce professeur révisionniste odieusement persécuté et mort en 2007 d'un cancer), après avoir mentionné le destin de leurs épouses et donné la parole à la veuve de JL Berger, Vincent Reynouard explique pourquoi il craint soit une extradition, soit une agression. Dès lors, il ne souhaite plus perdre de son temps à répondre à ses éternels contradicteurs. Il souhaite au contraire ouvrir tous les dossiers qu'ils a constitués en vingt ans de recherches afin d'en faire profiter le public. Dans cette vidéo, il donne un échantillon des sujets qu'il veut encore traiter...
- News & Politics
- FRÉMAUX SOORMALLY1 second ago - 22 juillet 2016Mon cher Vincent je suis de tout coeur avec vous ainsi qu'avec ceux et celles qui vous aiment sincèrement et courageusement. Cependant, je suis triste de constater que vous avez encore la fois en CE "Tout-Puissant" qui n'existe pas en dehors de notre imagination, mais, uniquement dans nos coeurs et comportements. Je sais que vous aimez le Christ, mais, n'en faites pas trop car lui, comme vous, fut un vrai combattant, selon les récits que des auteurs anonymes nous ont faits. Les récits de ses propres frères ainsi que d'autres, notamment celui de Marie Madeleine, furent interdits par Rome quand ce dernier pris en otage le "Christianisme" catholique romain et apostolique en le falsifiant.C'est un grand témoignage que vous nous faites, mais ne comptez pas sur le grand public pour vous venir en aide car la quasi totalité des gens sont terrorisés par le pouvoir fascistes en place et ses institutions pourries à la solde des Juifs, des Francs-mâcons et autres! IL EST CERTAIN QUE CE DIEU-LÀ NE VOUS VIENDRA JAMAIS EN AIDE, ET, NI LES MASSES POPULAIRES D'AILLEURS! Ce monde est archi pourri et tout ne fait que s'empirer! mais, je sais aussi que vous avez aussi un très grand courage et une grande ténacité.Si un nombre suffisant de citoyennes et de citoyens ne font rien pour faire bouger et changer les choses, le monde entier est fichu!Fraternellement vôtreBasheer
Montage Vidéo - Les Mystères de la Shoah (nanas)
Published on 16 Oct 2015
Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Park by Prof. Tony Hall
Authoritarian Jasper Violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom by Attempting to Silence Monika Schaefer’s Violin in Canada’s Jasper National Parkby Prof. Tony HallTo Dave Baker,
I am dumbfounded by the decision you delivered on behalf of some unnamed authority. To Ms. Monika Schaefer you write, “We have considered your application for a busking permit in Jasper. In light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.”
Please clarify who is included in this “we” on whose behalf you claim to speak? Who takes responsibility for the decision to violate core provision of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the community of Canada’s Jasper National Park?
This unilateral decision extends the so-far-unaccountable decision of those in Jasper’s Canada Day Committee to silence Monika Schaefer’s violin playing last July 1st. Because some Jasperites apparently threatened to disrupt the event, presumably in response to Ms. Schaefer’s peaceful video expression, the precedent was set that Jasper is a place of censorship where freedom of expression and conscience can be subordinated when threats of violence arise.
Now comes this gross violation of fundamental principles of Canadian decency, not to mention the rule of law, as dictated by whatever authority it is on whose behalf you, Dave Baker, claim to be acting in handing down this truly reprehensible arbitration.
Canadians should know that because of the treatment by officialdom of Monika Schaefer, a very active and contributing 35-year citizen of the community you share with her, Jasper should not be considered a safe place suitable for hosting international visitors. From what I have been learning, Jasper seems to be a place where intolerance and arbitrary measures go forward founded on nothing more than the political opinion of unaccountable decision makers.
So far Monika has been dis-invited from her invited Canada Day performance. She has, as reported in The Fitzhugh, been banned from the Jasper Legion No. 31 seemingly on the unilateral say so of Ken Kuzminki. She has been refused by The Fitzhugh newspaper a right of a full response. Her censored full response to the original smear piece against her was considerably shorter than Paul Clarke’s report. Now you and those unnamed individuals for whom you claim to speak have decided to discriminate against Ms. Schaefer because of her beliefs. Characterizing her opinion as “non-inclusive” you have determined she is ineligible for a busking permits to play music in the Jasper town centre.
Your decision is exclusionary as well as discriminatory. The actions taken by you and others are thought to be “justified” on the basis of personal opinions about her video, a 6 minute item that some dislike and many more like. At last count of the 70,000 or so views, over 1400 individuals registered a “like” of the video while almost 600 voted thumbs down.
Given the way Jasper authorities are dealing with this controversy so far, should those that express “like” for the video be banned from Jasper National Park? Should entry into Jasper National Park be conditional on expressing dislike with Ms. Schaefer’s “Sorry Mom” video? Should entrants to the park have to go through screening for political correctness? Should all existing residents be subjected to a thought test like that to which Ms. Schaefer is currently being subjected?
Will the next step be to require Ms. Schaefer to wear some marker, say with a Germany-related symbol, to announce to visitors that she is the punished Jasper citizen whose ideas are so verboten that her violin playing in the streets of Jasper has been prohibited? Will all applicants for a busking permit be subjected to Internet checks to make sure everything they have published is consistent the Values and Principles Statement emanating from the Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts? To do any less would be discriminatory.
I await your indication of who is behind the decision to ban Monika’s beautiful violin playing from the streets of Jasper because she dared speak her mind on a controversial issue that should be treated with nuanced responses rather than with the authoritarian approach that you express in your terse statement to her. How many benefit events in Jasper have been graced by Monika’s legendary violin playing, now transformed into a political football to be thrown around for self-interested political advantage by Jasper’s self-appointed arbiters of community values and tastes.
Yours Sincerely,
Tony Hall
Professor of Liberal Education and Globalization Studies
University of Lethbridge
——————————————From: Dave Baker <>Filed Under: AB Bigot, B'nai Brith, B'nai Brith Canada, B'nai Brith Canada - Internet Censors, B'nai Brith International, Canada's Hate Propaganda Laws, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA), Canadian Criminal Code, Canadian Identity/Sovereignty, Canadian Jewish Lobby Groups, Editor's Zone, Edmonton Jewish Federation, Elizabeth May Federal Green Party Leader, Free Speech on the Internet, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Expresssion in Canada, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, Germanophobia, Germany, Germany Must Perish!, Hate Crime laws, Hate laws, Hate Speech laws, Holocaust denial, Holocaust Lie, Holocaustianity, HOLODOMOR, Jasper, Jasper Community Habitat for the Arts, Jasper fitzHUGH, Jasper National Park, Jewish Lobby groups in Canada, Jewish Media Monopoly, Monika Schaefer, Monika Schaefer - 911 Truth Revealer, Monika Schaefer – Holocaust Buster, Prof. Anthony Hall, Sec. 2b Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Sec. 319(2) CC "Willful Promotion of Hatred", Sec. 319(2) Criminal Code of Canada
She (MONIKA SHAEFER) apologized to her mom on youtube – and was thrown in maximum security prison
Editor’s note: As someone who lives in Germany part of the year, I recognize Germany as an occupied nation with a population lulled, for the most part, into a mental stupor. I remember returning from a restaurant in Koblenz, some hours drive from my home. The hour was 3AM. I was heading to the car-park near the train station, looking for my Alpha Romeo (159 Gordini, diesel). At the light were a number of German’s waiting to cross a road with no traffic. There were no cars on any of the streets. Carol and I walked across and those who waited, watched us, looked at each other, and then scurried across the road giggling. This is a slave population.I can’t legally talk about the holocaust and many other subjects in Germany. There is no freedom there of any kind. Suggest some find Patton’s diaries, unedited if possible, good story there. Here is what I can state as “Jewish certified fact” from the Jewish Virtual Library:In 1940 when the “holocaust” began, there were 4.3 million Jews in territories occupied by Germany, including Germany itself. I am assured that 6 million of these were killed. At the end of the war, according to the same source, 3.8 million survivors remained who mostly immigrated to Israel or the United States, Canada, Britain or other countries.I have never taken a math class past normal business school graduate level statistics or advanced calculus so I am not qualified to comment. I just accept what I am told and remain silent. I did take children, on two occasions, to visit Dachau and went to Auschwitz over Christmas 2009.I don’t worship Germany or the Germany people as anything other than kind and reliable, and perhaps a bit grumpy but not compared to the Scots. I have a family with both Jews and Germans. The Jews are funnier for the most part.If one child was sent to a camp, I consider that a war crime. It is time we took a broader look at every nation, particularly since the end of World War II, and those of age for trial and execution, that have participated in war crimes, be subjected to the Nuremberg process, with some improvements.I would start with Canada and their unimaginable crimes against their native populations and I would never stop until all had paid for their crimes. I would take a very long look at anyone who has ever accused someone else of “anti-semitism” when looking for war criminals. However, justice has to be a concept free of prejudice except, of course, against the guilty. First we look at ourselves.gViolinist and political activist Monika Schaefer has been arrested in Munich, Germany, and transferred to a maximum security prison. Her crime? Apologizing to her mother. (Watch her apology in the above video, which apparently has been declared illegal in Germany.)
Since when is it illegal to apologize to mom? Since Bnai Brith took over the world, apparently. The self-described “Jewish Freemasonic organization” is being credited with arm-twisting the German government to arrest Schaefer: “B’nai Brith had filed complaints against Schaefer with German officials because of her antisemitic incitement.”
Monika’s brother Alfred Schaefer sent out the following report:
Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018 in the very heart of “Holocaust country” while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz. This “trial” was for illegal words that Sylvia Stolz had spoken at the “Anti Censorship Coalition” (AZK) in Switzerland in 2012. The twisting nonsensical accusations of the inquisition was beyond bizarre. What the snake that calls itself the “State Prosecutor” did, will be something that will amuse future generations when studying the “witch” trials of 2018.
45 minutes into the inquisition the “State Prosecutor” snake called for a surprise break, which was then used to arrest my courageous sister Monika. The only thing Monika did was watch quietly as the inquisition was dealing with Sylvia Stolz. These people have us under close observation and figured it was a good opportunity to demonstrate their “power”, and intimidate us.
Another snake masquerading as a “State Prosecutor” accompanied by 3 heavily armed thugs handcuffed Monika and dragged her away. When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the “State Prosecutor” snake told her, “if you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Canada”. (Welcome to Holocaust country)
Now they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there indefinitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother. The title of the video was “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust“.
What has angered the Jews is the fact that this one little video has undone hundreds of millions of dollars worth of their psychological warfare that most of us had become victims of. They thought that their ridiculous “Holocaust” program was now firmly wired into our brains, and then, along comes Monika and blows it out of the water with a simple apology to her Mom. That really surprised them.
This is happening at the same time that our borders are open and millions of young men from Africa and Asia are flooding into our European countries with a free pass to do whatever they want. This is something that the Jews had planned for the European countries for a very long time. In the end our cities are supposed to turn into Lagos or Calcutta type slums that can no longer resist Jewish hegemony.
-Alfred Schaefer
Obligatory disclaimer: I do not share all or even most of Alfred or Monika Schaefer’s views. But I find Monika’s apology to her mother moving and sincere. It is an honest expression of the position Monika arrived at after extensively researching a subject that most people are afraid to look into. Monika deserves a medal for courage and an Oscar for “best heretical youtube polemic” (or at least “best musical score.”) She does not deserve maximum security prison.
When Bnai Brith conspires to get people like Monika Schaefer and Sylvia Stolz thrown in prison for expressing their views (or in the case of Stolz, for acting as an attorney for someone who expresses controversial views) they give credibility to their victims. Though I strongly disagree with a lot of the stuff Alfred Schaefer sends me, the horrific persecutions that he and his sister Monika have endured for speaking their minds have elevated them to heroic status in my estimation and in the estimation of more and more people – presumably including most of the 150,000 who have viewed “Sorry Mom I Was Wrong About the Holocaust.”
John Cobb, one of the world’s leading Christian theologians, writes in his blurb for the brand-new book From Yahweh to Zion: “In my view, through their role in this censorship (of inquiry into topics related to Jewish power -KB) Jews are paving the way for the rise of anti-Jewish feeling and perhaps much worse.”
Is Bnai Brith actually trying to create the very anti-Jewish sentiment it pretends to fight? Is that why it brutally crushes free speech at every opportunity? Will Bnai Brith portray the outrage that greets their persecution of people like Monika Schaefer as “anti-Semitism” and use it to terrorize Jews into donating large sums of money? If that is their game, it is a dangerous, destructive, and immoral one.
Where to write:
The Honourable Stéphane Dion
Ambassador to Germany and Special Envoy to the European Union and EuropeThe Honourable Stéphane Dion
Ambassador to GermanyCanadian Embassy, Berlin, Germany- Leipziger Platz 17
10117 Berlin
- (+49) (30) 20 312 0
- (+49) (30) 20 312 590
- Marie Gervais-Vidricaire, Ambassador
Also please write to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-5234
Fax: 613-996-9607And let’s not forget Germany’s Ambassador to Canada Mr Werner Wnendt.-
- 1 Waverley Street
Ontario K2P OT8
P.O. Box 379, Postal Station “A”
Ottawa, ON K1N 8V4
- (+1) (613) 232 11 01
- (+1) (613) 594 93 30
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of CanadaCentre Block
Suite 449S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6Contact the Consular Section, BerlinAddress, Telephone, Fax, EmailConsular Services Section
Embassy of Canada
Leipziger Platz 17
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 030-2031-2470
Fax: 030-2031-2457
E-mail: brlin-cs@international.gc.caEmergency Services – After Office Hours (for Canadian citizens only)If you require emergency assistance, you may access our 24 hour/7 day Operations Centre in Ottawa, Canada at no charge through the following methods:- calling the Embassy at 030-2031-2470
- calling collect (613) 996-8885/ (613) 944-1310 (TTY)
- email to
- fax to (613) 943-1054
In a number of countries, you can also call the 24/7 Operations Centre toll-free.Consulate of Canada, MunichServices offered at this office- Assistance to Canadians
- Services to help companies do business with Canada
- Services for Canadian companies
Address, telephone, fax, emailConsulate of Canada – Munich
Tal 29
80331 München, Germany
Tel.: (+49 89) 21 99 570
Fax: (+49 89) 21 99 57 57Email:munic@international.gc.caHours of operationConsular Section:
Monday to Friday: 9–12 hrs
Trade Section:
Monday to Thursday: 9–17 hrs
Friday: 9–15:30 hrsPolitical SectionAddressEmbassy of Canada
Political Section
Leipziger Platz 17D – 10117 Berlin
Tel: (+49 30) 20 31 2-0
Fax: (+49 30) 20 31 21 18E-Mail: brlingr@international.gc.caGeoff GartshoreCounsellor, Political AffairsEugenie Cormier-LassondeFirst Secretary, Political AffairsHeike Echterhölter
Political Affairs OfficerAgnes Kolodziej
Political Affairs OfficerMiriam Küller
Political Affairs OfficerSimon Roussy