By Mike King
JAPAN: 1904-05
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, 1904 to be precise, the U.S. branch of
the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Japan: "Fight Tsarist Russia for us. We will finance you big time and you'll get
you a chunk of Manchuria after the war."
Japan won the war and established control over much
of Manchuria (see maps above). But just 36 years later, the U.S. picked
a fight with Japan. The Japanese Empire would be
destroyed by the NWO, and Manchuria was handed over to Soviet control.
puppet Teddy
Roosevelt negotiated a Peace Treaty that favored
Japan over Russia. For financing Japan's war effort, anti-Russian NWO
Jacob Schiff was awarded Japan's Highest honor. Forty years later, Teddy's cousin, Franklin D
Roosevelt, and Schiff's fellow tribesmen destroyed their old Japanese "friend".
Once upon a time, 1907 to be precise, the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Tsarist Russia:
"Join the British-French in the Triple Entente
Alliance. When the coming Great War against Germany & Turkey is
settled, you'll get Constantinople (Istanbul) back
from the Ottoman Turks who conquered the great city of the
Orthodox Byzantine
Empire in 1453."
Leo Tolstoy
'smelled the rat' that turned out to be the
Constantinople bait! The great Russian novelist viewed the West's
with deep suspicion, noting with sarcasm that "people (the West) are without reason, suddenly
professing such spontaneous and exceptional love for Russia."
World War I proved devastating
for Russia. The NWO-funded Bolsheviks used the
disaster to bring an end to the Russian Empire and usher in a reign of
Terror. Britain and France refused to grant asylum
to their ally, the Tsar. The NWO Bolshevik-Communists then murdered
the Tsar and his entire family.
Entente 'Honey Trap' (Russia depicted as the maiden
holding the cross) got the Tsar and his entire family shot and
to death in a basement.
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, 1916 to be precise, the British NWO gang
made a sweet offer to the Arabs of the Ottoman Empire: "Rise up against the Ottoman government and you will be free
of centralized Turkish rule after we win The Great War (World War I)."
British operative, T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of
Arabia) worked with the Arabs who thought they were fighting for
After the war ended, Britain and France reduced the
Arabs to colonial status. Massive Jewish immigration was then permitted
to flow into Palestine - abetrayal that would
ultimately lead to 100 years of conflict and suffering for the
Palestinian Arabs.
The Arabs have suffered displacement
and death for the past 100 years. They had it better under the Turks!
POLAND: 1939
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, 1939 to be precise, the British &
French branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Poland: "Pick
a fight with Hitler's Germany.
We'll back you up and you can have a huge chunk of
German territory. The old Empire of Poland will be restored."
1: Glory days of old Polish imperialism
appealed to Poland's foolish leaders.
2: Adolf Hitler, Danzig Speech, 1939:
it became questionable
in Poland whether the Oder would be enough as a
boundary or whether Poland's natural boundary was not the Oder but the
Elbe. It was debated whether our armies would be
smashed before or behind Berlin.....I have often asked myself: Who can have so blinded Poland?" -
STAB-IN-THE-BACK: After provoking a German
invasion, Poland was left out to dry by the Allies. Not only did Britain & France do nothing
to help Poland fight
Germany, they later remained silent as the Soviet
Union invaded Poland from the East; murdering much of the leadership of
Poland's military.
1: 10,000 Polish Army officers were
executed by Stalin's NKVD at Katyn Forest.
2: 'I Saw Poland Betrayed" by US Ambassador to Poland, Arthur Bliss Lane.
CHINA: 1937 - 45
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, 1937 to be precise, the U.S. branch of
the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Nationalist China (Chiang Kai Shek). "You fight Japan and we will support
you. After the war, Manchuria will be Chinese and we will do
lots of business together."
there has been reestablished the National Government of
China, with which
Japan had effected neighborly intercourse and
cooperation, the regime which has survived in Chungking
(China), relying upon American and British protection, still continues its fratricidal opposition.
Eager for the realization of their inordinate
ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving
support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia."
- From Emperor Hirohitos' War Declaration, 12-8-1941
STAB-IN-THE-BACK: After World War II ended,
Manchuria was taken from Japan and placed under Stalin's control, not China's! Chiang Kai Shek was shocked by the
betrayal. From Manchuria, Stalin was able
to arm the Chinese Communist rebels under Mao Tse Tung. U.S. pressure on
Chiang Kai Shek would later undermine his ability
to suppress the Communist rebels. China finally fell to Mao's Reds in
Manchuria was then given to Communist China as Chiang Kai Shek and his Nationalist followers
fled for their lives, to the island of Taiwan.
trusted FDR and Churchill. FDR to Stalin: "Ha Ha
Ha. Chiang thinks he's getting Manchuria after the war! Ha Ha
IRAQ: 1980
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, the 1980's to be precise, the U.S. branch
of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to Iraq (Saddam Hussein): "You fight Iran and we'll
arm you. After the war, you can have control of Shatt al-Arab Waterway and we'll do lots of business together."
The mutually destructive 8 year war finally
ended in 1988. Two years later, the U.S. attacked
Iraq and imposed 13 years of brutal economic sanctions. In 2003, the
invaded Iraq, ruining the country and killing
Saddam Hussein.
1: The 'Shock & Awe' Bombing
of Baghdad, Iraq.
2: The U.S.
engineered execution of Saddam Hussein
THE KURDS: 1990-2003
THE HONEY: On several occasians, between 1990 - 2003 to be precise,
the U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet offer to the Kurds in Iraq: "Rise up against Saddam Hussein and we will
give you a State of your own after we have removed him from power."
War Criminal Sr.
and War
Criminal Jr. both set up the Kurds for betrayal
THE STAB-IN-THE-BACK: When the Kurds rose up during Gulf War I, the U.S. pulled the rug out from under them,
allowing the defeated Saddam to stay in power and crush the rebellion. During Gulf War II, the gullible Kurds were again
promised a State after the overthrow of Saddam,
this time by Bush the Younger. Again, the promise was broken.
Kurds; played for fools repeatedly - and proud of it!
Charlie Kurd will
always fall for the "statehood" trick.
LIBYA: 2003 - 2011
THE HONEY: Once upon a time, 2003 to be precise, the U.S. branch of the NWO gang made a sweet
offer to Libya: "Give up your Weapons of Mass Destruction and your nuclear program, ask Iran to do likewise, and
we'll establish good relations and business ties with Libya."
Qaddafi with Condoleeza Rice (2003)
and Obongo (2009)
After foolishly giving up Libya's best defenses,
Qaddafi's Libya was invaded by NATO jets, US Special Forces, and CIA
"rebels". The invaders attacked Qaddafi's convoy;
caputuring him, and then torturing and murdering him on film.
Libya remains in chaos.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laughs and jokes over news of Qaddafi's murder: "We came.
We saw. He died."
2014: A message to NWO puppets Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Vietnam,
Philippines, Japan, South Korea et al
No matter what 'goodies' the NWO gang of back-stabbers
promises you...
So-called Muslims like SADIQ KHAN (from the Khan Mafia!) are the greatest backstabbers of the Ummah ("Nation") of Muhammad!
Je vais perdre mon dernier travail...
To vincentreynouard@hotmail.fr
Apr 14 at 5:00 PM
Pour toute réponse, écrire à : vincentreynopuard@hotmail.fr
Chère Correspondante, Cher Correspondant,
La série (noire) continue: sauf miracle, je perdrai mon deuxième (et dernier) travail de professeur que j'avais en Angleterre. En septembre dernier, j'avais en effet été embauché par deux instituts de cours particuliers. En mars, l'un des deux m'a congédié brutalement (voir ma vidéo sur le sujet). Il me restait encore l'autre, avec lequel je travaillais davantage. En décembre, la patronne m'avait d'ailleurs confié que je "faisais" 60% de leur chiffre d'affaire. Les cours que je donnais avec lui me rapportaient environ 600-700 £ par mois (le coût de la vie en Angleterre fait qu'1 £ équivaut à 1 € en France).
Seulement voilà, les nouvelles se propageant au sein de la (petite) communauté française, ce que je craignais vient d'arriver : ma patronne a appris voilà quelques heures qui j'étais. Aussitôt, elle m'a téléphoné. Elle ne m'a pas encore congédié, ignorant ce qu'elle allait faire. Mais elle m'a franchement dit: "Votre personnalité risque de faire couler ma boîte..."; "Si vous étiez prof de mon gosse, je vous virerais...". Mais elle ne peut pas croire que le sympathique prof que je suis soit une "autre personne"; elle veut donc comprendre pourquoi je défends ces idées qui la "dégoûtent" et qui la "font vomir". "Cela me fait drôle de savoir que je parlais à quelqu'un d'autre", m'a-t-elle dit. je lui ai répondu qu'elle ne parlait pas à "quelqu'un d'autre", qu'il n'y avait qu'un seul Vincent Reynouard. J'ai ajouté que je mettais une barrière étanche entre ma vie de prof et ma vie de militant politique. Rien à faire: "C'est sur Internet, donc vous faites tout pour diffuser vos idées." _ "Oui, mais pas à mes élèves." _ "Oui mais ils peuvent l'apprendre et maintenant que trois instituts sont au courant, croyez bien que cela va faire le tour de Londres très rapidement..."
J'ai pu obtenir qu'on se rencontre, face-à-face, samedi soir après mes cours. Elle a accepté. Mais l'espoir est très, très mince. Car outre que mes "idées" la "font vomir", la peur du qu'en-dira-t-on est très forte.
Il est amusant (si l'on peut dire) de voir que dans ces moments, tous les nobles idéaux de liberté d'expression et liberté d'opinion s'effondrent en une fraction de seconde. Vous êtes un être abominable qui "prêche la haine" et, donc, qu'il faut écarter.
Bref, ça continue... Dans moins d'une semaine, je me retrouverai à nouveau sans ressources. Et cette fois, ce sera en exil, sans famille, sans rien... Comme le disait mon arrière-grand-père: "Dans la vie, tout s'arrange, même mal..."
Je prépare actuellement une vidéo de deux heures environ qui remet à l'endroit l'histoire des années 1918-1939 : Hitler voulait-il prendre sa revanche militaire sur la France? Que penser des passages anti-français de Mein Kampf, Que dire du réarmement allemand? Fallait-il "marcher" pour la Pologne en 1939 au nom de la "parole donnée"?...
Sachant que je n'ai plus aucun espoir, je m'empresse de publier le maximum de vidéos qui remettent l'histoire à l'endroit. Après, je pourrai (me) reposer en paix. Mais pour l'heure, ma détermination reste intacte: nous somme en pleine guerre idéologique et je ne déserterai pas le champ de bataille où je figure en première ligne. Il ne s'agit pas d'orgueil déplacé, mais de servir l'intérêt commun...
Avec toute mon amitié,