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There is so much to be preserved INTACT in the White European civilization heritage including its biological specificity, but this is Mission Impossible given the WHITES have themselves abdicated in favor of Judaic Khazari totalitarianism! BAFS
A Warning to the Muslim World by David Duke

Uploaded on 22 Jun 2010
Due to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos --
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Dr. David Duke
The very real threat to the continued existence of the European people.
Not only do Europeans have the near prospect of living in nations where they are a small minority and thus must live as strangers in their own land, but their very existence as a heritage is threatened.
There is a word for the wiping away of a race or people.
It is called genocide.
But, people of European descent are awakening all over the world.
As soon as they invest themselves in the struggle for their heritage and freedom, no power on earth can stop them from restoring their homelands and securing the existence and freedom of their children.
Due to organized efforts to stifle free speech and ban my videos --
YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and they average higher than 90 percent positive comments and comprise some of the highest rated political videos on the entire Internet. Viewers love these videos! But, the Zionists don't !
The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth.
The only way you can be sure to find my videos if they are censored is to not only subscribe to my YouTube Channel -- but be sure to SUBSCRIBE at MY WEBSITE as well. Subscribe to News and Updates at:
By subscribing on my website, even if my channel or videos are censored or removed -- you can still receive notices of links where you and your friends can see my videos
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Thank you for your efforts for free speech and your efforts to ensure your Right and Right of everyone to see my political videos and read my articles!
Without your support and efforts my vital work could well be silenced.
Dr. David Duke
The very real threat to the continued existence of the European people.
Not only do Europeans have the near prospect of living in nations where they are a small minority and thus must live as strangers in their own land, but their very existence as a heritage is threatened.
There is a word for the wiping away of a race or people.
It is called genocide.
But, people of European descent are awakening all over the world.
As soon as they invest themselves in the struggle for their heritage and freedom, no power on earth can stop them from restoring their homelands and securing the existence and freedom of their children.
Race is More than Skin Color!

Professor Frederick Lindemann
By Mike King
This isn't about hating other races. It's about saving our own!
puppets generally have a personal buffer between themselves
and the big masters. Woodrow Wilson had Edward
Mandell House; FDR had Henry Morgenthau; Barack Obama has Valerie
For Winston Churchill, the personal
handler, and a probable homosexual lover (here), was Frederick A. Lindemann
a physicist whose German-Jewish
family arrived in England when he was about 14
years old. He was known to friends as "the Prof" in reference to
his position at the University of Oxford, and as
"Baron Berlin" to his many detractors because of his German accent
and haughty aristocratic manner.
Lindemann believed that a small circle of elites should run the world, resulting in a stable society,
"led by supermen and served by helots." He believes that science can yield a race of
humans blessed with “the mental makeup of the worker bee.”
In Lindemann's Jewish supremacist worldview, the "worker bees" would
be mixed race and the "supermen" would no doubt be the Zionist elite. Naturally, before this New World Order
can emerge, the 'White Man' would have to first "abdicate" his leading position on Europe and America.
A brief excerpt from 'The Prof' --one of the many the biogarphies
written about Lindemann:
“Professor Frederick
Lindemann, the Chief Advisor to Winston Churchill and the inspiration and architect of the air crucifixion of Germany
was in a reflective mood after the war.
Toward the
end of his life, Lindemann made a remark on more
than one occasion with such an air of seriousness that he seemed to
it as his testament of wisdom, and I accordingly
feel it incumbent upon me to record it here, although not.in.perfect.sympathy with it.
'Do you know,' he asked, 'what
the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?’
‘Well, what
is it?’
'It will not be Hitler and the Second World War; it will not be
the release of nuclear energy; it will not be the menace of Communism.'
These negatives seemed very comprehensive.
He put on an expression of extreme severity and turned down the corners of his lips: ‘It
will be the abdication of the White man.’ Then he nodded his head
up and down several times to drive home his proposition."
* The Prof’ -- R.F Harrod, McMillan, 1959. Page 261/2. A Personal Memoir Lord Cherwell
Lindemann was the true architect of
the Dresden Holocaust of innocent Germans. --- all part of the "abdication" of "The White Man" to his
Understand Professor Lindemann -- and you will
understand the higher purpose behind the "politically correct" madness of "diversity" that is sweeping
away European Man and European culture.
White Man! The Masters of the New World Order, having already obtained your "abdication". They
are now targeting you for final elimination in so many little ways that you may not have noticed
- as illustrated below.
The "abdication"
is everywhere.

The $1 Dollar Coin has
to diversity.

NBC Nightly News
has "abdicated"
to diversity.

The British School System has "abdicated" to diversity.


Ms. America Pageants
have "abdicated"
to diversity
being a small fraction of the general population at
large, and a tiny fraction of the overall contestant population; 8
women and 1 Indian-American woman have been crowned
winner since 1984).

culprits behind the "abdication" have been named -- straight from the horse's own mouth:
transformation (to multi-culturalism)
must take place. Europe is not going to be the
monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Jews
are going to be at the center of that. Its a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going
into a multi cultural mode and Jews are going to be resented because of our leading role. But without
that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." (here)- Barbara Lerner Specter
Specter's "migrant" friends are fueling an epidemic of violence and rape in formerly peaceful Sweden; an emasculated nation of only 10,000,000 with a birth rate below replacement and 100,000 virile, fertile immigrants pouring in each year.


by the Jewish-controlled media, mentally diseased
and suicidal White libtards, wearing "So Sorry" T Shirts, chain
themselves and beg for Blacks to forgive
them for slavery (a trade which was actually controlled by Jewish
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By Mike King
"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"
NY Times: Immigrants,
the Poor and Minorities Gain Sharply Under Health Act
Hispanics — a demographic coveted by both political parties in this election year — accounted for nearly a third of the increase in adults with insurance, according to a New York Times analysis.
Basic accounting lesson here, folks -- for every credit there must be a debit somewhere. So: if
the sanctified, beatified, exalted "immigrants, poor and minorities" have "gained sharply"
under ObongoCare; then some other group or groups has to have lost sharply
in order to pay for the "free"
health care bestowed upon this rabble proletariat
of Democrat voters. But don't expect Sulzberger's Slimes to reveal the
of the debit-losers to its readership of "educated"
fools. Leave that task to The Anti-New York Times.
The four main categories of debit-losers are:
- Taxpayers who are paying, either through higher taxes or inflation, for the added interest-bearing deficits being piled onto existing State and National Debts
- Health Care providers and doctors who are seeing their Medicare & Medicaid reimbursements slashed, in some cases, to near-loss levels (here)
- Insured workers now forced to pay high mandated deductibles and out-of pocket expenses to offset the losses which private insurers are suffering.
- Elderly but salvageable patients who are being deliberately morphine-dripped or injected to death as bewildered and stressed-out family members are left scratching their heads.
Debits must equal credits ---- The percentage
of the Federal Budget allocated to Medicaid
(welfare/ObamaCare) has nearly doubled under Obongo
(was 5% in 2008, 9% now). Since they won't cut the
bloated Department of Offense, the only way to pay for ObongoCare is
through taxes, money-printing / inflation and
cutting SS & MediCare reimbursements to doctors and hospitals.
dynamics affecting
groups 1, 2 & 3 are self-evident, and
self-explanatory to anyone with a pre-Common Core 4th-grade
understanding of mathematics.
It is category # 4 which, due to its horrifying
implications, is being kept 'hidden in plain sight' from the ageing
public. So well-hidden, in fact, that your intrepid
reporter here did not discover and piece together the mystery of
this quiet genocide until days after his own 92-year old mother was injected to an unexpected death this December
fairness, the mass-murders didn't begin with ObongoCare,
but the killings have dramatically increased since
his ascension to power. You see, the millions of younger Turd World
now "entitled" in healthcare are causing the
government to divert resources away from the elderly. As of 2015,
actually incentivizes hospitals & doctors for
"end of life" consultations (negativity sessions) and
"palliative care" (death by morphine) for non-terminal patients. (here) That's the 'carrot', but there is also a 'stick' involved.
Whenever an elderly MediCare
patient exceeds the government's ever-shrinking hospital-stay allotment
the hospital loses money. The pressure is growing
to push granny and gramps out the door. But should any given granny
within a period of time, the hospital is also
penalized for a "readmission" on its reimbursement request. (here) Not only does the hospital lose money for an individual readmission; but if its overall readmission
rate is too high, the reimbursement deduction applies to all other reimbursement requests as well. In short, the very old have become bad for the bottom line.
Obongo and his handlers laugh as they murder
mainly White
seniors prematurely while diverting their
health-care dollars to the never-ending hordes of alien invaders and
their litters
of new "citizens".
Yes, it's true. The high cost of covering alien parasites is diverting
health care dollars from grandma. From the balance sheet perspective of pressed and stressed hospital administrators,
granny is worth more dead than alive.
It's economic battlefield triage, pure
and simple. The killing scam involves putting the
patient in a morphine induced "coma" while filling the heads of
family members with excessive negativity about
"quality of life" and "low probabilities" of recovery.
Once the medical ghouls have secured a "Do Not
Resuscitate" authorization (in the repeated event of heart /
breathing stoppage), the fetus, er the senior will be deliberately juiced to death -- the cause of death
to be described as "stopped breathing".
is just a small taste of what is going on all
across America, as recently reported by a local NBC affiliate in North
FBI: Frisco Hospice Owner Directed Nurses to Overdose Patients
"You need to make this patient go bye-bye," executive is quoted as saying
owner of a North Texas medical company regularly
directed nurses to give hospice patients overdoses of drugs such as
to speed up their deaths and maximize profits, an
FBI agent wrote in an affidavit for a search warrant obtained by NBC 5.
an accountant, instructed a nurse to administer overdoses
to three patients and directed another employee to
increase a patient's medication to four-times the maximum allowed, the
FBI said. He allegedly sent text messages like, "You need to make this patient go bye-bye."
Frisco, TX case is not an isolated one! There are
many other similar claims, perhaps not as overt and provable, occurring
all across America and Europe. The evidence is
clear --- senior citizens are the new fetuses! As far
as the
Left is concerned, squandering medical dollars to
insure Democrat-voting migrant welfare scum amounts to a far better
investment than extending the lives of non-terminal
seniors by a few more precious years.
It really is that simple, and it should come as no surprise.

Die seniors, die!
In godless America and Europe, any sin and obscenity
now goes.
I read
a happy article in the New
York Times today.
Apparently, the poor and the immigrants are benefiting greatly from
Americanus 2:
That's awesome. Obama has done much to help the
downtrodden. By the way; I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your
grandmother. What happened?
1: She came down with pneumonia after a hip fracture. It seemed like she was recovering at
first, but then she started going in and out of coma before her breathing finally gave out.

my asss!!! They morphined
the living daylightsss out of her in order to take
care of your beloved pregnant immigrantss -- you deaf, dumb, blind dope!"
be so hard on Boobus 1, Sugar. The process
is so subtle and unexpected that even I, Mr.
Conspiracy, didn't even understand what had happened until my own mom
in her sleep.")

EXCLUSIVE - 'I was bullied for being ugly because of my Bugs Bunny teeth': Instagram's favourite Viking reveals his secrets as he takes MailOnline on a romantic hike... and ladies, he's SINGLE!
- Naval officer Lasse Matberg sent the internet wild with his incredible honed physique and sensitive, humble manner
- The 30-year-old from Norway has 350,000 followers on Instagram where he posts images from modelling shoots
- He agreed to take MailOnline on a date at one of Norway's most stunning beauty spots, and even paid for parking
- Says he learned modelling from Zoolander and practices his Magnum pout in the mirror at home
- Confided: 'I was bullied a lot in my early teens. Boys would say you can't hang out you've got ugly teeth'
precisely seven hours and 1,096 feet after we first meet that Lasse
Matberg rips off his sweaty shirt and Thor-in-the-flesh stands rugged,
sweaty and half naked before me.
is a strapping 6ft 6 inches of pure rippling muscle and his biceps are
the size of my head, which barely reaches his flawless pectorals.
managed to bag a hiking date with Instagram's hottest Viking, who last
week set the internet alight with his stunning picture stream – just
weeks after he's arrived back on the market. And ladies, he is actually
Swoon! Instagram Viking Lasse Matberg
has become the hottest Norwegian on the internet, but took time away
from his social media accounts to take MailOnline's Isabel Hunter on a
romantic hike in the hills near his hometown of Stavanger
Me and my Viking: The 30-year-old
Norwegian naval officer receives hundreds of propositions from women
every day but told MailOnline's Isabel that his preferred 'ideal woman'
is from Latin America
Real-life Norse god: Humble Lasse receives thousands more followers every hour on his Instagram account and is newly single
There's another one of my fans!
MailOnline's Isabel was taken by ferry to the hills outside Stavanger,
in the south of Norway, to hike a route that fitness fiend Lasse can run
in 45 minutes
flowing mane of golden hair drops past his shoulders, and positively
glistens in the sunlight. And like the sun, I (almost) can't look at him
directly, for his beauty may hurt my eyes.
Royal Norwegian Naval Officer's mesmerising instagram account - packed
with pictures of the blonde-bearded Norwegian hunk chopping wood,
working out and cuddling fluffy dogs - has officially gone globally
viral, amassing 250,000 followers in just five days.
But 30-year-old Lasse (pronounced Lass-ay-e, not like Lassie the dog) Matberg, 30, says he's just your regular Viking next door.
'It's crazy: I'm just a guy from a town from the middle of nowhere in the middle of Norway,' he said.
used to be able to put my phone back in my pocket and forget about the
modelling and get back to my day job, but now I can't get from my car to
a café without another 1,000 people following me.'
'Modelling was a fun hobby - I didn't go to model school.
'I watched Zoolander and that's it,' he says before shooting me his best version of Magnum.
It's epic.
Summit selfie: Lasse told MailOnline
that he is very shy and struggles to cope with the number of women who
accost him every day and ask him for selfies. Isabel took lots of
selfies (in a professional capacity, of course)
Luscious locks: Lasse described how he
treats his hair with a conditioning masque but never blow dries it. He
had a spare hairband at the ready when his date's hair whipped into her
eyes on their date
Strong but
sensitive: Lasse has built a huge following on Instagram thanks to his
incredible physique and gentle demeanour. In the flesh, he was every bit
as sensitive as his account suggests
Matberg is not a man to do things by halves and his ideal date is a
rocky two hour hike to the top of Preacher's Pulpit (Preikestolen) - one
of Norway's most idyllic beauty spots a couple of hours outside of
Cruising along the countryside with charming wooden farm houses and rolling green fields either side, we talk machines.
'I used to take my motorbike here,' he says (of course he did), 'but I sold it two years ago – which makes my mum happy'
was way too scary. I had a 750 and it was like 'rrrmm, rrrmm' not 'put
put put' so it was way too fast for me – WAY TOO FAST.'
no time we're at the ferry to cross the fjords to get to our special
destination, and with the wind in our hair feel like I'm at the centre
of a Scandinavian TV drama, only with Thor solving crime by my side.
He's climbed Preikestolen ten times before – although he doesn't always walk it – he runs.
a 1,096 ft scramble over just two and a half miles and takes two hours
to get to the top. At least it does when normal people do it – Lasse has
completed it in 45 minutes.
our first rest stop, I'm already gasping for water, which he gallantly
pulls from his hiking rucksack as we take a breather on some warm rocks
overlooking the stunning fjords.
starts to tell me about his life. After a rocky start, teenage Lasse
was a bullied ugly duckling for his crooked teeth and was nicknamed
'Bugs Bunny'.
was always a big boy, so I was captain on the football team, I was in
the right gang, but I wasn't popular because I had terrible teeth,' he
said. 'They were so bad I couldn't close my mouth.'
was bullied a lot in my early teens and when boys start fighting for
girls they can be really harsh. They would gang up and would say 'Hey
here's the bunny - you can't hang out with us you've got ugly teeth'.'
Opening up: As the date progressed,
Lasse opened up to Isabel about his childhood, revealing he has not
always been a heartthrob and was actually bullied in school for his
Deep and meaningful: Lasse confided in
Isabel he is finding 'the fame thing' tricky to handle. He said: 'It's
crazy, I'm just a guy from a town from the middle of nowhere in the
middle of Norway'
Superman: Lasse has climbed
Preikestolen ten times before – although he doesn't walk it – he runs.
It's a 1,096 ft scramble over just two and a half miles and takes two
hours to get to the top, unless you are Lasse, then it takes 45 minutes
the muscle-man still gets teased by his friends for his giant looks –
now he gets called 'Gorg', referencing the Muppet's characters from
Fraggle Rock.
own personal tour guide-cum-Viking Norse God points out the fjord
crossings, the snow-tipped mountain ranges and even confides his hair
never blow dries, occasionally brushes it (but not today), shampoos and
conditions as well as using a leave-in masque. He ties up in a bun
while he tidies his flat.
beard gets trimmed once a week – it's been tamed since he first began
his Instagram – and moulded by a matte styling product.
The wind is gusty on the summit, and as he pulls me close to take a selfie, I almost get a mouthful of hair. Yum.
hair – his luscious hair – whips in his face, 'I look like Chewbacca',
he jokes, while expertly pinning it back into a man bun.
By this point, I'm a sweaty mess and my hair also resembles a bird's nest.
for me, he is both a gentlemen and a true boy scout as he quickly
removes a spare hair tie from his wrist so I can regain a modicum of
duckling: Lasse, pictured left aged 10 and right aged 15, says he was
teased at school before he got braces. He said: 'I wasn't popular
because I had terrible teeth. [Boys] would gang up and would say 'Hey
here's the bunny - you can't hang out with us you've got ugly teeth'
So cute: Pictured
here aged five or six, Lasse is already a natural in front of the
camera. Growing up in the middle of Norway he was taught by his parents
never to brag
Who's laughing now? Lasse has come a
long way since he was teased for his buck teeth at school, and is in
high demand because of his beefy build and resemblance to a 'real-life
Boy to man:
Lasse is still shy and clearly remembers being teased for his 'Bugs
Bunny' teeth while at school. He enjoyed losing himself in video games,
pictured left age eight
ideal date – not that he's thought of first dates for the last five
years – is not, as you can well imagine, a candlelit dinner for two.
'I'm shy, and I need a bunch of beer to get tipsy,' he tells me as we navigate the mountain ridge.
But the newly single Viking is taking things slow – focusing on his next move rather than finding a new girlfriend.
He's a self-confessed serial monogamist who has racked up three long-term relationships in his 30 years.
true high school drama, once the braces he wore for four years were
removed aged 14, he scored a girlfriend and his first kiss within a
fortnight. And the Legend was born.
The first of his conquests was pure young love, he says, a girl with fiery red hair and blue eyes.
then I was so in love and we were talking about having babies, getting
married while drunk, making fake rings and pretending to get married,'
he said.
the end of that four year relationship he was single for two years
before falling for a 'slender brown-haired half-Brit half-Norwegian'
girlfriend for another four years.
latest love was a blonde-haired blue-eyed 26-year-old who looks
'typically Swedish', although he claims he prefers women with 'dark
hair, dark eyes, and curves'.
women who wrote to me most are Latina. I would like to say I have the
same preference – dark hair and dark eyes with curves, but I always end
up with the opposite,' he says, while my heart quietly breaks.
Not such a cheap date: At
six-foot-six, Lasse says he 'needs a bunch of beer to get tipsy' on a
date and believes in taking things slowly. He's a serial monogamist and
has had three major relationships so far
Family man? Lasse revealed that he is
not ready to settle down and is still dealing with the heartache of
splitting with his long-term girlfriend
Joking around: But he doesn't mind a
little fantasising, remembering how with a previous girlfriend 'I was so
in love and we were talking about having babies, getting married while
drunk, making fake rings and pretending to get married'
Lucky lady: MailOnline's Isabel spent
all day with Lasse, as he escorted through the stunning scenery around
the southern Norwegian town of Stavanger
Pitstop: The couple encountered many women, and men, passing by who stopped Lasse and asked for a selfie with him
Boy scout and true gentleman: Shortly
after this image was taken, Lasse produced a spare hair bobble and
invited Isabel to borrow it so her hair didn't go in her eyes
He also goes for a taller model of girlfriend – my 5 ft 2' doesn't quite cut the mustard.
growing out his beard and hair after joining the military on national
service, the fitness fanatic developed a fondness for being in front of
the camera.
certainly had enough practice. As we climb higher and higher, calves
and thighs stretching and contracting, I lose count of the amount of
times we were stopped on our romantic hike by young women (and men)
asking for selfies – so they could 'send it to a friend'.
picture with this glorious man goes into the personal collection, to be
looked at on those days where only chocolate, Disney and a reminder of
'that time I met the Viking' will do.
His growing fan base is phenomenal.
How many selfies? During the date,
Isabel managed to take dozens of selfies with Instagram hunk Lasse, but
was also interrupted by other women who were keen for the 30-year-old's
Looking up: Most people gaze adoringly
up at Lasse, who measures in at six-foot-six, and Isabel at
five-foot-two was no exception. He says: 'I was always a big boy, so I
was captain of the football team'
Back to nature: Like a true Viking,
Lasse showed Isabel how to drink fresh water from the mountain stream,
his hair glistening in the sun
Companionship: While Lasse pauses for
Isabel's shorter legs to catch up with his gigantic strides he's
constantly checking his phone, and his Instagram followers
the time he's parked his car and said hello, he's gained 1,000 more
followers on Instagram. The first day we met, he has 237,000 followers –
just three days later (and at the time of writing) he's amassed 355k.
whole instagram being famous bit - it's a thing that I have on my phone
so I can check, say 'ok', then put it back in my pocket. Now – I was
just in Oslo, and a girl recognized me at the airport and stopped me for
selfies and I was like 'wooah, help!'
seems to be getting the hang of it though, and while he waits for my
shorter legs to catch up with his gigantic strides he's constantly
checking his phone.
But he is modest, a kickback from his reserved upbringing, where individual success is frowned upon.
have been raised with the law of Jante. At home, in the classroom, on
the football field – you shouldn't say you're better than anyone else.
You shouldn't say you're smarter or prettier or any of that.
all of a sudden I was the tallest guy and it felt like hey you
shouldn't be the tallest guy in the room - so I always sat down, I never
stood up because I didn't want to be noticed - people would be like hey
look at him standing there, showing off with his height an all.
'So if I was to sit here talking to a girl about myself… that's so not me at all.'
He insists he 'doesn't speak English fluently', but effortlessly pulls out words like 'predicament'.
he sprinkles his chat with some direct translations from his native
Norwegian. Somewhat disappointingly 'to be caught in bed', means 'to be
caught off guard'.
There goes another one! Hanging out
with Lasse, you have to get used to his fans, women and men, stopping
him in the street and asking for a selfie
Two's company: As the day wore on, Lasse told Isabel more and more about his life, and how he is still not used to being single
Grooming: Lasse also revealed his
grooming secrets - a hair masque and regular beard trim to make sure his
locks stay in perfect condition
Kicking back: Asked if he has any flaws, Lasse admitted to being a neat freak who likes everything in his apartment 'just so'
neat: The 30-year-old watched a video on YouTube to learn how to plait
his hair like Thor and regularly pins his locks into a neat man-bun
being a professionally trained chef, he is a man of action if not words
and so a hiking trip to the Norwegian beauty spot is his idea of
If he was going to cook for a lady love however, he's probably make his own twist on his mama's homemade pizza.
'Just bring me some ingredients and I'll be creative.
'If I'm making my mum's pizza with a twist of me, it's all about the social setting.
it's in the oven you can smell it and you don't have to stress about
anything. It makes itself in there and you can have a beer with friends
on the sofa while it's getting ready,' he says as we reach the half way
mark and rest to take more selfies at a picnic bench.
He fills me in on his ancestry. He is indeed part Laplander – a native Norwegian and an eighth Swedish.
It's a tough job: Isabel and Lasse on
the peak of Preacher's Pulpit (Preikestolen) - one of Norway's most
idyllic beauty spots a couple of hours outside of Stavanger
Another selfie for the road: Even Lasse took his phone out for a selfie after many hours bonding with Isabel
Romantic spot: The couple ended the
date with ice cream and coffee... and after hours in the hills Lasse
stripped off in the heat
Chemistry? As the sun set on their
romantic date, Lasse and Isabel agreed to keep in touch, but he says
he's not ready to date seriously yet
in true Viking style, we soon get back to nature – pounding the trail,
scrambling up rocks and gulping down pure Norwegian spring water
straight from the source.
'Taste this,' he says, beckoning me towards a fast flowing ice-cold spring near the summit.
I squat – following his lead, if not his grace, and watch him cup the clear water in his hands to drink.
'That's the taste of Norway,' he declares – his hair literally shining in the sunlight.
And that's when I slip on the mossy bank and get a wet bum.
To his credit, he only smirked a bit and hauled me to my feet to continue the climb.
at the car, after views so glorious they distracted me (momentarily)
from gazing up at the towering beefcake, we're both left sweaty,
windswept, and a little sunburnt – and in need of coffee and ice cream.
We agreed to keep in touch, but readers, Instagram's favourite viking is still single.