Surah 100 Al-Adiyat - Mishary Rashid Alafasy سورة العاديات
As former Manager of the Windsor Hotel (1975-1988) in one of the Jewish Quarters of Paris (9th and 10th Arrondissement) and having had Jewish business people worldwide as my main customers I can confirm the exactitude of ADBK statements about Judaic (Jewish) domination of France and of French lives in all its daily aspects and at all levels of the establishment. They even control all the Catholic and Protestant Churches and have installed Dalil Boubakeur, a Judaic and Friend of Israel Freemason, as Rector of the Central Paris Mosque !
The Windsor Hotel is just a few minutes walk from the Freemasonic Lodge of the Grand Orient and from the Jewish owned and run brothels and night clubs!
The Judaics (some 1% of the population) also own or control the abortion (organ trafficking), prostitution, pedophile, drug, homosexual and pornographic rackets!
Before WWII Judaics numbered only 100,000 in France, but they proved their power well before WWI during the famous pork-eating Jew Alfred Dreyfus Affair!
They have a monopoly on almost everything! Many are from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria that France still own and control.
All is about greed, the insatiable love of money and power, and the embracing of Satanic religions!
ADBK #25 : Nous ne sommes pas Charlie, ni cons pour autant !
Published on 19 Jan 2015
la France entière le sait déjà, le 7 Janvier 2015, Trois terroristes
ont attaqué les locaux de Charlie Hebdo ce mercredi, vers 11h30.
Lourdement armés, ils ont abattu de sang-froid douze personnes et en ont
grièvement blessé quatre autres.
Voici les faits. Dix personnes ont été tuées dans les locaux: des plumes de l'hebdomadaire, à l'instar des dessinateurs Charb, Cabu, Tignous ou Wolinski, mais également un policier, chargé d'assurer la protection de Charlie Hebdo. Le siège du journal et plusieurs contributeurs étaient sous protection policière depuis fin 2011, après la publication d'une série de caricatures du prophète. Le siège du journal avait été incendié et le directeur de la publication promis à la décapitation. Si aucune piste n'est pour l'heure écartée, la piste d'une vengeance liée à cette publication reste privilégiée. Une vidéo amateur montre les deux assaillants sortant du bâtiment en criant, "Allah Ouakbar"et "On a tué Charlie Hebdo".
Dans leur fuite, ils tombent nez-à nez avec une première voiture de police, à l'angle de la rue Appert et de l'Allée verte. Une fusillade s'engage "sans faire de victimes", indique le procureur de la République. "L'alerte n'avait pas encore été donnée, mais les policiers font fréquemment des rondes devant le journal par mesure de protection", explique une source policière. Pas moins d'une trentaine d'impacts de balles sont visibles sur le pare-brise du véhicule, preuve de leur détermination.
Cela sentait déjà le parfum de l'affaire Mohammed Mérah, comme certains d'entre vous l'ont pensé directement. Ils avaient raison, mais, comme d'habitude, les cons endormis auront toujours dix coups de retard pour comprendre.
Voici les faits. Dix personnes ont été tuées dans les locaux: des plumes de l'hebdomadaire, à l'instar des dessinateurs Charb, Cabu, Tignous ou Wolinski, mais également un policier, chargé d'assurer la protection de Charlie Hebdo. Le siège du journal et plusieurs contributeurs étaient sous protection policière depuis fin 2011, après la publication d'une série de caricatures du prophète. Le siège du journal avait été incendié et le directeur de la publication promis à la décapitation. Si aucune piste n'est pour l'heure écartée, la piste d'une vengeance liée à cette publication reste privilégiée. Une vidéo amateur montre les deux assaillants sortant du bâtiment en criant, "Allah Ouakbar"et "On a tué Charlie Hebdo".
Dans leur fuite, ils tombent nez-à nez avec une première voiture de police, à l'angle de la rue Appert et de l'Allée verte. Une fusillade s'engage "sans faire de victimes", indique le procureur de la République. "L'alerte n'avait pas encore été donnée, mais les policiers font fréquemment des rondes devant le journal par mesure de protection", explique une source policière. Pas moins d'une trentaine d'impacts de balles sont visibles sur le pare-brise du véhicule, preuve de leur détermination.
Cela sentait déjà le parfum de l'affaire Mohammed Mérah, comme certains d'entre vous l'ont pensé directement. Ils avaient raison, mais, comme d'habitude, les cons endormis auront toujours dix coups de retard pour comprendre.
ADBK #50 : La France sous domination juive
Published on 16 May 2015
sujet quelque peu connu, certes, mais qui reste encore et beaucoup trop
discret, afin de réveiller les consciences. Beaucoup de vidéos
circulent sur ce sujet, mais toutes ne vont pas assez loin, voire
balancer toute la liste complète, qui est tout aussi variable, que non
exhaustive. Et votre serviteur va le faire pour vous, afin de prouver de
manière implacable que nous sommes bel et bien sous la domination juive
dans les médias tout confondus.
Dans la vision du monde des Juifs, le goy est le non-juif. Il est considéré comme une bête, un sous homme, ou mieux, une race inférieure. D’après même Le Talmud, de loin le plus influant des textes sacrés du judaïsme, il vaut moins qu’un chien. Sa seule vocation est donc de servir son maître Juif sans jamais pouvoir se plaindre. Autrement, il passe pour “raciste”, “antisémite” et les Juifs feront tout pour lui en faire subir les conséquences.
Ce qui veut dire tout naturellement, que les juifs sont les pires racistes parmi la race humaine, et ils sont tellement menteurs, fourbes, lâches, et dégueulasses dans l'âme, qu'ils se font passer pour les éternelles victimes, alors qu'ils récoltent la haine légitime des autres communautés raciales, et les jettent de partout.
En un mot, les juifs foutent la merde dans le monde, et c'est une réalité. Ils passent sous silence, ou mentent ouvertement vis à vis de leurs propres crimes dans l'Histoire. Et tout ceux qui osent tenter ou montrer leur vrai visage à découvert, sont aussitôt diaboliser ou lyncher.
En démocratie, l’information est censée être libre et plurielle. En réalité, les médias importants sont entièrement entre les mains des Juifs, et ce dans pratiquement tous les domaines. Ceux-ci s’acharnent à faire passer leurs ennemis, au mieux pour des imbéciles et de dangereux malades, au pire des monstres incarnant le diable. L’antisémitisme serait le mal absolu et, désormais, l’antisémite c’est celui que les Juifs n’aiment pas.
Autant de noms de responsables et animateurs juifs de la télévision ou de la radio, qui déterminent le choix des programmes et leur mode de présentation. Les membres d’un réseau virtuel qui, par-delà les particularités ou même de sourdes rivalités internes participent à une même dynamique au profit d’un objectif commun.
Et les actionnaires sont que des Juifs. Vous n'avez qu'à vérifier, que ce soit dans les radios, les télévisions, ou encore les maisons d'éditions. Ce ne sont là que quelques exemples, parmi une multitude d’autres. En moyenne, un quart à un tiers des nouvelles parutions disponibles en librairie, en particulier pour les essais et les études socio-politiques sont signés par des auteurs juifs.
Visiblement, en France, il faut bien plus que du talent pour réussir à se faire éditer. Il faut être juif, ou, de manière exceptionnelle, un goy soumis à leur juifisme.
ADBK #51 : Dico de la domination juive en France ( 1ère Partie )
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ADBK #16 : LGBT - Homosexualis Sodomiticum
Published on 9 Oct 2014Faisons le portrait robot de ce lobby de dégénérés sexuels, qui est aux portes du Pouvoir Suprême, celle de franchir la limite, afin de soumettre ceux qu'ils haïssent depuis toujours et s'approprier de leurs droits légitimes. Et leur but est d'assouvir leurs instincts des plus pervers au nom d'une soumission de tolérance homosexuel exacerbée ...le transgressif sexuel, qui ne reflète en rien de ceux que vous avez croisé tous les jours, les homosexuels du quotidien, qui respectent les autres aux alentours, afin d'être toléré comme tels.
En résumé, un réseau de parasites de la Pleurniche, qui ne cherchent qu'à se venger d'une souffrance personnelle, dont ils ne sont même pas capables de régler eux-mêmes et en dehors. Leur haine de ne pas pouvoir soumettre les hétérosexuels à leur propre condition sexuelle malsaine, ils utilisent la même méthode de chantage, si vous refusez de vous inclinez devant cela. C'est la même méthode que la crasse sioniste.
La méthode est simple : Homophobie.
Ce réseau est en réalité une fausse représentation des homosexuels. Ils sont friqués, malades mentaux, et voire même rétrogrades, qui se cachent derrière un faux progressisme. Dans le sens où ils se croient encore dans les années 60 ou 70 ou encore 80, où la vraie homophobie existaient déjà.
Ce ne sont en rien des homos ordinaires, mais des détraqués mentaux sans éducation, qui cherchent non pas de la tolérance à la con, mais à soumettre leur tolérance, en chiant sur le respect et la pudeur de l'individu, voire endoctriner les enfants à leur vision perverse. -
The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations
“I was astonished, bewildered. This was
America, a country where, whatever its faults, people could speak,
write, assemble, demonstrate without fear. It was in the Constitution,
the Bill of Rights. We were a democracy... But I knew it wasn't a dream;
there was a painful lump on the side of my head... The state and its
police were not neutral referees in a society of contending interests.
They were on the side of the rich and powerful. Free speech? Try it and
the police will be there with their horses, their clubs, their guns, to
stop you. From that moment on, I was no longer a liberal, a believer in
the self-correcting character of American democracy. I was a radical,
believing that something fundamental was wrong in this country—not just
the existence of poverty amidst great wealth, not just the horrible
treatment of black people, but something rotten at the root. The
situation required not just a new president or new laws, but an
uprooting of the old order, the introduction of a new kind of
society—cooperative, peaceful, egalitarian.” ― Historian Howard Zinn
America is at a crossroads.
History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a militaristic state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom.
Certainly, this is a time when government officials operate off their own inscrutable, self-serving playbook with little in the way of checks and balances, while American citizens are subjected to all manner of indignities and violations with little hope of defending themselves.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered a new age—the age of authoritarianism. Even with its constantly shifting terrain, this topsy-turvy travesty of law and government has become America’s new normal.
Don’t believe me?
Let me take you on a brief guided tour, but prepare yourself. The landscape is particularly disheartening to anyone who remembers what America used to be.
The Executive Branch: Whether it’s the Obama administration’s war on whistleblowers, the systematic surveillance of journalists and regular citizens, the continued operation of Guantanamo Bay, or the occupation of Afghanistan, Barack Obama has surpassed his predecessors in terms of his abuse of the Constitution and the rule of law. President Obama, like many of his predecessors, has routinely disregarded the Constitution when it has suited his purposes, operating largely above the law and behind a veil of secrecy, executive orders and specious legal justifications. Rest assured that no matter who wins this next presidential election, very little will change. The policies of the American police state will continue.
The Legislative Branch: It is not overstating matters to say that Congress may well be the most self-serving, semi-corrupt institution in America. Abuses of office run the gamut from elected representatives neglecting their constituencies to engaging in self-serving practices, including the misuse of eminent domain, earmarking hundreds of millions of dollars in federal contracting in return for personal gain and campaign contributions, having inappropriate ties to lobbyist groups and incorrectly or incompletely disclosing financial information. Pork barrel spending, hastily passed legislation, partisan bickering, a skewed work ethic, graft and moral turpitude have all contributed to the public’s increasing dissatisfaction with congressional leadership. No wonder 86 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing.
The Judicial Branch: The Supreme Court was intended to be an institution established to intervene and protect the people against the government and its agents when they overstep their bounds. Yet through their deference to police power, preference for security over freedom, and evisceration of our most basic rights for the sake of order and expediency, the justices of the United States Supreme Court have become the guardians of the American police state in which we now live. As a result, sound judgment and justice have largely taken a back seat to legalism, statism and elitism, while preserving the rights of the people has been deprioritized and made to play second fiddle to both governmental and corporate interests.
Shadow Government: America’s next president will inherit more than a bitterly divided nation teetering on the brink of financial catastrophe when he or she assumes office. He or she will also inherit a shadow government, one that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country. Referred to as the Deep State, this shadow government is comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes right now.
Law Enforcement: By and large the term “law enforcement” encompasses all agents within a militarized police state, including the military, local police, and the various agencies such as the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace but now extensions of the military, are part of an elite ruling class dependent on keeping the masses corralled, under control, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens. In the latest move to insulate police from charges of misconduct, Virginia lawmakers are considering legislation to keep police officers’ names secret, ostensibly creating secret police forces.
A Suspect Surveillance Society: Every dystopian sci-fi film we’ve ever seen is suddenly converging into this present moment in a dangerous trifecta between science, technology and a government that wants to be all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful. By tapping into your phone lines and cell phone communications, the government knows what you say. By uploading all of your emails, opening your mail, and reading your Facebook posts and text messages, the government knows what you write. By monitoring your movements with the use of license plate readers, surveillance cameras and other tracking devices, the government knows where you go. By churning through all of the detritus of your life—what you read, where you go, what you say—the government can predict what you will do. By mapping the synapses in your brain, scientists—and in turn, the government—will soon know what you remember. And by accessing your DNA, the government will soon know everything else about you that they don’t already know: your family chart, your ancestry, what you look like, your health history, your inclination to follow orders or chart your own course, etc. Consequently, in the face of DNA evidence that places us at the scene of a crime, behavior sensing technology that interprets our body temperature and facial tics as suspicious, and government surveillance devices that cross-check our biometrics, license plates and DNA against a growing database of unsolved crimes and potential criminals, we are no longer “innocent until proven guilty.”
Military Empire: America’s endless global wars and burgeoning military empire—funded by taxpayer dollars—have depleted our resources, over-extended our military and increased our similarities to the Roman Empire and its eventual demise. The US now operates approximately 800 military bases in foreign countries around the globe at an annual cost of at least $156 billion. The consequences of financing a global military presence are dire. In fact, David Walker, former comptroller general of the US, believes there are “striking similarities” between America’s current situation and the factors that contributed to the fall of Rome, including “declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government.”
I haven’t even touched on the corporate state, the military industrial complex, SWAT team raids, invasive surveillance technology, zero tolerance policies in the schools, overcriminalization, or privatized prisons, to name just a few, but what I have touched on should be enough to show that the landscape of our freedoms has already changed dramatically from what it once was and will no doubt continue to deteriorate unless Americans can find a way to wrest back control of their government and reclaim their freedoms.
That brings me to the final and most important factor in bringing about America’s shift into authoritarianism: “we the people.” We are the government. Thus, if the government has become a tyrannical agency, it is because we have allowed it to happen, either through our inaction or our blind trust.
Essentially, there are four camps of thought among the citizenry when it comes to holding the government accountable. Which camp you fall into says a lot about your view of government—or, at least, your view of whichever administration happens to be in power at the time.
In the first camp are those who trust the government to do the right thing, despite the government’s repeated failures in this department. In the second camp are those who not only don’t trust the government but think the government is out to get them. In the third camp are those who see government neither as an angel nor a devil, but merely as an entity that needs to be controlled, or as Thomas Jefferson phrased it, bound “down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution.”
Then there’s the fourth camp, comprised of individuals who pay little to no attention to the workings of government, so much so that they barely vote, let alone know who’s in office. Easily entertained, easily distracted, easily led, these are the ones who make the government’s job far easier than it should be.
It is easy to be diverted, distracted and amused by the antics of the presidential candidates, the pomp and circumstance of awards shows, athletic events, and entertainment news, and the feel-good evangelism that passes for religion today. What is far more difficult to face up to is the reality of life in America, where unemployment, poverty, inequality, injustice and violence by government agents are increasingly norms.
The powers-that-be want us to remain divided, alienated from each other based on our politics, our bank accounts, our religion, our race and our value systems. Yet as George Orwell observed, “The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.”
The only distinction that matters anymore is where you stand in the American police state. In other words, you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution.
Reprinted with permission from the Rutherford Institute.
By Mike King
Dresden: Before & After
FEBRUARY 1945: The
cultural wonderland
of Dresden, Germany is swollen with terrified
refugees who had fled westward from the rapists of Stalin's advancing
Red Army.
The city became so crowded that new arrivals were
asked to go westward because there was no more room available. The
doubled the city's population from 600,000 to 1.2
As part of a sick joke,
the Allies choose the Catholic holy day of 'Ash Wednesday' to literally turn Catholic Dresden to ashes.
With the war already lost, between 200,000-300,000 innocent
German civilians (some estimates are as high as 500,000 due to the refugees!)
are burned alive by fire, boiled alive in molten pavement as they tried to run, roasted alive in bomb shelters,
or suffocated to death from smoke or oxygen depravation during the Dresden firebombings of February 13-15, 1945.
The tornado-infernos destroy 90% of the city's center, where most of the people are trapped. People burst into screaming balls of fire and pain,
before their heads and organs explode due to the intense heat. To
escape the open-air oven, terrified Germans flee
toward death in the frigid river. The following day, British fighter
machine-gun survivors on the ground.
modern insult to historical injury, U.S. court-historians and
the wholly-owned German government have since
steadily downgraded the death toll to a ridicuolusly "low" 40,000!
up 4 - 8 football stadiums with majority women,
children and elderly; saturating the structures with gasoline, and then
everything and everyone on fire. In essence, that
was the Dresden fire-bombing.
the Germans who strove to restict their air-assaults to
military targets and factories, the evil drunkard
FDR, the drunkard cigar-chomping beast Churchill, and his boy Arthur
(aka 'Bomber Harris') carried out a campaign of
deliberate extermination against the German populace. The fire-massacre
Dresden was their crowing achievement.
that you have an idea of just how cruel and unnecessary
the Anglo-American massacre at Dresden was; brace
yourselves for the modern-day images you about to see -- images of
Jews and communists celebrating the anniversary of the genocidal attack. Think about this: in conquered and still-occupied Germany, denying
the phony Holocaust will get you arrested. But publicly celebrating the REAL Holocaust (which means "burnt offering")
of Dresden is permitted and goes unopposed by the pathetic Germans of today.
1- Banner depicts a falling bomb and reads:
"All good things come from above."
2- Banner reads: "Bomber Harris Superstar. Thank the Allies."
3- Topless Feminists of Marxist 'FEMEN' celebrate in Dresden.
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