Thursday, 7 January 2016
Never Date A Single Mother
Qui est Nadine de Rothschild ? | Archive INA
Published on 20 May 2014
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Pr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce
Le Dernier Dandy : Un Juif parle par Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
1350-1400; Middle English familie < Latin familia a household, the slaves of a household, equivalent to famul (us) servant, slave + -ia -y3
I have certainly known more men destroyed by the desire to have wife and child and to keep them in comfort than I have seen destroyed by drink and harlots.
[William Butler Yeats]
Author Profession: Poet
Nationality: Irish
Born: June 13, 1865
Died: January 28, 1939
Philip Anthony Hopkins not trusting anyone. Certainly not trusting women until he found his third love.
My wife? She loves to spend my money
Believes in God and said "being an atheist must be like living in a closed cell with no windows”
He told Seven magazine:
"My philosophy is: It's none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier."
- Had a tendency to drink too much alcohol in his youth!
- Everyone else was doing drug ,, in Los Angeles!
Femme un jour, femme toujours
Éditions Fixot, S.A. Paris, 1997
Avec la collaboration de Dominique Paulvé
« Méfie-toi de tes rêves, ils pourraient bien se réaliser. » George Bernard Shaw
À toi, Diane de Poitiers, femme entre les femmes, pour qui le mot «aimer» sut toujours exister, et pour qui exister ne se concevait pas sans aimer. »
P.13: « La beauté et l’intelligence sont des grâces qui vous sont ou ne vous sont pas distribués à la naissance. »
P.18: « Car on ne naît pas femme, on la devient,… »
P.23: « De cigarettes ni d’alcool jamais ne toucheras. »
P.24: « De l’amour qui passe plus vite qu’un été te méfieras ! »
P.30: « De seize à vingt ans, vous avez tendance à vouloir rencontrer trop vite le grand amour, celui qui durera toujours… Mais méfiez-vous des séducteurs, petite fille : le premier beau garçon qui vous sourit d’un air transporté ne pense pas forcément à faire de vous la compagne de sa vie !
Pp. 30-31: « … la vie ne commence pas le jour de votre naissance, mais le jour où vous découvrez votre premier amour : car l’amour mène le monde, l’amour fera de vous un vainqueur. »
P.58: « …mes échecs scolaires du dernier trimestre étaient dûs à mes premiers émois amoureux. »
P.66: « Non merci, monsieur Zanuck, je n’ai jamais eu un karma d’esclave ! »
Exposing Sodomite Rituals In Hollywood: So you wanna be famous? Watch this first...
Soldier of God
1 Timothy 6:10 states
'For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.'
YouTube Channel Reference: The Black Child
P.77: « …l’amour doit avoir des racines pour vivre. »
P.80: « …la robe de mariée ? Elle est la matérialisation de votre amour, certes, mais surtout de votre pureté, lorsque vous arriverez au mariage «en vrai jeune fille ». N’oubliez pas, mesdemoiselles, que votre virginité est un capital qui ne se renouvelle pas : votre pureté est une valeur sûre qu’il faut vouloir réserver à celui en l’honneur de qui vous porterez cette robe, un jour et un seul, le plus beau de votre vie ! »
P.89: « Contrairement aux apparences, il (Eddie Constantine, issu d’une famille juive d’émigrés russes) ne buvait que de l’eau… »
Pp.120-121: « Du jour au lendemain, tout ce qui était rêve est devenu réalité : vous devenez le possesseur de votre mari, pour le meilleur, en vous jouant du pire. Il faut non seulement tenir vos engagements mais dépasser vos espérances. Mettez maintenant, au quotidien, la balle dans votre camp afin de le garder, car "son" bonheur sera "votre" bonheur. »
P.121: « Mais savez-vous, madame, de quoi un homme est fait ? Il est fait de sentiments que vous ne découvrirez ni dans l’ordre, ni au début de votre rencontre : générosité, devoir, tendresse, soumission et exigence, passion, mensonge, orgueil, incertitude et jalousie, selon les étapes parcourues. »
P.121: « Il y a plusieurs étapes dans la destinée d’une femme : l’amoureuse, l’amante, l’épouse, la mère et la compagne. »
« Vous aviez rêvé votre vie ? Eh bien, vivez-la maintenant ! »
P.122: « Soyez une vraie femme,…une femme en face de laquelle un homme se sent un homme. »
P.122: « …l’un de mes adages favoris : avec les hommes, être dans leurs bras, à leurs pieds, jamais entre leurs mains ! »
P.125: « Le plus délicat sera d’expliquer à votre chien que sa place sur votre lit est désormais définitivement prise (je l'espère)... »
« …ne jouez pas les femmes toujours fatiguées. »
P.126: « N’oubliez jamais que, maintenant, vous portez son nom (et celui de sa mère). »
P.129: « N’oubliez jamais que la réussite de la vie à deux n’est faite que de compromis… »
P.130: « Faites-lui des surprises…pour lui dire que vous l’aimez. »
P.137-138: « Néanmoins à quarante-cinq ans, elles continuent inlassablement à rechercher l’homme de leur vie. Pourquoi ? C’est parce qu’elles ont inconsciemment une double personnalité et une vision de leur relation de couple qui n’a rien à voir avec la réalité. Elles disent «nous» et j’entends «je», partent du principe que rien n’est pardonnable à l’autre au lieu d’apprendre à être un peu plus psychologue pour bien mener leurs conquêtes. Incapables d’opérer ces fameuses concessions indispensables à la bonne marche de la vie à deux, ni de tirer les leçons de leurs erreurs, elles se projettent dans leur avenir et dans celui de leur compagnon avec comme critère exclusif la perfection. LA plupart du temps, elles basent leur choix sur un détail physique ou une raison sociale, sans se demander si les qualités humaines de l’homme qu’elles croient avoir bien choisi conviennent aux leurs. Elles sont intransigeantes avec celui qui pourrait être l’homme de leur vie, et donnent aux autres l’image hypocrite de femmes attentives. »
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
P.139: N’oubliez jamais que l’un des secrets de la réussite du couple est d’accepter de faire, avec le sourire, les choses qui vous déplaisent le plus. »
P.142: « Depuis la nuit des temps, et quoique certaines en pensent, l’Histoire nous prouve que les hommes sont nos maîtres, et que les vrais moments d’égalité qu’ils nous reconnaissent sont dans les situations d’émotions, de déception et de joies. »
« La prétendue indépendance de la femme a créé, en fait, celle du mari…Souriez, mesdames : que celles qui vivent avec des héros aux petits soins pour elles, celles qui ne sont jamais bousculées dans un ascenseur, ne prennent jamais une portière de voiture dans le nez, qu’on aide à porter leurs paquets ou que l’on abrite gentiment sous un parapluie me jettent la première pierre… »
P.143: « Réflexion : d’après un récent sondage, 16% seulement des femmes accepteraient d’être dirigées par une femme-patron ! Qu’en déduisent les féministes de Mai 68 ? ? ? »
P.144: « De toutes les manières, nous n’aurons jamais raison, car, contrairement à la légende, ils excellent dans le mensonge… »
P.149: « …le plus grand bonheur pour une mère est de pouvoir s’occuper à plein temps de son enfant. »
« …pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont le choix et la liberté de leurs moyens, entre le succès professionnel et l’anonymat de la tendre mère au foyer, n’hésitez pas, choisissez la deuxième solution. »
P.175: « L’amour et les dossiers ne font pas bon ménage : il est préférable de pardonner que de divorcer. Cela demande beaucoup de générosité, mais moins de formalités. »
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
For Ever!
P.180: « Laissez-moi vous les remettre en mémoire :
« Article 212 : "Les époux se doivent mutuellement fidélité, secours, assistance." »
« Article 213 : "Les époux assurent ensemble la direction morale et matérielle de la famille. Ils pourvoient à l’éducation des enfants et préparent leur avenir." »
« Article 214 : "Si les conventions matrimoniales ne règlent pas la contribution des époux aux charges du mariage, ils y contribuent à proportion de leurs facultés respectives." »
« Article 215 : "Les époux s’obligent mutuellement à une communauté de vie." »
Pp.182-183 : «Autour de vous, vous remarquerez que les ménages de longue date les plus épanouis sont en fait des « équipes », généralement dirigées par le choix du mari. L’épouse, suit le mouvement : le boucher et la bouchère, l’hôtelier et l’hôtelière, le chef de clinique et son assistante, parfois la productrice de cinéma et son acteur de mari ; en revanche, peu de couples du monde politique… Ils ont souvent acheté ensemble et fait fructifier un fonds de commerce ; ensemble, ils ont vécu joies et déceptions : ils ont toujours tout partagé, ils n’ont jamais songé à se quitter, mais pour certains, lorsqu’ils osent l’avouer, il y a un lien plus fort que l’amour et l’habitude, c’est celui de l’argent. »
Pp183-184: « …traverser la vie avec le même homme est une bénédiction. »
P.199: « Romy (Schneider) a toujours été à la recherche de la passion pure, mais elle exigeait des hommes une exclusive disponibilité de vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre, raison pour laquelle elle a toujours été malheureuse, ne trouvant jamais parfaits ceux qui tombaient amoureux d’elle. »
P.213: « La préménopause commence souvent imperceptiblement entre quarante et cinquante ans. Elle se traduit par les fameuses «bouffées de chaleur », par des céphalées, de la nervosité, anxiété, fatigue, des vertiges, pertes de mémoire, un engourdissement des doigts et des orteils… selon les cas. »
P.223 : « …votre capacité sexuelle à vous, femme, est sans limite. Après la ménopause, vous pouvez reprendre, avec le même plaisir, une nouvelle histoire d’amour,… »
P.222 : « Les anniversaires de mariage :
22 ans : noces de bronze
24 ans : noces de satin »
À noter que dans son livre "Le Bonheur de séduire, l'art de réussir : Le Savoir-vivre du XXIe siècle, nouvelle édition Broché – 19 novembre 2001", elle s'est elle-même dévergondée jusqu'à montrer
1. comment "cacher une liaison adultère" ?
1. comment "cacher une liaison adultère" ?
2. "le savoir-vivre des amours homosexuels"
3. " ses recettes pour vivre heureuse avec son mari et son amant"
À faire vomir!
The Autobiography of MALCOM X dedicated to his ‘beloved wife Betty’ and their children, with the assistance of Alex Haley, 1965.
P.327: « The wives always filled their husbands’ ears so full of wife complaints that it wasn’t the wives, it was the prostitutes and mistresses who heard the husbands’ innermost problems and secrets. They thought of him, and comforted him, and that included listening to him, and so he would tell them everything. »
P.334: « You see, Islam is the only religion that gives both husband and wife a true understanding of what love is. The Western ‘love’ concept, you take it apart, it really is lust. But love transcends just the physical. Love is a disposition, behaviour, attitude, thoughts, likes, dislikes – these things make a beautiful woman, a beautiful wife. This is the beauty that never fades. You find in your Western civilisation that when a man’s wife’s physical beauty fails, she loses her attraction. But Islam teaches us to look into the woman, and teaches her to look into us. »
P.463: « In the Holy Land, there had been the very modest, very feminine Arabian women – and there was this sudden contrast of the half-French, half-Arab Lebanese women who projected in their dress and street manners more liberty, more boldness. I saw clearly the obvious European influence upon the Lebanese culture. It showed me how any country’s moral strength, or its moral weakness, is quickly measurable by the street attire and attitude of its women – especially its young women. Wherever its spiritual values have been submerged, if not destroyed, by an emphasis upon the material things, invariably, the women reflect it. Witness the women, both young and old, in America – where scarcely any moral values are left. There seem in most countries to be either one extreme or the other. Truly a paradise could exist wherever material progress and spiritual values could be properly balanced. »
P.153: Never ask a woman about other men. Either she’ll tell you a lie, and you still won’t know, or if she tells you the truth, you might not have wanted to hear it in the first place.”
Pp.183-184: “Sammy said that white women were very practical; he had heard so many of them express how they felt. They knew that the black men had all the strikes against him, that the white man kept the black man down, under his heel, unable to get anywhere, really. The white woman wanted to be comfortable, she wanted to be looked upon with favour by her own kind, but also she wanted to have her pleasure. So some of them just married a white man for convenience and security, and kept right on going with a Negro. It wasn’t that they were necessarily in love with the Negro, but they were in love with lust – particularly ‘taboo’ lust.”
“The white woman with a Negro man would be with him for one of two reasons: either extremely insane love, or to satisfy her lust.”
P.148: “Considering all the women he had picked out of crowds and turned into prostitutes, Sammy qualified as an expert. Anyway, he swore that if a woman, any woman, gets really carried away while dancing, what she truly is – at least potentially – will surface and show on her face.”
Pp.178-179: “It was in this house that I learned more about women than I ever did in any other single place. It was these working prostitutes who schooled me to things that every wife and every husband should know. Later on, it was chiefly the women who weren’t prostitutes who taught me to be very distrustful of most women; there seemed to be a higher code of ethics and sisterliness among those prostitutes than among numerous ladies of the church who have more men for kicks than the prostitutes have for pay. And I am talking about both black and white.”
P.179: “I got my first schooling about the cesspool morals of the white man from the best possible source, from his own women. And then as I got deeper in my own life of evil, I saw the white man’s morals with my own eyes. I even made my living helping to guide him to the sick things he wanted.”
Pp.179-80: “Domineering, complaining, demanding wives who had just about psychologically castrated their husbands were responsible for the early rush. These wives were so disagreeable and had made their men so tense that they were robbed of the satisfaction of being men. To escape this tension and the chance of being ridiculed by his own wife, each of these men had gotten up early and come to a prostitute.
The prostitutes had to make it their business to be students of men. They said that after most men passed their virile twenties, they went to bed mainly to satisfy their egos, and because a lot of women don’t understand it that way, they damage and wreck a man’s ego. No matter how little virility a man has to offer, prostitutes make him feel for a time that he is the greatest man in the world. That’s why these prostitutes had that morning rush of business. More wives could keep their husbands if they realised their greatest urge is to be men.”
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
MAN AND SUPERMAN, a comedy and a philosophy - 1903.
P.64 :
TANNER. « Tavy : that’s the devilish side of a woman’s fascination : she makes you will your own destruction. »
P.77 :
TANNER. « …It is the birth of that (moral) passion that turns a child into a man. »
P.79 :
TANNER. « …The only man who behaved sensibly was my tailor : he took my measure anew every time he saw me, while all the rest went on with their old measurements and expected them to fit me."
P.80 :
TANNER. « …It is this consideration of other people – or rather this cowardly fear of them which we call consideration – that makes us the sentimental slaves we are. »
Pp.94-95 :
« TANNER. …Well, what about Ann ? Have you proposed to her ?
OCTAVIUS. [self-reproachfully] I was a brute enough to do so last night.
TANNER. Brute enough ! What do you mean ?
OCTAVIUS. [dithyrambically] Jack : we men are all coarse : we never understand how exquisite a woman’s sensibilities are. How could I have done such a thing !
TANNER. Done what, you maudlin idiot ?
OCTAVIUS. Yes, I am an idiot. Jack : if you had heard her voice ! if you had seen her tears ! I have lain awake all night thinking of them. If she had reproached me, I could have borne it better.
TANNER. Tears ! thats dangerous. What did she say ?
OCTAVIUS. She asked me how she could think of anything now but her dear father. She stifled a sob – [he breaks down].
TANNER. [patting him on the back] Bear it like a man, Tavy, even if you feel it like an ass. It’s the old game : she’s not tired of playing with you yet.
OCTAVIUS. [impatiently] Oh, don’t be a fool, Jack. Do you suppose this eternal shallow cynicism of yours has any real bearing on a nature like hers ? »
P.96 :
« TANNER. …It is a woman’s business to get married as soon as possible, and a man’s to keep unmarried as long as he can. »
P.96 :
« OCTAVIUS. I cannot write without inspiration. And nobody can give me that except Ann. »
P.114 :
« TANNER. …a Mahometan country where men are protected from women. »
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
P.251 :
« …Even the Jews, who, from Moses to Marx and Lassalle, have inspired all the revolutions, have had to confess that, after all, the dog will return to his vomit and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire ; and we may as well make up our minds that Man will return to his idols and his cupidities, in spite of all « movements » and all revolutions, until his nature is changed. Until then, his early successes in building commercial civilizations (and such civilizations, Good Heavens !) are but preliminaries to the inevitable later stage, now threatening us, in which the passions which built the civilization become fatal instead of productive, just as the same qualities which make the lion king in the forest ensure his destruction when he enters a city. Nothing can save society then except the clear head and the wide purpose ; war and competition, potent instruments of selection and evolution in one epoch, become ruinous instruments of degeneration in the next.
(de son vrai nom chrétien Michael Shalhoub)
The Eternel Male with Marie-Thérèse Guinchard
An Autobiography, translated from the French by Martin Sokolinsky.
W.H.ALLEN . London . 1977
P.26 [during the shooting of Lawrence of Arabia]
« My life, until I found myself in that remote corner of Jordan, had been only a succession of landscapes, places where people and animals lived together. And there I was under that canopy riddled by little fireflies, subjected to the uniform desert, obeying its law, its magic. There were a thousand of us and yet I was alone, face to face with myself. My mind, which had been trained by my French studies in Cartesianism, gave way to my Islamic atavism.
The mysticism born of the desert took hold of me and, the more I tried to deny it, the more it acquired strength and broke my resistance ; I experienced religious feelings for the first time. »
« The Arab’s character, my father used to tell me, had been forged among the dunes where he pitched his tent. The desert, he explained, made man a grain of sand among the grains of sand. It made each person part of the others, just like the individual particles of mineral formed sand. Hence the Arab"s dependence and also his generosity. Hence his sense of hospitality and the offhandedness of his relations with others. Hence his spirit of fraternity and his aggressiveness towards anyone who doesn’t reply to his overtures. »
In the desert, men have only their individual resources – their courage, their resistance. They have only the hope of reaching a water-hole and the shelter of a tent on their long trek. Away from an oasis, death stalks their tracks ; men drag death with them, fall prey to it.
In this the desert is terrifying and terror leads us to meditate. It was no accident that so many prophets had come from the desert. There they found faith, a philosophy, a God. They identified with that one God, protector of the solitary man, and that God engendered monotheism. All prophets preached the same religion and called upon the same fraternal precepts that are found in Islam. Later on, men interpreted and adapted God’s word to suit themselves.
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
« Mohammed, in teaching men that death isn’t an end in itself, has spared them the fear of dying.
‘The Arabs have no fear of death, since Mohammed then takes them to his side,’ my father used to tell me. Through the verses of the Koran and the Bible, he taught me to have hope always.
Under the starry skies, feeling like a grain of sand, facing the big screen that was supposed to be a link with cities, with the so-called civilised world, I would think about my father and, like him, I believed in God. »
« Human contact has always been easy for me. Middle Easterners are warm by nature and friendship plays an important part in their life. This promotes relations between people. In that respect, I’m a Middle Easterner. »
« « … Hadn’t I belonged to a minority in Egypt ? Hadn"t I been born a Catholic in a Mohameddan world ?
Oh, of course, this difference had never made itself felt in any tangible way. Neither my family nor myself was ever subjected to any cruelty, baiting, mental or physical persecution. »
« Although I’d been given a French education, I felt like a Middle Eastern male. Or was it the image I had and still have of the submissive spouse ? In my country, women are dependent ! They blush. And I like that, I’m used to that. And in this country (America), which I was seeing for the first time, a woman who blushed was considered a naïve country girl. I couldn’t love a woman who couldn’t or wouldn’t blush ! I didn’t wonder if they weren’t sometimes playing a game – I knew they were !
What kind of country was this where women seemed to be in a position of strength ? Good God, that struck as contrary to nature ! The world was a man’s world and would always be a man’s world, where women had their place . . . But what if that weren’t true ? Then, what about history ? What about the history being made today ? Mightn’t the roles, which had seemed so well cast by nature, be inverted ? »
« The Egypt of my childhood was miserably poor, but Egyptian poverty didn’t leave me traumatised. There was almost something happy about it ; the people could smile through it all. At least, that was my impression. »
« … my mother, an inveterate gambler. »
« … this woman, who wasn’t really snobbish, who was generous and kind, began frequenting only the élite, since only the élite gambled. »
« Father having been raised by friars, mother by nuns, my parents were very united, like all deeply religious people who have strict family and social morals. They weren’t very well read. They were plain, religious people who could neither do nor think evil. I have never heard my father make a critical remark about anyone. My father was an extreme case, moral rectitude personified. »
« That reminds me of an unexpected visit I received in Deauville, France. A gentleman introduced himself to me, saying, ‘My name is Habib-Deloncle. Aren’t you the grandson of Aunt Afifa ? ’
‘That’s right, my grandmother’s name was Afifa and her maiden name was Habib.’
‘Then we’re cousins.’
We spoke for a long time about the family’s ‘woman saint’, as my father called his mother.
At that time, Habib-Deloncle was a member of General de Gaulle’s cabinet. »
«It wasn’t easy for businessmen to make profits in those days and my father, like the others, played the game, asserting that "business was business" and had nothing to do with religious feelings. That’s how he soured me for the business world and anything connected with it. »
« … My sense of fair play differed somewhat from the rules of business and, I must admit, I had doubts about my father’s honesty. »
« …She (my mother) would invite her ’cardshark’ friends home between sessions at the clubs. King Farouk was one of them. …He cheated ; everyone knew it, but they all had to pretend not to see. Protocol was excluded from these card games for the king’s entourage. …our house became a gambling den. »
1. Nadine de Rothschild : Femme un jour, femme toujours
2. Malcom X : Autobiographie
3. George Bernard Shaw : Man & Superman
4. Omar Sharif : Autobiographie
Recherches effectuées et non terminées
par B.A. Frémaux-Soormally
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
The Fruits of Reproductive Life that also involves genuine love ... and more to come!
It is not so long ago that I completely lost my Faith in God, which I hardly had anyway, although I will never abandon my Islamic and Christic Way of Life and still value the virtues the world inherited from all Godly religions as they are universal and found not only in most major religions, but also in the way of life of all good humans. By that I mean humans who love their neighbour as they love themselves, who stand for freedom, truth, a moral way of life, and fight for Justice in an unjust world, a concept unknown or simply hated by the rulers of this world that belongs to Evil forces.
After the monster known as George Walker Bush and his armies of Satan, and since the other monster, the apostate Muslim known as Barack Hussain Obama or Barry Soetero, the whole world has gone down the drain as well as my family and domestic life likely never to recover again as the Gods of Vampirism and Parasitism have sucked all my blood as well as that of my son leaving our children without protection and without a Code of Ethics for their day to day life.
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
If there is NO SUCH GOD, what is left of it? No much except at individual level where some or many can still be content, but only if they already know or have been taught as early as possible how to live a successful life. I learnt this too late and all by myself, but it would be an act of cowardice to leave this life before I have done the maximum for my loved ones. I do not despair and still hope for better days despite the tsunami and attacks on all sides by the Illuminati, God or No God!
2013-2015 - lasted less than 3 years ???
"GOD brings so much hope and happiness to millions of people who are oppressed and in great need of providence, and protection for their freedom, life and property? The Arabic word for THE God is Allah.
The lesson and morality of this story is that we should never forget GOD and be grateful for all His Bounties, always do right and never despise the little ones, because one day it may be that those same little ones would save us and the world from total destruction.
"Our schools should also teach us good morals.
Our children should remain our most precious treasures AND THE LIGHT OF OUR EYES, and we owe them THE PROPER moral AND SPIRITUAL upbringing.
By Basheer Ahmad Frémaux-Soormally
(adapted from “Le Petit Poucet » of Charles Perrault)
For my little Angels Jumaymah and Aïshah, and all children.
23rd of December 2009
On my 64th Birthday
N.B. The Charles Perrault’s episode about the blood-curdling and macabre children-eating ogre had to be omitted because it is simply unacceptable."
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
This is what I wrote back in 2009, but so much has happened since with the Gods of Mendacity, Evil and Abominations hard at work while the Believers are fast asleep and dreaming of and expecting a heavenly Paradise that does not exist!
Sunday 4th of October 2015
N.B. Photo removed at the request of JUMAYMAH & AÏSHAH FRÉMAUX-SOORMALLY.
But, not Amen yet!