Tuesday 9 September 2014


Ludwig Van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Ode To Joy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony...

Video Source: http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=WKKZ6LNX

Islamic Eschatological Explanation of Modern Western Civilization By Sheikh Imran Hosein




Universal Islamic civilisation shone over the world for many centuries, but was soon to be destroyed by a greater force, both Godly and Evil, that brought about the greatest civilisation of modern times, White Christian European Civilisation.

Today, although White Christian European Civilisation is not completely gone, it is being raped day and night for at least the past century by, this time, not Godly and Evil forces, but by exclusively Satanic forces led by Judeo-Masonic armies under the name of Zionist Israel, the greatesr abomination this earth has produced on the dead corpses of Christ and Muhammad or on the corpses of Christianity and agonising Islam. 

With the decadence of the Ummah ("Nation") of Muhammad, and that of the Ottomans, thanks mainly to their sectarian divisions and internal weaknesses, European conquests of all Muslim lands and colonialsm, and the Ottoman adoption of usury and heavy borrowing from the Jewish ("Judeo-Christian"!) Bank gangsters who had taken over Christendom, Islam was neutralised for many centuries, and all revival are fought with the systematic extermination of hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide because they have no adequate armies to defend themselves.  

An Electrifying Beethoven's 9th: Sir Georg Solti, Jessye Norman

George Digby

"Ma très chère Frédérique
     Je me sens très soulagé de voir que nous sommes toujours amis en dépit de nos différences, et je souhaite que cela dure aussi longtemps que nous le désirons tous les deux.  Je disais que vous étiez la corde ombilicale qui me liait encore à ma France, et vous venez de me confirmer que vous êtes aussi une amoureuse de la galanterie et de l’amour courtois.
     Je partage beaucoup cet amour et cela fait de nous ce trait d’union si nécessaire (vital) au monde actuel entre l’occident et l’orient.  À ce sujet vous devriez absolument lire le livre    

« Le soleil d’Allah brille sur l’occident » de Sigrid Hunke chez Albin Michel 1963

    Ce livre vous prouvera que suite à la reconquête de la Sicile de la gouvernance musulmane, il y avait sur place entre Chrétiens normands (vainqueurs) et Musulmans (vaincus) un système de cohabitation harmonieuse et pacifique et une osmose de civilisations nettement supérieure au système scélérat et monstrueux de la laïcité franc-maçonne et socialo-communiste qui n’a pour but que d’asservir, dominer, opprimer et provoquer un clash ‘des civilisations’.
     Mais, le fait demeure que les occidentaux apprirent la galanterie et la chevalerie (et tant d’autres choses) des Arabes et des Musulmans.  D’où vient la coutume des soupirants d’offrir des bouquets de fleurs à leurs bien-aimées ou celle de chanter des sérénades à sa dulcinée ? 
     Comparez les valeurs chevaleresques telles le courage, la loyauté, l'honneur, la largesse (générosité), et la notion d'amour courtois des occidentaux héritées grâce à leur contact avec les Arabes et Musulmans de l’époque avec la sauvagerie occidentale du monde moderne ?

Jean de Sismondi, De la littérature du midi de l'Europe, 1813

L'époque de la naissance de la chevalerie est celle précisément où la morale des Arabes était arrivée au plus haut terme de délicatesse et de raffinement, où la vertu était l'objet de leur enthousiasme, et où la pureté du langage et des pensées chez leurs écrivains, fait honte à la corruption des nôtres. Enfin de tous les peuples de l'Europe, les plus chevaleresques sont les Espagnols, et ce sont les seuls qui aient été immédiatement à l'école des Arabes. [...] la chevalerie est une invention arabe.
  • De la littérature du midi de l'Europe, Jean de Sismondi, éd. Treuttel et Würtz, 1813, p. 267-269

Eugène Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire, L'Espagne romaine et l'Espagne arabe, 1838

Oui, c'est aux Arabes, par l'Espagne et par les croisades, que nous devons cette civilisation dont nous sommes si fiers ; notre chevalerie nous vient des Arabes.
  • « L'Espagne romaine et l'Espagne arabe (Discours prononcé à l'ouverture du cours d'histoire ancienne, Faculté des Lettres de Paris.) » (1838), dans Revue de Paris, Eugène Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire, éd. Bureau de la Revue de Paris, 1838, t. 52, p. 231
« Le soleil d’Allah brille sur l’occident » - Livre VI : Trait d’Union entre l’Orient et l’Occident

« Ici nous sommes à l’époque de la reconquête normande de la Sicile qui était jusqu’alors, et ce depuis plus de deux siècles sous la domination musulmane. Dans ce chapitre, il n’est pas question de conflits, bien au contraire, mais de cohabitation avec la communauté musulmane ; Les musulmans ont gardé des liens avec les représentants d’organisations chrétiennes malgré les hostilités, ils étaient tolérants envers eux même s’ils ne partageaient pas leur croyance. Et on voit même, que contrairement à ce  que voudrait l’Histoire, que les vainqueurs chrétiens ont pris pour modèle le mode de vie des musulmans, les vaincus.
 Ce chapitre met, par exemple, en valeur l’inventivité artistique des musulmans, ou encore, leurs méthodes d’administration et leur législation qui ont été empruntées par les occidentaux. A travers la reconquête normande, l’auteur nous offre ici un autre regard sur le passé concernant les rapports entre l’Europe occidentale et la civilisation arabo-musulmane ; Qui ne se résume pas, comme on a pu si souvent l’entendre ou apprendre, à une succession de conflits et de guerres. Sigrid Hunke souligne plutôt les influences mutuelles, dans des domaines comme l’art,  la littérature, la poésie par exemple. »

Je vous embrasse et vous aime beaucoup.
Très respectueusement

Maria Callas - Habanera - Carmen - Bizet - french subtitles

Felipe Ruiz de Chávez
 Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 12:43
Subject: j'enrichis mes connaissances à votre contact

"Mon cher Basheer,
Encore un point en commun,  l'amour, c'est bien ! Nous pouvons être différents et semblables à la fois, nos pensées peuvent se rejoindre, et je trouve cela formidable.
Vous prêchez une convaincue ; je suis la première à reconnaitre la grandeur de la civilisation arabe : la médecine, l'astronomie, les mathématiques, et tout un tas de choses que j'oublie de citer. 

D'ailleurs j'adore regarder les reportages sur le sujet, en France nous avons 2 chaines de TV que je regarde la plupart du temps qui sont France 5 et Arte, chaînes documentaires essentiellement et de nombreux reportages concernent les civilisations, leur grandeur, leur déclin : cela va de l'Orient, la Chine, les Mayas, les Incas (la liste est très longue là aussi).
Je ne sais pas si je pourrai me procurer le livre que vous me citez, 1963 c'est pas très récent, les ouvrages deviennent difficiles à trouver peut-être un ouvrage d'occasion mais là non plus cela n'est pas évident, enfin je chercherai. J'ai bien fini par dénicher "la dernière tentation du Christ" de 1953 non sans mal ! (bien mieux que le film tiré du roman !)"

Arabesques andalouses “Le soleil d’Allah brille sur l’Occident”  pages 382-383 – Sigrid Hunke

"Et voici la teneur du dernier poème qu'un Arabe d'Andalousie ait osé composer;
ce poème tomba entre les mains des autorités en même temps que la lettre destinée à appeler à l'aide les frères d'Afrique du Nord :

Je me dois de crier à l'univers comment
Notre célèbre Andalousie
Sous le joug d'infidèles, pêcheurs et mécréants
Est odieusement asservie.
Nous vivons comme autant d'agneaux épouvantés
Cernés par la horde des loups
Qui veulent notre mort et nous criblent de coups
Sans cesse avec férocité.
Ils veulent par violence obtenir que nos frères
Se soumettent à leur loi,
Que devant leurs idoles, à genoux, nos prières
Nous convertissent à leur foi.
Nous vivons dans la peur qui torture notre âme
Et les tourments perpétuels.
Pour nous faire adorer leurs images infâmes
Leurs clochers lancent leurs appels.
Ils veulent notre mort, et chaque espion nous guette
Comme guetterait un vautour.
Emploie pour louer Dieu la langue du Prophète :
Tu disparaîtras sans retour.
Pour traquer tout suspect, ils emploient tant de sbires
Que fût-il à cent lieues un beau jour il est pris !
Dans un cachot sinistre on le jette, ô martyre !
Où sans cesse on lui crie :"Réflechis, réfléchis!"
Ce mot vrille encor le tympan du malheureux
Etendu sur le sol, des larmes plein les yeux.
Dans son cachot obscur gisant jour après jour,
Son infinie patience est bien son seul recours.
Il lui paraît qu'un gouffre hideux va l'engloutir
Quelque océan sans fin qu'il ne saurait franchir.
Voici qu'on le traîne à la chambre de torture,
Lié au chevalet, le supplicié endure
Le broiement affreux de ses os.
Les chrétiens méprisants se rassemblent bientôt
Place Attaoubin où ils ont dressés très haut
Le plus effroyable échafaud.
Nommant ce jour celui du jugement dernier,
De jaune ils vêtent ceux qu'ils n'ont pas condamnés.
Précédés de statues, les autres prisonniers
Vers le feu du bûcher en troupeau sont menés,
Ce bûcher où les guette une mort effroyable.
Dans un cercle enflammé le danger nous enserre,
Il n'est pas de tourment, hélas ! sur cette terre,
Qui jour et nuit ne nous accable !

Par la furie de l'autodafé et par des bannissements massifs, on dépeupla rapidement le pays le plus prospère du continent; en peu de temps il redevint un désert. La victoire sur le monde arabe était consommée."

The Money Masters (sous-titres en français) 


From the Shadows
Published on 11 Jun 2012 (Youtube)
Documentary produced by Halaqah media
Billed as the Muslim view on the war on terror, it covers a variety of topics:

* The reasons behind the Gulf war/Saddam
* History of the freemasons/were originally Christian heretics after the capture of Jerusalem/Al Aqsa
* How they came to control England/France and then the US
* The Dajjal * their involvement in the entertainments industry
* How they plan to assume control using ID cards
* Their link with the Rothschilds
* Only hope against them is Islam
* The atrocities they have already committed using the UN
* The AIDS virus.

Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins (theorised to be anywhere from the time of the building of King Solomon's Temple to the mid-1600s).
Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million, with around 480,000 in England, Scotland and Ireland alone, and over 2,000,000 in the United States. The various forms all share moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases, a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.

The fraternity is administratively organised into Grand Lodges (or sometimes Orients), each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. Grand Lodges recognise each other through a process of landmarks and regularity. There are also appendant bodies, which are organisations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.

Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as "a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."

Alain Soral, Dr Salim Laïbi, etc.



Britain's most elderly escort, 85, says she will not give up world's oldest profession - despite health problems and being disowned by her family (including former X Factor star Katie Wassiel)

  • Sheila Vogel-Coupe first revealed her secret during granddaughter Katie Waissel's time on 2010's X Factor
  • The great-gran vows to keep going despite recent operations
  • Love of sex is what motivates her to continue her career
Most great-grandmothers, having undergone surgery involving 33 cm of intestine being removed, might take it easy afterwards, perhaps recovering with a cup of tea in front of daytime TV. But one 85-year-old is nursing herself back to health in a rather less traditional way.
As Britain's reputed oldest 'lady of the night', Sheila Vogel-Coupe, grandmother of Katie Waissel, who shot to fame in 2010's X-Factor, is sticking to her sideline of pleasuring male clients.
Although she's lightened her workload, she's hoping to get to work full time, and is proud that she's still seeing to clients only 8 weeks after her surgery. 'I don't think I'll ever stop,' she says.
Sheila, who appears in a new Channel 4 documentary My Granny The Escort, due to air next week, explains her unusual late-life career choice: 'The most important reason is because I love sex. Even thinking about it makes me feel better,' she says.

Still working: Katie Waissel's granny, Sheila Vogel, continues to work as an escort despite being 85 years old
Still working: Katie Waissel's granny, Sheila Vogel, continues to work as an escort despite being 85 years old
'Young men see something about me. It is a nice feeling. Often men call me up and they say please go on talking because you're turning me on. I'm very very sexy,' she says.
During her recovery period Sheila says she's having to turn down a string of men. She shows the camera one text that reads: 'How's my sexy young woman doing this week?' then boasts: 'It's from an accountant.'
The mother of three, grandmother of 3 and great-grandmother of 2, only became a prostitute four years ago, at the ripe old age of 81. she says she missed having male company since the death of her aeronautical engineer husband in 2004, so turned to selling her body as a solution to loneliness.
Sadly, if not surprisingly, Sheila's job has created rifts in her family, so much so that she only remains on speaking terms with one of her three daughters.
Great-gran escort Sheila flashes a black suspender belt and lacy stocking while relaxing on her armchair
Great-gran escort Sheila flashes a black suspender belt and lacy stocking while relaxing on her armchair

At the time of the expose, during 2010's X-Factor, it was reported that Katie screamed down the phone when she found out her grandmother was a £250-an-hour prostitute.
'You'd think I had committed a murder,' Sheila says of her family's reaction to the expose, which she was tricked into by a reporter from newspaper New of The World, which has since been shut down.
'They couldn't believe it. I said, "What do you think I've done?" But everyone thinks about things differently I guess.
'They wanted me to promise I would never do it again, but I told them to stuff it,' says Sheila.
Since then only her daughter Josie has forgiven her mother for revealing her shocking secret.
Estranged: Sadly, escort Sheila Vogel is now estranged from her family
Horrified: X-Factor star Katie Waissel was horrified to discover her grandmother was an escort
X-Factor's Katie Waissel (left, with Shiela and right, pictured recently) was distraught at her gran's revelation during the 2010 series

'It is difficult,' admits Josie. 'But if I told her not to do it, she'd still do it -- but she wouldn't tell me. If she goes off to a hotel I make her ring me first and after -- there are some nutcases around.
'She'll never stop because she wouldn't be happy,' she adds.
At the time of the expose in 2010 Sheila described Katie's reaction as 'vicious and vile'. 'She screamed and shouted at me, saying "What are you doing to Mummy, what are you doing to the family?"
'She thinks I heaped shame on them. But I told her, "I'm doing what I enjoy - just leave me to do what I want to do."
'I'm proud to be a prostitute. I love what I do. I love sex,' she said. She has even extended an invitation to X Factor supremo Cowell: 'Simon's welcome any time.'
Sheila, who goes by the name Grand Dame Cecilia Bird on the website for escort agency Mature Courtesans, has bedded men as young as 20 and even made kinky sex tapes, which she proudly plays on the Channel 4 documentary.
Announcement: Sheila Vogel, grandmother of Katie Waissel, said her X-Factor stardom ruined her escort career
Announcement: Sheila Vogel, grandmother of Katie Waissel, said her X-Factor stardom ruined her escort career
'It makes me feel good that at the age I am, I’ve preserved my body so well and men love it. It's lovely to still be sexy at my age. I mean, look at this, announces Sheila.
So does she do it for the sexual thrills or the company? 'I think it's both,' Sheila admits.
'It doesn't begin and end with sex, there's also companionship. I've been on my own for the last 8 or 9 years and I do get lonely. So I do like the companionship of a gentleman.'
'I really have no inhibitions,' she adds, and says she doesn't feel guilty about seeing clients who are married.

Great-gran Sheila Vogel-Coupeis 85 years old but has no plans to give up
Great-gran Sheila Vogel-Coupeis 85 years old but has no plans to give up

'Some of my clients have a fetish and want to call me mummy, auntie or grandma. I think it is a bit weird,' Sheila told The Sun back in 2010.
'It seems to be the 'in' thing. All the younger men want older women and I'm the oldest one at my agency, possibly the oldest in the country.
'I asked one, "What do you want with an old lady like me?" He said, "Because you're experienced, intelligent. Give me some intelligent conversation."'
At the time, X Factor finalist Katie's sister Natalie Davis said in a statement: 'We were completely shocked and devastated to hear the news that my grandmother has been conducting immoral activities, including prostitution and pornography.
'We, as a family, disassociate ourselves wholly from these activities and from any future stories that arise from them.'
In the aftermath, Sheila admitted to reporters that Katie's mother Diana, her daughter, was furious with her actions.
'Diana called me a f***ing wh*** and her husband called me a wrinkly saggy old lady.
'The family are very embarrassed about it and Diana is making a big thing out of it to try to get Katie publicity and sympathy.'
But twice-married Mrs Vogel-Coupe, who has also appeared in a porn film, is defiant.
'I work as a prostitute because I love it,' she declared. 'It gives me great satisfaction and keeps me young.
'I could go on for years yet. Why should I stop?
'I think of myself as a refined lady giving a very special service men are not going to get anywhere else.
'I've had a few celebrity clients but I would never say who they were. They worked in the music industry and TV and things.
'I like to make men happy and content. I have no inhibitions. I love people. I'm an outgoing personality who lives in the 21st century.'
My Granny the Escort airs on Channel 4 on Thursday May 29

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2632631/Britains-elderly-escort-85-says-not-worlds-oldest-profession-despite-health-problems-disowned-family-including-former-X-Factor-star-Katie-Wassiel.html#ixzz3MSZgl9o8
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 Teenager who has been dating her long-lost FATHER for two years reveals the pair are planning to get married - and have children 

  • An 18-year-old girl is revealing in a new interview that she has been dating her father for two years
  • The pair were estranged for 12 years, but met up again when she was 16, having sex the week they were reunited
  • They were soon dating and are now planning their wedding
  • After their wedding they plan on moving to New Jersey and having children, were adult incest is legal 
A young girl who is planning her upcoming wedding may have some trouble getting her mother to attend the ceremony - as she is marrying her father.
The unnamed 18-year-old is revealing all the details of her two year relationship with her father in an interview with Science of Us, from how they fell in love and the first time they had sex to what their plans are for the future.
And one of those plans she is very certain of - the two will have children.
An unnamed 18-year-old is sharing her story about how she plans to marry and have children with her father (not pictured above)
An unnamed 18-year-old is sharing her story about how she plans to marry and have children with her father (not pictured above)
The woman, who hails from the Great Lakes region, reconnected with her father when she was 16, this after 12 years of estrangement.
Her parents got pregnant on Prom night, and she grew up with her mother, who the young girl claims is bipolar.
Her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school, and after the two met up she went to go stay with him for a week.
They had sex that week, her first time, and were soon dating.
'There’s a reason I lost my virginity to him  because I’d never felt comfortable with any other man. It was insanely sensual,' she says. 
'It lasted for about an hour and there was a lot of foreplay. We both had orgasms. We are so similar, so it’s so easy to sexually please each other. For example, we both love neck-biting. I’ve never been in a more passionate, loving, fulfilling situation.'
The two are not even hiding their situation, with many around them aware of what is going on between them. 
'Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter,' she explains. 
'Those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents (they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies  they treat us just like any other couple), the woman we live with, and my best friend.'
The wedding has already been planned, and she will be telling her mother - after the two make the moved to New Jersey.
'We plan to move to New Jersey where we can be safe under the law, since adult incest isn’t illegal there, and once I’m there I’ll tell everyone,' she says. 
'I’ll call my mom and let her know that we are in love and we are having children. If she wants to see her grandkids we’ll send her money and she can drive to see us.' 
And while many people, and science, may argue that having a child with a family member can lead to genetic problems, she scoffs at this notion. 
'Everybody thinks that kids born in incestuous relationships will definitely have genetic problems, but that’s not true,' she explains. 
'That happens when there’s years of inbreeding, like with the royal family. Incest has been around as long as humans have.' 
That being said, she says her chidlren will never learn how mommy and daddy first met.
'I don’t want to give them any problems,' she says.  

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