Europe-Israël réclame des peines de prison pour Alain Soral et Dieudonné
- Publié le : dimanche 22 décembre
- Mots-clés : Dieudonné; insolite; Judaïsme; justice; Persécutions !; politique; Sionisme
- Commentaires : 181
- (dernier : 23 décembre 16:41 par helène)
- Source :
Pétition pour que Madame la ministre de la Justice ordonne aux Parquets de requérir des peines de prison exemplaires contre Dieudonné et Soral multirécidivistes
Madame la Ministre de la Justice Christiane Taubira
Aujourd’hui l’antisémitisme et le négationnisme sont devenus un business, les tribunaux des espaces publicitaires assurant une promotion à moindre coût, permettant à des individus à la moralité douteuse de distiller des idées haineuses porteuses de discordes et de violences.
Les Dieudonné et Soral se servent des tribunaux pour assurer une publicité à moindre coût afin de remplir leurs salles de spectacle ou de vendre leurs vivres. Ils n’hésitent pas à comparer le coût financier d’une condamnation à un « budget promotionnel » largement rentabilisé par la publicité donnée à la provocation facile.
Dieudonné et Soral sont des multirécidivistes, ils comptent à leurs casiers judiciaires des dizaines de condamnations pour incitation à la haine raciale, apologie de crime contre l’humanité, racisme, antisémitisme, négationnisme et d’autres chefs d’inculpation encore au caractère tout aussi infamant.
Ces individus disposant pour certains de réelles complicités médiatiques doivent prendre conscience que la société n’est plus prête à leur accorder le droit de décerner des permis de tuer comme ce fut le cas pour Merah et pour ceux qui ne manqueront pas de suivre si les mesures adéquates ne sont pas prises.
Au surplus, ces deux personnages nauséabonds ne payent jamais les sommes pour lesquelles ils sont condamnés, vraisemblablement en ayant organisé leur insolvabilité afin d’échapper aux conséquences de leurs propos.
Par ailleurs, il a été largement démontré de par leur propre aveu qu’ils ont tous deux été financés par l’Iran afin de distiller dans la société française l’antisémitisme et le négationnisme.
Le but de cette démarche n’est pas de pousser à une répression excessive, créatrice de « martyre », mais bien d’assurer l’une des fonctions les plus importantes de la peine prononcée, empêcher la réitération des infractions.
Nous vous demandons Madame la Ministre, de recommander au ministère public de requérir systématiquement pour ces délits prônant l’antisémitisme et le négationnisme, de lourdes peines de prison systématiquement assorties du sursis et d’une période de mise à l’épreuve maximale selon les termes de la loi, seule ces peines, en accompagnement de condamnations pécuniaires exemplaires, seront a même de faire planer une lourde menace sur leurs auteurs empêchant toutes velléités de réitération sans pour cela porter atteinte à la liberté d’expression inaliénable.
En stoppant les flots de haine et d’intolérance par la menace de révocation du sursis vous imposerez Madame la Ministre une mesure juste et humaine permettant aux auteurs de ce type d’infraction de prendre la pleine mesure de leurs actes en réfléchissant aux conséquences de leurs orientations irrationnelles.
Sur E&R, à propos de Jean-Marc Moskowicz, président d’Europe-Israël :
« Liste des procès en cours impliquant Alain Soral et Égalité & Réconciliation »
« Sébastien Thoen face à l’Inquisition »
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Urszula Maria Pickford
Urszula Maria Pickford shared Questioneverything's photo.
Happy Birthday Henry Highland!(December 23, 1815 – February 13, 1882)
In August of 1843 in Buffalo, New York, Henry Highland Garnet gave an inspirational speech that shocked the delegates of the National Negro Convention. In came to be known as the "Call to Rebellion" speech, Garnet encouraged slaves to turn against their masters. "Neither god, nor angels, or just men, command you to suffer for a single moment. Therefore it is your solemn and imperative duty to use every means, both moral, intellectual, and physical that promises success."
To Garnet, white slaveholders were at a disadvantage. They relied heavily on the toil of their slaves. And the number of slaves was formidable. Garnet reminded them of this fact in this passage:
"Brethren, arise, arise! Strike for your lives and liberties. Now is the day and the hour. Let every slave throughout the land do this, and the days of slavery are numbered. You cannot be more oppressed than you have been -- you cannot suffer greater cruelties than you have already. Rather die freemen than live to be slaves. Remember that you are FOUR MILLIONS!"
In response, Frederick Douglass spoke out against the speech to the convention. Garnet, in turn, responded to Douglass, speaking for an hour and a half. His appeal would not sway the delegates, however. The convention did not sanction Garnet's approach to abolition.
When he first emerged onto the antislavery scene, Henry Highland Garnet was strongly opposed to sending blacks to Africa as a solution to the slavery problem. His views changed over the years, and by 1849 he believed that emigration to Africa could coexist with the fight against slavery at home. Around the time this photo was taken -- around 1881 -- Garnet even planned to move to Liberia, the country in Africa colonized by American blacks. He moved there in 1881, after being appointed by the government to a post in the country. He died two months after his arrival.
Happy Birthday Henry Highland! (December 23, 1815 – February 13, 1882) In August of 1843 in Buffalo, New York, Henry Highland Garnet gave an inspirational speech that shocked the delegates of the National Negro Convention. In came to be known as the "Call to Rebellion" speech, Garnet encouraged slaves to turn against their masters. "Neither god, nor angels, or just men, command you to suffer for a single moment. Therefore it is your solemn and imperative duty to use every means, both moral, intellectual, and physical that promises success." To Garnet, white slaveholders were at a disadvantage. They relied heavily on the toil of their slaves. And the number of slaves was formidable. Garnet reminded them of this fact in this passage: "Brethren, arise, arise! Strike for your lives and liberties. Now is the day and the hour. Let every slave throughout the land do this, and the days of slavery are numbered. You cannot be more oppressed than you have been -- you cannot suffer greater cruelties than you have already. Rather die freemen than live to be slaves. Remember that you are FOUR MILLIONS!" In response, Frederick Douglass spoke out against the speech to the convention. Garnet, in turn, responded to Douglass, speaking for an hour and a half. His appeal would not sway the delegates, however. The convention did not sanction Garnet's approach to abolition. When he first emerged onto the antislavery scene, Henry Highland Garnet was strongly opposed to sending blacks to Africa as a solution to the slavery problem. His views changed over the years, and by 1849 he believed that emigration to Africa could coexist with the fight against slavery at home. Around the time this photo was taken -- around 1881 -- Garnet even planned to move to Liberia, the country in Africa colonized by American blacks. He moved there in 1881, after being appointed by the government to a post in the country. He died two months after his arrival.
- You like this.
- Ghyslaine Roc Thanks for posting this. Nina Simone is from Liberia. But, I always thought American "Negroes" were all savages as portrayed in Jewish controlled Hollywood films for nearly a century! But, by some miracle White American racists have today become lovers of "Negroes because the latter have joined them in their wars of conquest"!
Adalberto Erazo
Today at 7:53 PM - 24 December 2013
you for this hidden history. The indoctrination system in America never
told us about Henry Highland. You have to fight back against oppression
and slavery by any means necessary. Look at what happened to William
Lane and the Tasmanians. Just reading about the atrocities and the way
they were treated can only be described with one word-Satanic. It's a
scenario that continues to repeat over and over again. Back then they
called their victims who resisted invasions "savages". Today IsraHell,
America and her gang of gang rapists go around the world calling the
victims who resist their satanic violence by calling them "terrorists".
Just look at what is happening in the Central African Republic right
now. The jewish President Francois Hollande is leading another
judeo-christian crusade in this poor landlocked African country all
under the cover of a so called "Humanitarian Intervention" in order to
"prevent a genocide" but no one is fooled by this false pretext. France
is in the CAR aiding and abetting a Bosnian style genocide in that
country which is targeting that country's Muslim minority which is
15%. Of course you have the jewish controlled organization called
'Amnesty International' which is trying to downplay this genocide by
saying "crimes against humanity were committed by all parties to the
conflict". Why does that line sound familiar to me? Oh, that's right! I
heard that very similar sounding line when it came to them comparing
the rape victim and the predator on the same level when it comes to
the Palestinians and the jewish land usurpers who are conducting the
genocide of the Palestinian peoples(Muslim and Christian). To put the
rape victim and the rapist on the same
level is an utter insult to the victims!
France fuels sectarian killing in CAR
French Troops Attack CAR Muslims Protest
Urszula Maria Pickford shared Sam Siddiqui's photo.
Lanne is the last captured male to die. Even his death in 1869 gave him
no respect. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science
at the Colonial Hospital. His head has never been found. Neither has
the tobacco pouch that was made out of his scrotum.] Having lost the
skills of sewing, fishing and making fire, the indigenous people of
Tasmania lived more simply than even Aboriginals on the Australian
mainland from whom they had been isolated by rising sea
levels around ten thousand years ago. When the ships bearing European
settlers arrived in Tasmania in 1772, the indigenous people seem not to
have noticed them. Unable to process a sight for which nothing had
prepared them, they returned to their ways. They had no defences against
the settlers. By 1830, their numbers had been reduced from around five
thousand to seventy-two. In the intervening years they had been used for
slave labour and sexual pleasure, tortured and mutilated. They had been
hunted like vermin and their skins had been sold for government bounty.
When the males were killed, female survivors were turned loose with the
heads of their husbands tied around their necks. Males who were not
killed were usually castrated. Children were clubbed to death. this is
William Lanne described as the last full blooded male Tasmanian.
William Lanne is the last captured male to die. Even his death in 1869
gave him no respect. Dr Lodewyk Crowther
removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital. His
head has never been found. Neither has the tobacco pouch that was made
out of his scrotum.]
Having lost the skills of sewing, fishing and making fire, the
indigenous people of Tasmania lived more simply than even Aboriginals on
the Australian mainland from whom they had been isolated by rising sea
levels around ten thousand years ago. When the ships bearing European
settlers arrived in Tasmania in 1772, the indigenous people seem not to
have noticed them. Unable to process a sight for which nothing had
prepared them, they returned to their ways.
They had no defences against the settlers. By 1830, their numbers had
been reduced from around five thousand to seventy-two. In the
intervening years they had been used for slave labour and sexual
pleasure, tortured and mutilated. They had been hunted like vermin and
their skins had been sold for government bounty. When the males were
killed, female survivors were turned loose with the heads of their
husbands tied around their necks. Males who were not killed were usually
castrated. Children were clubbed to death. When the last indigenous
Tasmanian male, William Lanner, died in 1869, his grave was opened by a
member of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Dr George Stokell, who made a
tobacco pouch from his skin. When the last ‘fullblood’ indigenous woman
died a few years later, the genocide was complete.
Genocide is as human as art or prayer. This is not because humans are a
uniquely aggressive species. The rate of violent death among some
monkeys exceeds that among humans - if wars are excluded from the
calculation; but as E.O. Wilson observes, ‘if hamdryas baboons had
nuclear weapons, they would destroy the world in a week’. Mass murder is
a side effect of progress in technology. From the stone axe onwards,
humans have used their tools to slaughter one another. Humans are
weapon-making animals with an unquenchable fondness for killing. (from
Straw Dogs by John Gray)
- You and 7 others like this.
- Vidi Damayanti oh my God.. Thank you for sharing sis Ula, i never heard this Tasmanian history this worst before
- Ghyslaine Roc These practices are still current in modern day America with Satanic rituals and human sacrifice. Had people really understand the horrors of western imperialism and colonialism they would never have trusted those Satanic bastards to control their daily lives and those of the entire world!10 hours ago · Like
Urszula Maria Pickford shared Questioneverything's photo.Q. If 5 to 6 million Jews dying at the hands of Hitler's Nazi Germany was called a holocaust, then what was this??? -OK17
In 1876, Leopold formed the philanthropic organisation “Association Internationale Africaine“ (International African Association) and became its single shareholder. Under the guise of missionary work and westernization of African peoples, Leopold II used the International African Association to further his ambitions of empire building in the hope if bringing international prestige to relatively small Belgium. In reality, the International African Association was a vehicle to enslave the people of the Congo River Basin and enrich Leopold II.
In the 23 years (1885-1908) Leopold II ruled the Congo he massacred 10-15 million Africans by cutting off their hands and genitals, flogging them to death, starving them into forced labor, holding children ransom and burning villages. The ironic part of this story is that Leopold II committed these atrocities by not even setting foot in the Congo.
It must be noted however, that whilst much attention has been given to Leopold’s atrocities in the Congo, in the same period acts of brutality were being committed on native peoples elsewhere in the world. Britain on the Aborigines in *Australasia, the United States on native Americans and Philipino , French on Northwest Congolese, Spanish on the north and central native Americans, Portuguese on the Angolans and Amazonians and Germans on Southwest Africans. However, so severe was the brutality of the genocide in Leopold’s Congo that many a European visitor publicly condemned Leopold and the Belgium government. The veracity of the crimes was so well known that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle penned the book, “The crime of the Congo” in 1909, highlighting the plight of the Congolese.
Leopold’s contract
Unable to read or write, the Congolese tribal Chiefs, unwittingly sold their tribe members into a lifetime of slavery for pieces of cloth.
In return for "one piece of cloth per month to each of the undersigned chiefs, besides present of cloth in hand, they promised to freely of their own accord, for themselves and their heirs and successors for ever...give up to the said Association [set up by Leopold] the sovereignty and all sovereign and governing rights to all their territories...and to assist by labour or otherwise, any works, improvements or expeditions which the said Association shall cause at any time to be carried out in any part of these territories... All roads and waterways running through this country, the right of collecting tolls on the same, and all game, fishing, mining and forest rights, are to be the absolute property of the said Association."
*Australasia, a region of Oceania, comprises Australia, New Zealand, the island of New Guinea, and neighboring islands in the Pacific Ocean.
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Tags: QuestioneverythingQ. If 5 to 6 million Jews dying at the hands of Hitler's Nazi Germany was called a holocaust, then what was this??? -OK17 In 1876, Leopold formed the philanthropic organisation “Association Internationale Africaine“ (International African Association) and became its single shareholder. Under the guise of missionary work and westernization of African peoples, Leopold II used the International African Association to further his ambitions of empire building in the hope if bringing international prestige to relatively small Belgium. In reality, the International African Association was a vehicle to enslave the people of the Congo River Basin and enrich Leopold II. In the 23 years (1885-1908) Leopold II ruled the Congo he massacred 10-15 million Africans by cutting off their hands and genitals, flogging them to death, starving them into forced labor, holding children ransom and burning villages. The ironic part of this story is that Leopold II committed these atrocities by not even setting foot in the Congo. It must be noted however, that whilst much attention has been given to Leopold’s atrocities in the Congo, in the same period acts of brutality were being committed on native peoples elsewhere in the world. Britain on the Aborigines in *Australasia, the United States on native Americans and Philipino , French on Northwest Congolese, Spanish on the north and central native Americans, Portuguese on the Angolans and Amazonians and Germans on Southwest Africans. However, so severe was the brutality of the genocide in Leopold’s Congo that many a European visitor publicly condemned Leopold and the Belgium government. The veracity of the crimes was so well known that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle penned the book, “The crime of the Congo” in 1909, highlighting the plight of the Congolese. Leopold’s contract Unable to read or write, the Congolese tribal Chiefs, unwittingly sold their tribe members into a lifetime of slavery for pieces of cloth. In return for "one piece of cloth per month to each of the undersigned chiefs, besides present of cloth in hand, they promised to freely of their own accord, for themselves and their heirs and successors for ever...give up to the said Association [set up by Leopold] the sovereignty and all sovereign and governing rights to all their territories...and to assist by labour or otherwise, any works, improvements or expeditions which the said Association shall cause at any time to be carried out in any part of these territories... All roads and waterways running through this country, the right of collecting tolls on the same, and all game, fishing, mining and forest rights, are to be the absolute property of the said Association." *Australasia, a region of Oceania, comprises Australia, New Zealand, the island of New Guinea, and neighboring islands in the Pacific Ocean. Read more:Like · · Share · 19 hours ago ·
- Ghyslaine Roc Urszula dearest, often it is quite overwhelming, but I thank you for all your efforts. These latest links are very informative. Funny that I have been writing about them for the past two decades at least (in particular the Congolese holocaust) and practically NOBODY was really interested. Thanks again. and Joyeux Noël . Love. GhyslaineA few seconds ago · Like
Urszula Maria Pickford shared Questioneverything's photo.
The family is said to have caused revolutions, wars and upheavals that altered the face of Europe, the Far East and the United States, forever .
The purpose of this book is to explore the Rothschild history and to come to grips with what their plan was for the world. The Rothschilds are Jews, a fact they never sought to conceal or downplay. Throughout history, from India to Babylon to Palestine in ancient times, money matters have always been principally the trade of the Jews. In the money markets of Frankfurt, London, New York and Hong Kong, the Jewish financier predominated. By 1917 they were strung out across the world. On the stock exchanges of London, Paris and New York, Jewish brokers are the back bone of the business.
The movement of precious metals, diamonds and currency throughout the world has always been under Jewish control. We recite these facts as facts in themselves and not to in any way infer anything derogatory.
The Jews themselves admit to this. When preparations were being made by Britain to wage war against Germany in 1910, the international Jewish financiers were stationed in key locations, -- and at the head of international financing around the world stood the Rothschilds and their associated banking houses.
In France it was Rothschild, Fould, Camondo, Pereira and Bischoffheim; in Germany, Rothschild, Warschauer, Mendelssohn, Bleichroder; in England, Sassoon, Stern, Rothschild and Montague; ~ in the Far East it was Sassoon; in Russia it was Gunzburg; in the United States it was J.P. Morgan, Kuhn Loeb and Co., Seligman and Co., Speyer and Co., Warburg and Lazard Freres.
Above all, dwarfing and overshadowing them was the House of Rothschild. Critics of the Rothschilds say that Morgan and Kuhn Loeb were merely fronts for the Rothschilds, and that all of the famous banking houses were affiliated with the Rothschild banks.
The founder of the House of Rothschild was Mayer Anselm Bauer (Rothschild)
Mayer Amschel (Rothschild) was born in 1743. The family had been in Frankfurt for generations, indeed there is a record in the British Museum that they dated back to the beginning of the 16th century. By the 18th century they were quite a large group. Mayer Amschel lived with his mother and father and three brothers until 1775, when a massive epidemic of smallpox swept Europe, taking the lives of both of Mayer's parents.
Mayer's relatives enrolled him in rabbinical school at Furth. But he did not have the patience or the liking for the long years of study needed to qualify, and after three years at Furth, at the age of thirteen, Mayer Amschel struck out on his own. Proceeding to Hanover, the young man was given a small, insignificant "charity" job at the House of Oppenheimer's bank, where within six months of his arrival he was made an apprentice.
It did not take him long to conclude that to succeed at banking, one needed the protection of one of the leading princes. After six years he left Hanover and went back to Frankfurt where he married Gudule Schnapper in 1770. Gudule bore Mayer five sons. Discussions with his five sons were always around a "dirty wooden table", a description given by Spiridovich in Unrevealed in History, where the family gathered for meals and talks.
The distribution of the financial world among the sons was one of the favorite topics of discussion. Their father talked about the four grandsons of Charlemagne, how the Emperors of the Romans had ruled the world and his vision for his sons. His five daughters were never included in such talks.
Around the table, Mayer would warn his sons to keep their wealth in the family and never marry outside of it. He explained the Hebrew law of "neshek" meaning literally, "a bite", the word for interest and "how it was to be applied outside of, and not to, the Hebrews."
Secrecy was to be paramount; no one outside of the family was ever to know how much money they had. According to author John Reeves who in his book, The Rothschilds: Financial Rulers of Nations, quotes MacGregor, author of The Kahbalaha Unmasked:
The five sons started in business in five European capitals, but were acting in concert with each other. The business of the Rothschilds since 1812 has been so immense, and the bonds linking the different members of the family together interwoven, that to unravel them appears to be well nigh hopeless.
The success achieved by the founder was due to the disturbed state of the world. Mayer Amschel was a child of fortune equally with Napoleon.
read more@ family is said to have caused revolutions, wars and upheavals that altered the face of Europe, the Far East and the United States, forever .
The purpose of this book is to explore the Rothschild history and to come to grips with what their plan was for the world. The Rothschilds are Jews, a fact they never sought to conceal or downplay. Throughout history, from India to Babylon to Palestine in ancient times, money matters have always been principally the trade of the Jews. In the money markets of Frankfurt, London, New York and Hong Kong, the Jewish financier predominated. By 1917 they were strung out across the world. On the stock exchanges of London, Paris and New York, Jewish brokers are the back bone of the business.
The movement of precious metals, diamonds and currency throughout the world has always been under Jewish control. We recite these facts as facts in themselves and not to in any way infer anything derogatory.
The Jews themselves admit to this. When preparations were being made by Britain to wage war against Germany in 1910, the international Jewish financiers were stationed in key locations, -- and at the head of international financing around the world stood the Rothschilds and their associated banking houses.
In France it was Rothschild, Fould, Camondo, Pereira and Bischoffheim; in Germany, Rothschild, Warschauer, Mendelssohn, Bleichroder; in England, Sassoon, Stern, Rothschild and Montague; ~ in the Far East it was Sassoon; in Russia it was Gunzburg; in the United States it was J.P. Morgan, Kuhn Loeb and Co., Seligman and Co., Speyer and Co., Warburg and Lazard Freres.
Above all, dwarfing and overshadowing them was the House of Rothschild. Critics of the Rothschilds say that Morgan and Kuhn Loeb were merely fronts for the Rothschilds, and that all of the famous banking houses were affiliated with the Rothschild banks.
The founder of the House of Rothschild was Mayer Anselm Bauer (Rothschild)
Mayer Amschel (Rothschild) was born in 1743. The family had been in Frankfurt for generations, indeed there is a record in the British Museum that they dated back to the beginning of the 16th century. By the 18th century they were quite a large group. Mayer Amschel lived with his mother and father and three brothers until 1775, when a massive epidemic of smallpox swept Europe, taking the lives of both of Mayer's parents.
Mayer's relatives enrolled him in rabbinical school at Furth. But he did not have the patience or the liking for the long years of study needed to qualify, and after three years at Furth, at the age of thirteen, Mayer Amschel struck out on his own. Proceeding to Hanover, the young man was given a small, insignificant "charity" job at the House of Oppenheimer's bank, where within six months of his arrival he was made an apprentice.
It did not take him long to conclude that to succeed at banking, one needed the protection of one of the leading princes. After six years he left Hanover and went back to Frankfurt where he married Gudule Schnapper in 1770. Gudule bore Mayer five sons. Discussions with his five sons were always around a "dirty wooden table", a description given by Spiridovich in Unrevealed in History, where the family gathered for meals and talks.
The distribution of the financial world among the sons was one of the favorite topics of discussion. Their father talked about the four grandsons of Charlemagne, how the Emperors of the Romans had ruled the world and his vision for his sons. His five daughters were never included in such talks.
Around the table, Mayer would warn his sons to keep their wealth in the family and never marry outside of it. He explained the Hebrew law of "neshek" meaning literally, "a bite", the word for interest and "how it was to be applied outside of, and not to, the Hebrews."
Secrecy was to be paramount; no one outside of the family was ever to know how much money they had. According to author John Reeves who in his book, The Rothschilds: Financial Rulers of Nations, quotes MacGregor, author of The Kahbalaha Unmasked:
The five sons started in business in five European capitals, but were acting in concert with each other. The business of the Rothschilds since 1812 has been so immense, and the bonds linking the different members of the family together interwoven, that to unravel them appears to be well nigh hopeless.
The success achieved by the founder was due to the disturbed state of the world. Mayer Amschel was a child of fortune equally with Napoleon.
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- Ghyslaine Roc Exactly! And we did give him and his likes total control over our currency! So who can we blame?10 hours ago · Like
UTOPIA + Satellite Q&A with John Pilger: Monday 18 November
November 13, 2013
BAFTA-winning filmmaker and journalist John Pilger gives us his thoughts on his extraordinary film about Utopia, a vast region in Northern Australia that is home to the oldest human presence. He joins us for a special Satellite Q&A of UTOPIA next Monday.
On 18 November, Picturehouse Cinemas will stage an extraordinary event. My film, UTOPIA, will be beamed by satellite from The Ritzy in Brixton, South London, to more than 20 cinemas across the country.
UTOPIA has been more than two years in the making. It is my fourth film about indigenous Australia, in my homeland.
More than any other colonial society, Australia consigns its secrets, past and present, to an almost wilful ignorance or indifference. When I was at school in Sydney, standard texts often dismissed the most enduring human entity on Earth: the indigenous first Australians. “It was quite useless to treat them fairly,” wrote the historian Stephen Roberts, “since they were completely amoral and incapable of sincere and prolonged gratitude.” His acclaimed colleague Russel Ward was succinct: “We are civilised today and they are not.”
That Australia has since changed is not disputed. To measure this change, a visit to Western Australia is essential. The vast, richest state is home to the world’s biggest ‘resources’ boom: iron ore, gold, nickel, oil, petroleum, gas. Profits are in the multiple billions. When Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd tried to impose a modest tax, he was overthrown by his own party following a $22 million propaganda campaign by the mining companies, whose friends in the media uphold the world’s first Murdocracy. At airports, visitors are greeted by banners with smiling Aboriginal faces in hard hats, promoting the plunderers of their land. “This is our story,” says the slogan. It isn’t.
Barely a fraction of mining, oil and gas revenue has benefited Aboriginal communities, whose poverty is an enduring shock. In Roeburne, in the mineral-rich Pilbara, 80% of the children suffer from an ear infection called otitis media that causes partial deafness. Or they go blind from preventable trachoma. Or they contract Dickensian infections. That is their story.
The Nyoongar people have lived around what is now Perth for many thousands of years. Incredibly, they survive. Noel Nannup, a Nyoongar elder, and Marianne McKay, a Nyoongar activist, accompanied me to Rottnest Island, which is described in brochures as “a favourite tourist destination”. Locals call it Rotto.
Noel Nannup’s protective presence was important to Marianne. Unlike the jolly tourists heading for Rotto, they spent days “preparing for the pain”. “All our families remember what was done,” said Noel.
What was done was the torture, humiliation and murder of the First Australians. Wrenched from their communities in an insidious genocide that divided and emasculated the indigenous nations, shackled men and boys as young as eight endured the perilous nine-hour journey in an open longboat. Cold, sick and terrified prisoners were jammed into a windowless ‘holding cell’ like an oversized kennel.
In the prison known as the Quod, as many as 167 Aboriginal prisoners were locked in 28 tiny cells. This lasted well into the 20th century. I booked a room there. The prison is now called Rottnest Lodge. It has a spa, and there are double bunks for children: family fun. The window looked out on where a gallows had stood, where tourists now sunbathed. None had a clue.
Rotto is not the past. On 28 March, Richard Harding, formerly Inspector of Custodial Services, declared Western Australia a ‘State of Imprisonment’. During the boom, Aboriginal incarceration has more than doubled. Interned in often rat-infested cells, almost 60% of the state’s young prisoners are Aboriginal – out of 2.5% of the population. While their mothers hold vigils outside, Aboriginal children are held in solitary confinement in an adult jail. A former prisons minister, Margaret Quirk, told me the state was now “racking and stacking” black Australians. Their rate of incarceration is five times that of apartheid South Africa.
And yet the most remarkable feature of the ‘secret’ story of Aboriginal people is their resistance. UTOPIA describes a forgotten history of a people who have stood against the might of invaders and the cultural and social invasions that followed. The ballad I chose for the film is the haunting No More Whispering by the indigenous singer Glen Skuthorpe. That is the aim and spirit of this film.
For a the list of cinemas taking part in the UTOPIA + Satellite Q&A with John Pilger event, and for booking information, please click here.
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