John 8:44 (New International Version)
John 8:44
New International Version (NIV)
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
1 Corinthians 15
When the Pharisees and Sadducees sinned, Jesus Christ was recorded (by totally unreliable sources) to have, with a team or armed disciples, attacked them (chopping a few heads here and there most probably) and kicked their butts right inside their "dens of vipers" - their Temple of worship and commerce, and ran with his armed men to hide in the Garden of Gethsemane !
1 Corinthians 15
New King James Version (NKJV)
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.
3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. 6 After
that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the
greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. 7 After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. 8 Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time.9 For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 11 Therefore, whether it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed.
No wonder more than half of Christendom (that had institutionalised racism and slavery) left their churches and even God to become at will atheists, polytheists, Socialists, Communists, totalitarians, imperialists, colonialists, Humanists, Feminists, Freemasons, Zionists, Sodomites, abortionists, gamblers, drug addicts, fornicators, prostitutes, pornographers, usurers, global polluters, genociders, baby killers, rapists, torturers, liars, hypocrites, criminals, embezzlers, democrats (mob rule), and defend GMO, vaccines that kill, mercury, fluoride, aspartame, and other means of poisoning the people, and above all weapons of mass destruction and wars of conquest and plunder and all kinds of abominations of the most perverted, barbaric and savage kind.
Yet, even the instutionalised religion based on such nonsense has been able to produce a great civilisation, if not the greatest 'civilisation' of all times that has perfected both good and evil at the same time. Yet, while France, for example, has ousted God from the daily public lives of the people, the Godless State is still persisting in its imperialist campaigns by mass murdering people especially in the Muslim world. On the other end, Godly (God of Evil) America and Britain are doing exactly the same by mass murdering millions and plundering the defenseless nations by permanently occupying their lands and enslaving their inhabitants.
Is it because they believe they have already been saved from any accountability and punishment because their God Jesus Christ died for their sins? No, the answer is simpler than that. They realised long ago that there is no such God or Jesus Christ at all and that they are free to do whatever they want as long as they have the weapons and the others are unarmed or disarmed! If there ever has been cowardly nations on earth, it most certainly is the modern European nations that can fight only unarmed people!
What is sin and why should anybody die for other peoples' sins?
We must be really dumb to believe in such nonsense! In reality, innocent people are dying everyday by the thousands and sometimes by hundreds of thousands because of the crimes of others either in the name of secularism (atheism), Zionism or in the name of the Christian God!
I have tried to argue for the rebuilding of Christendom in strict accordance with good Christian virtues, but the battle is lost in advance as what most Christians are doing is trying to pull Muslims into joining them when we know perfectly well that the Christians work hand in hand with Satan as represented by the Godless Western states and their perverted ideologies where they have already sold out their religion and accepted most if not all the abominations passed into law or tolerated by the Godless states. And what most Muslims have done especially in the so-called West is to collaborate with Satan too as the Jews and Christians have been doing already for centuries!
No wonder our world is not ours anymore and is in total chaos and thriving on sins and awaiting for the total taking over by the Elite of "Supreme Beings" and the extermination of some 90 to 95% of the total world inhabitants! But, even if the battle is lost in advance, the Jihaad must go on!
Sunday 14 July 2013
Christianity produced great human beings as well as Islam, Atheism, Judaism, and other isms. But, many of the isms have proved to be delusions. Contrary to Christianity, Islam as a way of life is based not only on faith, but also on understanding based upon solid evidence and arguments. However, we have seen great Christians using reason to justify their faith and very often backed by evidence, especially about the uncreated Creator that modern western science claims has no basis at all in the modern world as life has absolutely no purpose and there is no such thing as good or evil.
However, it is sad to see modern Muslims basing their religion more and more on faith, culture and traditions rather than on understanding. Most of the Muslims I see and read about in Mauritius, France, the USA and Britain, for example, are in fact not Muslims at all and they all practice usury (RIBA), worship false Gods (television, sports, public schools, cinema, etc.), and consume haraam (forbidden) and non tayyab (impure, GMO, lethal vaccines, aspartame, fluoride, mercury, poisonous Big Pharmaceutical products, etc.) products, and even take loans to go on pilgrimage, which is strictly forbidden in Islam.
There are practically no Muslims and no Masajid ("mosques") in France even if the false figure 6 million has been peddled for the past 20 years or so. The reason why we see Muslims pray in the streets is because they are not allowed to build or operate independent Masajid. It is easier to obtain permission to run brothels, intoxicant houses, massage parlours, pornographic shops, etc. than to run a Masjid.
The Muslims in Britain are from Sects and they all work with and for the government and the Intelligence Services. Why? The simple answer is that they are slaves to the system and need to be freed and emancipated!
Anyway, there is not much Islam in the entire world.
Vendredi 19 juin 2009
14 mai 1999 - Jean-Paul II
embrasse le Coran au Vatican
Certaines personnes,
gênées par le scandale, prétendent que Jean-Paul II n'a pas
embrassé le Coran. Soit elles disent que ce livre (sur la photo) n'est
pas le Coran soit elles affirment qu'il s'agit d'une
photo trafiquée ! Ces objections sont faciles à réfuter.
Tout d'abord, voici un témoignage (traduit en français) du patriarche
chaldéen catholique Raphael qui était présent le 14 mai 1999 (Source : extrait d'une entrevue avec
FIDES News Service du 1 Juin, 1999) :
"Le 14 Mai j'ai été reçu par le pape, avec une délégation composée de l'imam chiite de Khadum mosquée sunnite et le président du conseil d'administration de la Banque islamique irakienne. Il y avait aussi un représentant du ministère irakien de religion. ....
«À la fin de l'audience, le Pape s'est incliné devant le livre saint musulman, le Coran, présentée par la délégation, et il l'embrassa comme un signe de respect. La photo de ce geste a été projetté à maintes reprises à la télévision iraquienne et elle démontre que le Pape n'a pas seulement conscience de la souffrance du peuple irakien, mais qu'il a également beaucoup de respect pour l'Islam ».
Ce témoignage pourrait suffire mais on pourrait citer aussi quelques articles parus
dans les certains médias :
- Article paru dans Le Monde des religions à l’occasion du décès de Jean-Paul II :
lui, a posé des gestes
symboliques sans précédent. Il aura été ainsi le premier pape à
réunir dans la prière les chefs spirituels des principales confessions
de la planète, le premier à entrer dans une synagogue, le
premier aussi à pénétrer dans une mosquée, il a embrassé publiquement le Coran,
s’est recueilli à Jérusalem devant le Mur Occidental, il a même
participé plusieurs fois à des rites non monothéistes… N’oublions pas
qu’il fut
avant tout un pape voyageur, et donc naturellement confronté, à
chacun de ses déplacements ou presque, à la question de l’altérité. Or,
chaque fois qu’il s’est trouvé en face de populations non
catholiques, il a tenté, avec un sens aigu du symbole, d’entrer en
relation de fraternité avec leurs représentants religieux..."
- Article paru dans La Vie du 10.09.08 :
Déclaration de Rémi Brague, professeur de philosophie à la Sorbonne et à Munich lors d'une interview :
Quelle est son attitude [de Benoît XVI] profonde face à l’islam ?
R. B. "Je ne crois pas qu’il le connaisse bien. Il n’a eu aucune raison de l’étudier. Et je ne sais pas qui le conseille à ce sujet. J’espère qu’il évitera des erreurs du genre de celle, majeure, de Jean Paul II, d’embrasser le Coran… Il aurait mieux fait de le lire."
- Article paru dans Valeurs actuelles et repris par le Salon Beige :
Déclaration d'Annie Laurent, politologue et écrivain française :
"Le baiser de Jean-Paul II au Coran, offert par une délégation irakienne, en 1999, suscita un trouble réel chez
les chrétiens d’Occident et d’Orient, comme une attestation officielle de la vérité de l’islam."
Enfin, le fait que Jean-Paul II ait embrassé le Coran n'a jamais été démenti par le Vatican. Au contraire, il n'est pas étonnant que cet apostat ait embrassé le Coran, livre niant la Sainte Trinité, niant la divinité de Jésus-Christ et contenant des appels au meurtre, à la haine, à la violence, à l'impureté*. En effet, toutes ses déclarations vont dans ce sens :
Enfin, le fait que Jean-Paul II ait embrassé le Coran n'a jamais été démenti par le Vatican. Au contraire, il n'est pas étonnant que cet apostat ait embrassé le Coran, livre niant la Sainte Trinité, niant la divinité de Jésus-Christ et contenant des appels au meurtre, à la haine, à la violence, à l'impureté*. En effet, toutes ses déclarations vont dans ce sens :
« Que St. Jean Baptiste protège l’Islam » (21
mars 2000 - Osservatore romano, édition française du 28 mars 2000)
“Chers musulmans, mes frères... vous êtes conscients d'être porteurs de certaines
qualités spécifiques, parmi lesquelles la culture de l'islam est peut-être la plus évidente... C'est seulement dans ce cadre de religion et dans des promesses de foi partagée que
l'on peut réellement parler de respect mutuel, d'ouverture et de collaboration entre chrétiens et musulmans". (Discours de J.P. Il aux musulmans de l’île Mindanao, Philippines,
musulmans sont nos frères dans la foi au Dieu
unique» (discours aux musulmans, Paris 31 mai 1980)
* I will come back on those 'Christian' lies later, insha'Allah!
« livre niant
la Sainte Trinité, niant la divinité de Jésus-Christ et contenant des appels au
meurtre, à la haine, à la violence, à l'impureté. »
Le Saint Qur’ân nie en effet la « Sainte
Trinité ». Mais est-ce un crime vu
que la « Sainte Trinité » n’est non seulement nullement mentionnée
dans les « Saintes Évangiles », mais même des Chrétiens ont estimé
qu’elle n’avait pas sa place dans la Bible et l’ont enlevée dans les traductions
plus modernes. La Trinité fut empruntée
aux Védantistes (Hindouistes) et à d’autres religions polythéistes, mais
surtout pas à Abraham, Moïse ou Jésus.
Concernant la divinité de Jésus, c’est encore
une autre invention que même notre très grand ennemi (ex-ami) le Pr Texe Mars
ne cesse de propager ad nauseum durant ces sermons, ses causeries, et au sein
de son église à domicile. Jésus-Dieu? N'importe quoi!
Ces fameux « appels au meurtre » ne
sont en fait que des recommandations à la résistance contre tout ennemi qui
cherche à tuer les personnes qui avaient adopté la religion de l’Islam, à voler
leurs biens ou à apporter atteinte à leurs familles et à leur mode de vie.
Au fait, c’est la seule religion qui, en
théorie et en pratique, prêche le Manisfesto
de Paix à travers l’effort (Jihaad) dans la Voie de Dieu. Par contre, la France d’aujourd’hui est un pur
produit du Manifesto Communiste de Guerre militaire permanente, et tout ce qui est de plus pervers sous le
Concernant la violence, je pense que
l’histoire a prouvé mille fois que les nations les plus violentes au monde sont
celles jadis soumises au christianisme.
Si, les Chrétiens, ici, ou ailleurs, ne l’ont pas encore compris, c’est
la fin du monde civilisé avec Dieu.
La prostitution, la pornographie,
l’homosexualité, l’inceste, les jeux de hasard, le mariage homosexuel, la
pédophilie, l’avortement, les guerres, le sexe libre, le mensonge, etc., sont les
piliers de la civilisation décadente de l’occident fondé sur l’impureté la plus
totale ! Alors, mes amies et amis,
dire que le Saint Qur’âan contiendrait des impuretés (ou des appels à
l’impureté) c’est de la pure folie – une abomination satanique !
En bon français, ce que les occidentaux
reprochent à l’Islam et aux Musulmans, c’est de la MERDE émanant d’esprits
malades, ultra-sionisés!
Ce lundi 2 septembre 2013
Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (also known as Ibn Qayyim ("The son of the principal") or Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah ("Son of the principal of the (school of) Jawziyyah")) (1292–1350 CE / 691 AH–751 AH) was a Sunni Islamic jurist, commentator on the Qur'an and theologian. Although he is sometimes referred to as "the scholar of the heart",[2] given his extensive works pertaining to human behavior and ethics, Ibn Qayyim's scholarship was focused on the sciences of Hadith and Fiqh. (Wikipedia)
Yaa Obad Al Maseeh Fi Naqd Al Nasraniyyah'
(O Worshippers of Christ - Answering Christianity).
English interpretation and translation of "O Christ worshippers! We want answers for our questions"(from your wise ones).
the Lord was murdered by people acts, what kind of god is this? We
wonder. Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If, 'yes', then blessed
by they, for they achieved His pleasure. But if he was discontented,
that means their power had subjugated his power.
the whole universe left with no Sustainer? Who answered prayers during
this? Were heavens vacated while he laid underground someplace?
all the worlds left without a god to manage, while his hands were
nailed? Why didn't the angels help him when they heard him screaming?
How could rods stand up to bear the true Lord when he was fastened?
How could the iron rods pierce his body?
How could his enemies' hands strike him and slap his back side?
Did Christi revive himself from the dead? Or was there another god to revive him?
What kind of sight was it, a grave enclosing a god?
still is the womb that confined him? He remained there nine months in
total darkness, fed by blood? Then he exists the womb as a tiny baby,
weak, gasping to be breast fed?
ate and drank, and what then naturally occurs? Is this something for
God? Exalted High is Allah above these lies of Christians. All will be
held accountable for their lies!
Cross worshippers! Why is the cross exalted? And why blame those who
reject it? Isn't it logical to break and burn it? Along with the ones to
initiated it?
the Lord was crucified on it, his hands nailed to it? That is really a
cursed cross to carry! So throw it away, don't kiss it!
The lord was abused on it, yet you adore it? So you are of his enemies?
you extol it because it carried the Lord of the Worlds, why not
prostrate yourselves to worship graves? Since the grave contained your
god in it?
We respectfully add our own questions for our brothers who believe in the One God of Adam, of Abraham, of Moses and of Jesus:
Do we believe Jesus, peace be upon him, taught us to pray and he also prayed?
Did Jesus really pray?
To Whom?
Therefore, shouldn't we also pray directly to the One that Jesus, peace be upon him, prayed to?
We suggest to all mankind everwhere the following advice:
"God's" 12 Biggest Moves in the Old Testament (obscene language edited)
Jesus arrived and his divine father chilled out, the Old Testament God
was, ironically, kind of a hellraiser. He was not a nice guy. He really
liked killing people. And he may have actually been insane, if his
willingness to randomly murder devout worshippers like Moses was any
indication. Here are the 12 craziest, most awful things God did in the
Old Testament, back before that wacked-out hippie Jesus softened him up.
1) Sending Bears to Murder Children
So a guy named Eliseus was traveling to Bethel when a bunch
of kids popped up and made fun of him for being bald. That had to suck, and you
can't blame Eliseus for being p..... and cursing them to God. But God had
Eliseus' back, by which I mean he sent two bears to maul 42 of these kids to
death. For making fun of a bald dude. I have to think Eliseus was looking for
something along the lines of a spanking, or maybe the poetic justice of having
the kids go bald, but nope, God went straight for the bear murder. But on the
plus side, that pile of 40+ children's corpses never made fun of anybody again. (4 Kings 2:23-24)
2) Turning Lot's Wife to Salt
Most folks know about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, two
cities of sin God decided to kill everyone in instead of, you know, making them
not full of sin. But this was a town that, when two angels were staying at
Lot's place, gathered en masse and asked if they could rape them. I repeat: They wanted to rape angels. So they kind
of had their destruction coming. Lot and his family were sent from the city
before things went down, and Lot's wife looked back, and God turned her into a
pillar of salt. It's generally understood that Lot's wife was looking back in a
wistful kind of way at her angel-raping hometown, but the fact is there's
nothing in the Bible to suggest this. Nor was Lot's family warned about looking
back. Maybe Lot's wife wanted to see Sodom and Gomorrah get what was coming to
it. Maybe she was thinking wistfully of the things she had to leave behind.
Maybe she wondered if she left the oven on. We'll never know, because God turned
her into seasoning for breaking a rule she didn't know existed. (Genesis 19:26)
3) Hating Ugly People
In what should be good news for intolerant religious conservatives, God really does hate people who are
different from the norm. Of course, God isn't as worried about skin color or
(sodomy) as he is about whether you're ugly or not. Because if you're
ugly, you can just go worship some other god, okay? (Even though God will
punish you if you do and also they don't exist.) Here's the people God does not
want coming into his churches: People with blemishes, blind people, the lame, those
with flat noses, dwarves, people with scurvy, people with bad eyes, people with
bad skin, and those that "hath their stones broken." Given that God is technically responsible for giving people
all of these afflictions in the first place, this is an enormous d... move. (Leviticus 21:17-24)
4) Trying to kill Moses
terms of people who God likes,
you'd think Moses would be pretty high up on the list, right? I mean,
appointed him to lead the Jews out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea for him,
even picked him to receive the 10 Commandments, right? Yet this didn't
stop God
from trying to kill Moses when he ran into him at "a lodging place."
There is
literally no explanation given in the Bible for God's decision to murder
of his chief supporters. The line is "At a lodging place on the way, the
Lord met Moses and was about to kill him." The only sensible
explanation for this is that God was drunk out of his mind and looking
for a
bar fight, and you better hope that's correct because the alternative is
God's a psychopath. How was God stopped from murdering his #1 fan? "But
[Moses' wife] Zipporah took a flint
knife, cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it ... So
the Lord let
him alone." Either the sight of a very unexpected circumcision sobered
God up
quickly, or he didn't want to touch a dude who just touched a severed
Still, it's Moses' son who's the real victim here. (Exodus 4:24-26)
5) Committing so much genocide
God has killed so many people, you guys. Okay, I mean
technically, God has killed everyone if you subscribe to Judeo-Christian
thought, but I'm not talking about indirect methods, I'm talking about God
murdering countless people in horrible ways simply because he's p..... off. God
drowning every single person on the planet besides Noah and his family is
pretty well known, but he also helped the Israelites murder everyone in
Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan and many more, usually killing women, children and
animals at the same time. Hell, God once helped some Israelites kill 500,000
other Israelites. God's crazy.
6) Ordering His Underlings to Kill Their Own Children
God is obviously good at big picture ..., but he also
took the time to be a d... on a more personal level. Abraham was another devout
man who God decided to f... with, apparently because he knew he could. God
ordered him to sacrifice his son to God (God was a fan of human sacrifice at
the time). We know Abraham loved his son, so he was probably kind of upset with
this, but hey, God's God, right? So Abraham tricked his unsuspecting son up a
mountain onto a sacrificial altar and prepared to murder him. This story
actually has a happy ending, in that right before Abraham drove a knife into
his son's throat, God yelled "Psyche!" and told him it was only a test. And
then Abraham received some blessings after that for being willing to kill his
own child at God's whim. And all it took was the dread of being forced to kill
his own child on behalf of his angry deity and, presumably, a shit-ton of
awkward family dinners for the rest of his life. Abraham got off better than
Jephthah, who had to follow through with murdering his daughter (burning her
alive, specifically) in order to get on God's good side before battling the
Ammonites. (Genesis 22:1-12)
7) Killing Egyptian Babies
Let's be completely up front: The Egyptians and the Jews did
not get along. According to the Bible, the Egyptians enslaved the Jews, but the
Jews had God on their side, if you kind of ignore God letting his people be
enslaved in the first place. Rather getting his worshippers the hell out of
there, God wanted to show those damned Egyptians what for, releasing 10 plagues
that began with turning the river Nile into pure blood, and ending with the
slaughter of the first-born of every single Egyptian man and animal. Now, I
suppose it's possible that some, or even most of these first-born were adults
who were shitty to the Israelites. But some of them had to be babies who didn't even
have the time to persecute the Jews yet. And what the hell did the animals do
to the Jews to get caught up in this nightmare? Were there proto-Nazi cows
running around who needed to be punished for their transgressions against the
chosen people? And you realize there were cats in Egypt, right? Cats who had
first-born? God killed kittens. (Numbers
8) Killing a Dude for Not Making More Babies
you're a dude named Onan and you have a brother named Er.
God does not care for Er, and kills him. Standard God operating
procedure. Then
things gets weird. Onan's dad orders Onan to have sex with Er's wife —
marry, by the way, just have sex with. This is actually pretty awkward
Onan, sleeping with his sister-in-law, and rather than give her any more
(she had two with Er already) he pulls out. God is so infuriated that
Onan did
not f... his sister-in-law to completion that he kills him, too. Now,
you could
argue that God demands that intercourse be used specifically for
but given how much God loves killing babies and children, I don't think
his motives here are exceptionally pure. (Genesis 38:1-10)
9) Helping Samson Murder People to Pay Off a Bet
evidence that God is possibly a low-level mobster: When
his pal Samson got married, he was given 30 friends, and he posed them
completely insane) riddle. Then he made a bet that if they could solve
it in a week, Samson would give them all new clothes, but if they
couldn't they would give
Samson 30 pairs of new clothes. Well, Samson's wife wheedled the answer
out of
him and then told these dudes, at which point an angry Samson had to pay
up. And
here's where God comes in — literally, into Samson, giving him the power
murder 30 random people for their clothes. Only a true friend would help
commit mass murder to settle a completely stupid bet. (Judges 14:1-19)
10) Trying to Wrestle a Guy, Cheating, and Still Losing
And here's more evidence that God is a drunk maniac: Jacob
was traveling with his two wives, his 11 kids, and all his earthly possessions
and had sent them across a river. At that moment, a guy essentially leapt out
of the bushes and started wrestling. It's God! They wrestle all night, and God
cannot beat Jacob, so he uses his magic God powers to wrench Jacob's hip out of
its socket. But Jacob still won't let him out of a headlock until God blesses him,
because Jacob has figured out who this bizarre man is. God blesses him and wanders
off, presumably to go get in a bar fight somewhere. (Genesis 32: 22-31)
11) Killing People for Complaining About God Killing Them
be fair, after God freed the Israelites from Egyptian
slavery, they were extraordinarily bitchy about not instantly being in a
of milk and honey. It got so bad that God was ready to kill all of them
and let
Moses start the Jews over, although Moses managed to talk him out of it.
one of their more sensible complaints was that Moses was lording himself
over the rest
of them, which was probably true, seeing as God had given him the 10
Commandments and all that. So Moses summoned the three tribal elders who
had made the
complaint to a Monday morning staff meeting, but two of them didn't
Neither Moses nor God cared for that, and God opened up the grounds
their people's tents, killing both tribes (God also set fire to 250
Israelite princes
who'd made the same complaint). Having been well admonished that Moses
was putting
himself above the rest of the people with God's permission, a number of
surviving Israelites were kind of p..... that Moses and God had killed
so many of their fellow people to prove a point. God responded by
killing another
14,700 of them with a plague. The complaints stopped. (Numbers 16:1-49)
12) Everything He Did to Job
Job. Other than a load-ton of babies, no one had it
worse in the Bible than Job, who was a righteous, good-hearted man who
believed in God with every fiber in his being — which is when God
decides to see how
miserable he can make this dude before he gets upset. Note: This
is a result of a bet between God and Satan. Also note: The bet is God's
He's literally just hanging out with Satan — which is kinda weird when
think about it — when he starting bragging about how awesome Job is.
points out that Job's pretty blessed — he's rich, he's got a lot of
kids, etc.,
and he probably wouldn't be quite so thrilled with God if he didn't have
stuff. God downs his bourbon, presumably, and tells Satan he can f...
with Job
all he wants. Satan does. He kills all of Job's children and animals,
burns down
his house, destroys his wealth, and then covers him in boils. Job
doesn't not
curse God, but he does wish he'd never been born (literally) and begs
God to
kill him, but no dice. This lasts a long time until finally Job wonders
why a just
God would be so shitty. This is when God pops up and basically tells
up, I don't have to explain anything to you." Job, having finally done
something wrong, pleads for mercy, and God eventually gives him back
and children — new ones, because the old ones are still dead. Because of
a bet.
That God made with Satan. For kicks. (Job 1)
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