Stories for
Learn About Islam
Colour - Colour - Colour and Learn
Crosswords and Mazes
Islamic Poems
Other Stuff for Kids to Do
you who believe: Fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die
except as Muslims. Hold fast, all of you, to the Rope of Allah and do
not be divided, and remember Allah's blessing upon you, for you were
enemies and he brought your hearts together until you became brothers by
His blessing, and you were on the edge of a pit of fire and He saved
you from it. In this way, Allah clarifies His signs to you that you be
guided. (Quran 3 102-103)
up in the west as a Muslim is a big test, everyone would agree wholeheartedly.
You’ve got so many temptations, relentless peer pressure and a host of marketing and advertising people all out to sell you to the corporate world in one way or another.
It is kinda like a tug of war between you as a Muslim and that sneaky Shaytan - who sometimes comes disguised - like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It is a struggle on a day to day basis but there is light at the end of the tunnel - you gotta be strong and not give in to that "wolf" (Shaytan) and sometimes that means you might not be in the cool gang.
Oh yeah that light - I was talking about - its ISLAM - so you got to get the good knowledge and hang with the right people.
The Team at Mission Islam is here to help - we have some articles on Islam that we hope will inspire you, insha'Allah. If you would like articles or information on any other subject - please email the team and let us know - we would love to hear from you!
Learn about Islam
Worship in Islam
Motivational Stories and Reminders
- Stories of the Abdullah Family
- Great Stories for You
- Things we can do to Please Allah
- Solving Problems
- A Touch of Tawakkul, Sabr and Shukr
- Peer Pressure
- 12 Tips for Muslim Youth
- Proud to be a "stranger"
- Muslim College Life: Dating, Drinking and Deen???
- Islam is Sacrifice
- Seven Habits of Highly Successful Muslim Youth
- Television or Computer - You choose
- Muhammad: A Role Model for a New Millennium
- How One Teen Remembered Allah and it changed Her Life
- Happiness comes from Zikhr, not the Prom
- Cool or Fool? Choosing the Right Friends
- Making use of Our Youth-Advice to the Youth
Puzzles to Do
Bookmarks and Stuff to Do
For when You have finished your Salah
"Say: we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il: Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)."
(Qur'an, Al-Imran 3:84)
Comparative Religion section includes various articles that compare
the religion of Islam to others. Feel free to contact us if you
wish to enter into any discussions regarding Islam and your faith.
Many of The Team here at Mission Islam are individuals who have
come from other religious belief systems before choosing Islam as
their way of life.
If you are interested in learning more about Islam, please e-mail us and include your postal address so we may send you some free reading and audio material.
If you are interested in learning more about Islam, please e-mail us and include your postal address so we may send you some free reading and audio material.
Article for the Month
- Proving The Existence Of Allah (swt) To An Atheist
- Is the Black Stone an Idol? and Is Pilgrimage a Pagan Rite?
- We Believe in Jesus
- Dear Christian's Please ask Yourself ..?
- The Birth of Jesus Was a Miracle (& the Story of Maryam) - by Yahya Adel Ibrahim
- We Are More Worthy of Jesus Than They Are - by Yahya Adel Ibrahim
- The True Message of Jesus Christ (audio Part 1 & Part 2)
- Why Priests and Preachers are Coming to Islam - by Yusuf Estes
- Are All Religions One? - by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
- Islam the Religion of the Future by Abu Faisal
- Jesus Was Saved by Allah From the Cross by Yahya Adel Ibrahim
Qur’an, Bible & Other Scriptures
- The Difference between the Bible and the Qur'an
- Refuting Christian Beliefs
- Let the Bible Speak
- Who Invented the Trinity?
- St. Paul The Root of Christian Missionary Deception
- The Doctrine of Original Sin (Part One)
- The Truth about the Concept of Original Sin (Part Two)
- God is Not the Author of Confusion
- Who Inspired the Authors of the Bible?
- 101 Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses
- Judaism And Their Groups
- Where did the King James Bible come From?
- Why God's Book Cannot Contain Errors
- Who Moved the Stone?
- What was the Sign of Jonah?
- We Believe in His Books
- What the Gospels Mean to Muslims
- 101 Contradictions in the Bible - Whats Going on Here?
- We Believe in Jesus
- The Truth about Jesus - The Muslim Nation is More Worthy of Jesus Than All Others
- Attributing Lineage to Jesus when he has NO Lineage
- Some Thoughts on the 'Proofs' of the Alleged Divinity of Jesus
- Jesus, a Muslim, Was Neither Killed, nor Crucified
- Who
is the True Jesus
- The Descent of Isa Glad Tiding for Muslims
- Do Muslims Celebrate Easter and Christmas?
- Jesus said; "Surely, Allah is My Lord and Your Lord"
- Crucifixion or Cruici-Fiction
- Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified?
- Jesus Christ in Islam
- Jesus (Peace be upon him) Will Descend at the End of Time
- The True Narrative of Jesus the Son of Mary as Revealed in the Qur'an
- Did God Become Man?
- The Status of Women in the Gospels
- Women in the Bible
- Women in Islam versus Women in Judeo Christian Tradition
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Dear Christian's Please ask Yourself ..?
- Prophet Ibrahim: The Father of the Prophets
- Is the Black Stone an Idol? and Is Pilgrimage a Pagan Rite?
- The History of Christmas
- Proving the Existence Of Allah (swt) to an Atheist
- The Combat Kit - Against Bible Thumpers
of Converts To Islam
- Former Christian Priests and Missionaries who have Embraced Islam
- Melissa's Journey to Islam - New Zealand
- Experiences of a Recently Converted Hindu Woman
- The Bible Led Me to Islam
- From the Watchtower to the Minaret
- Veil of Tears (Testimony of 2 Jewish Sister's Journey to Islam)
- On My Way to Becoming a Lutheran Minister
- Christianity: The Point of Departure
- Islam - The Only Choice!
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