Tuesday 17 May 2011



George Galloway the Rachel Corrie story,the brutal murder of an angel by nazi jews in israel


BREAKING NEWS: Israel's Attack on Humanitarian Ship to Gaza.
Updated Report

Global Research, May 16, 2011

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The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) carrying a humanitarian cargo to Gaza 
was attacked by an Israeli naval patrol within the so-called Palestinian Security Zone on May 15, 
at 10.54pm EDT.
In the course of the last few hours, Global Research has communicated several times with the 
Rachel Corrie vessel en route to Gaza. What is provided below is a detailed update. 
 An earlier article was posted at 12.30am EDT  
The vessel left the Greek Port of Piraeus, on Wednesday, May 11. The humanitarian initiative is
sponsored by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF), chaired by the former Prime Minister
 of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad.

Participating in this mission are anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish,
2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) is a partner in this endeavor.
Global Research`s Julie Lévesque is on board the Rachel Corrie:
The cargo ship The Spirit of Rachel Corrie (officially known as FINCH) is carrying 7.5 kilometers
of UPVC (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza.
The ship was named after the courageous American activist who was crushed and killed by an

Israeli bulldozer in 2003 while trying to prevent the demolition of another Palestinian home.

She died at 23. ( Perdana's Second Press Release, Nakba and the Spirit of Rachel Corrie:

Global Research, May 16, 2011)
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie entered Gazan waters without being detected.
The Israeli navy with its radar equipment and advanced communications technology was unaware of
 the Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission.

They were unprepared.  They had received no prior information of the Rachel Corrie Mission, which
had been planned for several months, scheduled to arrive off the coast of Gaza on the day of the "Nakba"
Ironically, Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency was unaware of this mission. The Israeli navy vessels acted
 in an improvised fashion, without prior knowledge or intelligence. There was no indication that they had
received precise instructions from the Israeli government.
At the time of the attack, the passengers on board were under the impression that the ship was still in
international waters, when in fact is was one mile inside the "Palestinian Security zone", namely in
Gaza territorial waters, within a short distance of the Gaza coastline. This was an important accomplishment. 
Indicated below is the initial report sent to Global Research by text message:
At 10.54 pm Eastern Time (EDT), the Spirit of Rachel Corrie was intercepted by an Israeli

ship and a Egyptian ship in international waters [correction: within Gaza Territorial waters]
10:54pm EDT, Gaza 5:54am: We have been intercepted by Israeli ship and Egyptian ship.

We are disobeying the orders and sailing ahead to Gaza.
10:57pm EDT, Gaza 5:57am: One Israeli warship coming to us very fast! We are in international

waters, therefore they have no right to attack us. We are still sailing ahead.
10:59pm EDT, Gaza 5:59am: They are opening fire across our ship! We are still sailing ahead.
11:09pm EDT, Gaza 6:09am: They are shooting all over the place. We can't continue ...
11:35pm EDT, Gaza 6:35am: They circled our ship twice and fired across our ship. Machine guns.

No one was injured. One of the fishing nets caught the propeller, so we can't move now.
11:37pm EDT, Gaza 6:37am: The Israeli ship was coming from one end and the Egyptian ship
was coming from another end. Firing. We are just stalled now. Everybody is okay. No one is injured.
Two Israeli naval vessels initially launched a "warning attack" on the Rachel Corrie, indicating that if
 the ship did not change course, they would shoot at the crew and the passengers. One of the passengers
 was almost killed as a result of the attacks. (See Bernama, May 16, 2011)
The following exchange took place between the Israeli navy and the ship as reported by the Free
Malaysia Today journalist on board the Spirit of Rachel Corrie:
"Israeli army: This is a warning shot. Turn around.
Captain Jalil Mansor: We are unarmed civilians on a humanitarian mission to Gaza.

Israeli army:
This is a closed military zone. It’s a violation. Turn around.
Mansor: We will continue (the mission).
The Israelis then headed to the back of the aid vessel and released a second warning shot into
the air.

Graham: This is a violation (of international law). We are on a peaceful mission and unarmed.
Israeli army: Turn around. We will fire again.

You are firing towards unarmed civilians.
Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards unarmed civilians.
Graham: Looks like firing towards us.
Israeli army: We didn’t fire towards you. That is only a warning shot.
Following that conversation, the Israeli army fired two more shots and threatened:

“Next time, we will land on your ship.”
Then the Egyptian navy was heard telling the Israelis on the radio: “Stop firing. They are

in Egyptian waters.”
Upon realising the presence of Egyptian naval forces, the Israelis departed."

(Free Malaysia Today,


May 16, 2011)
The Egyptian navy guard was initially unaware of what was occurring. The Israeli navy contacted
the Egyptian navy and initially got no response.

Our earlier report (filed at 12.30am) following communication with the ship shortly after midnight
 (March 16) pointed to cooperation between the Israeli navy and their Egyptian counterparts. While
there was cooperation, the Egyptians played a supportive role, which served to appease the Israeli attacks.
  They also ensured the escorting of the Spirit of Rachel Corrie into Egyptian territorial waters.

The Israeli Navy had contacted the Spirit of Rachel Corrie. They were informed regarding the nature of
the cargo and that the crew and passengers were unarmed civilians.
The warning attack was aggressive using automatic weapons. Two Israeli naval patrol boats armed with
machine guns were deployed. The Israelis also opened fire on a Palestinian fishing boat which was within
Gazan territorial waters.
Following the initial "warning attack" they ordered the Spirit of Rachel Corrie to turn back.
 "Turn around or we'll shoot". However, once the ship changed course as demanded by the Israeli
commando, they continued firing on the ship:  "They started shooting to kill"
The Egyptian navy ship while communicating with the Israeli Navy was instrumental in escorting the
 ship to safe haven. The crew of the Egyptian ship was supportive in ensuring the safety of the crew and passengers of the humanitarian vessel. 
There was communication between the Israeli and Egyptian ships and the Israeli's "thanked" the Egyptian
ship for having intervened.
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie, its crew and passengers are  now in Egyptian territorial water, anchored
off the Egyptian port of Al Arish, within a short distance of  Gaza territorial waters.
It is essential at this stage to mobilize Worldwide in support for the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, break
the blockade, open up Gazan territorial waters to aid and trade and also use this opportunity to
open the land border between Egypt and Gaza.

The humanitarian convoy is of significance in the process of rehabilitation of Gaza's public health
 infrastructure including its sewage system which was partially destroyed by Israeli bombings under
 Operation Cast Lead:
On 27 December 2008, the Israeli military launched Operation Cast Lead, which not only killed
 some 1400 Palestinians, but also destroyed vital infrastructure leaving the Gazans with critical water and
 sewage problems. Repair of the infrastructure has proved impossible as Israel has prevented the entry 
of construction materials and fuel to resolve this dire situation.
According to a report from the Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group (EWASH),

"the release of 80 million litres of untreated or partially treated sewage into the environment and

Mediterranean Sea each day is primarily a result of the Israeli imposed blockade on the Gaza Strip."

Gaza, one of the world's most densely populated areas, is currently dealing with serious health

issues such as the blue baby syndrome, diarrhea and other waterborne diseases like typhoid

and hepatitis A. The World Health Organization is warning of a possible cholera epidemic if

nothing is done rapidly to resolve this sanitation crisis.

According to Physicians for Human Rights-Israel: "Between 90% and 95% of the aquifers in the

Gaza Strip are not safe for drinking." The primary cause of the current problem originates

from the destruction, during Operation Cast Lead, of "20 kilometers of water pipes,

7.5 kilometers of sewage pipes and 5,700 mobile water tanks".

While the Gazans are experiencing the dramatic environmental impacts of the sewage and water

crisis, the effects have already reached the Israeli shores, and could spread further affecting

neighbouring countries. This severe health and environmental issue needs to be dealt with urgently.

The international community must demand that the illegal Israeli blockade be lifted.
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission stemmed from PGFP's participation in the Freedom Flotilla

in 2010, in which 9 activists were killed by Israeli commandos. Following a fact finding mission

conducted in Gaza in October 2010, PGPF decided to continue its efforts to assist Palestinians

and shows this project as the most immediate of all priorities. See Perdana's Second Press Release,

1.5 nautical miles of Gazan Waters0777 646 2379, Global Research, May 16, 2011)


 Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky

BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Humanitarian Ship to Gaza in International Waters

Global Research, May 16, 2011

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Montreal, 12.30 AM EST,
SEE UPDATED ARTICLE, May 16, 12.50pm

NOTE: Our earlier report (filed at 12.30am) following initial communication with the ship 
shortly after midnight (March 16) pointed to cooperation between the Israeli navy and their 
Egyptian counterparts. The initial report pertaining to the role of the Egyptian navy was incorrect. 
While there was "cooperation", it should be emphasised that the Egyptian navy played a supportive 
role, which served to appeasing the Israeli attacks as well as escorting the Spirit of Rachel Corrie
 into Egyptian territorial waters.  

Global Research has been in contact with the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, a Malaysian ship carrying a
 humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza, which has been attacked in international waters by Israel.
The vessel left the Port of Piraeus, Greece on Wednesday, May 11 carrying 7.5 kilometers of UPVC
 (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza. The humanitarian initiative
 is sponsored by Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) and participating in this mission includes
 anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian.

The Spirit of Rachel Corrie is an initiative of  The Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) chaired by
 Malaysia's former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. The Centre for Research on Globalization
 (CRG) (Global Research) is also participating in this mission.
At 10.54 pm Eastern Time (EDT), the Spirit of Rachel Corrie was intercepted by an Israeli

ship and a Egyptian ship in international waters.

10:54pm EDT, Gaza 5:54am: We have been intercepted by Israeli ship and Egyptian ship.
We are disobeying the orders and sailing ahead to Gaza.

10:57pm EDT, Gaza 5:57am: One Israeli warship coming to us very fast! We are in international

waters, therefore they have no right to attack us. We are still sailing ahead.

10:59pm EDT, Gaza 5:59am: They are opening fire across our ship! We are still sailing ahead.

11:09pm EDT, Gaza 6:09am: They are shooting all over the place. We can't continue ...

11:35pm EDT, Gaza 6:35am: They circled our ship twice and fired across our ship. Machine guns.

No one was injured. One of the fishing nets caught the propeller, so we can't move now.

11:37pm EDT, Gaza 6:37am: The Israeli ship was coming from one end and the Egyptian ship was

coming from another end. Firing. We are just stalled now. Everybody is okay. No one is injured.
In a subsequent communication from the boat, it would appear that Israel sought the collaboration of Egypt
and the humanitarian vessel was escorted into Egyptian territorial waters. A subsequent report from
the ship confirmed that the Egyptian vessel acted in support of the Mission.

We will be informing our readers as events unfold.



The first press reports state that

"Israeli naval forces fired warning shots at a Malaysian ship carrying aid to Gaza as it approached the
 shore, forcing it to withdraw to Egyptian waters, the vessel's Malaysian organiser told AFP."
"The MV Finch, carrying sewage pipes to Gaza, had warning shots fired at it by Israeli forces in the
Palestinian security zone this morning at 0654 Jordan time (0354 GMT)," said Shamsul Azhar from the
Perdana Global Peace Foundation.

Israeli naval forces fired warning shots at a Malaysian ship carrying aid to Gaza as it approached the shore,
forcing it to withdraw to Egyptian waters, the vessel's Malaysian organiser told AFP.
"The MV Finch, carrying sewage pipes to Gaza, had warning shots fired at it by Israeli forces in the
 Palestinian security zone this morning at 0654 Jordan time (0354 GMT)," said Shamsul Azhar from the
Perdana Global Peace Foundation.
"Currently the ship has been forced to anchor in Egyptian waters, 30 nautical miles from Gaza," he told AFP."
[emphasis added]

Global Research is in contact with the Ship and will be providing updates in the next few hours.

SEE UPDATED ARTICLE, May 16, 12.50pm


 Global Research Articles by Michel Chossudovsky

Anonymous: I Killed Rachel CorrieA Poem
I Killed Rachel Corrie

I killed Rachel Corrie.

I never heard of her
but I paid my taxes,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I built the bulldozer
and trained the driver
and gave the orders
that took her life,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I went to watch my team play a big game
and to have a few drinks with them afterwards
instead of reading what Rachel wrote
and hearing what she said,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I go to church on Sunday
and attend Friday prayers
and keep Shabbat holy
but mustn’t upset my community
with painful questions,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I attend dialog groups
and hear both sides
and give them equal weight
as did my forefathers
to the Japanese and the Ainu
the Roman and the Gaul
the European and the Choctaw
the White and the Black
the Nazi and the Jew
and the Israeli and the Palestinian,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I write letters
to newspapers and elected officials
and I demonstrate outside their offices
and I donate to human rights groups
and to send humanitarian aid
and I support nonviolence
and I boycott and divest and sanction,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I travel to Gaza
in freedom marches
and convoys
and flotillas
and I attend conferences in Bil’in
and fly to Tel Aviv
and march to Jerusalem
and I’ve been beaten
and shot
and jailed
and expelled,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I resist with arms
and launch Qassams
and strap explosives to myself
and drop bombs and napalm
and white phosphorous and DIME weapons
and I kill as many as I can
of those who are the enemy
and I torture and terrify them
and their families and children
so that they know they are never safe,
so I killed Rachel Corrie.

I killed Rachel Corrie because it was not enough;
I killed Rachel Corrie because I did not drop everything and devote my life to making this stop;
I killed Rachel Corrie because I did not change the base reality of our world and I, in fact, participated in it;
I killed Rachel Corrie because I cared too much for my career and my comfort and my hobbies and my obligations and my conferences and my projects and my causes and my campaigns and my coalitions and my ideologies and my letters and my articles and my poetry;
I killed Rachel Corrie because I still really want to dance around to Pat Benatar and have boyfriends and make comics for my coworkers;
I killed Rachel Corrie because I could have been one of millions choosing to give up everything and walk in step so that our feet causes the earth to shake and the rivers to change course and the mountains to crumble and the mighty to tremble and bow to our voices as we say, “Al-Sha’ab yureed,” “Si, se puede,” “Never again,” and it will no longer matter whether we are Jews, Muslims or Christians, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians or Hebrews, immigrants or indigenous, men or women, because we are united in ending the injustice and in preventing and reversing the ethnic cleansing of one people in order to pay for the ethnic cleansing of another.

But I am not one of those millions united for justice.

So I killed Rachel Corrie.
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